Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener; import android.preference.Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener; import android.preference.PreferenceFragment; import android.preference.PreferenceGroup; import android.preference.PreferenceScreen; import; import; import android.text.SpannableString; import; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.chromium.ui.text.SpanApplier; import org.chromium.ui.text.SpanApplier.SpanInfo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Shows a list of sites with their associated HTML5 settings. When the * users selects a site, a SingleWebsitePreferences fragment is launched to * allow the user to modify the settings. */ public class WebsitePreferences extends PreferenceFragment implements OnPreferenceChangeListener, OnPreferenceClickListener { // The key to use to pass which category this preference should display, // e.g. Location/Popups/All sites (if blank). public static final String EXTRA_CATEGORY = "category"; public static final String EXTRA_TITLE = "title"; // This is a 0..1 <--> 1..N mapping between origin and Website. private final Map<String, Set<Website>> mSitesByOrigin = new HashMap<String, Set<Website>>(); // This is a 1 <--> 1..N mapping between host and Website. private final Map<String, Set<Website>> mSitesByHost = new HashMap<String, Set<Website>>(); // The view to show when the list is empty. private TextView mEmptyView; // The view for searching the list of items. private SearchView mSearchView; // What category the list is filtered by (e.g. show all, location, storage, // etc). For full list see WebsiteSettingsCategoryFilter. private String mCategoryFilter = ""; // The filter helper object. private WebsiteSettingsCategoryFilter mFilter = null; // If not blank, represents a substring to use to search for site names. private String mSearch = ""; // Whether to group by allowed/blocked list. private boolean mGroupByAllowBlock = false; // Whether the Blocked list should be shown expanded. private boolean mBlockListExpanded = false; // Whether the Allowed list should be shown expanded. private boolean mAllowListExpanded = true; // Whether this is the first time this screen is shown. private boolean mIsInitialRun = true; // The number of sites that are on the Allowed list. private int mAllowedSiteCount = 0; // Keys for individual preferences. public static final String READ_WRITE_TOGGLE_KEY = "read_write_toggle"; public static final String THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES_TOGGLE_KEY = "third_party_cookies"; // Keys for Allowed/Blocked preference groups/headers. private static final String ALLOWED_GROUP = "allowed_group"; private static final String BLOCKED_GROUP = "blocked_group"; // It is required that features fetching is serialized, as we need to have // all origins in place prior to populating hosts. private interface Task { void run(TaskQueue queue); } private static class TaskQueue extends LinkedList<Task> { void next() { if (!isEmpty()) removeFirst().run(this); } } private void getInfoForOrigins() { mSitesByOrigin.clear(); mSitesByHost.clear(); // Populate features from more specific to less specific. // Geolocation lookup permission is per-origin and per-embedder. TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue(); if (mFilter.showAllSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new GeolocationInfoFetcher()); // Midi sysex access permission is per-origin and per-embedder. queue.add(new MidiInfoFetcher()); // Cookies are stored per-origin. queue.add(new CookieInfoFetcher()); // Local storage info is per-origin. queue.add(new LocalStorageInfoFetcher()); // Website storage is per-host. queue.add(new WebStorageInfoFetcher()); // Popup exceptions are host-based patterns (unless we start // synchronizing popup exceptions with desktop Chrome.) queue.add(new PopupExceptionInfoFetcher()); // Protected media identifier permission is per-origin and per-embedder. queue.add(new ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfoFetcher()); if (ContentPreferences.pushNotificationsSupported()) { // Push notification permission is per-origin and per-embedder. queue.add(new PushNotificationInfoFetcher()); } // Voice and Video capture permission is per-origin and per-embedder. queue.add(new VoiceAndVideoCaptureInfoFetcher()); } else if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new GeolocationInfoFetcher()); } else if (mFilter.showCookiesSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new CookieInfoFetcher()); } else if (mFilter.showStorageSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new LocalStorageInfoFetcher()); } else if (mFilter.showCameraMicSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new VoiceAndVideoCaptureInfoFetcher()); } else if (mFilter.showPopupSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new PopupExceptionInfoFetcher()); } else if (mFilter.showPushNotificationsSites(mCategoryFilter)) { queue.add(new PushNotificationInfoFetcher()); } queue.add(new ResultsPopulator());; } private class GeolocationInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (GeolocationInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getGeolocationInfo()) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin()); if (address == null) continue; createSiteByOrigin(address).setGeolocationInfo(info); }; } } private class MidiInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (MidiInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getMidiInfo()) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin()); if (address == null) continue; createSiteByOrigin(address).setMidiInfo(info); }; } } private class PopupExceptionInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (PopupExceptionInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getPopupExceptionInfo()) { // The pattern "*" represents the default setting, not a specific website. if (info.getPattern().equals("*")) continue; WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getPattern()); if (address == null) continue; Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByHost(address); for (Website site : sites) { site.setPopupExceptionInfo(info); } }; } } private class CookieInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (CookieInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getCookieInfo()) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin()); if (address == null) continue; createSiteByOrigin(address).setCookieInfo(info); }; } } private class LocalStorageInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(final TaskQueue queue) { WebsitePreferenceBridge .fetchLocalStorageInfo(new WebsitePreferenceBridge.LocalStorageInfoReadyCallback() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onLocalStorageInfoReady(HashMap map) { for (Object o : map.entrySet()) { Map.Entry<String, LocalStorageInfo> entry = (Map.Entry<String, LocalStorageInfo>) o; WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(entry.getKey()); if (address == null) continue; Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByOrigin(address); for (Website site : sites) { site.setLocalStorageInfo(entry.getValue()); } }; } }); } } private class WebStorageInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(final TaskQueue queue) { WebsitePreferenceBridge.fetchStorageInfo(new WebsitePreferenceBridge.StorageInfoReadyCallback() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onStorageInfoReady(ArrayList array) { ArrayList<StorageInfo> infoArray = array; for (StorageInfo info : infoArray) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getHost()); if (address == null) continue; Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByHost(address); for (Website site : sites) { site.addStorageInfo(info); } }; } }); } } private class ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo()) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin()); if (address == null) continue; createSiteByOrigin(address).setProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo(info); }; } } private class PushNotificationInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (PushNotificationInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getPushNotificationInfo()) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin()); if (address == null) continue; createSiteByOrigin(address).setPushNotificationInfo(info); }; } } private class VoiceAndVideoCaptureInfoFetcher implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { for (VoiceAndVideoCaptureInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getVoiceAndVideoCaptureInfo()) { WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin()); if (address == null) continue; createSiteByOrigin(address).setVoiceAndVideoCaptureInfo(info); }; } } private void displayEmptyScreenMessage() { if (mEmptyView != null) { mEmptyView.setText(R.string.no_saved_website_settings); } } private class ResultsPopulator implements Task { @Override public void run(TaskQueue queue) { // Although a preferences fragment should normally be bound to an // activity, crash reports suggest that this isn't always true. // Preferences can't be instantiated without a context, so we are // bailing out. if (getActivity() == null) {; return; } // First we scan origins to get settings from there. List<WebsitePreference> websites = new ArrayList<WebsitePreference>(); Set<Website> displayedSites = new HashSet<Website>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Website>> element : mSitesByOrigin.entrySet()) { for (Website site : element.getValue()) { if (mSearch.isEmpty() || site.getTitle().contains(mSearch)) { websites.add(new WebsitePreference(getActivity(), site, mCategoryFilter)); displayedSites.add(site); } } } // Next we add sites that are only accessible by host name. for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Website>> element : mSitesByHost.entrySet()) { for (Website site : element.getValue()) { if (!displayedSites.contains(site)) { if (mSearch.isEmpty() || site.getTitle().contains(mSearch)) { websites.add(new WebsitePreference(getActivity(), site, mCategoryFilter)); displayedSites.add(site); } } } } resetList(); Collections.sort(websites); mAllowedSiteCount = 0; int blocked = 0; if (websites.size() > 