Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Y12STUDIO * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.blackbananacoin.incubator.extsupernode; import static; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.Address; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.BCSAPIException; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.Block; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.JMSServerConnector; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.Transaction; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.Hash; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.InMemoryBusConnectionFactory; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.ValidationException; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.BitcoinNetwork; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.Chain; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.Difficulty; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.FixedAddressDiscovery; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.ImplementBCSAPI; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.TxHandler; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.core.TxListener; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.model.LvlMemoryStore; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.model.LvlStore; import com.bitsofproof.supernode.model.Tx; import; import; import; public class SuperNodeApiTester { private final class MyMinerThread extends Thread { private final int numberOfTxInBlock; private final BlockingQueue<Transaction> mempool = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Transaction>(); private final int nblocks; private final Set<String> seen = new HashSet<String>(); private final int timeout; private MyMinerThread(int numberOfTxInBlock, int nblocks, int timeout) { this.numberOfTxInBlock = numberOfTxInBlock; this.nblocks = nblocks; this.timeout = timeout; txhandler.addTransactionListener(new MineTxListener(seen, mempool)); } public void run() { String previousHash = chain.getGenesis().getHash(); for (int blockHeight = 1; blockHeight <= nblocks; ++blockHeight) { try { Block block = prepareBlockToMine(previousHash, blockHeight); mineBlock(block); previousHash = block.getHash(); getApi().sendBlock(block); } catch (ValidationException | BCSAPIException e) { log.error("Server in a box ", e); } } } private Block prepareBlockToMine(String previousHash, int blockHeight) throws ValidationException { Transaction coinbase = Transaction.createCoinbase(minerAddress, MinerTestChain.REWARD_COINS * BkbcUtils.BTC, blockHeight); Block block = createBlock(previousHash, coinbase); if (blockHeight > 1) { List<Transaction> translist = block.getTransactions(); // only poll once ?? if (translist.size() < numberOfTxInBlock) { try { Transaction t = mempool.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (t != null) { translist.add(t); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // Why drainTo?? //mempool.drainTo(translist); log.debug("[PREPARE Block with transaction list size ={}]", translist.size()); } return block; } } private final class MineTxListener implements TxListener { private final Set<String> seen; private final BlockingQueue<Transaction> mempool; private MineTxListener(Set<String> seen, BlockingQueue<Transaction> mempool) { this.seen = seen; this.mempool = mempool; } public void process(Tx transaction, boolean doubleSpend) { synchronized (seen) { if (!transaction.getInputs().get(0).getSourceHash().equals(Hash.ZERO_HASH_STRING) && !seen.contains(transaction.getHash())) { Transaction t = Transaction.fromWireDump(transaction.toWireDump()); mempool.offer(t); seen.add(transaction.getHash()); } } } } // Get a DescriptiveStatistics instance private DescriptiveStatistics statsMs = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private DescriptiveStatistics statsCount = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private ContiguousSet<Integer> nonceTrySet = ContiguousSet .create(Range.closed(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), integers()); private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SuperNodeApiTester.class); private final InMemoryBusConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new InMemoryBusConnectionFactory(); private BitcoinNetwork network; private TxHandler txhandler; private JMSServerConnector api; private ImplementBCSAPI bcsapi; private final Chain chain; private Address minerAddress; public SuperNodeApiTester(Chain theChain) { this.chain = theChain; try { init(); } catch (IOException | ValidationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setNewCoinsAddress(Address a) { minerAddress = a; } public void mineBlock(Block b) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); BigInteger target = Difficulty.getTarget(b.getDifficultyTarget()); log.debug("[Mine] target=0x{}", target.toString(16)); int count = 0; for (Integer nonce : nonceTrySet) { b.setNonce(nonce); b.computeHash(); BigInteger hashAsInteger = new Hash(b.getHash()).toBigInteger(); count++; if (hashAsInteger.compareTo(target) <= 0) { log.debug("[Mine End] count={}, nonce=0x{}", count, Integer.toHexString(nonce)); log.debug("[Mine End] hashInteger=0x{}", hashAsInteger.toString(16)); break; } } statsMs.addValue(stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); statsCount.addValue(count); log.debug("Mine Block with time {} and hash {}", stopwatch, b.getHash()); } public void mine(final int nblocks, final int numberOfTxInBlock, final int timeout) { Thread miner = new MyMinerThread(numberOfTxInBlock, nblocks, timeout); miner.setName("Miner in the box"); miner.setDaemon(true); miner.start(); } public Block createBlock(String previous, Transaction coinbase) { Block block = new Block(); try { Thread.sleep(1001); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } block.setCreateTime(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); block.setDifficultyTarget(chain.getGenesis().getDifficultyTarget()); block.setPreviousHash(previous); block.setVersion(2); block.setNonce(0); block.setTransactions(new ArrayList<Transaction>()); block.getTransactions().add(coinbase); return block; } public void init() throws IOException, ValidationException { createNetwork(); txhandler = new TxHandler(network); setApi(new JMSServerConnector()); getApi().setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); bcsapi = new ImplementBCSAPI(network, txhandler); bcsapi.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); reset(); bcsapi.init(); getApi().init(); } private void createNetwork() throws IOException { FixedAddressDiscovery discovery = new FixedAddressDiscovery(); discovery.setConnectTo("localhost"); LvlStore store = new LvlStore(); store.setStore(new LvlMemoryStore()); network = new BitcoinNetwork(0); network.setChain(chain); network.setStore(store); network.setListen(false); network.setDiscovery(discovery); } public void reset() throws ValidationException { network.getStore().resetStore(chain); network.getStore().cache(chain, 0); txhandler.clear(); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("hello"); } public JMSServerConnector getApi() { return api; } public void setApi(JMSServerConnector api) { this.api = api; } public void showStatResult() {"[Mine count] mean={},stddev={}", statsCount.getMean(), statsCount.getStandardDeviation());"[Mine time] mean={}ms,median={}", statsMs.getMean(), statsMs.getPercentile(50));"stdDev={}", statsMs.getStandardDeviation()); } }