Source code

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// ========================================================================
// $Id:,v 1.31 2006/01/04 13:55:31 gregwilkins Exp $
// Copyright 1996-2004 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at 
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
package org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.log.LogFactory;


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** File Resource.
 * Handle resources of implied or explicit file type.
 * This class can check for aliasing in the filesystem (eg case
 * insensitivity).  By default this is turned on if the platform does
 * not have the "/" path separator, or it can be controlled with the
 * "org.mortbay.util.FileResource.checkAliases" system parameter.
 * If alias checking is turned on, then aliased resources are
 * treated as if they do not exist, nor can they be created.
 * @version $Revision: 1.31 $
 * @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
public class FileResource extends URLResource {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Credential.class);
    private static boolean __checkAliases;
    static {
        __checkAliases = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(
                System.getProperty("org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.FileResource.checkAliases", "true"));

        if (__checkAliases)
  "Checking Resource aliases");

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private File _file;
    private transient URL _alias = null;
    private transient boolean _aliasChecked = false;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /** setCheckAliases.
     * @param checkAliases True of resource aliases are to be checked for (eg case insensitivity or 8.3 short names) and treated as not found.
    public static void setCheckAliases(boolean checkAliases) {
        __checkAliases = checkAliases;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /** getCheckAliases.
     * @return True of resource aliases are to be checked for (eg case insensitivity or 8.3 short names) and treated as not found.
    public static boolean getCheckAliases() {
        return __checkAliases;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    FileResource(URL url) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
        super(url, null);

        try {
            // Try standard API to convert URL to file.
            _file = new File(new URI(url.toString()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogSupport.ignore(log, e);
            try {
                // Assume that File.toURL produced unencoded chars. So try
                // encoding them.
                String urls = "file:" + org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.URI.encodePath(url.toString().substring(5));
                _file = new File(new URI(urls));
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                LogSupport.ignore(log, e2);

                // Still can't get the file.  Doh! try good old hack!
                Permission perm = _connection.getPermission();
                _file = new File(perm == null ? url.getFile() : perm.getName());

        if (_file.isDirectory() && !_urlString.endsWith("/"))
            _urlString = _urlString + "/";

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    FileResource(URL url, URLConnection connection, File file) {
        super(url, connection);
        _file = file;
        if (_file.isDirectory() && !_urlString.endsWith("/"))
            _urlString = _urlString + "/";

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    public Resource addPath(String path) throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
        FileResource r = null;

        if (!isDirectory()) {
            r = (FileResource) super.addPath(path);
        } else {
            path = org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.URI.canonicalPath(path);

            // treat all paths being added as relative
            String rel = path;
            if (path.startsWith("/"))
                rel = path.substring(1);

            File newFile = new File(_file, rel.replace('/', File.separatorChar));
            r = new FileResource(newFile.toURI().toURL(), null, newFile);

        String encoded = org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.URI.encodePath(path);
        int expected = r._urlString.length() - encoded.length();
        int index = r._urlString.lastIndexOf(encoded, expected);

        if (expected != index && ((expected - 1) != index || path.endsWith("/") || !r.isDirectory())) {
            r._alias = r._url;
            r._aliasChecked = true;
        return r;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public URL getAlias() {
        if (__checkAliases && !_aliasChecked) {
            try {
                String abs = _file.getAbsolutePath();
                String can = _file.getCanonicalPath();

                if (abs.length() != can.length() || !abs.equals(can))
                    _alias = new File(can).toURI().toURL();

                _aliasChecked = true;

                if (_alias != null && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("ALIAS abs=" + abs);
                    log.debug("ALIAS can=" + can);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e);
                return getURL();
        return _alias;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns true if the resource exists.
    public boolean exists() {
        return _file.exists();

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns the last modified time
    public long lastModified() {
        return _file.lastModified();

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns true if the respresenetd resource is a container/directory.
    public boolean isDirectory() {
        return _file.isDirectory();

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Return the length of the resource
    public long length() {
        return _file.length();

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns the name of the resource
    public String getName() {
        return _file.getAbsolutePath();

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
     * Returns an File representing the given resource or NULL if this
     * is not possible.
    public File getFile() {
        return _file;

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns an input stream to the resource
    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
        return new FileInputStream(_file);

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns an output stream to the resource
    public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws, SecurityException {
        return new FileOutputStream(_file);

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Deletes the given resource
    public boolean delete() throws SecurityException {
        return _file.delete();

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Rename the given resource
    public boolean renameTo(Resource dest) throws SecurityException {
        if (dest instanceof FileResource)
            return _file.renameTo(((FileResource) dest)._file);
            return false;

    /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
     * Returns a list of resources contained in the given resource
    public String[] list() {
        String[] list = _file.list();
        if (list == null)
            return null;
        for (int i = list.length; i-- > 0;) {
            if (new File(_file, list[i]).isDirectory() && !list[i].endsWith("/"))
                list[i] += "/";
        return list;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** Encode according to this resource type.
     * File URIs are encoded.
     * @param uri URI to encode.
     * @return The uri unchanged.
    public String encode(String uri) {
        return uri;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
     * @param o
     * @return 
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;

        if (null == o || !(o instanceof FileResource))
            return false;

        FileResource f = (FileResource) o;
        return f._file == _file || (null != _file && _file.equals(f._file));

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
     * @return the hashcode.
    public int hashCode() {
        return null == _file ? super.hashCode() : _file.hashCode();