Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.bimserver.collada;

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64OutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.bimserver.emf.IfcModelInterface;
import org.bimserver.emf.PackageMetaData;
import org.bimserver.models.geometry.GeometryInfo;
import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcFeatureElementSubtraction;
import org.bimserver.models.ifc2x3tc1.IfcProduct;
import org.bimserver.plugins.PluginManager;
import org.bimserver.plugins.renderengine.RenderEnginePlugin;
import org.bimserver.plugins.serializers.EmfSerializer;
import org.bimserver.plugins.serializers.ProjectInfo;
import org.bimserver.plugins.serializers.SerializerException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


public class OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer extends EmfSerializer {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer.class);
    private ColladaSerializer colladaSerializer = null;
    private PluginManager pluginManager = null;
    private ProjectInfo projectInfo = null;

    // Export settings-related.
    private String returnType = ".zip";
    public Collada2GLTFConfiguration configuration = new Collada2GLTFConfiguration();
    public boolean wantJSONPrettyPrint = false;
    public boolean wantSinglePass = true;

    // Filter files that are not directories and Collada files (.DAE).
    private static final FilenameFilter ignoreDAEFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            File file = new File(dir, name);
            boolean notADirectory = !file.isDirectory();
            String realName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            boolean notADAE = !realName.endsWith(".dae");
            return notADirectory && notADAE;

    // Filter to get files that end in ".glsl".
    private static final FilenameFilter getOnlyGLSLFilesFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            File file = new File(dir, name);
            boolean notADirectory = !file.isDirectory();
            String realName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            boolean isGLSL = realName.endsWith(".glsl");
            return notADirectory && isGLSL;

    // Filter to get files that end in ".json".
    private static final FilenameFilter getOnlyJSONFilesFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            File file = new File(dir, name);
            boolean notADirectory = !file.isDirectory();
            String realName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            boolean isJSON = realName.endsWith(".json");
            return notADirectory && isJSON;

    public OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer() {

    public OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer(Collada2GLTFConfiguration configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;

    public OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer(Collada2GLTFConfiguration configuration, String returnType) {
        this.configuration = configuration;
        this.returnType = returnType.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

    public OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer(Collada2GLTFConfiguration configuration, String returnType,
            boolean wantSinglePass) {
        this.configuration = configuration;
        this.returnType = returnType.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        this.wantSinglePass = wantSinglePass;

    public OpenGLTransmissionFormatSerializer(String returnType) {
        this.returnType = returnType.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

    public void init(IfcModelInterface model, ProjectInfo projectInfo, PluginManager pluginManager,
            RenderEnginePlugin renderEnginePlugin, PackageMetaData packageMetaData, boolean normalizeOids)
            throws SerializerException {
        super.init(model, projectInfo, pluginManager, renderEnginePlugin, packageMetaData, normalizeOids);
        this.pluginManager = pluginManager;
        this.projectInfo = projectInfo;
        try {
            colladaSerializer = new ColladaSerializer();
            // Get a configuration for the Collada serializer that will just include lights and cameras. 
            ColladaConfiguration baseConfiguration = new ColladaConfiguration(
                    model.getAllWithSubTypes(IfcProduct.class), true, true, wantSinglePass);
            colladaSerializer.init(model, projectInfo, pluginManager, renderEnginePlugin, packageMetaData,
                    normalizeOids, baseConfiguration);
        } catch (SerializerException e) {
            throw new SerializerException(e);
        // Set the file name to be exported (after it's been serialized in the Collada serializer).
        this.configuration.fileName = projectInfo.getName() + ".dae";

    public void reset() {
        if (colladaSerializer != null)