0) { if (!mGroupByAllowBlock) { // We're not grouping sites into Allowed/Blocked lists, so show all in order // (will be alphabetical). for (WebsitePreference website : websites) { getPreferenceScreen().addPreference(website); } } else { // Group sites into Allowed/Blocked lists. PreferenceGroup allowedGroup = (PreferenceGroup) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(ALLOWED_GROUP); PreferenceGroup blockedGroup = (PreferenceGroup) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(BLOCKED_GROUP); for (WebsitePreference website : websites) { if (isOnBlockList(website)) { blockedGroup.addPreference(website); blocked += 1; } else { allowedGroup.addPreference(website); mAllowedSiteCount += 1; } } // The default, when the two lists are shown for the first time, is for the // Blocked list to be collapsed and Allowed expanded -- because the data in // the Allowed list is normally more useful than the data in the Blocked // list. A collapsed initial Blocked list works well *except* when there's // nothing in the Allowed list because then there's only Blocked items to // show and it doesn't make sense for those items to be hidden. So, in that // case (and only when the list is shown for the first time) do we ignore // the collapsed directive. The user can still collapse and expand the // Blocked list at will. if (mIsInitialRun) { if (allowedGroup.getPreferenceCount() == 0) mBlockListExpanded = true; mIsInitialRun = false; } if (!mBlockListExpanded) { blockedGroup.removeAll(); } if (!mAllowListExpanded) { allowedGroup.removeAll(); } } updateBlockedHeader(blocked); ChromeSwitchPreference globalToggle = (ChromeSwitchPreference) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(READ_WRITE_TOGGLE_KEY); updateAllowedHeader(mAllowedSiteCount, (globalToggle != null ? globalToggle.isChecked() : true)); } else { displayEmptyScreenMessage(); updateBlockedHeader(0); updateAllowedHeader(0, true); }; } } /** * Returns whether a website is on the Blocked list for the category currently showing (if any). * @param website The website to check. */ private boolean isOnBlockList(WebsitePreference website) { if (mFilter.showCookiesSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return == ContentSetting.BLOCK; } else if (mFilter.showCameraMicSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return == ContentSetting.BLOCK || == ContentSetting.BLOCK; } else if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return == ContentSetting.BLOCK; } else if (mFilter.showPopupSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return == ContentSetting.BLOCK; } else if (mFilter.showPushNotificationsSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return == ContentSetting.BLOCK; } return false; } /** * Update the Category Header for the Allowed list. * @param numAllowed The number of sites that are on the Allowed list * @param toggleValue The value the global toggle will have once precessing ends. */ private void updateAllowedHeader(int numAllowed, boolean toggleValue) { ExpandablePreferenceGroup allowedGroup = (ExpandablePreferenceGroup) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(ALLOWED_GROUP); if (numAllowed == 0) { if (allowedGroup != null) getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(allowedGroup); return; } if (!mGroupByAllowBlock) return; // When the toggle is set to Blocked, the Allowed list header should read 'Exceptions', not // 'Allowed' (because it shows exceptions from the rule). int resourceId = toggleValue ? R.string.website_settings_allowed_group_heading : R.string.website_settings_exceptions_group_heading; // Set the title and arrow icons for the header. allowedGroup.setGroupTitle(resourceId, numAllowed); TintedDrawable icon = TintedDrawable.constructTintedDrawable(getResources(), mAllowListExpanded ? R.drawable.ic_expand : R.drawable.ic_collapse); allowedGroup.setIcon(icon); } private void updateBlockedHeader(int numBlocked) { ExpandablePreferenceGroup blockedGroup = (ExpandablePreferenceGroup) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(BLOCKED_GROUP); if (numBlocked == 0) { if (blockedGroup != null) getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(blockedGroup); return; } if (!mGroupByAllowBlock) return; // Set the title and arrow icons for the header. blockedGroup.setGroupTitle(R.string.website_settings_blocked_group_heading, numBlocked); TintedDrawable icon = TintedDrawable.constructTintedDrawable(getResources(), mBlockListExpanded ? R.drawable.ic_expand : R.drawable.ic_collapse); blockedGroup.setIcon(icon); } private Website createSiteByOrigin(WebsiteAddress address) { String origin = address.getOrigin(); String host = address.getHost(); Website site = new Website(address); if (!mSitesByOrigin.containsKey(origin)) { mSitesByOrigin.put(origin, new HashSet<Website>()); } mSitesByOrigin.get(origin).add(site); if (!mSitesByHost.containsKey(host)) { mSitesByHost.put(host, new HashSet<Website>()); } mSitesByHost.get(host).add(site); return site; } private Set<Website> findOrCreateSitesByOrigin(WebsiteAddress address) { String origin = address.getOrigin(); if (!mSitesByOrigin.containsKey(origin)) createSiteByOrigin(address); return mSitesByOrigin.get(origin); } private Set<Website> findOrCreateSitesByHost(WebsiteAddress address) { String host = address.getHost(); if (!mSitesByHost.containsKey(host)) { mSitesByHost.put(host, new HashSet<Website>()); mSitesByHost.get(host).add(new Website(address)); } return mSitesByHost.get(host); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.website_settings_preferences); ListView listView = (ListView) getView().findViewById(; mEmptyView = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; listView.setEmptyView(mEmptyView); listView.setDivider(null); // Read which category, if any, we should be showing. if (getArguments() != null) { mCategoryFilter = getArguments().getString(EXTRA_CATEGORY, ""); String title = getArguments().getString(EXTRA_TITLE); if (title != null) getActivity().setTitle(title); } mFilter = new WebsiteSettingsCategoryFilter(); configureGlobalToggles(); setHasOptionsMenu(true); super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { inflater.inflate(, menu); MenuItem searchItem = menu.findItem(; mSearchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(searchItem); mSearchView.setImeOptions(EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN); SearchView.OnQueryTextListener queryTextListener = new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() { @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) { return true; } @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange(String query) { if (query.equals(mSearch)) return true; mSearch = query; getInfoForOrigins(); return true; } }; mSearchView.setOnQueryTextListener(queryTextListener); } @Override public boolean onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen screen, Preference preference) { if (isCategoryManaged()) { showManagedToast(); return false; } if (!mSearch.isEmpty()) { // Clear out any lingering searches, so that the full list is shown // when coming back to this page. mSearch = ""; mSearchView.setQuery("", false); } if (preference instanceof WebsitePreference) { WebsitePreference website = (WebsitePreference) preference; website.setFragment(SingleWebsitePreferences.class.getName()); website.putSiteIntoExtras(SingleWebsitePreferences.EXTRA_SITE); } return super.onPreferenceTreeClick(screen, preference); } // OnPreferenceChangeListener: @Override public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object newValue) { if (READ_WRITE_TOGGLE_KEY.equals(preference.getKey())) { if (isCategoryManaged()) return false; if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter)) { PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().setAllowLocationEnabled((boolean) newValue); } else if (mFilter.showCookiesSites(mCategoryFilter)) { PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().setAllowCookiesEnabled((boolean) newValue); updateThirdPartyCookiesCheckBox(); } else if (mFilter.showCameraMicSites(mCategoryFilter)) { PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().setCameraMicEnabled((boolean) newValue); } else if (mFilter.showPopupSites(mCategoryFilter)) { PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().setAllowPopupsEnabled((boolean) newValue); } else if (mFilter.showPushNotificationsSites(mCategoryFilter)) { PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().setPushNotificationsEnabled((boolean) newValue); } ChromeSwitchPreference globalToggle = (ChromeSwitchPreference) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(READ_WRITE_TOGGLE_KEY); updateAllowedHeader(mAllowedSiteCount, !globalToggle.isChecked()); } else if (THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES_TOGGLE_KEY.equals(preference.getKey())) { PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().setBlockThirdPartyCookiesEnabled(!((boolean) newValue)); } return true; } // OnPreferenceClickListener: @Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { if (ALLOWED_GROUP.equals(preference.getKey())) { mAllowListExpanded = !mAllowListExpanded; } else { mBlockListExpanded = !mBlockListExpanded; } getInfoForOrigins(); return true; } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); getInfoForOrigins(); } /* * Returns whether the current category is managed either by enterprise policy or by the * custodian of a supervised account. */ private boolean isCategoryManaged() { PrefServiceBridge prefs = PrefServiceBridge.getInstance(); if (mFilter.showCookiesSites(mCategoryFilter)) return prefs.isAcceptCookiesManaged(); if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return !prefs.isAllowLocationUserModifiable(); } if (mFilter.showCameraMicSites(mCategoryFilter)) return !prefs.isCameraMicUserModifiable(); if (mFilter.showPopupSites(mCategoryFilter)) return prefs.isPopupsManaged(); return false; } /* * Returns whether the current category is managed by the custodian (e.g. parent, not an * enterprise admin) of the account if the account is supervised. */ private boolean isCategoryManagedByCustodian() { PrefServiceBridge prefs = PrefServiceBridge.getInstance(); if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return