Source code

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 * Copyright 2013 J. Miguel P. Tavares
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.bitpipeline.lib.owm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class WeatherData extends AbstractWeatherData {
    private static final String JSON_CLOUDS = "clouds";
    private static final String JSON_WEATHER = "weather";

    public static class Main extends AbstractWeatherData.Main {
        private final float temp;
        private final float tempMin;
        private final float tempMax;
        private final float pressure;
        private final float humidity;

        public Main(JSONObject json) {
            this.temp = (float) json.optDouble(Main.JSON_TEMP);
            this.tempMin = (float) json.optDouble(Main.JSON_TEMP_MIN);
            this.tempMax = (float) json.optDouble(Main.JSON_TEMP_MAX);
            this.pressure = (float) json.optDouble(Main.JSON_PRESSURE);
            this.humidity = (float) json.optDouble(Main.JSON_HUMIDITY);

        public boolean hasTemp() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.temp);

        public float getTemp() {
            return this.temp;

        public boolean hasTempMin() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.tempMin);

        public float getTempMin() {
            return this.tempMin;

        public boolean hasTempMax() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.tempMax);

        public float getTempMax() {
            return this.tempMax;

        public boolean hasPressure() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.pressure);

        public float getPressure() {
            return this.pressure;

        public boolean hasHumidity() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.humidity);

        public float getHumidity() {
            return this.humidity;

    public static class Wind extends AbstractWeatherData.Wind {
        private final float speed;
        private final int deg;
        private final float gust;
        private final int varBeg;
        private final int varEnd;

        public Wind(JSONObject json) {
            this.speed = (float) json.optDouble(Wind.JSON_SPEED);
            this.deg = json.optInt(Wind.JSON_DEG, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
            this.gust = (float) json.optDouble(Wind.JSON_GUST);
            this.varBeg = json.optInt(Wind.JSON_VAR_BEG, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
            this.varEnd = json.optInt(Wind.JSON_VAR_END, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

        public boolean hasSpeed() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.speed);

        public float getSpeed() {
            return this.speed;

        public boolean hasDeg() {
            return this.deg != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        public int getDeg() {
            return this.deg;

        public boolean hasGust() {
            return !Float.isNaN(this.gust);

        public float getGust() {
            return this.gust;

        public boolean hasVarBeg() {
            return this.varBeg != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        public int getVarBeg() {
            return this.varBeg;

        public boolean hasVarEnd() {
            return this.varEnd != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        public int getVarEnd() {
            return this.varEnd;

    private static class TimedDetails {
        private Map<Integer, Integer> measurements = null;

        TimedDetails() {

        TimedDetails(JSONObject json) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++) {
                String value = json.optString(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%dh", i));
                if (value.length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        putMeasure(i, Integer.valueOf(value));
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {

        public boolean hasMeasures() {
            return this.measurements != null && this.measurements.size() > 0;

        private void putMeasure(int lastHours, Integer value) {
            if (this.measurements == null)
                this.measurements = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
            this.measurements.put(Integer.valueOf(lastHours), value);

        public int getMeasure(int lastHours) {
            return getMeasure(Integer.valueOf(lastHours));

        public int getMeasure(Integer lastHours) {
            if (this.measurements == null)
                return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            Integer value = this.measurements.get(lastHours);
            return value != null ? value.intValue() : Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        public Set<Integer> measurements() {
            if (this.measurements == null)
                return Collections.emptySet();
            return this.measurements.keySet();

    public static class Clouds extends TimedDetails {
        private static final String JSON_ALL = "all";

        public static class CloudDescription {
            private static final String JSON_DISTANCE = "distance";
            private static final String JSON_CONDITION = "condition";
            private static final String JSON_CUMULUS = "cumulus";

            public static enum SkyCondition {
                UNKNOWN("unknown"), FEW("few [12.5%, 25%]"), SCT("scattered [37.5%, 50%]"), BKN(
                        "broken sky [62%, 87.5%]"), OVC("overcast {100%}"), VV("vertical visibility");

                private final String description;

                private SkyCondition(String description) {
                    this.description = description;

                public String getDescription() {
                    return this.description;

            public static enum Cumulus {
                UNKNOWN("unknown"), TCU("towering cumulus"), CB("cumulonimbus"), ACC("altocumulus castellanus");

                private final String description;

                private Cumulus(String description) {
                    this.description = description;

                public String getDescription() {
                    return this.description;

            private SkyCondition skyCondition = null;
            private Cumulus cumulus = null;
            private final int distance;

