Java tutorial
/***************************************************************** * This file is part of Managing Agricultural Research for Learning & * Outcomes Platform (MARLO). * MARLO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * at your option) any later version. * MARLO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MARLO. If not, see <>. *****************************************************************/ package org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.action; import org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.config.APConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.utils.APConfig; import org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.utils.HistoryDifference; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.UUID; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Preparable; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Parameter; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.SessionAware; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This action aims to define general functionalities that are going to be used by all other Actions. * * @author Hernn David Carvajal * @author Hctor Fabio Tobn R. * @author Christian Garcia */ public class BaseAction extends ActionSupport implements Preparable, SessionAware, ServletRequestAware { public static final String CANCEL = "cancel"; // Loggin private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseAction.class); public static final String NEXT = "next"; public static final String NOT_AUTHORIZED = "403"; public static final String NOT_FOUND = "404"; public static final String NOT_LOGGED = "401"; public static final String REDIRECT = "redirect"; public static final String SAVED_STATUS = "savedStatus"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -740360140511380630L; private List<HistoryDifference> differences; // Years available per CRPs (used in Summaries) private ArrayList<String> years; protected boolean add; private Long phaseID; /** * Use field injection in BaseAction only. Subclasses should use constructor injection. */ @Inject private AuditLogManager auditLogManager; @Inject private InstitutionManager institutionManager; @Inject private GlobalUnitTypeManager globalUnitTypeManager; private String basePermission; protected boolean cancel; private boolean editStatus = false; // If user is able to edit the form. private boolean canEdit; // If user is able to edit the form. private boolean availabePhase = true; // If user is able to edit the form. private boolean canEditPhase = true; // If user is able to edit the form. private boolean canSwitchProject; // If user is able to Switch Project. (generally is a project leader) private boolean switchSession; protected APConfig config; @Inject private PhaseManager phaseManager; @Inject private CrpClusterKeyOutputManager crpClusterKeyOutputManager; @Inject private CrpClusterOfActivityManager crpClusterOfActivityManager; @Inject private CrpMilestoneManager crpMilestoneManager; private Long crpID; // Managers @Inject private GlobalUnitManager crpManager; @Inject private CrpPpaPartnerManager crpPpaPartnerManager; @Inject private CrpProgramLeaderManager crpProgramLeaderManager; @Inject private CrpProgramManager crpProgramManager; @Inject private CrpProgramOutcomeManager crpProgramOutcomeManager; @Inject private CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcomeManager crpClusterKeyOutputOutcomeManager; @Inject private CustomParameterManager customParameterManager; @Inject private DeliverableTypeRuleManager deliverableTypeRuleManager; // Variables private String crpSession; protected boolean dataSaved; private GlobalUnit currentCrp; protected boolean delete; @Inject private DeliverableManager deliverableManager; private boolean draft; @Inject private SrfTargetUnitManager targetUnitManager; @Inject private LocElementTypeManager locElementTypeManager; @Inject private ProjectBudgetManager projectBudgetManager; @Inject private ProjectPartnerPersonManager partnerPersonManager; @Inject private UserManager userManager; @Inject private FileDBManager fileDBManager; private boolean fullEditable; // If user is able to edit all the form. @Inject private FundingSourceManager fundingSourceManager; private HashMap<String, String> invalidFields; // User actions private boolean isEditable; // If user is able to edit the form. // Justification of the changes private String justification; private boolean lessonsActive; @Inject private LiaisonUserManager liaisonUserManager; protected boolean next; private Map<String, Parameter> parameters; private boolean planningActive; private int planningYear; @Inject private ProjectComponentLessonManager projectComponentLessonManager; @Inject private ProjectManager projectManager; @Inject private ProjectOutcomeManager projectOutcomeManager; @Inject private PowbSynthesisManager powbSynthesisManager; @Inject private LiaisonInstitutionManager liaisonInstitutionManager; @Inject private DeliverableTypeManager deliverableTypeManager; private boolean reportingActive; private int reportingYear; protected HttpServletRequest request; /********************************************************* * CENTER VARIABLES * ******************************************************* */ @Inject private ICenterTopicManager topicService; @Inject private ICenterImpactManager impactService; @Inject private ICenterOutcomeManager outcomeService; @Inject private ICenterOutputManager outputService; @Inject private ICenterSectionStatusManager secctionStatusService; @Inject private ICenterCycleManager cycleService; @Inject private ICenterProjectManager projectService; @Inject private ICenterDeliverableManager deliverableService; @Inject private ICenterSectionStatusManager sectionStatusService; @Inject private ICapacityDevelopmentService capacityDevelopmentService; @Inject private ProjectExpectedStudyManager projectExpectedStudyManager; @Inject private ProjectInnovationManager projectInnovationManager; private String centerSession; private Long centerID; private GlobalUnit currentCenter; private CenterSubmission centerSubmission; /*********************************************************/ // button actions protected boolean save; private boolean saveable; // If user is able to see the save, cancel, delete buttons @Inject private SectionStatusManager sectionStatusManager; // Config Variables @Inject protected BaseSecurityContext securityContext; private Map<String, Object> session; private Submission submission; protected boolean submit; private String url; @Inject private UserRoleManager userRoleManager; @Inject private RoleManager roleManager; @Inject private IpProgramManager ipProgramManager; @Inject private IpLiaisonInstitutionManager ipLiaisonInstitutionManager; private List<Map<String, Object>> usersToActive; @Inject private GlobalUnitProjectManager globalUnitProjectManager; @Inject private ReportSynthesisManager reportSynthesisManager; private StringBuilder validationMessage = new StringBuilder(); private StringBuilder missingFields = new StringBuilder(); public BaseAction() { this.saveable = true; this.fullEditable = true; this.justification = ""; } public BaseAction(APConfig config) { this(); this.config = config; } /* Override this method depending of the save action. */ public String add() { return SUCCESS; } /** * This function add a flag (--warn--) to the message in order to give * a different style to the success message using javascript once the html is ready. * * @param message */ public void addActionWarning(String message) { this.addActionMessage("--warn--" + message); } public void addMessage(String message) { validationMessage.append("<p> - "); validationMessage.append(message); validationMessage.append("</p>"); this.addMissingField(message); } /** * This method add a missing field separated by a semicolon (;). * * @param field is the name of the field. */ public void addMissingField(String field) { if (missingFields.length() != 0) { missingFields.append(";"); } missingFields.append(field); } public void addUsers() { if (usersToActive != null) { for (Map<String, Object> userMap : usersToActive) { User user = (User) userMap.get("user"); /** * Leaving this here for now as there is strangeness as to how users are set active and inactive that needs to * be sorted out. */ user.setActive(true); if (!user.isCgiarUser()) { user.setPassword(userMap.get("password").toString()); } userManager.saveUser(user); } } } public boolean canAccessSuperAdmin() { return this.securityContext.hasAllPermissions(Permission.FULL_PRIVILEGES); } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD********************* * return true if the user can view the impactPathway * ********************************************************* * * @return true if the user is super admin. */ public boolean canAcessCenterImpactPathway() { String permission = this.generatePermissionCenter(Permission.RESEARCH_AREA_FULL_PRIVILEGES, this.getCenterSession()); LOG.debug(permission); LOG.debug(String.valueOf(securityContext.hasPermission(permission))); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canAcessCrp() { return this.canAcessPublications() || this.canAcessSynthesisMog(); } public boolean canAcessCrpAdmin() { try { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.CRP_ADMIN_VISIBLE_PRIVILEGES, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean canAcessFunding() { boolean permission = this .hasPermissionNoBase(this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_FUNDING_, this.getCrpSession())); return permission; } public boolean canAcessImpactPathway() { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.IMPACT_PATHWAY_VISIBLE_PRIVILEGES, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canAcessPOWB() { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.POWB_SYNTHESIS_CAN_VIEW, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canAcessPublications() { String params[] = { this.getCrpSession() }; return (this.hasPermission(this.generatePermission(Permission.PUBLICATION_ADD, params))); } public boolean canAcessSumaries() { if (this.canAcessCrpAdmin() || this.canAccessSuperAdmin()) { return true; } else { User u = this.getCurrentUser(); if (u != null) { u = userManager.getUser(u.getId()); List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<>(); for (UserRole userRole : u.getUserRoles()) { roles.add(userRole.getRole()); } long pmuRol = Long.parseLong((String) this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_PMU_ROLE)); Role rolePreview = roleManager.getRoleById(pmuRol); if (roles.contains(rolePreview)) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } } public boolean canAcessSynthesisMog() { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.SYNTHESIS_BY_MOG_PERMISSION, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canAddBilateralProject() { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_BILATERAL_ADD, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canAddCoreProject() { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_CORE_ADD, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canBeDeleted(long id, String className) { Class<?> clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); if (clazz == UserRole.class) { UserRole userRole = userRoleManager.getUserRoleById(id); long cuId = Long.parseLong((String) this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_CU)); /** Optimize this to a SQL query that takes the userId and the LiasionInstitutionId as parameters **/ List<LiaisonUser> liaisonUsers = liaisonUserManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getUser().getId().longValue() == userRole.getUser().getId().longValue() && c.getLiaisonInstitution().getId().longValue() == cuId) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (LiaisonUser liaisonUser : liaisonUsers) { if (!liaisonUser.getProjects().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getStatus() != null && (c.getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) || c.getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId()))) .collect(Collectors.toList()).isEmpty()) { return false; } } } if (clazz == CrpProgram.class) { CrpProgram crpProgram = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(id); List<ProjectFocus> programs = crpProgram.getProjectFocuses().stream().filter( c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); boolean deleted = true; if (programs.size() > 0) { for (ProjectFocus projectFocus : programs) { if (projectFocus.getProject().getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()) .getStatus() != null) { switch (ProjectStatusEnum.getValue(projectFocus.getProject() .getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue())) { case Ongoing: case Extended: deleted = false; break; } } } return deleted; } } if (clazz == CrpProgramLeader.class) { CrpProgramLeader crpProgramLeader = crpProgramLeaderManager.getCrpProgramLeaderById(id); for (LiaisonUser liaisonUser : crpProgramLeader.getUser().getLiasonsUsers().stream() .filter(c -> c.getLiaisonInstitution().getCrpProgram() != null && c.getLiaisonInstitution().getCrpProgram().getId().longValue() == crpProgramLeader .getCrpProgram().getId().longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { List<ProjectInfo> projects = liaisonUser.getProjects().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); boolean deleted = true; if (projects.size() > 0) { for (ProjectInfo projectInfo : projects) { Project project = projectInfo.getProject(); if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getLiaisonInstitution() .getCrpProgram().getId().equals(crpProgramLeader.getCrpProgram().getId())) { if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null) { switch (ProjectStatusEnum.getValue(project .getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue())) { case Ongoing: case Extended: deleted = false; break; } } } } return deleted; } } } if (clazz == FundingSource.class) { FundingSource fundingSource = fundingSourceManager.getFundingSourceById(id); if (this.isFundingSourceNew(fundingSource.getId())) { if (fundingSource.getProjectBudgets().stream().filter( c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } if (clazz == CrpPpaPartner.class) { CrpPpaPartner crpPpaPartner = crpPpaPartnerManager.getCrpPpaPartnerById(id); List<Project> partners = this.getProjectRelationsImpact(id, CrpPpaPartner.class.getName()); if (partners.size() > 0) { return false; } } if (clazz == SrfTargetUnit.class) { SrfTargetUnit targetUnit = targetUnitManager.getSrfTargetUnitById(id); if (targetUnit == null) { return true; } if (targetUnit.getCrpProgramOutcomes().stream() .filter(o -> o.isActive() && o.getCrpProgram().getCrp().getId().equals(this.getCrpID())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { return false; } if (targetUnit .getCrpMilestones().stream().filter(u -> u.isActive() && u.getCrpProgramOutcome() .getCrpProgram().getCrp().getId().equals(this.getCrpID())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { return false; } } if (clazz == LocElementType.class) { LocElementType locElementType = locElementTypeManager.getLocElementTypeById(id); if (locElementType.getCrpLocElementTypes().stream().filter(o -> o.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { return false; } } if (clazz == ProjectPartnerPerson.class) { ProjectPartnerPerson partnerPerson = partnerPersonManager.getProjectPartnerPersonById(id); /* * if (partnerPerson != null) { * if (partnerPerson.getDeliverablePartnerships().stream() * .filter(o -> o.isActive() && o.getPhase() != null && o.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) * .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { * return false; * } * } */ List<Deliverable> deliverablesLeads = new ArrayList<>(); if (partnerPerson != null) { List<DeliverablePartnership> deliverablePartnerships = partnerPerson .getDeliverablePartnerships().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (DeliverablePartnership deliverablePartnership : deliverablePartnerships) { Deliverable deliverable = deliverablePartnership.getDeliverable(); deliverable.setDeliverableInfo(deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase())); if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId()) || deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId())) { if (!deliverablesLeads.contains(deliverable)) { if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getYear() >= this.getActualPhase().getYear()) { if (deliverable.isActive()) { deliverablesLeads.add(deliverable); } } else { if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear()) { if (deliverable.isActive()) { deliverablesLeads.add(deliverable); } } } } } } } } if (!deliverablesLeads.isEmpty()) { return false; } } if (clazz == ProjectBudget.class) { ProjectBudget projectBudget = projectBudgetManager.getProjectBudgetById(id); FundingSource fundingSource = fundingSourceManager .getFundingSourceById(projectBudget.getFundingSource().getId()); List<DeliverableFundingSource> deliverableFundingSources = fundingSource .getDeliverableFundingSources().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getDeliverable().isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().getYear() == projectBudget.getYear() && c.getDeliverable().getProject() != null && c.getDeliverable().getProject() .getId().longValue() == projectBudget.getProject().getId().longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Deliverable> onDeliverables = this.getDeliverableRelationsProject(id, ProjectBudget.class.getName(), projectBudget.getProject().getId()); if (!onDeliverables.isEmpty()) { return false; } } if (clazz == CustomLevelSelect.class) { LocElementType locElementType = locElementTypeManager.getLocElementTypeById(id); for (LocElement locElements : locElementType.getLocElements().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { if (!locElements.getProjectLocations().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getProject().getGlobalUnitProjects().stream() .filter(gup -> gup.isActive() && gup.getGlobalUnit().getId().equals(this.getCrpID().longValue())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) .collect(Collectors.toList()).isEmpty()) { return false; } } } if (clazz == CrpProgramOutcome.class || clazz == CrpClusterOfActivity.class || clazz == CrpMilestone.class) { List<Project> projects = this.getProjectRelationsImpact(id, className); if (!projects.isEmpty()) { return false; } } if (clazz == CrpClusterKeyOutput.class) { List<Deliverable> projects = this.getDeliverableRelationsImpact(id, className); if (!projects.isEmpty()) { return false; } CrpClusterKeyOutput crpClusterKeyOutput = crpClusterKeyOutputManager.getCrpClusterKeyOutputById(id); if (crpClusterKeyOutput.getCrpClusterKeyOutputOutcomes().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { return false; } } if (clazz == ProjectOutcome.class) { ProjectOutcome projectOutcome = projectOutcomeManager.getProjectOutcomeById(id); List<CrpProgramOutcome> crpProgramOutcomes = new ArrayList<>(); List<ProjectOutcome> projectOutcomes = projectOutcome .getProject().getProjectOutcomes().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getPhase() != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (ProjectOutcome mProjectOutcome : projectOutcomes) { crpProgramOutcomes.add(crpProgramOutcomeManager .getCrpProgramOutcomeById(mProjectOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome().getId())); } boolean canDelete = false; List<Deliverable> projects = this.getDeliverableRelationsProject(id, className, projectOutcome.getProject().getId()); if (!projects.isEmpty()) { for (Deliverable deliverable : projects) { CrpClusterKeyOutput clusterKeyOutput = deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) .getCrpClusterKeyOutput(); List<CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome> clusterKeyOutputOutcomes = clusterKeyOutput .getCrpClusterKeyOutputOutcomes().