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* Copyright (c) 2012 The Broad Institute
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
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package org.broadinstitute.sting.utils;

import cern.jet.math.Arithmetic;
import cern.jet.random.Normal;
import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistributionImpl;
import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.GenomeAnalysisEngine;
import org.broadinstitute.sting.utils.collections.Pair;
import org.broadinstitute.sting.utils.exceptions.StingException;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.TreeSet;

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: chartl
public class MannWhitneyU {

    private static Normal STANDARD_NORMAL = new Normal(0.0, 1.0, null);
    private static NormalDistribution APACHE_NORMAL = new NormalDistributionImpl(0.0, 1.0, 1e-2);
    private static double LNSQRT2PI = Math.log(Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI));

    private TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>> observations;
    private int sizeSet1;
    private int sizeSet2;
    private ExactMode exactMode;

    public MannWhitneyU(ExactMode mode, boolean dither) {
        if (dither)
            observations = new TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>>(new DitheringComparator());
            observations = new TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>>(new NumberedPairComparator());
        sizeSet1 = 0;
        sizeSet2 = 0;
        exactMode = mode;

    public MannWhitneyU() {
        this(ExactMode.POINT, true);

    public MannWhitneyU(boolean dither) {
        this(ExactMode.POINT, dither);

    public MannWhitneyU(ExactMode mode) {
        this(mode, true);

     * Add an observation into the observation tree
     * @param n: the observation (a number)
     * @param set: whether the observation comes from set 1 or set 2
    public void add(Number n, USet set) {
        observations.add(new Pair<Number, USet>(n, set));
        if (set == USet.SET1) {
        } else {

    public Pair<Long, Long> getR1R2() {
        long u1 = calculateOneSidedU(observations, MannWhitneyU.USet.SET1);
        long n1 = sizeSet1 * (sizeSet1 + 1) / 2;
        long r1 = u1 + n1;
        long n2 = sizeSet2 * (sizeSet2 + 1) / 2;
        long u2 = n1 * n2 - u1;
        long r2 = u2 + n2;

        return new Pair<Long, Long>(r1, r2);

     * Runs the one-sided test under the hypothesis that the data in set "lessThanOther" stochastically
     * dominates the other set
     * @param lessThanOther - either Set1 or Set2
     * @return - u-based z-approximation, and p-value associated with the test (p-value is exact for small n,m)
    @Requires({ "lessThanOther != null" })
    @Ensures({ "validateObservations(observations) || Double.isNaN(result.getFirst())", "result != null",
            "! Double.isInfinite(result.getFirst())", "! Double.isInfinite(result.getSecond())" })
    public Pair<Double, Double> runOneSidedTest(USet lessThanOther) {
        long u = calculateOneSidedU(observations, lessThanOther);
        int n = lessThanOther == USet.SET1 ? sizeSet1 : sizeSet2;
        int m = lessThanOther == USet.SET1 ? sizeSet2 : sizeSet1;
        if (n == 0 || m == 0) {
            // test is uninformative as one or both sets have no observations
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(Double.NaN, Double.NaN);

        // the null hypothesis is that {N} is stochastically less than {M}, so U has counted
        // occurrences of {M}s before {N}s. We would expect that this should be less than (n*m+1)/2 under
        // the null hypothesis, so we want to integrate from K=0 to K=U for cumulative cases. Always.
        return calculateP(n, m, u, false, exactMode);

     * Runs the standard two-sided test,
     * returns the u-based z-approximate and p values.
     * @return a pair holding the u and p-value.
    @Ensures({ "result != null", "! Double.isInfinite(result.getFirst())",
            "! Double.isInfinite(result.getSecond())" })
    public Pair<Double, Double> runTwoSidedTest() {
        Pair<Long, USet> uPair = calculateTwoSidedU(observations);
        long u = uPair.first;
        int n = uPair.second == USet.SET1 ? sizeSet1 : sizeSet2;
        int m = uPair.second == USet.SET1 ? sizeSet2 : sizeSet1;
        if (n == 0 || m == 0) {
            // test is uninformative as one or both sets have no observations
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
        return calculateP(n, m, u, true, exactMode);

