Java tutorial
/***************************************************************** * This file is part of CCAFS Target Population Environments Identification Platform. * CCAFS TPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * at your option) any later version. * CCAFS TPE Identification Platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CCAFS TPE Identification Platform. If not, see <>. *****************************************************************/ package org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.chart.Chart; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.dao.IPhenologyGrowthDao; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.entity.Cultivar; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.entity.Environment; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.entity.PhenologyGrowth; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.entity.Region; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.entity.Series; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.entity.Soil; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.geojson.FeaturePolygon; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.geojson.FeatureProperty; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.geojson.GeometryPolygon; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.util.Cluster; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.util.ClusterColor; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.util.StatisticsUtils; import org.cgiar.dapa.ccafs.tpe.util.Utils; /** * This class provides the implementation of the methods defined in the * IPhenologyGrowth interface and it extends the Generic Dao class. * * @author NMATOVU * */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "unused" }) public class PhenologyGrowthDao extends GenericDao<PhenologyGrowth, Long> implements IPhenologyGrowthDao { private static final String TYPE_LAI = "lai"; private static final String TYPE_PCEW = "pcew"; private static final String TYPE_RAIN_S = "rainsum"; private static final String TYPE_DVS = "dvs"; private static final String TYPE_TMAX = "tmax"; private static final String TYPE_TMIN = "tmin"; private static final String TYPE_TRC = "trc"; private static final String TYPE_TRW = "trw"; private static final String TYPE_DTR = "dtr"; private static final String TYPE_RAIN_CUM = "raincum"; private static final String TYPE_WAGT = "wagt"; private static final String TYPE_COLUMN = "column"; private static final String TYPE_SPLINE = "spline"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String COLOR = "color"; private static final String ENABLED = "enabled"; private static final String MARKER = "marker"; private static final String LINE_WIDTH = "lineWidth"; private static final String LINE_COLOR = "lineColor"; private static final String FILL_COLOR = "fillColor"; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final String CATEGORIES = "categories"; private static final String SERIES = "series"; private static final String ENVIRONMENT = "environment"; private static final String TITLE = "title"; private static final String TITLE_Y = "yaxis"; private static final String TITLE_X = "xaxis"; private static final String PLOT_BANDS = "plotBands"; private static final String LEGEND_TITLE = "legendTitle"; private static final String BAND_VEGETATIVE = "Vegetative"; private static final String BAND_REPRODUCTIVE = "Reproductive"; private static final String BAND_FILLING_GRAIN = "Filling Grain"; private static final String FROM = "from"; private static final String TO = "to"; private static final String BAND_TEXT = "text"; private static final String LABEL = "label"; private static final String TYPE_SCATTER = "scatter"; private static final String ENVIRONMENT_HFE = "HFE"; private static final String ENVIRONMENT_LFE = "LFE"; private static final String ENVIRONMENT_FE = "FE"; private static final String DASH_STYLE_LONG_DASH_DOT = "LongDashDot"; private static final String DASH_STYLE_DASH = "Dash"; private static final String DASH_STYLE = "dashStyle"; private static final String Z_INDEX = "zIndex"; private static final String TITLE_SUB = "subTitle"; private static final String LEGEND_TITLE_2 = "legendTitle2"; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); public PhenologyGrowthDao() { super(PhenologyGrowth.class); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public Map<String, Map<Double, Double>> getTPERegions(Integer cultivarId, Integer regionId, Integer swindowId, String year) { // regions map Map<String, Map<Double, Double>> regionsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<Double, Double>>(); // Point map Map<Double, Double> geoMap = new LinkedHashMap<Double, Double>(); StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.region from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" and =:cultivar") .append(" and =:swindow").append(" and r.year =:year"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("swindow", swindowId); query.setParameter("country", regionId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); query.setParameter("year", year); List<Region> results = query.getResultList(); for (Region region : results) { geoMap.put(region.getLatitude(), region.getLongitude()); regionsMap.put(region.getAlphaISO(), geoMap); } return regionsMap; } @Override public Map<String, Map<Double, Double>> getTPERegions(Integer cultivarId, Integer regionId, Integer swindowId, String year, String scenario) { // regions map Map<String, Map<Double, Double>> regionsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<Double, Double>>(); // Point map Map<Double, Double> geoMap = new LinkedHashMap<Double, Double>(); StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.region from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" and =:cultivar") .append(" and =:swindow").append(" and r.year =:year") .append(" and r.scenario =:scenario"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("swindow", swindowId); query.setParameter("country", regionId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); query.setParameter("year", year); query.setParameter("scenario", scenario); List<Region> results = query.getResultList(); for (Region region : results) { geoMap.put(region.getLatitude(), region.getLongitude()); regionsMap.put(region.getAlphaISO(), geoMap); } return regionsMap; } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> getTPESoil(Integer cultivarId, Integer regionId, Integer swindowId, String year) { // soil map Map<SoilCode,Map<regionISO,yield>> Map<String, Map<String, Double>> soilMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); // region-yield map (Map<regionISO,yield>) Map<String, Double> regionYieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); // TODO To retrieve r.soil.code,, etc StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.soil, r.region, r.wrr14 from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" and =:cultivar") .append(" and =:swindow").append(" and r.year =:year"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("swindow", swindowId); query.setParameter("country", regionId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); query.setParameter("year", year); List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList(); for (Object[] res : results) { regionYieldMap.put(String.valueOf(res[1]), Double.valueOf((String) res[2])); soilMap.put(((Soil) res[0]).getCode(), regionYieldMap); } return soilMap; } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> getTPESoil(Integer cultivarId, Integer regionId, Integer swindowId, String year, String scenario) { // soil map Map<SoilCode,Map<regionISO,yield>> Map<String, Map<String, Double>> soilMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); // region-yield map (Map<regionISO,yield>) Map<String, Double> regionYieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); // TODO To retrieve r.soil.code,, etc StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.soil, r.region, r.wrr14 from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" and =:cultivar") .append(" and =:swindow").append(" and r.year =:year") .append(" and r.scenario =:scenario"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("swindow", swindowId); query.setParameter("country", regionId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); query.setParameter("year", year); query.setParameter("scenario", scenario); List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList(); for (Object[] res : results) { regionYieldMap.put(String.valueOf(res[1]), Double.valueOf((String) res[2])); soilMap.put(((Soil) res[0]).getCode(), regionYieldMap); } return soilMap; } /** * Retrieves all the sub region ids for the specified country id * * @param countryId * the id of the country * @return sub region ids */ private List<Integer> getSubregions(Integer countryId) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select from " + Region.class.getSimpleName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" order by"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", countryId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<Chart> getTPEColumnSeries(Integer subregionId, Integer categoryId, String scenario, Integer cultivarId, String year, Integer swindow) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public List<String> getTPEYears(Integer countryId, Integer cultivarId) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select distinct r.year from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" or =:country") .append(" and =:cultivar").append(" order by r.year asc"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", countryId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Retrieves