prefs.isAllowLocationManagedByCustodian(); } if (mFilter.showCameraMicSites(mCategoryFilter)) { return prefs.isCameraMicManagedByCustodian(); } return false; } /** * Reset the preference screen an initialize it again. */ private void resetList() { // This will remove the combo box at the top and all the sites listed below it. getPreferenceScreen().removeAll(); // And this will add the filter preference back (combo box). addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.website_settings_preferences); configureGlobalToggles(); } private void configureGlobalToggles() { // Only some have a global toggle at the top. ChromeSwitchPreference globalToggle = (ChromeSwitchPreference) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(READ_WRITE_TOGGLE_KEY); Preference thirdPartyCookies = getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES_TOGGLE_KEY); if (mFilter.showCookiesSites(mCategoryFilter)) { thirdPartyCookies.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(this); updateThirdPartyCookiesCheckBox(); } else { getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(thirdPartyCookies); } if (mFilter.showAllSites(mCategoryFilter) || mFilter.showStorageSites(mCategoryFilter)) { getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(globalToggle); getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(ALLOWED_GROUP)); getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(BLOCKED_GROUP)); } else { // When this menu opens, make sure the Blocked list is collapsed. if (!mGroupByAllowBlock) { mBlockListExpanded = false; mAllowListExpanded = true; } mGroupByAllowBlock = true; PreferenceGroup allowedGroup = (PreferenceGroup) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(ALLOWED_GROUP); PreferenceGroup blockedGroup = (PreferenceGroup) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(BLOCKED_GROUP); allowedGroup.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this); blockedGroup.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this); // Determine what toggle to use and what it should display. int type = mFilter.toContentSettingsType(mCategoryFilter); Website.PermissionDataEntry entry = Website.PermissionDataEntry.getPermissionDataEntry(type); if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter) && !isCategoryManaged() && !LocationSettings.getInstance().isSystemLocationSettingEnabled()) { getPreferenceScreen().removePreference(globalToggle); // Show the link to system settings since system location is disabled. ChromeBasePreference locationMessage = new ChromeBasePreference(getActivity(), null); int color = getResources().getColor(R.color.pref_accent_color); ForegroundColorSpan linkSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(color); final String message = getString(R.string.android_location_off); final SpannableString messageWithLink = SpanApplier.applySpans(message, new SpanInfo("<link>", "</link>", linkSpan)); locationMessage.setTitle(messageWithLink); locationMessage.setIntent(LocationSettings.getInstance().getSystemLocationSettingsIntent()); getPreferenceScreen().addPreference(locationMessage); } else { globalToggle.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(this); globalToggle.setTitle(entry.titleResourceId); globalToggle.setSummaryOn(entry.getEnabledSummaryResourceId()); globalToggle.setSummaryOff(entry.getDisabledSummaryResourceId()); if (isCategoryManaged() && !isCategoryManagedByCustodian()) { globalToggle.setIcon(R.drawable.controlled_setting_mandatory); } if (mFilter.showGeolocationSites(mCategoryFilter)) { globalToggle.setChecked(LocationSettings.getInstance().isChromeLocationSettingEnabled()); } else if (mFilter.showCameraMicSites(mCategoryFilter)) { globalToggle.setChecked(PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isCameraMicEnabled()); } else if (mFilter.showPopupSites(mCategoryFilter)) { globalToggle.setChecked(PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().popupsEnabled()); } else if (mFilter.showPushNotificationsSites(mCategoryFilter)) { globalToggle.setChecked(PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isPushNotificationsEnabled()); } else if (mFilter.showCookiesSites(mCategoryFilter)) { globalToggle.setChecked(PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isAcceptCookiesEnabled()); } } } } private void updateThirdPartyCookiesCheckBox() { ChromeBaseCheckBoxPreference thirdPartyCookiesPref = (ChromeBaseCheckBoxPreference) getPreferenceScreen() .findPreference(THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES_TOGGLE_KEY); thirdPartyCookiesPref.setEnabled(PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isAcceptCookiesEnabled()); thirdPartyCookiesPref.setManagedPreferenceDelegate(new ManagedPreferenceDelegate() { @Override public boolean isPreferenceControlledByPolicy(Preference preference) { return PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isBlockThirdPartyCookiesManaged(); } }); } private void showManagedToast() { if (isCategoryManagedByCustodian()) { ManagedPreferencesUtils.showManagedByParentToast(getActivity()); } else { ManagedPreferencesUtils.showManagedByAdministratorToast(getActivity()); } } }