Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY, WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The software and documentation provided hereunder * is on an "as is" basis, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has no * obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or * modifications. In no event shall Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center be * liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or * consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this * software and its documentation, even if Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer * Center has been advised of the possibility of such damage. */ /* * This file is part of cBioPortal. * * cBioPortal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; // imports import java.util.*; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.*; import org.cbioportal.model.*; import org.cbioportal.persistence.*; import org.cbioportal.web.parameter.*; import org.cbioportal.web.util.UniqueKeyExtractor; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.*; import; import; import; /** * A custom PermissionEvaluator implementation that checks whether a * particular user has access to a particular cancer study. * * Anonymous users will only get access to public studies. * * @author Benjamin Gross */ class CancerStudyPermissionEvaluator implements PermissionEvaluator { private static final String ALL_CANCER_STUDIES_ID = "all"; private static final String ALL_TCGA_CANCER_STUDIES_ID = "all_tcga"; private static final String ALL_TARGET_CANCER_STUDIES_ID = "all_nci_target"; private static final String MULTIPLE_CANCER_STUDIES_ID = "multiple"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CancerStudyPermissionEvaluator.class); // can't find another way to pull in the required mapper dependency at runtime for initCacheMemory @Autowired private PatientRepository patientRepository; // can't find another way to pull in the required mapper dependency at runtime for initCacheMemory @Autowired private CancerTypeRepository cancerTypeRepository; @Autowired private StudyRepository studyRepository; @Autowired private MolecularProfileRepository molecularProfileRepository; @Autowired private SampleListRepository sampleListRepository; @Autowired private UniqueKeyExtractor uniqueKeyExtractor; @Value("${}") private String APP_NAME; private String DEFAULT_APP_NAME = "public_portal"; @Value("${filter_groups_by_appname:true}") private String FILTER_GROUPS_BY_APP_NAME; private static String PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP; @Value("${always_show_study_group:}") private void setPublicCancerStudiesGroup(String property) { PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP = property; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("setPublicCancerStudiesGroup(), always_show_study_group = " + ((property == null) ? "null" : property)); } if (property != null && property.trim().isEmpty()) { PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP = null; } } // maps used to cache required relationships - in all maps stable ids are key private Map<String, MolecularProfile> molecularProfiles = new HashMap(); private Map<String, SampleList> sampleLists = new HashMap(); private Map<String, CancerStudy> cancerStudies = new HashMap(); @PostConstruct private void initializeCacheMemory() { populateMolecularProfileMap(); populateSampleListMap(); populateCancerStudyMap(); } private void populateMolecularProfileMap() { for (MolecularProfile mp : molecularProfileRepository.getAllMolecularProfiles("SUMMARY", PagingConstants.MAX_PAGE_SIZE, PagingConstants.MIN_PAGE_NUMBER, null, "ASC")) { molecularProfiles.put(mp.getStableId(), mp); } } private void populateSampleListMap() { for (SampleList sl : sampleListRepository.getAllSampleLists("SUMMARY", PagingConstants.MAX_PAGE_SIZE, PagingConstants.MIN_PAGE_NUMBER, null, "ASC")) { sampleLists.put(sl.getStableId(), sl); } } private void populateCancerStudyMap() { for (CancerStudy cs : studyRepository.getAllStudies(null, "SUMMARY", PagingConstants.MAX_PAGE_SIZE, PagingConstants.MIN_PAGE_NUMBER, null, "ASC")) { cancerStudies.put(cs.getCancerStudyIdentifier(), cs); } } /** * Implementation of {@code PermissionEvaluator}. * * @param authentication * @param targetId Serialized String cancer study id, * String molecular profile id, * String sample list id, * List<String> of cancer study ids, * List<String> of molecular profile ids, * or List<String> of sample list ids * @param targetType String 'CancerStudy', * 'MolecularProfile', * 'SampleList', * 'List<CancerStudyId>', * 'List<MolecularProfileId>', * 'MolecularDataMultipleStudyFilter', * 'MolecularProfileFilter', * 'MutationMultipleStudyFilter', * or 'List<SampleListId>' * @param permission */ @Override public boolean hasPermission(Authentication authentication, Serializable targetId, String targetType, Object permission) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), checking permissions on targetId"); } if (targetId == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), targetId is null, returning false"); } return false; } if ("CancerStudy".equals(targetType)) { // everybody has access the 'all' cancer study // we have to check this right here (instead of checking later) // because the 'all' cancer study does not exist in the database if (targetId.