Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015 BonitaSoft S.A. * BonitaSoft, 32 rue Gustave Eiffel - 38000 Grenoble * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation * version 2.1 of the License. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ package org.bonitasoft.engine.home; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import; import; import org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.BonitaHomeNotSetException; import; import; /** * Utility class that handles the path to the server part of the bonita home * <p> * The server part of the bonita home contains configuration files and working directories * </p> * * @author Baptiste Mesta * @author Frederic Bouquet * @author Matthieu Chaffotte * @author Charles Souillard * @since 6.0.0 */ public class BonitaHomeServer extends BonitaHome { private static final String SERVER_API_IMPLEMENTATION = "serverApi"; private Properties platformProperties = null; private String version; public static final BonitaHomeServer INSTANCE = new BonitaHomeServer(); private BonitaHomeServer() { platformProperties = null; } public static BonitaHomeServer getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private String getBonitaHomeProperty(final String propertyName) throws IllegalStateException { try { return getPlatformProperties().getProperty(propertyName); } catch (BonitaHomeNotSetException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } /** * get the name of the implementation of {@link org.bonitasoft.engine.api.internal.ServerAPI} based on the current configuration of * <code></code> * * @return the name of the class implementing {@link org.bonitasoft.engine.api.internal.ServerAPI} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the name of the implementation cannot be retrieved */ public String getServerAPIImplementation() throws IllegalStateException { return getBonitaHomeProperty(SERVER_API_IMPLEMENTATION); } private String[] getResourcesFromFiles(final List<File> files) { final List<String> resources = new ArrayList<>(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { resources.add(file.getAbsolutePath()); } } //System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + "-" + "getResourcesFromFiles" + ":" + "resources=" + resources); final String[] strings = resources.toArray(new String[resources.size()]); //System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + "-" + "getResourcesFromFiles" + ":" + "strings=" + strings); return strings; } public FileHandler getIncidentFileHandler(long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final File incidentFile = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId) .getFile("incidents.log"); return new FileHandler(incidentFile.getAbsolutePath()); } private File getBDMFile(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder bdmFolder = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkBDMFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); return bdmFolder.getFile(""); } public byte[] getClientBDMZip(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final File bdmFile = getBDMFile(tenantId); return IOUtil.getAllContentFrom(bdmFile); } public void writeClientBDMZip(final long tenantId, byte[] clientBdmJar) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final File bdmFile = getBDMFile(tenantId); if (bdmFile.exists()) { bdmFile.delete(); } IOUtil.write(bdmFile, clientBdmJar); } public void removeBDMZip(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final File bdmFile = getBDMFile(tenantId); if (bdmFile.exists()) { bdmFile.delete(); } } public File getPlatformTempFile(final String fileName) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder tempFolder = FolderMgr.getPlatformTempFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()); final File file = tempFolder.getFile(fileName); file.delete(); file.createNewFile(); return file; } private static class XmlFilesFilter implements FileFilter { @Override public boolean accept(final File pathname) { return pathname.isFile() && pathname.getName().endsWith(".xml") && !pathname.getName().endsWith("-cache.xml"); } } private static class NonClusterXmlFilesFilter extends XmlFilesFilter { @Override public boolean accept(final File pathname) { return super.accept(pathname) && !pathname.getName().contains("cluster"); } } private static class ClusterXmlFilesFilter extends XmlFilesFilter { @Override public boolean accept(final File pathname) { return super.accept(pathname) && pathname.getName().contains("cluster"); } } private static List<File> getXmlResourcesOfFolder(final Folder folder, final FileFilter filter) throws IOException { //sort this to have always the same order File[] listFiles = folder.listFiles(filter); List<File> listFilesCollection = Arrays.asList(listFiles); Collections.sort(listFilesCollection); return listFilesCollection; } private String[] getConfigurationFiles(final Folder... folders) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Properties platformProperties = getPlatformProperties(); final List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); for (Folder folder : folders) { files.addAll(getXmlResourcesOfFolder(folder, new NonClusterXmlFilesFilter())); } //if cluster is activated, add cluster files at the end. We have to ensure cluster files are loaded "last" final boolean cluster = Boolean.valueOf(platformProperties.getProperty("bonita.cluster", "false")); if (cluster) { for (Folder folder : folders) { files.addAll(getXmlResourcesOfFolder(folder, new ClusterXmlFilesFilter())); } } return getResourcesFromFiles(files); } public String[] getPrePlatformInitConfigurationFiles() throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder f1 = FolderMgr.getPlatformInitWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()); final Folder f2 = FolderMgr.getPlatformInitConfFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()); return getConfigurationFiles(f1, f2); } public String[] getPlatformConfigurationFiles() throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder f1 = FolderMgr.getPlatformWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()); final Folder f2 = FolderMgr.getPlatformConfFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()); return