Java tutorial
package org.bimserver.ifc.step.serializer; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. *****************************************************************************/ import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.bimserver.emf.IdEObject; import org.bimserver.ifc.IfcSerializer; import; import org.bimserver.plugins.PluginConfiguration; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.EntityDefinition; import org.bimserver.plugins.serializers.ProgressReporter; import org.bimserver.plugins.serializers.SerializerException; import org.bimserver.utils.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public abstract class IfcStepSerializer extends IfcSerializer { private static final byte[] NEW_LINE = "\n".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IfcStepSerializer.class); private static final boolean useIso8859_1 = false; private static final EcorePackage ECORE_PACKAGE_INSTANCE = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE; private static final String NULL = "NULL"; private static final String OPEN_CLOSE_PAREN = "()"; private static final String ASTERISK = "*"; private static final String PAREN_CLOSE_SEMICOLON = ");"; private static final String DOT_0 = ".0"; private static final String DASH = "#"; private static final String IFC_LOGICAL = "IfcLogical"; private static final String IFC_BOOLEAN = "IfcBoolean"; private static final String DOT = "."; private static final String COMMA = ","; private static final String OPEN_PAREN = "("; private static final String CLOSE_PAREN = ")"; private static final String BOOLEAN_UNDEFINED = ".U."; private static final String SINGLE_QUOTE = "'"; private static final String BOOLEAN_FALSE = ".F."; private static final String BOOLEAN_TRUE = ".T."; private static final String DOLLAR = "$"; private static final String WRAPPED_VALUE = "wrappedValue"; private Iterator<IdEObject> iterator; private String headerSchema; private long writeCounter; private OutputStream outputStream; public IfcStepSerializer(PluginConfiguration pluginConfiguration) { } protected void setHeaderSchema(String headerSchema) { this.headerSchema = headerSchema; } @Override public void reset() { setMode(Mode.HEADER); } public boolean write(OutputStream outputStream, ProgressReporter progressReporter) throws SerializerException { try { this.outputStream = outputStream; if (getMode() == Mode.HEADER) { writeHeader(); setMode(Mode.BODY); iterator = model.getValues().iterator(); return true; } else if (getMode() == Mode.BODY) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { write(; writeCounter++; if (progressReporter != null) { progressReporter.update(writeCounter, model.size()); } } else { iterator = null; setMode(Mode.FOOTER); return write(outputStream, progressReporter); } return true; } else if (getMode() == Mode.FOOTER) { writeFooter(); if (progressReporter != null) { progressReporter.update(model.size(), model.size()); } setMode(Mode.FINISHED); return true; } else if (getMode() == Mode.FINISHED) { return false; } return false; } catch (IOException e) { throw new SerializerException(e); } } private void writeFooter() throws IOException { println("ENDSEC;"); println("END-ISO-10303-21;"); } private void writeHeader() throws IOException { SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); println("ISO-10303-21;"); println("HEADER;"); IfcHeader ifcHeader = getModel().getModelMetaData().getIfcHeader(); if (ifcHeader == null) { Date date = new Date(); println("FILE_DESCRIPTION ((''), '2;1');"); println("FILE_NAME ('', '" + dateFormatter.format(date) + "', (''), (''), '', 'BIMserver', '');"); println("FILE_SCHEMA (('" + headerSchema + "'));"); } else { print("FILE_DESCRIPTION (("); print(StringUtils.concat(ifcHeader.getDescription(), "'", ", ")); println("), '" + ifcHeader.getImplementationLevel() + "');"); println("FILE_NAME ('" + ifcHeader.getFilename() + "', '" + dateFormatter.format(ifcHeader.getTimeStamp()) + "', (" + StringUtils.concat(ifcHeader.getAuthor(), "'", ", ") + "), (" + StringUtils.concat(ifcHeader.getOrganization(), "'", ", ") + "), '" + ifcHeader.getPreProcessorVersion() + "', '" + ifcHeader.getOriginatingSystem() + "', '" + ifcHeader.getAuthorization() + "');"); // println("FILE_SCHEMA (('" + ifcHeader.getIfcSchemaVersion() + "'));"); println("FILE_SCHEMA (('" + headerSchema + "'));"); } println("ENDSEC;"); println("DATA;"); // println("//This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."); // println("//This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See <>"); } private void println(String line) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = line.