Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 Red Hat, Inc. * * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 * along with this software; if not, see * * * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated * in this software or its documentation. */ package org.candlepin.model; import org.candlepin.common.config.Configuration; import org.candlepin.common.exceptions.BadRequestException; import org.candlepin.common.exceptions.NotFoundException; import org.candlepin.common.paging.Page; import org.candlepin.common.paging.PageRequest; import org.candlepin.config.ConfigProperties; import org.candlepin.resteasy.parameter.KeyValueParameter; import org.candlepin.util.Util; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.ReplicationMode; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.criterion.Subqueries; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; /** * ConsumerCurator */ public class ConsumerCurator extends AbstractHibernateCurator<Consumer> { @Inject private EntitlementCurator entitlementCurator; @Inject private ConsumerTypeCurator consumerTypeCurator; @Inject private DeletedConsumerCurator deletedConsumerCurator; @Inject private Configuration config; private static final int MAX_FACT_STR_LENGTH = 255; private static final int NAME_LENGTH = 250; private static final int MAX_IN_QUERY_LENGTH = 500; private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsumerCurator.class); public ConsumerCurator() { super(Consumer.class); } @Transactional @Override public Consumer create(Consumer entity) { entity.ensureUUID(); if (entity.getFacts() != null) { entity.setFacts(filterAndVerifyFacts(entity)); } return super.create(entity); } @Transactional public void delete(Consumer entity) { // save off the IDs before we delete DeletedConsumer dc = new DeletedConsumer(entity.getUuid(), entity.getOwner().getId(), entity.getOwner().getKey(), entity.getOwner().getDisplayName()); super.delete(entity); DeletedConsumer existing = deletedConsumerCurator.findByConsumerUuid(dc.getConsumerUuid()); if (existing != null) { // update the owner ID in case the same UUID was specified by two owners existing.setOwnerId(dc.getOwnerId()); existing.setOwnerKey(dc.getOwnerKey()); existing.setOwnerDisplayName(dc.getOwnerDisplayName()); existing.setUpdated(new Date());; } else { deletedConsumerCurator.create(dc); } } @Transactional public Consumer replicate(Consumer consumer) { for (Entitlement entitlement : consumer.getEntitlements()) { entitlement.setConsumer(consumer); } ConsumerType consumerType = consumerTypeCurator.lookupByLabel(consumer.getType().getLabel()); consumer.setType(consumerType); IdentityCertificate idCert = consumer.getIdCert(); this.currentSession().replicate(idCert.getSerial(), ReplicationMode.EXCEPTION); this.currentSession().replicate(idCert, ReplicationMode.EXCEPTION); this.currentSession().replicate(consumer, ReplicationMode.EXCEPTION); return consumer; } /** * Lookup consumer by its name * * @param name consumer name to find * @return Consumer whose name matches the given name, null otherwise. */ @Transactional public Consumer findByName(Owner o, String name) { return (Consumer) createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("name", name)).add(Restrictions.eq("owner", o)) .uniqueResult(); } /** * Lookup consumer by its virt.uuid. * * In some cases the hypervisor will report UUIDs with uppercase, while the guest will * report lowercase. As such we do case insensitive comparison when looking these up. * * @param uuid consumer virt.uuid to find * @return Consumer whose name matches the given virt.uuid, null otherwise. */ @Transactional public Consumer findByVirtUuid(String uuid, String ownerId) { Consumer result = null; List<String> possibleGuestIds = Util.getPossibleUuids(uuid); String sql = "select from cp_consumer " + "inner join cp_consumer_facts_lower " + "on = cp_consumer_facts_lower.cp_consumer_id " + "where cp_consumer_facts_lower.mapkey = 'virt.uuid' and " + "cp_consumer_facts_lower.element in (:guestids) " + "and cp_consumer.owner_id = :ownerid " + "order by cp_consumer.updated desc"; Query q = currentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); q.setParameterList("guestids", possibleGuestIds); q.setParameter("ownerid", ownerId); List<String> options = q.list(); if (options != null && options.size() != 0) { result = this.find(options.get(0)); } return result; } /** * Lookup all consumers matching the given guest IDs. * * Maps guest ID to the most recent registered consumer that matches it. * Any guest ID not found will not return null. * * If multiple registered consumers report this guest ID (re-registraiton), only the * most recently updated will be returned. * * @param guestId * * @return VirtConsumerMap of guest ID to it's registered guest consumer, or null if * none exists. */ @Transactional public VirtConsumerMap getGuestConsumersMap(Owner owner, Set<String> guestIds) { VirtConsumerMap guestConsumersMap = new VirtConsumerMap(); if (guestIds.size() == 0) { return guestConsumersMap; } List<String> possibleGuestIds = Util.getPossibleUuids(guestIds.toArray(new String[guestIds.size()])); String sql = "select cp_consumer.uuid from cp_consumer " + "inner join cp_consumer_facts_lower " + "on = cp_consumer_facts_lower.cp_consumer_id " + "where cp_consumer_facts_lower.mapkey = 'virt.uuid' and " + "cp_consumer_facts_lower.element in (:guestids) " + "and cp_consumer.owner_id = :ownerid " + "order by cp_consumer.updated desc"; // We need to filter down to only the most recently registered consumer with // each guest ID. List<String> consumerUuids = new LinkedList<String>(); Iterable<List<String>> blocks = Iterables.partition(possibleGuestIds, AbstractHibernateCurator.IN_OPERATOR_BLOCK_SIZE); Query query = this.currentSession().createSQLQuery(sql).setParameter("ownerid", owner.getId()); for (List<String> block : blocks) { query.setParameterList("guestids", block); consumerUuids.addAll(query.list()); } if (consumerUuids.isEmpty()) { return guestConsumersMap; } List<Consumer> guestConsumersWithDupes = findByUuidsAndOwner(consumerUuids, owner); // At this point we might have duplicates for re-registered consumers: for (Consumer c : guestConsumersWithDupes) { String virtUuid = c.getFact("virt.uuid").toLowerCase(); if (guestConsumersMap.get(virtUuid) == null) { // Store both big and little endian forms in the result: guestConsumersMap.add(virtUuid, c); } // Can safely ignore if already in the map, this would be another consumer // reporting the same guest ID (re-registration), but we already sorted by // last update time. } return guestConsumersMap; } /** * Candlepin supports the notion of a user being a consumer. When in effect * a consumer will exist in the system who is tied to a particular user. * * @param user User * @return Consumer for this user if one exists, null otherwise. */ @Transactional public Consumer findByUser(User user) { ConsumerType person = consumerTypeCurator.lookupByLabel(ConsumerType.ConsumerTypeEnum.PERSON.getLabel()); return (Consumer) createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("username", user.getUsername())) .add(Restrictions.eq("type", person)).uniqueResult(); } /** * Lookup the Consumer by its UUID. * * @param uuid Consumer UUID sought. * @return Consumer whose UUID matches the given value, or null otherwise. */ @Transactional public Consumer findByUuid(String uuid) { return getConsumer(uuid); } /** * Apply a SELECT FOR UPDATE on a consumer. * * Note this method is not transactional. It is meant to be used within * a larger transaction. Starting a transaction, running a select for update, * and then ending the transaction is pointless. * * @return A consumer locked in the database */ public Consumer lockAndLoad(Consumer c) { getEntityManager().lock(c, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); return c; } /** * Find a consumer by uuid and immediately lock it. * * @param consumerUuid the uuid of the target consumer. * * @return the Consumer matching the given uuid, null if the consumer was not found. */ public Consumer lockAndLoadByUuid(String consumerUuid) { List<Consumer> consumerList = lockAndLoadBatch(Arrays.asList(consumerUuid)); return (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(consumerList)) ? null : consumerList.get(0); } public List<Consumer> lockAndLoadBatch(Collection<String> uuids) { return lockAndLoadBatch(uuids, "Consumer", "uuid"); } @Transactional public List<Consumer> findByUuids(Collection<String> uuids) { return listByCriteria(createSecureCriteria().add("uuid", uuids))); } @Transactional public List<Consumer> findByUuidsAndOwner(Collection<String> uuids, Owner owner) { Criteria criteria = currentSession().createCriteria(Consumer.