Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.thrift.TBase; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum; import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData; import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData; import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.SetMetaData; import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.StructMetaData; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TSet; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import; public class TBSONProtocol extends TProtocol { public static final char QUOTE = '"'; private static ThreadLocal<Stack<Context>> threadSafeContextStack = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static ThreadLocal<DBObject> threadSafeDBObject = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static ThreadLocal<Map<Class<?>, List<Short>>> threadSafeFieldIds = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static ThreadLocal<TBase<?, ?>> threadSafeTBase = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static ThreadLocal<Map<Class<?>, Map<String, ThriftField>>> threadSafeTFields = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static TBSONSecuredWrapper tbsonSecuredWrapper = new DefaultUnsecuredWrapper(); public static void addSecuredWrapper(TBSONSecuredWrapper tbsonSecuredWrapper) { TBSONProtocol.tbsonSecuredWrapper = tbsonSecuredWrapper; } public static TBSONSecuredWrapper getSecuredWrapper() { return TBSONProtocol.tbsonSecuredWrapper; } /** * Factory */ public static class Factory implements TProtocolFactory { public TProtocol getProtocol(TTransport trans) { return new TBSONProtocol(); } } /** * Constructor */ public TBSONProtocol() { super(null); } public DBObject getDBObject() { return threadSafeDBObject.get(); } public void setDBOject(DBObject dbObject) { threadSafeDBObject.set(dbObject); } public void setFieldIdsFilter(TBase<?, ?> base, TFieldIdEnum[] fieldIds) { base.getClass(); List<Short> filteredFields = new ArrayList<>(); for (TFieldIdEnum tFieldIdEnum : fieldIds) { filteredFields.add(tFieldIdEnum.getThriftFieldId()); } Map<Class<?>, List<Short>> filter = new HashMap<>(); filter.put(base.getClass(), filteredFields); threadSafeFieldIds.set(filter); } public void setBaseObject(TBase<?, ?> base) { threadSafeTBase.set(base); } private static final TStruct ANONYMOUS_STRUCT = new TStruct(); private static final TField ANONYMOUS_FIELD = new TField(); private static final TMessage EMPTY_MESSAGE = new TMessage(); private static final TSet EMPTY_SET = new TSet(); private static final TList EMPTY_LIST = new TList(); private static final TMap EMPTY_MAP = new TMap(); protected class ThriftField { public TFieldIdEnum tfieldIdEnum; public org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData fieldMetaData; public ThriftField(TFieldIdEnum tfieldIdEnum, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData fieldMetaData) { this.tfieldIdEnum = tfieldIdEnum; this.fieldMetaData = fieldMetaData; } } protected abstract class Context { public DBObject dbObject = null; public DBObject securedDbObject = null; public Object thriftObject; public boolean secured = false; public boolean hash = false; public String name = null; public Short thriftId; abstract void addSecured(String value); abstract void add(String value); abstract void add(int value); abstract void add(long value); abstract void add(double value); abstract void add(ByteBuffer bin); public void addDBObject(DBObject dbObject) { this.dbObject = dbObject; } } protected class FieldContext extends Context { public FieldContext(String name, short thriftId, TBSONSecuredWrapper.ThriftSecuredField securedField) { = name; this.thriftId = thriftId; this.secured = securedField.isSecured(); this.hash = securedField.isHash(); } public String name; public Object value; public Object securedValue; @Override void addSecured(String value) { securedValue = value; } void add(String value) { this.value = value; } void add(int value) { this.value = value; } void add(long value) { this.value = value; } void add(double value) { this.value = value; } public void add(ByteBuffer bin) { this.value = bin.array(); } } // Class for all object container likes list set and maps protected abstract class ObjectContainerContext extends Context { abstract void add(DBObject value); } protected class ListContext extends ObjectContainerContext { BasicDBList dbList = new BasicDBList(); Integer index = 0; @Override void addSecured(String value) { } void add(String value) { dbList.put(index.toString(), value); index++; } void add(int value) { dbList.put(index.toString(), Integer.valueOf(value)); index++; } @Override void add(long value) { dbList.put(index.toString(), Long.valueOf(value)); index++; } void add(double value) { dbList.put(index.toString(), Double.valueOf(value)); index++; } @Override void add(ByteBuffer bin) { dbList.put(index.toString(), bin.array()); index++; } void add(DBObject value) { dbList.put(index.toString(), value); index++; } Object next() { Object object = dbList.get(index); index++; return object; } } protected class MapContext extends ObjectContainerContext { private DBObject dbMap = new BasicDBObject(); private byte keyType; public Stack<String> keyStack; boolean extractKey = true; public MapContext(byte keyType) { this.keyType = keyType; } public void setDbMap(DBObject dbMap) { this.dbMap = dbMap; this.keyStack = new Stack<>(); this.keyStack.addAll(this.dbMap.keySet()); } // A Map private String stringKey = null; @Override void addSecured(String value) { } void add(String value) { if (stringKey != null) { dbMap.put(stringKey, value); stringKey = null; } else { stringKey = value; } } @Override void add(int value) { if (stringKey != null) { dbMap.put(stringKey, value); stringKey = null; } else { stringKey = Integer.toString(value); } } @Override void add(long value) { if (stringKey != null) { dbMap.put(stringKey, value); stringKey = null; } else { stringKey = Long.toString(value); } } @Override void add(double value) { if (stringKey != null) { dbMap.put(stringKey, value); stringKey = null; } else { stringKey = Double.toString(value); } } @Override void add(ByteBuffer bin) { if (stringKey != null) { dbMap.put(stringKey, bin.array()); stringKey = null; } } void add(DBObject value) { if (stringKey != null) { dbMap.put(stringKey, value); stringKey = null; } } Object next() { if (extractKey) { extractKey = false; return this.keyStack.firstElement(); } else { extractKey = true; String key = this.keyStack.remove(0); return dbMap.get(key); } } public boolean isNextKey() { return extractKey; } } protected class StructContext extends Context { private Stack<String> fieldsStack; public Object thriftObject; public void setDbObject(DBObject dbObject) { this.dbObject = dbObject; this.fieldsStack = new Stack<String>(); this.fieldsStack.addAll(this.dbObject.keySet()); } public StructContext(String structName) { name = structName; dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); securedDbObject = null; } @Override void addSecured(String value) { } @Override void add(String value) { } @Override void add(int value) { // Nothing to do } @Override void add(long value) { // Nothing to do } @Override void add(double value) { // Nothing to do } @Override void add(ByteBuffer bin) { // Nothing to do } } /** * Push a new write context onto the stack. */ protected void pushContext(Context c) { Stack<Context> stack = threadSafeContextStack.get(); if (stack == null) { stack = new Stack<Context>(); stack.push(c); threadSafeContextStack.set(stack); } else { threadSafeContextStack.get().push(c); } } protected boolean isContextEmpty() { Stack<Context> stack = threadSafeContextStack.get(); if (stack == null || stack.size() == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Pop the last write context off the stack */ protected Context popContext() { return threadSafeContextStack.get().pop(); } protected Context peekContext() { return threadSafeContextStack.get().peek(); } public void writeMessageBegin(TMessage message) throws TException { // trans_.write(LBRACKET); pushContext(new ListContext()); } public void writeMessageEnd() throws TException { popContext(); } public void writeStructBegin(TStruct struct) throws TException { StructContext c = new StructContext(; pushContext(c); } public void writeStructEnd() throws TException { // Gets the struct Context ctx = popContext(); DBObject dbObject = ctx.dbObject; if (ctx.securedDbObject != null) { dbObject.put("securedwrap", ctx.securedDbObject); } // Sets the DBObject for output threadSafeDBObject.set(dbObject); // if the stack is not empty add the struct current stack field if (!isContextEmpty()) { Context fieldContext = peekContext(); // For the ListContext adds the strcut to the context if (fieldContext instanceof ObjectContainerContext) { ((ObjectContainerContext) fieldContext).add(dbObject); } else { // Thrift general field adds the object to the field fieldContext.addDBObject(dbObject); } } } public void writeFieldBegin(TField field) throws TException { // Note that extra type information is omitted in BSON! Context ctx = peekContext(); //TBSONSecuredWrapper.ThriftSecuredField securedField=tbsonSecuredWrapper.getField(,; TBSONSecuredWrapper.ThriftSecuredField securedField = tbsonSecuredWrapper.getField(null,; if (securedField.isSecured() && ctx.securedDbObject == null) { ctx.securedDbObject = new BasicDBObject(); } pushContext(new FieldContext(,, securedField)); } public void writeFieldEnd() throws TException { Context c = popContext(); Context dbObjectContext = peekContext(); if (c.dbObject == null) { dbObjectContext.dbObject.put(((FieldContext) c).name, ((FieldContext) c).value); if (dbObjectContext.securedDbObject != null) { dbObjectContext.securedDbObject.put(((FieldContext) c).thriftId.toString(), ((FieldContext) c).securedValue); } } else { dbObjectContext.dbObject.put(((FieldContext) c).name, c.dbObject); } } public void writeFieldStop() { } public void writeMapBegin(TMap map) throws TException { MapContext c = new MapContext(map.keyType); pushContext(c); } public void writeMapEnd() throws TException { // Gets the map MapContext map = (MapContext) popContext(); // Add the map to the current field Context fieldContext = peekContext(); fieldContext.addDBObject(map.dbMap); } public void writeListBegin(TList list) throws TException { pushContext(new ListContext()); } public void writeListEnd() throws TException { // Gets the list ListContext list = (ListContext) popContext(); // Add the list to the current field Context fieldContext = peekContext(); fieldContext.addDBObject(list.dbList); } /** * A Set have the same serialization of a thrift List */ public void writeSetBegin(TSet set) throws TException { pushContext(new ListContext()); } /** * A Set have the same serialization of a thrift List */ public void writeSetEnd() throws TException { // Gets the list ListContext list = (ListContext) popContext(); // Add the list to the current field Context fieldContext = peekContext(); fieldContext.addDBObject(list.dbList); } public void writeBool(boolean b) throws TException { writeByte(b ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } public void writeByte(byte b) throws TException { peekContext().add((int) b); } public void writeI16(short i16) throws TException { peekContext().add((int) i16); } public void writeI32(int i32) throws TException { peekContext().add(i32); } public void writeI64(long i64) throws TException { peekContext().add(i64); } public void writeDouble(double dub) throws TException { peekContext().add(dub); } public void writeString(String str) throws TException { try { Context context = peekContext(); if (context.secured) { // compute hash from the value if needed if (context.hash) { context.add(new Long(TBSONProtocol.tbsonSecuredWrapper.digest64(str.getBytes("UTF-8")))); } // crypt the value and add it to the secured field context.addSecured( Hex.encodeHexString(TBSONProtocol.tbsonSecuredWrapper.cipher(str.getBytes("UTF-8")))); } else { context.add(new String(str.getBytes("UTF-8"))); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) { throw new TException("JVM DOES NOT SUPPORT UTF-8"); } } public void writeBinary(ByteBuffer bin) throws TException { peekContext().add(bin); } /** * Reading methods. */ public TMessage readMessageBegin() throws TException { return EMPTY_MESSAGE; } public void readMessageEnd() { } public TStruct readStructBegin() throws TException { try { DBObject dbObject = null; Object thriftObject = null; if (!isContextEmpty()) { Context currentContext = peekContext(); if (currentContext instanceof ListContext) { dbObject = (DBObject) ((ListContext) currentContext).next(); thriftObject = ((ListContext) peekContext()).thriftObject; } else if (currentContext instanceof MapContext) { dbObject = (DBObject) ((MapContext) currentContext).next(); thriftObject = ((MapContext) peekContext()).thriftObject; } else { return ANONYMOUS_STRUCT; } } else { thriftObject = threadSafeTBase.get(); dbObject = getDBObject(); } StructContext context = new StructContext(thriftObject.getClass().getSimpleName()); context.setDbObject(dbObject); context.thriftObject = thriftObject; pushContext(context); return ANONYMOUS_STRUCT; } catch (Exception exp) { throw new TException("Unexpected readStructBegin", exp); } } public void readStructEnd() { popContext(); } public TField readFieldBegin() throws TException { StructContext context = (StructContext) peekContext(); if (context.fieldsStack.isEmpty()) { // Empty stack -> returns a TType.STOP return new TField(); } String fieldName = context.fieldsStack.peek(); TField currentField = getTField(context.thriftObject, fieldName); // // IF the field is skiped change the type to void Map<Class<?>, List<Short>> filter = threadSafeFieldIds.get(); if (filter != null) { List<Short> fieldsFiltered = filter.get(context.thriftObject.getClass()); if (fieldsFiltered != null && fieldsFiltered.contains( { return new TField(, TType.VOID,; } } // If the field is a struct push a struct context in the stack if (currentField.type == TType.STRUCT) { StructContext structContext = new StructContext(fieldName); structContext.setDbObject((DBObject) context.dbObject.get(fieldName)); structContext.thriftObject = getThriftObject(context.thriftObject, fieldName); pushContext(structContext); } return currentField; } private Object getThriftObject(Object thriftObject, String fieldName) throws TException { try { Map<String, ThriftField> classFields = getClassFields(thriftObject); ThriftField thriftField = classFields.get(fieldName); if (thriftField != null) { switch (thriftField.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData.type) { case TType.LIST: ListMetaData listMetaData = (ListMetaData) thriftField.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData; if (listMetaData.elemMetaData.isStruct()) { return ((StructMetaData) listMetaData.elemMetaData).structClass.newInstance(); } return null; case TType.SET: SetMetaData setMetaData = (SetMetaData) thriftField.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData; if (setMetaData.isStruct()) { return ((StructMetaData) setMetaData.elemMetaData).structClass.newInstance(); } return null; case TType.MAP: MapMetaData mapMetaData = (MapMetaData) thriftField.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData; if (mapMetaData.valueMetaData.isStruct()) { return ((StructMetaData) mapMetaData.valueMetaData).structClass.newInstance(); } return null; case TType.STRUCT: return ((StructMetaData) thriftField.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData).structClass.newInstance(); } } throw new Exception("FieldName not finded name=" + fieldName); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new TException("Unexpected getListThriftObject fieldName=" + fieldName, exp); } } private Map<String, ThriftField> getClassFields(Object thriftObject) throws TException { try { Map<Class<?>, Map<String, ThriftField>> thriftFields = threadSafeTFields.get(); if (thriftFields == null) { thriftFields = new HashMap<>(); } Class<?> tbase = thriftObject.getClass(); Map<String, ThriftField> classTFields = thriftFields.get(tbase); if (classTFields != null) { return classTFields; } classTFields = new HashMap<>(); Field metafaField = thriftObject.getClass().getField("metaDataMap"); Map<?, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> fields = (Map<?, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>) metafaField .get(thriftObject); // recurse on all sub structures for (Entry<?, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> entry : fields.entrySet()) { TFieldIdEnum field = (TFieldIdEnum) entry.getKey(); classTFields.put(field.getFieldName(), new ThriftField(field, entry.getValue())); } thriftFields.put(tbase, classTFields); threadSafeTFields.set(thriftFields); return classTFields; } catch (Exception exp) { throw new TException("Unexpected object", exp); } } private TField getTField(Object thriftObject, String fieldName) throws TException { try { Map<String, ThriftField> classFields = getClassFields(thriftObject); ThriftField thriftField = classFields.get(fieldName); if (thriftField == null) { // Empty field -> skip return new TField(); } byte type = thriftField.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData.type; short id = thriftField.tfieldIdEnum.getThriftFieldId(); // An enum type is deserialized as an I32 if (TType.ENUM == type) { type = TType.I32; } return new TField("", type, id); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new TException("Unexpected getTField fieldName=" + fieldName, exp); } } public void readFieldEnd() { StructContext context = (StructContext) peekContext(); if (!context.fieldsStack.isEmpty()) { context.fieldsStack.pop(); } } public TMap readMapBegin() throws TException { StructContext context = (StructContext) peekContext(); if (context.fieldsStack.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_MAP; } String fieldName = context.fieldsStack.peek(); MapContext mapContext = new MapContext(TType.VOID); BasicDBObject dbMap = (BasicDBObject) context.dbObject.get(fieldName); mapContext.setDbMap(dbMap); mapContext.thriftObject = getThriftObject(context.thriftObject, fieldName); pushContext(mapContext); return new TMap(TType.STRING, TType.STRING, dbMap.size()); } public void readMapEnd() { popContext(); } public TList readListBegin() throws TException { StructContext context = (StructContext) peekContext(); if (context.fieldsStack.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_LIST; } String fieldName = context.fieldsStack.peek(); ListContext listContext = new ListContext(); BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) context.dbObject.get(fieldName); listContext.dbList = dbList; listContext.thriftObject = getThriftObject(context.thriftObject, fieldName); pushContext(listContext); return new TList(TType.LIST, dbList.size()); } public void readListEnd() { popContext(); } public TSet readSetBegin() throws TException { StructContext context = (StructContext) peekContext(); if (context.fieldsStack.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_SET; } String fieldName = context.fieldsStack.peek(); ListContext listContext = new ListContext(); BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) context.dbObject.get(fieldName); listContext.dbList = dbList; listContext.thriftObject = getThriftObject(context.thriftObject, fieldName); pushContext(listContext); return new TSet(TType.SET, dbList.size()); } public void readSetEnd() { popContext(); } public boolean readBool() throws TException { return (readByte() == 1); } public byte readByte() throws TException { return ((Number) getCurrentFieldValue(TType.BYTE)).byteValue(); } public short readI16() throws TException { return ((Number) getCurrentFieldValue(TType.I16)).shortValue(); } public int readI32() throws TException { return ((Number) getCurrentFieldValue(TType.I32)).intValue(); } public long readI64() throws TException { return ((Number) getCurrentFieldValue(TType.I64)).longValue(); } public double readDouble() throws TException { return ((Number) getCurrentFieldValue(TType.DOUBLE)).doubleValue(); } public String readString() throws TException { return (String) getCurrentFieldValue(); } private Object getCurrentFieldValue() { Context context = peekContext(); if (context instanceof StructContext && ((StructContext) context).fieldsStack.isEmpty() == false) { String fieldName = ((StructContext) context).fieldsStack.peek(); // Extracts the dbobject return context.dbObject.get(fieldName); } else if (context instanceof ListContext) { return ((ListContext) context).next(); } else if (context instanceof MapContext) { // IF YOU READ A KEY YOU MUST CONVERT THE STRING INTO NUMBER return ((MapContext) context).next(); } return null; } private Object getCurrentFieldValue(byte ttype) { Context context = peekContext(); if (context instanceof StructContext && ((StructContext) context).fieldsStack.isEmpty() == false) { String fieldName = ((StructContext) context).fieldsStack.peek(); // Extracts the dbobject Object fieldReaded = context.dbObject.get(fieldName); return fieldReaded; } else if (context instanceof ListContext) { return ((ListContext) context).next(); } else if (context instanceof MapContext) { // IF YOU READ A KEY YOU MUST CONVERT THE STRING INTO NUMBER if (((MapContext) context).isNextKey()) { switch (ttype) { case TType.BYTE: return Byte.parseByte((String) ((MapContext) context).next()); case TType.I32: case TType.I16: return Integer.parseInt((String) ((MapContext) context).next()); case TType.I64: return Long.parseLong((String) ((MapContext) context).next()); case TType.DOUBLE: return Double.parseDouble((String) ((MapContext) context).next()); } } return ((MapContext) context).next(); } return null; } public String readStringBody(int size) throws TException { return ""; } public ByteBuffer readBinary() throws TException { return ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) getCurrentFieldValue()); } public void reset() { threadSafeContextStack.remove(); threadSafeDBObject.remove(); threadSafeFieldIds.remove(); } }