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome crpClusterKeyOutputOutcome : clusterKeyOutputOutcomes) { if (!crpClusterKeyOutputOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome() .equals(projectOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome())) { if (crpProgramOutcomes .contains(crpClusterKeyOutputOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome())) { canDelete = true; } } } } return canDelete; } else { canDelete = true; } } if (clazz == CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome.class) { CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome crpClusterKeyOutputOutcome = crpClusterKeyOutputOutcomeManager .getCrpClusterKeyOutputOutcomeById(id); List<Project> projects = this.getProjectRelationsImpact(id, className); if (!projects.isEmpty()) { return false; } } return true; } catch ( Exception e) { return true; } } /* Override this method depending of the cancel action. */ public String cancel() { return CANCEL; } /** * Verify if the project have Cluster of Activity to activate Budget by CoA * * @return true if the project have CoA or false otherwise. */ public Boolean canEditBudgetByCoAs(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); if (project.getProjectClusterActivities().stream() .filter(pc -> pc.isActive() && pc.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()) == null) { return false; } if (project.getProjectClusterActivities().stream() .filter(pc -> pc.isActive() && pc.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean canEditCenterType() { return this.hasPermissionNoBase( this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_FUNDING_W1_BASE_PERMISSION, this.getCrpSession())); } public boolean canEditCrpAdmin() { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.CRP_ADMIN_EDIT_PRIVILEGES, this.getCrpSession()); return securityContext.hasPermission(permission); } public boolean canProjectSubmited(long projectID) { String params[] = { crpManager.getGlobalUnitById(this.getCrpID()).getAcronym(), projectID + "" }; return this.hasPermission(this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_SUBMISSION_PERMISSION, params)); } /** ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * return true if the user can view the impactPathway * ********************************************************* * Verify if the class model name have not relations for enable the delete button. * * @param id - the id of the model * @param className - the model class name * @return true for enabling the delete button or false to disable the delete button. */ public boolean centerCanBeDeleted(long id, String className) { Class clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); // Verify CenterTopic Model if (clazz == CenterTopic.class) { CenterTopic topic = topicService.getResearchTopicById(id); List<CenterOutcome> outcomes = new ArrayList<>(topic.getResearchOutcomes().stream() .filter(ro -> ro.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (outcomes != null) { if (!outcomes.isEmpty()) { return false; } } } // Verify CenterImpact Model if (clazz == CenterImpact.class) { CenterImpact impact = impactService.getResearchImpactById(id); List<CenterOutcome> outcomes = new ArrayList<>(impact.getResearchOutcomes().stream() .filter(ro -> ro.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (outcomes != null) { if (!outcomes.isEmpty()) { return false; } } } // Verify CenterOutcome Model if (clazz == CenterOutcome.class) { CenterOutcome outcome = outcomeService.getResearchOutcomeById(id); List<CenterOutput> outputs = new ArrayList<>(); List<CenterOutputsOutcome> centerOutputsOutcomes = new ArrayList<>( outcome.getCenterOutputsOutcomes().stream().filter(ro -> ro.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); for (CenterOutputsOutcome centerOutputsOutcome : centerOutputsOutcomes) { outputs.add(centerOutputsOutcome.getCenterOutput()); } if (outputs != null) { if (!outputs.isEmpty()) { return false; } } } // Verify CenterProject Model if (clazz == CenterProject.class) { CenterProject project = projectService.getCenterProjectById(id); List<CenterDeliverable> deliverables = new ArrayList<>( project.getDeliverables().stream().filter(d -> d.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (deliverables != null) { if (!deliverables.isEmpty()) { return false; } } } // Verify CenterOutput Model if (clazz == CenterOutput.class) { CenterOutput output = outputService.getResearchOutputById(id); List<CenterProjectOutput> projectOutputs = new ArrayList<>(output.getProjectOutputs().stream() .filter(ro -> ro.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (projectOutputs != null) { if (!projectOutputs.isEmpty()) { return false; } } } // Verify CenterDeliverable Model if (clazz == CenterDeliverable.class) { CenterDeliverable deliverable = deliverableService.getDeliverableById(id); List<CenterDeliverableOutput> deliverableOutputs = new ArrayList<>(deliverable .getDeliverableOutputs().stream().filter(ro -> ro.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (deliverableOutputs != null) { if (!deliverableOutputs.isEmpty()) { return false; } } } // Verify CapacityDevelopment Model if (clazz == CapacityDevelopment.class) { final CapacityDevelopment capdev = capacityDevelopmentService.getCapacityDevelopmentById(id); if (capdev != null) { if (!capdev.getCreatedBy().getId().equals(this.getCurrentUser().getId()) && !this.canAccessSuperAdmin()) { return false; } } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * Check if the capDev section is Active * ************************************************************ * * @return true if the section is Active. */ public boolean centerCapDevActive() { try { final boolean sectionActive = Boolean .parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_CAP_DEV_ACTIVE).toString()); return sectionActive; } catch (final Exception e) { return false; } } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * Check if the Impact Pathway section is Active * ************************************************************ * * @return true if the section is Active. */ public boolean centerImpactPathwayActive() { try { boolean sectionActive = Boolean .parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_IMPACT_PATHWAY_ACTIVE).toString()); return sectionActive; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * Check if the Monitoring section is Active * ************************************************************ * * @return true if the section is Active. */ public boolean centerMonitoringActive() { try { boolean sectionActive = Boolean .parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_MONITORING_ACTIVE).toString()); return sectionActive; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * Check if the Monitoring Outcomes section is Active * ************************************************************ * * @return true if the section is Active. */ public boolean centerMonitoringOutcomeActive() { try { boolean sectionActive = Boolean .parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_MONITORING_OUTCOME_ACTIVE).toString()); return sectionActive; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * Check if the Summaries section is Active * ************************************************************ * * @return true if the section is Active. */ public boolean centerSummariesActive() { try { boolean sectionActive = Boolean .parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_SUMMARIES_ACTIVE).toString()); return sectionActive; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public HistoryDifference changedField(String field) { if (differences != null) { if (differences.contains(new HistoryDifference(field))) { int index = differences.indexOf(new HistoryDifference(field)); HistoryDifference historyDifference = differences.get(index); historyDifference.setIndex(index); return historyDifference; } } return null; } /** * This method clears the cache and re-load the user permissions in the next iteration. */ public void clearPermissionsCache() { ((APCustomRealm) securityContext.getRealm()) .clearCachedAuthorizationInfo(securityContext.getSubject().getPrincipals()); } /** * Create a liaison institution POWB Synthesis in this phase * * @param phase * @return PowbSynthesis object */ public PowbSynthesis createPowbSynthesis(long phaseID, long liaisonInstitutionID) { LiaisonInstitution liaisonInstitution = liaisonInstitutionManager .getLiaisonInstitutionById(liaisonInstitutionID); Phase phase = phaseManager.getPhaseById(phaseID); PowbSynthesis synthesis = new PowbSynthesis(); synthesis.setPhase(phase); synthesis.setLiaisonInstitution(liaisonInstitution); synthesis = powbSynthesisManager.savePowbSynthesis(synthesis); this.clearPermissionsCache(); return synthesis; } /** * Create a liaison institution Annual Report Synthesis in this phase * * @param phase * @return ReportSynthesis object */ public ReportSynthesis createReportSynthesis(long phaseID, long liaisonInstitutionID) { LiaisonInstitution liaisonInstitution = liaisonInstitutionManager .getLiaisonInstitutionById(liaisonInstitutionID); Phase phase = phaseManager.getPhaseById(phaseID); ReportSynthesis synthesis = new ReportSynthesis(); synthesis.setPhase(phase); synthesis.setLiaisonInstitution(liaisonInstitution); synthesis = reportSynthesisManager.saveReportSynthesis(synthesis); this.clearPermissionsCache(); return synthesis; } public String crpActivitesModule() { return APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE; } /* Override this method depending of the delete action. */ public String delete() { return SUCCESS; } @Override public String execute() throws Exception { if (save) { return; } else if (delete) { return this.delete(); } else if (cancel) { return this.cancel(); } else if (next) { return; } else if (add) { return this.add(); } else if (submit) { return this.submit(); } return INPUT; } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * This method calculates all the years between the start date and the end date. * ************************************************************ * * @return a List of numbers representing all the years, or an empty list if nothing found. */ public List<Integer> geCentertOutcomeYears(int outcomeYear) { List<Integer> allYears = new ArrayList<>(); Calendar calendarStart = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarStart.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2017); Calendar calendarEnd = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarEnd.set(Calendar.YEAR, outcomeYear); while (calendarStart.get(Calendar.YEAR) <= calendarEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { // Adding the year to the list. allYears.add(calendarStart.get(Calendar.YEAR)); // Adding a year (365 days) to the start date. calendarStart.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); } return allYears; } /* * public String generatePermission(String permission, Map<String, Object> session, long crpID, String... params) { * Phase phase = this.getActualPhase(session, crpID); * String paramsRefactor[] = Arrays.copyOf(params, params.length); * paramsRefactor[0] = paramsRefactor[0] + ":" + phase.getDescription() + ":" + phase.getYear(); * return this.getText(permission, paramsRefactor); * } */ public String generatePermission(String permission, String... params) { Phase phase = this.getActualPhase(); // TODO global unit. if (phase != null && phase.getId() != null) { String paramsRefactor[] = Arrays.copyOf(params, params.length); paramsRefactor[0] = paramsRefactor[0] + ":" + phase.getDescription() + ":" + phase.getYear(); return this.getText(permission, paramsRefactor); } else { String paramsRefactor[] = Arrays.copyOf(params, params.length); return this.getText(permission, paramsRefactor); } } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ****************************** * Generate permissions String to Centers * ******************************************************************** * * @return a permission String */ public String generatePermissionCenter(String permission, String... params) { return this.getText(permission, params); } public String getActionName() { return ServletActionContext.getActionMapping().getName(); } /** * get the actual * * @return the actual phase of the crp */ public Phase getActualPhase() { try { Map<Long, Phase> allPhases = null; if (this.getSession() != null) { if (!this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.ALL_PHASES)) { List<Phase> phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> p1.getStartDate().compareTo(p2.getStartDate())); Map<Long, Phase> allPhasesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Phase phase : phases) { allPhasesMap.put(phase.getId(), phase); } this.getSession().put(APConstants.ALL_PHASES, allPhasesMap); } } /** * This throws a null pointer exception if invoked from a struts2 interceptor as the session has not been * set on the BaseAction. * I've made the RequireUserInterceptor set the session on the baseAction now but this seems a little hacky. */ allPhases = (Map<Long, Phase>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.ALL_PHASES); if (this.getPhaseID() != null) { long phaseID = this.getPhaseID(); Phase phase = allPhases.get(new Long(phaseID)); if (phase == null) { phase = phaseManager.getPhaseById(phaseID); return phase; } return phase; } Map<String, Parameter> parameters = this.getParameters(); if (parameters != null && parameters.containsKey(APConstants.PHASE_ID)) { Phase phase; try { long phaseID = Long.parseLong( StringUtils.trim(parameters.get(APConstants.PHASE_ID).getMultipleValues()[0])); phase = allPhases.get(new Long(phaseID)); return phase; } catch (Exception e) { phase = phaseManager.findCycle(this.getCurrentCycleParam(), this.getCurrentCycleYearParam(), this.getCrpID()); } if (phase != null) { this.getSession().put(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE, phase); return phase; } else { return new Phase(null, "", -1); } } if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE)) { Phase phase = (Phase) this.getSession().get(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE); return phase; } else { Phase phase = phaseManager.findCycle(this.getCurrentCycleParam(), this.getCurrentCycleYearParam(), this.getCrpID()); if (phase != null) { this.getSession().put(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE, phase); return phase; } else { return new Phase(null, "", -1); } } } catch ( Exception e) { return new Phase(null, "", -1); } } public Phase getActualPhase(Map<String, Object> session, long crpID) { try { Map<Long, Phase> allPhases = null; if (session != null) { if (session.containsKey(APConstants.ALL_PHASES)) { List<Phase> phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> p1.getStartDate().compareTo(p2.getStartDate())); Map<Long, Phase> allPhasesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Phase phase : phases) { allPhasesMap.put(phase.getId(), phase); } session.put(APConstants.ALL_PHASES, allPhasesMap); } allPhases = (Map<Long, Phase>) session.get(APConstants.ALL_PHASES); } Map<String, Parameter> parameters = this.getParameters(); if (this.getPhaseID() != null) { long phaseID = Long .parseLong(StringUtils.trim(parameters.get(APConstants.PHASE_ID).getMultipleValues()[0])); Phase phase = allPhases.get(new Long(phaseID)); return phase; } if (parameters != null && parameters.containsKey(APConstants.PHASE_ID)) { long phaseID = Long .parseLong(StringUtils.trim(parameters.get(APConstants.PHASE_ID).getMultipleValues()[0])); Phase phase = allPhases.get(new Long(phaseID)); return phase; } Phase phase = phaseManager.findCycle(this.getCurrentCycleParam(), this.getCurrentCycleYearParam(), this.getCrpID()); return phase; } catch (Exception e) { return new Phase(null, "", -1); } } /** * get all phases per CRP * * @return the list of the phases for the crp */ public Map<Long, Phase> getAllPhases() { if (this.getSession() != null) { if (!this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.ALL_PHASES)) { List<Phase> phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> p1.getStartDate().compareTo(p2.getStartDate())); Map<Long, Phase> allPhasesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Phase phase : phases) { allPhasesMap.put(phase.getId(), phase); } this.getSession().put(APConstants.ALL_PHASES, allPhasesMap); } } return (Map<Long, Phase>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.ALL_PHASES); } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ****************************** * This method calculates all the years between the start date and the end date. * ******************************************************************** * * @return a List of numbers representing all the years, or an empty list if nothing found. */ public List<Integer> getAllYears() { List<Integer> allYears = new ArrayList<>(); Calendar calendarStart = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarStart.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2014); Calendar calendarEnd = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarEnd.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2050); while (calendarStart.get(Calendar.YEAR) <= calendarEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { // Adding the year to the list. allYears.add(calendarStart.get(Calendar.YEAR)); // Adding a year (365 days) to the start date. calendarStart.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); } return allYears; } public Boolean getAutoSaveFilePath(String simpleName, String actionName, long id) { String composedClassName = simpleName; String actionFile = this.getCrpSession() + "_" + actionName; String autoSaveFile = id + "_" + composedClassName + "_" + this.getActualPhase().getDescription() + "_" + this.getActualPhase().getYear() + "_" + actionFile + ".json"; boolean exist = Paths.get(config.getAutoSaveFolder() + autoSaveFile).toFile().exists(); return exist; } public String getBasePermission() { return basePermission; } public String getBaseUrl() { return config.getBaseUrl(); } /** * Get the front end libraries acording to Center o CRP access * * @return */ public String getBaseUrlMedia() { if (this.getCurrentCrp() != null) { switch (this.getCurrentCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue()) { case 1: return config.getBaseUrl() + "/crp"; case 2: return config.getBaseUrl() + "/center"; case 3: return config.getBaseUrl() + "/crp"; case 4: return config.getBaseUrl() + "/crp"; default: return config.getBaseUrl() + "/crp"; } } else { return config.getBaseUrl() + "/crp"; } } public List<CenterSubmission> getCapdevSubmissions(long capDevID) { CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment = capacityDevelopmentService.getCapacityDevelopmentById(capDevID); List<CenterSubmission> submissions = capacityDevelopment.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(c -> c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (submissions.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return submissions; } public List<CrpCategoryEnum> getCategories() { return Arrays.asList(CrpCategoryEnum.values()); } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ****************************** * Get The phase that extract the crp information. * ******************************************************************** * * @return a Crp Phase Object */ public Phase getCenterCrpPhase(GlobalUnit crp) { try { String cycle = this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_CRP_PHASE_CYCLE).toString(); int year = Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_CRP_PHASE_YEAR).toString()); if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.CENTER_CRP_PHASE)) { Phase phase = (Phase) this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_CRP_PHASE); return phase; } else { Phase phase = phaseManager.findCycle(cycle, year, crp.getId()); this.getSession().put(APConstants.CENTER_CRP_PHASE, phase); return phase; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD*************************************************************** * This method gets the specific section status from the sectionStatuses array for a CenterDeliverable. * *************************************************************************************************** * * @param deliverableID is the deliverable ID to be identified. * @param section is the name of some section. * @return a CenterSectionStatus object with the information requested. */ public CenterSectionStatus getCenterDeliverableStatus(long deliverableID) { CenterDeliverable deliverable = deliverableService.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); List<CenterSectionStatus> sectionStatuses; if (deliverable.getSectionStatuses() != null) { sectionStatuses = new ArrayList<>(deliverable.