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(ALL_CANCER_STUDIES_ID)) { return true; } CancerStudy cancerStudy = cancerStudies.get(targetId.toString()); if (cancerStudy == null) { return false; } return hasPermission(authentication, cancerStudy, permission); } else if ("MolecularProfile".equals(targetType) || "GeneticProfile".equals(targetType)) { MolecularProfile molecularProfile = molecularProfiles.get(targetId.toString()); if (molecularProfile == null) { return false; } return hasPermission(authentication, molecularProfile, permission); } else if ("SampleList".equals(targetType)) { SampleList sampleList = sampleLists.get(targetId.toString()); if (sampleList == null) { return false; } return hasPermission(authentication, sampleList, permission); } else if ("List<SampleListId>".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToSampleLists(authentication, (List<String>) targetId, permission); } else if ("List<CancerStudyId>".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, (List<String>) targetId, permission); } else if ("List<MolecularProfileId>".equals(targetType) || "List<GeneticProfileId>".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToMolecularProfiles(authentication, (List<String>) targetId, permission); } else if ("ClinicalAttributeCountFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, (ClinicalAttributeCountFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("ClinicalDataMultiStudyFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, (ClinicalDataMultiStudyFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("GenePanelMultipleStudyFilter".equals(targetType)) { GenePanelMultipleStudyFilter genePanelMultipleStudyFilter = (GenePanelMultipleStudyFilter) targetId; return hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleMolecularIdentifier(authentication, genePanelMultipleStudyFilter.getSampleMolecularIdentifiers(), permission); } else if ("MolecularDataMultipleStudyFilter".equals(targetType)) { MolecularDataMultipleStudyFilter molecularDataMultipleStudyFilter = (MolecularDataMultipleStudyFilter) targetId; if (molecularDataMultipleStudyFilter.getMolecularProfileIds() != null) { return hasAccessToMolecularProfiles(authentication, molecularDataMultipleStudyFilter.getMolecularProfileIds(), permission); } else { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleMolecularIdentifier(authentication, molecularDataMultipleStudyFilter.getSampleMolecularIdentifiers(), permission); } } else if ("MolecularProfileFilter".equals(targetType)) { MolecularProfileFilter molecularProfileFilter = (MolecularProfileFilter) targetId; if (molecularProfileFilter.getStudyIds() != null) { return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, molecularProfileFilter.getStudyIds(), permission); } else { return hasAccessToMolecularProfiles(authentication, molecularProfileFilter.getMolecularProfileIds(), permission); } } else if ("MutationMultipleStudyFilter".equals(targetType)) { MutationMultipleStudyFilter mutationMultipleStudyFilter = (MutationMultipleStudyFilter) targetId; if (mutationMultipleStudyFilter.getMolecularProfileIds() != null) { return hasAccessToMolecularProfiles(authentication, mutationMultipleStudyFilter.getMolecularProfileIds(), permission); } else { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleMolecularIdentifier(authentication, mutationMultipleStudyFilter.getSampleMolecularIdentifiers(), permission); } } else if ("PatientFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, (PatientFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("SampleFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, (SampleFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("ClinicalDataCountFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesByClinicalDataCountFilter(authentication, (ClinicalDataCountFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("ClinicalDataBinCountFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesByClinicalDataBinCountFilter(authentication, (ClinicalDataBinCountFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("StudyViewFilter".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesByStudyViewFilter(authentication, (StudyViewFilter) targetId, permission); } else if ("List<SampleIdentifier>".equals(targetType)) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleIdentifier(authentication, (List<SampleIdentifier>) targetId, permission); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), unknown targetType '" + targetType + "'"); } } return false; } /** * Implementation of {@code PermissionEvaluator}. * * @param authentication * @param targetDomainObject CancerStudy, MolecularProfile, or SampleList * @param permission */ @Override public boolean hasPermission(Authentication authentication, Object targetDomainObject, Object permission) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), checking permissions on targetDomainObject"); } if (targetDomainObject == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), targetDomainObject is null, returning false"); } return false; } CancerStudy cancerStudy = null; if (targetDomainObject instanceof CancerStudy) { cancerStudy = (CancerStudy) targetDomainObject; } else if (targetDomainObject instanceof MolecularProfile) { cancerStudy = ((MolecularProfile) targetDomainObject).getCancerStudy(); if (cancerStudy == null) { // cancer study was not included so get it cancerStudy = cancerStudies.get(((MolecularProfile) targetDomainObject).getCancerStudyIdentifier()); } } else if (targetDomainObject instanceof SampleList) { cancerStudy = ((SampleList) targetDomainObject).getCancerStudy(); if (cancerStudy == null) { // cancer study was not included so get it cancerStudy = cancerStudies.get(((SampleList) targetDomainObject).getCancerStudyIdentifier()); } } else if (targetDomainObject instanceof Patient) { cancerStudy = ((Patient) targetDomainObject).getCancerStudy(); if (cancerStudy == null) { // cancer study was not included so get it cancerStudy = cancerStudies.get(((Patient) targetDomainObject).getCancerStudyIdentifier()); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), targetDomainObject