Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 BonitaSoft S.A. * BonitaSoft, 32 rue Gustave Eiffel - 38000 Grenoble * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.table; import static$; import static org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.i18n.AbstractI18n._; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ViewController; import; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.JsId; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.action.Action; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.Html; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.Link; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.Refreshable; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.button.ButtonAction; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.containers.ContainerStyled; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.core.AbstractComponent; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.table.filters.TableFilter; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.table.filters.TableFilterHidden; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.table.filters.TableFilterSelect; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.component.table.filters.TableFilterText; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.html.HTML; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.html.HTMLClass; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.html.XML; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.html.XMLAttributes; import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.ui.utils.Filler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Sverin Moussel */ public class Table extends AbstractTable implements Refreshable { private static final String ALWAYS_ENABLE_CLASS = "force"; public static enum VIEW_TYPE { VIEW_LIST { @Override public String toString() { return "list"; } }, VIEW_DETAILS { @Override public String toString() { return "details"; } }, VIEW_TABLE { @Override public String toString() { return "table"; } }, FORM { @Override public String toString() { return "form"; } }, TREE { @Override public String toString() { return "tree"; } } }; protected VIEW_TYPE defaultView = VIEW_TYPE.VIEW_TABLE; protected ContainerStyled<TableLine> lines = new ContainerStyled<TableLine>(); protected Element rootElement = null; private Element tableElement = null; private Element linesElement = null; private final List<Element> pagerElements = new ArrayList<Element>(2); private int currentPage = 0; private int nbResults = 0; private int nbLinesByPage = 10; private boolean showSearch = true; private boolean selectLineOnClick = false; private String defaultSearch = ""; private String order = null; private Filler<? extends AbstractTable> refreshFiller = null; private Integer refreshEvery = null; public static enum COLUMN_POSITION { LAST, FIRST }; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTORS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Table(final JsId jsid) { this(jsid, null); } public Table(final TableFiller tableFiller) { this(null, tableFiller); } public Table() { this((JsId) null); } public Table(final JsId jsid, final TableFiller tableFiller) { super(jsid); setFiller(tableFiller); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COLUMNS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected ContainerStyled<TableColumn> columns = new ContainerStyled<TableColumn>(); public Table addColumn(final String label) { return this.addColumn(null, label, null, false, true); } public Table addColumn(final JsId jsid, final String label) { return this.addColumn(new TableColumn(this, jsid, label, null, false, true)); } public Table addColumn(final JsId jsid, final String label, final String sortName) { return this.addColumn(new TableColumn(this, jsid, label, sortName, true, true)); } public Table addColumn(final JsId jsid, final String label, final String sortName, final boolean sorted, final boolean sortAscending) { return addColumn(new TableColumn(this, jsid, label, sortName, sorted, sortAscending)); } public Table addColumn(TableColumn column) { columns.append(column); String sortName = column.getSortName(); if (sortName != null) { order = sortName + (column.isSortAscending() ? " ASC" : " DESC"); } return this; } public Table setColumnPos(final JsId jsid, final int index) { columns.move(jsid, index); return this; } public TableColumn getColumn(final JsId jsid) { return columns.get(jsid); } /** * @return the columns */ public List<TableColumn> getColumns() { return columns.getComponents(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LINES AND CELLS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Table addLine() { return this.addLine(null, null, null); } public Table addLine(final String checkBoxId) { return this.addLine(checkBoxId, null, null); } public Table addLine(final String checkBoxId, final String className) { return this.addLine(checkBoxId, className, null); } public