     * Given a u statistic, calculate the p-value associated with it, dispatching to approximations where appropriate
     * @param n - The number of entries in the stochastically smaller (dominant) set
     * @param m - The number of entries in the stochastically larger (dominated) set
     * @param u - the Mann-Whitney U value
     * @param twoSided - is the test twosided
     * @return the (possibly approximate) p-value associated with the MWU test, and the (possibly approximate) z-value associated with it
     * todo -- there must be an approximation for small m and large n
    @Requires({ "m > 0", "n > 0" })
    @Ensures({ "result != null", "! Double.isInfinite(result.getFirst())",
            "! Double.isInfinite(result.getSecond())" })
    protected static Pair<Double, Double> calculateP(int n, int m, long u, boolean twoSided, ExactMode exactMode) {
        Pair<Double, Double> zandP;
        if (n > 8 && m > 8) {
            // large m and n - normal approx
            zandP = calculatePNormalApproximation(n, m, u, twoSided);
        } else if (n > 5 && m > 7) {
            // large m, small n - sum uniform approx
            // todo -- find the appropriate regimes where this approximation is actually better enough to merit slowness
            // pval = calculatePUniformApproximation(n,m,u);
            zandP = calculatePNormalApproximation(n, m, u, twoSided);
        } else if (n > 8 || m > 8) {
            zandP = calculatePFromTable(n, m, u, twoSided);
        } else {
            // small m and n - full approx
            zandP = calculatePRecursively(n, m, u, twoSided, exactMode);

        return zandP;

    public static Pair<Double, Double> calculatePFromTable(int n, int m, long u, boolean twoSided) {
        // todo -- actually use a table for:
        // todo      - n large, m small
        return calculatePNormalApproximation(n, m, u, twoSided);

     * Uses a normal approximation to the U statistic in order to return a cdf p-value. See Mann, Whitney [1947]
     * @param n - The number of entries in the stochastically smaller (dominant) set
     * @param m - The number of entries in the stochastically larger (dominated) set
     * @param u - the Mann-Whitney U value
     * @param twoSided - whether the test should be two sided
     * @return p-value associated with the normal approximation
    @Requires({ "m > 0", "n > 0" })
    @Ensures({ "result != null", "! Double.isInfinite(result.getFirst())",
            "! Double.isInfinite(result.getSecond())" })
    public static Pair<Double, Double> calculatePNormalApproximation(int n, int m, long u, boolean twoSided) {
        double z = getZApprox(n, m, u);
        if (twoSided) {
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(z,
                    2.0 * (z < 0 ? STANDARD_NORMAL.cdf(z) : 1.0 - STANDARD_NORMAL.cdf(z)));
        } else {
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(z, STANDARD_NORMAL.cdf(z));

     * Calculates the Z-score approximation of the u-statistic
     * @param n - The number of entries in the stochastically smaller (dominant) set
     * @param m - The number of entries in the stochastically larger (dominated) set
     * @param u - the Mann-Whitney U value
     * @return the asymptotic z-approximation corresponding to the MWU p-value for n < m
    @Requires({ "m > 0", "n > 0" })
    @Ensures({ "! Double.isNaN(result)", "! Double.isInfinite(result)" })
    private static double getZApprox(int n, int m, long u) {
        double mean = (((long) m) * n + 1.0) / 2;
        double var = (((long) n) * m * (n + m + 1.0)) / 12;
        double z = (u - mean) / Math.sqrt(var);
        return z;

     * Uses a sum-of-uniform-0-1 random variable approximation to the U statistic in order to return an approximate
     * p-value. See Buckle, Kraft, van Eeden [1969] (approx) and Billingsly [1995] or Stephens, MA [1966, biometrika] (sum of uniform CDF)
     * @param n - The number of entries in the stochastically smaller (dominant) set
     * @param m - The number of entries in the stochastically larger (dominated) set
     * @param u - mann-whitney u value
     * @return p-value according to sum of uniform approx
     * todo -- this is currently not called due to not having a good characterization of where it is significantly more accurate than the
     * todo -- normal approxmation (e.g. enough to merit the runtime hit)
    public static double calculatePUniformApproximation(int n, int m, long u) {
        long R = u + (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
        double a = Math.sqrt(m * (n + m + 1));
        double b = (n / 2.0) * (1 - Math.sqrt((n + m + 1) / m));
        double z = b + ((double) R) / a;
        if (z < 0) {
            return 1.0;
        } else if (z > n) {
            return 0.0;
        } else {
            if (z > ((double) n) / 2) {
                return 1.0 - 1 / (Arithmetic.factorial(n)) * uniformSumHelper(z, (int) Math.floor(z), n, 0);
            } else {
                return 1 / (Arithmetic.factorial(n)) * uniformSumHelper(z, (int) Math.floor(z), n, 0);

     * Helper function for the sum of n uniform random variables
     * @param z - value at which to compute the (un-normalized) cdf
     * @param m - a cutoff integer (defined by m <= z < m + 1)
     * @param n - the number of uniform random variables
     * @param k - holder variable for the recursion (alternatively, the index of the term in the sequence)
     * @return the (un-normalized) cdf for the sum of n random variables
    private static double uniformSumHelper(double z, int m, int n, int k) {
        if (k > m) {
            return 0;
        int coef = (k % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1;
        return coef * Arithmetic.binomial(n, k) * Math.pow(z - k, n) + uniformSumHelper(z, m, n, k + 1);