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)); criteria.add("uuid", uuids)); return listByCriteria(criteria); } // NOTE: This is a giant hack that is for use *only* by SSLAuth in order // to bypass the authentication. Do not call it! // TODO: Come up with a better way to do this! public Consumer getConsumer(String uuid) { Criteria criteria = createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("uuid", uuid)); return (Consumer) criteria.uniqueResult(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional public List<Consumer> listByOwner(Owner owner) { return createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)).list(); } /** * Search for Consumers with fields matching those provided. * * @param userName the username to match, or null to ignore * @param types the types to match, or null/empty to ignore * @param owner Optional owner to filter on, pass null to skip. * @return a list of matching Consumers */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional public Page<List<Consumer>> listByUsernameAndType(String userName, List<ConsumerType> types, Owner owner, PageRequest pageRequest) { Criteria criteria = createSecureCriteria(); if (userName != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("username", userName)); } if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) { criteria.add("type", types)); } if (owner != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)); } return listByCriteria(criteria, pageRequest); } /** * @param updatedConsumer updated Consumer values. * @return Updated consumers */ @Transactional public Consumer update(Consumer updatedConsumer) { return updateWithOptionalFlush(updatedConsumer, true); } /** * @param updatedConsumer updated Consumer values. * @param saveConsumer to flush or not to flush, that is the question. * @return Updated consumers */ @Transactional public Consumer updateWithOptionalFlush(Consumer updatedConsumer, boolean saveConsumer) { Consumer existingConsumer = find(updatedConsumer.getId()); if (existingConsumer == null) { return create(updatedConsumer); } // TODO: Are any of these read-only? existingConsumer.setEntitlements(entitlementCurator.bulkUpdate(updatedConsumer.getEntitlements())); Map<String, String> newFacts = filterAndVerifyFacts(updatedConsumer); if (factsChanged(newFacts, existingConsumer.getFacts())) { existingConsumer.setFacts(newFacts); } existingConsumer.setName(updatedConsumer.getName()); existingConsumer.setOwner(updatedConsumer.getOwner()); existingConsumer.setType(updatedConsumer.getType()); existingConsumer.setUuid(updatedConsumer.getUuid()); if (saveConsumer) { save(existingConsumer); } return existingConsumer; } /** * Modifies the last check in and persists the entity. Make sure that the data * is refreshed before using this method. * @param consumer the consumer to update */ public void updateLastCheckin(Consumer consumer) { this.updateLastCheckin(consumer, new Date()); } @Transactional public void updateLastCheckin(Consumer consumer, Date checkinDate) { currentSession() .createQuery("update Consumer c " + "set c.lastCheckin = :date, " + "c.updated = :date " + "where = :consumerid") .setTimestamp("date", checkinDate).setParameter("consumerid", consumer.getId()).executeUpdate(); } private boolean factsChanged(Map<String, String> updatedFacts, Map<String, String> existingFacts) { return !existingFacts.equals(updatedFacts); } /** * @param facts * @return the list of facts filtered by the fact filter regex config */ private Map<String, String> filterAndVerifyFacts(Consumer consumer) { Map<String, String> factsIn = consumer.getFacts(); Map<String, String> facts = new HashMap<String, String>(); String factMatch = config.getString(ConfigProperties.CONSUMER_FACTS_MATCHER); Set<String> intFacts = config.getSet(ConfigProperties.INTEGER_FACTS); Set<String> posFacts = config.getSet(ConfigProperties.NON_NEG_INTEGER_FACTS); for (Entry<String, String> entry : factsIn.