Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2016 CAST, Inc. * * This file is part of the CAST Wicket Modules: * see <>. * * The CAST Wicket Modules are free software: you can redistribute and/or * modify them under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The CAST Wicket Modules are distributed in the hope that they will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this software. If not, see <>. */ package org.cast.cwm.service; import; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import net.databinder.hib.Databinder; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.injection.Injector; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings; import; import; import; import; import org.cwm.db.service.IDBService; import org.cwm.db.service.IModelProvider; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.util.*; /** * Object to read a spreadsheet defining users and create those users in the database. * * @author bgoldowsky * */ @Slf4j public class UserSpreadsheetReader implements Serializable, ISpreadsheetReader { @Inject private ICwmService cwmService; @Inject private ISiteService siteService; @Inject private IUserService userService; @Inject private IModelProvider modelProvider; @Inject private IDBService dbService; @Getter protected IModel<Site> defaultSite; @Getter @Setter protected IModel<Period> defaultPeriod; @Getter protected boolean validData = false; @Getter protected String globalError = null; /** * Users to be created and associated errors, if any. */ @Getter protected List<PotentialUserSave> potentialUsers; protected Map<String, Site> potentialSites; protected Map<Site, Map<String, Period>> potentialPeriods; private Map<String, Integer> headerMap; public UserSpreadsheetReader() { Injector.get().inject(this); } /** * Read spreadsheet of user information and generate potential users. * Returns true if all was sucessful and users could be created as specified. * * This method does NOT modify the datastore. * * @param stream the input stream of CSV data * @return true if no errors encountered. */ @Override public boolean readInput(InputStream stream) { potentialUsers = new ArrayList<PotentialUserSave>(); potentialSites = new HashMap<String, Site>(); potentialPeriods = new HashMap<Site, Map<String, Period>>(); CSVParser parser; try { parser = CSVFormat.EXCEL.withHeader().withIgnoreEmptyLines().withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces() .parse(new InputStreamReader(new BOMInputStream(stream), "UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); globalError = e.getMessage(); return false; } // Make our own secondary mapping of header names to fields, by // lowercasing and removing spaces from all header names headerMap = parser.getHeaderMap(); for (String hdr : new HashSet<String>(headerMap.keySet())) { String normalized = hdr.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", ""); if (!normalized.equals(hdr)) { headerMap.put(normalized, headerMap.get(hdr)); } } globalError = checkRequiredHeaders(headerMap); if (!Strings.isEmpty(globalError)) return false; // Read the CSV file, create PotentialUserSave objects, record error messages, add to potentialUsers List try { boolean errors = false; // have errors been encountered? for (CSVRecord record : parser) { try { User user = createUserObject(record); String messages = populateUserObject(user, record); if (Strings.isEmpty(messages)) messages = validateUser(user); // Add a PotentialUserSave to the list. potentialUsers.add(new PotentialUserSave(modelProvider.modelOf(user), messages, record)); if (!Strings.isEmpty(messages)) errors = true; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // This can happen if the last row is missing values; Excel doesn't fill them out to the last column log.error("Caught exception importing line {}: {}", parser.getCurrentLineNumber(), e.getClass()); potentialUsers.add(new PotentialUserSave(null, "Data missing from CSV.