Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Calrissian Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.thirdparty.tinkerpop.query; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.thirdparty.tinkerpop.EntityGraph.EdgeEntityXform; import static org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.thirdparty.tinkerpop.EntityGraph.EntityIdentifierXform; import static org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.thirdparty.tinkerpop.EntityGraph.VertexEntityXform; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Predicate; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.VertexQuery; import org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.commons.domain.Auths; import org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.GraphStore; import org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.thirdparty.tinkerpop.model.EntityVertex; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This builder class allows a set of vertices and/or edges to be queried matching the given criteria. This class * will try to perform the most optimal query given the input but complex predicates like custom comparables will * require filtering. */ public class EntityVertexQuery implements VertexQuery { private GraphStore graphStore; private EntityVertex vertex; private Auths auths; private Direction direction = Direction.BOTH; private String[] labels = null; private int limit = -1; private QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.create().and(); public EntityVertexQuery(EntityVertex vertex, GraphStore graphStore, Auths auths) { this.vertex = vertex; this.graphStore = graphStore; this.auths = auths; } @Override public VertexQuery direction(Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; return this; } @Override public VertexQuery labels(String... labels) { this.labels = labels; return this; } @Override public long count() { CloseableIterable<Edge> edges = edges(); long count = Iterables.size(edges); edges.closeQuietly(); return count; } @Override public CloseableIterable<EntityIdentifier> vertexIds() { return transform(vertices(), new EntityIdentifierXform()); } @Override public VertexQuery has(String key) { queryBuilder = queryBuilder.has(key); return this; } @Override public VertexQuery hasNot(String key) { queryBuilder = queryBuilder.hasNot(key); return this; } @Override public VertexQuery has(String key, Object value) { queryBuilder = queryBuilder.eq(key, value); return this; } @Override public VertexQuery hasNot(String key, Object value) { queryBuilder = queryBuilder.notEq(key, value); return this; } @Override public VertexQuery has(String key, Predicate predicate, Object value) { if (predicate.toString().equals("EQUAL")) return has(key, value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("NOT_EQUAL")) return hasNot(key, value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("GREATER_THAN")) queryBuilder = queryBuilder.greaterThan(key, value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("LESS_THAN")) queryBuilder = queryBuilder.lessThan(key, value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("GREATER_THAN_EQUAL")) queryBuilder = queryBuilder.greaterThanEq(key, value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("LESS_THAN_EQUAL")) queryBuilder = queryBuilder.lessThanEq(key, value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("IN")) queryBuilder =, (Collection<Object>) value); else if (predicate.toString().equals("NOT_IN")) queryBuilder = queryBuilder.notIn(key, (Collection<Object>) value); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Predicate with type " + predicate + " is not supported."); return this; } @Override public <T extends Comparable<T>> VertexQuery has(String key, T value, Compare compare) { return has(key, compare, value); } @Override public <T extends Comparable<?>> VertexQuery interval(String key, T start, T stop) { queryBuilder = queryBuilder.range(key, start, stop); return this; } @Override public VertexQuery limit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; return this; } @Override public CloseableIterable<Edge> edges() { Node query = queryBuilder.end().build(); List<EntityIdentifier> vertexIndex = singletonList( new EntityIdentifier(vertex.getEntity().getType(), vertex.getEntity().getId())); List<org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction> dirs = new ArrayList<org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction>(); if (direction == Direction.IN || direction == Direction.BOTH) dirs.add(org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction.IN); if (direction == Direction.OUT || direction == Direction.BOTH) dirs.add(org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction.OUT); CloseableIterable<? extends Entity> edges = null; for (org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction dir : dirs) { CloseableIterable<? extends Entity> entityEdges = labels == null ? graphStore.adjacentEdges(vertexIndex, query.children().size() > 0 ? query : null, dir, auths) : graphStore.adjacentEdges(vertexIndex, query.children().size() > 0 ? query : null, dir, newHashSet(labels), auths); if (edges == null) edges = entityEdges; else edges = chain(edges, entityEdges); } CloseableIterable<Edge> finalEdges = transform(edges, new EdgeEntityXform(graphStore, auths)); if (limit > -1) return CloseableIterables.limit(finalEdges, limit); return finalEdges; } @Override public CloseableIterable<Vertex> vertices() { Node query = queryBuilder.end().build(); List<EntityIdentifier> vertexIndex = singletonList( new EntityIdentifier(vertex.getEntity().getType(), vertex.getEntity().getId())); List<org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction> dirs = new ArrayList<org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction>(); if (direction == Direction.IN || direction == Direction.BOTH) dirs.add(org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction.IN); if (direction == Direction.OUT || direction == Direction.BOTH) dirs.add(org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction.OUT); CloseableIterable<? extends Entity> vertices = null; for (org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.graphstore.model.Direction dir : dirs) { CloseableIterable<? extends Entity> entityvertices = labels == null ? graphStore.adjacencies(vertexIndex, query.children().size() > 0 ? query : null, dir, auths) : graphStore.adjacencies(vertexIndex, query.children().size() > 0 ? query : null, dir, newHashSet(labels), auths); if (vertices == null) vertices = entityvertices; else vertices = chain(vertices, entityvertices); } CloseableIterable<Vertex> finalVertices = transform(vertices, new VertexEntityXform(graphStore, auths)); if (limit > -1) return CloseableIterables.limit(finalVertices, limit); return finalVertices; } }