Java tutorial
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.distiller; import org.chromium.distiller.document.TextDocument; import org.chromium.distiller.document.TextDocumentStatistics; import org.chromium.distiller.extractors.ArticleExtractor; import org.chromium.distiller.proto.DomDistillerProtos.StatisticsInfo; import org.chromium.distiller.proto.DomDistillerProtos.TimingEntry; import org.chromium.distiller.proto.DomDistillerProtos.TimingInfo; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.DomConverter; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.WebDocument; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.WebDocumentBuilder; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.WebImage; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.filters.RelevantElements; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.filters.LeadImageFinder; import org.chromium.distiller.webdocument.filters.NestedElementRetainer; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class ContentExtractor { private final Element documentElement; private final List<String> candidateTitles; private final TimingInfo mTimingInfo; private final StatisticsInfo mStatisticsInfo; private final MarkupParser parser; private final List<String> imageUrls; private String textDirection; private class WebDocumentInfo { WebDocument document; Set<Node> hiddenElements; } public ContentExtractor(Element root) { documentElement = root; candidateTitles = new LinkedList<String>(); mTimingInfo = TimingInfo.create(); mStatisticsInfo = StatisticsInfo.create(); imageUrls = new ArrayList<String>(); double startTime = DomUtil.getTime(); parser = new MarkupParser(root, mTimingInfo); mTimingInfo.setMarkupParsingTime(DomUtil.getTime() - startTime); textDirection = ""; } // Grabs a list of candidate titles in descending priority order: // 1) meta-information // 2) The document's title element, modified based on some readability heuristics // 3) The document's title element, if it's a string private void ensureTitleInitialized() { if (candidateTitles.size() > 0) return; String title = parser.getTitle(); if (!title.isEmpty()) { candidateTitles.add(title); } candidateTitles.add(DocumentTitleGetter.getDocumentTitle(Document.get().getTitle(), Document.get().getDocumentElement())); if (Document.get().getTitle().getClass() == String.class) { candidateTitles.add(Document.get().getTitle()); } } public MarkupParser getMarkupParser() { return parser; } public String extractTitle() { ensureTitleInitialized(); assert candidateTitles.size() > 0; return candidateTitles.get(0); } public String extractContent() { return extractContent(false); } public String extractContent(boolean textOnly) { double now = DomUtil.getTime(); WebDocumentInfo documentInfo = createWebDocumentInfoFromPage(); mTimingInfo.setDocumentConstructionTime(DomUtil.getTime() - now); now = DomUtil.getTime(); processDocument(documentInfo.document); RelevantElements.process(documentInfo.document); LeadImageFinder.process(documentInfo.document); NestedElementRetainer.process(documentInfo.document); List<WebImage> images = documentInfo.document.getContentImages(); for (WebImage wi : images) { imageUrls.add(wi.getSrc()); } mTimingInfo.setArticleProcessingTime(DomUtil.getTime() - now); now = DomUtil.getTime(); String html = documentInfo.document.generateOutput(textOnly); mTimingInfo.setFormattingTime(DomUtil.getTime() - now); if (LogUtil.isLoggable(LogUtil.DEBUG_LEVEL_TIMING_INFO)) { for (int i = 0; i < mTimingInfo.getOtherTimesCount(); i++) { TimingEntry entry = mTimingInfo.getOtherTimes(i); LogUtil.logToConsole("Timing: " + entry.getName() + " = " + entry.getTime()); } LogUtil.logToConsole("Timing: MarkupParsingTime = " + mTimingInfo.getMarkupParsingTime() + "\nTiming: DocumentConstructionTime = " + mTimingInfo.getDocumentConstructionTime() + "\nTiming: ArticleProcessingTime = " + mTimingInfo.getArticleProcessingTime() + "\nTiming: FormattingTime = " + mTimingInfo.getFormattingTime()); } return html; } /** * Returns timing information about the most recent extraction run. * @return an instance of DomDistillerProtos.TimingInfo with detailed timing statistics. */ public TimingInfo getTimingInfo() { return mTimingInfo; } /** * Returns statistical information about the most recent extraction run. * @return an instance of DomDistillerProtos.StatisticsInfo with detailed statistics. */ public StatisticsInfo getStatisticsInfo() { return mStatisticsInfo; } /** * Get the page's text directionality ("ltr", "rtl", or "auto"). * @return The page's text direction (default is "auto"). */ public String getTextDirection() { if (textDirection == null || textDirection.isEmpty()) { textDirection = "auto"; } return textDirection; } /** * Get a list of the content image URLs in the provided document. * @return A list of image URLs. */ public List<String> getImageUrls() { return imageUrls; } /** * Get the element of the main article, if any. * @return An element of article (not necessarily the html5 article element). */ private Element getArticleElement(Element root) { NodeList<Element> allArticles = root.getElementsByTagName("ARTICLE"); // Having multiple article elements usually indicates a bad case for this shortcut. // TODO(wychen): some sites exclude things like title and author in article element. if (allArticles.getLength() == 1) { return allArticles.getItem(0); } // Note that the CSS property matching is case sensitive, and "Article" is the correct // capitalization. String query = "[itemscope][itemtype*=\"Article\"],[itemscope][itemtype*=\"Post\"]"; allArticles = DomUtil.querySelectorAll(root, query); // It is commonly seen that the article is wrapped separately or in multiple layers. if (allArticles.getLength() > 0) { return; } return null; } /** * Converts the original HTML page into a WebDocument for analysis. */ private WebDocumentInfo createWebDocumentInfoFromPage() { WebDocumentInfo info = new WebDocumentInfo(); WebDocumentBuilder documentBuilder = new WebDocumentBuilder(); DomConverter converter = new DomConverter(documentBuilder); Element walkerRoot = getArticleElement(documentElement); if (walkerRoot == null) { walkerRoot = documentElement; } new DomWalker(converter).walk(walkerRoot); info.document = documentBuilder.toWebDocument(); ensureTitleInitialized(); info.hiddenElements = converter.getHiddenElements(); return info; } /** * Implements the actual analysis of the page content, identifying the core elements of the * page. * * @param document the WebDocument representation of the page extracted from the DOM. */ private void processDocument(WebDocument document) { TextDocument textDocument = document.createTextDocumentView(); ArticleExtractor.INSTANCE.process(textDocument, candidateTitles); mStatisticsInfo.setWordCount(TextDocumentStatistics.countWordsInContent(textDocument)); textDocument.applyToModel(); } }