all the municipios (sub region) ids for the specified country * id * * @param countryId * the id of the country * @return municipios (municipalities) ids */ private List<Integer> getMunicipios(Integer countryId) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select from " + Region.class.getSimpleName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" order by asc"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", countryId); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getTPEBox(Integer country, Integer cultivar) { Map<String, Object> boxPlotData = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); List<Map<String, Object>> seriesList = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> series = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // Map<String, Object> marker = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // List<BoxPlot> data = new LinkedList<BoxPlot>(); List<Environment> environments = getEnvironments(); Environment env; // org.apache.commons.math3.util List<String> years = new LinkedList<String>(); years = getTPEYears(country, cultivar); // Add the categories boxPlotData.put(CATEGORIES, years); // Float lowerLimit; // Float upperLimit; // Float range; for (Iterator<Environment> envIterator = environments.iterator(); envIterator.hasNext();) { env =; List<Float> yield = new LinkedList<Float>(); List<List<Float>> yieldList = new LinkedList<List<Float>>(); series = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // List<Object> yearOutliers = new LinkedList<Object>(); // List<List<Object>> outliersList = new LinkedList<List<Object>>(); for (String year : years) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.wrr14 from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" or =:country") .append(" and =:cultivar").append(" and =:environment") .append(" and r.year =:year").append(" order by r.wrr14 asc"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", country); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivar); query.setParameter("year", year); query.setParameter("environment", env.getId()); List<Number> results = query.getResultList(); // List<PhenologyGrowth> results = query.getResultList(); yield = new LinkedList<Float>(); // YieldList = new LinkedList<List<Float>>(); // Quartiles Number q1, q2, qm, q3, q4; q1 = StatisticsUtils.minValue(results); q2 = StatisticsUtils.quartile1(results); qm = StatisticsUtils.median(results); q3 = StatisticsUtils.quartile3(results); q4 = StatisticsUtils.maxValue(results); yield.add(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(q1))); yield.add(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(q2))); yield.add(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(qm))); yield.add(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(q3))); yield.add(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(q4))); // yield.add((Float) q2); // yield.add((Float) q3); // yield.add((Float) q4); yieldList.add(yield); yield = new LinkedList<Float>(); // Calculate outliers // range = (q3.floatValue() - q2.floatValue()); // // lowerLimit = q2.floatValue() - 1.5f * range; // // upperLimit = q3.floatValue() + 1.5f * range; // TODO Query: select r.year, r.wrr14 from PhenologyGrowth r // where r.wrr14 < lower order by r.wrr14 // TODO Query: select r.year, r.wrr14 from PhenologyGrowth r // where r.wrr14 >upper order by r.wrr14 // TODO Add the result to the series data. // TODO Include other params //,,,r.year,r.wrr14 /* * List<Float> outliers = getOutliers(lowerLimit, upperLimit, * country, cultivar, year, env.getId()); outliersList = new * LinkedList<List<Object>>(); for (Float out : outliers) { * yearOutliers = new LinkedList<Object>(); * yearOutliers.add(year); yearOutliers.add(out); * outliersList.add(yearOutliers); } */ } // Add the environment boxplot data series.put(DATA, yieldList); series.put(NAME, env.getCode()); series.put(COLOR, env.getColor()); series.put(FILL_COLOR, env.getColor()); // Add the series to the series list seriesList.add(series); // Add the environment outliers data /* * series = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); series.put(TYPE, * TYPE_SCATTER); series.put(NAME, env.getCode() + " Outlier"); * series.put(COLOR, env.getColor()); series.put(DATA, * outliersList); * * // Add marker marker = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); * marker.put(FILL_COLOR, "#ffffff"); marker.put(LINE_WIDTH, 1); * marker.put(LINE_COLOR, env.getColor()); // Add marker * series.put(MARKER, marker); // Add series to the list * seriesList.add(series); */ // data.add(new BoxPlot(yieldList, env.getCode(), env.getColor(), // env.getColor())); } // Add the boxplot data series boxPlotData.put(SERIES, seriesList); // return data; return