Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Dynamic Surroundings, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) OreCruncher * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.handlers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.DSurround; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.ModOptions; import; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.event.DiagnosticEvent; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.event.ServerDataEvent; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.handlers.scanners.BattleScanner; import; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.ArmorClass; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeRegistry; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.DimensionInfo; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.DimensionRegistry; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.Evaluator; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.RegistryManager; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.SeasonRegistry; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.SeasonType; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.TemperatureRating; import org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.RegistryManager.RegistryType; import org.blockartistry.lib.MinecraftClock; import org.blockartistry.lib.PlayerUtils; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntDoubleProcedure; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.MobEffects; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent; import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = DSurround.MOD_ID) public class EnvironStateHandler extends EffectHandlerBase { // Diagnostic strings to display in the debug HUD private List<String> diagnostics = ImmutableList.of(); // TPS status strings to display private List<String> serverDataReport = ImmutableList.of(); public static class EnvironState { // State that is gathered from the various sources // to avoid requery. Used during the tick. private static String biomeName; private static BiomeInfo playerBiome = null; private static BiomeInfo truePlayerBiome = null; private static SeasonType season; private static int dimensionId; private static String dimensionName; private static DimensionInfo dimInfo = DimensionInfo.NONE; private static BlockPos playerPosition; private static EntityPlayer player; private static World world; private static boolean freezing; private static boolean humid; private static boolean dry; private static TemperatureRating playerTemperature; private static TemperatureRating biomeTemperature; private static boolean inside; private static ArmorClass armorClass; private static ArmorClass footArmorClass; private static boolean inVillage; private static boolean isUnderground; private static boolean isInSpace; private static boolean isInClouds; private static int lightLevel; private static int tickCounter; private static MinecraftClock clock = new MinecraftClock(); private static BattleScanner battle = new BattleScanner(); private static BlockPos getPlayerPos() { return new BlockPos(player.posX, player.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, player.posZ); } private static void reset() { final BiomeInfo WTF = RegistryManager.<BiomeRegistry>get(RegistryType.BIOME).WTF_INFO; biomeName = StringUtils.EMPTY; playerBiome = WTF; truePlayerBiome = WTF; season = SeasonType.NONE; dimensionId = 0; dimensionName = StringUtils.EMPTY; dimInfo = DimensionInfo.NONE; playerPosition = BlockPos.ORIGIN; player = null; world = null; freezing = false; humid = false; dry = false; playerTemperature = TemperatureRating.MILD; biomeTemperature = TemperatureRating.MILD; inside = false; armorClass = ArmorClass.NONE; footArmorClass = ArmorClass.NONE; inVillage = false; isUnderground = false; isInSpace = false; isInClouds = false; lightLevel = 0; tickCounter = 0; clock = new MinecraftClock(); battle = new BattleScanner(); } private static void tick(final World world, final EntityPlayer player) { final BiomeRegistry biomes = RegistryManager.<BiomeRegistry>get(RegistryType.BIOME); final SeasonRegistry seasons = RegistryManager.<SeasonRegistry>get(RegistryType.SEASON); final DimensionRegistry dimensions = RegistryManager.