Java tutorial
package org.bimserver.unittests; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see {@literal<>}. *****************************************************************************/ import static; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import; import org.bimserver.BimServer; import org.bimserver.BimServerConfig; import org.bimserver.BimserverDatabaseException; import org.bimserver.LocalDevPluginLoader; import org.bimserver.database.DatabaseRestartRequiredException; import org.bimserver.database.berkeley.DatabaseInitException; import; import org.bimserver.emf.IdEObject; import org.bimserver.emf.IfcModelInterface; import org.bimserver.emf.MetaDataManager; import org.bimserver.emf.PackageMetaData; import org.bimserver.emf.Schema; import org.bimserver.interfaces.objects.SDownloadResult; import org.bimserver.interfaces.objects.SProject; import org.bimserver.interfaces.objects.SRevision; import org.bimserver.interfaces.objects.SSerializerPluginConfiguration; import org.bimserver.interfaces.objects.SUserType; import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcCartesianPoint; import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcOwnerHistory; import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcSite; import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcWall; import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcWindow; import; import org.bimserver.plugins.PluginConfiguration; import org.bimserver.plugins.PluginManager; import org.bimserver.plugins.deserializers.DeserializeException; import org.bimserver.plugins.deserializers.Deserializer; import org.bimserver.plugins.deserializers.DeserializerPlugin; import org.bimserver.shared.LocalDevelopmentResourceFetcher; import org.bimserver.shared.exceptions.PluginException; import org.bimserver.shared.exceptions.ServiceException; import org.bimserver.shared.interfaces.AdminInterface; import org.bimserver.shared.interfaces.AuthInterface; import org.bimserver.shared.interfaces.LowLevelInterface; import org.bimserver.shared.interfaces.ServiceInterface; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestLowLevelChanges { private static BimServer bimServer; private static ServiceInterface serviceInterface; private static LowLevelInterface lowLevelInterface; private static PluginManager pluginManager; private static AuthInterface authInterface; @BeforeClass public static void setup() { try { File home = new File("home"); if (home.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(home); } // Create a BIMserver BimServerConfig config = new BimServerConfig(); config.setHomeDir(Paths.get("home")); config.setResourceFetcher(new LocalDevelopmentResourceFetcher(Paths.get("../"))); bimServer = new BimServer(config); // Load plugins Path[] pluginDirectories = new Path[] { Paths.get("E:\\Git\\BIMserverMaster2") }; LocalDevPluginLoader.loadPlugins(bimServer.getPluginManager(), pluginDirectories); // Start bimServer.start(); // Convenience, setup the server to make sure it is in RUNNING state if (bimServer.getServerInfo().getServerState() == ServerState.NOT_SETUP) { bimServer.getService(AdminInterface.class).setup("http://localhost", "Administrator", "", "admin", null, null, null); bimServer.getService(AuthInterface.class).login("", "admin"); } // Change a setting to normal users can create projects // bimServer.getSettingsManager().getSettings().setAllowUsersToCreateTopLevelProjects(true); } catch (PluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DatabaseInitException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BimserverDatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DatabaseRestartRequiredException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } serviceInterface = bimServer.getService(ServiceInterface.class); lowLevelInterface = bimServer.getService(LowLevelInterface.class); authInterface = bimServer.getService(AuthInterface.class); pluginManager = bimServer.getPluginManager(); createUserAndLogin(); } @AfterClass public static void shutdown() { bimServer.stop(); } private static long createUserAndLogin() { int nextInt = new Random().nextInt(); try { String username = "test" + nextInt + ""; long addUser = serviceInterface.addUser(username, "User " + nextInt, SUserType.USER, false, "") .getOid(); authInterface.changePassword(addUser, null, "test"); bimServer.getService(AuthInterface.class).login(username, "test"); return addUser; } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return -1; } private long createProject() { try { SProject project = serviceInterface.addProject("Project " + new Random().nextInt(), "ifc4"); return project.getOid(); } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return -1; } @Test public void test() { testCreateObject(); testSetStringAttribute(); testSetFloatAttribute(); testSetReference(); testAddFloatAttribute(); testRemoveObject(); } public void testCreateObject() { try { long poid = createProject(); long tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); long wallOid = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcWall", true); long roid = lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); IfcModelInterface model = getSingleRevision(roid); if (model.size() != 1) { fail("1 object expected, found " + model.size()); } IdEObject idEObject = model.getValues().iterator().next(); if (!(idEObject instanceof IfcWall)) { fail("Object should be of type IfcWall but is " + idEObject.eClass().getName()); } if (idEObject.getOid() != wallOid) { fail("Oids don't match " + idEObject.getOid() + ", " + wallOid); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } public void testSetStringAttribute() { try { long poid = createProject(); long tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); long windowOid = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcWindow", true); String name = "TestX"; lowLevelInterface.setStringAttribute(tid, windowOid, "Name", name); long roid = lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); IfcModelInterface model = getSingleRevision(roid); if (model.size() != 1) { fail("1 object expected, found " + model.size()); } IdEObject idEObject = model.getValues().iterator().next(); if (!