     * Calculates the U-statistic associated with a two-sided test (e.g. the RV from which one set is drawn
     * stochastically dominates the RV from which the other set is drawn); two-sidedness is accounted for
     * later on simply by multiplying the p-value by 2.
     * Recall: If X stochastically dominates Y, the test is for occurrences of Y before X, so the lower value of u is chosen
     * @param observed - the observed data
     * @return the minimum of the U counts (set1 dominates 2, set 2 dominates 1)
    @Requires({ "observed != null", "observed.size() > 0" })
    @Ensures({ "result != null", "result.first > 0" })
    public static Pair<Long, USet> calculateTwoSidedU(TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>> observed) {
        int set1SeenSoFar = 0;
        int set2SeenSoFar = 0;
        long uSet1DomSet2 = 0;
        long uSet2DomSet1 = 0;
        USet previous = null;
        for (Pair<Number, USet> dataPoint : observed) {

            if (dataPoint.second == USet.SET1) {
            } else {

            if (previous != null) {
                if (dataPoint.second == USet.SET1) {
                    uSet2DomSet1 += set2SeenSoFar;
                } else {
                    uSet1DomSet2 += set1SeenSoFar;

            previous = dataPoint.second;

        return uSet1DomSet2 < uSet2DomSet1 ? new Pair<Long, USet>(uSet1DomSet2, USet.SET1)
                : new Pair<Long, USet>(uSet2DomSet1, USet.SET2);

     * Calculates the U-statistic associated with the one-sided hypothesis that "dominator" stochastically dominates
     * the other U-set. Note that if S1 dominates S2, we want to count the occurrences of points in S2 coming before points in S1.
     * @param observed - the observed data points, tagged by each set
     * @param dominator - the set that is hypothesized to be stochastically dominating
     * @return the u-statistic associated with the hypothesis that dominator stochastically dominates the other set
    @Requires({ "observed != null", "dominator != null", "observed.size() > 0" })
    @Ensures({ "result >= 0" })
    public static long calculateOneSidedU(TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>> observed, USet dominator) {
        long otherBeforeDominator = 0l;
        int otherSeenSoFar = 0;
        for (Pair<Number, USet> dataPoint : observed) {
            if (dataPoint.second != dominator) {
            } else {
                otherBeforeDominator += otherSeenSoFar;

        return otherBeforeDominator;

     * The Mann-Whitney U statistic follows a recursive equation (that enumerates the proportion of possible
     * binary strings of "n" zeros, and "m" ones, where a one precedes a zero "u" times). This accessor
     * calls into that recursive calculation.
     * @param n: number of set-one entries (hypothesis: set one is stochastically less than set two)
     * @param m: number of set-two entries
     * @param u: number of set-two entries that precede set-one entries (e.g. 0,1,0,1,0 -> 3 )
     * @param twoSided: whether the test is two sided or not. The recursive formula is symmetric, multiply by two for two-sidedness.
     * @param  mode: whether the mode is a point probability, or a cumulative distribution
     * @return the probability under the hypothesis that all sequences are equally likely of finding a set-two entry preceding a set-one entry "u" times.
    @Requires({ "m > 0", "n > 0", "u >= 0" })
    @Ensures({ "result != null", "! Double.isInfinite(result.getFirst())",
            "! Double.isInfinite(result.getSecond())" })
    public static Pair<Double, Double> calculatePRecursively(int n, int m, long u, boolean twoSided,
            ExactMode mode) {
        if (m > 8 && n > 5) {
            throw new StingException(String.format(
                    "Please use the appropriate (normal or sum of uniform) approximation. Values n: %d, m: %d", n,
        double p = mode == ExactMode.POINT ? cpr(n, m, u) : cumulativeCPR(n, m, u);
        //p *= twoSided ? 2.0 : 1.0;
        double z;
        try {

            if (mode == ExactMode.CUMULATIVE) {
                z = APACHE_NORMAL.inverseCumulativeProbability(p);
            } else {
                double sd = Math.sqrt((1.0 + 1.0 / (1 + n + m)) * (n * m) * (1.0 + n + m) / 12); // biased variance empirically better fit to distribution then asymptotic variance
                //System.out.printf("SD is %f and Max is %f and prob is %f%n",sd,1.0/Math.sqrt(sd*sd*2.0*Math.PI),p);
                if (p > 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sd * sd * 2.0 * Math.PI)) { // possible for p-value to be outside the range of the normal. Happens at the mean, so z is 0.
                    z = 0.0;
                } else {
                    if (u >= n * m / 2) {
                        z = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * (Math.log(sd) + Math.log(p) + LNSQRT2PI));
                    } else {
                        z = -Math.sqrt(-2.0 * (Math.log(sd) + Math.log(p) + LNSQRT2PI));