            public CloudDescription(JSONObject json) {
                this.distance = json.optInt(CloudDescription.JSON_DISTANCE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
                if (json.has(CloudDescription.JSON_CONDITION)) {
                    try {
                        this.skyCondition = SkyCondition.valueOf(json.optString(CloudDescription.JSON_CONDITION));
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        this.skyCondition = SkyCondition.UNKNOWN;
                if (json.has(CloudDescription.JSON_CUMULUS)) {
                    try {
                        this.cumulus = Cumulus.valueOf(json.optString(CloudDescription.JSON_CUMULUS));
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        this.cumulus = Cumulus.UNKNOWN;

            public boolean hasDistance() {
                return this.distance != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

            public int getDistance() {
                return this.distance;

            public boolean hasSkyCondition() {
                return this.skyCondition != null;

            public SkyCondition getSkyCondition() {
                return this.skyCondition;

            public boolean hasCumulus() {
                return this.cumulus != null;

            public Cumulus getCumulus() {
                return this.cumulus;

        private final int all;
        private final List<CloudDescription> conditions;

        public Clouds(JSONObject json) {
            this.all = json.optInt(Clouds.JSON_ALL, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
            this.conditions = Collections.emptyList();

        public Clouds(JSONArray jsonArray) {
            this.all = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            this.conditions = new ArrayList<CloudDescription>(jsonArray.length());
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject jsonCloudDescription = jsonArray.optJSONObject(i);
                if (jsonCloudDescription != null)
                    this.conditions.add(new CloudDescription(jsonCloudDescription));

        public boolean hasAll() {
            return this.all != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        public int getAll() {
            return this.all;

        public boolean hasConditions() {
            return this.conditions != null && !this.conditions.isEmpty();

        public List<CloudDescription> getConditions() {
            return this.conditions;

    public static class Precipitation extends TimedDetails {
        private static final String JSON_TODAY = "today";
        private final int today;

        public Precipitation(JSONObject json) {
   = json.optInt(Precipitation.JSON_TODAY, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

        public boolean hasToday() {
            return != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        public int getToday() {

    public static class WeatherCondition {
        public static enum ConditionCode {
            /* Thunderstorm */
                            221), THUNDERSTORM_WITH_LIGHT_DRIZZLE(
                                    230), THUNDERSTORM_WITH_DRIZZLE(231), THUNDERSTORM_WITH_HEAVY_DRIZZLE(232),
            /* Drizzle */
                    310), DRIZZLE_RAIN(311), HEAVY_INTENSITY_DRIZZLE_RAIN(312), SHOWER_DRIZZLE(321),
            /* Rain */
                    504), FREEZING_RAIN(511), LIGHT_INTENSITY_SHOWER_RAIN(
                            520), SHOWER_RAIN(521), HEAVY_INTENSITY_SHOWER_RAIN(522),
            /* Snow */
            LIGHT_SNOW(600), SNOW(601), HEAVY_SNOW(602), SLEET(611), SHOWER_SNOW(621),
            /* Atmosphere */
            MIST(701), SMOKE(711), HAZE(721), SAND_OR_DUST_WHIRLS(731), FOG(741),
            /* Clouds */
            /* Extreme */
            TORNADO(900), TROPICAL_STORM(901), HURRICANE(902), COLD(903), HOT(904), WINDY(905), HAIL(906);

            private int id;

            private ConditionCode(int code) {
       = code;

            static public ConditionCode valueof(int id) {
                for (ConditionCode condition : ConditionCode.values()) {
                    if ( == id)
                        return condition;
                return ConditionCode.UNKNOWN;

            public int getId() {

        private static final String JSON_ID = "id";
        private static final String JSON_MAIN = "main";
        private static final String JSON_DESCRIPTION = "description";
        private static final String JSON_ICON = "icon";

        private ConditionCode code = null;
        private String main = null;
        private String description = null;
        private String iconName = null;

        public WeatherCondition(JSONObject json) {
            this.code = ConditionCode.valueof(json.optInt(WeatherCondition.JSON_ID, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
            this.main = json.optString(WeatherCondition.JSON_MAIN);
            this.description = json.optString(WeatherCondition.JSON_DESCRIPTION);
            this.iconName = json.optString(WeatherCondition.JSON_ICON);

        public ConditionCode getCode() {
            return this.code;

        public boolean hasMain() {
            return this.main != null && this.main.length() > 0;

        public String getMain() {
            return this.main;

        public boolean hasDescription() {
            return this.description != null && this.description.length() > 0;

        public String getDescription() {
            return this.description;

        public boolean hasIconName() {
            return this.iconName != null && this.iconName.length() > 0;

        public String getIconName() {
            return this.iconName;

    private final Main main;
    private final Wind wind;
    private final Clouds clouds;
    private final Precipitation rain;
    private final Precipitation snow;
    private final List<WeatherCondition> weatherConditions;

    public WeatherData(JSONObject json) {

        JSONObject jsonMain = json.optJSONObject(WeatherData.JSON_MAIN);
        this.main = jsonMain != null ? new Main(jsonMain) : null;