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); outputStream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); outputStream.write(NEW_LINE, 0, NEW_LINE.length); } private void print(String text) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = text.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); outputStream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } private void writePrimitive(Object val) throws SerializerException, IOException { if (val.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("Tristate")) { if (val.toString().equals("TRUE")) { print(BOOLEAN_TRUE); } else if (val.toString().equals("FALSE")) { print(BOOLEAN_FALSE); } else if (val.toString().equals("UNDEFINED")) { print(BOOLEAN_UNDEFINED); } } else if (val instanceof Double) { if (((Double) val).isInfinite() || (((Double) val).isNaN())) {"Serializing infinite or NaN double as 0.0"); print("0.0"); } else { String string = val.toString(); if (string.endsWith(DOT_0)) { print(string.substring(0, string.length() - 1)); } else { print(string); } } } else if (val instanceof Boolean) { Boolean bool = (Boolean) val; if (bool) { print(BOOLEAN_TRUE); } else { print(BOOLEAN_FALSE); } } else if (val instanceof String) { print(SINGLE_QUOTE); String stringVal = (String) val; for (int i = 0; i < stringVal.length(); i++) { char c = stringVal.charAt(i); if (c == '\'') { print("\'\'"); } else if (c == '\\') { print("\\\\"); } else if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) { // ISO 8859-1 print("" + c); } else if (c < 255) { // ISO 10646 and ISO 8859-1 are the same < 255 , using ISO_8859_1 print("\\X\\" + new String(Hex.encodeHex( Charsets.ISO_8859_1.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(new char[] { (char) c })).array())) .toUpperCase()); } else { if (useIso8859_1) { // ISO 8859-1 with -128 offset ByteBuffer encode = Charsets.ISO_8859_1.encode(new String(new char[] { (char) (c - 128) })); print("\\S\\" + (char) encode.get()); } else { // The following code has not been tested (2012-04-25) // Use UCS-2 or UCS-4 // TODO when multiple sequential characters should be encoded in UCS-2 or UCS-4, we don't really need to add all those \X0\ \X2\ and \X4\ chars if (Character.isLowSurrogate(c)) { throw new SerializerException("Unexpected low surrogate range char"); } else if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { // We need UCS-4, this is probably never happening if (i + 1 < stringVal.length()) { char low = stringVal.charAt(i + 1); if (!Character.isLowSurrogate(low)) { throw new SerializerException( "High surrogate char should be followed by char in low surrogate range"); } try { print("\\X4\\" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(Charset.forName("UTF-32") .encode(new String(new char[] { c, low })).array())).toUpperCase() + "\\X0\\"); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { throw new SerializerException(e); } i++; } else { throw new SerializerException( "High surrogate char should be followed by char in low surrogate range, but end of string reached"); } } else { // UCS-2 will do print("\\X2\\" + new String(Hex .encodeHex(Charsets.UTF_16BE.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(new char[] { c })).array())) .toUpperCase() + "\\X0\\"); } } } } print(SINGLE_QUOTE); } else if (val instanceof Enumerator) { print("." + val + "."); } else { print(val == null ? "$" : val.toString()); } } private void write(IdEObject object) throws SerializerException, IOException { // throw new SerializerException("test"); EClass eClass = object.eClass(); if (eClass.getEAnnotation("hidden") != null) { return; } print(DASH); int convertedKey = getExpressId(object); if (convertedKey == -1) { throw new SerializerException( "Going to serialize an object with id -1 (" + object.eClass().getName() + ")"); } print(String.valueOf(convertedKey)); print("= "); String upperCase = getPackageMetaData().getUpperCase(eClass); if (upperCase == null) { throw new SerializerException("Type not found: " + eClass.getName()); } print(upperCase); print(OPEN_PAREN); boolean isFirst = true; EntityDefinition entityBN = getSchemaDefinition().getEntityBN(object.eClass().getName()); for (EStructuralFeature feature : eClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { if (feature.getEAnnotation("hidden") == null && (entityBN != null && (!entityBN.isDerived(feature.getName()) || entityBN.isDerivedOverride(feature.getName())))) { EClassifier type = feature.getEType(); if (type instanceof EEnum) { if (!isFirst) { print(COMMA); } writeEnum(object, feature); isFirst = false; } else if (type instanceof EClass) { if (!getPackageMetaData().isInverse(feature)) { if (!isFirst) { print(COMMA); } writeEClass(object, feature); isFirst = false; } } else if (type instanceof EDataType) { if (!isFirst) { print(COMMA); } writeEDataType(object, entityBN, feature); isFirst = false; } } } println(PAREN_CLOSE_SEMICOLON); } private void writeEDataType(IdEObject object, EntityDefinition entityBN, EStructuralFeature feature) throws SerializerException, IOException { if (entityBN != null && entityBN.isDerived(feature.getName())) { print(ASTERISK); } else if (feature.isMany()) { writeList(object, feature); } else { writeObject(object, feature); } } private void writeEClass(IdEObject object, EStructuralFeature feature) throws SerializerException, IOException { Object referencedObject = object.eGet(feature); if (referencedObject instanceof IdEObject && ((IdEObject) referencedObject).eClass().getEAnnotation("wrapped") != null) { writeWrappedValue(object, feature, ((EObject) referencedObject).eClass()); } else { if (referencedObject instanceof EObject && model.contains((IdEObject) referencedObject)) { print(DASH); print(String.valueOf(getExpressId((IdEObject) referencedObject))); } else { EntityDefinition entityBN = getSchemaDefinition().getEntityBN(object.eClass().getName()); if (entityBN != null && entityBN.isDerived(feature.getName())) { print(ASTERISK); } else if (feature.isMany()) { writeList(object, feature); } else { writeObject(object, feature); } } } } private void writeObject(EObject object, EStructuralFeature feature) throws SerializerException, IOException { Object ref = object.eGet(feature); if (ref == null || (feature.isUnsettable() && !object.eIsSet(feature))) { EClassifier type = feature.getEType(); if (type instanceof EClass) { EStructuralFeature structuralFeature = ((EClass) type).getEStructuralFeature(WRAPPED_VALUE); if (structuralFeature != null) { String name = structuralFeature.getEType().getName(); if (name.equals(IFC_BOOLEAN) || name.equals(IFC_LOGICAL) || structuralFeature.getEType() == EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEBoolean()) { print(BOOLEAN_UNDEFINED); } else { print(DOLLAR); } } else { print(DOLLAR); } } else { if (type == EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEBoolean()) { print(BOOLEAN_UNDEFINED); } else if (feature.isMany()) { print("()"); } else { print(DOLLAR); } } } else { if (ref instanceof EObject) { writeEmbedded((EObject) ref); } else if (feature.getEType() == ECORE_PACKAGE_INSTANCE.getEDouble()) { writeDoubleValue((Double) ref, object, feature); } else { writePrimitive(ref); } } } private void writeDoubleValue(double value, EObject object, EStructuralFeature feature) throws SerializerException, IOException { if (model.isUseDoubleStrings()) { Object stringValue = object.eGet(object.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(feature.getName() + "AsString")); if (stringValue != null) { print((String) stringValue); return; } } writePrimitive(value); } private void writeEmbedded(EObject eObject) throws SerializerException, IOException { EClass class1 = eObject.eClass(); print(getPackageMetaData().getUpperCase(class1)); print(OPEN_PAREN); EStructuralFeature structuralFeature = class1.getEStructuralFeature(WRAPPED_VALUE); if (structuralFeature != null) { Object realVal = eObject.eGet(structuralFeature); if (structuralFeature.getEType() == ECORE_PACKAGE_INSTANCE.getEDouble()) { writeDoubleValue((Double) realVal, eObject, structuralFeature); } else { writePrimitive(realVal); } } print(CLOSE_PAREN); } private void writeList(IdEObject object, EStructuralFeature feature) throws SerializerException, IOException { List<?> list = (List<?>) object.eGet(feature); List<?> doubleStingList = null; if (feature.getEType() == EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEDouble() && model.isUseDoubleStrings()) { EStructuralFeature doubleStringFeature = feature.getEContainingClass() .getEStructuralFeature(feature.getName() + "AsString"); if (doubleStringFeature == null) { throw new SerializerException("Field " + feature.getName() + "AsString" + " not found"); } doubleStingList = (List<?