Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings;


import org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException;

 * Block cipher padders are expected to conform to this interface
public interface BlockCipherPadding {
     * Initialise the padder.
     * @param random the source of randomness for the padding, if required.
    public void init(SecureRandom random) throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Return the name of the algorithm the cipher implements.
     * @return the name of the algorithm the cipher implements.
    public String getPaddingName();

     * add the pad bytes to the passed in block, returning the
     * number of bytes added.
     * <p>
     * Note: this assumes that the last block of plain text is always 
     * passed to it inside in. i.e. if inOff is zero, indicating the
     * entire block is to be overwritten with padding the value of in
     * should be the same as the last block of plain text. The reason
     * for this is that some modes such as "trailing bit compliment"
     * base the padding on the last byte of plain text.
     * </p>
    public int addPadding(byte[] in, int inOff);

     * return the number of pad bytes present in the block.
     * @exception InvalidCipherTextException if the padding is badly formed
     * or invalid.
    public int padCount(byte[] in) throws InvalidCipherTextException;