getConfigurationFiles(f1, f2); } public String[] getTenantConfigurationFiles(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder f1 = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); final Folder f2 = FolderMgr.getTenantConfFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); return getConfigurationFiles(f1, f2); } public void createTenant(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { FolderMgr.createTenant(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); //put the right id in tenant properties file final File file = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId) .getFile(""); //maybe a replace is better? final Properties tenantProperties = new Properties(); tenantProperties.put("tenantId", String.valueOf(tenantId)); PropertiesManager.saveProperties(tenantProperties, file); } public void deleteTenant(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { FolderMgr.deleteTenant(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); } @Override protected void refresh() { //System.err.println("----- REFRESH Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "-----"); platformProperties = null; //System.err.println("----- END REFRESH Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "-----"); } private Properties mergeProperties(final Folder folder, Properties mergeInto) throws IOException { final FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return filename.endsWith(".properties"); } }; final List<File> files = folder.listFiles(filter); for (File file : files) { //System.out.println("load properties " + file); Properties properties = getProperties(file); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> property : properties.entrySet()) { Object put = mergeInto.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue()); if (put != null) { //System.out.println("Overriding " + property.getKey() + " with " + property.getValue()); } } properties.putAll(properties); } return mergeInto; } private Properties getProperties(final File propertiesFile) throws IOException { return PropertiesManager.getProperties(propertiesFile); } public Properties getPlatformProperties() throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { if (platformProperties == null) { platformProperties = new Properties(); mergeProperties(FolderMgr.getPlatformWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()), platformProperties); mergeProperties(FolderMgr.getPlatformConfFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()), platformProperties); } return platformProperties; } /** * get the version of the bonita home * * @return the version of the bonita home */ public String getVersion() { if (version == null) { File versionFile = null; try { versionFile = FolderMgr.getPlatformWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()).getFile("VERSION"); version =; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error while reading file" + versionFile, e); } if (version == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid version file: " + versionFile); } } return version; } public Properties getTenantProperties(final long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { Properties tenantProperties = new Properties(); Folder tenantWorkFolder = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); mergeProperties(tenantWorkFolder, tenantProperties); mergeProperties(FolderMgr.getTenantConfFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId), tenantProperties); return tenantProperties; } public Properties getPrePlatformInitProperties() throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { Properties preInitProperties = new Properties(); mergeProperties(FolderMgr.getPlatformInitWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()), preInitProperties); mergeProperties(FolderMgr.getPlatformInitConfFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()), preInitProperties); return preInitProperties; } private Folder getProcessFolder(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getTenantWorkProcessFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); } public File getProcessDefinitionFile(long tenantId, long processId, String fileName) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return getProcessFolder(tenantId, processId).getFile(fileName); } public FileOutputStream getProcessDefinitionFileOutputstream(long tenantId, long processId, String fileName) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder processFolder = getProcessFolder(tenantId, processId); final File file = processFolder.getFile(fileName); return new FileOutputStream(file); } private Folder getProcessClasspathFolder(final long tenantId, final long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getTenantWorkProcessClasspathFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); } public Map<String, byte[]> getProcessClasspath(final long tenantId, final long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Map<String, byte[]> resources = new HashMap<>(); final Folder processClasspathFolder = getProcessClasspathFolder(tenantId, processId); final File[] listFiles = processClasspathFolder.listFiles(); for (final File jarFile : listFiles) { final String name = jarFile.getName(); final byte[] jarContent = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(jarFile); resources.put(name, jarContent); } return resources; } public void deleteProcess(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { FolderMgr.deleteTenantWorkProcessFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); FolderMgr.deleteTenantTempProcessFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); } public Map<String, byte[]> getProcessResources(long tenantId, long processId, String filenamesPattern) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder processFolder = getProcessFolder(tenantId, processId); return processFolder.getResources(filenamesPattern); } public byte[] getProcessDocument(long tenantId, long processId, String documentName) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder documentsFolder = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkProcessDocumentFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); return FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(documentsFolder.getFile(documentName)); } public File getTenantWorkFile(long tenantId, String fileName) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getTenantWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId).getFile(fileName); } public void writeBusinessArchive(long tenantId, long processId, BusinessArchive businessArchive) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder processFolder = getProcessFolder(tenantId, processId); processFolder.create(); processFolder.writeBusinessArchive(businessArchive); } public Map<String, byte[]> getConnectorFiles(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return getConnectorsFolder(tenantId, processId).listFilesAsResources(); } private Folder getConnectorsFolder(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getTenantWorkProcessConnectorsFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); } public void deleteConnectorFile(long tenantId, long processId, String fileName) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final Folder connectorsFolder = getConnectorsFolder(tenantId, processId); connectorsFolder.deleteFile(fileName); } public void deleteClasspathFiles(long tenantId, long processId, String... resourceNames) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { if (resourceNames != null) { final Folder classpathFolder = getProcessClasspathFolder(tenantId, processId); for (String resourceName : resourceNames) { classpathFolder.deleteFile(resourceName); } } } public void storeClasspathFile(long tenantId, final long processId, String resourceName, byte[] resourceContent) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final File newFile = getProcessClasspathFolder(tenantId, processId).getFile(resourceName); IOUtil.write(newFile, resourceContent); } public void storeConnectorFile(long tenantId, final long processId, String resourceName, byte[] resourceContent) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { final File newFile = getConnectorsFolder(tenantId, processId).getFile(resourceName); final File parentFile = newFile.getParentFile(); if (createFoldersIfNecessary(parentFile)) { IOUtil.write(newFile, resourceContent); } } /** * Creates necessary folders, if necessary. * * @param folder the deep folder to create (or check it already exists) * @return true if the folders exist after call to this method (they already existed, or they have just been created) */ protected boolean createFoldersIfNecessary(File folder) { return folder.exists() || folder.mkdirs(); } public void storeSecurityScript(long tenantId, String scriptFileContent, String fileName, String[] folders) throws IOException, BonitaHomeNotSetException { final Folder secuFolder = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkSecurityFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); Folder current = secuFolder; for (String folder : folders) { current = new Folder(current, folder); current.create(); } final File fileToWrite = current.newFile(fileName);, scriptFileContent); } public void createProcess(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { FolderMgr.createTenantWorkProcessFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); FolderMgr.createTenantTempProcessFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); } private File getParameterFile(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return getProcessFolder(tenantId, processId).getFile(""); } public Properties getParameters(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return PropertiesManager.getProperties(getParameterFile(tenantId, processId)); } public void storeParameters(long tenantId, long processId, Properties properties) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { PropertiesManager.saveProperties(properties, getParameterFile(tenantId, processId)); } public boolean hasParameters(long tenantId, long processId) throws IOException, BonitaHomeNotSetException { final File file = getParameterFile(tenantId, processId); return file.exists(); } public boolean deleteParameters(long tenantId, long processId) throws IOException, BonitaHomeNotSetException { final File file = getParameterFile(tenantId, processId); return file.delete(); } public File[] getUserFiltersFiles(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return getUserFiltersFolder(tenantId, processId).listFiles(); } private Folder getUserFiltersFolder(long tenantId, long processId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getTenantWorkProcessUserFiltersFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId, processId); } public File getSecurityScriptsFolder(long tenantId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getTenantWorkSecurityFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId).getFile(); } public void modifyTechnicalUser(long tenantId, String userName, String password) throws IOException, BonitaHomeNotSetException { final Folder workFolder = FolderMgr.getTenantWorkFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), tenantId); final File propertiesFile = workFolder.getFile(""); final Map<String, String> pairs = new HashMap<>(); if (userName != null) { pairs.put("userName", userName); } if (password != null) { pairs.put("userPassword", password); }, pairs); } public byte[] exportBarProcessContentUnderHome(long tenantId, long processId, final String actorMappingContent) throws IOException, BonitaHomeNotSetException { final FileOutputStream actorMappingOS = getProcessDefinitionFileOutputstream(tenantId, processId, "actorMapping.xml"); IOUtil.writeContentToFileOutputStream(actorMappingContent, actorMappingOS); //final FileOutputStream parametersOS = getProcessDefinitionFileOutputstream(tenantId, processId, ""); //IOUtil.writeContentToFileOutputStream(parametersContent, parametersOS); final Folder processFolder = getProcessFolder(tenantId, processId); return; } public URI getGlobalTemporaryFolder() throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getPlatformGobalClassLoaderFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder()).toURI(); } public URI getLocalTemporaryFolder(final String artifactType, final long artifactId) throws BonitaHomeNotSetException, IOException { return FolderMgr.getPlatformLocalClassLoaderFolder(getBonitaHomeFolder(), artifactType, artifactId).toURI(); } }