Java tutorial
package org.bimserver.charting.Algorithms; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. *****************************************************************************/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bimserver.charting.Containers.Bin; import org.bimserver.charting.Containers.BinCollection; import org.bimserver.charting.Containers.ChartRow; import org.bimserver.charting.Containers.ChartRows; import org.bimserver.charting.Delegates.IModulateValueDelegate; import org.bimserver.charting.Dimensions.ModelDimension; import org.openmali.vecmath2.Vector2d; public class Binning { /** * Basis of the polygon (in radians). For non-self-intersecting shapes, this is 180 degrees, which is PI. This is equivalent to stating that any interior angle of a closed polygon must be less than 180 degrees to not be self-intersecting. */ public static final double AngleBasis = Math.PI; /** * Used to generate the shape. */ public double DistanceToAngle = 0; /** * Sides of the symmetrical polygon within which to consider data. Must be greater than 2 to be useful. */ public int NumberOfSides = 4; /** * Used to scale down incoming x and y values. */ public Vector2d Delta = Vector2d.ZERO; // Methods to modulate just incoming x and just incoming y values (useful for scaling using ChartExtent). public IModulateValueDelegate<Double> XHandler = null; public IModulateValueDelegate<Double> YHandler = null; /** * Repeated interior angle of the symmetric polygon (in radians). * * For equilateral triangles: 60 degrees, which yields exterior angles of 120 degrees, which is 2 * PI / 3. * For squares: 90 degrees, which yields exterior angles of 90 degrees, which is PI / 2. * For pentagon: 108 degrees, which yields exterior angles of 72 degrees, which is 2 * PI / 5. * For hexagons: 120 degrees, which yields exterior angles of 60 degrees, which is PI / 3. * @return the interiorAngle */ public double getInteriorAngle() { // Interior angle given number of sides as n: 180 - (360 / n) if (NumberOfSides > 2) return 2 * Math.PI / NumberOfSides; // Default back to the angle of an equilateral triangle (60 degrees). return 2 * Math.PI / 3.0; } /** * @return the exteriorAngle */ public double getExteriorAngle() { return AngleBasis - getInteriorAngle(); } /** * @return the distanceToAngle */ public double getDistanceToAngle() { return DistanceToAngle; } /** * @param distanceToAngle the distanceToAngle to set */ public void setDistanceToAngle(double distanceToAngle) { DistanceToAngle = distanceToAngle; Delta = calculateDelta(); } /** * @return the xHandler */ public IModulateValueDelegate<Double> getXHandler() { return XHandler; } /** * @param xHandler the xHandler to set */ public void setXHandler(IModulateValueDelegate<Double> xHandler) { XHandler = xHandler; } /** * @return the yHandler */ public IModulateValueDelegate<Double> getYHandler() { return YHandler; } /** * @param yHandler the yHandler to set */ public void setYHandler(IModulateValueDelegate<Double> yHandler) { YHandler = yHandler; } /** * @param distanceToAngle * @param numberOfSides */ public Binning(double distanceToAngle, int numberOfSides) { this(distanceToAngle, numberOfSides, null, null); } /** * @param distanceToAngle * @param numberOfSides * @param xHandler * @param yHandler */ public Binning(double distanceToAngle, int numberOfSides, IModulateValueDelegate<Double> xHandler, IModulateValueDelegate<Double> yHandler) { super(); // Shape. NumberOfSides = numberOfSides; setDistanceToAngle(distanceToAngle); // Handlers. XHandler = xHandler; YHandler = yHandler; } /** * @return */ public Vector2d calculateDelta() { double exteriorAngle = getExteriorAngle(); // Using the exterior angle (180 - interior angle), find the ratio of the two non-real sides (re: the hypotenuse is the actual line that exists in the shape being drawn). double ratioOfOppositeSideToHypotenuseInRightTriangle = Math.sin(exteriorAngle); double ratioOfAdjacentSideToHypotenuseInRightTriangle = Math.cos(exteriorAngle); // Send back a delta, such that an exterior angle of 60 degrees (PI / 3.0) yields: (1.73205, 1.5). return new Vector2d(2.0 * DistanceToAngle * ratioOfOppositeSideToHypotenuseInRightTriangle, 3.0 * DistanceToAngle * ratioOfAdjacentSideToHypotenuseInRightTriangle); } /** * Get bins (a bin is variant of an ArrayList<Vector2d> object) containing data points. This is done to query length. * * @param filteredData * @return */ public BinCollection getBinsById(ModelDimension x, ModelDimension y, ChartRows filteredData) { LinkedHashMap<String, Bin> binsById = new LinkedHashMap<String, Bin>(); boolean xHandlerIsValid = XHandler != null; boolean yHandlerIsValid = YHandler != null; if (x != null && y != null) { for (ChartRow row : filteredData) { // Create place holders for values. Vector2d point = new Vector2d(); Vector2d worldSpacePoint = new Vector2d(); // Get filtered raw values. ArrayList<Object> xValues = row.get(x); ArrayList<Object> yValues = row.get(y); // Coerce the values. Also, modulate them based on the supplied handlers. if (xValues.size() > 0) { Object testValue = xValues.get(0); if (testValue instanceof Number) { Double actualValue = ((Number) testValue).doubleValue(); point.x(actualValue); if (xHandlerIsValid) worldSpacePoint.x(XHandler.modulate(actualValue)); else worldSpacePoint.x(actualValue); } } if (yValues.size() > 0) { Object testValue = yValues.get(0); if (testValue instanceof Number) { Double actualValue = ((Number) testValue).doubleValue(); point.y(actualValue); if (yHandlerIsValid) worldSpacePoint.y(YHandler.modulate(actualValue)); else worldSpacePoint.y(actualValue); } } handlePointAndIndex(point, worldSpacePoint, binsById); } } // Send it back. Implicitly caches lower and upper lengths. return new BinCollection(binsById.values()); } public void handlePointAndIndex(Vector2d point, Vector2d worldSpacePoint, LinkedHashMap<String, Bin> existingBins) { // Distance formula: c^2 = a^2 + b^2 // Calculate world space y as a ratio to the delta y. double py = worldSpacePoint.y() / Delta.y(); // Derivisions from py. int pj = (int) Math.round(py); // Indent row if y value is not even. boolean pjIsNotEvenAtThisPoint = (Math.abs(pj % 2) == 1); // "b" of distance formula. //double bOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation = py - pj; // Calculate world space x as a ratio to the delta x. double px = worldSpacePoint.x() / Delta.x() - (pjIsNotEvenAtThisPoint ? .5 : 0); // Derivisions from px. int pi = (int) Math.round(px); // TODO: Figure out what this case represents. It's less of a priority because it destroys the syntactical notion of the variable "pi" (not to be confused with Math.PI) as an integer. /*if (Math.abs(bOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation) * 3 > 1) { // "a" of distance formula. double aOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation = px - pi; // Figure out if the world space values were rounded up. boolean xWasRoundedUp = (px < pi) ? true : false; boolean yWasRoundedUp = (py < pj) ? true : false; // double pi2 = pi + (xWasRoundedUp ? -0.5 : 0.5); int pj2 = pj + (yWasRoundedUp ? -1 : 1); double aOfWorldSpaceRecentering = px - pi2; double bOfWorldSpaceRecentering = py - pj2; // The penultimate step of the distance function to the rounded coordinates, left as-is for comparison. double cSquaredOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation = Math.pow(aOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation, 2) + Math.pow(bOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation, 2); // The