\n", record)); errors = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("Caught exception importing line {}: {}", parser.getCurrentLineNumber(), e.getClass()); potentialUsers.add(new PotentialUserSave(null, "Error: " + e, record)); errors = true; } } // If CSV file has only one line, it is either empty or has unrecognized LF/CR values. if (parser.getCurrentLineNumber() == 1) { potentialUsers.add( new PotentialUserSave(null, "Empty or Corrupted File. Note: Save as Windows CSV.", null)); globalError = "Empty or Corrupted File - LF/CR values may be invalid!"; throw new CharacterCodingException(); } return (!errors); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { log.error("Empty or Corrupted File - only 1 line found - CR/LF issue?. {}", e.getClass()); return false; } } /** * Checks that all mandatory columns exist in this spreadsheet * @return error message string; empty string if ok */ protected String checkRequiredHeaders(Map<String, Integer> map) { String message = ""; for (String field : getRequiredFields()) { if (!map.containsKey(field)) message += String.format("Must include a '%s' column.\n", field); } if (defaultSite == null && !map.containsKey("site")) message += "Must include a 'site' column or a default site.\n"; return message; } /** * Return a list of field headers that are always required. * @return list of strings. */ protected List<String> getRequiredFields() { return Arrays.asList("username", "password", "type", "firstname", "lastname", "period"); } /** * Checks that the given User has reasonable values for its fields. * Checks uniqueness within appropriate bounds, including checking against * both the database and the current list of PotentialUsers. * @param user the User object to check * @return error message string; empty if ok */ protected String validateUser(User user) { String messages = ""; // Check database for duplicate username if (userService.getByUsername(user.getUsername()).getObject() != null) { messages += "Username " + user.getUsername() + " already exists in database. \n"; } // Check database for duplicate subjectId if (userService.getBySubjectId(user.getSubjectId()).getObject() != null) { messages += "SubjectId " + user.getSubjectId() + " already exists in database. \n"; } // Check database for duplicate email addresses when an email address exists if (user.getEmail() != null && userService.getByEmail(user.getEmail()).getObject() != null) { messages += "Email " + user.getEmail() + " already exists in database. \n"; } messages += checkForListDuplicates(user); return messages; } // Check uploaded user list for duplicate username, subjectId, "Full Name" protected String checkForListDuplicates(User user) { String messages = ""; for (PotentialUserSave pe : potentialUsers) { // Don't attempt to compare to null records (which may be included to mark lines with syntax errors). if (pe.getUser() != null && pe.getUser().getObject() != null) { User existing = pe.getUser().getObject(); if (user.getUsername().matches(existing.getUsername())) { messages += "Username " + user.getUsername() + " is a duplicate in this list.\n"; } if (user.getSubjectId().matches(existing.getSubjectId())) { messages += "SubjectId " + user.getSubjectId() + " is a duplicate in this list.\n"; } if (user.getFullName().matches(existing.getFullName()) && user.hasPeriodInCommonWith(existing)) { messages += "Full name \'" + user.getFullName() + "\' is duplicated in this list.\n"; } } } return messages; } /** * Saves the potential users, periods, and sites. * @param triggerComponent the component that triggered the save (for logging). */ @Override public void save(Component triggerComponent) { for (Site site : potentialSites.values()) { if (site.isTransient()); } for (Map<String, Period> map : potentialPeriods.values()) for (Period period : map.values()) { if (period.isTransient()) {; siteService.onPeriodCreated(modelProvider.modelOf(period)); } } for (PotentialUserSave potentialUser : potentialUsers) { IModel<User> mUser = potentialUser.getUser(); User u = mUser.getObject(); u.setValid(true); u.setCreateDate(new Date());; userService.onUserCreated(mUser, null); } cwmService.flushChanges(); } protected User createUserObject(CSVRecord record) { return userService.newUser(); } /** * Adds a record of values to a User object. * * @param user User object to be filled in * @param record a record of fields that will populate the User object * @return error message as a string if there are errors, empty string if successful */ protected String populateUserObject(User user, CSVRecord record) { String errors = ""; Site site = null; // Determine site if (notEmpty(record, "site")) { site = getSite(get(record, "site")); } else if (defaultSite != null && defaultSite.getObject() != null) { site = defaultSite.getObject(); } else { errors += "Must specify site. \n"; } // Determine period(s) if (notEmpty(record, "period")) { for (String periodName : get(record, "period").split(",")) user.getPeriods().add(getPeriod(site, periodName.trim())); } else if (defaultPeriod != null && defaultPeriod.getObject() != null) { user.getPeriods().add(defaultPeriod.getObject()); } else { errors += "Must specify period. \n"; } // Set Names if (notEmpty(record, "firstname")) user.setFirstName(get(record, "firstname")); else errors += "Must specify \"firstname.