Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2016 Broad Institute, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Histogram; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Imported with changes from Picard private. * * @author Tim Fennell */ public class MannWhitneyU { protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MannWhitneyU.class); private static final class Rank implements Comparable<Rank> { final double value; float rank; final int series; private Rank(double value, float rank, int series) { this.value = value; this.rank = rank; this.series = series; } @Override public int compareTo(Rank that) { return (int) (this.value - that.value); } @Override public String toString() { return "Rank{" + "value=" + value + ", rank=" + rank + ", series=" + series + '}'; } } /** * The results of performing a rank sum test. */ public static class Result { private final double u; private final double z; private final double p; private final double medianShift; public Result(double u, double z, double p, double medianShift) { this.u = u; this.z = z; this.p = p; this.medianShift = medianShift; } public double getU() { return u; } public double getZ() { return z; } public double getP() { return p; } public double getMedianShift() { return medianShift; } } /** * The values of U1, U2 and the transformed number of ties needed for the calculation of sigma * in the normal approximation. */ public static class TestStatistic { private final double u1; private final double u2; private final double trueU; private final double numOfTiesTransformed; public TestStatistic(double u1, double u2, double numOfTiesTransformed) { this.u1 = u1; this.u2 = u2; this.numOfTiesTransformed = numOfTiesTransformed; this.trueU = Double.NaN; } public TestStatistic(double trueU, double numOfTiesTransformed) { this.trueU = trueU; this.numOfTiesTransformed = numOfTiesTransformed; this.u1 = Double.NaN; this.u2 = Double.NaN; } public double getU1() { return u1; } public double getU2() { return u2; } public double getTies() { return numOfTiesTransformed; } public double getTrueU() { return trueU; } } /** * The ranked data in one list and a list of the number of ties. */ public static class RankedData { private final Rank[] rank; private final ArrayList numOfTies; public RankedData(Rank[] rank, ArrayList numOfTies) { this.rank = rank; this.numOfTies = numOfTies; } public Rank[] getRank() { return rank; } public ArrayList getNumOfTies() { return numOfTies; } } /** * Key for the map from Integer[] to set of all permutations of that array. */ private static class Key { final Integer[] listToPermute; private Key(Integer[] listToPermute) { this.listToPermute = listToPermute; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Key that = (Key) o; return (Arrays.deepEquals(this.listToPermute, that.listToPermute)); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 17; for (Integer i : listToPermute) { result = 31 * result + listToPermute[i]; } return result; } } // Constructs a normal distribution; this needs to be a standard normal in order to get a Z-score in the exact case private static final double NORMAL_MEAN = 0; private static final double NORMAL_SD = 1; private static final NormalDistribution NORMAL = new NormalDistribution(NORMAL_MEAN, NORMAL_SD); /** * A map of an Integer[] of the labels to the set of all possible permutations of those labels. */ private static Map<Key, Set<List<Integer>>> PERMUTATIONS = new ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Set<List<Integer>>>(); /** * The minimum length for both data series in order to use a normal distribution * to calculate Z and p. If both series are shorter than this value then a permutation test * will be used. */ private int minimumNormalN = 10; /** * Sets the minimum number of values in each data series to use the normal distribution approximation. */ public void setMinimumSeriesLengthForNormalApproximation(final int n) { this.minimumNormalN = n; } /** * A variable that indicates if the test is one sided or two sided and if it's one sided * which group is the dominator in the null hypothesis. */ public enum TestType { FIRST_DOMINATES, SECOND_DOMINATES, TWO_SIDED } public RankedData calculateRank(final double[] series1, final double[] series2) { Arrays.sort(series1); Arrays.sort(series2); // Make a merged ranks array final Rank[] ranks = new Rank[series1.length + series2.length]; { int i = 0, j = 0, r = 0; while (r < ranks.length) { if (i >= series1.length) { ranks[r++] = new Rank(series2[j++], r, 2); } else if (j >= series2.length) { ranks[r++] = new Rank(series1[i++], r, 1); } else if (series1[i] <= series2[j]) { ranks[r++] = new Rank(series1[i++], r, 1); } else { ranks[r++] = new Rank(series2[j++], r, 2); } } } ArrayList<Integer> numOfTies = new ArrayList<>(); // Now sort out