Table addLine(final Action defaultAction) { return this.addLine(null, null, defaultAction); } public Table addLine(final String checkBoxId, final Action defaultAction) { return this.addLine(checkBoxId, null, defaultAction); } private class CheckLineAction extends Action { private final String checkboxId; private Action defaultAction; public CheckLineAction(String checkboxId) { this.checkboxId = checkboxId; } @Override public void execute() { clearCheckboxes(); setCheckboxesValue(getCheckbox(checkboxId), true, false); if (defaultAction != null) { defaultAction.execute(); } } public void setDefaultAction(Action defaultAction) { this.defaultAction = defaultAction; } } public Table addLine(String checkboxId, final String className, final Action defaultAction, Boolean allowGroupedAction) { if (checkboxId == null) { checkboxId = String.valueOf(lines.size() - 1); } final TableLine line = new TableLine(); if (className != null) { line.addClass(className); } if (itemIdOnRow) { line.addClass("APIID_" + checkboxId); } if (selectLineOnClick) { CheckLineAction action = new CheckLineAction(checkboxId); action.setDefaultAction(defaultAction); line.setDefaultAction(action); } else { line.setDefaultAction(defaultAction); } lines.append(line); // If we need checkboxes, we automaticaly had the column if (hasGroupedActions()) { final XMLAttributes attributes = new XMLAttributes(); if (allowGroupedAction) { attributes.add("id", HTML.getUniqueId()); this.addCell( new Html(HTML.checkbox("id", checkboxId, selectedIds.contains(checkboxId), attributes))); } else { attributes.add("class", "emptyCheckBox"); this.addCell(new Html(HTML.div())); } } return this; } public Table addLine(String checkboxId, final String className, final Action defaultAction) { return addLine(checkboxId, className, defaultAction, true); } public Table addCell(final AbstractComponent... components) { getLastLine().append(new TableCell(components, columns.get(getLastLine().size()).getJsId().toString())); return this; } public Table addCell(final String text) { final TableColumn column = columns.get(getLastLine().size()); getLastLine().append(new TableCell(ModifierEngine.modify(text, column.getOutputModifiers()), column.getJsId().toString())); return this; } public TableLine getLastLine() { return lines.getLast(); } public TableColumn getLastColumn() { if (lines.size() > 0) { return columns.get(getLastLine().size()); } else { return columns.getLast(); } } public TableCell getLastCell() { return getLastLine().getLast(); } public Table resetLines() { lines.empty(); lines = new ContainerStyled<TableLine>(); return this; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PAGER // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Table setPager(final int currentPage, final int nbResults, final int nbLinesByPage) { setPage(currentPage); this.nbResults = nbResults; this.nbLinesByPage = nbLinesByPage; return this; } public void setPage(final int page) { currentPage = page; } public int getNbResults() { return nbResults; } public int getNbPages() { return Double .valueOf(Math.ceil( Integer.valueOf(nbResults).doubleValue() / Integer.valueOf(nbLinesByPage).doubleValue())) .intValue(); } public int getNbLinesByPage() { return nbLinesByPage; } public int getPage() { return currentPage; } public void changePage(final int page) { currentPage = page; refresh(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERATE HTML // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override protected Element makeElement() { rootElement = DOM.createDiv(); rootElement.addClassName("datatable"); rootElement.addClassName("table_view_" + defaultView.toString()); rootElement.appendChild(makePager("pager_top")); if (defaultView != VIEW_TYPE.FORM) { rootElement.appendChild(makeGroupedActions()); } rootElement.appendChild(makeFilters()); rootElement.appendChild(makeTable()); rootElement.appendChild(makePager("pager_bottom")); if (defaultView == VIEW_TYPE.FORM) { rootElement.appendChild(makeGroupedActions()); } disableActionLinks(); return rootElement; } public void updateHtml() { final int nbPages = getNbPages(); if (isCurrentPageTooHigh(nbPages)) { setPage(nbPages - 1); refresh(); return; } updateTable(); updatePager(); ViewController.updateUI(rootElement, true); // this.updateScript(this.rootElement); } private boolean isCurrentPageTooHigh(final int nbPages) { return currentPage >= nbPages && nbPages > 0; } private Element makeTable() { // TABLE tableElement = DOM.createDiv(); tableElement.addClassName("table"); // THEAD final Element header = DOM.createDiv(); header.addClassName("thead"); columns.setRootTag("div", "tr"); header.appendChild(columns.getElement()); tableElement.appendChild(header); // TBODY lines.setRootTag("div", "tbody"); linesElement = lines.getElement(); tableElement.appendChild(linesElement); return tableElement; } private Element makeFilters() { final TableFilterText filter = new TableFilterText(_("Search"), _("Type to search"), "search", defaultSearch); filter.setTable(this); filters.prepend(filter); final Element filtersArea = DOM.createDiv(); filtersArea.addClassName("tablefilters"); filters.setRootTag("div", "tablefilters"); filters.setWrapTagName("div"); final Element filtersElement = filters.getElement(); if (!showSearch) { $(filtersElement.getChild(0)).hide(); $(filtersElement).hide(); } return filtersElement; } private Element makeGroupedActions() { groupedActions.setRootTag("div", "actions"); return groupedActions.getElement(); } private void updateTable() { if (!saveCheckboxes) { clearSelectedIds(); } disableActionLinks(); if (lines.size() == 0) { addCheckAllCheckbox(); addEmptyCssClass(); replaceLinesElement(createEmptyLinesElement()); } else { removeEmptyCssClass(); // Refill header columns.resetGeneration(); $(".thead", getElement()).empty().append(columns.getElement()); addCheckAllCheckbox(); // Refill body lines.setRootTag("div", "tbody"); tableElement.addClassName(String.valueOf(Random.nextInt())); replaceLinesElement(lines.getElement()); addChangeEventHandler(getAllCheckboxes()); } } private void removeEmptyCssClass() { getElement().removeClassName("empty"); } private void addEmptyCssClass() { getElement().addClassName("empty"); } private Element createEmptyLinesElement() { return XML.makeElement(HTML.div(new HTMLClass("emptytable")) + _("No data") + HTML._div()); } private void replaceLinesElement(final Element linesElement) { tableElement.replaceChild(linesElement, this.linesElement); this.linesElement = linesElement; } private void addChangeEventHandler(GQuery checkboxes) { checkboxes.each(new Function() { @Override public void f(final Element k) { final GQuery checkbox = $(k); checkbox.change(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { processEvent($(e)); return true; } }); // fix click propagation to line Function() { @Override public boolean f(final Event e) { e.stopPropagation(); checkbox.trigger(Event.ONCHANGE); return true; } }); } }); } private void addCheckAllCheckbox() { final String checkAllId = HTML.getUniqueId(); CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); $(".th_checkboxes", tableElement).empty().append( $(HTML.checkbox("checkall", "0", new XMLAttributes("id", checkAllId))).click(new Function() { @Override public void f(final Element e) { Object checkedValue = $(e).prop("checked"); setCheckboxesValue(getAllCheckboxes(), (Boolean) checkedValue, false); } })).append($(HTML.label(_("All"), checkAllId))); } private void processEvent(final GQuery cb) { final GQuery labels = cb.closest("div").children("label"); String itemId = cb.val(); if (":checked")) { onCheckItem(labels, itemId); } else { onUncheckItem(labels, itemId); } // Check all if no checkbox unchecked final boolean noCheckboxCheched = $(".td_checkboxes input", Table.this.getElement()).filter(":checked") .length() == $(".td_checkboxes input", Table.this.getElement()).length(); if (noCheckboxCheched) { setCheckAllCheckboxesValue($(".th_checkboxes input", Table.this.getElement()), true); } else { setCheckAllCheckboxesValue($(".th_checkboxes input", Table.this.getElement()), false); } // Set datatable class to to inform about selected or not if ($(".td_checkboxes input", Table.this.getElement()).filter(":checked").length() > 0) { $(getElement()).addClass("linechecked"); enableActionsLinks(); } else { $(getElement()).removeClass("linechecked"); disableActionLinks(); } } private void onUncheckItem(final GQuery labels, String itemId) { if (labels.length() > 0) { labels.removeClass("checked"); } Table.this.selectedIds.remove(itemId); fireEvent(new ItemUncheckedEvent(Table.this.selectedIds, itemId)); } private void onCheckItem(final GQuery labels, String itemId) { if (labels.length() > 0) { labels.addClass("checked"); } fireEvent(new ItemCheckedEvent(Table.this.selectedIds, itemId)); if (!Table.this.selectedIds.contains(itemId)) { Table.this.selectedIds.add(itemId); } } public HandlerRegistration addItemCheckedHandler(ItemCheckedHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, ItemCheckedEvent.TYPE); } public HandlerRegistration addItemUncheckedHandler(ItemUncheckedHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, ItemUncheckedEvent.TYPE); } private void disableActionLinks() { for (Link link : groupedActions.getComponents()) { if (!link.hasClass(ALWAYS_ENABLE_CLASS)) { link.setEnabled(false); } } } private void enableActionsLinks() { for (Link link : groupedActions.getComponents()) { if (!link.hasClass(ALWAYS_ENABLE_CLASS)) { link.setEnabled(true); } } } private GQuery getAllCheckboxes() { return $(".td_checkboxes input", tableElement); } private Element makePager(final String className) { final Element pager = new Pager(this, currentPage + 1, nbResults, nbLinesByPage).addClass(className) .getElement(); $(pager).hide(); pagerElements.add(pager); return pager; } private void updatePager() { for (int i = 0; i < pagerElements.size(); i++) { final Element pager = new Pager(this, currentPage + 1, nbResults, nbLinesByPage) .addClass(i == 0 ? "pager_top" : "pager_bottom").getElement(); pagerElements.get(i).getParentElement().replaceChild(pager, pagerElements.get(i)); pagerElements.set(i, pager); } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GROUPED ACTIONS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected ContainerStyled<Link> groupedActions = new ContainerStyled<Link>(); /** * Add action to the table and enable checkboxes * * @param link * link to add * @param force * force button visibility * @return * current table instance */ public Table addGroupedAction(Link link, final boolean force) { ensureCheckboxesVisibility(); link.setAction(wrapActionToPassIds(link.getAction(), force)); if (force) { link.addClass(ALWAYS_ENABLE_CLASS); } // Add the action groupedActions.append(link); return this; } private void ensureCheckboxesVisibility() { // Check if the CheckBoxes column already exists final JsId jsid = new JsId("checkboxes"); if (columns.get(jsid) == null) { columns.prepend(new TableColumn(this, jsid, "")); } } private Action wrapActionToPassIds(final Action action, final boolean force) { return new Action() { // Set the selected ids as parameters and call the action @Override public void execute() { if (force || Table.this.getSelectedIds().size() > 0) { action.addParameter("id", Table.this.getSelectedIds()); action.execute(); } } }; } /** * * @param label * @param tooltip * @param action * The action to call on click * @param force * Force the visibility of the button (can't be disabled) * * @deprecated * Create your own link and use {@link #addGroupedAction(Link, boolean)} instead */ @Deprecated public Table addGroupedAction(final JsId id, final String label, final String tooltip, final Action action, final boolean force) { addGroupedAction(new ButtonAction("btn-" + id.toString(), label, tooltip, action), force); return this; } /** * Add an action to the table - action not link to checkbox, always visible */ public Table addAction(Link link) { link.addClass(ALWAYS_ENABLE_CLASS); groupedActions.append(link); return this; } public Table addGroupedAction(final JsId id, final String label, final String tooltip, final Action action) { return this.addGroupedAction(id, label, tooltip, action, false); } public boolean hasGroupedActions() { return groupedActions.size() > 0; } /** * @return the groupedActions */ public List<Link> getGroupedActions() { return groupedActions.getComponents(); } private final List<String> selectedIds = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean saveCheckboxes = false; public Table saveCheckboxes(final boolean save) { saveCheckboxes = save; return this; } public boolean isSaveCheckboxes() { return saveCheckboxes; } /** * CLear checked lines memory and reset checkboxes */ public void clearSelectedIds() { selectedIds.clear(); clearCheckboxes(); } /** * Uncheck all checkboxes */ private void clearCheckboxes() { setCheckboxesValue(getAllCheckboxes(), false, false); } public List<String> getSelectedIds() { return selectedIds; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected ContainerStyled<TableFilter> filters = new ContainerStyled<TableFilter>(); private boolean itemIdOnRow = false; public Table resetFilters() { filters.empty(); return this; } public Table setShowSearch(final boolean show) { showSearch = show; if (isGenerated()) { final GQuery filter = $(".tablefilters > div:has(input[name=search])", rootElement); if (!show) { filter.hide(); } else {; } } return this; } public Table addTextFilter(final String label, final String tooltip, final String name) { return this.addTextFilter(label, tooltip, name, null); } public Table addTextFilter(final String label, final String tooltip, final String name, final String defaultValue) { final TableFilterText filter = new TableFilterText(label, tooltip, name, defaultValue); filter.setTable(this); filters.append(filter); return this; } public Table addSelectFilter(final String label, final String tooltip, final String name, final Map<String, String> values) { return this.addSelectFilter(label, tooltip, name, values, null); } public Table addSelectFilter(final String label, final String tooltip, final String name, final Map<String, String> values, final String defaultValue) { final TableFilterSelect select = new TableFilterSelect(label, tooltip, name, defaultValue); select.setTable(this); for (final Entry<String, String> entry : values.entrySet()) { select.addOption(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), entry.getValue().equals(defaultValue)); } filters.append(select); return this; } public Table addSelectFilter(final String label, final String tooltip, final String name, final Filler<?> filler) { return this.addSelectFilter(label, tooltip, name, filler, null); } public Table addSelectFilter(final String label, final String tooltip, final String name, final Filler<?