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().matches(factMatch)) { if (intFacts != null && intFacts.contains(entry.getKey()) || posFacts != null && posFacts.contains(entry.getKey())) { int value = -1; try { value = Integer.parseInt(entry.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.error("The fact " + entry.getKey() + " for consumer " + consumer.getUuid() + " must be an integer instead of " + entry.getValue() + ". " + "No value will exist for that fact."); continue; } if (posFacts != null && posFacts.contains(entry.getKey()) && value < 0) { log.error("The fact " + entry.getKey() + " must have a positive integer value instead of " + entry.getValue() + ". No value will exist for that fact."); continue; } } facts.put(sanitizeFact(entry.getKey()), sanitizeFact(entry.getValue())); } } return facts; } private String sanitizeFact(String value) { if (value != null && value.length() > MAX_FACT_STR_LENGTH) { return value.substring(0, MAX_FACT_STR_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } return value; } /** * @param consumers consumers to update * @return updated consumers */ @Transactional public Set<Consumer> bulkUpdate(Set<Consumer> consumers) { Set<Consumer> toReturn = new HashSet<Consumer>(); for (Consumer toUpdate : consumers) { toReturn.add(update(toUpdate)); } return toReturn; } /** * Get host consumer for a guest system id. * * As multiple hosts could have reported the same guest ID, we find the newest * and assume this is the authoritative host for the guest. * * This search needs to be case insensitive as some hypervisors report uppercase * guest UUIDs, when the guest itself will report lowercase. * * @param guestId a virtual guest ID (not a consumer UUID) * @return host consumer who most recently reported the given guestId (if any) */ @Transactional public Consumer getHost(String guestId, Owner owner) { Disjunction guestIdCrit = Restrictions.disjunction(); for (String possibleId : Util.getPossibleUuids(guestId)) { guestIdCrit.add(Restrictions.eq("guestIdLower", possibleId.toLowerCase())); } Criteria crit = currentSession().createCriteria(GuestId.class).createAlias("consumer", "gconsumer") .add(Restrictions.eq("gconsumer.owner", owner)).addOrder(Order.desc("updated")).setMaxResults(1) .setProjection("consumer")); return (Consumer) crit.add(guestIdCrit).uniqueResult(); } /** * Get guest consumers for a host consumer. * * @param consumer host consumer to find the guests for * @return list of registered guest consumers for this host */ @Transactional public List<Consumer> getGuests(Consumer consumer) { if (consumer.getFact("virt.uuid") != null && !consumer.getFact("virt.uuid").trim().equals("")) { throw new BadRequestException("The system with UUID {0} is a virtual guest. " + "It does not have guests.", consumer.getUuid())); } List<Consumer> guests = new ArrayList<Consumer>(); List<GuestId> consumerGuests = consumer.getGuestIds(); if (consumerGuests != null) { for (GuestId cg : consumerGuests) { // Check if this is the most recent host to report the guest by asking // for the consumer's current host and comparing it to ourselves. if (consumer.equals(getHost(cg.getGuestId(), consumer.getOwner()))) { Consumer guest = findByVirtUuid(cg.getGuestId(), consumer.getOwner().getId()); if (guest != null) { guests.add(guest); } } } } return guests; } /** * This is an insecure query, because we need to know whether or not the * consumer exists * * We do not require that the hypervisor be consumerType hypervisor * because we need to allow regular consumers to be given * HypervisorIds to be updated via hypervisorResource * * @param hypervisorId Unique identifier of the hypervisor * @param owner Org namespace to search * @return Consumer that matches the given */ @Transactional public Consumer getHypervisor(String hypervisorId, Owner owner) { return (Consumer) currentSession().createCriteria(Consumer.class).add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)) .createAlias("hypervisorId", "hvsr") .add(Restrictions.eq("hvsr.hypervisorId", hypervisorId.toLowerCase())).setMaxResults(1) .uniqueResult(); } /** * Lookup