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(c -> c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } else { return null; } if (!sectionStatuses.isEmpty()) { return sectionStatuses.get(0); } return null; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Get the center that is currently save in the session, if the user access to * the platform whit a diferent url, get the current action to catch the center * * @return the center session */ public Long getCenterID() { if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { GlobalUnit center = (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) != null ? (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) : null; this.centerID = center.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the user center in the session."); } } else { this.centerID = null; } return this.centerID; } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * This method gets the specific section status from the sectionStatuses array for a Outcome. * ******************************************************** * * @param deliverableID is the deliverable ID to be identified. * @param section is the name of some section. * @return a CenterSectionStatus object with the information requested. */ public CenterSectionStatus getCenterOutcomeStatus(long outcomeID) { CenterOutcome outcome = outcomeService.getResearchOutcomeById(outcomeID); List<CenterSectionStatus> sectionStatuses; if (outcome.getSectionStatuses() != null) { sectionStatuses = new ArrayList<>(outcome.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(c -> c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } else { return null; } if (!sectionStatuses.isEmpty()) { return sectionStatuses.get(0); } return null; } /** * ***********************CENTER METHOD******************** * This method gets the specific section status from the sectionStatuses array for a Output. * ************************************************************ * * @param deliverableID is the deliverable ID to be identified. * @param section is the name of some section. * @return a CenterSectionStatus object with the information requested. */ public CenterSectionStatus getCenterOutputStatus(long outputID) { CenterOutput output = outputService.getResearchOutputById(outputID); List<CenterSectionStatus> sectionStatuses; if (output.getSectionStatuses() != null) { sectionStatuses = new ArrayList<>(output.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(c -> c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } else { return null; } if (!sectionStatuses.isEmpty()) { return sectionStatuses.get(0); } return null; } /* * public Phase getActualPhase(Map<String, Object> session, long crpID) { * try { * if (session.containsKey(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE)) { * return (Phase) session.get(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE); * } else { * String cyle = ""; * int year = 0; * if (Boolean.parseBoolean(session.get(APConstants.CRP_REPORTING_ACTIVE).toString())) { * cyle = APConstants.REPORTING; * year = Integer.parseInt(session.get(APConstants.CRP_REPORTING_YEAR).toString()); * } else { * cyle = APConstants.PLANNING; * year = Integer.parseInt(session.get(APConstants.CRP_PLANNING_YEAR).toString()); * } * Phase phase = phaseManager.findCycle(cyle, year, crpID); * session.put(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE, phase); * return phase; * } * } catch (Exception e) { * return new Phase(null, "", -1); * } * } */ /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the sections of CapDev * * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the CapDev is complete */ public boolean getCenterSectionStatusCapDev(String section, long capDevID) { CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment = capacityDevelopmentService.getCapacityDevelopmentById(capDevID); if (CapDevSectionEnum.getValue(section) == null) { return false; } switch (CapDevSectionEnum.getValue(section)) { case INTERVENTION: return this.validateCapDevSection(capacityDevelopment, section); case DESCRIPTION: return this.validateCapDevSection(capacityDevelopment, section); case SUPPORTINGDOCS: return this.validateCapDevSupDocs(capacityDevelopment); } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the sections of the Impact Pathway * * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the IP is complete */ public boolean getCenterSectionStatusIP(String section, long programID) { CrpProgram program = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(programID); if (ImpactPathwaySectionsEnum.getValue(section) == null) { return false; } switch (ImpactPathwaySectionsEnum.getValue(section)) { case PROGRAM_IMPACT: return this.validateCenterImpact(program, section); case TOPIC: return this.validateCenterTopic(program, section); case OUTCOMES: return this.validateCenterOutcome(program); case OUTPUTS: return this.validateCenterOutput(program); } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * validate the sections of the project * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the Project is complete */ public boolean getCenterSectionStatusProject(String section, long projectID) { CenterProject project = projectService.getCenterProjectById(projectID); if (ProjectSectionsEnum.getValue(section) == null) { return false; } switch (ProjectSectionsEnum.getValue(section)) { case DESCRIPTION: return this.validateCenterProject(project, section); case PARTNERS: return this.validateCenterProject(project, section); case DELIVERABLES: return this.validateCenterDeliverable(project); } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Get the center that is currently save in the session, if the user access to * the platform whit a diferent url, get the current action to catch the center * *************************************************************** * * @return the center that the user has log in */ public String getCenterSession() { if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { GlobalUnit center = (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) != null ? (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) : null; // Assumed there is only one center in the system, the default one. this.centerSession = center.getAcronym(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the user's center in the session."); } } else { String actionName = this.getActionName(); if (actionName.split("/").length > 1) { this.centerSession = actionName.split("/")[0]; } } return this.centerSession; } public List<GlobalUnit> getCentersList() { List<GlobalUnit> centers = new ArrayList<>(); if (!this.canAccessSuperAdmin()) { User user = this.getCurrentUser(); user = userManager.getUser(user.getId()); List<CrpUser> users = new ArrayList<>( user.getCrpUsers().stream().filter(u -> u.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); for (CrpUser crpUser : users) { long guType = crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getId(); if (crpUser.getCrp().isActive() && guType == 2) { centers.add(crpUser.getCrp()); } } return centers; } else { return crpManager.findAll().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getGlobalUnitType().getId() == 2) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } public CenterSubmission getCenterSubmission() { return centerSubmission; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * return the actual center year * *************************************************************** * * @return the actual year */ public int getCenterYear() { try { return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_YEAR).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } // return Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); } public long getCGIARInstitution() { return APConstants.INSTITUTION_CGIAR; } public List<CrpClusterOfActivity> getClusterOutcome(long projectID, long crpProgramID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<ProjectClusterActivity> clusters = project.getProjectClusterActivities().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getCrpClusterOfActivity().getCrpProgram().getId().longValue() == crpProgramID) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<CrpClusterOfActivity> clusterOfActivities = new ArrayList<>(); for (ProjectClusterActivity projectClusterActivity : clusters) { clusterOfActivities.add(projectClusterActivity.getCrpClusterOfActivity()); } return clusterOfActivities; } public APConfig getConfig() { return config; } public List<CrpProgramOutcome> getContributionsOutcome(long projectID, long crpProgramID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<ProjectOutcome> outcomes = project.getProjectOutcomes().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getCrpProgramOutcome().getCrpProgram().getId().longValue() == crpProgramID) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<CrpProgramOutcome> crpProgramOutcomes = new ArrayList<>(); for (ProjectOutcome projectOutcome : outcomes) { crpProgramOutcomes.add(projectOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome()); } return crpProgramOutcomes; } /** * Check if the project contributes two or more flagships * * @param projectID - the project ID * @return true if the project contribute two or more flagships */ public boolean getCountProjectFlagships(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); if (project != null) { if (project.getProjectFocuses() != null) { List<ProjectFocus> projectFocuses = new ArrayList<>(project.getProjectFocuses().stream() .filter(pf -> pf.isActive() && pf.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && pf .getCrpProgram().getProgramType() == ProgramType.FLAGSHIP_PROGRAM_TYPE.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if (projectFocuses != null) { if (projectFocuses.size() >= 2) { return true; } } } } return false; } /* * List a Global Unit depends of the category * (TODO change the method Name after test the functionality) */ public List<GlobalUnit> getCrpCategoryList(String category) { List<GlobalUnit> globalUnits = crpManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.isMarlo() && c.getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue() == Integer.parseInt(category)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); globalUnits.sort((gu1, gu2) -> gu1.getAcronym().compareTo(gu2.getAcronym())); return globalUnits; } /** * Get the crp that is currently save in the session, if the user access to the platform whit a diferent url, get the * current action to catch the crp * * @return the crp that the user has log in */ public Long getCrpID() { try { if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { GlobalUnit crp = (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) != null ? (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) : null; this.crpID = crp.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the user crp in the session."); } } else { return this.crpID; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "I'm not exactly sure what exception this is supposed to catch! If this statement ever gets printed, I will be surprised!", e); /** * Original code swallows the exception and didn't even log it. Now we at least log it, * but we need to revisit to see if we should continue processing or re-throw the exception. */ } return this.crpID; } /** * Get the Crp List * * @return List<Crp> object */ public List<GlobalUnit> getCrpList() { List<GlobalUnit> centers = new ArrayList<>(); if (!this.canAccessSuperAdmin()) { User user = this.getCurrentUser(); user = userManager.getUser(user.getId()); List<CrpUser> users = new ArrayList<>( user.getCrpUsers().stream().filter(u -> u.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); for (CrpUser crpUser : users) { long guType = crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getId(); if (crpUser.getCrp().isActive() && guType == 1) { centers.add(crpUser.getCrp()); } } return centers; } else { return crpManager.findAll().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getGlobalUnitType().getId() == 1) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } /** * Get the crp that is currently save in the session, if the user access to the platform whit a diferent url, get the * current action to catch the crp * * @return the crp that the user has log in */ public String getCrpSession() { if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { GlobalUnit crp = (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) != null ? (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) : null; this.crpSession = crp.getAcronym(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the user crp in the session."); } } else { String actionName = this.getActionName(); if (actionName.split("/").length > 1) { this.crpSession = actionName.split("/")[0]; } } return this.crpSession; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ****************************** * Gets the current center phase * ******************************************************************** * * @return a Current Phase Object */ public Phase getCurrentCenterPhase() { try { Map<Long, Phase> allPhases = this.getAllPhases(); // TODO // Map<String, Parameter> parameters = this.getParameters(); // if (this.getPhaseID() != null) { // long phaseID = Long.parseLong(StringUtils.trim(parameters.get(APConstants.PHASE_ID).getMultipleValues()[0])); // Phase phase = allPhases.get(new Long(phaseID)); // return phase; // } // if (parameters != null && parameters.containsKey(APConstants.PHASE_ID)) { // long phaseID = Long.parseLong(StringUtils.trim(parameters.get(APConstants.PHASE_ID).getMultipleValues()[0])); // Phase phase = allPhases.get(new Long(phaseID)); // return phase; // } if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.CENTER_CURRENT_PHASE)) { Phase phase = (Phase) this.getSession().get(APConstants.CENTER_CURRENT_PHASE); return phase; } else { Phase phase = phaseManager.findCycle(APConstants.REPORTING, this.getActualPhase().getYear(), this.getCrpID()); this.getSession().put(APConstants.CENTER_CURRENT_PHASE, phase); return phase; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new Phase(null, "", -1); } } public GlobalUnit getCurrentCrp() { if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { GlobalUnit crp = (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) != null ? (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) : null; this.currentCrp = crp; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the user crp in the session."); } } else { this.currentCrp = null; } return this.currentCrp; } public String getCurrentCycle() { try { if (this.isReportingActive()) { return APConstants.REPORTING; } else { return APConstants.PLANNING; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String getCurrentCycleParam() { try { if (this.isReportingActiveParam()) { return APConstants.REPORTING; } else { return APConstants.PLANNING; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public int getCurrentCycleYear() { return this.getActualPhase().getYear(); } public int getCurrentCycleYearParam() { try { if (this.isReportingActiveParam()) { return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_REPORTING_YEAR).toString()); } else { return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_PLANNING_YEAR).toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } public GlobalUnit getCurrentGlobalUnit() { if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { GlobalUnit crp = (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) != null ? (GlobalUnit) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_CRP) : null; this.currentCrp = crp; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the Global Unit in the session."); } } else { this.currentCrp = null; } return this.currentCrp; } /** * Get the user that is currently saved in the session. * * @return a user object or null if no user was found. */ public User getCurrentUser() { User u = null; if (session != null && !session.isEmpty()) { try { u = session.get(APConstants.SESSION_USER) != null ? (User) session.get(APConstants.SESSION_USER) : null; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("There was a problem trying to find the user in the session."); } } return u; } /** * This method return the Date Format from APConstants class * * @return A dateformat (yyyy-MM-dd) */ public String getDateFormat() { return APConstants.DATE_FORMAT; } public String getDeliverableComplianceCheck() { return APConstants.DELIVERABLE_RULE_COMPILANCE_CHECK; } public String getDeliverableComputerLicense() { return APConstants.DELIVERABLE_RULE_COMPUTER_LICENSE; } public String getDeliverableDataLicense() { return APConstants.DELIVERABLE_RULE_DATA_LICENSE; } public String getDeliverableJournalArticles() { return APConstants.DELIVERABLE_RULE_JORNAL_ARTICLES; } public String getDeliverablePublicationMetadata() { return APConstants.DELIVERABLE_RULE_PUBLICATION_METADATA; } public List<Deliverable> getDeliverableRelationsImpact(Long id, String className) { Class<?> clazz; List<Deliverable> deliverables = null; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); if (clazz == CrpClusterKeyOutput.class) { CrpClusterKeyOutput crpClusterKeyOutput = crpClusterKeyOutputManager.getCrpClusterKeyOutputById(id); List<DeliverableInfo> deList = crpClusterKeyOutput.getDeliverables().stream().filter( c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Deliverable> deSet = new HashSet<>(); for (DeliverableInfo deliverableInfo : deList) { Deliverable deliverable = deliverableInfo.getDeliverable(); deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()); if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo() != null) { if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() >= this.getActualPhase() .getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer.parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer.parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } } } deliverables = new ArrayList<>(); deliverables.addAll(deSet); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return deliverables; } public List<Deliverable> getDeliverableRelationsProject(Long id, String className, Long projectID) { Class<?> clazz; List<Deliverable> deliverables = null; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); if (clazz == ProjectBudget.class) { ProjectBudget projectBudget = projectBudgetManager.getProjectBudgetById(id); List<DeliverableFundingSource> deList = projectBudget.getFundingSource() .getDeliverableFundingSources().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getDeliverable().getProject().getId().longValue() == projectID.longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Deliverable> deSet = new HashSet<>(); for (DeliverableFundingSource deliverableInfo : deList) { Deliverable deliverable = deliverableInfo.getDeliverable(); long projectDB = deliverable.getProject().getId().longValue(); if (deliverable.getProject() != null && projectDB == projectID) { if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo() != null) { if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } // Rule for reporting: Show completed deliverables if (this.isReportingActive()) { if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() == this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Complete.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } } } } } deliverables = new ArrayList<>(); deliverables.addAll(deSet); } if (clazz == Project.class) { ProjectBudget projectBudget = projectBudgetManager.getProjectBudgetById(id); List<DeliverableFundingSource> deList = projectBudget.getFundingSource() .getDeliverableFundingSources().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getDeliverable().getProject().getId().longValue() == projectID.longValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Deliverable> deSet = new HashSet<>(); for (DeliverableFundingSource deliverableInfo : deList) { Deliverable deliverable = deliverableInfo.getDeliverable(); long projectDB = deliverable.getProject().getId().longValue(); if (deliverable.getProject() != null && projectDB == projectID) { if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo() != null) { if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId())) { deSet.add(deliverable); } } } } deliverables = new ArrayList<>(); deliverables.addAll(deSet); } if (clazz == ProjectOutcome.class) { deliverables = new ArrayList<>(); ProjectOutcome projectOutcome = projectOutcomeManager.getProjectOutcomeById(id); List<CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome> keyOutputOutcomes = projectOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome() .getCrpClusterKeyOutputOutcomes().