    protected boolean write(OutputStream outputStream) throws SerializerException {
        if (getMode() == Mode.BODY) {
            // Store the directory ("gltf") to write executables into (beneath "tmp").
            File collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory = null;
            // Store the directory to write models into (beneath "gltf").
            File writeDirectory = null;
            // Optionally, store the path to the collada2gltf executable.
            File collada2gltfExecutable = null;
            try {
                File tempDirectory = pluginManager.getTempDir();
                if (!tempDirectory.exists())
                // Get a link to the directory where collada2gltf might be installed, and where temporary folders will definitely be created.
                collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory = new File(tempDirectory, "gltf");
                // Create the permanent resource directory if it doesn't exist.
                if (!collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory.exists())
                // Will always fail iff OS is not Windows or MacOSX (others require binary to be built locally).
                if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX || SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
                    // Get the resource bundle (contains binaries).
                    OpenGLTransmissionFormatResourceBundle bundle = new OpenGLTransmissionFormatResourceBundle();
                    // Check to see if there is a pre-packaged binary folder: "gltf".
                    if (collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory.exists()) {
                        // If MacOSX, use "collada2gltf" binary file.
                        if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) {
                            File macOSXcollada2gltfExecutable = new File(collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory,
                            // Write "collada2gltf".
                            if (!macOSXcollada2gltfExecutable.exists())
                            // If it now exists, use the path.
                            if (macOSXcollada2gltfExecutable.exists())
                                collada2gltfExecutable = macOSXcollada2gltfExecutable;
                        // If Windows, use "collada2gltf.exe" executable.
                        else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
                            File windowsOScollada2gltfExecutable = new File(collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory,
                            // Write "collada2gltf.exe".
                            if (!windowsOScollada2gltfExecutable.exists())
                            // If it now exists, use the path.
                            if (windowsOScollada2gltfExecutable.exists())
                                collada2gltfExecutable = windowsOScollada2gltfExecutable;
                // Create a unique identifier for the temporary directory where collada2gltf will export files.
                UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
                // Create an abstraction for the write directory path.
                writeDirectory = new File(collada2gltfWorkspaceDirectory, id.toString());
                // Create the write directory if it doesn't exist.
                if (!writeDirectory.exists())
                // Export in a single pass. Otherwise, export the individual IfcProducts individually (very slow, very space efficient).
                if (wantSinglePass)
                    exportInSinglePass(outputStream, writeDirectory, collada2gltfExecutable);
                    exportInMultiplePasses(outputStream, writeDirectory, collada2gltfExecutable);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String errorMessage = String.format("Could not write file of return type, %s.", returnType);
                LOGGER.error(errorMessage, e);
            } finally {
                // Attempt to clean up the temporary directory created by this serializer.
                try {
                    if (writeDirectory != null && writeDirectory.exists())
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    String errorMessage = String.format("Could not delete directory: %s", writeDirectory);
                    LOGGER.error(errorMessage, ioe);
            return true;
        } else if (getMode() == Mode.FINISHED) {
            return false;
        return false;

    private void exportInSinglePass(OutputStream outputStream, File writeDirectory, File collada2gltfExecutable)
            throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String thisFileStub = projectInfo.getName();
        // Create file.
        exportToGLTF(thisFileStub, writeDirectory, collada2gltfExecutable);
        // Regardless of success, send the whole result back (may effectively be empty results).
        if (returnType == ".zip")
            zipTheDirectory(outputStream, writeDirectory);
        else if (returnType == ".json")
            jsonTheDirectory(outputStream, writeDirectory);

    private void exportInMultiplePasses(OutputStream outputStream, File writeDirectory, File collada2gltfExecutable)
            throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        // Export just the lights and camera into a DAE then into the output of collada2gltf.
        boolean success = createBaseJSONStructure(writeDirectory, collada2gltfExecutable);
        // If success, write the files into the stream. Otherwise, write an empty file into the stream.
        if (success) {
            // Get the result back in as a JSON abstraction.
            File expectedOutputFile = new File(writeDirectory, String.format("%s.json", projectInfo.getName()));
            JsonElement base = readFileAsJSON(expectedOutputFile);
            // Perform the individual passes, cleaning them up individually as they are joined.
            for (IfcProduct ifcProduct : model.getAllWithSubTypes(IfcProduct.class)) {
                // Make sure the IFC product is not a subtraction.
                if (!(ifcProduct instanceof IfcFeatureElementSubtraction)) {
                    // Make sure there's actual geometry.
                    GeometryInfo geometryInfo = ifcProduct.getGeometry();
                    if (geometryInfo != null) {
                        // Reconfigure the Collada serializer.
                        // Want at least: 10250235.json from 10250235.dae
                        String thisFileStub = String.format("%d", ifcProduct.getOid());
                        // Create file.
                        boolean thisWasSuccessful = exportToGLTF(thisFileStub, writeDirectory,
                        // If exporting the sub-file to glTF was successful, patch it into the base JSON object.
                        if (thisWasSuccessful) {
                            // Get a name like: 10250235.json.
                            File expectedSubProcessOutputFile = new File(writeDirectory,
                                    String.format("%s.json", thisFileStub));
                            // Get the result back in as a JSON abstraction.
                            JsonElement other = readFileAsJSON(expectedSubProcessOutputFile);
                            // Join JSON to base.
                            base = selectivelyJoinTwoJSONElements(base, other, thisFileStub);
                            // Rename compression.bin.
                            renameCompressionBinTo(String.format("compression_%s", thisFileStub), writeDirectory);
            // Delete unused GLSL files and unused JSON files.
            cleanUpDirectoryForPackaging(writeDirectory, base);
            // Write base back into a JSON file.
            writeFileUsingJsonElement(expectedOutputFile, base);
            // Send the whole result back.
            if (returnType == ".zip")
                zipTheDirectory(outputStream, writeDirectory);
            else if (returnType == ".json")
                jsonTheDirectory(outputStream, writeDirectory);
        } else {
                    "Could not export to glTF. Are you missing the collada2gltf executable on the operating system's path? Is the input too large? Are there lights in the library_lights that aren't used in a scene?");
            // Send back empty (but valid) versions of the requested type.
            if (returnType == ".zip")
                writeEmptyZIPFile(outputStream, writeDirectory);
            else if (returnType == ".json")
                writeEmptyJSONFile(outputStream, writeDirectory);

    private void configureColladaSerializerForProduct(IfcProduct product) {
        colladaSerializer.configuration = new ColladaConfiguration(Arrays.asList(product), false, false, true);