class is '" + targetDomainObject.getClass().getName() + "'"); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (cancerStudy == null) { log.debug("hasPermission(), stable cancer study is null."); } if (authentication == null) { log.debug("hasPermission(), authentication is null."); } } // nothing to do if stable cancer study is null or authentication is null // return false as spring-security document specifies if (cancerStudy == null || authentication == null) { return false; } // Actually, it's not entirely clear why we do this null test, since the // authentication will always have authorities. Object user = authentication.getPrincipal(); if (user != null) { return hasPermission(cancerStudy, authentication); } else { return false; } } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudies(Authentication authentication, ClinicalAttributeCountFilter clinicalAttributeCountFilter, Object permission) { String sampleListId = clinicalAttributeCountFilter.getSampleListId(); if (sampleListId != null) { SampleList sampleList = sampleLists.get(sampleListId); if (sampleList == null || !hasPermission(authentication, sampleList, permission)) { return false; } return true; } else { // use hashset as this list can be populated with many duplicate values Set<String> studyIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (SampleIdentifier identifier : clinicalAttributeCountFilter.getSampleIdentifiers()) { studyIds.add(identifier.getStudyId()); } return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, studyIds, permission); } } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleMolecularIdentifier(Authentication authentication, List<SampleMolecularIdentifier> sampleMolecularIdentifiers, Object permission) { // use hashset as this list can be populated with many duplicate values Set<String> molecularProfileIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (SampleMolecularIdentifier sampleMolecularIdentifier : sampleMolecularIdentifiers) { molecularProfileIds.add(sampleMolecularIdentifier.getMolecularProfileId()); } return hasAccessToMolecularProfiles(authentication, molecularProfileIds, permission); } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudies(Authentication authentication, ClinicalDataMultiStudyFilter clinicalDataMultiStudyFilter, Object permission) { // use hashset as this list can be populated with many duplicate values Set<String> studyIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (ClinicalDataIdentifier identifier : clinicalDataMultiStudyFilter.getIdentifiers()) { studyIds.add(identifier.getStudyId()); } return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, studyIds, permission); } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudies(Authentication authentication, PatientFilter patientFilter, Object permission) { // use hashset as this list can be populated with many duplicate values Set<String> studyIds = new HashSet<String>(); if (patientFilter.getPatientIdentifiers() != null) { for (PatientIdentifier patientIdentifier : patientFilter.getPatientIdentifiers()) { studyIds.add(patientIdentifier.getStudyId()); } } else { uniqueKeyExtractor.extractUniqueKeys(patientFilter.getUniquePatientKeys(), studyIds); } return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, studyIds, permission); } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudies(Authentication authentication, SampleFilter sampleFilter, Object permission) { if (sampleFilter.getSampleListIds() != null) { return hasAccessToSampleLists(authentication, sampleFilter.getSampleListIds(), permission); } else if (sampleFilter.getSampleIdentifiers() != null) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleIdentifier(authentication, sampleFilter.getSampleIdentifiers(), permission); } else { // use hashset as this list can be populated with many duplicate values Set<String> studyIds = new HashSet<String>(); uniqueKeyExtractor.extractUniqueKeys(sampleFilter.getUniqueSampleKeys(), studyIds); return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, studyIds, permission); } } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleIdentifier(Authentication authentication, List<SampleIdentifier> sampleIdentifiers, Object permission) { // use hashset as this list can be populated with many duplicate values Set<String> studyIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (SampleIdentifier sampleIdentifier : sampleIdentifiers) { studyIds.add(sampleIdentifier.getStudyId()); } return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, studyIds, permission); } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudies(Authentication authentication, Collection<String> studyIds, Object permission) { for (String studyId : studyIds) { if (!hasPermission(authentication, studyId, "CancerStudy", permission)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean hasAccessToMolecularProfiles(Authentication authentication, Collection<String> molecularProfileIds, Object permission) { List<String> profileIds = (molecularProfileIds instanceof List) ? (List<String>) molecularProfileIds : new ArrayList<String>(molecularProfileIds); for (String molecularProfileId : profileIds) { MolecularProfile molecularProfile = molecularProfiles.get(molecularProfileId); if (molecularProfile == null || !hasPermission(authentication, molecularProfile, permission)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean hasAccessToSampleLists(Authentication authentication, List<String> sampleListIds, Object permission) { for (String sampleListId : sampleListIds) { SampleList sampleList = sampleLists.get(sampleListId); if (sampleList == null || !hasPermission(authentication, sampleList, permission)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudiesByClinicalDataCountFilter(Authentication authentication, ClinicalDataCountFilter clinicalDataCountFilter, Object permission) { if (clinicalDataCountFilter.getStudyViewFilter() != null) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesByStudyViewFilter(authentication, clinicalDataCountFilter.getStudyViewFilter(), permission); } return true; } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudiesByClinicalDataBinCountFilter(Authentication authentication, ClinicalDataBinCountFilter clinicalDataBinCountFilter, Object permission) { if (clinicalDataBinCountFilter.getStudyViewFilter() != null) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesByStudyViewFilter(authentication, clinicalDataBinCountFilter.getStudyViewFilter(), permission); } return true; } private boolean hasAccessToCancerStudiesByStudyViewFilter(Authentication authentication, StudyViewFilter studyViewFilter, Object permission) { if (studyViewFilter.getSampleIdentifiers() != null && !studyViewFilter.getSampleIdentifiers().isEmpty()) { return hasAccessToCancerStudiesBySampleIdentifier(authentication, studyViewFilter.getSampleIdentifiers(), permission); } return hasAccessToCancerStudies(authentication, studyViewFilter.getStudyIds(), permission); } /** * Helper function to determine if given user has access to given cancer study. * * @param cancerStudy cancer study to check for * @param user Spring Authentication of the logged-in user. * @return boolean */ private boolean hasPermission(CancerStudy cancerStudy, Authentication authentication) { Set<String> grantedAuthorities = getGrantedAuthorities(authentication); String stableStudyID = cancerStudy.getCancerStudyIdentifier(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), cancer study stable id: " + stableStudyID); log.debug("hasPermission(), user: " + authentication.getPrincipal().toString()); for (String authority : grantedAuthorities) { log.debug("hasPermission(), authority: " + authority); } } // everybody has access the 'all' cancer study if (stableStudyID.equalsIgnoreCase(ALL_CANCER_STUDIES_ID)) { return true; } // if a user has access to 'all', simply return true if (grantedAuthorities.contains(ALL_CANCER_STUDIES_ID.toUpperCase())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), user has access to ALL cancer studies, return true"); } return true; } // if a user has access to 'all_tcga', simply return true for tcga studies if (grantedAuthorities.contains(ALL_TCGA_CANCER_STUDIES_ID.toUpperCase()) && stableStudyID.toUpperCase().endsWith("_TCGA")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), user has access to ALL_TCGA cancer studies return true"); } return true; } // if a user has access to 'all_target', simply return true for target studies if (grantedAuthorities.contains(ALL_TARGET_CANCER_STUDIES_ID.toUpperCase()) && (stableStudyID.toUpperCase().endsWith("_TARGET") || stableStudyID.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL_TARGET_PHASE1") || stableStudyID.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL_TARGET_PHASE2"))) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), user has access to ALL_NCI_TARGET cancer studies return true"); } return true; } // check if user is in study groups // performance now takes precedence over group accuracy (minimal risk to caching cancer study groups) Set<String> groups = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(cancerStudy.getGroups().split(";"))); if (!Collections.disjoint(groups, grantedAuthorities)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("hasPermission(), user has access by groups return true"); } return true; } // finally, check if the user has this study specifically listed in his 'groups' (a 'group' of this study only) boolean toReturn = grantedAuthorities.contains(stableStudyID.toUpperCase()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (toReturn == true) { log.debug("hasPermission(), user has access to this cancer study: '" + stableStudyID.toUpperCase() + "', returning true."); } else { log.debug("hasPermission(), user does not have access to the cancer study: '" + stableStudyID.toUpperCase() + "', returning false."); } } // outta here return toReturn; } private Set<String> getGrantedAuthorities(Authentication authentication) { String appName = getAppName().toUpperCase(); Set<String> allAuthorities = AuthorityUtils.authorityListToSet(authentication.getAuthorities()); Set<String> grantedAuthorities = new HashSet<>(); if (filterGroupsByAppName()) { for (String au : allAuthorities) { if (au.toUpperCase().startsWith(appName + ":")) { grantedAuthorities.add(au.substring(appName.length() + 1).toUpperCase()); } } } else { for (String au : allAuthorities) { grantedAuthorities.add(au.toUpperCase()); } } // all users are allowed access to PUBLIC studies if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP= " + ((PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP == null) ? "null" : PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP)); } if (PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP != null) { grantedAuthorities.add(PUBLIC_CANCER_STUDIES_GROUP.toUpperCase()); } return grantedAuthorities; } private String getAppName() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getAppName(), APP_NAME = " + ((APP_NAME == null) ? "null" : APP_NAME)); } return (APP_NAME == null || APP_NAME.trim().isEmpty()) ? DEFAULT_APP_NAME : APP_NAME; } private boolean filterGroupsByAppName() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("filterGroupsByAppName(), FILTER_GROUPS_BY_APP_NAME = " + ((FILTER_GROUPS_BY_APP_NAME == null) ? "null" : FILTER_GROUPS_BY_APP_NAME)); } return FILTER_GROUPS_BY_APP_NAME == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(FILTER_GROUPS_BY_APP_NAME); } }