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome crpClusterKeyOutputOutcome : keyOutputOutcomes) { deliverables.addAll(this.getDeliverableRelationsImpact( crpClusterKeyOutputOutcome.getCrpClusterKeyOutput().getId(), CrpClusterKeyOutput.class.getName())); } HashSet<Deliverable> deList = new HashSet<>(); for (Deliverable deliverable : deliverables) { deliverable.setDeliverableInfo(deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase())); if (deliverable.getProject() != null && deliverable.getProject().getId().longValue() == projectID.longValue()) { if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo() != null) { if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo().getNewExpectedYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { deList.add(deliverable); } if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId())) { deList.add(deliverable); } // Rule for reporting: Show completed deliverables if (this.isReportingActive()) { if (deliverable.isActive() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() == this .getActualPhase().getYear() && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Complete.getStatusId())) { deList.add(deliverable); } } } } } deliverables.clear(); deliverables.addAll(deList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return deliverables; } public List<String> getDeliverableTypesByRule(String rule) { List<String> rules = new ArrayList<>(); List<DeliverableTypeRule> deliverableTypeRules = deliverableTypeRuleManager .findDeliverableTypeRuleByRule(rule); for (DeliverableTypeRule deliverableTypeRule : deliverableTypeRules) { rules.add(deliverableTypeRule.getDeliverableType().getId().toString()); } return rules; } public List<HistoryDifference> getDifferences() { return differences; } public FileDB getFileDB(FileDB preview, File file, String fileFileName, String path) { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); String md5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(fis); FileDB dbFile = null; if (preview != null) { if (preview.getFileName().equals(fileFileName) && !md5.equals(preview.getTokenId())) { dbFile = new FileDB(fileFileName, md5); FileDB dbFilePrev = preview; Path prevFile = Paths.get(path + dbFilePrev.getFileName()); String newName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(fileFileName) + "_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileFileName); newName = newName.replaceAll(":", "-"); Files.move(prevFile, prevFile.resolveSibling(newName)); dbFilePrev.setFileName(newName); fileDBManager.saveFileDB(dbFilePrev); } else { if (preview.getFileName().equals(fileFileName) && md5.equals(preview.getTokenId())) { dbFile = preview; } else { dbFile = new FileDB(fileFileName, md5); } } } else { dbFile = new FileDB(fileFileName, md5); } fileDBManager.saveFileDB(dbFile); return dbFile; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Get the Global Unit Type * * @return the global unit type ID. */ public int getGlobalUnitType() { GlobalUnit globalUnit = this.getCurrentCrp(); int re = globalUnit.getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue(); return re; } /** * Get the folder path according if the user navigate in center,crp or platform sections. * * @return the String folder path. */ public String getHeaderPath() { switch (this.getCurrentCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue()) { case 1: return "crp/"; case 2: return "center/"; default: return null; } } public long getIFPRIId() { return APConstants.IFPRI_ID; } public boolean getImpactSectionStatus(String section, long crpProgramID) { SectionStatus sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByCrpProgam(crpProgramID, section, this.getActualPhase().getDescription(), this.getActualPhase().getYear()); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() == 0 && !this.getAutoSaveFilePath(CrpProgram.class.getSimpleName(), section, crpProgramID)) { return true; } } return false; } public HashMap<String, String> getInvalidFields() { return invalidFields; } public String getJustification() { return justification; } public String getLiasons() { String liasonsUsers = ""; User u = userManager.getUser(this.getCurrentUser().getId()); for (LiaisonUser liaisonUser : u.getLiasonsUsers().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getCrp().getId().intValue() == this.getCrpID().intValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { if (liasonsUsers.isEmpty()) { liasonsUsers = liaisonUser.getLiaisonInstitution().getAcronym(); } else { liasonsUsers = liasonsUsers + "," + liaisonUser.getLiaisonInstitution().getAcronym(); } } return liasonsUsers; } public List<GlobalUnitType> getListGlobalUnitTypes() { List<GlobalUnitType> globalUnitTypes = globalUnitTypeManager.findAll(); for (GlobalUnitType globalUnitType : globalUnitTypes) { globalUnitType.setGlobalUnitsList(globalUnitType.getGlobalUnits().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); globalUnitType.getGlobalUnitsList().sort((i1, i2) -> i1.getAcronym().compareTo(i2.getAcronym())); } return globalUnitTypes; } public List<GlobalUnitType> getListGlobalUnitTypesUser() { if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.AVAILABLES_GLOBAL_TYPES)) { return (List<GlobalUnitType>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.AVAILABLES_GLOBAL_TYPES); } else { List<GlobalUnitType> globalUnitTypes = new ArrayList(); User user = this.getCurrentUser(); user = userManager.getUser(user.getId()); List<CrpUser> users = new ArrayList<>( user.getCrpUsers().stream().filter(u -> u.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); for (CrpUser crpUser : users) { if (!globalUnitTypes.contains(crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType())) { crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType().setGlobalUnitsList(new ArrayList<>()); crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getGlobalUnitsList().add(crpUser.getCrp()); if (crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType().isActive()) { globalUnitTypes.add(crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType()); } } else { int index = globalUnitTypes.indexOf(crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType()); GlobalUnitType globalUnitType = globalUnitTypes.get(index); if (!globalUnitType.getGlobalUnitsList().contains(crpUser.getCrp())) { globalUnitType.getGlobalUnitsList().add(crpUser.getCrp()); } } } this.getSession().put(APConstants.AVAILABLES_GLOBAL_TYPES, globalUnitTypes); return globalUnitTypes; } } public List<Auditlog> getListLog(IAuditLog object) { try { return auditLogManager.listLogs(object.getClass(), Long.parseLong(object.getId().toString()), this.getActionName(), this.getActualPhase().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList<Auditlog>(); } } /** * Define default locale while we decide to support other languages in the future. */ @Override public Locale getLocale() { return Locale.ENGLISH; } public StringBuilder getMissingFields() { return missingFields; } public String getNamespace() { return ServletActionContext.getActionMapping().getNamespace(); } /** * get the number of users log in in the application * * @return the number of users online */ public int getOnline() { if (SessionCounter.users != null) { return SessionCounter.users.size(); } return 0; } public List<Deliverable> getOpenDeliverables(List<Deliverable> deliverables) { List<Deliverable> openDeliverables = new ArrayList<>(); for (Deliverable a : deliverables) { if (a.isActive() && ((a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == null || a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) || (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId()) || a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue() == 0)))) { if (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getNewExpectedYear() != null) { if (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { if (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getNewExpectedYear() >= this .getCurrentCycleYear()) { openDeliverables.add(a); } } else { if (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { openDeliverables.add(a); } } } else { if (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { openDeliverables.add(a); } } } } return openDeliverables; } public Map<String, Parameter> getParameters() { parameters = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters(); return parameters; } public String getParameterValue(String param) { Object paramObj = this.getParameters().get(param); if (paramObj == null) { return null; } return ((String[]) paramObj)[0]; } public Long getPhaseID() { return phaseID; } /** * validate if the list of phases are on session if not, will be find on bd * * @return the list of the phases for the crp */ public List<Phase> getPhases() { if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.PHASES)) { return (List<Phase>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.PHASES); } else { List<Phase> phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue() && c.getVisible() != null && c.getVisible()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> p1.getStartDate().compareTo(p2.getStartDate())); this.getSession().put(APConstants.PHASES, phases); return phases; } } public List<Phase> getPhasesImpact() { if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.PHASES_IMPACT)) { return (List<Phase>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.PHASES_IMPACT); } else { List<Phase> phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue() && c.getVisible() != null && c.getVisible() && c.getDescription().equals(APConstants.PLANNING)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> p1.getStartDate().compareTo(p2.getStartDate())); this.getSession().put(APConstants.PHASES_IMPACT, phases); return phases; } } public String getPhasesImpactJson() { List<Phase> phases; if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.PHASES_IMPACT)) { phases = (List<Phase>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.PHASES_IMPACT); } else { phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue() && c.getVisible() != null && c.getVisible() && c.getDescription().equals(APConstants.PLANNING)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> new Integer(p1.getYear()).compareTo(new Integer(p2.getYear()))); this.getSession().put(APConstants.PHASES_IMPACT, phases); } GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); Gson gson = builder.create(); return gson.toJson(phases); } /** * validate if the list of phases are on session if not, will be find on bd on json format * * @return the jsons of the phases for the crp */ public String getPhasesJson() { List<Phase> phases; if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.PHASES)) { phases = (List<Phase>) this.getSession().get(APConstants.PHASES); } else { phases = phaseManager.findAll().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID().longValue() && c.getVisible() != null && c.getVisible()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); phases.sort((p1, p2) -> new Integer(p1.getYear()).compareTo(new Integer(p2.getYear()))); this.getSession().put(APConstants.PHASES, phases); } GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); Gson gson = builder.create(); return gson.toJson(phases); } public int getPlanningYear() { return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_PLANNING_YEAR).toString()); } public List<GlobalUnit> getPlatformsList() { List<GlobalUnit> centers = new ArrayList<>(); if (!this.canAccessSuperAdmin()) { User user = this.getCurrentUser(); user = userManager.getUser(user.getId()); List<CrpUser> users = new ArrayList<>( user.getCrpUsers().stream().filter(u -> u.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); for (CrpUser crpUser : users) { long guType = crpUser.getCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getId(); if (crpUser.getCrp().isActive() && guType == 3) { centers.add(crpUser.getCrp()); } } return centers; } else { return crpManager.findAll().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getGlobalUnitType().getId() == 3) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } /** * Check the powb Synthesis Section Status * * @param section * @return */ public boolean getPowbSynthesisSectionStatus(String sectionName, long powbSynthesisID) { boolean returnValue = false; SectionStatus sectionStatus; PowbSynthesis powbSynthesis = powbSynthesisManager.getPowbSynthesisById(powbSynthesisID); if (PowbSynthesisSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionName.toUpperCase()) == null) { return false; } switch (PowbSynthesisSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionName.toUpperCase())) { case FLAGSHIP_PLANS: if (this.isPowbFlagship(powbSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByPowbSynthesis(powbSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), powbSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case EVIDENCES: if (this.isPowbPMU(powbSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByPowbSynthesis(powbSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), powbSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case CROSS_CUTTING_DIMENSIONS: case STAFFING: case FINANCIAL_PLAN: case MANAGEMENT_GOVERNANCE: case MANAGEMENT_RISK: if (this.isPowbPMU(powbSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByPowbSynthesis(powbSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), powbSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; default: sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByPowbSynthesis(powbSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), powbSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } returnValue = true; break; } return returnValue; } public List<Submission> getPowbSynthesisSubmissions(long powbSynthesisID) { PowbSynthesis powbSynthesis = powbSynthesisManager.getPowbSynthesisById(powbSynthesisID); List<Submission> submissions = powbSynthesis.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && (c.isUnSubmit() == null || !c.isUnSubmit())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (submissions.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return submissions; } public List<CrpPpaPartner> getPpaPartners() { List<CrpPpaPartner> crpPpaPartners = phaseManager.getPhaseById(this.getActualPhase().getId()) .getCrpPpaPartner().stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getCrp().equals(this.getCurrentCrp())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (crpPpaPartners != null && !crpPpaPartners.isEmpty()) { crpPpaPartners.sort((i1, i2) -> i1.getInstitution().getName().compareTo(i2.getInstitution().getName())); return crpPpaPartners; } else { return new ArrayList<>(); } } public SectionStatus getProjectOutcomeStatus(long projectOutcomeID) { ProjectOutcome projectOutcome = projectOutcomeManager.getProjectOutcomeById(projectOutcomeID); List<SectionStatus> sectionStatuses = projectOutcome.getSectionStatuses().stream().filter( c -> c.getYear() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!sectionStatuses.isEmpty()) { return sectionStatuses.get(0); } return null; } public List<Project> getProjectRelationsImpact(Long id, String className) { Class<?> clazz; List<Project> projects = null; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); if (clazz == CrpProgramOutcome.class) { CrpProgramOutcome crpProgramOutcome = crpProgramOutcomeManager.getCrpProgramOutcomeById(id); List<ProjectOutcome> outcomes = crpProgramOutcome.getProjectOutcomes().stream().filter( c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Project> projectsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (ProjectOutcome projectOutcome : outcomes) { projectOutcome.getProject().getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()); if (projectOutcome.getProject().getProjectInfo() != null) { projectsSet.add(projectOutcome.getProject()); } } projects = new ArrayList<>(); projects.addAll(projectsSet); } if (clazz == CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome.class) { CrpClusterKeyOutputOutcome clusterKeyOutputOutcome = crpClusterKeyOutputOutcomeManager .getCrpClusterKeyOutputOutcomeById(id); CrpProgramOutcome crpProgramOutcome = crpProgramOutcomeManager .getCrpProgramOutcomeById(clusterKeyOutputOutcome.getCrpProgramOutcome().getId()); List<ProjectOutcome> outcomes = crpProgramOutcome.getProjectOutcomes().stream().filter( c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Project> projectsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (ProjectOutcome projectOutcome : outcomes) { projectOutcome.getProject().getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()); if (projectOutcome.getProject().getProjectInfo() != null) { projectsSet.add(projectOutcome.getProject()); } } List<Deliverable> deliverables = this.getDeliverableRelationsImpact( clusterKeyOutputOutcome.getCrpClusterKeyOutput().getId(), clusterKeyOutputOutcome.getCrpClusterKeyOutput().getClass().getName()); List<Project> deProjects = new ArrayList<>(); for (Deliverable deliverable : deliverables) { deProjects.add(deliverable.getProject()); } List<Project> projectsList = new ArrayList<>(); projectsList.addAll(projectsSet); projects = this.intersection(projectsList, deProjects); } if (clazz == CrpClusterOfActivity.class) { CrpClusterOfActivity crpClusterOfActivity = crpClusterOfActivityManager .getCrpClusterOfActivityById(id); List<ProjectClusterActivity> activities = crpClusterOfActivity.getProjectClusterActivities() .stream().filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Project> projectsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (ProjectClusterActivity crProjectClusterActivity : activities) { crProjectClusterActivity.getProject().getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()); if (crProjectClusterActivity.getProject().getProjectInfo() != null) { projectsSet.add(crProjectClusterActivity.getProject()); } projectsSet.add(crProjectClusterActivity.getProject()); } projects = new ArrayList<>(); projects.addAll(projectsSet); } if (clazz == CrpMilestone.class) { CrpMilestone crpMilestone = crpMilestoneManager.getCrpMilestoneById(id); List<ProjectMilestone> projectMilestones = crpMilestone.getProjectMilestones().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getProjectOutcome().getPhase() != null && c.getProjectOutcome().isActive() && c.getProjectOutcome().getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Project> projectsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (ProjectMilestone projectMilestone : projectMilestones) { projectMilestone.getProjectOutcome().getProject().getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()); if (projectMilestone.getProjectOutcome().getProject().getProjectInfo() != null) { projectsSet.add(projectMilestone.getProjectOutcome().getProject()); } } projects = new ArrayList<>(); projects.addAll(projectsSet); } if (clazz == CrpPpaPartner.class) { CrpPpaPartner crpPpaPartner = crpPpaPartnerManager.getCrpPpaPartnerById(id); List<ProjectPartner> partners = crpPpaPartner.getInstitution().getProjectPartners().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().getId().equals(this.getActualPhase().getId()) && c.getProject().getGlobalUnitProjects().stream() .filter(gup -> gup.isActive() && gup.isOrigin() && gup.getGlobalUnit().getId().equals(this.getCrpID())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Project> projectsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (ProjectPartner projectPartner : partners) { projectsSet.add(projectPartner.getProject()); } projects = new ArrayList<>(); projects.addAll(projectsSet); } } catch (Exception e) { } List<Project> avaliableProjects = new ArrayList<>(); if (projects != null) { for (Project project : projects) { if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) { if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().longValue() == Long .parseLong(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) || project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().longValue() == Long .parseLong(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getEndDate() != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getEndDate()); if (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) >= this.getActualPhase().getYear()) { avaliableProjects.add(project); } } } } } projects.clear(); projects.addAll(avaliableProjects); } return projects; } /** * Green checks in Projects Menu */ public boolean getProjectSectionStatus(String section, long projectID) { boolean returnValue = false; SectionStatus sectionStatus; Project project; if (ProjectSectionStatusEnum.value(section.toUpperCase()) == null) { return false; } switch (ProjectSectionStatusEnum.value(section.toUpperCase())) { case OUTCOMES: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<ProjectOutcome> projectOutcomes = project.getProjectOutcomes().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); project.setOutcomes(projectOutcomes); if (!(project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative() != null && project .getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative().booleanValue() == true)) { if (project.getOutcomes().isEmpty()) { return false; } } else { return true; } for (ProjectOutcome projectOutcome : project.getOutcomes()) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProjectOutcome(projectOutcome.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case CASESTUDIES: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<CaseStudyProject> caseStudies = project.getCaseStudyProjects().stream().filter(d -> d.isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<CaseStudy> caStudies = new ArrayList<>(); for (CaseStudyProject caseStudyProject : caseStudies) { if (caseStudyProject.isActive() && caseStudyProject.getCaseStudy().getYear() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { caStudies.add(caseStudyProject.getCaseStudy()); sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByCaseStudy( caseStudyProject.getCaseStudy().getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } if (caStudies.isEmpty()) { return true; } returnValue = true; break; case HIGHLIGHTS: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<ProjectHighlight> highlights = project.getProjectHighligths().stream() .filter(d -> d.getProjectHighlightInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && d.isActive() && d.getProjectHighlightInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear().intValue() == this .getCurrentCycleYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (highlights.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (ProjectHighlight highlight : highlights) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProjectHighlight(highlight.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case DELIVERABLES: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<Deliverable> deliverables = project.getDeliverables().stream() .filter(d -> d.isActive() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Deliverable> openA = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.isPlanningActive()) { openA = .filter(a -> a.isActive() && a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && ((a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == null || (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) && a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this .getActualPhase().getYear()) || (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId()) || a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == 0)))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } else { openA = .filter(a -> a.isActive() && a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && ((a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == null || a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) || (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId()) || a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() .intValue() == 0)))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); openA.addAll( .filter(d -> d.isActive() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() == this .getCurrentCycleYear() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Complete.getStatusId())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); openA.addAll( .filter(d -> d.isActive() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getNewExpectedYear() != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getNewExpectedYear() .intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Complete.getStatusId())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } if (openA.isEmpty()) { if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative() != null && project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative().booleanValue()) { return true; } return false; } for (Deliverable deliverable : openA) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByDeliverable(deliverable.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case ACTIVITIES: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); project.setProjectActivities(new ArrayList<Activity>(project.getActivities().stream() .filter(a -> a.isActive() && a.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()))); if (project.getProjectActivities().isEmpty()) { return true; } sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProject(projectID, this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() == 0) { return true; } } break; case BUDGET: if (this.isReportingActive()) { return true; } project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); if (project.getProjectBudgets().stream() .filter(d -> d.isActive() && d.getPhase() != null && d.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).isEmpty()) { return false; } sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProject(projectID, this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() == 0) { return true; } } break; case DESCRIPTION: case LOCATIONS: sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProject(projectID, this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() == 0) { return true; } } else { if (this.isReportingActive()) { return true; } } break; case EXPECTEDSTUDIES: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); Set<ProjectExpectedStudy> myStudies = new HashSet<>(); // Owner Studies List<ProjectExpectedStudy> ownerStudies = project.getProjectExpectedStudies().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getProjectExpectedStudyInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && c.getYear() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (ownerStudies != null && !ownerStudies.isEmpty()) { myStudies.addAll(ownerStudies); } // Shared Studies List<ExpectedStudyProject> sharedStudies = project.getExpectedStudyProjects().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getProjectExpectedStudy().getYear() != null && c.getProjectExpectedStudy().getYear() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && c.getProjectExpectedStudy() .getProjectExpectedStudyInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (sharedStudies != null && !sharedStudies.isEmpty()) { for (ExpectedStudyProject expectedStudyProject : sharedStudies) { myStudies.add(expectedStudyProject.getProjectExpectedStudy()); } } if (myStudies.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (ProjectExpectedStudy projectExpectedStudy : myStudies) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProjectExpectedStudy( projectExpectedStudy.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } else { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case INNOVATIONS: project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<ProjectInnovation> innovations = project.getProjectInnovations().stream() .filter(c -> c.getProjectInnovationInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && c.isActive() && c.getProjectInnovationInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear().intValue() == this .getCurrentCycleYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (innovations.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (ProjectInnovation projectInnovation : innovations) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProjectInnovation(projectInnovation.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } else { return false; } } returnValue = true; break; case LEVERAGES: sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProject(projectID, this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() == 0) { return true; } } else { return true; } returnValue = false; break; default: sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProject(projectID, this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), section); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() == 0) { return true; } break; } } return returnValue; } public List<Submission> getProjectSubmissions(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<Submission> submissions = project.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && (c.isUnSubmit() == null || !c.isUnSubmit())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (submissions.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return submissions; } /** ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * return true if the user can view the impactPathway * ********************************************************* * Return the sync code if the center project has synchronized by another project * * @param centerProjectID * @return the Sync Code */ public String getProjectSyncCode(long centerProjectID) { CenterProject project = projectService.getCenterProjectById(centerProjectID); if (project != null) { if (project.isAutoFill()) { try { CenterProjectFundingSource fundingSource = project.getProjectFundingSources().stream() .filter(fs -> fs.isActive() && fs.isAutoFill()).collect(Collectors.toList()).get(0); if (fundingSource != null) { return fundingSource.getCode(); } } catch (Exception e) { return "---"; } } } return "---"; } public long getReportingIndGeographicScopeGlobal() { return APConstants.PROJECT_PARTNER_PARTNERSHIP_GLOBAL; } public long getReportingIndGeographicScopeMultiNational() { return APConstants.PROJECT_PARTNER_PARTNERSHIP_MULTI_NATIONAL; } public long getReportingIndGeographicScopeNational() { return APConstants.PROJECT_PARTNER_PARTNERSHIP_NATIONAL; } public long getReportingIndGeographicScopeRegional() { return APConstants.PROJECT_PARTNER_PARTNERSHIP_REGIONAL; } public long getReportingIndGeographicScopeSubNational() { return APConstants.PROJECT_PARTNER_PARTNERSHIP_SUB_NATIONAL; } public long getReportingIndTypeActivityAcademicDegree() { return APConstants.REPORTING_INDICATOR_TYPE_ACTIVITY_ACADEMIC_DEGREE; } public int getReportingYear() { return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_REPORTING_YEAR).toString()); } /** * Check the annual report Section Status * * @param section * @return */ public boolean getReportSynthesisSectionStatus(String sectionName, long synthesisID) { boolean returnValue = false; SectionStatus sectionStatus; ReportSynthesis reportSynthesis = reportSynthesisManager.getReportSynthesisById(synthesisID); if (ReportSynthesisSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionName.toUpperCase()) == null) { return false; } switch (ReportSynthesisSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionName.toUpperCase())) { case FLAGSHIP_PROGRESS: if (this.isPowbFlagship(reportSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByReportSynthesis(reportSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), reportSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } returnValue = true; } break; case VARIANCE: case FUNDING_USE: case EFFICIENCY: case GOVERNANCE: case RISKS: case FINANCIAL_SUMMARY: case INFLUENCE: case CONTROL: if (this.isPowbPMU(reportSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByReportSynthesis(reportSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), reportSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } returnValue = true; } break; default: sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByReportSynthesis(reportSynthesis.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), reportSynthesis.getPhase().getYear(), sectionName); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } returnValue = true; break; } return returnValue; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } public String getRoles() { String roles = ""; User u = userManager.getUser(this.getCurrentUser().getId()); for (UserRole userRole : u.getUserRoles().stream() .filter(c -> c.getRole().getCrp().getId().intValue() == this.getCrpID().intValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { if (roles.isEmpty()) { roles = userRole.getRole().getAcronym(); } else { roles = roles + "," + userRole.getRole().getAcronym(); } } return roles; } public BaseSecurityContext getSecurityContext() { return securityContext; } public Map<String, Object> getSession() { return session; } public Submission getSubmission() { return submission; } public String getTimeZone() { TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); String display = timeZone.getDisplayName(); return display; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public List<UserToken> getUsersOnline() { return SessionCounter.users; } public List<Map<String, Object>> getUsersToActive() { return usersToActive; } public StringBuilder getValidationMessage() { return validationMessage; } /** * Return the artifact version of the Marlo project pom.xml * * @return the actual Marlo version */ public String getVersion() { String version = this.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); if (version == null) { Properties prop = new Properties(); try { prop.load(ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")); version = prop.getProperty("Implementation-Version"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("MAINFEST file Does not exist"); } } return version; } /** * Years available per CRPs (used in Summaries) * * @return String of years for a CRP/Platform/Center */ public ArrayList<String> getYears() { years = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Integer> yearsSet = new HashSet<>(); List<Phase> phases = this.getPhases(); if (phases != null && !phases.isEmpty()) { for (Phase phase : phases) { yearsSet.add(phase.getYear()); } if (yearsSet != null && !yearsSet.isEmpty()) { for (Integer yearInt : yearsSet) { years.add(yearInt.toString()); } java.util.Collections.sort(years); } } return years; } public int goldDataValue(long deliverableID) { Deliverable deliverableBD = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); int total = 0; this.loadQualityCheck(deliverableBD); if (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck() != null) { if (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck().getQualityAssurance() != null) { switch (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck().getQualityAssurance().getId().intValue()) { case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_YES_BUT_NO: total = total + 25; break; case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_YES: total = total + 50; break; case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_NO: total = total + 5; break; } } if (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck().getDataDictionary() != null) { switch (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck().getDataDictionary().getId().intValue()) { case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_YES_BUT_NO: total = total + 25; break; case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_YES: total = total + 50; break; case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_NO: total = total + 5; break; } } if (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck().getDataTools() != null) { switch (deliverableBD.getQualityCheck().getDataTools().getId().intValue()) { case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_YES_BUT_NO: total = total + 25; break; case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_YES: total = total + 50; break; case APConstants.DELIVERABLE_QUALITY_ANSWER_NO: total = total + 5; break; } } } return total; } public Boolean hasDeliverableRule(DeliverableInfo deliverableInfo, String rule) { if (deliverableInfo != null && deliverableInfo.getDeliverableType() != null && deliverableInfo.getDeliverableType().getId() != null && deliverableInfo.getDeliverableType().getId() != -1) { DeliverableType deliverableType = deliverableTypeManager .getDeliverableTypeById(deliverableInfo.getDeliverableType().getId()); List<DeliverableTypeRule> deliverableTypeRules = deliverableType.getDeliverableTypeRules().stream() .filter(dtr -> dtr.getDeliverableRule().getName().equals(rule)).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (deliverableType.getDeliverableCategory() != null) { deliverableTypeRules.addAll(deliverableType.getDeliverableCategory().getDeliverableTypeRules() .stream().filter(dtr -> dtr.getDeliverableRule().getName().equals(rule)) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } if (deliverableTypeRules != null && !deliverableTypeRules.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } public boolean hasPermission(String fieldName) { if (basePermission == null) { return securityContext.hasPermission(fieldName); } else { if (this.getCrpSession() != null) { Phase phase = this.getActualPhase(); String basePhase = this.getBasePermission().replaceAll(this.getCrpSession(), this.getCrpSession() + ":" + phase.getDescription() + ":" + phase.getYear()); return securityContext.hasPermission(basePhase + ":" + fieldName) || securityContext.hasPermission(basePhase) || securityContext.hasPermission(this.getBasePermission() + ":" + fieldName); } else { return securityContext.hasPermission(this.getBasePermission() + ":" + fieldName); } } } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * validation base method to check the permission in MARLO centers. * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the user have the permission */ public boolean hasPermissionCenter(String fieldName) { if (basePermission == null) { return securityContext.hasPermission(fieldName); } else { return securityContext.hasPermission(this.getBasePermission() + ":" + fieldName); } } public boolean hasPermissionCrpIndicators(long liaisonID) { String params[] = { this.getCrpSession(), liaisonID + "", }; boolean permission = this .hasPermissionNoBase(this.generatePermission(Permission.CRP_INDICATORS_PERMISSION, params)); return permission; } public boolean hasPermissionNoBase(String fieldName) { return securityContext.hasPermission(fieldName); } public boolean hasPermissionSynthesis(long program) { String params[] = { this.getCrpSession(), program + "", }; boolean permission = this .hasPermissionNoBase(this.generatePermission(Permission.SYNTHESIS_BY_MOG_PERMISSION, params)); return permission; } public boolean hasPersmissionSubmit(long projectId) { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_SUBMISSION_PERMISSION, this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym(), String.valueOf(projectId)); boolean permissions = this.securityContext.hasPermission(permission); return permissions; } /** * TODO * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * validate if the user can submit the capdev * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the user have the permission */ public boolean hasPersmissionSubmitCapDev(long capDevID) { CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment = capacityDevelopmentService.getCapacityDevelopmentById(capDevID); return true; } public boolean hasPersmissionSubmitImpact() { return this.hasPermission("submit"); } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * validate if the user can submit the impact pathway * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the user have the permission */ public boolean hasPersmissionSubmitIP(long programID) { CrpProgram program = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(programID); String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.RESEARCH_PROGRAM_SUBMISSION_PERMISSION, this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym(), String.valueOf(program.getResearchArea().getId()), String.valueOf(programID)); boolean permissions = this.securityContext.hasPermission(permission); return permissions; } public boolean hasPersmissionSubmitPowb(long powbSynthesisID) { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.POWB_SYNTHESIS_SUBMISSION_PERMISSION, this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym(), String.valueOf(powbSynthesisID)); boolean permissions = this.securityContext.hasPermission(permission); return permissions; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * validate if the user can submit the project * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the user have the permission */ public boolean hasPersmissionSubmitProject(long projectID) { CenterProject project = projectService.getCenterProjectById(projectID); CrpProgram program = null; String permission = this.generatePermissionCenter(Permission.PROJECT_SUBMISSION_PERMISSION, this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym(), String.valueOf(program.getResearchArea().getId()), String.valueOf(program.getId()), String.valueOf(projectID)); boolean permissions = this.securityContext.hasPermission(permission); return permissions; } public boolean hasPersmissionUnSubmit(long projectId) { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.PROJECT_UNSUBMISSION_PERMISSION, this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym(), String.valueOf(projectId)); boolean permissions = this.securityContext.hasPermission(permission); return permissions; } public boolean hasPersmissionUnSubmitImpact(long programID) { String permission = this.generatePermission(Permission.IMPACT_PATHWAY_UNSUBMISSION_PERMISSION, this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym(), String.valueOf(programID)); boolean permissions = this.securityContext.hasPermission(permission); return permissions; } public boolean hasProgramnsRegions() { try { return Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_HAS_REGIONS).