Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2018 iserge. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.interaction; import; import; import org.cesiumjs.cs.Cesium; import org.cesiumjs.cs.collections.BillboardCollection; import org.cesiumjs.cs.collections.PointPrimitiveCollection; import org.cesiumjs.cs.core.Cartesian3; import org.cesiumjs.cs.core.Event; import org.cesiumjs.cs.js.JsObject; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.Billboard; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.PointPrimitive; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.Scene; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.enums.HeightReference; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.enums.HorizontalOrigin; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.enums.SceneMode; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.enums.VerticalOrigin; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.interaction.options.DrawInteractionOptions; import org.cesiumjs.cs.scene.options.BillboardOptions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author Serge Silaev aka iSergio <> */ public class MarkerGroup { private final Scene scene; private final MarkerType type; private final DrawInteractionOptions options; private PointPrimitiveCollection points; private List<PointPrimitive> orderedPoints; private BillboardCollection billboards = new BillboardCollection(); private List<Billboard> orderedBillboards; public MarkerGroup(final Scene scene, DrawInteractionOptions options) { this.scene = scene; this.type = options.markerType; this.options = options; if (type == MarkerType.POINT_PRIMITIVE) { points = new PointPrimitiveCollection(); scene.primitives().add(points); orderedPoints = new ArrayList<>(); } else if (type == MarkerType.BILLBOARD_GRAPHIC) { billboards = BillboardCollection.create(scene); scene.primitives().add(billboards); orderedBillboards = new ArrayList<>(); } // We need change HeightReference if SceneMode not line SCENE3D scene.morphComplete.addEventListener(new Event.Listener() { @Override public void function(Object... o) { if (!Cesium.defined(billboards)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < billboards.length(); i++) { billboards.get(i).heightReference = (scene.mode.equals(SceneMode.SCENE3D())) ? HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND() : HeightReference.NONE(); } } }); } public static PointPrimitive createPoint(DrawInteractionOptions options) { PointPrimitive pointPrimitive = new PointPrimitive(); pointPrimitive.color = options.color; pointPrimitive.pixelSize = options.pixelSize; pointPrimitive.outlineColor = options.outlineColor; pointPrimitive.outlineWidth = options.outlineWidth; return pointPrimitive; } public static BillboardOptions createBillboard(DrawInteractionOptions options) { Canvas canvas = Canvas.createIfSupported(); Context2d context = canvas.getContext2d(); context.setFillStyle(options.color.toCssColorString()); context.setStrokeStyle(options.outlineColor.toCssColorString()); context.setLineWidth(options.outlineWidth); context.translate(canvas.getCoordinateSpaceWidth() / 2, canvas.getCoordinateSpaceHeight() / 2); context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, 0, options.pixelSize, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); BillboardOptions billboard = new BillboardOptions(); billboard.horizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.CENTER(); billboard.verticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.CENTER(); billboard.imageCanvas = canvas.getCanvasElement(); return billboard; } public PointPrimitive createPoint(Cartesian3 position) { PointPrimitive pointPrimitive = createPoint(options); pointPrimitive.position = position; return pointPrimitive; } public Billboard createBillboard(Cartesian3 position) { Billboard billboard = billboards.add(createBillboard(options)); billboard.position = position; // We need change HeightReference if SceneMode not line SCENE3D billboard.heightReference = (scene.mode.equals(SceneMode.SCENE3D())) ? HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND() : HeightReference.NONE(); return billboard; } public void add(Cartesian3 position) { if (type == MarkerType.POINT_PRIMITIVE) { orderedPoints.add(createPoint(position)); } else if (type == MarkerType.BILLBOARD_GRAPHIC) { orderedBillboards.add(createBillboard(position)); } } public void add(Cartesian3[] positions) { for (Cartesian3 position : positions) { add(position); } } public PointPrimitive getPoint(int index) { return orderedPoints.get(index); } public Billboard getBillboard(int index) { return orderedBillboards.get(index); } public void insertPoint(int index, Cartesian3 pos) { if (type == MarkerType.POINT_PRIMITIVE) { orderedPoints.add(index, createPoint(pos)); } else if (type == MarkerType.BILLBOARD_GRAPHIC) { orderedBillboards.add(index, createBillboard(pos)); } } public void update(Cartesian3[] positions) { for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { if (type == MarkerType.POINT_PRIMITIVE) { getPoint(i).position = positions[i]; } else if (type == MarkerType.BILLBOARD_GRAPHIC) { getBillboard(i).position = positions[i]; } } } public int count() { if (type == MarkerType.POINT_PRIMITIVE) { return orderedPoints.size(); } else if (type == MarkerType.BILLBOARD_GRAPHIC) { return orderedBillboards.size(); } return 0; } public void remove(int index) { if (type == MarkerType.POINT_PRIMITIVE) { points.remove(getPoint(index)); orderedPoints.remove(index); } else if (type == MarkerType.BILLBOARD_GRAPHIC) { billboards.remove(getBillboard(index)); orderedBillboards.remove(index); } } public void remove() { if (points != null) { points.removeAll(); points = (PointPrimitiveCollection) JsObject.undefined(); } if (billboards != null) { billboards.removeAll(); billboards = (BillboardCollection) JsObject.undefined(); } } }