Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at * * * This Source Code Form is also subject to the terms of the Health-Related Additional * Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability available at * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.carewebframework.api.spring.SpringUtil; import org.carewebframework.common.StrUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.carewebframework.ui.FrameworkController; import org.carewebframework.ui.command.CommandEvent; import org.carewebframework.ui.command.CommandUtil; import org.carewebframework.ui.zk.ZKUtil; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Disable; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Clients; import org.zkoss.zul.Idspace; /** * Container that manages CareWeb plugins */ public class PluginContainer extends Idspace { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PluginContainer.class); /** * Used to hold property values prior to plugin initialization. When a plugin is subsequently * initialized and registers a property, the value in the corresponding proxy is used to * initialize the property. This allows the deserializer to initialize property values even * though the plug-in has not yet been instantiated. */ private class PropertyProxy { private Object value; private final PropertyInfo propInfo; private PropertyProxy(PropertyInfo propInfo, Object value) { this.propInfo = propInfo; this.value = value; } }; private final CareWebShell shell; private PluginDefinition definition; private ToolbarContainer tbarContainer; private List<IPluginEvent> pluginEventListeners1; private List<IPluginEventListener> pluginEventListeners2; private List<Component> registeredComponents; private List<Disable> registeredActions; private Map<String, Object> registeredProperties; private Map<String, Object> registeredBeans; private boolean disabled; private boolean destroying; private boolean initialized; private String busyMessage; private boolean busyPending; private boolean busyDisabled; private String color; private class ToolbarContainer extends Idspace { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ToolbarContainer() { super(); setZclass("cwf-toolbar-container"); } } /** * Returns the plugin container for the given component. * * @param comp The component whose hosting container is sought. * @return The hosting plugin container, or null if no container hosts the component. */ public static PluginContainer getContainer(Component comp) { return ZKUtil.findAncestor(comp, PluginContainer.class); } /** * Create the plugin container. */ public PluginContainer() { super(); shell = CareWebUtil.getShell(); setZclass("cwf-plugin-container"); setVisible(false); setHeight("100%"); setWidth("100%"); } /** * Activate the plugin. */ public void activate() { load(); executeAction(PluginAction.ACTIVATE, true); setVisible(true); } /** * Inactivate the plugin. */ public void inactivate() { setVisible(false); executeAction(PluginAction.INACTIVATE, true); } /** * Release contained resources. */ public void destroy() { if (!destroying) { destroying = true; shell.unregisterPlugin(this); executeAction(PluginAction.UNLOAD, false); CommandUtil.dissociateAll(this); if (pluginEventListeners1 != null) { pluginEventListeners1.clear(); pluginEventListeners1 = null; } if (pluginEventListeners2 != null) { executeAction(PluginAction.UNSUBSCRIBE, false); pluginEventListeners2.clear(); pluginEventListeners2 = null; } if (registeredProperties != null) { registeredProperties.clear(); registeredProperties = null; } if (registeredBeans != null) { registeredBeans.clear(); registeredBeans = null; } if (registeredComponents != null) { for (Component component : registeredComponents) { component.detach(); } registeredComponents.clear(); registeredComponents = null; } } } /** * Calls the hosting UI element to bring the plugin to the front of the UI. */ public void bringToFront() { UIElementBase associated = UIElementZKBase.getAssociatedUIElement(this); if (associated != null) { associated.bringToFront(); } } /** * Sets the visibility of the contained resource and any registered components. * * @param visible Visibility state to set */ @Override public boolean setVisible(boolean visible) { boolean result = super.setVisible(visible); if (result != visible && registeredComponents != null) { for (Component component : registeredComponents) { if (!visible) { component.setAttribute(Constants.ATTR_VISIBLE, component.isVisible()); component.setVisible(false); } else { component.setVisible((Boolean) component.