     * File-based methods, specifically to handle writing an output file into the stream.
    // Launch a thread to run the program "collada2gltf", which takes a Collada file as input and writes other files out to a directory.
    private boolean exportToGLTF(File writeDirectory, File collada2gltfExecutable) {
        return exportToGLTF(projectInfo.getName(), writeDirectory, collada2gltfExecutable);

    private boolean exportToGLTF(String nameStub, File writeDirectory, File collada2gltfExecutable) {
        try {
            // Get the Collada file.
            File colladaFile = writeColladaFile(nameStub, writeDirectory);
            if (collada2gltfExecutable != null) {
                File absoluteExecutable = collada2gltfExecutable.getAbsoluteFile();
                configuration.executable = absoluteExecutable.getPath();
            // Reconfigure for new thread.
            configuration.fileName = colladaFile.getName();
            // Launch a thread to run the collada2gltf converter.
            Collada2GLTFThread thread = new Collada2GLTFThread(writeDirectory, configuration);
            synchronized (thread) {
                // Force wait until the thread's subprocess is done running (i.e. the files have all been created).
                while (thread.done == false) {
                    // Intentional no operation.
            // Signal the success or failure of the action.
            return (thread.done && !thread.crashed) ? true : false;
        } catch (IOException | SerializerException e) {
            return false;

    private File writeColladaFile(String nameStub, File writeDirectory)
            throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, SerializerException {
        File colladaFile = new File(writeDirectory, String.format("%s.dae", nameStub));
        // Create the Collada file: example.dae
        if (!colladaFile.exists())
        // Prepare to write the Collada file.
        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(colladaFile);
        // Write into the Collada file.
        // Push the data into the stream.
        // Finalize the stream and close the file.
        // Return the file abstraction.
        return colladaFile;

    private void writeEmptyZIPFile(OutputStream outputStream, File f) throws IOException {
        // Create the archive.
        ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);
        // Push the data into the parent stream (gets returned to the server).

    private void writeEmptyJSONFile(OutputStream outputStream, File writeDirectory) throws IOException {
        OutputStream jsonOutputStream = outputStream;
        // Write the opening brace and a new-line.
        // Push the data into the parent stream (gets returned to the server).

    private void zipTheDirectory(OutputStream outputStream, File writeDirectory) throws IOException {
        // Create the archive.
        ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);
        // Copy the files into the ZIP file.
        for (File f : writeDirectory.listFiles(ignoreDAEFilter))
            addFileToZIP(f, zipOutputStream);
        // Push the data into the parent stream (gets returned to the server).

    private void jsonTheDirectory(OutputStream outputStream, File writeDirectory)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
        // Create a root object.
        JsonObject root = new JsonObject();
        // Put the individual files into a JSON file.
        for (File f : writeDirectory.listFiles(ignoreDAEFilter))
            addFileToJSON(root, f);
        // Configure the builder.
        GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
        if (wantJSONPrettyPrint)
        Gson gson = builder.create();
        // Get the JSON string.
        String output = gson.toJson(root);
        // Push the data into the parent stream (gets returned to the server).

    public void addFileToZIP(File file, ZipOutputStream outputStream) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        // Get file name: example.file
        String fileName = file.getName();
        // Create an abstraction for how it will appear in the ZIP file.
        ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileName);
        // Write the file's abstraction into the ZIP file.
        // Prepare to read the actual file.
        FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
        // Buffer the file 4 kilobytes at a time.
        byte[] bytes = new byte[4096];
        // Read the file to its conclusion, writing out the information on the way.
        int length = 0;
        while ((length = != -1)
            outputStream.write(bytes, 0, length);
        // Close the included file stream.
        // Close the entry in the ZIP file.

    private void addFileToJSON(JsonObject root, File f) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        // Use the file name as the key: file.ext
        String key = f.getName();
        // Get mime-types for the different files (at least one of which is binary). 
        String mimeType = getExpectedMimeType(f);
        // Set the encoding.
        String encoding = "base64";
        // Construct the data URI header, in format: data:mime/type;encoding
        String dataURIHeader = String.format("data:%s;%s", mimeType, encoding);
        // Create a place to store the base64 bytes.
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        // Base64 encode the file.
        encodeFileToBase64Stream(f, stream);
        // Remove extraneous newlines; data:text/plain;base64,base64-string-in-UTF-8
        String entryText = String.format("%s,%s", dataURIHeader, stream.toString("UTF-8"))
                .replace(String.format("%n"), "");
        // "filename.ext": "data:text/plain;base64,base64-string-in-UTF-8",(new-line)
        root.addProperty(key, entryText);

    private String getExpectedMimeType(File f) {
        String fileName = f.getName();
        String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName);
        if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("glsl"))
            return "text/plain";
        else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("json"))
            return "application/json";
            return "application/octet-stream";

    public void encodeFileToBase64Stream(File file, OutputStream base64OutputStream) throws IOException {
        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
        OutputStream out = new Base64OutputStream(base64OutputStream);
        IOUtils.copy(is, out);