boxPlotData; } private List<Float> getOutliers(Float lowerLimit, Float upperLimit, Integer country, Integer cultivar, String year, Integer env) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.wrr14 from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" or =:country") .append(" and =:cultivar").append(" and =:environment") .append(" and r.year =:year").append(" and r.wrr14 <:lower").append(" or r.wrr14 >:upper") .append(" order by r.wrr14 asc"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", country); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivar); query.setParameter("year", year); query.setParameter("environment", env); query.setParameter("lower", lowerLimit); query.setParameter("upper", upperLimit); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(4); List<Float> results = query.getResultList(); return results; } private List<Environment> getEnvironments() { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("from " + Environment.class.getSimpleName()).append(" r "); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<Object> getStressCategories(List<String> stressSeries, Integer cultivarId, Integer countryId) { // TODO Consider environments. List<Environment> environments = getEnvironments(); // for (Environment env : environments) StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("select r.dae from " + entityClass.getName()) .append(" r where =:country").append(" and =:cultivar") .append(" and in(:series)").append(" and =:environment") .append(" order by r.dae asc"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", countryId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); query.setParameter("series", stressSeries); // Get the id of the first record // TODO To refactor this query.setParameter("environment", environments.get(0).getId()); List<Object> results = query.getResultList(); return results; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getSeriesData(Integer cultivarId, Integer countryId) { // Map<HFE, List<Map<LAI_SERIES, Object>>> // Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> environmentMap Map<String, Object> environmentMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // Series list for the particular environment List<Map<String, Object>> series = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); // Series Map<String, Object> seriesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); List<Map<String, Object>> seriesList = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<Map<String, Object>> plotBands = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<Environment> environments = getEnvironments(); List<Integer> clusters = Utils.getClusters(); List<Series> seriesTypes = getSeriesTypes(); Cultivar cultivar = getCultivar(cultivarId); // List<Object> categories = // getStressCategories(Utils.getStressSeries(), cultivarId, countryId); Series secondSeriesType = null; // Map<String, Object> laiData = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // List<Map<String, Object>> seriesList = new LinkedList<Map<String, // Object>>(); // Map<String, Object> seriesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // Map<String, Object> markerMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Boolean add = false; for (Environment environment : environments) { series = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); //"=======" + environment.getCode() + "======="); for (Series type : seriesTypes) { add = false; //"typeName: " + type.getName() + " typeId: "+ // type.getId()); plotBands = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); seriesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); seriesList = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<Object[]> queryResult = null; List<Object[]> queryResult2 = null; String queryString = null; String queryString2 = null; String index = null; String seriesType = null; String seriesType2 = null; boolean multiAxis = false; String titleXaxis = null; String titleYaxis = null; String titleY2axis = null; String titleLegend = null; String titleLegend2 = null; if (type.getName().toLowerCase().equals(TYPE_LAI)) { // queryString = new // StringBuffer("select r.dae, r.lai, r.actualTranspiration from "); //"?n LAI Type..."); queryString = "select r.dae, r.lai from "; queryString2 = "select r.dae, r.actualTranspiration from "; index = TYPE_LAI; multiAxis = true; seriesType = TYPE_SPLINE; seriesType2 = TYPE_COLUMN; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "LAI and Actual Transpiration"; titleLegend = "LAI"; titleLegend2 = "Stress Profile"; secondSeriesType = getSeriesByName(TYPE_TRW); } else if (type.getName().toLowerCase().equals(TYPE_PCEW)) { // queryString = new // StringBuffer("select r.dae, r.stressIndex from "); queryString = "select r.dae, r.stressIndex from "; index = TYPE_PCEW; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_SPLINE; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "Stress Index (ETa/ETp)"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } else if (type.getName().toLowerCase().equals(TYPE_RAIN_S)) { // queryString = new // StringBuffer("select r.dae, r.averageWeeklyRain from "); queryString = "select r.dae, r.averageWeeklyRain from "; index = TYPE_RAIN_S; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_SPLINE; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "Average Weekly Rainfall (mm)"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } else if (type.getName().toLowerCase().equals(TYPE_RAIN_CUM)) { // queryString = new // StringBuffer("select r.dae, r.raincum from "); queryString = "select r.dae, r.raincum from "; index = TYPE_RAIN_CUM; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_COLUMN; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "Accumulated Rainfall (mm)"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } else if (type.getName().toLowerCase().equals(TYPE_WAGT)) { // queryString = new // StringBuffer("select r.dae, r.wagt from "); queryString = "select r.dae, r.wagt from "; index = TYPE_WAGT; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_COLUMN; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "Total Dry Matter (Kg/ha)"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } else if (type.getName().equals(TYPE_TMIN)) { queryString = "select r.dae, r.tminc from "; index = TYPE_TMIN; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_COLUMN; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "TMAX"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } else if (type.getName().equals(TYPE_TMAX)) { queryString = "select r.dae, r.tmaxc from "; index = TYPE_TMAX; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_COLUMN; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "TMAX"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } else if (type.getName().equals(TYPE_TRW)) { queryString = "select r.dae, r.actualTranspiration from "; index = TYPE_TRW; multiAxis = false; seriesType = TYPE_COLUMN; // seriesType2 = TYPE_SPLINE; titleXaxis = "Days After Emergency"; titleYaxis = "Actual Transpiration"; titleLegend = "Stress Profile"; } // else if (type.getName().equals(TYPE_TRC) // || type.getName().equals(TYPE_DTR) // || type.getName().equals(TYPE_DVS) // ) { // // TODO Do nothing // continue; // } // The data list for y axis List<Object> data = new LinkedList<Object>(); // Data list for the 2nd y axis List<Object> data2 = new LinkedList<Object>(); // The categories list List<Object> cats = new LinkedList<Object>(); if (queryString != null) { for (Integer cluster : clusters) { data = new LinkedList<Object>(); queryResult = getSeries(queryString, cluster, cultivarId, countryId, environment.getId(), type.getId()); if (queryResult != null && !queryResult.isEmpty()) { add = true; cats = new LinkedList<Object>(); for (Object[] result : queryResult) { cats.add((Float) result[0]); data.add(result[1]); // if (multiAxis) // data2.add(result[2]); } //"Cats:" + cats); //"Data: " + data); seriesList.add(getSeriesMap(data, seriesType, Utils.getClusterColor(cluster), cluster)); } } // If it is a multi axis plot if (multiAxis) { for (Integer cluster : clusters) { data2 = new LinkedList<Object>(); queryResult2 = getSeries(queryString2, cluster, cultivarId, countryId, environment.getId(), secondSeriesType.getId()); if (queryResult2 != null && !queryResult2.isEmpty()) { for (Object[] result2 : queryResult2) { // cats.add((Float) result2[0]); data2.add(result2[1]); } seriesList.add( getSeriesMap(data2, seriesType2, Utils.getClusterColor(cluster), cluster)); } } } if (add) { seriesMap.put(CATEGORIES, cats); // series.add(seriesMap); seriesMap.put(SERIES, seriesList); seriesMap.put(TYPE, type.getName().toUpperCase()); seriesMap.put(ENVIRONMENT, environment.getCode()); seriesMap.put(TITLE, type.getDescription().toUpperCase()); seriesMap.put(TITLE_SUB, environment.getDescription() + " (" + environment.getCode() + ")"); seriesMap.put(TITLE_Y, titleYaxis); // seriesMap.put(TITLE_Y2, type.getName()); // TODO Modify this seriesMap.put(TITLE_X, titleXaxis); seriesMap.put(LEGEND_TITLE, titleLegend); // Add a second legend title for LAI // It is null for other charts if (titleLegend2 != null) seriesMap.put(LEGEND_TITLE_2, titleLegend2); // TODO Add plot bands plotBands = getPlotBands(cultivar, environment.getCode()); //; seriesMap.put(PLOT_BANDS, plotBands); series.add(seriesMap); } } } environmentMap.put(environment.getCode(), series); } return environmentMap; } private Series getSeriesByName(String name) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("from " + Series.class.getSimpleName()).append(" r where =:name"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("name", name); return (Series) query.getSingleResult(); } private Cultivar getCultivar(Integer cultivarId) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("from " + Cultivar.class.getSimpleName()) .append(" r where =:cultivar"); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); return (Cultivar) query.getSingleResult(); } private List<Map<String, Object>> getPlotBands(Cultivar cultivar, String environment) { // TODO Complete this List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList("rgba(256, 10, 10, 0.1)", "rgba(5, 256, 5, 0.2)", "rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)")); List<String> titles = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(BAND_VEGETATIVE, BAND_REPRODUCTIVE, BAND_FILLING_GRAIN)); List<Map<String, Object>> bands = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); Integer reproductiveEnd = null, fillingStart = null; //; bands.add( tpeBand(cultivar.getVegetativeStart(), cultivar.getVegetativeEnd(), colors.get(0), titles.get(0))); if (environment.equals(ENVIRONMENT_HFE)) { reproductiveEnd = cultivar.getReproductiveHFEEnd(); fillingStart = cultivar.getFillinggrainHFEStart(); } else if (environment.equals(ENVIRONMENT_LFE)) { reproductiveEnd = cultivar.getReproductiveLFEEnd(); fillingStart = cultivar.getFillinggrainLFEStart(); } else if (environment.equals(ENVIRONMENT_FE)) { reproductiveEnd = cultivar.getReproductiveFEEnd(); fillingStart = cultivar.getFillinggrainFEStart(); } bands.add(tpeBand(cultivar.getReproductiveStart(), reproductiveEnd, colors.get(1), titles.get(1))); bands.add(tpeBand(fillingStart, cultivar.getFillingGrainEnd(), colors.get(2), titles.get(2))); return bands; } private Map<String, Object> tpeBand(Integer startDay, Integer endDay, String color, String title) { // Map<String, Object> band = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> bandsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> labelMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> styleMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); bandsMap.put(FROM, (Integer) startDay); bandsMap.put(TO, (Integer) endDay); bandsMap.put(COLOR, color); labelMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); labelMap.put(BAND_TEXT, title); styleMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); styleMap.put(COLOR, "#006600"); styleMap.put("fontWeight", "bold"); // styleMap.put("fontSize", 16); labelMap.put("style", styleMap); // style: { // color: 'blue', // fontWeight: 'bold' // } bandsMap.put(LABEL, labelMap); return bandsMap; } private Map<String, Object> getSeriesMap(List<Object> data, String seriesType, String clusterColor, Integer cluster) { String lineStyle = null; Map<String, Object> seriesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> markerMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // Integer intv = 14; seriesMap.put(TYPE, seriesType); seriesMap.put(NAME, cluster); seriesMap.put(COLOR, clusterColor); seriesMap.put(DATA, data); seriesMap.put("pointInterval", 7); seriesMap.put("pointStart", 21); if (seriesType.equals(TYPE_SPLINE)) { switch (cluster) { // HFE case 2: lineStyle = DASH_STYLE_DASH; break; case 3: // FE lineStyle = DASH_STYLE_LONG_DASH_DOT; break; default: break; } seriesMap.put(DASH_STYLE, lineStyle); markerMap.put(LINE_WIDTH, 2); markerMap.put(LINE_COLOR, clusterColor); markerMap.put(FILL_COLOR, clusterColor); markerMap.put(ENABLED, false); seriesMap.put(MARKER, markerMap); seriesMap.put(Z_INDEX, 2); } return seriesMap; } private List<Object[]> getSeries(String queryStr, Integer cluster, Integer cultivarId, Integer countryId, Integer environment, Integer typeId) { // List<String> categories = getSeriesCategories(typeId); //"Cluster: " + cluster + " Series: " + categories); // if (categories.isEmpty() || categories == null) // return null; //"country: " + countryId + " cluster: " + cluster + // " cultivar: " + cultivarId + " environment: " + environment); StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer(queryStr); //; q.append(entityClass.getName()).append(" r where =:country") .append(" and =:cultivar").append(" and =:series") .append(" and =:environment").append(" and r.cluster =:cluster") .append(" order by r.dae asc"); //"Query string..."); //; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); query.setParameter("country", countryId); query.setParameter("cultivar", cultivarId); query.setParameter("series", typeId); query.setParameter("cluster", cluster); query.setParameter("environment", environment); List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList(); return results; } private List<Series> getSeriesTypes() { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer("from " + Series.class.getSimpleName()).append(" r "); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(q.toString()); return query.getResultList(); } }