<DimensionRegistry>get(RegistryType.DIMENSION); EnvironState.player = player; =; EnvironState.dimInfo = dimensions.getData(; EnvironState.clock.update(; EnvironState.playerBiome = PlayerUtils.getPlayerBiome(player, false); EnvironState.biomeName = EnvironState.playerBiome.getBiomeName(); EnvironState.season = seasons.getSeasonType(world); EnvironState.dimensionId = world.provider.getDimension(); EnvironState.dimensionName = world.provider.getDimensionType().getName(); EnvironState.playerPosition = getPlayerPos(); EnvironState.inside = AreaSurveyHandler.isReallyInside(); EnvironState.truePlayerBiome = PlayerUtils.getPlayerBiome(player, true); EnvironState.freezing = EnvironState.truePlayerBiome .getFloatTemperature(EnvironState.playerPosition) < 0.15F; EnvironState.playerTemperature = seasons.getPlayerTemperature(world); EnvironState.biomeTemperature = seasons.getBiomeTemperature(world, getPlayerPosition()); EnvironState.humid = EnvironState.truePlayerBiome.isHighHumidity(); EnvironState.dry = EnvironState.truePlayerBiome.getRainfall() < 0.2F; EnvironState.armorClass = ArmorClass.effectiveArmorClass(player); EnvironState.footArmorClass = ArmorClass.footArmorClass(player); EnvironState.isUnderground = EnvironState.playerBiome == biomes.UNDERGROUND_INFO; EnvironState.isInSpace = EnvironState.playerBiome == biomes.OUTERSPACE_INFO; EnvironState.isInClouds = EnvironState.playerBiome == biomes.CLOUDS_INFO; final BlockPos pos = EnvironState.getPlayerPosition(); final int blockLight = world.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, pos); final int skyLight = world.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, pos) - world.calculateSkylightSubtracted(1.0F); EnvironState.lightLevel = Math.max(blockLight, skyLight); // Trigger the battle scanner if (ModOptions.enableBattleMusic) EnvironState.battle.update(); else EnvironState.battle.reset(); if (!Minecraft.getMinecraft().isGamePaused()) EnvironState.tickCounter++; } public static MinecraftClock getClock() { return clock; } public static BattleScanner getBattleScanner() { return battle; } public static DimensionInfo getDimensionInfo() { return dimInfo; } public static BiomeInfo getPlayerBiome() { return playerBiome; } public static BiomeInfo getTruePlayerBiome() { return truePlayerBiome; } public static String getBiomeName() { return biomeName; } public static SeasonType getSeason() { return season; } public static TemperatureRating getPlayerTemperature() { return playerTemperature; } public static TemperatureRating getBiomeTemperature() { return biomeTemperature; } public static int getDimensionId() { return dimensionId; } public static String getDimensionName() { return dimensionName; } public static EntityPlayer getPlayer() { return player; } public static World getWorld() { return world; } public static BlockPos getPlayerPosition() { return playerPosition; } public static boolean isPlayer(final Entity entity) { if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { final EntityPlayer ep = (EntityPlayer) entity; return player == null || ep.getUniqueID().equals(player.getUniqueID()); } return false; } public static boolean isPlayer(final UUID id) { return player == null || player.getUniqueID().equals(id); } public static boolean isPlayer(final int id) { return player == null || player.getEntityId() == id; } public static boolean isCreative() { return player != null && player.capabilities.isCreativeMode; } public static boolean isPlayerHurt() { return player != null && ModOptions.playerHurtThreshold != 0 && !isCreative() && player.getHealth() <= ModOptions.playerHurtThreshold; } public static boolean isPlayerHungry() { return player != null && ModOptions.playerHungerThreshold != 0 && !isCreative() && player.getFoodStats().getFoodLevel() <= ModOptions.playerHungerThreshold; } public static boolean isPlayerBurning() { return player != null && player.isBurning(); } public static boolean isPlayerSuffocating() { return player != null && player.getAir() <= 0; } public static boolean isPlayerFlying() { return player != null && player.capabilities.isFlying; } public static boolean isPlayerSprinting() { return player != null && player.isSprinting(); } public static boolean isPlayerInLava() { return player != null && player.isInLava(); } public static boolean isPlayerInvisible() { return player != null && player.isInvisible(); } public static boolean isPlayerBlind() { return player != null && player.isPotionActive(MobEffects.BLINDNESS); } public static boolean isPlayerInWater() { return player != null && player.isInWater(); } public static boolean isPlayerRiding() { return player != null && player.isRiding(); } public static boolean isPlayerOnGround() { return player != null && player.onGround; } public static boolean isPlayerMoving() { return player != null && player.distanceWalkedModified != player.prevDistanceWalkedModified; } public static boolean isPlayerSneaking() { return player != null && player.isSneaking(); } public static boolean isPlayerInside() { return inside; } public static boolean isPlayerUnderground() { return isUnderground; } public static boolean isPlayerInSpace() { return isInSpace; } public static boolean isPlayerInClouds() { return isInClouds; } public static boolean isFreezing() { return freezing; } public static boolean isHumid() { return humid; } public static boolean isDry() { return dry; } public static ArmorClass getPlayerArmorClass() { return armorClass; } public static ArmorClass getPlayerFootArmorClass() { return