>) object.eGet(doubleStringFeature); } if (list.isEmpty()) { if (!feature.isUnsettable()) { print(OPEN_CLOSE_PAREN); } else { print("$"); } } else { print(OPEN_PAREN); boolean first = true; int index = 0; for (Object listObject : list) { if (!first) { print(COMMA); } if ((listObject instanceof IdEObject) && model.contains((IdEObject) listObject)) { IdEObject eObject = (IdEObject) listObject; print(DASH); print(String.valueOf(getExpressId(eObject))); } else { if (listObject == null) { print(DOLLAR); } else { if (listObject instanceof IdEObject && feature.getEType().getEAnnotation("wrapped") != null) { IdEObject eObject = (IdEObject) listObject; Object realVal = eObject.eGet(eObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("wrappedValue")); if (realVal instanceof Double) { if (model.isUseDoubleStrings()) { Object stringVal = eObject .eGet(eObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("wrappedValueAsString")); if (stringVal != null) { print((String) stringVal); } else { writePrimitive(realVal); } } else { writePrimitive(realVal); } } else { writePrimitive(realVal); } } else if (listObject instanceof EObject) { IdEObject eObject = (IdEObject) listObject; EClass class1 = eObject.eClass(); EStructuralFeature structuralFeature = class1.getEStructuralFeature(WRAPPED_VALUE); if (structuralFeature != null) { Object realVal = eObject.eGet(structuralFeature); print(getPackageMetaData().getUpperCase(class1)); print(OPEN_PAREN); if (realVal instanceof Double) { writeDoubleValue((Double) realVal, eObject, structuralFeature); } else { writePrimitive(realVal); } print(CLOSE_PAREN); } else { if (feature.getEAnnotation("twodimensionalarray") != null) { writeList(eObject, eObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("List")); } else {"Unfollowable reference found from " + object + "(" + object.getOid() + ")." + feature.getName() + " to " + eObject + "(" + eObject.getOid() + ")"); } } } else { if (doubleStingList != null) { if (index < doubleStingList.size()) { String val = (String) doubleStingList.get(index); if (val == null) { writePrimitive(listObject); } else { print(val); } } else { writePrimitive(listObject); } } else { writePrimitive(listObject); } } } } first = false; index++; } print(CLOSE_PAREN); } } private void writeWrappedValue(EObject object, EStructuralFeature feature, EClass ec) throws SerializerException, IOException { Object get = object.eGet(feature); boolean isWrapped = ec.getEAnnotation("wrapped") != null; EStructuralFeature structuralFeature = ec.getEStructuralFeature(WRAPPED_VALUE); if (get instanceof EObject) { boolean isDefinedWrapped = feature.getEType().getEAnnotation("wrapped") != null; EObject betweenObject = (EObject) get; if (betweenObject != null) { if (isWrapped && isDefinedWrapped) { Object val = betweenObject.eGet(structuralFeature); String name = structuralFeature.getEType().getName(); if ((name.equals(IFC_BOOLEAN) || name.equals(IFC_LOGICAL)) && val == null) { print(BOOLEAN_UNDEFINED); } else if (structuralFeature.getEType() == ECORE_PACKAGE_INSTANCE.getEDouble()) { writeDoubleValue((Double) val, betweenObject, feature); } else { writePrimitive(val); } } else { writeEmbedded(betweenObject); } } } else if (get instanceof EList<?>) { EList<?> list = (EList<?>) get; if (list.isEmpty()) { if (!feature.isUnsettable()) { print(OPEN_CLOSE_PAREN); } else { print("$"); } } else { print(OPEN_PAREN); boolean first = true; for (Object o : list) { if (!first) { print(COMMA); } EObject object2 = (EObject) o; Object val = object2.eGet(structuralFeature); if (structuralFeature.getEType() == ECORE_PACKAGE_INSTANCE.getEDouble()) { writeDoubleValue((Double) val, object2, structuralFeature); } else { writePrimitive(val); } first = false; } print(CLOSE_PAREN); } } else { if (get == null) { EClassifier type = structuralFeature.getEType(); if (type.getName().equals("IfcBoolean") || type.getName().equals("IfcLogical") || type == ECORE_PACKAGE_INSTANCE.getEBoolean()) { print(BOOLEAN_UNDEFINED); } else { EntityDefinition entityBN = getSchemaDefinition().getEntityBN(object.eClass().getName()); if (entityBN != null && entityBN.isDerived(feature.getName())) { print(ASTERISK); } else { print(DOLLAR); } } } } } private void writeEnum(EObject object, EStructuralFeature feature) throws SerializerException, IOException { Object val = object.eGet(feature); if (feature.getEType().getName().equals("Tristate")) { writePrimitive(val); } else { if (val == null) { print(DOLLAR); } else { if (((Enum<?>) val).toString().equals(NULL)) { print(DOLLAR); } else { print(DOT); print(val.toString()); print(DOT); } } } } }