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean hasSpecificities(String specificity) { try { boolean param = Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(specificity).toString()); return param; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Validate Missing fields in Project Expected Studies * * @return */ public boolean hasStudiesMissingFields(String className, long id) { SectionStatus sectionStatus = null; ProjectExpectedStudy expectedStudy = projectExpectedStudyManager.getProjectExpectedStudyById(id); sectionStatus = sectionStatusManager.getSectionStatusByProjectExpectedStudy(expectedStudy.getId(), this.getCurrentCycle(), this.getCurrentCycleYear(), ProjectSectionStatusEnum.EXPECTEDSTUDIES.getStatus()); if (sectionStatus != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields() != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().trim().equals("")) { return true; } } } return false; } public <T> List<T> intersection(List<T> list1, List<T> list2) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T t : list1) { if (list2.contains(t)) { list.add(t); } } return list; } public Boolean isA(long deliverableID) { try { Deliverable deliverableBD = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); this.loadDissemination(deliverableBD); if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getIsOpenAccess() != null && deliverableBD.getDissemination().getIsOpenAccess().booleanValue()) { return true; } if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getIsOpenAccess() == null) { return null; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * @param role * @return true if is the user role */ public boolean isAdmin() { return securityContext.hasRole("Admin"); } public boolean isAvailabePhase() { return availabePhase; } public boolean isCanEdit() { return canEdit; } public boolean isCanEditPhase() { return canEditPhase; } public boolean isCanSwitchProject() { return canSwitchProject; } public boolean isCapDevManager() { String params[] = { this.getCrpSession() }; return (this.hasPermission(this.generatePermission(Permission.CAP_DEV_FULL_PERMISSION, params))); } public boolean isCenterGlobalUnit() { if (this.getCurrentCrp() != null) { if (this.getCurrentCrp().getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue() == 4) { return true; } } return false; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * verify if the cap-dev is complete * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the cap dev is complete */ public boolean isCompleteCapDev(long capDevID) { if (sectionStatusService.findAll() == null) { return false; } final CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment = capacityDevelopmentService .getCapacityDevelopmentById(capDevID); final List<String> statuses = secctionStatusService.distinctSectionStatusCapDev(capDevID); if (statuses.size() != 3) { return false; } if (!this.validateCapDevSupDocs(capacityDevelopment)) { return false; } final List<CenterSectionStatus> sectionStatuses = new ArrayList<>(capacityDevelopment.getSectionStatuses() .stream().filter(ss -> ss.getYear() == (short) this.getActualPhase().getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if ((sectionStatuses != null) && (sectionStatuses.size() > 0)) { for (final CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus : sectionStatuses) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } else { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * verify if the project is complete * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the project is complete */ public boolean isCompleteCenterProject(long projectID) { if (sectionStatusService.findAll() == null) { return false; } CenterProject project = projectService.getCenterProjectById(projectID); List<String> statuses = secctionStatusService.distinctSectionStatusProject(projectID); if (statuses.size() != 3) { return false; } List<CenterSectionStatus> sectionStatuses = new ArrayList<>(project.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(ss -> ss.getYear() == (short) this.getActualPhase().getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if (sectionStatuses != null && sectionStatuses.size() > 0) { for (CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus : sectionStatuses) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } else { return false; } return true; } public boolean isCompleteCrpIndicator(long liaisonIntitution) { List<SectionStatus> sectionStatus = null; IpLiaisonInstitution ipLiaisonInstitution = ipLiaisonInstitutionManager .getIpLiaisonInstitutionById(liaisonIntitution); sectionStatus = ipLiaisonInstitution.getSectionStatus().stream() .filter(c -> c.getSectionName().equals(ProjectSectionStatusEnum.CRP_INDICATORS.getStatus()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (SectionStatus sectionStatus2 : sectionStatus) { if (sectionStatus2.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } if (sectionStatus.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isCompleteImpact(long crpProgramID) { List<SectionStatus> sectionsBD = sectionStatusManager.findAll(); if (sectionsBD == null) { return false; } CrpProgram cpCrpProgram = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(crpProgramID); List<SectionStatus> sections = cpCrpProgram.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(c -> c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle() != null && c.getCycle().equals(this.getActualPhase().getDescription())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } if (sections.size() == 0) { return false; } if (sections.size() < 2) { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * verify if the impact pathway is complete * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the IP is complete */ public boolean isCompleteIP(long programID) { if (sectionStatusService.findAll() == null) { return false; } CrpProgram researchProgram = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(programID); List<String> statuses = secctionStatusService.distinctSectionStatus(programID); if (statuses.size() != 4) { return false; } if (!this.validateCenterOutcome(researchProgram)) { return false; } if (!this.validateCenterOutput(researchProgram)) { return false; } List<CenterSectionStatus> sectionStatuses = new ArrayList<>(researchProgram.getCenterSectionStatuses() .stream().filter(ss -> ss.getYear() == (short) this.getActualPhase().getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if (sectionStatuses != null && sectionStatuses.size() > 0) { for (CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus : sectionStatuses) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Check if all the powb Synthesis Sections by Liaison Institution is completed * * @param sectionName * @param liaisonInstitutionID * @return */ public boolean isCompleteLiaisonSection(long liaisonInstitutionID) { Phase phase = this.getActualPhase(); PowbSynthesis powbSynthesis = powbSynthesisManager.findSynthesis(phase.getId(), liaisonInstitutionID); if (powbSynthesis != null) { return this.isCompletePowbSynthesis(powbSynthesis.getId()); } else { return false; } } /** * Check if all the annual Synthesis Sections by Liaison Institution is completed * * @param liaisonInstitutionID * @return */ public boolean isCompleteLiaisonSectionReport(long liaisonInstitutionID) { Phase phase = this.getActualPhase(); ReportSynthesis reportSynthesis = reportSynthesisManager.findSynthesis(phase.getId(), liaisonInstitutionID); if (reportSynthesis != null) { return this.isCompleteReportSynthesis(reportSynthesis.getId()); } else { return false; } } /** * Check if the powb synthesis is complete by the flagships or the PMU. * * @param phaseID * @return */ public boolean isCompletePowbSynthesis(long powbSynthesisID) { int secctions = 0; if (sectionStatusManager.findAll() == null) { return false; } PowbSynthesis powbSynthesis = powbSynthesisManager.getPowbSynthesisById(powbSynthesisID); if (powbSynthesis.getSectionStatuses() != null) { List<SectionStatus> sections = new ArrayList<>(powbSynthesis.getSectionStatuses()); for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && sectionStatus.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { switch (PowbSynthesisSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionStatus.getSectionName().toUpperCase())) { case TOC_ADJUSTMENTS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case CRP_PROGRESS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case EVIDENCES: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case FLAGSHIP_PLANS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case CROSS_CUTTING_DIMENSIONS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case STAFFING: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case FINANCIAL_PLAN: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case COLABORATION_INTEGRATION: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case MEL: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case MANAGEMENT_RISK: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case MANAGEMENT_GOVERNANCE: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; } } } } else { return false; } if (this.isPowbFlagship(powbSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { if (secctions != 5) { return false; } } if (this.isPowbPMU(powbSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { if (secctions != 9) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isCompletePreProject(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<SectionStatus> sections = project.getSectionStatuses().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); int i = 0; int budgetFlagshipSection = 0; for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && sectionStatus.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { switch (ProjectSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionStatus.getSectionName().toUpperCase())) { case DESCRIPTION: i++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case PARTNERS: i++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case BUDGET: i++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case BUDGETBYFLAGSHIP: if (budgetFlagshipSection == 0) { budgetFlagshipSection = 1; } i++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; } } } if (sections.size() == 0) { return false; } if (budgetFlagshipSection == 1) { if (i != 4) { return false; } } else { if (i != 3) { return false; } } return true; } /** * This function is now handled from Front-End and is not used anymore. It was a decision of Andres valencia and * Sebastian Amariles the 2018/5/18 17:12 * * @return */ public boolean isCompleteProject(long projectID) { try { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<SectionStatus> sections = project.getSectionStatuses().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); int totalSections = 0; int deliverableSection = 0; int budgetCoASection = 0; int budgetFlagshipSection = 0; int expecetedSection = 0; int outcomeSection = 0; int highlightSection = 0; int studiesSection = 0; int innotavionSection = 0; List<Deliverable> deliverables = project.getDeliverables().stream() .filter(d -> d.isActive() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Deliverable> openA = -> a.isActive() && ((a .getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == null || (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) && a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() >= this.getCurrentCycleYear()) || (a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId()) || a.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue() == 0)))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (this.isReportingActive()) { openA.addAll( -> d.isActive() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Complete.getStatusId())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); openA.addAll( .filter(d -> d.isActive() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getNewExpectedYear() != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getNewExpectedYear() .intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus() != null && d.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Complete.getStatusId())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } for (Deliverable deliverable : openA) { deliverable = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverable.getId()); } for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && sectionStatus.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { if (sectionStatus.getSectionName().equals(ProjectSectionStatusEnum.DELIVERABLES.getStatus())) { Deliverable a = deliverableManager .getDeliverableById(sectionStatus.getDeliverable().getId()); if (openA.contains(a)) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } else { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { if (sectionStatus.getSectionName() .equals(ProjectSectionStatusEnum.ACTIVITIES.getStatus())) { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } else { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } } } } if (sections.size() == 0) { return false; } if (this.isPlanningActive()) { for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && sectionStatus.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { switch (ProjectSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionStatus.getSectionName().toUpperCase())) { case ACTIVITIES: if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { totalSections++; } break; case DESCRIPTION: case PARTNERS: case LOCATIONS: case BUDGET: totalSections++; break; case DELIVERABLES: if (deliverableSection == 0) { deliverableSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case EXPECTEDSTUDIES: if (expecetedSection == 0) { expecetedSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case OUTCOMES: if (outcomeSection == 0) { outcomeSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case BUDGETBYCOA: if (budgetCoASection == 0) { budgetCoASection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case BUDGETBYFLAGSHIP: if (budgetFlagshipSection == 0) { budgetFlagshipSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; } } } if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative() != null && project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative().booleanValue() && deliverableSection == 0 && deliverables.isEmpty()) { deliverableSection = 1; totalSections++; } if (expecetedSection == 0) { totalSections++; } if (this.getCountProjectFlagships(project.getId())) { budgetFlagshipSection = 1; } if (budgetCoASection == 1 && budgetFlagshipSection == 0) { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 9; } else { return totalSections == 8; } } else if (budgetCoASection == 0 && budgetFlagshipSection == 1) { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 9; } else { return totalSections == 8; } } else if (budgetCoASection == 1 && budgetFlagshipSection == 1) { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 10; } else { return totalSections == 9; } } else { if (!(project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative() != null && project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative() .booleanValue() == true)) { if (project.getProjectClusterActivities().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() <= 1) { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 8; } else { return totalSections == 7; } } else { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 9; } else { return totalSections == 8; } } } else { if (openA.isEmpty()) { totalSections++; } if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 8; } else { return totalSections == 7; } } } } else { for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && sectionStatus.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { switch (ProjectSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionStatus.getSectionName().toUpperCase())) { case DESCRIPTION: case PARTNERS: case LOCATIONS: case BUDGET: case LEVERAGES: totalSections++; break; case ACTIVITIES: if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { totalSections++; } break; case DELIVERABLES: if (deliverableSection == 0) { deliverableSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case OUTCOMES: if (outcomeSection == 0) { outcomeSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case HIGHLIGHTS: if (highlightSection == 0) { highlightSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case EXPECTEDSTUDIES: if (studiesSection == 0) { studiesSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; case INNOVATIONS: if (innotavionSection == 0) { innotavionSection = 1; totalSections++; } break; } } } project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getProjectEditLeader() == null || project .getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getProjectEditLeader().booleanValue() == false) { return false; } List<ProjectHighlight> highlights = project .getProjectHighligths().stream().filter( d -> d.getProjectHighlightInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null && d.isActive() && d.getProjectHighlightInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getYear() .intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (highlights.isEmpty()) { totalSections++; } List<ProjectInnovation> innovations = project.getProjectInnovations().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList()); project.setInnovations(new ArrayList<ProjectInnovation>()); if (innovations.isEmpty() && !project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative()) { totalSections++; } List<ProjectExpectedStudy> studies = project.getProjectExpectedStudies().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList()); project.setExpectedStudies(new ArrayList<ProjectExpectedStudy>()); if (studies.isEmpty() && !project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative()) { totalSections++; } if ((project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative() != null && project .getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).getAdministrative().booleanValue() == true)) { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 9; } else { return totalSections == 8; } } else { if (this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_ACTIVITES_MODULE)) { return totalSections == 11; } else { return totalSections == 10; } } } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Check if the annual Report is complete by the flagships or the PMU. * * @param phaseID * @return */ public boolean isCompleteReportSynthesis(long synthesisID) { int secctions = 0; if (sectionStatusManager.findAll() == null) { return false; } ReportSynthesis reportSynthesis = reportSynthesisManager.getReportSynthesisById(synthesisID); if (reportSynthesis.getSectionStatuses() != null) { List<SectionStatus> sections = new ArrayList<>(reportSynthesis.getSectionStatuses()); for (SectionStatus sectionStatus : sections) { if (sectionStatus.