all registered consumers matching one of the given hypervisor IDs. * * Results are returned as a map of hypervisor ID to the consumer record created. * If a hypervisor ID is not in the map, this indicates the hypervisor consumer does * not exist, i.e. it is new and needs to be created. * * This is an unsecured query, manually limited to an owner by the parameter given. * @param owner Owner to limit results to. * @param hypervisorIds Collection of hypervisor IDs as reported by the virt fabric. * * @return VirtConsumerMap of hypervisor ID to it's consumer, or null if none exists. */ @Transactional public VirtConsumerMap getHostConsumersMap(Owner owner, Iterable<String> hypervisorIds) { VirtConsumerMap hypervisorMap = new VirtConsumerMap(); // TODO: Replace this with cursor bits when they're available! for (Consumer consumer : this.getHypervisorsBulk(hypervisorIds, owner.getKey())) { hypervisorMap.add(consumer.getHypervisorId().getHypervisorId(), consumer); } return hypervisorMap; } /** * @param hypervisorIds list of unique hypervisor identifiers * @param ownerKey Org namespace to search * @return Consumer that matches the given */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional public List<Consumer> getHypervisorsBulk(Iterable<String> hypervisorIds, String ownerKey) { if (hypervisorIds == null || !hypervisorIds.iterator().hasNext()) { return new LinkedList<Consumer>(); } return this.currentSession().createCriteria(Consumer.class).createAlias("owner", "o") .createAlias("hypervisorId", "hvsr").add(Restrictions.eq("o.key", ownerKey)) .add(this.getHypervisorIdRestriction(hypervisorIds)).list(); } private Criterion getHypervisorIdRestriction(Iterable<String> hypervisorIds) { List<Criterion> ors = new LinkedList<Criterion>(); for (String hypervisorId : hypervisorIds) { ors.add(Restrictions.eq("hvsr.hypervisorId", hypervisorId.toLowerCase())); } return Restrictions.or(ors.toArray(new Criterion[0])); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional public List<Consumer> getHypervisorsForOwner(String ownerKey) { return createSecureCriteria().createAlias("owner", "o").createAlias("hypervisorId", "hvsr") .add(Restrictions.eq("o.key", ownerKey)).add(Restrictions.isNotNull("hvsr.hypervisorId")).list(); } public boolean doesConsumerExist(String uuid) { long result = (Long) createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("uuid", uuid)) .setProjection(Projections.count("id")).uniqueResult(); return result != 0; } public Consumer verifyAndLookupConsumer(String consumerUuid) { Consumer consumer = this.findByUuid(consumerUuid); if (consumer == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Unit with ID ''{0}'' could not be found.", consumerUuid)); } return consumer; } public Consumer verifyAndLookupConsumerWithEntitlements(String consumerUuid) { Consumer consumer = this.findByUuid(consumerUuid); if (consumer == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Unit with ID ''{0}'' could not be found.", consumerUuid)); } for (Entitlement e : consumer.getEntitlements()) { Hibernate.initialize(e.getCertificates()); if (e.getPool() != null) { Hibernate.initialize(e.getPool().getBranding()); Hibernate.initialize(e.getPool().getDerivedProvidedProducts()); Hibernate.initialize(e.getPool().getProvidedProducts()); Hibernate.initialize(e.getPool().getProductAttributes()); Hibernate.initialize(e.getPool().getAttributes()); Hibernate.initialize(e.getPool().getDerivedProductAttributes()); } } return consumer; } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:indentation") public Page<List<Consumer>> searchOwnerConsumers(Owner owner, String userName, Collection<ConsumerType> types, List<String> uuids, List<String> hypervisorIds, List<KeyValueParameter> factFilters, List<String> skus, List<String> subscriptionIds, List<String> contracts, PageRequest pageRequest) { Criteria crit = super.createSecureCriteria(); if (owner != null) { crit.