> filler, final String defaultValue) { final TableFilterSelect select = new TableFilterSelect(label, tooltip, name, defaultValue); select.setTable(this); select.setFiller(filler); filters.append(select); return this; } public Table addHiddenFilter(final String name, final String value) { final TableFilterHidden hidden = new TableFilterHidden(name, value); hidden.setTable(this); filters.append(hidden); return this; } public Table addHiddenFilters(final Map<String, String> filters) { if (filters != null) { for (final Entry<String, String> entry : filters.entrySet()) { addHiddenFilter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return this; } public Table resetHiddenFilters() { // Save non hidden filters final List<TableFilter> filters = new LinkedList<TableFilter>(); for (final TableFilter filter : this.filters.getComponents()) { if (!(filter instanceof TableFilterHidden)) { filters.add(filter); } } // Remove all filters resetFilters(); // restore saved non hidden filters for (final TableFilter filter : filters) { this.filters.append(filter); } return this; } public HashMap<String, String> getFilters() { final HashMap<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (final TableFilter filter : this.filters.getComponents()) { if (filter.getName() != "search") { filters.put(filter.getName(), filter.getValue() != null ? filter.getValue() : ""); } } return filters; } public HashMap<String, String> getHiddenFilters() { final HashMap<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (final TableFilter filter : this.filters.getComponents()) { if (filter instanceof TableFilterHidden && filter.getName() != "search" && filter.getValue() != null && filter.getValue().length() > 0) { filters.put(filter.getName(), filter.getValue()); } } return filters; } public String getSearch() { final String search = $(".tablefilters input[name=search]:not(.empty)", getElement()).val(); if ("null".equalsIgnoreCase(search)) { return ""; } return search; } public Table setSearch(final String query) { defaultSearch = query; if (isGenerated()) { $(".tablefilters input[name=search]:not(.empty)", getElement()).val(this.defaultSearch); } return this; } private native void setSearch(Element e, String defaultSearch) /*-{ $wnd.$(".tablefilters input[name=search]", e).not(".empty").val(defaultSearch); }-*/; private native String _getSearch(Element e) /*-{ return $wnd.$(".tablefilters .tablefiltertext input", e).val(); }-*/; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ORDER // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getOrder() { // TODO call columns return order; } public Table setOrder(final String sortName) { return this.setOrder(sortName, true); } public Table setOrder(final String sortName, final boolean sortAscending) { order = sortName + (sortAscending ? " ASC" : " DESC"); if (isGenerated()) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { columns.get(i).setSorted(false); } refresh(); } return this; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TOOLS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Define a filler to be called only on refresh.<br/> * This method is used to pass the ItemTableFiller. */ public final void setRefreshFiller(final Filler<? extends AbstractTable> refreshFiller) { this.refreshFiller = refreshFiller; if (refreshEvery != null) { this.refreshFiller.setRepeatEvery(refreshEvery); } } public final void setSelectLineOnClick(boolean value) { selectLineOnClick = value; } @Override public void refresh() { if (refreshFiller != null) {; } runFillers(); } public void setView(final VIEW_TYPE view) { defaultView = view; saveCheckboxes(view == VIEW_TYPE.FORM); } @Override public Table addClass(final String className) { super.addClass(className); return this; } public void updateView() { this.updateView(getElement()); }; private native void updateView(Element e) /*-{ //$wnd.$(e).updateUI(); }-*/; /** * @param milliseconds */ public void setRefreshEvery(final int milliseconds) { refreshEvery = milliseconds; if (refreshFiller != null) { refreshFiller.setRepeatEvery(milliseconds); } } public int getLinesNumber() { return lines.size(); } private GQuery getCheckbox(String checkboxId) { return $(".td_checkboxes input[value=\"" + checkboxId + "\"]", tableElement); } private void setCheckboxesValue(GQuery checkboxes, boolean value, boolean silent) { if (isCheckable(checkboxes)) { if (value) { checkboxes.prop("checked", true); } else { checkboxes.prop("checked", false); } if (!silent) { checkboxes.trigger(Event.ONCHANGE); } } } private void setCheckAllCheckboxesValue(GQuery checkbox, boolean value) { setCheckboxesValue(checkbox, value, true); fireCssLabelEvent(tableElement); } private boolean isCheckable(GQuery checkboxes) { return checkboxes != null && checkboxes.length() > 0 &&"input[type='checkbox']"); } private native void fireCssLabelEvent(Element e) /*-{ $wnd.$(e).trigger("cssChange"); }-*/; public void setItemIdOnRow(boolean itemIdOnRow) { this.itemIdOnRow = itemIdOnRow; } }