penultimate step of the distance function to the recentered coordinates, left as-is for comparison. double cSquaredOfWorldSpaceRecentering = Math.pow(aOfWorldSpaceRecentering, 2) + Math.pow(bOfWorldSpaceRecentering, 2); // ADDITION: Avoid denaturing integer. double piNot = pi; // If the rounded coordinates are farther away, use the recentered ones. if (cSquaredOfWorldSpaceRoundingDeviation > cSquaredOfWorldSpaceRecentering) { piNot = (pjIsNotEvenAtThisPoint) ? pi2 + 0.5 : pi2 - 0.5; pj = pj2; pjIsNotEvenAtThisPoint = (pj % 2 == 1); } // Create ID for bin in format of WorldSpaceX-WorldSpaceY. String id = String.format("%s-%s", piNot, pj); // If ID a already exists, add the point. if (existingBins.containsKey(id)) { Bin bin = existingBins.get(id); bin.add(point); } // Otherwise, create a bin and set the appropriate locations. else { Bin thisBin = new Bin(Arrays.asList(point)); // Center in world space. thisBin.WorldSpaceLocation = new Vector2d(piNot, pj); // Center in raw data as (cx, cy). double modifier = (pjIsNotEvenAtThisPoint) ? 0.5 : 0; double cx = (piNot + modifier) * Delta.x(); double cy = pj * Delta.y(); thisBin.Location = new Vector2d(cx, cy); // Add bin. existingBins.put(id, thisBin); } } else {*/ // Create ID for bin in format of WorldSpaceX-WorldSpaceY. String id = String.format("%s-%s", pi, pj); // If ID a already exists, add the point. if (existingBins.containsKey(id)) { Bin bin = existingBins.get(id); bin.add(point); } // Otherwise, create a bin and set the appropriate locations. else { Bin thisBin = new Bin(Arrays.asList(point)); // Center in world space. thisBin.WorldSpaceLocation = new Vector2d(pi, pj); // Center in raw data as (cx, cy). double modifier = (pjIsNotEvenAtThisPoint) ? 0.5 : 0; double cx = (pi + modifier) * Delta.x(); double cy = pj * Delta.y(); thisBin.Location = new Vector2d(cx, cy); // Add bin. existingBins.put(id, thisBin); } //} } public String getSVGShape() { return getSVGShape(DistanceToAngle, Vector2d.ZERO, 0); } public String getSVGShape(double distance) { return getSVGShape(distance, Vector2d.ZERO, 0); } public String getSVGShape(double distance, Vector2d startLocation, double startAngleInRadians) { List<Vector2d> relativePoints = getShape(distance, startLocation, startAngleInRadians); ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); // Write relative points as (using periods to represent decimal points): px, py for (Vector2d relativePoint : relativePoints) strings.add(String.format(Locale.US, "%f,%f", new Double(relativePoint.x()), new Double(relativePoint.y()))); // Return something in format of: m px1,py1 l px2,py2 ... l pxn, pyn z if (strings.size() > 0) return "m " + StringUtils.join(strings, " l ") + " z"; else return ""; } public List<Vector2d> getShape() { return getShape(DistanceToAngle, Vector2d.ZERO, 0); } public List<Vector2d> getShape(double distance, Vector2d startLocation, double startAngleInRadians) { ArrayList<Vector2d> list = new ArrayList<Vector2d>(); double interiorAngle = getInteriorAngle(); // Iterate the sides, drawing a line along the interior angle for some value, distance. for (int n = 0; n < NumberOfSides; n++) { double angleInRadians = n * interiorAngle; // Calculate point 2 of the line. double x1 = Math.sin(angleInRadians) * distance; // Negative cosine is needed to invert the coordinate space such that -y is up. double y1 = -Math.cos(angleInRadians) * distance; // Calculate the difference between the start location and point 2. double dx = x1 - startLocation.x(); double dy = y1 - startLocation.y(); // Update start location to be the end of the line that was just created from startLocation to (x1, y1). startLocation = new Vector2d(x1, y1); // Add the relative point to the list. list.add(new Vector2d(dx, dy)); } return list; } }