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_VISIBLE)); } } } if (visible) { checkBusy(); } return result; } /** * Returns true if any plugin event listeners are registered. * * @return True if any plugin event listeners are registered. */ private boolean hasListeners() { return pluginEventListeners1 != null || pluginEventListeners2 != null; } /** * Notify all plugin callbacks of the specified action. * * @param action Action to perform. * @param async If true, callbacks are done asynchronously. */ private void executeAction(PluginAction action, boolean async) { executeAction(action, async, null); } /** * Notify all plugin callbacks of the specified action. * * @param action Action to perform. * @param data Event-dependent data (may be null). * @param async If true, callbacks are done asynchronously. */ private void executeAction(PluginAction action, boolean async, Object data) { if (hasListeners() || action == PluginAction.LOAD) { PluginEvent event = new PluginEvent(this, action, data); if (async) { Events.postEvent(event); } else { onAction(event); } } } /** * Notify listeners of plugin events. * * @param event The plugin event containing the action. */ public void onAction(final PluginEvent event) { PluginLifecycleEventException exception = null; PluginAction action = event.getAction(); boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); if (pluginEventListeners1 != null) { for (IPluginEvent listener : new ArrayList<IPluginEvent>(pluginEventListeners1)) { try { if (debug) { log.debug("Invoking IPluginEvent.on" + WordUtils.capitalizeFully( + " for listener " + listener); } switch (action) { case LOAD: listener.onLoad(this); continue; case UNLOAD: listener.onUnload(); continue; case ACTIVATE: listener.onActivate(); continue; case INACTIVATE: listener.onInactivate(); continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { exception = createChainedException(, e, exception); } } } if (pluginEventListeners2 != null) { for (IPluginEventListener listener : new ArrayList<IPluginEventListener>(pluginEventListeners2)) { try { if (debug) { log.debug("Delivering " + + " event to IPluginEventListener listener " + listener); } listener.onPluginEvent(event); } catch (Throwable e) { exception = createChainedException(, e, exception); } } } if (action == PluginAction.LOAD) { doAfterLoad(); } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } /** * Actions to perform after the container is loaded. */ protected void doAfterLoad() { registerProperty(this, "color", false); } /** * Forward onCommand events to first level children of the container. * * @param event The command event. */ public void onCommand(CommandEvent event) { if (!disabled) { for (Component child : this.getChildren()) { Events.sendEvent(child, event); if (!event.isPropagatable()) { break; } } } } /** * Creates a chained exception. * * @param action Action being performed at the time of the exception. * @param newException Exception just thrown. * @param previousException Previous exception (may be null). * @return Top level exception in chain. */ private PluginLifecycleEventException createChainedException(final String action, final Throwable newException, final PluginLifecycleEventException previousException) { String msg = action + " event generated an error."; log.error(msg, newException); PluginLifecycleEventException wrapper = new PluginLifecycleEventException(Executions.getCurrent(), msg, previousException == null ? newException : previousException); wrapper.setStackTrace(newException.getStackTrace()); return wrapper; } /** * Initializes a plugin, if not already done. This loads the plugin's principal zul page, * attaches any event listeners, and sends a load event to subscribers. */ public void load() { if (!initialized && definition != null) { try { initialized = true; if (getFirstChild() == null) { ZKUtil.loadZulPage(definition.getUrl(), this); } } catch (Throwable e) { ZKUtil.detachChildren(this); throw createChainedException("Initialize", e, null); } findListeners(this); executeAction(PluginAction.LOAD, true); } } /** * Search the plugin's component tree for components (or their controllers) implementing the * IPluginEvent interface. Those that are found are registered as listeners. * * @param cmpt Component to search */ private void findListeners(Component cmpt) { for (Component child : cmpt.getChildren()) { tryRegisterListener(child, true); tryRegisterListener(FrameworkController.getController(child), true); findListeners(child); } } /** * Adds the specified component to the toolbar container. The component is registered to this * container and will visible only when the container is active. * * @param component Component to add. */ public void addToolbarComponent(Component component) { if (tbarContainer == null) { tbarContainer = new ToolbarContainer(); shell.addToolbarComponent(tbarContainer); registerComponent(tbarContainer); } tbarContainer.appendChild(component); } /** * Register a component with the container. The container will control the visibility of the * component according to when it is active/inactive. * * @param component Component to register. */ public void registerComponent(Component component) { if (registeredComponents == null) { registeredComponents = new ArrayList<Component>(); } registeredComponents.add(component); component.setAttribute(Constants.ATTR_CONTAINER, this); component.setAttribute(Constants.ATTR_VISIBLE, component.isVisible()); component.setVisible(isVisible()); } /** * Allows auto-wire to work even if component is not a child of the container. * * @param id Component id. * @param component Component to be registered. */ /*package*/void registerId(String id, Component component) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(id) && !hasAttribute(id)) { setAttribute(id, component); } } /** * Registers an action element. Action elements implement the Disable interface and are * automatically enabled/disabled when the owning container is enabled/disabled. * * @param actionElement A component implementing the Disable interface. */ public void registerAction(Disable actionElement) { if (registeredActions == null) { registeredActions = new ArrayList<Disable>(); } registeredActions.add(actionElement); actionElement.setDisabled(isDisabled()); } /** * Registers a listener for the IPluginEvent callback event. If the listener has already been * registered, the request is ignored. * * @param listener Listener to be registered. */ public void registerListener(IPluginEvent listener) { if (pluginEventListeners1 == null) { pluginEventListeners1 = new ArrayList<IPluginEvent>(); } if (!pluginEventListeners1.contains(listener)) { pluginEventListeners1.add(listener); } } /** * Registers a listener for the IPluginEventListener callback event. If the listener has already * been registered, the request is ignored. * * @param listener Listener to be registered. */ public void registerListener(IPluginEventListener listener) { if (pluginEventListeners2 == null) { pluginEventListeners2 = new ArrayList<IPluginEventListener>(); } if (!pluginEventListeners2.contains(listener)) { pluginEventListeners2.add(listener); listener.onPluginEvent(new PluginEvent(this, PluginAction.SUBSCRIBE)); } } /** * Unregisters a listener for the IPluginEvent callback event. * * @param listener Listener to be unregistered. */ public void unregisterListener(IPluginEvent listener) { if (pluginEventListeners1 != null) { pluginEventListeners1.remove(listener); } } /** * Unregisters a listener for the IPluginEvent callback event. * * @param listener Listener to be unregistered. */ public void unregisterListener(IPluginEventListener listener) { if (pluginEventListeners2 != null && pluginEventListeners2.contains(listener)) { pluginEventListeners2.remove(listener); listener.onPluginEvent(new PluginEvent(this, PluginAction.UNSUBSCRIBE)); } } /** * Attempts to register or unregister an object as an event listener. * * @param object Object to register/unregister. * @param register If true, we are attempting to register. If false, unregister. * @return True if operation was successful. False if the object supports none of the recognized * event listeners. */ public boolean tryRegisterListener(Object object, boolean register) { boolean success = false; if (object instanceof IPluginEvent) { if (register) { registerListener((IPluginEvent) object); } else { unregisterListener((IPluginEvent) object); } success = true; } if (object instanceof IPluginEventListener) { if (register) { registerListener((IPluginEventListener) object); } else { unregisterListener((IPluginEventListener) object); } success = true; } return success; } /** * Registers one or more named properties to the container. Using this, a plugin can expose * properties for serialization and deserialization. * * @param instance The object instance holding the property accessors. If null, any existing * registration will be removed. * @param propertyNames One or more property names to register. */ public void registerProperties(Object instance, String... propertyNames) { for (String propertyName : propertyNames) { registerProperty(instance, propertyName, true); } } /** * Registers a named property to the container. Using this, a plugin can expose a property for * serialization and deserialization. * * @param instance The object instance holding the property accessors. If null, any existing * registration will be removed. * @param propertyName Name of property to register. * @param override If the property is already registered to a non-proxy, the previous * registration will be replaced if this is true; otherwise the request is ignored. */ public void registerProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, boolean override) { if (registeredProperties == null) { registeredProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } if (instance == null) { registeredProperties.remove(propertyName); } else { Object oldInstance = registeredProperties.get(propertyName); PropertyProxy proxy = oldInstance instanceof PropertyProxy ? (PropertyProxy) oldInstance : null; if (!override && oldInstance != null && proxy == null) { return; } registeredProperties.put(propertyName, instance); // If previous registrant was a property proxy, transfer its value to new registrant. if (proxy != null) { try { proxy.propInfo.setPropertyValue(instance, proxy.value); } catch (Exception e) { throw createChainedException("Register Property", e, null); } } } } /** * Registers a helper bean with this container. * * @param beanId The bean's id. * @param isRequired If true and the bean is not found, an exception is raised. */ /*package*/void registerBean(String beanId, boolean isRequired) { if (beanId == null || beanId.isEmpty()) { return; } Object bean = SpringUtil.getBean(beanId); if (bean == null && isRequired) { throw new