Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Caleydo - Visualization for Molecular Biology - * Copyright (c) The Caleydo Team. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the new BSD license, available at ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.caleydo.core.manager.GeneralManager; import; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import; import; import; import; /** * container for all settings of the TCGA generator * * @author Samuel Gratzl * */ public class Settings { public static enum ClusterOptions { NONE, AFFINITY, KMEANS, TREE; } private static final String BASE_URL = ""; /** * (a date), 1..tumor, 2..tumorSample (e.g. -TP), 3..pipelineName, 4..level */ private static final String FILE_PATTERN = "gdac.broadinstitute.org_{2}.{3}.Level_{4}.{0,date,yyyyMMdd}00.0.0.tar.gz"; /** * (a date), 1..tumor, 2..tumorSample (e.g. -TP), 3..pipelineName, 4..level */ private static final String DATAFILE_PATTERN = "gdac.broadinstitute.org_{1}.{3}.Level_{4}.{0,date,yyyyMMdd}00.0.0.tar.gz"; /** * (a date), 1..tumor, 2..tumorSample (e.g -TP), 3..file */ private static final String DATA_PATTERN = BASE_URL + "stddata__{0,date,yyyy_MM_dd}/data/{1}/{0,date,yyyyMMdd}/{3}"; /** * (a date), 1..tumor, 2..tumorSample (e.g -TP), 3..file */ private static final String ANALYSIS_PATTERN = BASE_URL + "analyses__{0,date,yyyy_MM_dd}/data/{1}/{0,date,yyyyMMdd}/{3}"; /** * (date), 1..tumor */ private static final String REPORT_PATTERN = BASE_URL + "analyses__{0,date,yyyy_MM_dd}/reports/cancer/{1}/"; @Option(name = "-awg", required = false, usage = "indicate an AWG run, i.e. use exact tumor type labels and automatically set specific urls") private String awgGroup = null; @Option(name = "-t", required = false, aliases = { "--tumortypes" }, usage = "the tumor types to export default: \"all known\"") private List<String> tumorTypes = null; @Option(name = "-cl", required = false, aliases = { "--clinical" }, usage = "the clinical variables to export default: \"all known\"") private List<String> clinicalVariables = null; @Argument(required = true, usage = "the dates on the analysis runs as argument list separated by spaces") private List<String> analysisRuns = null; @Option(name = "-d", required = false, usage = "the dates of the data runs to use default the same as the analysis runs") private List<String> dataRuns = null; @Option(name = "-o", aliases = { "--output" }, usage = "the directory to store the generated files and temporary files default: \".\"") private File outputPath = new File("."); // default current directory @Option(name = "-f", aliases = { "--flatOutput" }, usage = "whether to create a flat output directory structure default: \"false\"") private boolean flatOutput = false; @Option(name = "-c", aliases = { "--clean" }, usage = "don't use the cache default: \"false\"") private boolean cleanCache = false; @Option(name = "-p", aliases = { "--threads" }, usage = "number of parallel threads, <= 0 -> available processors, default \"1\"") private int numThreads = 1; @Option(name = "-b", aliases = { "--batch" }, usage = "batch size of parallel top tasks default \"4\"") private int batchSize = 4; @Option(name = "-cg", required = false, aliases = { "--cluster" }, usage = "cluster genes with options {tree|kmeans|none|affinity}, default \"tree\"") private ClusterOptions cluster = ClusterOptions.TREE; // create path of archive search directory // 0 .. analysisRun // 1 .. cleaned analysisRun // 2 .. tumor // 3 .. piplelineName // 4 .. level @Option(name = "-ap", aliases = { "--analysisPattern" }, usage = "the pattern used to locate analysis run archives, where {0} .. run (date) {1} .. tumor, {2} .. tumor sample, {3} .. file name, default \"" + ANALYSIS_PATTERN + "\"") private String analysisPattern = ANALYSIS_PATTERN; @Option(name = "-fp", aliases = { "--filePattern" }, usage = "the pattern used to create a archive file name, where {0} .. run (date) {1} .. tumor, {2} .. tumor sample, {3} .. pipelineName, {4} .. level, default \"" + FILE_PATTERN + "\"") private String filePattern = FILE_PATTERN; @Option(name = "-dp", aliases = { "--dataPattern" }, usage = "the pattern used to locate data run archives, where {0} .. run (date) {1} .. tumor, {2} .. tumor sample, {3} .. file name, default \"" + DATA_PATTERN + "\"") private String dataPattern = DATA_PATTERN; @Option(name = "-dfp", aliases = { "--dataFilePattern" }, usage = "the pattern used to create a archive file name, where {0} .. run (date) {1} .. tumor, {2} .. tumor sample, {3} .. pipelineName, {4} .. level, default \"" + DATAFILE_PATTERN + "\"") private String dataFilePattern = DATAFILE_PATTERN; @Option(name = "-rp", aliases = { "--reportPattern" }, usage = "the pattern used to locate run reports, where {0} .. run (date), {1} .. tumor, {2} .. tumor sample, default \"" + REPORT_PATTERN + "\"") private String reportPattern = REPORT_PATTERN; @Option(name = "--downloadOnly", usage = "if enabled only the files will be downloaded") private boolean downloadOnly = false; @Option(name = "--username", usage = "the username to use for authentication, use PROMPT for interactive prompting") private String username = null; @Option(name = "--password", usage = "the password to use for authentication, use PROMPT for interactive prompting") private String password = null; private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().setDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd") .create(); public boolean validate() { if (dataRuns == null) dataRuns = analysisRuns; if (dataRuns.size() != analysisRuns.size()) { System.err.println( "Error during parsing of program arguments. You need to provide a corresponding data run for each analysis run. Closing program."); return false; } if (numThreads <= 0) numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); if (username != null && password != null) { username = fixPrompt(username, "Enter the username: "); password = fixPrompt(password, "Enter the password: "); // set Authenticator for following urls Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray()); } }); } if (awgGroup != null) { String tumor = awgGroup.toUpperCase(); // check if not manually overridden if (analysisPattern.equals(ANALYSIS_PATTERN)) analysisPattern = BASE_URL + "awg_" + awgGroup + "__{0,date,yyyy_MM_dd}/data/{2}/{0,date,yyyyMMdd}/{3}"; if (filePattern.equals(FILE_PATTERN)) filePattern = "gdac.broadinstitute.org_{1}.{3}.Level_{4}.{0,date,yyyyMMdd}00.0.0.tar.gz"; if (dataPattern.equals(DATA_PATTERN)) dataPattern = BASE_URL + "/stddata__{0,date,yyyy_MM_dd}/data/" + tumor + "/{0,date,yyyyMMdd}/{3}"; if (dataFilePattern.equals(DATAFILE_PATTERN)) dataFilePattern = "gdac.broadinstitute.org_" + tumor + ".{3}.Level_{4}.{0,date,yyyyMMdd}00.0.0.tar.gz"; if (reportPattern.equals(REPORT_PATTERN)) reportPattern = BASE_URL + "awg_" + awgGroup + "__{0,date,yyyy_MM_dd}/reports/cancer/{1}/"; } return true; } /** * @param username2 * @param string * @return */ private static String fixPrompt(String var, String prompt) { if ("PROMPT".equals(var)) { System.out.print(prompt); try (Scanner s = new Scanner( { String l = s.nextLine(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(l)) { System.err.println("Aborting"); System.exit(1); } return l; } } return var; } /** * @return the downloadOnly, see {@link #downloadOnly} */ public boolean isDownloadOnly() { return downloadOnly; } private static String ensureExistingDir(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f.getAbsolutePath() + "/"; f.mkdirs(); return f.getAbsolutePath() + "/"; } public String getDataDirectory(String subDir) { if (this.flatOutput) return ensureExistingDir(outputPath); else return ensureExistingDir(new File(new File(outputPath, "data" + GeneralManager.VERSION), subDir)); } public String getTemporaryDirectory() { return ensureExistingDir(new File(outputPath, "tmp")); } /** * @return the analysisRuns */ public List<Date> getAnalysisRuns() { return Lists.transform(analysisRuns, toDate); } public static String format(Date date) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd"); return df.format(date); } public static String formatClean(Date date) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); return df.format(date); } private