(idEObject instanceof IfcWindow)) { fail("Object should be of type IfcWindow but is " + idEObject.eClass().getName()); } if (idEObject.getOid() != windowOid) { fail("Oids don't match " + idEObject.getOid() + ", " + windowOid); } String value = (String) idEObject.eGet(idEObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("Name")); if (!value.equals(name)) { fail("Values do not match: " + name + ", " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } public void testSetFloatAttribute() { try { long poid = createProject(); long tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); long windowOid = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcWindow", true); double overallHeight = 200.5; lowLevelInterface.setDoubleAttribute(tid, windowOid, "OverallHeight", overallHeight); long roid = lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); IfcModelInterface model = getSingleRevision(roid); if (model.size() != 1) { fail("1 object expected, found " + model.size()); } IdEObject idEObject = model.getValues().iterator().next(); if (!(idEObject instanceof IfcWindow)) { fail("Object should be of type IfcWindow but is " + idEObject.eClass().getName()); } if (idEObject.getOid() != windowOid) { fail("Oids don't match " + idEObject.getOid() + ", " + windowOid); } double value = (Double) idEObject.eGet(idEObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("OverallHeight")); if (value != overallHeight) { fail("Values do not match: " + overallHeight + ", " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } public void testSetReference() { try { long poid = createProject(); long tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); long siteId = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcSite", true); long ownerHistoryId = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcOwnerHistory", true); lowLevelInterface.setReference(tid, siteId, "OwnerHistory", ownerHistoryId); // TODO test long roid = lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); IfcModelInterface model = getSingleRevision(roid); if (model.size() != 2) { fail("2 objects expected, found " + model.size()); } List<IfcSite> sites = model.getAll(IfcSite.class); if (sites.size() != 1) { fail("There should have been 1 site, there were " + sites.size()); } List<IfcOwnerHistory> ownerHistories = model.getAll(IfcOwnerHistory.class); if (ownerHistories.size() != 1) { fail("There should have been 1 ownerhistory, there were " + ownerHistories.size()); } IfcSite site = sites.iterator().next(); IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory = ownerHistories.iterator().next(); if (site.getOwnerHistory() != ownerHistory) { fail("Site.OwnerHistory is not referencing the right object"); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } public void testAddFloatAttribute() { try { long poid = createProject(); Long tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); long cartesianPointId = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcCartesianPoint", true); double firstVal = 5.1; lowLevelInterface.addDoubleAttribute(tid, cartesianPointId, "Coordinates", firstVal); double secondVal = 6.2; lowLevelInterface.addDoubleAttribute(tid, cartesianPointId, "Coordinates", secondVal); double thirdVal = 7.3; lowLevelInterface.addDoubleAttribute(tid, cartesianPointId, "Coordinates", thirdVal); long roid = lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); IfcModelInterface model = getSingleRevision(roid); List<IfcCartesianPoint> cartesianPoints = model.getAll(IfcCartesianPoint.class); if (cartesianPoints.size() != 1) { fail("There should have been 1 IfcCartesianPoint, not " + cartesianPoints.size()); } IfcCartesianPoint ifcCartesianPoint = cartesianPoints.iterator().next(); EList<Double> coordinates = ifcCartesianPoint.getCoordinates(); if (coordinates.size() != 3) { fail("There should have been 3 coordinates, not " + coordinates.size()); } if (coordinates.get(0) != firstVal || coordinates.get(1) != secondVal || coordinates.get(2) != thirdVal) { fail("Values did not match"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } } public void testRemoveObject() { try { long poid = createProject(); long tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); long windowId = lowLevelInterface.createObject(tid, "IfcWindow", true); lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); tid = lowLevelInterface.startTransaction(poid); lowLevelInterface.removeObject(tid, windowId); long roid = lowLevelInterface.commitTransaction(tid, "test"); IfcModelInterface model = getSingleRevision(roid); if (model.size() != 0) { fail("Model should be empty"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } } private IfcModelInterface getSingleRevision(long roid) throws ServiceException, DeserializeException, IOException { SRevision revision = serviceInterface.getRevision(roid); SSerializerPluginConfiguration serializerByContentType = serviceInterface .getSerializerByContentType("application/ifc"); long topicId =, DefaultQueries.allAsString(), serializerByContentType.getOid(), true); SDownloadResult downloadData = serviceInterface.getDownloadData(topicId); DataHandler dataHandler = downloadData.getFile(); try { DeserializerPlugin deserializerPlugin = pluginManager.getFirstDeserializer("ifc", Schema.IFC2X3TC1, true); Deserializer deserializer = deserializerPlugin.createDeserializer(new PluginConfiguration()); MetaDataManager metaDataManager = new MetaDataManager(pluginManager.getTempDir()); PackageMetaData packageMetaData = metaDataManager.getPackageMetaData("ifc2x3tc1"); deserializer.init(packageMetaData); IfcModelInterface model =, "test.ifc", 0, null); return model; } catch (PluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }