Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 BonitaSoft S.A. * BonitaSoft, 31 rue Gustave Eiffel - 38000 Grenoble * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.labels; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.CSSClassManager; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.cases.CaseItem; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.cases.CaseUUID; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.controller.LabelAssociationController; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.i18n.LocaleUtil; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.labels.LabelModel; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.labels.LabelUUID; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.cases.CaseDataSource; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.cases.CaseSelection; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.labels.LabelDataSource; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.BonitaPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Nicolas Chabanoles * */ public class LabelAssociationWidget extends BonitaPanel { private static final String PARTIALLY_CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX = "b-tristatecheckbox-partially-checked"; private static final String CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX = "b-tristatecheckbox-fully-checked"; private static final String EMPTY_TRISTATECHECKBOX = "b-tristatecheckbox"; private static final HashSet<LabelUUID> myLabelsToAddToCaseSelection = new HashSet<LabelUUID>(); private static final HashSet<LabelUUID> myLabelsToRemoveFromCaseSelection = new HashSet<LabelUUID>(); private enum TriState { EMPTY, PARTIAL, FULL; } /* * A ClickHandler implementation that will manage the binding between the * myCases and the labels. */ private class LabelClickHandler implements ClickHandler { private LabelUUID myLabelUUID; private TriState myInitialState; private TriState myCurrentState; private Image myImage; private String myInitialImageStyle; /** * * Default constructor. * * @param aLabelUUID * @param anInitialState * @param anImage */ public LabelClickHandler(final LabelUUID aLabelUUID, final TriState anInitialState, Image anImage) { myLabelUUID = aLabelUUID; myInitialState = anInitialState; myCurrentState = anInitialState; switch (myInitialState) { case EMPTY: myInitialImageStyle = EMPTY_TRISTATECHECKBOX; break; case PARTIAL: myInitialImageStyle = PARTIALLY_CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX; break; case FULL: myInitialImageStyle = CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX; break; default: break; } myImage = anImage; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * .event.dom.client.ClickEvent) */ public void onClick(ClickEvent aEvent) { /* * Default behavior is to round from EMPTY to PARTIAL and then to FULL. * The transition from EMPTY to PARTIAL is equivalent to cancel changes. */ if (myCaseSelection.getSize() > 0) { switch (myCurrentState) { case EMPTY: addLabelToCaseSelection(myLabelUUID); break; case PARTIAL: addLabelToCaseSelection(myLabelUUID); break; case FULL: removeLabelFromCaseSelection(myLabelUUID); break; default: break; } // Update the current state. if (myCurrentState == TriState.FULL) { myCurrentState = TriState.EMPTY; myImage.setStylePrimaryName(EMPTY_TRISTATECHECKBOX); } else { if (myCurrentState == TriState.EMPTY && myInitialState == TriState.PARTIAL) { // Transition from EMPTY to PARTIAL myCurrentState = myInitialState; myImage.setStylePrimaryName(myInitialImageStyle); } else { // Transition from PARTIAL or EMPTY to FULL myCurrentState = TriState.FULL; myImage.setStylePrimaryName(CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX); } } if (myCurrentState == myInitialState) { cancelModifications(myLabelUUID); } } } private void cancelModifications(LabelUUID aLabelUUID) { myLabelsToAddToCaseSelection.remove(aLabelUUID); myLabelsToRemoveFromCaseSelection.remove(aLabelUUID); } private void addLabelToCaseSelection(LabelUUID aLabelUUID) { myLabelsToAddToCaseSelection.add(aLabelUUID); } private void removeLabelFromCaseSelection(LabelUUID aLabelUUID) { myLabelsToRemoveFromCaseSelection.add(aLabelUUID); } } /* * Capture the events coming from the mouse to dynamically update the css * style of table entries. */ private class MouseHandler implements MouseOverHandler, MouseOutHandler { private static final String DEPENDENT_STYLENAME_SELECTED_ITEM = "selected"; private int myRow; public MouseHandler(int aRow) { myRow = aRow; } public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent aEvent) { myLabelSelection.getRowFormatter().removeStyleName(myRow, DEPENDENT_STYLENAME_SELECTED_ITEM); } public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent aEvent) { myLabelSelection.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(myRow, DEPENDENT_STYLENAME_SELECTED_ITEM); } } private CaseSelection myCaseSelection; private LabelDataSource myLabelDataSource; LabelAssociationController myController; ScrollPanel theScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); // Create the panel for the list of labels. FlexTable myLabelSelection = new FlexTable(); protected final Label myApplyLabel = new Label(constants.apply()); private CaseDataSource myCaseDataSource; /** * Default constructor. * * @param aController * @param aCaseDataSource * * @param aCaseDataSource * * @param aCaseSelection * @param aLabelDataSource */ public LabelAssociationWidget(LabelAssociationController aController, CaseDataSource aCaseDataSource, CaseSelection aCaseSelection, LabelDataSource aLabelDataSource) { super(); myController = aController; myCaseDataSource = aCaseDataSource; myCaseSelection = aCaseSelection; myLabelDataSource = aLabelDataSource; myApplyLabel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent aEvent) { applyChanges(); } }); // Update the UI. myLabelSelection.setStyleName("label_selection"); theScrollPanel.add(myLabelSelection); update(); this.initWidget(theScrollPanel); } /** * Update the UI. */ private void update() { // first of all clean the panel myLabelSelection.clear(); final List<LabelModel> theLabels = myLabelDataSource.getAllLabels(); // CheckBox theCheckBox; Image theSelectorImage; LabelModel theLabelModel; Image theLabelIcon; Label theLabel; MouseHandler theMouseHandler; LabelClickHandler theClickHandler; int theNbSelectedCaseHavingCurrentLabel; int theNbCaseSelected = myCaseSelection.getSelectedItems().size(); int row = 0; // Create an entry for each label. for (int i = 0; i < theLabels.size(); i++) { theLabelModel = theLabels.get(i); if (theLabelModel.isAssignableByUser()) { // The state of the checkbox depends on the number of // occurrences. // If the label is associated to all cases it must be // selected. // If the label is not associated to any case it must NOT be // selected. // If it is associated at least one but not all cases, it must // be // "partially" selected. theSelectorImage = new Image(PICTURE_PLACE_HOLDER); theNbSelectedCaseHavingCurrentLabel = countSelectedCases(theLabelModel.getUUID()); // myCaseSelection.getSelectedCaseCount(theLabelModel); if (theNbSelectedCaseHavingCurrentLabel == 0 || theNbCaseSelected == 0) { // Empty checkbox theSelectorImage.setStylePrimaryName(EMPTY_TRISTATECHECKBOX); theClickHandler = new LabelClickHandler(theLabelModel.getUUID(), TriState.EMPTY, theSelectorImage); theSelectorImage.addClickHandler(theClickHandler); } else { if (theNbSelectedCaseHavingCurrentLabel == theNbCaseSelected) { // Checkbox fully checked theSelectorImage.setStylePrimaryName(CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX); theClickHandler = new LabelClickHandler(theLabelModel.getUUID(), TriState.FULL, theSelectorImage); theSelectorImage.addClickHandler(theClickHandler); } else { // Checkbox partially checked theSelectorImage.setStylePrimaryName(PARTIALLY_CHECKED_TRISTATECHECKBOX); theClickHandler = new LabelClickHandler(theLabelModel.getUUID(), TriState.PARTIAL, theSelectorImage); theSelectorImage.addClickHandler(theClickHandler); } } theLabel = new Label(LocaleUtil.translate(theLabelModel.getUUID())); theMouseHandler = new MouseHandler(row); theLabel.addMouseOverHandler(theMouseHandler); theLabel.addMouseOutHandler(theMouseHandler); // Bind the same click handler as the checkbox, to allow the // user to click on the label or the check box to achieve the // same result. theLabel.addClickHandler(theClickHandler); theLabelIcon = new Image(PICTURE_PLACE_HOLDER); if (theLabelModel.getIconCSSStyle() != null && theLabelModel.getIconCSSStyle().trim().length() > 0) { theLabelIcon.setStylePrimaryName(theLabelModel.getIconCSSStyle()); } else { theLabelIcon.setWidth("60%"); } theLabelIcon.addMouseOverHandler(theMouseHandler); theLabelIcon.addMouseOutHandler(theMouseHandler); // Bind the same click handler as the checkbox, to allow the // user to click on the label or the check box to achieve the // same result. theLabelIcon.addClickHandler(theClickHandler); myLabelSelection.setWidget(row, 0, theSelectorImage); myLabelSelection.setWidget(row, 1, theLabel); myLabelSelection.setWidget(row, 2, theLabelIcon); myLabelSelection.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(row, CSSClassManager.POPUP_MENU_ENTRY); myLabelSelection.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(row, 0, 1); row++; } } if (row > 0) { myLabelSelection.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(row, "menu_separator"); myLabelSelection.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(row, 0, 3); row++; myLabelSelection.setWidget(row, 0, myApplyLabel); myLabelSelection.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(row, 0, 3); myLabelSelection.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(row, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); myLabelSelection.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(row, CSSClassManager.POPUP_MENU_ENTRY); theMouseHandler = new MouseHandler(row); myApplyLabel.addMouseOverHandler(theMouseHandler); myApplyLabel.addMouseOutHandler(theMouseHandler); } } private int countSelectedCases(LabelUUID aLabelUUID) { int theResult = 0; ArrayList<CaseUUID> theCaseUUIDs = myCaseSelection.getSelectedItems(); for (CaseUUID theCaseUUID : theCaseUUIDs) { CaseItem theCaseItem = myCaseDataSource.getItem(theCaseUUID); if (theCaseItem.getLabels().contains(aLabelUUID)) { theResult += 1; } } return theResult; } /** * Apply the chnages on data source. */ void applyChanges() { if (myCaseSelection.getSize() > 0) { myController.applyChanges(myLabelsToAddToCaseSelection, myLabelsToRemoveFromCaseSelection, new HashSet<CaseUUID>(myCaseSelection.getSelectedItems())); } } /* * Reset the state of the widget and update the UI. */ private void reset() { myLabelsToAddToCaseSelection.clear(); myLabelsToRemoveFromCaseSelection.clear(); update(); } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); reset(); } }