        JSONObject jsonWind = json.optJSONObject(WeatherData.JSON_WIND);
        this.wind = jsonWind != null ? new Wind(jsonWind) : null;

        if (json.has(WeatherData.JSON_CLOUDS)) {
            JSONArray coudsArray = json.optJSONArray(WeatherData.JSON_CLOUDS);
            if (coudsArray != null)
                this.clouds = new Clouds(coudsArray);
            else {
                JSONObject cloudsObj = json.optJSONObject(WeatherData.JSON_CLOUDS);
                if (cloudsObj != null)
                    this.clouds = new Clouds(cloudsObj);
                    this.clouds = null;
        } else
            this.clouds = null;

        JSONObject jsonRain = json.optJSONObject(WeatherData.JSON_RAIN);
        this.rain = jsonRain != null ? new Precipitation(jsonRain) : null;

        JSONObject jsonSnow = json.optJSONObject(WeatherData.JSON_SNOW);
        this.snow = jsonSnow != null ? new Precipitation(jsonSnow) : null;

        if (json.has(WeatherData.JSON_WEATHER)) {
            JSONArray jsonConditions = json.optJSONArray(WeatherData.JSON_WEATHER);
            if (jsonConditions != null) {
                this.weatherConditions = new ArrayList<WeatherCondition>(jsonConditions.length());
                if (jsonConditions != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonConditions.length(); i++) {
                        JSONObject jsonCondition = jsonConditions.optJSONObject(i);
                        if (jsonCondition != null)
                            this.weatherConditions.add(new WeatherCondition(jsonCondition));
            } else {
                this.weatherConditions = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            this.weatherConditions = Collections.emptyList();

    public boolean hasMain() {
        return this.main != null;

    public Main getMain() {
        return this.main;

    public boolean hasWind() {
        return this.wind != null;

    public Wind getWind() {
        return this.wind;

    public boolean hasClouds() {
        return this.clouds != null;

    public Clouds getClouds() {
        return this.clouds;

    public boolean hasRain() {
        return this.rain != null;

    public Precipitation getRainObj() {
        return this.rain;

    public boolean hasSnow() {
        return this.snow != null;

    public Precipitation getSnowObj() {
        return this.snow;

    public boolean hasWeatherConditions() {
        return this.weatherConditions != null && !this.weatherConditions.isEmpty();

    public List<WeatherCondition> getWeatherConditions() {
        return this.weatherConditions;

    /* */

    public float getTemp() {
        if (hasMain() && this.main.hasTemp())
            return this.main.getTemp();
        return Float.NaN;

    public float getHumidity() {
        if (hasMain() && this.main.hasHumidity())
            return this.main.getHumidity();
        return Float.NaN;

    public float getPressure() {
        if (hasMain() && this.main.hasPressure())
            return this.main.getPressure();
        return Float.NaN;

    public float getWindSpeed() {
        if (hasWind() && this.wind.hasSpeed())
            return this.wind.getSpeed();
        return Float.NaN;

    public float getWindGust() {
        if (hasWind() && this.wind.hasGust())
            return this.wind.getGust();
        return Float.NaN;

    public int getWindDeg() {
        if (hasWind() && this.wind.hasDeg())
            return this.wind.getDeg();
        return Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    public int getRain() {
        if (!hasRain())
            return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int measure = this.rain.getMeasure(1);
        if (measure != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
            return measure;
        return this.rain.getToday();

    public int getSnow() {
        if (!hasSnow())
            return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int measure = this.snow.getMeasure(1);
        if (measure != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
            return measure;
        return this.snow.getToday();

    public int getPrecipitation() {
        int precipitation = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (hasRain())
            precipitation = getRain();
        if (hasSnow())
            precipitation = precipitation != Integer.MIN_VALUE ? precipitation + getSnow() : getSnow();
        return precipitation;