Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Caleydo - Visualization for Molecular Biology - * Copyright (c) The Caleydo Team. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the new BSD license, available at ******************************************************************************/ package org.caleydo.vis.lineup.model; import gleem.linalg.Vec2f; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.caleydo.core.event.EventListenerManager.ListenTo; import org.caleydo.core.util.color.Color; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.GLElement; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.GLGraphics; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.IGLElementContext; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.ISWTLayer.ISWTLayerRunnable; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.renderer.IGLRenderer; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.event.FilterEvent; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.internal.ui.CatFilterDalog; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.model.mixin.IDataBasedColumnMixin; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.model.mixin.IFilterColumnMixin; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.model.mixin.IGrabRemainingHorizontalSpace; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.model.mixin.IRankableColumnMixin; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.ui.GLPropertyChangeListeners; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.ui.IColumnRenderInfo; import org.caleydo.vis.lineup.ui.detail.ValueElement; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import; import; import; /** * @author Samuel Gratzl * */ public final class CategoricalRankColumnModel<CATEGORY_TYPE extends Comparable<CATEGORY_TYPE>> extends ABasicFilterableRankColumnModel implements IFilterColumnMixin, IGrabRemainingHorizontalSpace, Cloneable, IRankableColumnMixin, IDataBasedColumnMixin { private final Function<IRow, CATEGORY_TYPE> data; private final Set<CATEGORY_TYPE> selection = new HashSet<>(); private final String labelNA; private boolean filterNA = false; private final Map<CATEGORY_TYPE, String> metaData; public CategoricalRankColumnModel(IGLRenderer header, final Function<IRow, CATEGORY_TYPE> data, Map<CATEGORY_TYPE, String> metaData) { this(header, data, metaData, ""); } public CategoricalRankColumnModel(IGLRenderer header, final Function<IRow, CATEGORY_TYPE> data, Map<CATEGORY_TYPE, String> metaData, String labelNA) { this(header, data, metaData, Color.GRAY, new Color(.95f, .95f, .95f), labelNA); } public static CategoricalRankColumnModel<String> createSimple(IGLRenderer header, final Function<IRow, String> data, Collection<String> items) { Map<String, String> map = new TreeMap<>(); for (String s : items) map.put(s, s); return new CategoricalRankColumnModel<>(header, data, map, ""); } public CategoricalRankColumnModel(IGLRenderer header, final Function<IRow, CATEGORY_TYPE> data, Map<CATEGORY_TYPE, String> metaData, Color color, Color bgColor, String labelNA) { super(color, bgColor); setHeaderRenderer(header); = data; this.labelNA = labelNA == null ? "" : labelNA; this.metaData = metaData; this.selection.addAll(metaData.keySet()); } public CategoricalRankColumnModel(CategoricalRankColumnModel<CATEGORY_TYPE> copy) { super(copy); setHeaderRenderer(getHeaderRenderer()); =; this.metaData = copy.metaData; this.selection.addAll(copy.selection); this.filterNA = copy.filterNA; this.labelNA = copy.labelNA; } @Override public CategoricalRankColumnModel<CATEGORY_TYPE> clone() { return new CategoricalRankColumnModel<>(this); } public Map<CATEGORY_TYPE, String> getMetaData() { return metaData; } /** * @return the data, see {@link #data} */ @Override public Function<IRow, CATEGORY_TYPE> getData() { return data; } @Override public String getValue(IRow row) { CATEGORY_TYPE value = getCatValue(row); if (value == null) return labelNA; return metaData.get(value); } @Override public GLElement createSummary(boolean interactive) { return new MyElement(interactive); } @Override public ValueElement createValue() { return new MyValueElement(); } @Override