footArmorClass; } public static boolean inVillage() { return inVillage; } public static int getLightLevel() { return lightLevel; } public static int getTickCounter() { return tickCounter; } public static double distanceToPlayer(final double x, final double y, final double z) { return player != null ? player.getDistanceSq(x, y, z) : 0D; } } public EnvironStateHandler() { super("EnvironStateEffectHandler"); } @Override public void process(@Nonnull final World world, @Nonnull final EntityPlayer player) { EnvironState.tick(world, player); // Gather diagnostics if needed if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.showDebugInfo && ModOptions.enableDebugLogging) { DSurround.getProfiler().startSection("GatherDebug"); final DiagnosticEvent.Gather gather = new DiagnosticEvent.Gather(world, player);; this.diagnostics = gather.output; DSurround.getProfiler().endSection(); } else { this.diagnostics = null; } } /** * Hook the entity join world event so we can get the player and world info * ASAP. */ @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public static void onEntityJoin(@Nonnull final EntityJoinWorldEvent event) { if (event.getWorld().isRemote && event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayerSP) { EnvironState.tick(event.getWorld(), (EntityPlayer) event.getEntity()); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onEnvironmentEvent(@Nonnull final EnvironmentEvent event) { EnvironState.inVillage = event.inVillage; } /** * Hook the Forge text event to add on our diagnostics */ @SubscribeEvent public void onGatherText(@Nonnull final RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text event) { if (this.diagnostics != null && !this.diagnostics.isEmpty()) { event.getLeft().add(""); event.getLeft().addAll(this.diagnostics); } if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.showDebugInfo && this.serverDataReport != null) { event.getRight().add(" "); event.getRight().addAll(this.serverDataReport); } } @Override public void onConnect() { this.diagnostics = null; this.serverDataReport = null; EnvironState.reset(); } @Override public void onDisconnect() { this.diagnostics = null; this.serverDataReport = null; EnvironState.reset(); } // Use the new scripting system to pull out data to display // for debug. Good for testing. private final static String[] scripts = { "'Dim: ' + player.dimension + '/' + player.dimensionName", "'Biome: ' + + '; Temp ' + biome.temperature + '/' + biome.temperatureValue + ' rainfall: ' + biome.rainfall", "'Weather: ' + IF(weather.isRaining,'rainfall: ' + weather.rainfall,'not raining') + IF(weather.isThundering,' thundering','') + ' Temp: ' + weather.temperature + '/' + weather.temperatureValue", "'Season: ' + season + IF(isNight,' night',' day') + IF(player.isInside,' inside',' outside')", "'Player: Temp ' + player.temperature + '; health ' + + '/' + player.maxHealth + '; food ' + + '; saturation ' + + IF(player.isHurt,' isHurt','') + IF(player.isHungry,' isHungry','') + ' pos: (' + player.X + ',' + player.Y + ',' + player.Z + ') light: ' + player.lightLevel", "'Village: ' + player.inVillage" }; @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void diagnostics(final DiagnosticEvent.Gather event) { for (final String s : scripts) { final String result = Evaluator.eval(s).toString(); event.output.add(result); } event.output.add(WeatherProperties.diagnostic()); event.output.add("Aurora: " + (AuroraEffectHandler.getCurrentAurora() == null ? "NONE" : AuroraEffectHandler.getCurrentAurora().toString())); final List<String> badScripts = Evaluator.getNaughtyList(); for (final String s : badScripts) { event.output.add("BAD SCRIPT: " + s); } } @Nonnull private static TextFormatting getTpsFormatPrefix(final int tps) { if (tps <= 10) return TextFormatting.RED; if (tps <= 15) return TextFormatting.YELLOW; return TextFormatting.GREEN; } @SubscribeEvent public void serverDataEvent(final ServerDataEvent event) { final ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>(); final int diff = -; data.add(TextFormatting.GOLD + "Server Information"); data.add(String.format("Mem: %d%% %03d/%3dMB", diff * 100 / event.max, diff, event.max)); data.add(String.format("Allocated: %d%% %3dMB", * 100 / event.max,; final int tps = (int) Math.min(1000.0D / event.meanTickTime, 20.0D); data.add(String.format("Ticktime Overall:%s %5.3fms (%d TPS)", getTpsFormatPrefix(tps), event.meanTickTime, tps)); event.dimTps.forEachEntry(new TIntDoubleProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(int a, double b) { final String dimName = DimensionManager.getProviderType(a).getName(); final int tps = (int) Math.min(1000.0D / b, 20.0D); data.add(String.format("%s (%d):%s %7.3fms (%d TPS)", dimName, a, getTpsFormatPrefix(tps), b, tps)); return true; } }); Collections.sort(data.subList(4, data.size())); this.serverDataReport = data; } }