     * JSON-related methods, specifically used to join the output of two individual sets of collada2gltf output into one file. 
    private boolean createBaseJSONStructure(File writeDirectory, File collada2gltfExecutable) {
        // Get the expected name of the base file: P1.dae.
        File expectedOutputFile = new File(writeDirectory, String.format("%s.json", projectInfo.getName()));
        // Send a basic Collada (DAE) file into collada2gltf. File should include non-empty: asset, library_cameras, library lights, library_visual_scenes, scene.
        boolean success = exportToGLTF(writeDirectory, collada2gltfExecutable);
        // If the file was successful, attempt to sanitize the output.
        if (success)
        // Send back whether everything went well or not.
        return success;

    private void cleanBufferViewEntryInJSONFile(File expectedOutputFile) {
        // Replace the "bufferViews" object with a blank dictionary (collada2gltf erroneously drops 2 unused buffer views into the structure on an empty file).
        JsonElement root = readFileAsJSON(expectedOutputFile);
        // If it's valid (and it should be), clean up the mess collada2gltf leaves.
        if (root.isJsonObject()) {
            // Get the root object.
            JsonObject rootObject = root.getAsJsonObject();
            // If it has bufferViews, 
            if (rootObject.has("bufferViews")) {
                // Get the bufferViews object, with the intention of making a copy only of the ones that have a byte length greater than zero.
                JsonObject bufferViewsObject = rootObject.get("bufferViews").getAsJsonObject();
                JsonObject newBufferViewsObject = new JsonObject();
                // Entry set yields key like: bufferView_2
                for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : bufferViewsObject.entrySet()) {
                    // Get: "bufferView_22", { "buffer": "P1", ... }
                    String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                    JsonElement bufferViewElement = entry.getValue();
                    // Cast to dictionary.
                    JsonObject bufferObject = bufferViewElement.getAsJsonObject();
                    // Only include buffer view objects that aren't empty (because empty ones aren't referenced by collada2gltf, but collada2gltf erroneously includes them anyway even if there's no geometry or buffers).
                    if (bufferObject.get("byteLength").getAsInt() > 0) {
                        // Add the existing buffer to the replacement.
                        newBufferViewsObject.add(propertyName, bufferViewElement);
                rootObject.add("bufferViews", newBufferViewsObject);
        writeFileUsingJsonElement(expectedOutputFile, root);

    private JsonElement readFileAsJSON(File expectedOutputFile) {
        String result;
        try {
            result = FileUtils.readFileToString(expectedOutputFile);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Something bad happened, but send something readable to the next step anyway.
            result = "{}";
        // Parse the existing file.
        JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
        JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(result));
        JsonElement root = parser.parse(reader);
        // Send root back.
        return root;

    private boolean writeFileUsingJsonElement(File expectedOutputFile, JsonElement root) {
        boolean success = false;
        // Write the file back out.
        try (Writer writer = new FileWriter(expectedOutputFile)) {
            GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
            if (wantJSONPrettyPrint)
            Gson gson = builder.create();
            gson.toJson(root, writer);
            success = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return success;