any tie bands for (int i = 0; i < ranks.length;) { float rank = ranks[i].rank; int count = 1; for (int j = i + 1; j < ranks.length && ranks[j].value == ranks[i].value; ++j) { rank += ranks[j].rank; ++count; } if (count > 1) { rank /= count; for (int j = i; j < i + count; ++j) { ranks[j].rank = rank; } numOfTies.add(count); } // Skip forward the right number of items i += count; } return new RankedData(ranks, numOfTies); } /** * Rank both groups together and return a TestStatistic object that includes U1, U2 and number of ties for sigma */ public TestStatistic calculateU1andU2(final double[] series1, final double[] series2) { RankedData ranked = calculateRank(series1, series2); Rank[] ranks = ranked.getRank(); ArrayList<Integer> numOfTies = ranked.getNumOfTies(); //Calculate number of ties transformed for formula for Sigma to calculate Z-score ArrayList<Integer> transformedTies = new ArrayList<>(); for (int count : numOfTies) { //If every single datapoint is tied then we want to return a p-value of .5 and //the formula for sigma that includes the number of ties breaks down. Setting //the number of ties to 0 in this case gets the desired result in the normal //approximation case. if (count != ranks.length) { transformedTies.add((count * count * count) - count); } } double numOfTiesForSigma = 0.0; for (int count : transformedTies) { numOfTiesForSigma += count; } // Calculate R1 and R2 and U. float r1 = 0, r2 = 0; for (Rank rank : ranks) { if (rank.series == 1) r1 += rank.rank; else r2 += rank.rank; } double n1 = series1.length; double n2 = series2.length; double u1 = r1 - ((n1 * (n1 + 1)) / 2); double u2 = r2 - ((n2 * (n2 + 1)) / 2); TestStatistic result = new TestStatistic(u1, u2, numOfTiesForSigma); return result; } /** * Calculates the rank-sum test statisic U (sometimes W) from two sets of input data for a one-sided test * with an int indicating which group is the dominator. Returns a test statistic object with trueU and number of * ties for sigma. */ public TestStatistic calculateOneSidedU(final double[] series1, final double[] series2, final TestType whichSeriesDominates) { TestStatistic stat = calculateU1andU2(series1, series2); TestStatistic result; if (whichSeriesDominates == TestType.FIRST_DOMINATES) { result = new TestStatistic(stat.getU1(), stat.getTies()); } else { result = new TestStatistic(stat.getU2(), stat.getTies()); } return result; } /** * Calculates the two-sided rank-sum test statisic U (sometimes W) from two sets of input data. * Returns a test statistic object with trueU and number of ties for sigma. */ public TestStatistic calculateTwoSidedU(final double[] series1, final double[] series2) { TestStatistic u1AndU2 = calculateU1andU2(series1, series2); double u = Math.min(u1AndU2.getU1(), u1AndU2.getU2()); TestStatistic result = new TestStatistic(u, u1AndU2.getTies()); return result; } /** * Calculates the Z score (i.e. standard deviations from the mean) of the rank sum * test statistics given input data of lengths n1 and n2 respectively, as well as the number of ties, for normal * approximation only. */ public double calculateZ(final double u, final int n1, final int n2, final double nties, final TestType whichSide) { double m = (n1 * n2) / 2d; //Adds a continuity correction double correction; if (whichSide == TestType.TWO_SIDED) { correction = (u - m) >= 0 ? .5 : -.5; } else { correction = whichSide == TestType.FIRST_DOMINATES ? -.5 : .5; } //If all the data is tied, the number of ties for sigma is set to 0. In order to get a p-value of .5 we need to //remove the continuity correction. if (nties == 0) { correction = 0; } double sigma = Math.sqrt((n1 * n2 / 12d) * ((n1 + n2 + 1) - nties / ((n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 1)))); return (u - m - correction) / sigma; } /** * Finds or calculates the median value of a sorted array of double. */ public double median(final double[] data) { final int len = data.length; final int mid = len / 2; if (data.length % 2 == 0) { return (data[mid] + data[mid - 1]) / 2d; } else { return data[mid]; } } /** * Constructs a new rank sum test with the given data. * * @param series1 group 1 data * @param series2 group 2 data * @param whichSide indicator of two sided test, 0 for two sided, 1 for series1 as dominator, 2 for series2 as dominator * @return Result including U statistic, Z score, p-value, and difference in medians. */ public Result test(final double[] series1, final double[] series2, final TestType whichSide) { final int n1 = series1.length; final int n2 = series2.length; //If one of the groups is empty we return NaN if (n1 == 0 || n2 == 0) { return new Result(Float.NaN, Float.NaN, Float.NaN, Float.NaN); } double u; double nties; if (whichSide == TestType.TWO_SIDED) { TestStatistic result = calculateTwoSidedU(series1, series2); u = result.getTrueU(); nties = result.getTies(); } else { TestStatistic result = calculateOneSidedU(series1, series2, whichSide); u = result.getTrueU(); nties = result.getTies(); } double z; double p; if (n1 >= this.minimumNormalN || n2 >= this.minimumNormalN) { z = calculateZ(u, n1, n2, nties, whichSide); p = 2 * NORMAL.cumulativeProbability(NORMAL_MEAN + z * NORMAL_SD); if (whichSide != TestType.TWO_SIDED) { p = p / 2; } } else { // TODO -- This exact test is only implemented for the one sided test, but we currently don't call the two sided version if (whichSide != TestType.FIRST_DOMINATES) { logger.warn( "An exact two-sided MannWhitneyU test was called. Only the one-sided exact test is implemented, use the approximation instead by setting minimumNormalN to 0."); } p = permutationTest(series1, series2, u); z = NORMAL.inverseCumulativeProbability(p); } return new Result(u, z, p, Math.abs(median(series1) - median(series2))); } private void swap(Integer[] arr, int i, int j) { int temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; } /** * Uses a method that generates permutations in lexicographic order. ( * @param temp Sorted list of elements to be permuted. * @param allPermutations Empty set that will hold all possible permutations. */ private void calculatePermutations(Integer[] temp, Set<List<Integer>> allPermutations) { allPermutations.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(temp))); while (true) { int k = -1; for (int i = temp.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (temp[i] < temp[i + 1]) { k = i; break; } } if (k == -1) { break; } int l = -1; for (int i = temp.length - 1; i >= k + 1; i--) { if (temp[k] < temp[i]) { l = i; break; } } swap(temp, k, l); int end = temp.length - 1; for (int begin = k + 1; begin < end; begin++) { swap(temp, begin, end); end--; } allPermutations.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(temp))); } } /** * Checks to see if the permutations have already been computed before creating them from scratch. * @param listToPermute List of tags in numerical order to be permuted * @param numOfPermutations The number of permutations this list will have (n1+n2 choose n1) * @return Set of all possible permutations for the given list. */ Set<List<Integer>> getPermutations(final Integer[] listToPermute, int numOfPermutations) { Key key = new Key(listToPermute); Set<List<Integer>> permutations = PERMUTATIONS.get(key); if (permutations == null) { permutations = new HashSet<>(numOfPermutations); calculatePermutations(listToPermute, permutations); PERMUTATIONS.put(key, permutations); } return permutations; } /** * Creates histogram of test statistics from a permutation test. * * @param series1 Data from group 1 * @param series2 Data from group 2 * @param testStatU Test statistic U from observed data * @return P-value based on histogram with u calculated for every possible permutation of group tag. */ public double permutationTest(final double[] series1, final double[] series2, final double testStatU) { final Histogram<Double> histo = new Histogram<Double>(); final int n1 = series1.length; final int n2 = series2.length; RankedData rankedGroups = calculateRank(series1, series2); Rank[] ranks = rankedGroups.getRank(); Integer[] firstPermutation = new Integer[n1 + n2]; for (int i = 0; i < firstPermutation.length; i++) { if (i < n1) { firstPermutation[i] = 0; } else { firstPermutation[i] = 1; } } final int numOfPerms = (int) MathUtils.binomialCoefficient(n1 + n2, n2); Set<List<Integer>> allPermutations = getPermutations(firstPermutation, numOfPerms); double[] newSeries1 = new double[n1]; double[] newSeries2 = new double[n2]; //iterate over all permutations for (List<Integer> currPerm : allPermutations) { int series1End = 0; int series2End = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currPerm.size(); i++) { int grouping = currPerm.get(i); if (grouping == 0) { newSeries1[series1End] = ranks[i].rank; series1End++; } else { newSeries2[series2End] = ranks[i].rank; series2End++; } } assert (series1End == n1); assert (series2End == n2); double newU = MathUtils.sum(newSeries1) - ((n1 * (n1 + 1)) / 2.0); histo.increment(newU); } /** * In order to deal with edge cases where the observed value is also the most extreme value, we are taking half * of the count in the observed bin plus everything more extreme (in the FIRST_DOMINATES case the smaller bins) * and dividing by the total count of everything in the histogram. Just using getCumulativeDistribution() gives * a p-value of 1 in the most extreme case which doesn't result in a usable z-score. */ double sumOfAllSmallerBins = histo.get(testStatU).getValue() / 2.0; for (final Histogram<Double>.Bin bin : histo.values()) { if (bin.getId() < testStatU) sumOfAllSmallerBins += bin.getValue(); } return sumOfAllSmallerBins / histo.getCount(); } }