Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Broad Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * * * Created on November 9, 2007, 9:12 AM * * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.broad.igv.feature.genome; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.broad.igv.DirectoryManager; import org.broad.igv.Globals; import org.broad.igv.event.GenomeChangeEvent; import org.broad.igv.event.GenomeResetEvent; import org.broad.igv.event.IGVEventBus; import org.broad.igv.feature.*; import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.fasta.FastaBlockCompressedSequence; import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.fasta.FastaDirectorySequence; import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.fasta.FastaIndexedSequence; import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.fasta.FastaUtils; import org.broad.igv.prefs.Constants; import org.broad.igv.prefs.PreferencesManager; import org.broad.igv.track.*; import org.broad.igv.ui.IGV; import org.broad.igv.ui.commandbar.GenomeListManager; import org.broad.igv.ui.panel.FrameManager; import org.broad.igv.ui.util.MessageUtils; import org.broad.igv.ui.util.ProgressBar; import org.broad.igv.ui.util.ProgressMonitor; import org.broad.igv.ui.util.UIUtilities; import; import org.broad.igv.util.*; import java.awt.*; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import; import; import; /** * @author jrobinso */ public class GenomeManager { final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_VERSION_KEY = "version"; final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_PROPERTY_FILE_NAME = "property.txt"; final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_ID_KEY = "id"; final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_NAME_KEY = "name"; final static String GENOME_ORDERED_KEY = "ordered"; final static String GENOME_GENETRACK_NAME = "geneTrackName"; final static String GENOME_URL_KEY = "url"; final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_CYTOBAND_FILE_KEY = "cytobandFile"; final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_GENE_FILE_KEY = "geneFile"; final static String GENOME_ARCHIVE_SEQUENCE_FILE_LOCATION_KEY = "sequenceLocation"; final static String COMPRESSED_SEQUENCE_PATH = "compressedSequencePath"; /** * Whether the sequenceLocation has been modified from the version of the .genome * file on the server */ public static final String GENOME_ARCHIVE_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_LOCATION_KEY = "customSequenceLocation"; public static final String GENOME_CHR_ALIAS_FILE_KEY = "chrAliasFile"; public static final String SEQUENCE_MAP_FILE = "sequenceMap.txt"; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GenomeManager.class); private static final String ACT_USER_DEFINED_GENOME_LIST_FILE = "user-defined-genomes.txt"; public static final String TEST_USER_DEFINED_GENOME_LIST_FILE = "test-user-defined-genomes.txt"; public static final GenomeListItem DEFAULT_GENOME = new GenomeListItem("Human hg19", "", "hg19"); private GenomeListManager genomeListManager; private static GenomeManager theInstance; private Genome currentGenome; private Map<String, File> localSequenceMap; /** * Map from genomeID -> GenomeListItem * ID comparison will be case insensitive */ public synchronized static GenomeManager getInstance() { if (theInstance == null) { theInstance = new GenomeManager(); } return theInstance; } private GenomeManager() { genomeListManager = GenomeListManager.getInstance(); localSequenceMap = loadSequenceMap(); } public void setCurrentGenome(Genome genome) { if (genome != null) { PreferencesManager.getPreferences().setLastGenome(genome.getId()); } this.currentGenome = genome; if (genome != null) { if (IGV.hasInstance()) { IGV.getInstance().getSession().clearHistory(); FrameManager.getDefaultFrame().setChromosomeName(genome.getHomeChromosome(), true); } IGVEventBus.getInstance().post(new GenomeChangeEvent(genome)); } } public void loadGenomeById(String genomeId) throws IOException { final Genome currentGenome = getCurrentGenome(); if (currentGenome != null && genomeId.equals(currentGenome.getId())) { return; // Already loaded } if (org.broad.igv.util.ParsingUtils.pathExists(genomeId)) { loadGenome(genomeId, null); } else { final ProgressMonitor[] monitor = { new ProgressMonitor() }; final ProgressBar.ProgressDialog[] progressDialog = new ProgressBar.ProgressDialog[1]; UIUtilities.invokeAndWaitOnEventThread(() -> { progressDialog[0] = ProgressBar.showProgressDialog(IGV.getMainFrame(), "Loading Genome...", monitor[0], false); }); try { GenomeListItem item = genomeListManager.getGenomeListItem(genomeId); loadGenome(item.getPath(), monitor[0]); } finally { UIUtilities.invokeOnEventThread(() -> { progressDialog[0].setVisible(false); }); } } } public Genome loadGenome(String genomePath, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { try {"Loading genome: " + genomePath); Genome newGenome = null; if (monitor != null) { UIUtilities.invokeAndWaitOnEventThread(() -> monitor.fireProgress(25)); } // Clear Feature DB FeatureDB.clearFeatures(); String altGenomePath; if (genomePath.endsWith(".genome")) { File archiveFile = getArchiveFile(genomePath); if (!archiveFile.exists()) { return null; // Happens if genome download was canceled. } altGenomePath = archiveFile.getAbsolutePath(); newGenome = loadDotGenomeFile(archiveFile); } else if (genomePath.endsWith(".gbk") || genomePath.endsWith(".gb")) { altGenomePath = genomePath; newGenome = loadGenbankFile(genomePath); } else if (genomePath.endsWith(".chrom.sizes")) { altGenomePath = genomePath; newGenome = loadChromSizes(genomePath); } else if (genomePath.endsWith(".json")) { altGenomePath = genomePath; newGenome = loadJsonFile(genomePath); } else { // Assume a fasta file altGenomePath = genomePath; if (genomePath.endsWith(Globals.GZIP_FILE_EXTENSION)) { String gziPath = genomePath + ".gzi"; String faiPath = genomePath + ".fai"; if (!(FileUtils.resourceExists(gziPath) && FileUtils.resourceExists(faiPath))) { throw new GenomeException("IGV cannot readed gzipped fasta files."); } } if (!FileUtils.isRemote(genomePath)) { if (!(new File(genomePath)).exists()) { throw new GenomeException("Cannot locate genome: " + genomePath); } } newGenome = loadFastaFile(genomePath); } // Load alias files from genome source directory, if any String aliasPath = FileUtils.getParent(genomePath) + "/" + newGenome.getId() + ""; Collection<Collection<String>> aliases = loadChrAliases(aliasPath); if (aliases != null) newGenome.addChrAliases(aliases); // Load user-defined chr aliases, if any. This is done last so they have priority aliasPath = (new File(DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory(), newGenome.getId() + "")) .getAbsolutePath(); aliases = loadChrAliases(aliasPath); if (aliases != null) newGenome.addChrAliases(aliases); if (monitor != null) { monitor.fireProgress(25); } if (IGV.hasInstance()) IGV.getInstance().resetSession(null); GenomeListItem genomeListItem = new GenomeListItem(newGenome.getDisplayName(), altGenomePath, newGenome.getId()); final Set<String> serverGenomeIDs = genomeListManager.getServerGenomeIDs(); boolean userDefined = !serverGenomeIDs.contains(newGenome.getId()); genomeListManager.addGenomeItem(genomeListItem, userDefined); setCurrentGenome(newGenome); if (IGV.hasInstance()) { FeatureTrack geneFeatureTrack = newGenome.getGeneTrack(); // Can be null IGV.getInstance().setGenomeTracks(geneFeatureTrack); List<ResourceLocator> resources = newGenome.getAnnotationResources(); if (resources != null) { IGV.getInstance().loadResources(resources); } }"Genome loaded. id= " + newGenome.getId()); return currentGenome; } catch (SocketException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Server connection error", e); } } /** * Define a minimal genome from a chrom.sizes file. It is assumed (required) that the file follow the * UCSC naming convention => [id].chrom.sizes * * @param genomePath * @return * @throws IOException */ private Genome loadChromSizes(String genomePath) throws IOException { int firstPeriodIdx = genomePath.indexOf('.'); String genomeId = genomePath.substring(0, firstPeriodIdx); List<Chromosome> chromosomes = ChromSizesParser.parse(genomePath); Genome newGenome = new Genome(genomeId, chromosomes); // Search for chr aliases setCurrentGenome(newGenome); return newGenome; } private Genome loadGenbankFile(String genomePath) throws IOException { Genome newGenome; GenbankParser genbankParser = new GenbankParser(genomePath); genbankParser.readFeatures(true); String name = genbankParser.getLocusName(); String chr = genbankParser.getChr(); if (!name.equals(chr)) { name = name + " (" + chr + ")"; } byte[] seq = genbankParser.getSequence(); Sequence sequence = new InMemorySequence(chr, seq); newGenome = new Genome(chr, name, sequence, true); String[] aliases = genbankParser.getAliases(); if (aliases != null) { List<String> aliasList = new ArrayList<String>(); aliasList.add(chr); for (String a : aliases) { aliasList.add(a); } newGenome.addChrAliases(Arrays.<Collection<String>>asList(aliasList)); } setCurrentGenome(newGenome); if (IGV.hasInstance() && !Globals.isHeadless()) { FeatureTrack geneFeatureTrack = createGeneTrack(newGenome, genbankParser.getFeatures()); newGenome.setGeneTrack(geneFeatureTrack); } FeatureDB.addFeatures(genbankParser.getFeatures(), newGenome); return newGenome; } /** * Create a Genome from a single fasta file. * * @param genomePath * @return * @throws IOException */ private Genome loadFastaFile(String genomePath) throws IOException { Genome newGenome;// Assume its a fasta String fastaPath = null; String fastaIndexPath = null; if (genomePath.endsWith(".fai")) { fastaPath = genomePath.substring(0, genomePath.length() - 4); fastaIndexPath = genomePath; } else { fastaPath = genomePath; fastaIndexPath = genomePath + ".fai"; } if (!FileUtils.resourceExists(fastaIndexPath)) { //Have to make sure we have a local copy of the fasta file //to index it if (!FileUtils.isRemote(fastaPath)) { File archiveFile = getArchiveFile(fastaPath); fastaPath = archiveFile.getAbsolutePath(); fastaIndexPath = fastaPath + ".fai"; FastaUtils.createIndexFile(fastaPath, fastaIndexPath); } } GenomeListItem item = genomeListManager.buildItemFromPath(fastaPath); if (item == null) { throw new IOException(fastaPath + " does not exist, could not load genome"); } FastaIndexedSequence fastaSequence = fastaPath.endsWith(".gz") ? new FastaBlockCompressedSequence(fastaPath) : new FastaIndexedSequence(fastaPath); Sequence sequence = new SequenceWrapper(fastaSequence); newGenome = new Genome(item.getId(), item.getDisplayableName(), sequence, true); setCurrentGenome(newGenome); return newGenome; } private Genome loadJsonFile(String genomePath) throws IOException { Genome newGenome = null; BufferedReader reader = ParsingUtils.openBufferedReader(genomePath); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject json = parser.parse(reader).getAsJsonObject(); String id = json.get("id").getAsString(); String name = json.get("name").getAsString(); String fastaPath = json.get("fastaURL").getAsString(); JsonElement indexPathObject = json.get("indexURL"); String indexPath = indexPathObject == null ? null : indexPathObject.getAsString(); FastaIndexedSequence sequence = fastaPath.endsWith(".gz") ? new FastaBlockCompressedSequence(fastaPath, indexPath) : new FastaIndexedSequence(fastaPath, indexPath); ArrayList<ResourceLocator> tracks = new ArrayList<>(); JsonArray annotations = json.getAsJsonArray("annotations"); if (annotations != null) { annotations.forEach((JsonElement jsonElement) -> { JsonObject obj = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); String trackPath = obj.get("url").getAsString(); JsonElement trackName = obj.get("name"); JsonElement trackIndexPath = obj.get("indexURL"); JsonElement indexed = obj.get("indexed"); JsonElement aliasURL = obj.get("aliasURL"); ResourceLocator res = new ResourceLocator(trackPath); if (trackName != null) res.setName(trackName.getAsString()); if (trackIndexPath != null) res.setIndexPath(trackIndexPath.getAsString()); if (indexed != null) res.setIndexed(indexed.getAsBoolean()); tracks.add(res); }); } newGenome = new Genome(id, name, sequence, true); newGenome.setAnnotationResources(tracks); // TODO -- set aliases return newGenome; } private Collection<Collection<String>> loadChrAliases(String path) { // String id = genome.getId(); // File aliasFile = new File(DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory(), id + ""); File aliasFile = new File(path); if (aliasFile.exists()) { BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aliasFile)); return loadChrAliases(br); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error loading chr alias table", e); if (!Globals.isHeadless()) MessageUtils.showMessage( "<html>Error loading chromosome alias table. Aliases will not be avaliable<br>" + e.toString()); } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } } } return null; } /** * Create a genome from a ".genome" file. In addition to the reference sequence .genome files can optionally * specify cytobands and annotations. */ private Genome loadDotGenomeFile(File archiveFile) throws IOException { Genome newGenome; GenomeDescriptor genomeDescriptor = parseGenomeArchiveFile(archiveFile); final String id = genomeDescriptor.getId(); final String displayName = genomeDescriptor.getName(); boolean isFasta = genomeDescriptor.isFasta(); String[] fastaFiles = genomeDescriptor.getFastaFileNames(); LinkedHashMap<String, List<Cytoband>> cytobandMap = null; if (genomeDescriptor.hasCytobands()) { cytobandMap = loadCytobandFile(genomeDescriptor); } String sequencePath = localSequenceMap.containsKey(genomeDescriptor.getId()) ? loadSequenceMap().get(genomeDescriptor.getId()).getAbsolutePath() : genomeDescriptor.getSequencePath(); // Convert legacy "local fasta" .genome file if (genomeDescriptor.hasCustomSequenceLocation()) { String localPath = genomeDescriptor.getSequencePath(); addLocalFasta(genomeDescriptor.getId(), new File(localPath)); } Sequence sequence = null; boolean chromosOrdered = false; if (sequencePath == null) { sequence = null; } else if (!isFasta) { sequencePath = SequenceWrapper.checkSequenceURL(sequencePath); IGVSequence igvSequence = new IGVSequence(sequencePath); if (cytobandMap != null) { chromosOrdered = genomeDescriptor.isChromosomesAreOrdered(); igvSequence.generateChromosomes(cytobandMap, chromosOrdered); } sequence = new SequenceWrapper(igvSequence); } else if (fastaFiles != null) { FastaDirectorySequence fastaDirectorySequence = new FastaDirectorySequence(sequencePath, fastaFiles); sequence = new SequenceWrapper(fastaDirectorySequence); } else { if (sequencePath.endsWith(".gz")) { FastaBlockCompressedSequence fastaSequence = new FastaBlockCompressedSequence(sequencePath); sequence = new SequenceWrapper(fastaSequence); } else { FastaIndexedSequence fastaSequence = new FastaIndexedSequence(sequencePath); sequence = new SequenceWrapper(fastaSequence); } chromosOrdered = true; } newGenome = new Genome(id, displayName, sequence, chromosOrdered, genomeDescriptor); if (cytobandMap != null) { newGenome.setCytobands(cytobandMap); } Collection<Collection<String>> aliases = loadChrAliases(genomeDescriptor); if (aliases != null) { newGenome.addChrAliases(aliases); } InputStream geneStream = null; String geneFileName = genomeDescriptor.getGeneFileName(); if (geneFileName != null) { try { geneStream = genomeDescriptor.getGeneStream(); if (geneFileName.endsWith(".gbk")) { GenbankParser genbankParser = new GenbankParser(); genbankParser.readFeatures(geneStream, false); FeatureTrack geneFeatureTrack = createGeneTrack(newGenome, genbankParser.getFeatures()); newGenome.setGeneTrack(geneFeatureTrack); } else { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(geneStream)); FeatureTrack geneFeatureTrack = createGeneTrack(newGenome, reader, geneFileName, genomeDescriptor.getGeneTrackName(), genomeDescriptor.getUrl()); newGenome.setGeneTrack(geneFeatureTrack); } } finally { if (geneStream != null) geneStream.close(); } } genomeDescriptor.close(); return newGenome; } /** * Returns a File of the provided genomePath. If the genomePath is a URL, it will be downloaded * and saved in the genome cache directory. * * @param genomePath * @return * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private File getArchiveFile(String genomePath) throws MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException { File archiveFile; if (HttpUtils.isRemoteURL(genomePath.toLowerCase())) { // We need a local copy, as there is no http zip file reader URL genomeArchiveURL = new URL(genomePath); final String tmp = URLDecoder.decode(new URL(genomePath).getFile(), "UTF-8"); String cachedFilename = Utilities.getFileNameFromURL(tmp); if (!DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory().exists()) { DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory().mkdir(); } archiveFile = new File(DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory(), cachedFilename); refreshCache(archiveFile, genomeArchiveURL); } else { archiveFile = new File(genomePath); } return archiveFile; } /** * Load the cytoband file specified in the genome descriptor. * * @param genomeDescriptor * @return Cytobands as a map keyed by chromosome */ private LinkedHashMap<String, List<Cytoband>> loadCytobandFile(GenomeDescriptor genomeDescriptor) { InputStream is = null; try { is = genomeDescriptor.getCytoBandStream(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); return CytoBandFileParser.loadData(reader); } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn("Error loading cytoband file", ex); throw new RuntimeException("Error loading cytoband file" + genomeDescriptor.cytoBandFileName); } finally { try { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn("Error closing zip stream!", ex); } } } private static Collection<Collection<String>> loadChrAliases(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { String nextLine = ""; Collection<Collection<String>> synonymList = new ArrayList<Collection<String>>(); while ((nextLine = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] tokens = nextLine.split("\t"); if (tokens.length > 1) { Collection<String> synonyms = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String t : tokens) { String syn = t.trim(); if (t.length() > 0) synonyms.add(syn.trim()); } synonymList.add(synonyms); } } return synonymList; } /** * Load the chromosome alias file, if any, specified in the genome descriptor. * * @param genomeDescriptor * @return The chromosome alias table, or null if none is defined. */ private Collection<Collection<String>> loadChrAliases(GenomeDescriptor genomeDescriptor) { InputStream aliasStream = null; try { aliasStream = genomeDescriptor.getChrAliasStream(); if (aliasStream != null) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(aliasStream)); return loadChrAliases(reader); } else { return null; } } catch (IOException e) { // We don't want to bomb if the alias load fails. Just log it and proceed. log.error("Error loading chromosome alias table"); return null; } finally { try { if (aliasStream != null) { aliasStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn("Error closing zip stream!", ex); } } } /** * Refresh a locally cached genome if appropriate (newer one on server, user set preference to enable it) * If it doesn't have a local cache, just downloaded * If the cached version has a custom sequence location, that is copied over to the downloaded version * * @param cachedFile * @param genomeArchiveURL * @throws IOException */ public void refreshCache(File cachedFile, URL genomeArchiveURL) { // Look in cache first try { if (cachedFile.exists()) { //File sizes won't be the same if the local version has a different sequence location boolean remoteModfied = HttpUtils.getInstance().remoteIsNewer(cachedFile, genomeArchiveURL); // Force an update of cached genome if file length does not equal remote content length boolean forceUpdate = remoteModfied && PreferencesManager.getPreferences().getAsBoolean(Constants.AUTO_UPDATE_GENOMES); if (forceUpdate) {"Refreshing genome: " + genomeArchiveURL.toString());, cachedFile, IGV.getMainFrame()); } } else { // Copy file directly from the server to local cache. Frame parent = IGV.hasInstance() ? IGV.getMainFrame() : null;, cachedFile, parent); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageUtils.showErrorMessage("An error was encountered refreshing the genome cache: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Creates a genome descriptor. */ public static GenomeDescriptor parseGenomeArchiveFile(File f) throws IOException { if (!f.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Genome file: " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist."); } GenomeDescriptor genomeDescriptor = null; Map<String, ZipEntry> zipEntries = new HashMap(); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(f); FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(f); ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(fileInputStream); ZipEntry zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); while (zipEntry != null) { String zipEntryName = zipEntry.getName(); zipEntries.put(zipEntryName, zipEntry); if (zipEntryName.equalsIgnoreCase(GENOME_ARCHIVE_PROPERTY_FILE_NAME)) { InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(inputStream); String cytobandZipEntryName = properties.getProperty(GENOME_ARCHIVE_CYTOBAND_FILE_KEY); String geneFileName = properties.getProperty(GENOME_ARCHIVE_GENE_FILE_KEY); String chrAliasFileName = properties.getProperty(GENOME_CHR_ALIAS_FILE_KEY); String sequencePath = properties.getProperty(GENOME_ARCHIVE_SEQUENCE_FILE_LOCATION_KEY); String compressedSequencePath = properties.getProperty(COMPRESSED_SEQUENCE_PATH); if ((sequencePath != null) && !HttpUtils.isRemoteURL(sequencePath)) { sequencePath = getFullPath(f, sequencePath); } if ((compressedSequencePath != null) && !HttpUtils.isRemoteURL(compressedSequencePath)) { compressedSequencePath = getFullPath(f, sequencePath); } boolean chrNamesAltered = parseBooleanPropertySafe(properties, "filenamesAltered"); boolean fasta = parseBooleanPropertySafe(properties, "fasta"); boolean fastaDirectory = parseBooleanPropertySafe(properties, "fastaDirectory"); boolean chromosomesAreOrdered = parseBooleanPropertySafe(properties, GENOME_ORDERED_KEY); boolean hasCustomSequenceLocation = parseBooleanPropertySafe(properties, GENOME_ARCHIVE_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_LOCATION_KEY); String fastaFileNameString = properties.getProperty("fastaFiles"); String url = properties.getProperty(GENOME_URL_KEY); // The new descriptor genomeDescriptor = new GenomeZipDescriptor(properties.getProperty(GENOME_ARCHIVE_NAME_KEY), properties.getProperty(GENOME_ARCHIVE_ID_KEY), cytobandZipEntryName, geneFileName, chrAliasFileName, properties.getProperty(GENOME_GENETRACK_NAME, "Gene"), sequencePath, hasCustomSequenceLocation, compressedSequencePath, zipFile, zipEntries, chromosomesAreOrdered, fasta, fastaFileNameString); if (url != null) { genomeDescriptor.setUrl(url); } } zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); } } finally { try { if (fileInputStream != null) { fileInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn("Error closing imported genome zip stream!", ex); } } return genomeDescriptor; } private static String getFullPath(File f, String sequencePath) throws IOException { File sequenceFolder = null; sequenceFolder = new File(sequencePath); boolean isAbsolutePath = sequenceFolder.isAbsolute() || sequencePath.startsWith("/") || sequencePath.startsWith("\\"); if (!isAbsolutePath) { sequenceFolder = new File(f.getParent(), sequencePath); } sequencePath = sequenceFolder.getCanonicalPath(); sequencePath.replace('\\', '/'); return sequencePath; } private static boolean parseBooleanPropertySafe(Properties properties, String key) { String propertyString = properties.getProperty(key); return Boolean.parseBoolean(propertyString); } /** * Delete .genome files from the cache directory */ public void clearGenomeCache() { File[] files = DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory().listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(Globals.GENOME_FILE_EXTENSION)) { file.delete(); } } } /** * Create a genome archive (.genome) file. * * @param genomeFile * @param cytobandFileName A File path to a file that contains cytoband data. * @param refFlatFileName A File path to a gene file. * @param fastaFileName A File path to a FASTA file, a .gz file containing a * single FASTA file, or a directory containing ONLY FASTA files. * (relative to the .genome file to be created) where the sequence data for * the new genome will be written. * @param genomeDisplayName The unique user-readable name of the new genome. * @param genomeId The id to be assigned to the genome. * @param monitor A ProgressMonitor used to track progress - null, * if no progress updating is required. * @return GenomeListItem * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public GenomeListItem defineGenome(File genomeFile, String cytobandFileName, String refFlatFileName, String fastaFileName, String chrAliasFileName, String genomeDisplayName, String genomeId, javax.swing.ProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { File refFlatFile = null; File cytobandFile = null; File chrAliasFile = null; if (genomeFile != null) { PreferencesManager.getPreferences().setLastGenomeImportDirectory(genomeFile.getParentFile()); } if ((cytobandFileName != null) && (cytobandFileName.trim().length() != 0)) { cytobandFile = new File(cytobandFileName); } if ((refFlatFileName != null) && (refFlatFileName.trim().length() != 0)) { refFlatFile = new File(refFlatFileName); } if ((chrAliasFileName != null) && (chrAliasFileName.trim().length() != 0)) { chrAliasFile = new File(chrAliasFileName); } if (monitor != null) monitor.setProgress(25); (new GenomeImporter()).createGenomeArchive(genomeFile, genomeId, genomeDisplayName, fastaFileName, refFlatFile, cytobandFile, chrAliasFile); if (monitor != null) monitor.setProgress(75); GenomeListItem newItem = new GenomeListItem(genomeDisplayName, genomeFile.getAbsolutePath(), genomeId); genomeListManager.addGenomeItem(newItem, true); if (monitor != null) monitor.setProgress(100); return newItem; } /** * Specific to Broad Amazon servers -- use S3 downwload rather than cloudfront * * @param path * @return */ private String convertToS3(String path) { if (path.startsWith("http://igvdata") || path.startsWith("https://igvdata")) { return path.replaceFirst("igvdata", "igv"); } else { return path; } } public String getGenomeId() { return currentGenome == null ? null : currentGenome.getId(); } /** * IGV always has exactly 1 genome loaded at a time. * This returns the currently loaded genome * * @return * @api */ public Genome getCurrentGenome() { return currentGenome; } /** * Given a directory, looks for all .genome files, * and outputs a list of these genomes suitable for parsing by IGV. * Intended to be run on server periodically. * * @param inDir Directory in which all genome files live * @param rootPath The path to be prepended to file names (e.g. * @param outPath Path to output file, where we will write the results */ public void generateGenomeList(File inDir, String rootPath, String outPath) { File[] genomeFiles = inDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (name == null) return false; return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".genome"); } }); PrintWriter writer; try { writer = new PrintWriter(outPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("Error opening " + outPath); e.printStackTrace(); return; } GenomeDescriptor descriptor; for (File f : genomeFiles) { String curLine = ""; try { descriptor = parseGenomeArchiveFile(f); curLine += descriptor.getName(); curLine += "\t" + rootPath + "/" + f.getName(); curLine += "\t" + descriptor.getId(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error parsing genome file. Skipping " + f.getAbsolutePath()); log.error(e); continue; } writer.println(curLine); } writer.close(); } /** * @param reader a reader for the gene (annotation) file. * @param genome * @param geneFileName * @param geneTrackName */ public FeatureTrack createGeneTrack(Genome genome, BufferedReader reader, String geneFileName, String geneTrackName, String annotationURL) { FeatureDB.clearFeatures(); FeatureTrack geneFeatureTrack = null; if (reader != null) { FeatureParser parser; if (geneFileName.endsWith(".embl")) { parser = new EmblFeatureTableParser(); } else if (GFFFeatureSource.isGFF(geneFileName)) { parser = new GFFParser(); } else { parser = AbstractFeatureParser.getInstanceFor(new ResourceLocator(geneFileName), genome); } if (parser == null) { MessageUtils.showMessage("ERROR: Unrecognized annotation file format: " + geneFileName + "<br>Annotations for genome: " + genome.getId() + " will not be loaded."); } else { List<htsjdk.tribble.Feature> genes = parser.loadFeatures(reader, genome); String name = geneTrackName; if (name == null) name = "Genes"; String id = genome.getId() + "_genes"; geneFeatureTrack = new FeatureTrack(id, name, new FeatureCollectionSource(genes, genome)); geneFeatureTrack.setMinimumHeight(5); geneFeatureTrack.setHeight(35); geneFeatureTrack.setTrackType(TrackType.GENE); geneFeatureTrack.setColor(Color.BLUE.darker()); TrackProperties props = parser.getTrackProperties(); if (props != null) { geneFeatureTrack.setProperties(parser.getTrackProperties()); } geneFeatureTrack.setUrl(annotationURL); } } return geneFeatureTrack; } /** * Create an annotation track for the genome from a supplied list of features * * @param genome * @param features */ public FeatureTrack createGeneTrack(Genome genome, List<htsjdk.tribble.Feature> features) { FeatureDB.clearFeatures(); FeatureTrack geneFeatureTrack = null; String name = "Annotations"; String id = genome.getId() + "_genes"; geneFeatureTrack = new FeatureTrack(id, name, new FeatureCollectionSource(features, genome)); geneFeatureTrack.setMinimumHeight(5); geneFeatureTrack.setHeight(35); //geneFeatureTrack.setRendererClass(GeneRenderer.class); geneFeatureTrack.setColor(Color.BLUE.darker()); return geneFeatureTrack; } public boolean downloadGenomes(GenomeListItem item, boolean downloadSequence) { boolean success = false; try { File archiveFile = getArchiveFile(item.getPath()); // Has side affect of downloading .genome file if (downloadSequence && item.getPath().endsWith(".genome")) { GenomeDescriptor genomeDescriptor = parseGenomeArchiveFile(archiveFile); if (genomeDescriptor.isFasta()) { String fastaPath = genomeDescriptor.getSequencePath(); File localFile = downloadFasta(fastaPath); if (localFile != null) { addLocalFasta(item.getId(), localFile); } } else { MessageUtils.showMessage("Fasta file is not availble for: " + genomeDescriptor.getName()); } } success = true; } catch (Exception e) { success = false; MessageUtils.showErrorMessage("Error downloading genome", e); log.error("Error downloading genome " + item.getDisplayableName()); } if (success) { genomeListManager.addGenomeItem(item, false); IGVEventBus.getInstance().post(new GenomeResetEvent()); } return success; } /** * Download a fasta file and associated index files. * * @throws IOException */ File downloadFasta(String fastaPath) throws IOException { File defaultDir = DirectoryManager.getFastaCacheDirectory(); File targetDir = defaultDir; //File targetDir = FileDialogUtils.chooseDirectory("Select directory for sequence", defaultDir); if (targetDir == null) { targetDir = defaultDir; } String filename = Utilities.getFileNameFromURL(fastaPath); File localFile = new File(targetDir, filename); boolean downloaded = URL(fastaPath), localFile, IGV.getMainFrame()); if (downloaded) { URL indexUrl = new URL(fastaPath + ".fai"); File localIndexFile = new File(targetDir, filename + ".fai"); downloaded =, localIndexFile, IGV.getMainFrame()); } if (downloaded) { if (fastaPath.endsWith(".gz")) { URL gziUrl = new URL(fastaPath + ".gzi"); File localGziPath = new File(targetDir, filename + ".gzi"); downloaded =, localGziPath, IGV.getMainFrame()); } } return downloaded ? localFile : null; } private Map<String, File> loadSequenceMap() { File sequenceFile = new File(DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory(), SEQUENCE_MAP_FILE); localSequenceMap = new HashMap<>(); if (sequenceFile.exists()) { BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sequenceFile)); String nextLine; while ((nextLine = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] tokens = nextLine.split("\t"); if (tokens.length > 1) { File file = new File(tokens[1]); if (file.exists()) { localSequenceMap.put(tokens[0], file); } else {"Sequence file not found: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error loading sequence map file", e); } finally { if (br != null) try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error closing sequenceMap file", e); } } } return localSequenceMap; } public File getLocalFasta(String id) { return localSequenceMap.get(id); } public void removeLocalFasta(String id) { localSequenceMap.remove(id); updateSequenceMapFile(); } private void addLocalFasta(String id, File localFile) { localSequenceMap.put(id, localFile); updateSequenceMapFile(); } private void updateSequenceMapFile() { PrintWriter pw = null; try { File sequenceFile = new File(DirectoryManager.getGenomeCacheDirectory(), SEQUENCE_MAP_FILE); pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(sequenceFile))); for (Map.Entry<String, File> entry : localSequenceMap.entrySet()) { pw.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue()); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error writing sequence map", e); } finally { if (pw != null) pw.close(); } } }