\" \n"; if (notEmpty(record, "lastname")) user.setLastName(get(record, "lastname")); else errors += "Must specify \"lastname.\" \n"; // Set Permission boolean permission = false; if (notEmpty(record, "permission")) { String value = get(record, "permission").trim().toLowerCase(); if (value.equals("true") || value.equals("1")) { permission = true; } } user.setPermission(permission); // Set Type if (notEmpty(record, "type")) { String type = get(record, "type").toLowerCase(); if (Role.forRoleString(type) != null) user.setRole(Role.forRoleString(type)); else if (type.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase().equals("t")) user.setRole(Role.TEACHER); else user.setRole(Role.STUDENT); } else { errors += "Must specify mUser type. \n"; user.setRole(null); } // Set Password if (notEmpty(record, "password")) { user.setPassword(get(record, "password")); } else { errors += "Must specify password. \n"; user.setPassword(""); } // Set Username if (notEmpty(record, "username")) { user.setUsername(get(record, "username")); } else { errors += "Must specify username. \n"; user.setUsername(""); } // Set SubjectId (Default to Username) if (notEmpty(record, "subjectid")) { user.setSubjectId(get(record, "subjectid")); } else { user.setSubjectId(get(record, "username")); } // Set email if (notEmpty(record, "email")) { user.setEmail(get(record, "email")); } return errors; } // Determine whether the named field has a real, non-empty value. protected boolean notEmpty(CSVRecord record, String fieldname) { Integer position = headerMap.get(fieldname); if (position == null) return false; String value = record.get(position); return (value != null && !value.isEmpty()); } // Get the value for the named field. protected String get(CSVRecord record, String fieldname) { Integer fieldIndex = headerMap.get(fieldname); if (fieldIndex != null) return record.get(headerMap.get(fieldname)); else return null; } // Make sure Site exists in our map of Sites, and return it. protected Site getSite(String siteName) { Site site = potentialSites.get(siteName); if (site == null) { // try database site = siteService.getSiteByName(siteName).getObject(); potentialSites.put(siteName, site); } if (site == null) { // its a new one site = siteService.newSite(); site.setName(siteName); site.setSiteId(siteName); potentialSites.put(siteName, site); } return site; } // make sure Period exists in the map, and return it protected Period getPeriod(Site site, String periodName) { if (!potentialPeriods.containsKey(site)) { potentialPeriods.put(site, new HashMap<String, Period>()); } Period period = potentialPeriods.get(site).get(periodName); if (period == null && !site.isTransient()) { // try the database period = getPeriodBySiteAndName(site, periodName); potentialPeriods.get(site).put(periodName, period); } if (period == null) { // create a new one period = siteService.newPeriod(); period.setSite(site); period.setName(periodName); period.setClassId(periodName); potentialPeriods.get(site).put(periodName, period); } return period; } protected Period getPeriodBySiteAndName(Site site, String name) { Criteria criteria = Databinder.getHibernateSession().createCriteria(Period.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", name)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("site", site)); return (Period) criteria.uniqueResult(); } public ISpreadsheetReader setDefaultSite(IModel<Site> mDefaultSite) { this.defaultSite = mDefaultSite; return this; } /** * A simple object used for creating a set of Person objects from an uploaded CSV file. * Each instance will either have a valid user object, or a non-empty error saying why. * * @author jbrookover * */ @Getter @Setter public static class PotentialUserSave implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private IModel<User> user; private String error; private CSVRecord csvRecord; public PotentialUserSave(IModel<User> user, String error, CSVRecord csvRecord) { this.user = user; this.error = error; this.csvRecord = csvRecord; } } }