    private JsonElement selectivelyJoinTwoJSONElements(JsonElement baseElement, JsonElement otherElement,
            String suffix) {
        JsonObject base = baseElement.getAsJsonObject();
        JsonObject other = otherElement.getAsJsonObject();
        if (other.has("accessors")) {
            JsonElement accesssorsElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "accessors");
            JsonObject accesssorsObject = accesssorsElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("accessors").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: accessor_16.
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "accessor_16", { "bufferView": "bufferView_22", ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                // Cast to dictionary object.
                JsonObject joiningObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                // Convert: accessor_16 to accessor_16_suffix.
                String safePropertyName = String.format("%s_%s", propertyName, suffix);
                // Get the element of the bufferView, which is in form "bufferView_22".
                JsonElement bufferViewElement = joiningObject.get("bufferView");
                String bufferViewName = bufferViewElement.getAsString();
                // Create a new bufferView name: bufferView_22_suffix.
                String safeBufferViewName = String.format("%s_%s", bufferViewName, suffix);
                // Remove the existing path element.
                // Add the new one, containing the safety name: bufferView_22_suffix.
                joiningObject.addProperty("bufferView", safeBufferViewName);
                // "accesor_16_suffix": { "bufferView": "bufferView_22_suffix", ... }
                accesssorsObject.add(safePropertyName, joiningElement);
        if (other.has("bufferViews")) {
            JsonElement bufferViewsElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "bufferViews");
            JsonObject bufferViewsObject = bufferViewsElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("bufferViews").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: bufferView_22
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "bufferView_22", { "buffer": "P1", ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                // Cast to dictionary.
                JsonObject joiningObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                // Only include buffer view objects that aren't empty (because empty ones aren't referenced by collada2gltf, but collada2gltf erroneously includes them anyway during Open3DGC compression).
                if (joiningObject.get("byteLength").getAsInt() > 0) {
                    // Convert: bufferView_22 to bufferView_22_suffix.
                    String safePropertyName = String.format("%s_%s", propertyName, suffix);
                    // Get the element of the buffer; value is a key to look up data beneath the "buffers" dictionary. 
                    JsonElement bufferElement = joiningObject.get("buffer");
                    // Get the buffer name: compression.
                    String bufferName = bufferElement.getAsString();
                    // Convert: compression to compression_suffix.
                    String safeBufferName = (bufferName.equalsIgnoreCase("compression"))
                            ? String.format("%s_%s", bufferName, suffix)
                            : bufferName;
                    // Remove the existing buffer element. 
                    // Add the new one, containing the safety name(s): bufferView_22_suffix and P1_suffix.
                    joiningObject.addProperty("buffer", safeBufferName);
                    // "bufferView_22_suffix": { "buffer": "P1_suffix", ... }
                    bufferViewsObject.add(safePropertyName, joiningElement);
        if (other.has("buffers")) {
            JsonElement buffersElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "buffers");
            JsonObject buffersObject = buffersElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("buffers").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: P1 (name of converted file) or "compression" (if using Open3DGC compression).
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "P1", { "path": "P1.bin", ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                // Cast to dictionary object.
                JsonObject joiningObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                // Only include buffer view objects that aren't empty (because empty ones aren't referenced by collada2gltf, but collada2gltf erroneously includes them anyway during Open3DGC compression).
                if (joiningObject.get("byteLength").getAsInt() > 0) {
                    if (propertyName.equalsIgnoreCase("compression")) {
                        // Convert: compression to compression_suffix.
                        String safePropertyName = String.format("%s_%s", propertyName, suffix);
                        // Get the element of the path to file, which is in form "P1.bin" or "compression.bin".
                        JsonElement pathElement = joiningObject.get("path");
                        String pathName = pathElement.getAsString();
                        // Extract the file without the extension: P1.
                        String basePathName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(pathName);
                        // Extract the extension: bin.
                        String fileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(pathName);
                        // Create a new file name: P1_suffix.bin.
                        String safePathName = String.format("%s_%s.%s", basePathName, suffix, fileExtension);
                        // Remove the existing path element.
                        // Add the new one, containing the safety name: P1_suffix.bin.
                        joiningObject.addProperty("path", safePathName);
                        // "P1_suffix": { "path": "P1_suffix.bin", ... }
                        buffersObject.add(safePropertyName, joiningElement);
                    } else
                        buffersObject.add(propertyName, joiningElement);
        // Prepare a place to store technique rewrites to be used only in the material definitions.
        List<SimpleEntry<String, String>> techniqueReplacementTable = new ArrayList<SimpleEntry<String, String>>();
        List<SimpleEntry<String, String>> programReplacementTable = new ArrayList<SimpleEntry<String, String>>();
        // Techniques must happen before materials.
        if (other.has("techniques")) {
            JsonElement techniquesElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "techniques");
            JsonObject techniquesObject = techniquesElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("techniques").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: technique0.
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "technique0", { ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                JsonObject techniqueObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                // Look for existing technique/program.
                String equivalentTechnique = nameOfEquivalentTechniqueInBaseObject(base, other, propertyName);
                if (equivalentTechnique != null)
                            .add(new SimpleEntry<String, String>(propertyName, equivalentTechnique));
                else {
                    // If not equivalent, count number of techniques; return that count + 1 as safeTechniqueNumber.
                    int safeTechniqueNumber = nextSafeTechniqueNumber(techniquesObject);
                    // Then, write a replacement technique object with key: "technique%d" where %d is safeTechniqueNumber.
                    String safeTechniqueName = String.format("technique%d", safeTechniqueNumber);
                    techniqueReplacementTable.add(new SimpleEntry<String, String>(propertyName, safeTechniqueName));
                    // Then, count number of programs; return that count + 1 as firstSafeProgramNumber.
                    JsonElement baseProgramsElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "programs");
                    JsonObject baseProgramsObject = baseProgramsElement.getAsJsonObject();
                    int firstSafeProgramNumber = nextSafeProgramNumber(baseProgramsObject);
                    // Then, rewrite the object's "passes" -> pass -> "instanceProgram" -> "program" to be "program_%d" where %d is firstSafeProgramNumber.
                    JsonObject passesObject = techniqueObject.get("passes").getAsJsonObject();
                    JsonObject programsObject = other.get("programs").getAsJsonObject();
                    JsonObject shadersObject = other.get("shaders").getAsJsonObject();
                    JsonObject baseShadersObject = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "shaders").getAsJsonObject();
                    for (Entry<String, JsonElement> passEntry : passesObject.entrySet()) {
                        JsonObject passObject = passEntry.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
                        JsonObject instanceProgramObject = passObject.get("instanceProgram").getAsJsonObject();
                        // Get existing program name.
                        String programNameToRewrite = instanceProgramObject.get("program").getAsString();
                        SimpleEntry<String, String> equivalentProgramReplacementEntry = getEntryByKey(
                                programNameToRewrite, programReplacementTable);
                        String safeProgramName;
                        if (equivalentProgramReplacementEntry != null) {
                            // If the program can request an equivalent program, just rewrite the name in the pass.
                            safeProgramName = equivalentProgramReplacementEntry.getValue();
                        } else {
                            // If the program cannot request an equivalent program, rewrite the name in the pass