        } catch (MathException me) {
            throw new StingException("A math exception occurred in inverting the probability", me);

        return new Pair<Double, Double>(z, (twoSided ? 2.0 * p : p));

     * Hook into CPR with sufficient warning (for testing purposes)
     * calls into that recursive calculation.
     * @param n: number of set-one entries (hypothesis: set one is stochastically less than set two)
     * @param m: number of set-two entries
     * @param u: number of set-two entries that precede set-one entries (e.g. 0,1,0,1,0 -> 3 )
     * @return same as cpr
    protected static double calculatePRecursivelyDoNotCheckValuesEvenThoughItIsSlow(int n, int m, long u) {
        return cpr(n, m, u);

     * For testing
     * @param n: number of set-one entries (hypothesis: set one is stochastically less than set two)
     * @param m: number of set-two entries
     * @param u: number of set-two entries that precede set-one entries (e.g. 0,1,0,1,0 -> 3 )
    protected static long countSequences(int n, int m, long u) {
        if (u < 0) {
            return 0;
        if (m == 0 || n == 0) {
            return u == 0 ? 1 : 0;

        return countSequences(n - 1, m, u - m) + countSequences(n, m - 1, u);

     * : just a shorter name for calculatePRecursively. See Mann, Whitney, [1947]
     * @param n: number of set-1 entries
     * @param m: number of set-2 entries
     * @param u: number of times a set-2 entry as preceded a set-1 entry
     * @return recursive p-value
    private static double cpr(int n, int m, long u) {
        if (u < 0) {
            return 0.0;
        if (m == 0 || n == 0) {
            // there are entries in set 1 or set 2, so no set-2 entry can precede a set-1 entry; thus u must be zero.
            // note that this exists only for edification, as when we reach this point, the coefficient on this term is zero anyway
            return (u == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

        return (((double) n) / (n + m)) * cpr(n - 1, m, u - m) + (((double) m) / (n + m)) * cpr(n, m - 1, u);

    private static double cumulativeCPR(int n, int m, long u) {
        // from above:
        // the null hypothesis is that {N} is stochastically less than {M}, so U has counted
        // occurrences of {M}s before {N}s. We would expect that this should be less than (n*m+1)/2 under
        // the null hypothesis, so we want to integrate from K=0 to K=U for cumulative cases. Always.
        double p = 0.0;
        // optimization using symmetry, use the least amount of sums possible
        long uSym = (u <= n * m / 2) ? u : ((long) n) * m - u;
        for (long uu = 0; uu < uSym; uu++) {
            p += cpr(n, m, uu);
        // correct by 1.0-p if the optimization above was used (e.g. 1-right tail = left tail)
        return (u <= n * m / 2) ? p : 1.0 - p;

     * hook into the data tree, for testing purposes only
     * @return  observations
    protected TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>> getObservations() {
        return observations;

     * hook into the set sizes, for testing purposes only
     * @return size set 1, size set 2
    protected Pair<Integer, Integer> getSetSizes() {
        return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(sizeSet1, sizeSet2);

     * Validates that observations are in the correct format for a MWU test -- this is only called by the contracts API during testing
     * @param tree - the collection of labeled observations
     * @return true iff the tree set is valid (no INFs or NaNs, at least one data point in each set)
    protected static boolean validateObservations(TreeSet<Pair<Number, USet>> tree) {
        boolean seen1 = false;
        boolean seen2 = false;
        boolean seenInvalid = false;
        for (Pair<Number, USet> p : tree) {
            if (!seen1 && p.getSecond() == USet.SET1) {
                seen1 = true;

            if (!seen2 && p.getSecond() == USet.SET2) {
                seen2 = true;

            if (Double.isNaN(p.getFirst().doubleValue()) || Double.isInfinite(p.getFirst().doubleValue())) {
                seenInvalid = true;


        return !seenInvalid && seen1 && seen2;

     * A comparator class which uses dithering on tie-breaking to ensure that the internal treeset drops no values
     * and to ensure that rank ties are broken at random.
    private static class DitheringComparator implements Comparator<Pair<Number, USet>>, Serializable {

        public DitheringComparator() {

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            return false;

        public int compare(Pair<Number, USet> left, Pair<Number, USet> right) {
            double comp =, right.first.doubleValue());
            if (comp > 0) {
                return 1;
            if (comp < 0) {
                return -1;
            return GenomeAnalysisEngine.getRandomGenerator().nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1;

     * A comparator that reaches into the pair and compares numbers without tie-braking.
    private static class NumberedPairComparator implements Comparator<Pair<Number, USet>>, Serializable {

        public NumberedPairComparator() {

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            return false;

        public int compare(Pair<Number, USet> left, Pair<Number, USet> right) {
            return, right.first.doubleValue());

    public enum USet {
        SET1, SET2

    public enum ExactMode {
