Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Caleydo - Visualization for Molecular Biology - * Copyright (c) The Caleydo Team. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the new BSD license, available at ******************************************************************************/ package org.caleydo.view.histogram.v2; import gleem.linalg.Vec2f; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.GLGraphics; import org.caleydo.core.view.opengl.layout2.manage.GLLocation; import org.caleydo.view.histogram.HistogramRenderStyle; import org.caleydo.view.histogram.v2.internal.IDistributionData; import org.caleydo.view.histogram.v2.internal.IDistributionData.DistributionEntry; import; /** * Rendering the distribution of a categorical element in various forms * * @author Samuel Gratzl */ public class PieDistributionElement extends ADistributionElement { /** * @param data */ public PieDistributionElement(IDistributionData data) { super(data); } @Override protected void render(GLGraphics g, float w, float h) { final float r = Math.min(w, h) * 0.5f - HistogramRenderStyle.SIDE_SPACING_DETAIL_LOW;; * 0.5f, h * 0.5f, g.z()); GLU glu = g.glu(); GLUquadric quad = glu.gluNewQuadric(); float s = 0; boolean idBased = data.hasIds(); List<DistributionEntry> entries = data.getEntries(); if (idBased) s = data.size(); else { for (DistributionEntry entry : entries) s += entry.getValue(); } double factor = 360. / s; double acc = 180.f; final int bins = entries.size(); for (int i = 0; i < bins; ++i) { DistributionEntry bucket = entries.get(i); double sweep = factor * (idBased ? bucket.getIDs().size() : bucket.getValue()); g.color(toHighlight(bucket.getColor(), i)); g.pushName(bucketPickingIds.get(i)); if (sweep > 0) glu.gluPartialDisk(quad, 0, r, toSlices(sweep), 2, acc, -sweep); g.popName(); acc -= sweep; } if (!g.isPickingPass()) { glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(quad, GLU.GLU_SILHOUETTE); if (RenderStyle.COLOR_BORDER != null) { g.color(RenderStyle.COLOR_BORDER); acc = 180; for (int i = 0; i < bins; ++i) { DistributionEntry bucket = entries.get(i); double sweep = factor * (idBased ? bucket.getIDs().size() : bucket.getValue()); if (sweep > 0) glu.gluPartialDisk(quad, 0, r, toSlices(sweep), 2, acc, -sweep); acc -= sweep; } } glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(quad, GLU.GLU_FILL); for (SelectionType selectionType : SELECTIONTYPES) { Set<Integer> elements = data.getElements(selectionType); if (elements.isEmpty()) continue; g.color(toHighlightColor(selectionType)); acc = 180; for (int i = 0; i < bins; ++i) { DistributionEntry bucket = entries.get(i); final Set<Integer> ids = bucket.getIDs(); float p = ids.isEmpty() ? 0 : Sets.intersection(elements, ids).size() / ids.size(); double sweep = factor * p * (idBased ? ids.size() : bucket.getValue()); if (sweep > 0) glu.gluPartialDisk(quad, 0, r, toSlices(sweep), 2, acc, -sweep); sweep = factor * (idBased ? ids.size() : bucket.getValue()); acc -= sweep; } } } glu.gluDeleteQuadric(quad); g.restore(); } /** * @param sweep * @return */ private static int toSlices(double sweep) { return Math.max((int) (sweep * 0.1f), 2); } @Override public final Vec2f getMinSize() { return new Vec2f(100, 100); } @Override public GLLocation apply(int dataIndex, boolean topLeft) { return GLLocation.UNKNOWN; } @Override public Set<Integer> unapply(GLLocation location) { return GLLocation.UNKNOWN_IDS; } }