                            // Get a safe name for the program.
                            safeProgramName = String.format("program_%d", firstSafeProgramNumber);
                            // Mark the existing program name to be rewritten as the safe program name.
                                    .add(new SimpleEntry<String, String>(programNameToRewrite, safeProgramName));
                            // Get the existing program object.
                            JsonObject programObject = programsObject.get(programNameToRewrite).getAsJsonObject();
                            // Add applicable shaders to the base object.
                            for (String shaderCategory : Arrays.asList("fragmentShader", "vertexShader",
                                    "geometryShader", "tessellationShader", "computeShader")) {
                                if (programObject.has(shaderCategory)) {
                                    String shaderName = programObject.get(shaderCategory).getAsString();
                                    JsonElement shaderElement = shadersObject.get(shaderName);
                                    // TODO: Optionally, rename shader files.
                                    // Add shaders to base object.
                                    baseShadersObject.add(shaderName, shaderElement);
                            // Add the program to the base object under the safe program name.
                            baseProgramsObject.add(safeProgramName, programObject);
                        // Update the program in the pass's "instanceProgram" -> "program" from: program_0 to program_safeProgramNumber
                        instanceProgramObject.addProperty("program", safeProgramName);
                    // Add technique to base object.
                    techniquesObject.add(safeTechniqueName, joiningElement);
        if (other.has("materials")) {
            JsonElement materialsElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "materials");
            JsonObject materialsObject = materialsElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("materials").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: IfcSlab-fx.
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "IfcSlab-fx", { ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                if (!materialsObject.has(propertyName)) {
                    JsonObject otherSpecificMaterialObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                    JsonObject otherInstanceTechniqueObject = otherSpecificMaterialObject.get("instanceTechnique")
                    String techniqueRequest = otherInstanceTechniqueObject.get("technique").getAsString();
                    // Check if there's an existing replacement entry to translate requests for technique0 to techniqueX.
                    SimpleEntry<String, String> replacementEntry = getEntryByKey(techniqueRequest,
                    if (replacementEntry != null) {
                        String newTechnique = replacementEntry.getValue();
                        otherInstanceTechniqueObject.addProperty("technique", newTechnique);
                    // Otherwise, see if there's an one available in the base object.
                    else {
                        String newTechnique = nameOfEquivalentTechniqueInBaseObject(base, other, techniqueRequest);
                        if (newTechnique != null) {
                            otherInstanceTechniqueObject.addProperty("technique", newTechnique);
                    materialsObject.add(propertyName, joiningElement);
        if (other.has("meshes")) {
            JsonElement meshesElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "meshes");
            JsonObject meshesObject = meshesElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("meshes").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: "geom-131696".
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "geom-131696", { "primitives": [{ "attributes": { "NORMAL": "accessor_20", ... }, "indices": "accesor_16", ... }, ], ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                if (!meshesObject.has(propertyName)) {
                    // Cast to dictionary object.
                    JsonObject joiningObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                    // Get primitives array element.
                    JsonElement primitivesArrayElement = joiningObject.get("primitives");
                    JsonArray primitivesArray = primitivesArrayElement.getAsJsonArray();
                    Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = primitivesArray.iterator();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        JsonElement dictionaryElement =;
                        JsonObject dictionaryObject = dictionaryElement.getAsJsonObject();
                        // Get "attributes" sub-section.
                        JsonElement attributesElement = dictionaryObject.get("attributes");
                        JsonObject attributesObject = attributesElement.getAsJsonObject();
                        JsonObject newAttributesObject = new JsonObject();
                        // Yields keys like: "NORMAL", "POSITION", etc.
                        for (Entry<String, JsonElement> thisEntry : attributesObject.entrySet()) {
                            String thisKey = thisEntry.getKey();
                            JsonElement thisElement = thisEntry.getValue();
                            String accessorName = thisElement.getAsString();
                            String safeAccessorName = String.format("%s_%s", accessorName, suffix);
                            newAttributesObject.addProperty(thisKey, safeAccessorName);
                        dictionaryObject.add("attributes", newAttributesObject);
                        // Get "indices" entry.
                        JsonElement indicesElement = dictionaryObject.get("indices");
                        String indicesAccessorName = indicesElement.getAsString();
                        String safeIndicesAccessorName = String.format("%s_%s", indicesAccessorName, suffix);
                        dictionaryObject.addProperty("indices", safeIndicesAccessorName);
                    if (joiningObject.has("extensions")) {
                        // Get extensions dictionary. Iterate keys.
                        JsonObject extensionsObject = joiningObject.get("extensions").getAsJsonObject();
                        // Yields things like: Open3DGC-compression
                        for (Entry<String, JsonElement> extension : extensionsObject.entrySet()) {
                            JsonElement payload = extension.getValue();
                            if (payload instanceof JsonObject) {
                                JsonObject payloadObject = payload.getAsJsonObject();
                                // Get "compressedData"?
                                for (Entry<String, JsonElement> payloadElement : payloadObject.entrySet()) {
                                    JsonElement itemElement = payloadElement.getValue();
                                    if (itemElement instanceof JsonObject) {
                                        JsonObject itemObject = itemElement.getAsJsonObject();
                                        if (itemObject.has("bufferView")) {
                                            String bufferViewName = itemObject.get("bufferView").getAsString();
                                            String safeBufferViewName = String.format("%s_%s", bufferViewName,
                                            itemObject.addProperty("bufferView", safeBufferViewName);
                    // "P1_suffix": { "path": "P1_suffix.bin", ... }
                    meshesObject.add(propertyName, joiningElement);
        if (other.has("nodes")) {
            JsonElement nodesElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "nodes");
            JsonObject nodesObject = nodesElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("nodes").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: node-131696.
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "node-131696", { ... }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                if (!nodesObject.has(propertyName))
                    nodesObject.add(propertyName, joiningElement);
        if (other.has("scenes")) {
            JsonElement scenesElement = getOrCreateJSONElement(base, "scenes");
            JsonObject scenesObject = scenesElement.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject joining = other.get("scenes").getAsJsonObject();
            // Entry set yields key like: defaultScene.
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : joining.entrySet()) {
                // Get: "defaultScene", { "nodes": [ "node-131696", ... ], }
                String propertyName = entry.getKey();
                JsonElement joiningElement = entry.getValue();
                // Scene key not found in the base, so add the whole thing.
                if (!scenesObject.has(propertyName))
                    scenesObject.add(propertyName, joiningElement);
                // Scene key is found in the base, so append the values.
                else {
                    // Get the base propertyName (dictionary) -> "nodes" array.
                    JsonElement baseScene = scenesObject.get(propertyName);
                    JsonObject baseSceneObject = baseScene.getAsJsonObject();
                    JsonElement baseNodesElement = baseSceneObject.get("nodes");
                    JsonArray baseNodesArray = baseNodesElement.getAsJsonArray();
                    // Get the joining propertyName (dictionary) -> "nodes" array.
                    JsonObject joiningObject = joiningElement.getAsJsonObject();
                    JsonElement nodesElement = joiningObject.get("nodes");
                    JsonArray nodesArray = nodesElement.getAsJsonArray();
                    // Add the values.
        return baseElement;

