Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at * * * This Source Code Form is also subject to the terms of the Health-Related Additional * Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability available at * */ package org.carewebframework.ui.zk; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.carewebframework.common.DateUtil; import org.carewebframework.common.StrUtil; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent; import org.zkoss.zul.Label; /** * Base for renderers. */ public abstract class AbstractRenderer { protected final String compStyle; protected final String cellStyle; /** * No args Constructor */ public AbstractRenderer() { this(null, null); } /** * @param compStyle Style to be applied to each rendered component. * @param cellStyle Style to be applied to each cell. */ public AbstractRenderer(String compStyle, String cellStyle) { this.compStyle = compStyle; this.cellStyle = cellStyle; } /** * Creates a label for a string value. * * @param parent Component that will be the parent of the label. * @param value Value to be used as label text. * @return The newly created label. */ public Label createLabel(Component parent, Object value) { return createLabel(parent, value, null, null); } /** * Creates a label for a string value. * * @param parent Component that will be the parent of the label. * @param value Value to be used as label text. * @param prefix Value to be used as a prefix for the label text. * @return The newly created label. */ public Label createLabel(Component parent, Object value, String prefix) { return createLabel(parent, value, prefix, null); } /** * Creates a label for a string value. * * @param parent Component that will be the parent of the label. * @param value Value to be used as label text. * @param prefix Value to be used as a prefix for the label text. * @param style Style to be applied to the label. * @return The newly created label. */ public Label createLabel(Component parent, Object value, String prefix, String style) { return createLabel(parent, value, prefix, style, false); } /** * Creates a label for a string value. * * @param parent Component that will be the parent of the label. * @param value Value to be used as label text. * @param prefix Value to be used as a prefix for the label text. * @param style Style to be applied to the label. * @param asFirst If true, the label is prepended to the parent. If false, it is appended. * @return The newly created label. */ public Label createLabel(Component parent, Object value, String prefix, String style, boolean asFirst) { Label label = new Label(createLabelText(value, prefix)); label.setStyle(style); parent.insertBefore(label, asFirst ? parent.getFirstChild() : null); return label; } /** * Creates a component containing a label with the specified parameters. * * @param parent Component that will be the parent of the created component. * @param value Value to be used as label text. * @param prefix Value to be used as a prefix for the label text. * @param style Style to be applied to the label. * @param width Width of the created component. * @param clazz The class of the component to be created. * @return The newly created component. */ protected <C extends HtmlBasedComponent> C createCell(Component parent, Object value, String prefix, String style, String width, Class<C> clazz) { C container = null; try { container = clazz.newInstance(); container.setParent(parent); container.setStyle(cellStyle); if (width != null) { container.setWidth(width); } if (value instanceof Component) { ((Component) value).setParent(container); } else if (value != null) { createLabel(container, value, prefix, style); } } catch (Exception e) { } ; return container; } public String createLabelText(Object value, String prefix) { String text = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value == null ? null : value instanceof Date ? DateUtil.formatDate((Date) value) : value instanceof String ? StrUtil.formatMessage((String) value) : value.toString()); return text.isEmpty() ? "" : StrUtil.formatMessage(StringUtils.defaultString(prefix)) + text; } }