PluginLifecycleEventException(Executions.getCurrent(), "Required bean resouce not found: " + beanId); } Object oldBean = getAssociatedBean(beanId); if (bean == oldBean) { return; } if (registeredBeans == null) { registeredBeans = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } tryRegisterListener(oldBean, false); if (bean == null) { registeredBeans.remove(beanId); } else { registeredBeans.put(beanId, bean); tryRegisterListener(bean, true); } } /** * Returns a bean that has been associated (via registerBean) with this plugin. * * @param beanId The id of the bean. * @return The bean instance, or null if not found. */ public Object getAssociatedBean(String beanId) { return registeredBeans == null ? null : registeredBeans.get(beanId); } /** * Returns the value for a registered property. * * @param propInfo Property info. * @return The property value. * @throws Exception Unspecified exception. */ public Object getPropertyValue(PropertyInfo propInfo) throws Exception { Object obj = registeredProperties == null ? null : registeredProperties.get(propInfo.getId()); return obj == null ? null : obj instanceof PropertyProxy ? ((PropertyProxy) obj).value : propInfo.getPropertyValue(obj); } /** * Sets a value for a registered property. * * @param propInfo Property info. * @param value The value to set. * @throws Exception Unspecified exception. */ public void setPropertyValue(PropertyInfo propInfo, Object value) throws Exception { String propId = propInfo.getId(); Object obj = registeredProperties == null ? null : registeredProperties.get(propId); if (obj == null) { obj = new PropertyProxy(propInfo, value); registerProperties(obj, propId); } else if (obj instanceof PropertyProxy) { ((PropertyProxy) obj).value = value; } else { propInfo.setPropertyValue(obj, value); } } /** * Return the definition associated with this plugin. * * @return The associated plugin definition. */ public PluginDefinition getPluginDefinition() { return definition; } /** * Sets the plugin definition the container will use to instantiate the plugin. If there is a * status bean associated with the plugin, it is registered with the container at this time. If * there are style sheet resources associated with the plugin, they will be added to the * container at this time. * * @param definition The plugin definition. */ public void setPluginDefinition(PluginDefinition definition) { this.definition = definition; if (definition == null) { return; } setSclass("cwf-plugin-" + definition.getId()); shell.registerPlugin(this); } /** * Enables/disables the container and all registered action elements. * * @param disabled Disable status. */ public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; disableActions(disabled); } /** * Enables/disables registered actions elements. Note that if the container is disabled, the * action elements will not be enabled by this call. It may be used, however, to temporarily * disable action elements that would otherwise be enabled. * * @param disable The disable status. */ public void disableActions(boolean disable) { if (registeredActions != null) { for (Disable registeredAction : registeredActions) { registeredAction.setDisabled(disable || disabled); } } } /** * Returns the disable status of the container. * * @return True if this plugin is disabled. */ public boolean isDisabled() { return disabled; } /** * Temporarily disables setBusy function. * * @param disable If true, disable setBusy function. If false, enables the function and * processes any pending busy operation. */ private void disableBusy(boolean disable) { busyDisabled = disable; busyPending |= disable; checkBusy(); } /** * Processes any pending busy operation if enabled. */ private void checkBusy() { if (!busyDisabled && busyPending) { setBusy(busyMessage); } } /** * If message is not null, disables the plugin and displays the busy message. If message is * null, removes any previous message and returns the plugin to its previous state. * * @param message The message to display, or null to clear previous message. */ public void setBusy(String message) { busyMessage = message = StrUtil.formatMessage(message); if (busyDisabled) { busyPending = true; } else if (message != null) { disableActions(true); Clients.showBusy(this, message); busyPending = !isVisible(); } else { disableActions(false); Clients.clearBusy(this); busyPending = false; } } /** * Sets design mode for the container. * * @param designMode If true, associated actions and busy mask are disabled. */ public void setDesignMode(boolean designMode) { disableActions(designMode); disableBusy(designMode); } /** * Returns the shell instance that hosts this container. * * @return The shell instance. */ public CareWebShell getShell() { return shell; } /** * Returns the color (as an HTML-formatted RGB string) for this element. * * @return An HTML-formatted color specification (e.g., #0F134E). May be null. */ public String getColor() { return color; } /** * Sets the container's background color. * * @param value A correctly formatted HTML color specification. */ public void setColor(String value) { color = value; ZKUtil.updateStyle(this, "background-color", color); } }