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)); } if (userName != null && !userName.isEmpty()) { crit.add(Restrictions.eq("username", userName)); } if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) { crit.add("type", types)); } if (uuids != null && !uuids.isEmpty()) { crit.add("uuid", uuids)); } if (hypervisorIds != null && !hypervisorIds.isEmpty()) { // Cannot use here because hypervisorId is case insensitive Set<Criterion> ors = new HashSet<Criterion>(); for (String hypervisorId : hypervisorIds) { ors.add(Restrictions.eq("hvsr.hypervisorId", hypervisorId.toLowerCase())); } crit.createAlias("hypervisorId", "hvsr"); crit.add(Restrictions.or(ors.toArray(new Criterion[ors.size()]))); } if (factFilters != null && !factFilters.isEmpty()) { // Process the filters passed for the attributes FilterBuilder factFilter = new FactFilterBuilder(); for (KeyValueParameter filterParam : factFilters) { factFilter.addAttributeFilter(filterParam.key(), filterParam.value()); } factFilter.applyTo(crit); } boolean hasSkus = (skus != null && !skus.isEmpty()); boolean hasSubscriptionIds = (subscriptionIds != null && !subscriptionIds.isEmpty()); boolean hasContractNumbers = (contracts != null && !contracts.isEmpty()); if (hasSkus || hasSubscriptionIds || hasContractNumbers) { if (hasSkus) { for (String sku : skus) { DetachedCriteria subCrit = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Consumer.class, "subquery_consumer"); if (owner != null) { subCrit.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)); } subCrit.createCriteria("entitlements").createCriteria("pool").createCriteria("product") .add(Restrictions.eq("id", sku)).createCriteria("attributes").add(Restrictions .and(Restrictions.eq("name", "type"), Restrictions.eq("value", "MKT"))); subCrit.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("", "")); crit.add(Subqueries .exists(subCrit.setProjection("")))); } } if (hasSubscriptionIds) { for (String subId : subscriptionIds) { DetachedCriteria subCrit = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Consumer.class, "subquery_consumer"); if (owner != null) { subCrit.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)); } subCrit.createCriteria("entitlements").createCriteria("pool") .createCriteria("sourceSubscription").add(Restrictions.eq("subscriptionId", subId)); subCrit.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("", "")); crit.add(Subqueries .exists(subCrit.setProjection("")))); } } if (hasContractNumbers) { for (String contract : contracts) { DetachedCriteria subCrit = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Consumer.class, "subquery_consumer"); if (owner != null) { subCrit.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)); } subCrit.createCriteria("entitlements").createCriteria("pool") .add(Restrictions.eq("contractNumber", contract)); subCrit.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("", "")); crit.add(Subqueries .exists(subCrit.setProjection("")))); } } } return listByCriteria(crit, pageRequest); } /** * Finds the consumer count for an Owner based on type. * * @param owner the owner to count consumers for * @param type the type of the Consumer to filter on. * @return the number of consumers based on the type. */ public int getConsumerCount(Owner owner, ConsumerType type) { Criteria c = createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)).add(Restrictions.eq("type", type)); c.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); return ((Long) c.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } public int getConsumerEntitlementCount(Owner owner, ConsumerType type) { Criteria c = createSecureCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner)).add(Restrictions.eq("type", type)) .createAlias("entitlements", "ent").setMaxResults(0).setProjection(Projections.sum("ent.quantity")); Long result = (Long) c.uniqueResult(); return result == null ? 0 : result.intValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getConsumerIdsWithStartedEnts() { Date now = new Date(); return currentSession().createCriteria(Entitlement.class).createAlias("pool", "p") .add(Restrictions.eq("updatedOnStart", false)).add("p.startDate", now)) .setProjection("")) .setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).list(); } }