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && sectionStatus.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear()) { switch (ReportSynthesisSectionStatusEnum.value(sectionStatus.getSectionName().toUpperCase())) { case CRP_PROGRESS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case FLAGSHIP_PROGRESS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case CROSS_CUTTING: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case VARIANCE: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case FUNDING_USE: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case EXTERNAL_PARTNERSHIP: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case CROSS_CGIAR: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case MELIA: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case EFFICIENCY: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case GOVERNANCE: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case RISKS: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case FINANCIAL_SUMMARY: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case INFLUENCE: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; case CONTROL: secctions++; if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } break; } } } } else { return false; } if (this.isPowbFlagship(reportSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { if (secctions != 6) { return false; } } if (this.isPowbPMU(reportSynthesis.getLiaisonInstitution())) { if (secctions != 13) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isCompleteSynthesys(long program, int type) { List<SectionStatus> sectionStatus = null; IpProgram ipProgram = ipProgramManager.getIpProgramById(program); switch (type) { case 1: sectionStatus = ipProgram.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(c -> c.getSectionName().equals(ProjectSectionStatusEnum.SYNTHESISOUTCOME.getStatus()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); break; case 2: sectionStatus = ipProgram.getSectionStatuses().stream() .filter(c -> c.getSectionName().equals(ProjectSectionStatusEnum.SYNTHESISMOG.getStatus()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); break; } for (SectionStatus sectionStatus2 : sectionStatus) { if (sectionStatus2.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } if (sectionStatus.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isCrpClosed() { try { // return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_CLOSED).toString()) == 1; CustomParameter crpClosed = customParameterManager .getCustomParameterByParameterKeyAndGlobalUnitId(APConstants.CRP_CLOSED, this.getCrpID()); return Boolean.parseBoolean(crpClosed.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean isCrpRefresh() { try { // return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_CLOSED).toString()) == 1; CustomParameter crpRefresh = customParameterManager .getCustomParameterByParameterKeyAndGlobalUnitId(APConstants.CRP_REFRESH, this.getCrpID()); // return Integer.parseInt(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_CLOSED).toString()) == 1; return Boolean.parseBoolean(crpRefresh.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean isDataSaved() { return dataSaved; } /** * This method get the status of an specific deliverable from the sectionStatuses array. * * @param deliverableID is the deliverable ID to be identified. * @return Boolean object with the status of the deliverable */ public Boolean isDeliverableComplete(long deliverableID) { Deliverable deliverable = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); if (deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()) != null) { DeliverableInfo deliverableInfo = deliverable.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()); if (deliverableInfo.getStatus() != null && deliverableInfo.getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { if (deliverableInfo.getNewExpectedYear() != null) { if (deliverableInfo.getNewExpectedYear() > this.getActualPhase().getYear()) { return true; } } else { return false; } } if (deliverableInfo.getStatus() != null && deliverableInfo.getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId())) { if (deliverableInfo.getYear() > this.getActualPhase().getYear()) { return true; } } } List<SectionStatus> sectionStatuses = deliverable.getSectionStatuses().stream().filter( c -> c.getYear() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (sectionStatuses == null || sectionStatuses.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { if (sectionStatuses.size() > 1) { LOG.warn("There is more than one section status for D" + deliverableID); } SectionStatus sectionStatus = sectionStatuses.get(0); if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields() != null) { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } } public Boolean isDeliverableNew(long deliverableID) { /* * Deliverable deliverable = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); * SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(APConstants.DATE_FORMAT); * if (this.isReportingActive()) { * try { * Date reportingDate = * dateFormat.parse(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_OPEN_REAL_DATE_REPORTING).toString()); * if (deliverable.getCreateDate().compareTo(reportingDate) >= 0) { * return true; * } else { * return false; * } * } catch (ParseException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); * return false; * } * } else { * try { * Date reportingDate = dateFormat.parse(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_OPEN_PLANNING_DATE).toString()); * if (deliverable.getCreateDate().compareTo(reportingDate) >= 0) { * return true; * } else { * return false; * } * } catch (ParseException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); * return false; * } * } */ Deliverable deliverable = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); if (deliverable.getPhase() == null) { return false; } if (deliverable.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isDraft() { return draft; } public boolean isEditable() { return isEditable; } public boolean isEditStatus() { return editStatus; } /** * Findable * * @param deliverableID * @return */ public Boolean isF(long deliverableID) { try { Deliverable deliverableBD = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); this.loadDissemination(deliverableBD); if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getAlreadyDisseminated() != null) { if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getAlreadyDisseminated().booleanValue()) { if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getDisseminationChannel() != null) { if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getDisseminationChannel().equals("other")) { if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getDisseminationUrl() != null && !deliverableBD.getDissemination().getDisseminationUrl().trim().isEmpty()) { return true; } } else { if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getSynced() != null && deliverableBD.getDissemination().getSynced()) { return true; } } } } else { return false; } } else { return null; } return null; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public boolean isFullEditable() { return fullEditable; } public Boolean isFundingSourceNew(long fundingSourceID) { FundingSource fundingSource = fundingSourceManager.getFundingSourceById(fundingSourceID); if (this.isReportingActive()) { try { Date reportingDate = this.getActualPhase().getStartDate(); if (fundingSource.getCreateDate().compareTo(reportingDate) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } else { try { Date reportingDate = this.getActualPhase().getStartDate(); if (fundingSource.getCreateDate().compareTo(reportingDate) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } } protected boolean isHttpPost() { if (this.getRequest().getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("post")) { return true; } return false; } public Boolean isI(long deliverableID) { try { Deliverable deliverableBD = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); this.loadDissemination(deliverableBD); if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getAlreadyDisseminated() != null && deliverableBD.getDissemination().getAlreadyDisseminated().booleanValue()) { String channel = deliverableBD.getDissemination().getDisseminationChannel(); String link = deliverableBD.getDissemination().getDisseminationUrl().replaceAll(" ", "%20"); ; if (channel == null || channel.equals("-1")) { return null; } if (link == null || link.equals("-1") || link.isEmpty()) { return null; } // If the deliverable is synced if ((deliverableBD.getDissemination().getSynced() != null) && (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getSynced().booleanValue())) { return true; } switch (channel) { case "cgspace": if (!this.validURL(link)) { return null; } if ((link.contains("cgspace")) || (link.contains("hdl")) || (link.contains("handle"))) { return true; } break; case "dataverse": if (!link.contains("")) { if (!this.validURL(link)) { return null; } return null; } break; case "other": return null; default: return null; } return true; } if (deliverableBD.getDissemination().getAlreadyDisseminated() == null) { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return null; } public boolean isLessonsActive() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_LESSONS_ACTIVE).toString()); } /** * Validate if the user is already logged in or not. * * @return true if the user is logged in, false otherwise. */ public boolean isLogged() { if (this.getCurrentUser() == null) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isPhaseOne() { try { if (this.isReportingActive() && this.getCrpSession().equals("ccafs") && (this.getCurrentCycleYear() <= 2016)) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean isPlanningActive() { return this.getActualPhase().getDescription().equals(APConstants.PLANNING); } public boolean isPlanningActiveParam() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_PLANNING_ACTIVE).toString()); } public boolean isPMU() { String roles = this.getRoles(); if (roles.contains("PMU")) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isPowbFlagship(LiaisonInstitution liaisonInstitution) { boolean isFP = false; if (liaisonInstitution != null) { if (liaisonInstitution.getCrpProgram() != null) { CrpProgram crpProgram = crpProgramManager .getCrpProgramById(liaisonInstitution.getCrpProgram().getId().longValue()); if (crpProgram.getProgramType() == ProgramType.FLAGSHIP_PROGRAM_TYPE.getValue()) { isFP = true; } } } return isFP; } public boolean isPowbPMU(LiaisonInstitution liaisonInstitution) { boolean isFP = false; if (liaisonInstitution != null) { if (liaisonInstitution.getCrpProgram() == null) { isFP = true; } } return isFP; } public boolean isPowbSynthesisSubmitted(long powbSynthesisID) { PowbSynthesis powbSynthesis = powbSynthesisManager.getPowbSynthesisById(powbSynthesisID); List<Submission> submissions = powbSynthesis.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && (c.isUnSubmit() == null || !c.isUnSubmit())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (submissions.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isPPA(Institution institution) { if (institution == null) { return false; } if (institution.getId() != null) { institution = institutionManager.getInstitutionById(institution.getId()); if (institution != null) { if (institution.getCrpPpaPartners().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCrp().getId().longValue() == this.getCrpID() && c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()).size() > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Check if the project was created in a Center * * @param projectID * @return */ public boolean isProjectCenter(long projectID) { GlobalUnitProject globalUnitProject = globalUnitProjectManager.findByProjectId(projectID); if (globalUnitProject.getGlobalUnit().getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue() == 4) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the project was created in a Crp or Platform * * @param projectID * @return */ public boolean isProjectCrpOrPlatform(long projectID) { GlobalUnitProject globalUnitProject = globalUnitProjectManager.findByProjectId(projectID); if (globalUnitProject.getGlobalUnit().getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue() == 1 || globalUnitProject.getGlobalUnit().getGlobalUnitType().getId().intValue() == 3) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isProjectDescription() { String name = this.getActionName(); if (name.contains(ProjectSectionStatusEnum.DESCRIPTION.getStatus())) { return true; } return false; } public Boolean isProjectNew(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); if (this.isReportingActive()) { try { Date reportingDate = this.getActualPhase().getStartDate(); if (project.getCreateDate().compareTo(reportingDate) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } else { try { Date reportingDate = this.getActualPhase().getStartDate(); if (project.getCreateDate().compareTo(reportingDate) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } } public boolean isProjectSubmitted(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); List<Submission> submissions = project.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(c -> c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && c.getYear().intValue() == this.getCurrentCycleYear() && (c.isUnSubmit() == null || !c.isUnSubmit())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (submissions.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Reusable * * @param deliverableID * @return */ public Boolean isR(long deliverableID) { try { Deliverable deliverableBD = deliverableManager.getDeliverableById(deliverableID); if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getAdoptedLicense() == null) { return null; } if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getAdoptedLicense()) { if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getLicense() == null) { return false; } else { if (!(deliverableBD.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getLicense() .equals(LicensesTypeEnum.OTHER.getValue()))) { return true; } else { if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getOtherLicense() == null || deliverableBD.getDeliverableInfo(this.getActualPhase()).getOtherLicense() .isEmpty()) { return null; } return true; } } } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean isReportingActive() { return this.getActualPhase().getDescription().equals(APConstants.REPORTING); } public boolean isReportingActiveMenu() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_REPORTING_ACTIVE).toString()); } public boolean isReportingActiveParam() { if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.TEMP_CYCLE)) { return true; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_REPORTING_ACTIVE).toString()); } public boolean isSaveable() { return saveable; } public boolean isSubmit(long projectID) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectID); int year = this.getCurrentCycleYear(); List<Submission> submissions = project .getSubmissions().stream().filter(c -> c.getCycle().equals(this.getCurrentCycle()) && c.getYear().intValue() == year && (c.isUnSubmit() == null || !c.isUnSubmit())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (submissions.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Check if the impact pathway is submitted * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the impact pathway is submitted */ public boolean isSubmitCapDev(long capDevID) { CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment = capacityDevelopmentService.getCapacityDevelopmentById(capDevID); if (capacityDevelopment != null) { List<CenterSubmission> submissions = new ArrayList<>(capacityDevelopment.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(s -> (s.getYear().intValue() == this.getActualPhase().getYear())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if ((submissions != null) && (submissions.size() > 0)) { this.setCenterSubmission(submissions.get(0)); return true; } } return false; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Check if the project is submitted * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the project is submitted */ public boolean isSubmitCenterProject(long projectID) { CenterProject project = projectService.getCenterProjectById(projectID); if (project != null) { CenterCycle cycle = cycleService.getResearchCycleById(ImpactPathwayCyclesEnum.MONITORING.getId()); List<CenterSubmission> submissions = new ArrayList<>(project.getSubmissions().stream() .filter(s -> s.getResearchCycle().equals(cycle) && s.getYear().intValue() == this.getActualPhase().getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if (submissions != null && submissions.size() > 0) { this.setCenterSubmission(submissions.get(0)); return true; } } return false; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Check if the impact pathway is submitted * *************************************************************** * * @return true if the impact pathway is submitted */ public boolean isSubmitIP(long programID) { CrpProgram program = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(programID); if (program != null) { CenterCycle cycle = cycleService.getResearchCycleById(ImpactPathwayCyclesEnum.IMPACT_PATHWAY.getId()); List<CenterSubmission> submissions = new ArrayList<>(program.getCenterSubmissions().stream() .filter(s -> s.getResearchCycle().equals(cycle) && s.getYear().intValue() == this.getActualPhase().getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if (submissions != null && submissions.size() > 0) { this.setCenterSubmission(submissions.get(0)); return true; } } return false; } public boolean isSwitchSession() { return switchSession; } /** * Show the superAdmin Menu. * * @return */ public boolean isVisibleTop() { if (this.canAccessSuperAdmin()) { return true; } if (this.canAcessCrpAdmin()) { return true; } if (this.isVisibleTopGUList()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Boolean to validate if show the crp top list. * * @return */ public boolean isVisibleTopGUList() { if (this.getSession().containsKey(APConstants.CRP_VISIBLE_TOP_GULIST)) { Boolean viBoolean = (Boolean) this.getSession().get(APConstants.CRP_VISIBLE_TOP_GULIST); return viBoolean.booleanValue(); } else { User user = this.getCurrentUser(); user = userManager.getUser(user.getId()); List<CrpUser> crpUsers = new ArrayList<>( user.getCrpUsers().stream().filter(u -> u.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (crpUsers.size() > 1) { return true; } return false; } } public void loadDissemination(Deliverable deliverableBD) { if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableDisseminations() != null) { deliverableBD.setDisseminations(new ArrayList<>(deliverableBD.getDeliverableDisseminations().stream() .filter(dd -> dd.isActive() && dd.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()))); if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableDisseminations().size() > 0) { deliverableBD.setDissemination(deliverableBD.getDisseminations().get(0)); } else { deliverableBD.setDissemination(new DeliverableDissemination()); } } } public List<Project> loadFlagShipBudgetInfoProgram(long crpProgramID) { List<Project> projectsToRet = new ArrayList<>(); CrpProgram crpProgram = crpProgramManager.getCrpProgramById(crpProgramID); List<ProjectFocus> projects = crpProgram .getProjectFocuses().stream().filter(c -> c.getProject().isActive() && c.isActive() && c.getPhase() != null && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Set<Project> myProjects = new HashSet(); for (ProjectFocus projectFocus : projects) { Project project = projectFocus.getProject(); if (project.isActive()) { project.setProjectInfo(project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase())); if (project.getProjectInfo() != null && project.getProjectInfo().getStatus() != null) { if (project.getProjectInfo().getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Ongoing.getStatusId()) || project.getProjectInfo().getStatus().intValue() == Integer .parseInt(ProjectStatusEnum.Extended.getStatusId())) { myProjects.add(project); } } } } for (Project project : myProjects) { project.setProjectInfo(project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase())); double w1 = project.getCoreBudget(this.getActualPhase().getYear(), this.getActualPhase()); double w3 = project.getW3Budget(this.getActualPhase().getYear(), this.getActualPhase()); double bilateral = project.getBilateralBudget(this.getActualPhase().getYear(), this.getActualPhase()); double centerFunds = project.getCenterBudget(this.getActualPhase().getYear(), this.getActualPhase()); List<ProjectBudgetsFlagship> budgetsFlagships = project.getProjectBudgetsFlagships().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getCrpProgram().getId().longValue() == crpProgram.getId().longValue() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); double percentageW1 = 0; double percentageW3 = 0; double percentageB = 0; double percentageCenterFunds = 0; if (!this.getCountProjectFlagships(project.getId())) { if (w1 > 0) { percentageW1 = 100; } if (w3 > 0) { percentageW3 = 100; } if (bilateral > 0) { percentageB = 100; } if (centerFunds > 0) { percentageCenterFunds = 100; } } for (ProjectBudgetsFlagship projectBudgetsFlagship : budgetsFlagships) { switch (projectBudgetsFlagship.getBudgetType().getId().intValue()) { case 1: percentageW1 = percentageW1 + projectBudgetsFlagship.getAmount(); break; case 2: percentageW3 = percentageW3 + projectBudgetsFlagship.getAmount(); break; case 3: percentageB = percentageB + projectBudgetsFlagship.getAmount(); break; case 4: percentageCenterFunds = percentageCenterFunds + projectBudgetsFlagship.getAmount(); break; default: break; } } project.setW3Budget(w3); project.setCoreBudget(w1); project.setBilateralBudget(bilateral); project.setCentenFundsBudget(centerFunds); project.setPercentageW3(percentageW3); project.setPercentageW1(percentageW1); project.setPercentageBilateral(percentageB); project.setPercentageFundsBudget(percentageCenterFunds); w1 = w1 * (percentageW1) / 100; w3 = w3 * (percentageW3) / 100; bilateral = bilateral * (percentageB) / 100; centerFunds = centerFunds * (percentageCenterFunds) / 100; project.setTotalW3(w3); project.setTotalW1(w1); project.setTotalBilateral(bilateral); project.setTotalCenterFunds(centerFunds); projectsToRet.add(project); } return projectsToRet; } public void loadLessons(GlobalUnit crp, Project project) { Project projectDB = projectManager.getProjectById(project.getId()); List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = projectDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase()) && c.getComponentName().equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { project.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } if (this.isReportingActive()) { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessonsPreview = projectDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessonsPreview.isEmpty()) { project.setProjectComponentLessonPreview(lessonsPreview.get(0)); } } } public void loadLessons(GlobalUnit crp, Project project, String actionName) { Project projectDB = projectManager.getProjectById(project.getId()); if (this.isReportingActive()) { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = projectDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.REPORTING) && c.getComponentName().equals(actionName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { project.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessonsPreview = projectDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName().equals(actionName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessonsPreview.isEmpty()) { project.setProjectComponentLessonPreview(lessonsPreview.get(0)); } } else { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = projectDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName().equals(actionName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { project.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } } } public void loadLessonsOutcome(GlobalUnit crp, ProjectOutcome projectOutcome) { ProjectOutcome projectOutcomeDB = projectOutcomeManager.getProjectOutcomeById(projectOutcome.getId()); if (this.isReportingActive()) { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = projectOutcomeDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.REPORTING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { projectOutcome.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessonsPreview = projectOutcomeDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessonsPreview.isEmpty()) { projectOutcome.setProjectComponentLessonPreview(lessonsPreview.get(0)); } } else { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = projectOutcomeDB.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { projectOutcome.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } } } public void loadLessonsSynthesis(GlobalUnit crp, IpProgram program) { if (this.isReportingActive()) { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = program.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.REPORTING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { program.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessonsPreview = program.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessonsPreview.isEmpty()) { program.setProjectComponentLessonPreview(lessonsPreview.get(0)); } } else { List<ProjectComponentLesson> lessons = program.getProjectComponentLessons().stream() .filter(c -> c.isActive() && c.getYear() == this.getActualPhase().getYear() && c.getCycle().equals(APConstants.PLANNING) && c.getComponentName() .equals(this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!lessons.isEmpty()) { program.setProjectComponentLesson(lessons.get(0)); } } } public void loadQualityCheck(Deliverable deliverableBD) { if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableQualityChecks() != null) { if (deliverableBD.getDeliverableQualityChecks().size() > 0) { deliverableBD.setQualityCheck(deliverableBD.getDeliverableQualityChecks().stream() .filter(q -> q.isActive() && q.getPhase() != null && q.getPhase().equals(this.getActualPhase())) .collect(Collectors.toSet()).iterator().next()); } else { deliverableBD.setQualityCheck(new DeliverableQualityCheck()); } } } public String next() { return NEXT; } @Override public void prepare() throws Exception { // So far, do nothing here! } /* Override this method depending of the save action. */ public String save() { return SUCCESS; } public void saveLessons(GlobalUnit crp, Project project) { if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).isProjectEditLeader() && !this.isProjectNew(project.getId())) { String actionName = this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""); project.getProjectComponentLesson().setComponentName(actionName); project.getProjectComponentLesson().setProject(project); project.getProjectComponentLesson().setCycle(this.getActualPhase().getDescription()); project.getProjectComponentLesson().setYear(this.getActualPhase().getYear()); project.getProjectComponentLesson().setPhase(this.getActualPhase()); projectComponentLessonManager.saveProjectComponentLesson(project.getProjectComponentLesson()); } } public void saveLessonsOutcome(GlobalUnit crp, ProjectOutcome projectOutcomeDB, ProjectOutcome projectOutcome) { Project project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectOutcome.getProject().getId()); if (project.getProjecInfoPhase(this.getActualPhase()).isProjectEditLeader() && !this.isProjectNew(project.getId())) { String actionName = this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""); if (projectOutcome.getProjectComponentLesson() == null) { LOG.debug("No lesson attached with projectOutcome"); return; } else if (projectOutcome.getProjectComponentLesson().getId() == -1L) { // Save a new entity ProjectComponentLesson projectComponenetLesson = projectOutcome.getProjectComponentLesson(); projectComponenetLesson.setId(null); projectComponenetLesson.setComponentName(actionName); projectComponenetLesson.setProjectOutcome(projectOutcomeDB); projectComponenetLesson.setPhase(this.getActualPhase()); projectComponenetLesson.setCycle(this.getActualPhase().getDescription()); projectComponenetLesson.setYear(this.getActualPhase().getYear()); projectComponenetLesson = projectComponentLessonManager .saveProjectComponentLesson(projectComponenetLesson); } else { ProjectComponentLesson projectComponenetLesson = projectOutcome.getProjectComponentLesson(); ProjectComponentLesson projectComponentDB = projectComponentLessonManager .getProjectComponentLessonById(projectComponenetLesson.getId()); projectComponentDB.setComponentName(actionName); projectComponentDB.setLessons(projectOutcome.getProjectComponentLesson().getLessons()); projectComponentDB.setPhase(this.getActualPhase()); projectComponentDB.setCycle(this.getActualPhase().getDescription()); projectComponentDB.setYear(this.getActualPhase().getYear()); projectComponentDB.setProjectOutcome(projectOutcomeDB); projectComponentDB = projectComponentLessonManager.saveProjectComponentLesson(projectComponentDB); } } } public void saveLessonsSynthesis(GlobalUnit crp, IpProgram ipProgram) { String actionName = this.getActionName().replaceAll(crp.getAcronym() + "/", ""); ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setComponentName(actionName); ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setIpProgram(ipProgram); if (ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().getId().longValue() == -1) { ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setId(null); } if (this.isReportingActive()) { ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setCycle(APConstants.REPORTING); ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setYear(this.getReportingYear()); } else { ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setCycle(APConstants.PLANNING); ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson().setYear(this.getPlanningYear()); } projectComponentLessonManager.saveProjectComponentLesson(ipProgram.getProjectComponentLesson()); } public void setActualPhase(Phase phase) { this.getSession().put(APConstants.CURRENT_PHASE, phase); } public void setAdd(boolean add) { this.add = true; } public void setAvailabePhase(boolean avilabePhase) { this.availabePhase = avilabePhase; } public void setBasePermission(String basePermission) { this.basePermission = basePermission; } public void setCancel(boolean cancel) { this.cancel = true; } public void setCanEdit(boolean canEdit) { this.canEdit = canEdit; } public void setCanEditPhase(boolean canEditPhase) { this.canEditPhase = canEditPhase; } public void setCanSwitchProject(boolean canSwitchProject) { this.canSwitchProject = canSwitchProject; } public void setCenterID(Long centerID) { this.centerID = centerID; } public void setCenterSession(String centerSession) { this.centerSession = centerSession; } public void setCenterSubmission(CenterSubmission centerSubmission) { this.centerSubmission = centerSubmission; } public void setConfig(APConfig config) { this.config = config; } public void setCrpID(Long crpID) { this.crpID = crpID; } public void setCrpSession(String crpSession) { this.crpSession = crpSession; } public void setCurrentCenter(GlobalUnit currentCenter) { this.currentCenter = currentCenter; } public void setDataSaved(boolean dataSaved) { this.dataSaved = dataSaved; } public void setDelete(boolean delete) { this.delete = delete; } public void setDifferences(List<HistoryDifference> differences) { this.differences = differences; } public void setDraft(boolean draft) { this.draft = draft; } public void setEditable(boolean isEditable) { this.isEditable = isEditable; } public void setEditableParameter(boolean isEditable) { this.isEditable = isEditable; } public void setEditStatus(boolean editStatus) { this.editStatus = editStatus; } public void setFullEditable(boolean fullEditable) { this.fullEditable = fullEditable; } public void setInvalidFields(HashMap<String, String> invalidFields) { this.invalidFields = invalidFields; } public void setJustification(String justification) { this.justification = justification; } public void setLessonsActive(boolean lessonsActive) { this.lessonsActive = lessonsActive; } public void setMissingFields(StringBuilder missingFields) { this.missingFields = missingFields; } /** * Common logic for setting the Modification Justification * * @param entity */ protected void setModificationJustification(MarloAuditableEntity entity) { /** * Hibernate will not save unchanged entities, so having the localDateTime ensures a unique entry is created each * save. */ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.justification)) { DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm"); entity.setModificationJustification( "No justification provided at : " +; } else if (this.justification.equals(entity.getModificationJustification())) { /** * We have the same justification text as before - which can lead to the entity not being saved if no other fields * have been saved. Add a * character to ensure that they are different. */ entity.setModificationJustification(this.justification + "*"); } else { entity.setModificationJustification(this.justification); } } public void setNext(boolean next) { = true; } public void setPhaseID(Long phaseID) { this.phaseID = phaseID; } public void setPlanningActive(boolean planningActive) { this.planningActive = planningActive; } public void setPlanningYear(int planningYear) { this.planningYear = planningYear; } public void setReportingActive(boolean reportingActive) { this.reportingActive = reportingActive; } public void setReportingYear(int reportingYear) { this.reportingYear = reportingYear; } public void setSave(boolean save) { = true; } public void setSaveable(boolean saveable) { this.saveable = saveable; } public void setSecurityContext(BaseSecurityContext securityContext) { this.securityContext = securityContext; } @Override public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } @Override public void setSession(Map<String, Object> session) { this.session = session; } public void setSubmission(Submission submission) { this.submission = submission; } public void setSubmit(boolean submit) { this.submit = true; } public void setSwitchSession(boolean switchSession) { this.switchSession = switchSession; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public void setUsersToActive(List<Map<String, Object>> usersToActive) { this.usersToActive = usersToActive; } public void setValidationMessage(StringBuilder validationMessage) { this.validationMessage = validationMessage; } public void setYears(ArrayList<String> years) { this.years = years; } public String specificityValue(String specificity) { try { String value = (this.getSession().get(specificity).toString()); return value; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String submit() { return SUCCESS; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the program impacts section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCapDevSection(CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment, String sectionName) { final CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = secctionStatusService.getSectionStatusByCapdev( capacityDevelopment.getId(), sectionName, this.getActualPhase().getYear()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the Cap-Dev Supporting Documents section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCapDevSupDocs(CapacityDevelopment capacityDevelopment) { if (capacityDevelopment != null) { List<CenterDeliverable> centerDeliverables = new ArrayList<>(capacityDevelopment.getDeliverables() .stream().filter(cd -> cd.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if ((centerDeliverables != null) && !centerDeliverables.isEmpty()) { for (CenterDeliverable centerDeliverable : centerDeliverables) { final CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = this .getCenterDeliverableStatus(centerDeliverable.getId()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } else { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() > 0) { return false; } } } } else { return false; } return true; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the deliverables section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCenterDeliverable(CenterProject project) { if (project != null) { List<CenterDeliverable> deliverables = new ArrayList<>( project.getDeliverables().stream().filter(d -> d.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (deliverables != null && !deliverables.isEmpty()) { for (CenterDeliverable deliverable : deliverables) { CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = this.getCenterDeliverableStatus(deliverable.getId()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } else { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } } } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the program impacts section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCenterImpact(CrpProgram program, String sectionName) { CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = secctionStatusService.getSectionStatusByProgram(program.getId(), sectionName, this.getActualPhase().getYear()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the outcome section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCenterOutcome(CrpProgram program) { if (program != null) { List<CenterTopic> topics = new ArrayList<>( program.getResearchTopics().stream().filter(rt -> rt.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (topics != null && !topics.isEmpty()) { for (CenterTopic researchTopic : topics) { List<CenterOutcome> outcomes = new ArrayList<>(researchTopic.getResearchOutcomes().stream() .filter(ro -> ro.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (outcomes != null && !outcomes.isEmpty()) { for (CenterOutcome researchOutcome : outcomes) { CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = this .getCenterOutcomeStatus(researchOutcome.getId()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } else { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } } } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the output section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCenterOutput(CrpProgram program) { if (program != null) { List<CenterOutput> outputs = new ArrayList<>( program.getCenterOutputs().stream().filter(op -> op.isActive()).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (outputs != null && !outputs.isEmpty()) { for (CenterOutput researchOutput : outputs) { CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = this.getCenterOutputStatus(researchOutput.getId()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } else { if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } } } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the project section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCenterProject(CenterProject project, String sectionName) { CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = secctionStatusService.getSectionStatusByProject( project.getResearchProgram().getId(), project.getId(), sectionName, this.getActualPhase().getYear()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * ************************ CENTER METHOD ********************* * Validate the missing fields in the research topic section * *************************************************************** * * @return false if has missing fields. */ public boolean validateCenterTopic(CrpProgram program, String sectionName) { CenterSectionStatus sectionStatus = secctionStatusService.getSectionStatusByProgram(program.getId(), sectionName, this.getActualPhase().getYear()); if (sectionStatus == null) { return false; } if (sectionStatus.getMissingFields().length() != 0) { return false; } return true; } public boolean validURL(String URL) { try { url = new; url.toURI(); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return false; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return false; } } }