public final void editFilter(final GLElement summary, IGLElementContext context) { final Vec2f location = summary.getAbsoluteLocation(); context.getSWTLayer().run(new ISWTLayerRunnable() { @Override public void run(Display display, Composite canvas) { Point loc = canvas.toDisplay((int) location.x(), (int) location.y()); CatFilterDalog<CATEGORY_TYPE> dialog = new CatFilterDalog<>(canvas.getShell(), getLabel(), summary, metaData, selection, CategoricalRankColumnModel.this, getTable().hasSnapshots(), loc, filterNA, labelNA);; } }); } public void setFilter(Collection<CATEGORY_TYPE> filter, boolean isFilterNA, boolean isGlobalFilter, boolean isRankIndependentFilter) { if (filter.equals(selection) && isFilterNA == this.filterNA && this.isGlobalFilter == isGlobalFilter && this.isRankIndependentFilter == isRankIndependentFilter) return; invalidAllFilter(); this.selection.clear(); this.selection.addAll(filter); this.isGlobalFilter = isGlobalFilter; this.filterNA = isFilterNA; this.isRankIndependentFilter = isRankIndependentFilter; propertySupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FILTER, false, true); } @Override public boolean isFiltered() { return selection.size() < metaData.size(); } /** * @return the selection, see {@link #selection} */ public Set<CATEGORY_TYPE> getSelection() { return selection; } /** * @return the filterNA, see {@link #filterNA} */ public boolean isFilterNA() { return filterNA; } public CATEGORY_TYPE getCatValue(IRow row) { return data.apply(row); } @Override public int compare(IRow o1, IRow o2) { CATEGORY_TYPE t1 = getCatValue(o1); CATEGORY_TYPE t2 = getCatValue(o2); if ((t1 != null) != (t2 != null)) return t1 == null ? 1 : -1; return t1 == null ? 0 : t1.compareTo(t2); } @Override public void orderByMe() { parent.orderBy(this); } @Override protected void updateMask(BitSet todo, List<IRow> data, BitSet mask) { for (int i = todo.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = todo.nextSetBit(i + 1)) { CATEGORY_TYPE v =; if (v == null && filterNA) mask.set(i, false); else mask.set(i, v == null ? true : selection.contains(v)); } } /** * @return */ public Multiset<CATEGORY_TYPE> getHist() { Multiset<CATEGORY_TYPE> hist = HashMultiset.create(metaData.size()); for (IRow r : getMyRanker()) { CATEGORY_TYPE v = getCatValue(r); if (v == null) // TODO nan continue; hist.add(v); } return hist; } private class MyElement extends GLElement { private final PropertyChangeListener repaintListner = GLPropertyChangeListeners.repaintOnEvent(this); public MyElement(boolean interactive) { setzDelta(0.25f); if (!interactive) setVisibility(EVisibility.VISIBLE); } @Override protected void init(IGLElementContext context) { super.init(context); addPropertyChangeListener(PROP_FILTER, repaintListner); } @Override protected void takeDown() { removePropertyChangeListener(PROP_FILTER, repaintListner); super.takeDown(); } @Override protected void renderImpl(GLGraphics g, float w, float h) { super.renderImpl(g, w, h); if (((IColumnRenderInfo) getParent()).isCollapsed()) return; g.drawText("Filter:", 4, 2, w - 4, 12); String t = "<None>"; if (isFiltered()) t = selection.size() + " out of " + metaData.size(); g.drawText(t, 4, 18, w - 4, 12); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @ListenTo(sendToMe = true) private void onSetFilter(FilterEvent event) { setFilter((Collection<CATEGORY_TYPE>) event.getFilter(), event.isFilterNA(), event.isFilterGlobally(), event.isFilterRankIndendent()); } } class MyValueElement extends ValueElement { public MyValueElement() { setVisibility(EVisibility.VISIBLE); } @Override protected void renderImpl(GLGraphics g, float w, float h, IRow row) { if (h < 5) return; String info = getTooltip(); if (info == null) return; float hi = Math.min(h, 18); final boolean collapsed = (((IColumnRenderInfo) getParent()).isCollapsed()); if (collapsed) info = StringUtils.substring(info, 0, 1); g.drawText(info, 1, 1 + (h - hi) * 0.5f, w - 2, hi - 5); } @Override public String getTooltip() { CATEGORY_TYPE value = getCatValue(getLayoutDataAs(IRow.class, null)); if (value == null) return labelNA; return metaData.get(value); } } }