    private JsonElement getOrCreateJSONElement(JsonObject base, String nameOfEntry) {
        JsonElement element = base.get(nameOfEntry);
        if (element == null) {
            element = new JsonObject();
            base.add(nameOfEntry, element);
        return element;

    private void renameCompressionBinTo(String newNameStub, File directory) {
        // Add ".bin" to the file name stub, if ".bin" is missing.
        if (!newNameStub.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(".bin"))
            newNameStub = String.format("%s.bin", newNameStub);
        // Make the new file name be beneath the directory.
        File newFile = new File(directory, newNameStub);
        // Get a link to the old file name.
        File oldFile = new File(directory, "compression.bin");
        // If the old file name exists, rename it.
        if (oldFile.exists())

    private void cleanUpDirectoryForPackaging(File writeDirectory, JsonElement base) {
        // Pass 2: delete GLSL files that are unused by the resulting JSON from Pass 1.
        deleteAllUnnecessaryShaderFiles(base, writeDirectory);
        // Delete all the JSON files that are not the main JSON file (so named after the project's name).

    private void deleteAllUnnecessaryJSONFiles(File directory) {
        String baseFileName = String.format("%s.json", projectInfo.getName());
        List<String> list = Arrays.asList(baseFileName);
        // Get all *.glsl files.
        File[] files = directory.listFiles(getOnlyJSONFilesFilter);
        // Delete the ones that are used by the JSON element.
        for (File file : files)
            if (!list.contains(file.getName()))

    private void deleteAllUnnecessaryShaderFiles(JsonElement rootElement, File directory) {
        List<String> list = getShaderFiles(rootElement);
        // Get all *.glsl files.
        File[] files = directory.listFiles(getOnlyGLSLFilesFilter);
        // Delete the ones that are used by the JSON element.
        for (File file : files)
            if (!list.contains(file.getName()))

    private List<String> getShaderFiles(JsonElement rootElement) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        JsonObject rootObject = rootElement.getAsJsonObject();
        // If root has a "shaders" entry, read it.
        if (rootObject.has("shaders")) {
            JsonObject shadersObject = rootObject.get("shaders").getAsJsonObject();
            for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : shadersObject.entrySet()) {
                JsonObject shaderObject = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
                // If the shader object has a path, add it to the list of files.
                if (shaderObject.has("path"))
        return list;

    private SimpleEntry<String, String> getEntryByKey(String key, List<SimpleEntry<String, String>> list) {
        Iterator<SimpleEntry<String, String>> iterator = list.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            SimpleEntry<String, String> entry =;
            if (entry.getKey() == key)
                return entry;
        return null;

    private String nameOfEquivalentTechniqueInBaseObject(JsonElement rootElement, JsonElement otherRootElement,
            String name) {
        JsonObject otherRootObject = otherRootElement.getAsJsonObject();
        JsonObject otherTechniques = otherRootObject.get("techniques").getAsJsonObject();
        if (otherTechniques.has(name)) {
            JsonObject otherTechnique = otherTechniques.get(name).getAsJsonObject();
            return nameOfEquivalentTechniqueInBaseObject(rootElement, otherTechnique);
        return null;

    private String nameOfEquivalentTechniqueInBaseObject(JsonElement rootElement, JsonObject otherTechnique) {
        String equivalentTechniqueName = null;
        /* Test for technique equality should be:
         *  1. "techniqueX" -> "parameters" are equivalent (captures changes like different input parameters; ex: transparency versus no transparency).
         *  2. "techniqueX" -> "pass" are equivalent.
         *  3. "techniqueX" -> "passes" -> pass (from 2) -> "states" are equivalent.
         *  4. "techniqueX" -> "passes" -> pass (from 2) -> "details" are equivalent.
         *  5. "techniqueX" -> "passes" -> pass (from 2) -> "instanceProgram" -> "attributes" are equivalent.
         *  6. "techniqueX" -> "passes" -> pass (from 2) -> "instanceProgram" -> "uniforms" are equivalent.
        JsonObject rootObject = rootElement.getAsJsonObject();
        if (rootObject.has("techniques")) {
            JsonObject existingTechniques = rootObject.get("techniques").getAsJsonObject();
            // Yields keys like: technique0
            for (Entry<String, JsonElement> existingTechnique : existingTechniques.entrySet()) {
                // Get: technique0
                String techniqueName = existingTechnique.getKey();
                JsonObject techniqueObject = existingTechnique.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
                JsonElement parameters = techniqueObject.get("parameters");
                JsonElement otherParameters = otherTechnique.get("parameters");
                // If parameters are equivalent; and,
                if (parametersAreEqual(parameters, otherParameters)) {
                    String pass = techniqueObject.get("pass").getAsString();
                    String otherPass = otherTechnique.get("pass").getAsString();
                    // If the pass names are the same; and,
                    if (pass.equals(otherPass)) {
                        JsonObject passes = techniqueObject.get("passes").getAsJsonObject();
                        JsonObject otherPasses = otherTechnique.get("passes").getAsJsonObject();
                        JsonObject passObject = passes.get(pass).getAsJsonObject();
                        JsonObject otherPassObject = otherPasses.get(pass).getAsJsonObject();
                        JsonElement states = passObject.get("states");
                        JsonElement otherStates = otherPassObject.get("states");
                        // If the states are equivalent; and,
                        if (statesAreEqual(states, otherStates)) {
                            JsonElement details = passObject.get("details");
                            JsonElement otherDetails = otherPassObject.get("details");
                            // If the details are equivalent; and,
                            if (detailsAreEqual(details, otherDetails)) {
                                JsonObject instanceProgram = passObject.get("instanceProgram").getAsJsonObject();
                                JsonObject otherInstanceProgram = otherPassObject.get("instanceProgram")
                                JsonElement attributes = instanceProgram.get("attributes");
                                JsonElement otherAttributes = otherInstanceProgram.get("attributes");
                                // If the attributes are equivalent; and,
                                if (attributesAreEqual(attributes, otherAttributes)) {
                                    JsonElement uniforms = instanceProgram.get("uniforms");
                                    JsonElement otherUniforms = otherInstanceProgram.get("uniforms");
                                    // If the uniforms are equivalent; then, the objects are equal. 
                                    if (uniformsAreEqual(uniforms, otherUniforms))
                                        return techniqueName;
        return equivalentTechniqueName;

    // Semantic convenience methods.
    private boolean parametersAreEqual(JsonElement parameters, JsonElement otherParameters) {
        return twoJSONEelementsAreEqual(parameters, otherParameters);

    private boolean statesAreEqual(JsonElement states, JsonElement otherStates) {
        return twoJSONEelementsAreEqual(states, otherStates);

    private boolean detailsAreEqual(JsonElement details, JsonElement otherDetails) {
        return twoJSONEelementsAreEqual(details, otherDetails);

    private boolean attributesAreEqual(JsonElement attributes, JsonElement otherAttributes) {
        return twoJSONEelementsAreEqual(attributes, otherAttributes);

    private boolean uniformsAreEqual(JsonElement uniforms, JsonElement otherUniforms) {
        return twoJSONEelementsAreEqual(uniforms, otherUniforms);

    private boolean twoJSONEelementsAreEqual(JsonElement element, JsonElement otherElement) {
        // Internal equivalence test against members.
        return (element.equals(otherElement)) ? true : false;

    private int nextSafeTechniqueNumber(JsonObject techniquesObject) {
        // Techniques are zero-indexed. So, a count should properly yield the next index.
        return techniquesObject.entrySet().size();

    private int nextSafeProgramNumber(JsonObject programsObject) {
        // Programs are zero-indexed. So, a count should properly yield the next index.
        return programsObject.entrySet().size();