Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010 BonitaSoft S.A. * BonitaSoft, 31 rue Gustave Eiffel - 38000 Grenoble * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.identity; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.CSSClassManager; import; import; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.identity.Group; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.identity.MembershipItem; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.identity.Role; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.identity.User; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.MessageDataSource; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.identity.GroupDataSource; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.identity.RoleDataSource; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.model.identity.UserDataSource; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.users.UserUUID; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.BonitaPanel; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.CustomDialogBox; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.CustomMenuBar; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.Focusable; import org.bonitasoft.console.client.view.HasValidator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Nicolas Chabanoles * */ public class UserMembershipsEditorPanel extends BonitaPanel implements HasValidator, Focusable, ModelChangeListener { protected final UserDataSource myUserDataSource; protected User myUser = null; protected Panel myOuterPanel = new FlexTable(); protected HTML errorMessageLabel = new HTML(); private Grid myMembershipsList; protected final Set<Integer> myMembershipRowSelection; protected Set<MembershipItem> myUserMemberships; protected Map<Integer, MembershipItem> myRowItem = new HashMap<Integer, MembershipItem>(); protected final GroupViewer myGroupViewerPanel; protected final RoleViewer myRoleViewerPanel; protected Group myGroupToAdd; protected Role myRoleToAdd; protected final Label myAddErrorValidationMessage; protected CustomDialogBox myAddMembershipPopup; protected String restoreUsername = null; protected Set<MembershipItem> restoreAddRowItem = new HashSet<MembershipItem>(); protected Set<MembershipItem> restoreDeleteRowItem = new HashSet<MembershipItem>(); protected boolean isRestoreAddMembership = false; protected boolean isRestoreDeleteMembership = false; protected MessageDataSource myMessageDataSource; public UserMembershipsEditorPanel(final MessageDataSource aMessageDataSource, final UserDataSource userDataSource, final GroupDataSource aGroupDataSource, final RoleDataSource aRoleDataSource) { super(); myMessageDataSource = aMessageDataSource; myUserDataSource = userDataSource; myMembershipRowSelection = new HashSet<Integer>(); myGroupViewerPanel = new GroupViewer(aGroupDataSource, null, true); myRoleViewerPanel = new RoleViewer(aRoleDataSource, null, true); myGroupViewerPanel.addModelChangeListener(GroupViewer.GROUP_PROPERTY, this); myRoleViewerPanel.addModelChangeListener(RoleViewer.ROLE_PROPERTY, this); myAddErrorValidationMessage = new Label(); myOuterPanel = buildContent(); initWidget(myOuterPanel); } private Panel buildContent() { FlowPanel theResult = new FlowPanel(); ScrollPanel theScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); myMembershipsList = new Grid(1, 3); myMembershipsList.setWidth("100%"); myMembershipsList.setStylePrimaryName("item_list"); myMembershipsList.setWidget(0, 0, buildSelectAllSelector()); myMembershipsList.setHTML(0, 1, constants.groupPath()); myMembershipsList.setHTML(0, 2, constants.membershipRoleName()); myMembershipsList.getRowFormatter().setStylePrimaryName(0, "item_list_content_row_title"); theScrollPanel.setWidget(myMembershipsList); final CustomMenuBar theActionButtons = new CustomMenuBar(); theActionButtons.addItem(constants.add(), new Command() { public void execute() { showAddMembershipPopup(); } }); theActionButtons.addItem(constants.delete(), new Command() { public void execute() { removeSelectedItems(); } }); theResult.add(theScrollPanel); theResult.add(theActionButtons); return theResult; } protected void showAddMembershipPopup() { if (myAddMembershipPopup == null) { buildAddMembershipPopup(); }; } protected void buildAddMembershipPopup() { myAddMembershipPopup = new CustomDialogBox(false, true); myAddMembershipPopup.addStyleName("bos_user_add_membership"); myAddMembershipPopup.setText(constants.addMembershipGroupPanelCaption()); final FlowPanel thePopupContent = new FlowPanel(); final Grid theAddPanel = new Grid(2, 2); theAddPanel.setStylePrimaryName(CSSClassManager.GROUP_PANEL_CONTENT); theAddPanel.setWidget(0, 0, new Label(constants.chooseAGroup())); theAddPanel.setWidget(0, 1, myGroupViewerPanel); theAddPanel.setWidget(1, 0, new Label(constants.chooseARole())); theAddPanel.setWidget(1, 1, myRoleViewerPanel); final FlowPanel theActionsWrapper = new FlowPanel(); theActionsWrapper.setStylePrimaryName("bos_action_wrapper"); final CustomMenuBar theAddButton = new CustomMenuBar(); theAddButton.addItem(constants.add(), new Command() { public void execute() { if (addItem()) { myAddMembershipPopup.hide(); } } }); final CustomMenuBar theCancelButton = new CustomMenuBar(); theCancelButton.addItem(constants.cancel(), new Command() { public void execute() { myGroupViewerPanel.setItem(null); myRoleViewerPanel.setItem(null); myAddMembershipPopup.hide(); myGroupToAdd = null; myRoleToAdd = null; } }); theActionsWrapper.add(theAddButton); theActionsWrapper.add(theCancelButton); thePopupContent.add(myAddErrorValidationMessage); thePopupContent.add(theAddPanel); thePopupContent.add(theActionsWrapper); myAddMembershipPopup.add(thePopupContent); } protected boolean addItem() { int addRestoreRowItem = 1; Boolean isExists = false; MembershipItem theMembershipToAdd; if (myGroupToAdd != null && myRoleToAdd != null) { if (myUser != null) { theMembershipToAdd = new MembershipItem(myUser.getUUID(), myGroupToAdd, myRoleToAdd); } else { theMembershipToAdd = new MembershipItem(null, myGroupToAdd, myRoleToAdd); } for (MembershipItem theUserMembershipItem : myUserMemberships) { if (theUserMembershipItem.getGroup().equals(myGroupToAdd) && theUserMembershipItem.getRole().equals(myRoleToAdd)) { isExists = true; } } if (isExists) { myAddMembershipPopup.hide(); myMessageDataSource.addWarningMessage(messages.alreadyAddedTheMembership()); myGroupViewerPanel.setItem(null); myRoleViewerPanel.setItem(null); setErrorMessage(null); myGroupToAdd = null; myRoleToAdd = null; } else { if (myUserMemberships.add(theMembershipToAdd)) { if (myUser != null) { myUser.getMembership().add(theMembershipToAdd); } restoreAddRowItem.add(theMembershipToAdd); addRestoreRowItem++; updateMembershipsList(); myGroupViewerPanel.setItem(null); myRoleViewerPanel.setItem(null); setErrorMessage(null); myGroupToAdd = null; myRoleToAdd = null; return true; } else { myMessageDataSource.addWarningMessage(messages.alreadyAddedTheMembership()); } } } return false; } protected void removeSelectedItems() { int theRowIndex = myMembershipsList.getRowCount() - 1; int addRestoreRowItem = 1; Widget theWidget; MembershipItem theMembershipToRemove; MembershipItem theMembershipToReload; MembershipItem theMembershipToRestoreItem; if (myUser != null) { myUser.getMembership().clear(); } restoreDeleteRowItem.clear(); for (int i = theRowIndex; i >= 1; i--) { theWidget = myMembershipsList.getWidget(i, 0); if (theWidget instanceof CheckBox) { if (((CheckBox) theWidget).getValue()) { theMembershipToRestoreItem = new MembershipItem(myRowItem.get(i).getUUID(), myRowItem.get(i).getGroup(), myRowItem.get(i).getRole()); restoreDeleteRowItem.add(theMembershipToRestoreItem); addRestoreRowItem++; myMembershipsList.removeRow(i); // remove mapping between row and membership theMembershipToRemove = myRowItem.remove(i); if (theMembershipToRemove != null) { myUserMemberships.remove(theMembershipToRemove); } else { GWT.log("Trying to remove a membership that is not identified.", new NullPointerException()); } } else { theMembershipToReload = myRowItem.get(i); if (theMembershipToReload != null) { myUser.getMembership().add(theMembershipToReload); } } } } } /** * This fuction restore the add membershipif you cancel the operation */ public void restoreAddUserMemberships() { for (MembershipItem theMembership : restoreAddRowItem) { myUserMemberships.remove(theMembership); } restoreAddRowItem.clear(); } /** * This fuction restore the delete the membership if you cancel the operation */ public void restoreDeleteUserMemberships() { for (MembershipItem theMembership : restoreDeleteRowItem) { myUserMemberships.add(theMembership); } restoreDeleteRowItem.clear(); } /** * add the memberships to a new user. */ public void saveMembershipsToNewUser() { for (MembershipItem theMembership : restoreAddRowItem) { MembershipItem theMembershipToNewUserItem = new MembershipItem(myUser.getUUID(), theMembership.getGroup(), theMembership.getRole()); myUser.getMembership().add(theMembershipToNewUserItem); } restoreDeleteRowItem.clear(); } /** * @param row */ private Widget buildItemSelector(final int row) { final CheckBox theSelectItemCheckBox = new CheckBox(); theSelectItemCheckBox.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent aEvent) { if (aEvent.getSource() instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox theCheckBox = (CheckBox) aEvent.getSource(); if (theCheckBox.getValue()) { myMembershipRowSelection.add(row); } else { myMembershipRowSelection.remove(row); } } } }); return theSelectItemCheckBox; } private Widget buildSelectAllSelector() { final CheckBox theSelectAllCheckBox = new CheckBox(); theSelectAllCheckBox.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent aEvent) { if (aEvent.getSource() instanceof CheckBox) { CheckBox theCheckBox = (CheckBox) aEvent.getSource(); selectAllRows(theCheckBox.getValue()); } } }); return theSelectAllCheckBox; } /** * @param aValue */ protected void selectAllRows(Boolean aValue) { for (int i = 1; i < myMembershipsList.getRowCount(); i++) { Widget theWidget = myMembershipsList.getWidget(i, 0); if (theWidget instanceof CheckBox) { ((CheckBox) theWidget).setValue(aValue, true); } } } public void setFocus() { // Nothing to do here. } public boolean validate() { return true; } /** * @param anItem */ public void update(UserUUID anItem) { if (anItem != null) { myUser = myUserDataSource.getItem(anItem); } else { myUser = null; } // Reset the user memberships myUserMemberships = new HashSet<MembershipItem>(); if (myUser == null) { myMembershipsList.resize(1, 3); } else { // Store locally the user memberships for future update. if (myUser.getMembership() != null) { myUserMemberships.addAll(myUser.getMembership()); } if (myUser.getUsername().equals(restoreUsername)) { if (isRestoreAddMembership) { restoreAddUserMemberships(); isRestoreAddMembership = false; } if (isRestoreDeleteMembership) { restoreDeleteUserMemberships(); isRestoreDeleteMembership = false; } } else { restoreAddRowItem.clear(); restoreDeleteRowItem.clear(); } updateMembershipsList(); } } private void updateMembershipsList() { int theNbOfRow = 1; if (myUserMemberships != null) { theNbOfRow += myUserMemberships.size(); } myMembershipsList.resize(theNbOfRow, 3); if (myUserMemberships != null && !myUserMemberships.isEmpty()) { int theCurrentRow = 1; for (MembershipItem theMembership : myUserMemberships) { myMembershipsList.setWidget(theCurrentRow, 0, buildItemSelector(theCurrentRow)); myMembershipsList.setHTML(theCurrentRow, 1, Group.buildGroupPath(theMembership.getGroup())); myMembershipsList.setWidget(theCurrentRow, 2, new Label(theMembership.getRole().getLabel())); myMembershipsList.getRowFormatter().setStylePrimaryName(theCurrentRow, "item_list_content_row"); // keep mapping between row and membership myRowItem.put(theCurrentRow, theMembership); theCurrentRow++; } } } /** * Create a new user with its personal info. Other fields are set to null; * * @return */ public Set<MembershipItem> getUserMemberships() { final Set<MembershipItem> theResult = new HashSet<MembershipItem>(myUserMemberships); return theResult; } /** * @param anErrorMessage */ public void setErrorMessage(String anErrorMessage) { errorMessageLabel.setHTML(anErrorMessage); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ public void modelChange(ModelChangeEvent aEvt) { if (RoleViewer.ROLE_PROPERTY.equals(aEvt.getPropertyName())) { final Role theNewValue = (Role) aEvt.getNewValue(); myRoleToAdd = theNewValue; } else if (GroupViewer.GROUP_PROPERTY.equals(aEvt.getPropertyName())) { final Group theNewValue = (Group) aEvt.getNewValue(); myGroupToAdd = theNewValue; } } /** * @param myUser the myUser to set */ public void setMyUser(User myUser) { this.myUser = myUser; } /** * @param restoreUsername the restoreUsername to set */ public void setRestoreUsername(String restoreUsername) { this.restoreUsername = restoreUsername; } /** * @return the restoreAddRowItem */ public Set<MembershipItem> getRestoreAddRowItem() { return restoreAddRowItem; } /** * @return the restoreDeleteRowItem */ public Set<MembershipItem> getRestoreDeleteRowItem() { return restoreDeleteRowItem; } /** * @param isRestoreAddMembership the isRestoreAddMembership to set */ public void setRestoreAddMembership(boolean isRestoreAddMembership) { this.isRestoreAddMembership = isRestoreAddMembership; } /** * @param isRestoreDeleteMembership the isRestoreDeleteMembership to set */ public void setRestoreDeleteMembership(boolean isRestoreDeleteMembership) { this.isRestoreDeleteMembership = isRestoreDeleteMembership; } }