Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at * * * This Source Code Form is also subject to the terms of the Health-Related Additional * Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability available at * */ package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu.resource.Patient; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.carewebframework.common.DateUtil; import org.carewebframework.common.StrUtil; import; import; import org.carewebframework.ui.FrameworkController; import org.carewebframework.ui.highcharts.Chart; import org.carewebframework.ui.highcharts.DashStyle; import org.carewebframework.ui.highcharts.DataPoint; import org.carewebframework.ui.highcharts.DateTimeFormatOptions; import org.carewebframework.ui.highcharts.Series; import org.carewebframework.ui.highcharts.ZoomType; import org.carewebframework.ui.zk.DateRangePicker; import; import; import; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zul.Button; import org.zkoss.zul.Checkbox; import org.zkoss.zul.Combobox; import org.zkoss.zul.Listbox; import org.zkoss.zul.Listcell; import org.zkoss.zul.Listhead; import org.zkoss.zul.Listheader; import org.zkoss.zul.Listitem; import org.zkoss.zul.Paging; import org.zkoss.zul.Slider; import org.zkoss.zul.Toolbar; /** * Controller for vital measurement display. */ public class DisplayController extends FrameworkController implements PatientContext.IPatientContextEvent, IPluginEvent { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DisplayController.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String[] rangeSeries = new String[] { "low", "high" }; private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "%d-%b-%y"; private static final String TIME_FORMAT = DATE_FORMAT + " %H:%M"; private Chart chart; private Listbox lstVitals; private Listhead hdrVitals; private Paging pgVitals; private Slider sldVitals; private Checkbox chkGrid; private Checkbox chkAge; private Checkbox chkPercentiles; private Checkbox chkZoom; private Combobox cboUnits; private Button btnEnterVitals; private DateRangePicker datRange; private Toolbar tbarPaging; private Patient patient; private int selectedRow = -1; private String selectedItem; private final Date today = new Date(); private final Map<String, String> percentiles = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<String> tests; private BrokerSession broker; private String gridRPC; private String detailRPC; private final int maxCols = 5; @Override public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception { super.doAfterCompose(comp); // chart.getRenderer().setBaseItemLabelsVisible(true); //chart.setPeriod(Chart.MINUTE); //chart.setDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy"); chart.getXAxis().gridLineWidth = 0; chart.getYAxis().gridLineWidth = 0; chart.options.exporting.buttons_printButton.onclick = "cwf.print(this.container);"; setDateFormats(chart.options.plotOptions.tooltip.dateTimeLabelFormats); setDateFormats(chart.getXAxis().dateTimeLabelFormats); broker = VistAUtil.getBrokerSession(); cboUnits.setSelectedIndex(0); datRange.setSelectedIndex(0); btnEnterVitals.setVisible(EntryController.isEnabled()); selectData("", "RGCWVM GRID", "RGCWVM DETAIL", null); } public void selectData(String test, String gridRPC, String detailRPC, List<String> tests) { this.gridRPC = gridRPC; this.detailRPC = detailRPC; this.tests = tests; committed(); setSelectedRow(test); } private void setDateFormats(DateTimeFormatOptions dtlf) { dtlf.setDateFormats(DATE_FORMAT); dtlf.setTimeFormats(TIME_FORMAT); } private Date ageToDate(double age) { if (chkAge.isVisible() && chkAge.isChecked()) { return DateUtil.addDays(patient.getBirthDate().getValue(), (int) (age * 365.25 / 12.0), true); } else { return new Date(); } } private double dateToAge(Date date) { double diff = date.getTime() - patient.getBirthDate().getValue().getTime(); return diff / 2592000000.0; } private Listcell setValue(int col, int row, String value, Object object) { Listcell cell = getCell(col, row); cell.setLabel(value); cell.setValue(object); return cell; } private String getValue(int col, int row) { return getCell(col, row).getLabel(); } private Object getObject(int col, int row) { return getCell(col, row).getValue(); } private Listcell getCell(int col, int row) { Listitem item; while (row >= lstVitals.getItemCount()) { item = new Listitem(); item.setVisible(false); item.setParent(lstVitals); } item = lstVitals.getItemAtIndex(row); while (col >= item.getChildren().size()) { Listcell cell = new Listcell(""); cell.setParent(item); } return (Listcell) item.getChildren().get(col); } private Series findSeries(String seriesName, boolean forceCreate) { for (Series series : chart.options.series) { if (seriesName.equals( { return series; } } if (!forceCreate) { return null; } Series series = chart.addSeries(); = seriesName; return series; } private DataPoint plotData(double xVal, String value, String seriesName, String id) { try { double yVal = Double.parseDouble(value); Series series = findSeries(seriesName, true); DataPoint dp = series.addDataPoint(xVal, yVal); = id; return dp; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private void plotRange(double xLow, double xHigh, String range) { final String pcs[] = StrUtil.split(range, "-", 2); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { String seriesName = rangeSeries[i]; Series series = findSeries(seriesName, true); DataPoint low = plotData(xLow, pcs[i], seriesName, null); DataPoint high = plotData(xHigh, pcs[i], seriesName, null); if (low == null || high == null) { chart.options.series.remove(series); } else { series.plotOptions.dashStyle = DashStyle.Dot; series.plotOptions.color = "darkgray"; series.plotOptions.showInLegend = false; low.marker.enabled = false; high.marker.enabled = false; } } } private void plotPercentile(double xVal, String value, String series) { Series pctile = findSeries(series, true); DataPoint dp = plotData(xVal, value, series, series); if (pctile.plotOptions.dashStyle == null) { pctile.plotOptions.marker.enabled = false; pctile.plotOptions.enableMouseTracking = false; pctile.plotOptions.dashStyle = "50".equals(series) ? DashStyle.DashDot : DashStyle.Dash; pctile.plotOptions.lineWidth = 1; } } private void chartData() { Date dateHigh = null; Date dateLow = null; int row = selectedRow; boolean useAge = chkAge.isVisible() && chkAge.isChecked(); chart.clear(); int colcount = hdrVitals.getChildren().size() - 1; if (row < 0 || row >= lstVitals.getItemCount() || colcount < 0) { return; } boolean hasData = false; String testname = getValue(0, row); String testid = (String) getObject(0, row); boolean isBP = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(testname, "pressure"); chart.getYAxis().title.text = (String) getObject(colcount, row); chart.getXAxis().title.text = useAge ? "age (months)" : null; chart.getXAxis().type = useAge ? "linear" : "datetime"; for (int col = 1; col < colcount; col++) { Listheader hdr = (Listheader) hdrVitals.getChildren().get(col); FMDate date = (FMDate) hdr.getValue(); if (date != null) { double xVal = useAge ? dateToAge(date) : date.getTime(); String vals[] = StrUtil.split(getValue(col, row), ";"); boolean newData = false; for (String val : vals) { if (isBP) { String pcs[] = StrUtil.split(val, "/"); if (pcs.length > 0) { newData |= plotData(xVal, pcs[0], "Systolic", testname) != null; } if (pcs.length > 2) { newData |= plotData(xVal, pcs[1], "Mean", testname) != null; newData |= plotData(xVal, pcs[2], "Diastolic", testname) != null; } else { newData |= plotData(xVal, pcs[1], "Diastolic", testname) != null; } } else { newData |= plotData(xVal, val, testname, testname) != null; } } if (newData) { hasData = true; dateLow = dateLow == null ? date : date.getTime() < dateLow.getTime() ? date : dateLow; dateHigh = dateHigh == null ? date : date.getTime() > dateHigh.getTime() ? date : dateHigh; } } } if (hasData) { double xLow = useAge ? dateToAge(dateLow) : dateLow.getTime(); double xHigh = useAge ? dateToAge(dateHigh) : dateHigh.getTime(); plotRange(xLow, xHigh, StrUtil.piece(getValue(colcount, row), " ")); String pctileRPC = percentiles.get(testid); if (pctileRPC != null && chkPercentiles.isChecked()) { List<String> pctiles = broker.callRPCList(pctileRPC, null, testid, patient.getId().getIdPart(), DateUtils.addDays(dateLow, -3000), DateUtils.addDays(dateHigh, 3000), getDefaultUnits()); for (String pctile : pctiles) { String pcs[] = StrUtil.split(pctile, StrUtil.U, 3); FMDate date = new FMDate(pcs[1]); plotPercentile(useAge ? dateToAge(date) : date.getTime(), pcs[2], pcs[0]); } }; } } /** * Load the string grid with data. Calls the grid RPC to retrieve data for the grid. Data is * returned in the following format: * * <pre> * * counts: test count^date count^result count * tests: control ien^test ien^test name^test abbrv^units^low norm^hi norm^percentile RPC * dates: date id^FM date results: date id^row #^value^result ien * * For example: * * 8^2^7 * * 3^3^TEMPERATURE^TMP^F^^^ 5^5^PULSE^PU^/min^60^100^ * 15^15^RESPIRATIONS^RS^/min^^^ 4^4^BLOOD PRESSURE^BP^mmHg^90^150^ * 1^1^HEIGHT^HT^in^^^CIAOCVVM PCTILE 2^2^WEIGHT^WT^lb^^^CIAOCVVM PCTILE * 21^21^PAIN^PA^^^^ 6^6^HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE^HC^in^^^CIAOCVVM PCTILE * * 2^3041018.1446 * 1^3041022.1446 * * 1^2^77^^2445227 1^4^101/65^^2445224 1^5^27^^2445222 2^5^26.5^^2445220 * 1^6^16.5^^2445223 2^6^16^^2445218 1^8^17.5^^2445225 * </pre> */ private void loadGrid() { chart.clear(); if (patient == null) { showMessage("No patient selected."); return; } Iterator<String> data = doRPC(gridRPC, datRange.getStartDate(), datRange.getEndDate(), tests).iterator(); percentiles.clear(); String[] pcs = StrUtil.split(, StrUtil.U, 3); int testcnt = StrUtil.toInt(pcs[0]); int datecnt = StrUtil.toInt(pcs[1]); int datacnt = StrUtil.toInt(pcs[2]); if (datacnt == 0 || datecnt == 0) { showMessage("No data available within selected range."); return; } initGrid(datecnt + 2, testcnt); // Populate test names and units for (int r = 0; r < testcnt; r++) { pcs = StrUtil.split(, StrUtil.U, 8); String range = pcs[5] + "-" + pcs[6]; range = "-".equals(range) ? "" : range + " "; setValue(0, r, WordUtils.capitalizeFully(pcs[2]), pcs[0]).setStyle("font-weight:bold"); setValue(datecnt + 1, r, range + pcs[4], pcs[4]).setStyle("font-style:italic"); if (!pcs[7].isEmpty()) { percentiles.put(pcs[0], pcs[7]); } } // Populate date headers Map<String, Listheader> headers = new HashMap<String, Listheader>(); for (int c = 1; c <= datecnt; c++) { pcs = StrUtil.split(, StrUtil.U, 2); FMDate date = new FMDate(pcs[1]); Listheader hdr = (Listheader) hdrVitals.getChildren().get(c); hdr.setLabel(date.toString()); hdr.setValue(date); hdr.setParent(hdrVitals); headers.put(pcs[0], hdr); } // Populate data cells for (int i = 0; i < datacnt; i++) { pcs = StrUtil.split(, StrUtil.U, 3); int col = headers.get(pcs[0]).getColumnIndex(); int row = StrUtil.toInt(pcs[1]) - 1; setValue(col, row, StrUtil.strAppend(getValue(col, row), pcs[2], "; "), null); lstVitals.getItemAtIndex(row).setVisible(true); } lstVitals.invalidate(); setSelectedRow(selectedItem); } private void initGrid(int colcount, int rowcount) { lstVitals.getItems().clear(); hdrVitals.getChildren().clear(); if (colcount > 2 && rowcount > 0) { tbarPaging.setVisible(true); sldVitals.setMaxpos(colcount - 2); sldVitals.setCurpos(maxCols); pgVitals.setActivePage(0); pgVitals.setTotalSize(colcount - 2); pgVitals.setPageSize(maxCols + 1); getCell(colcount - 1, rowcount - 1); for (int i = 1; i <= colcount; i++) { Listheader lh = new Listheader(); lh.setVisible(i <= maxCols || i == colcount); lh.setAlign(i == 1 ? "right" : i == colcount ? "left" : "center"); lh.setHflex("1"); hdrVitals.appendChild(lh); } } else { hdrVitals.appendChild(new Listheader()); tbarPaging.setVisible(false); } } private void showMessage(String message) { initGrid(0, 0); Listcell cell = getCell(0, 0); cell.setLabel(message); cell.getParent().setVisible(true); } private void setSelectedRow(String test) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(test)) { setSelectedRow(-1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < lstVitals.getItemCount(); i++) { if (test.equals(getValue(0, i))) { setSelectedRow(i); break; } } } } private void setSelectedRow(int index) { if (index < 0) { selectedRow = -1; selectedItem = ""; lstVitals.clearSelection(); chkPercentiles.setVisible(false); } else { selectedRow = index; selectedItem = getValue(0, index); lstVitals.setSelectedIndex(index); chkPercentiles.setVisible(percentiles.containsKey(getObject(0, index))); } chartData(); } private int getDefaultUnits() { return cboUnits.getSelectedIndex() - 1; } private List<String> doRPC(String rpcName, Date date1, Date date2, List<String> tests) { // TODO: need to use encounter location return broker.callRPCList(rpcName, null, patient.getId().getIdPart(), date1, date2, 0, tests, 0, getDefaultUnits()); } private void updatePaging() { int colcount = hdrVitals.getChildren().size() - 2; int maxcols = sldVitals.getCurpos() + 1; sldVitals.setTooltiptext(Integer.toString(maxcols)); pgVitals.setActivePage(0); pgVitals.setPageSize(Math.min(maxcols, colcount)); onPaging$pgVitals(); } public void onScroll$sldVitals() { updatePaging(); } public void onPaging$pgVitals() { int maxCols = sldVitals.getCurpos() + 1; int cols = hdrVitals.getChildren().size() - 1; int col1 = pgVitals.getActivePage() * maxCols; int col2 = col1 + maxCols; for (int col = 1; col < cols; col++) { ((Listheader) hdrVitals.getChildren().get(col)).setVisible(col > col1 && col <= col2); } } public void onSelect$lstVitals() { setSelectedRow(lstVitals.getSelectedIndex()); } public void onSelectRange$datRange() { loadGrid(); } public void onSelect$cboUnits() { loadGrid(); } public void onCheck$chkGrid() { int w = chkGrid.isChecked() ? 1 : 0; chart.getXAxis().gridLineWidth = w; chart.getYAxis().gridLineWidth = w; chartData(); } public void onCheck$chkAge() { chartData(); } public void onCheck$chkPercentiles() { chartData(); } public void onCheck$chkZoom() { chart.options.chart.zoomType = chkZoom.isChecked() ? ZoomType.xy : null; chartData(); } /** * Called if the patient context change was canceled. */ @Override public void canceled() { } /** * Called if the patient context was committed. */ @Override public void committed() { patient = PatientContext.getActivePatient(); chkAge.setVisible(patient != null && dateToAge(today) < 37); loadGrid(); } /** * Called when a patient context change has been requested. * * @param silent If true, user interaction is not permitted. */ @Override public String pending(boolean silent) { return null; } /** * The CareWeb framework will call this method whenever the component becomes activated * (visible). */ @Override public void onActivate() { } /** * The CareWeb framework will call this method whenever the component becomes inactivated * (hidden). */ @Override public void onInactivate() { } /** * The CareWeb framework will call this method whenever the component is initially loaded. * * @param container Reference to the plugin's container. */ @Override public void onLoad(PluginContainer container) { } /** * The CareWeb framework will call this method whenever the component is unloaded. */ @Override public void onUnload() { } }