static final Function<String, Date> toDate = new Function<String, Date>() { private final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd"); @Override public Date apply(String in) { try { return df.parse(in); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }; /** * @return the dataRuns */ public List<Date> getDataRuns() { return Lists.transform(dataRuns, toDate); } /** * @return the tumorTypes */ public Collection<TumorType> getTumorTypes() { if (this.tumorTypes == null || this.tumorTypes.isEmpty()) return TumorType.getNormalTumorTypes(); List<TumorType> types = new ArrayList<>(); for (String t : tumorTypes) { if (t.contains("*")) types.addAll(TumorType.byNameMatches( Pattern.compile("\\Q" + t.replace("*", "\\E.*\\Q") + "\\E", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE))); TumorType type = TumorType.byName(t); if (type == null) { System.err.println("unknown tumor type: " + t + " creating dummy"); type = TumorType.createDummy(t); } types.add(type); } return types; } /** * @return the clinicalVariables, see {@link #clinicalVariables} */ public Collection<String> getClinicalVariables() { if (this.clinicalVariables == null || this.clinicalVariables.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); List<String> r = new ArrayList<>(); for (String c : this.clinicalVariables) r.add(c.toLowerCase()); return r; } public FirehoseProvider createFirehoseProvider(TumorType tumor, Date analysisRunIdentifier, Date dataRunIdentifier) { return new FirehoseProvider(tumor, analysisRunIdentifier, dataRunIdentifier, this); } public int getNumThreads() { return numThreads; } public boolean isCleanCache() { return cleanCache; } public boolean isFlatOutput() { return flatOutput; } public boolean isAwgRun() { return awgGroup != null; } public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } /** * @return the cluster, see {@link #cluster} */ public ClusterOptions getCluster() { return cluster; } public URL getDataURL(Date run, TumorType tumor, String tumorSample, String pipelineName, int level) throws MalformedURLException { String file = MessageFormat.format(dataFilePattern, run, tumor, tumorSample, pipelineName, level); String url = MessageFormat.format(dataPattern, run, tumor, tumorSample, file); return new URL(url); } public URL getAnalysisURL(Date run, TumorType tumor, String tumorSample, String pipelineName, int level) throws MalformedURLException { String file = MessageFormat.format(filePattern, run, tumor, tumorSample, pipelineName, level); String url = MessageFormat.format(analysisPattern, run, tumor, tumorSample, file); return new URL(url); } public String getReportUrl(Date run, TumorType tumor) { return MessageFormat.format(reportPattern, run, tumor); } /** * @return the gson, see {@link #gson} */ public Gson getGson() { return gson; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Settings [analysisRuns="); builder.append(analysisRuns); builder.append(", dataRuns="); builder.append(dataRuns); builder.append(", tumorTypes="); builder.append(tumorTypes); builder.append(", cluster="); builder.append(cluster); builder.append(", awgGroup="); builder.append(awgGroup); builder.append(", clinicalVariables="); builder.append(clinicalVariables); builder.append(", outputPath="); builder.append(outputPath); builder.append(", flatOutput="); builder.append(flatOutput); builder.append(", cleanCache="); builder.append(cleanCache); builder.append(", numThreads="); builder.append(numThreads); builder.append(", batchSize="); builder.append(batchSize); builder.append(", analysisPattern="); builder.append(analysisPattern); builder.append(", filePattern="); builder.append(filePattern); builder.append(", dataPattern="); builder.append(dataPattern); builder.append(", dataFilePattern="); builder.append(dataFilePattern); builder.append(", reportPattern="); builder.append(reportPattern); builder.append(", downloadOnly="); builder.append(downloadOnly); builder.append(", username="); builder.append(username); builder.append(", password="); builder.append(password); builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } }