Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.BigIntegers;

 * A deterministic K calculator based on the algorithm in section 3.2 of RFC 6979.
public class HMacDSAKCalculator implements DSAKCalculator {
    private static final BigInteger ZERO = BigInteger.valueOf(0);

    private final HMac hMac;
    private final byte[] K;
    private final byte[] V;

    private BigInteger n;

     * Base constructor.
     * @param digest digest to build the HMAC on.
    public HMacDSAKCalculator(Digest digest) {
        this.hMac = new HMac(digest);
        this.V = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
        this.K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];

    public boolean isDeterministic() {
        return true;

    public void init(BigInteger n, SecureRandom random) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Operation not supported");

    public void init(BigInteger n, BigInteger d, byte[] message) {
        this.n = n;

        Arrays.fill(V, (byte) 0x01);
        Arrays.fill(K, (byte) 0);

        int size = BigIntegers.getUnsignedByteLength(n);
        byte[] x = new byte[size];
        byte[] dVal = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(d);

        System.arraycopy(dVal, 0, x, x.length - dVal.length, dVal.length);

        byte[] m = new byte[size];

        BigInteger mInt = bitsToInt(message);

        if (mInt.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
            mInt = mInt.subtract(n);

        byte[] mVal = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(mInt);

        System.arraycopy(mVal, 0, m, m.length - mVal.length, mVal.length);

        hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));

        hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
        hMac.update((byte) 0x00);
        hMac.update(x, 0, x.length);
        hMac.update(m, 0, m.length);

        hMac.doFinal(K, 0);

        hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));

        hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);

        hMac.doFinal(V, 0);

        hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
        hMac.update((byte) 0x01);
        hMac.update(x, 0, x.length);
        hMac.update(m, 0, m.length);

        hMac.doFinal(K, 0);

        hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));

        hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);

        hMac.doFinal(V, 0);

    public BigInteger nextK() {
        byte[] t = new byte[BigIntegers.getUnsignedByteLength(n)];

        for (;;) {
            int tOff = 0;

            while (tOff < t.length) {
                hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);

                hMac.doFinal(V, 0);

                int len = Math.min(t.length - tOff, V.length);
                System.arraycopy(V, 0, t, tOff, len);
                tOff += len;

            BigInteger k = bitsToInt(t);

            if (k.compareTo(ZERO) > 0 && k.compareTo(n) < 0) {
                return k;

            hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);
            hMac.update((byte) 0x00);

            hMac.doFinal(K, 0);

            hMac.init(new KeyParameter(K));

            hMac.update(V, 0, V.length);

            hMac.doFinal(V, 0);

    private BigInteger bitsToInt(byte[] t) {
        BigInteger v = new BigInteger(1, t);

        if (t.length * 8 > n.bitLength()) {
            v = v.shiftRight(t.length * 8 - n.bitLength());

        return v;