Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  BibSonomy-Scraper - Web page scrapers returning BibTeX for BibSonomy.
 *  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 Knowledge & Data Engineering Group,
 *                            University of Kassel, Germany
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.bibsonomy.model.util.BibTexUtils;
import org.bibsonomy.scraper.AbstractUrlScraper;
import org.bibsonomy.scraper.ScrapingContext;
import org.bibsonomy.scraper.Tuple;
import org.bibsonomy.scraper.exceptions.InternalFailureException;
import org.bibsonomy.scraper.exceptions.ScrapingException;
import org.bibsonomy.util.WebUtils;
import org.bibsonomy.util.XmlUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

/** Scraper for IEEE Explore
 * @author rja
public class IEEEXploreBookScraper extends AbstractUrlScraper {
    private static final String SITE_NAME = "IEEEXplore Books";
    private static final String SITE_URL = "";
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IEEEXploreBookScraper.class);
    private static final String info = "This scraper creates a BibTeX entry for the books at "
            + href(SITE_URL, SITE_NAME);

    private static final String IEEE_HOST = "";
    private static final String IEEE_BOOK_PATH = "xpl";
    private static final String IEEE_SEARCH_PATH = "search";
    private static final String IEEE_BOOK = "@book";

    private static final String CONST_ISBN = "ISBN: ";
    private static final String CONST_PAGES = "Page(s): ";
    private static final String CONST_ON_PAGES = "On page(s): ";
    private static final String CONST_EDITION = "Edition: ";
    private static final String CONST_VOLUME = "Volume: ";
    private static final String CONST_DATE = "Publication Date: ";

    private static final String EXPORT_ARNUM_URL = "";

    private static final Pattern URL_PATTERN_BKN = Pattern.compile("bkn=([^&]*)");
    private static final Pattern URL_PATTERN_ARNUMBER = Pattern.compile("arnumber=([^&]*)");

    private static final List<Tuple<Pattern, Pattern>> patterns = new LinkedList<Tuple<Pattern, Pattern>>();

    static {
        patterns.add(new Tuple<Pattern, Pattern>(Pattern.compile(".*" + IEEE_HOST),
                Pattern.compile(IEEE_BOOK_PATH + ".*")));
        patterns.add(new Tuple<Pattern, Pattern>(Pattern.compile(".*" + IEEE_HOST),
                Pattern.compile(IEEE_SEARCH_PATH + ".*")));

    public boolean scrapeInternal(ScrapingContext sc) throws ScrapingException {

        String bibtex = null;
        String postContent = null;

        Matcher matcher = URL_PATTERN_BKN.matcher(sc.getUrl().toString());

        if (matcher.find()) {
            postContent = "citations-format=citation-abstract&download-format=download-bibtex&fromPageName=bookAbstract&recordIds="

        matcher = URL_PATTERN_ARNUMBER.matcher(sc.getUrl().toString());

        if (matcher.find()) {
            postContent = "citations-format=citation-abstract&download-format=download-bibtex&fromPageName=abstract&recordIds="

        if (postContent != null) {
            try {
                bibtex = WebUtils.getPostContentAsString(new URL(EXPORT_ARNUM_URL), postContent);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new InternalFailureException(ex);

        if (bibtex != null) {
            // clean up
            bibtex = bibtex.replace("<br>", "");

            // append url
            bibtex = BibTexUtils.addFieldIfNotContained(bibtex, "url", sc.getUrl().toString());

            // add downloaded bibtex to result 
            return true;

        } else {
            log.debug("IEEEXploreBookScraper use JTidy to get Bibtex from " + sc.getUrl().toString());
            return true;


     * @param sc
     * @return bibtex
     * @throws ScrapingException
    public String ieeeBookScrape(ScrapingContext sc) throws ScrapingException {
        try {
            //-- init all NodeLists and Node
            NodeList pres = null;
            Node currNode = null;
            NodeList temp = null;

            //-- init String map for bibtex entries
            String type = IEEE_BOOK;
            String url = sc.getUrl().toString();
            String authors = "";
            String numpages = "";
            String title = "";
            String isbn = "";
            String publisher = "";
            String month = "";
            String year = "";
            String edition = "";
            String abstr = "";

            String bibtexkey = null;
            String _tempabs = null;
            String ident1 = null;
            String ident2 = null;

            //-- get the html doc and parse the DOM
            final Document doc = XmlUtils.getDOM(sc.getPageContent());

             * -- Search title and extract --
             * The title has always the css-class "headNavBlueXLarge".
             * FIXME: this part could be deprecated. don't knot it at all...
            pres = null;
            pres = doc.getElementsByTagName("span"); //get all <span>-Tags
            for (int i = 0; i < pres.getLength(); i++) {
               Node curr = pres.item(i);
               Element g = (Element)curr;
               Attr own = g.getAttributeNode("class");         
               //-- Extract the title
               if ("headNavBlueXLarge".equals(own.getValue())){
                  title = curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
            } */

            if (title == null || title.equals("")) {
                ident1 = "<title>";
                ident2 = "</title>";
                if (sc.getPageContent().contains(ident1) && sc.getPageContent().contains(ident2)) {
                    int _startIndex = sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1) + ident1.length();
                    int _endIndex = sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2);
                    title = sc.getPageContent().substring(_startIndex, _endIndex);
                    title = title.replaceAll("IEEEXplore#\\s", "");

             * get the abstract block
             * FIXME: this part could be deprecated. don't knot it at all...
            ident1 = "<strong>Abstract</strong>";
            ident2 = "<strong>Table of Contents </strong>";
            if (sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1) != -1 && sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2) != -1 ){
               _tempabs = sc.getPageContent().substring(sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1)+ident1.length(),sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2)).replaceAll("\\s\\s+", "").replaceAll("(<.+?>)", "").trim();
               abstr = _tempabs;         
            } */

            ident1 = "<span class=\"sectionHeaders\">Abstract</span>";
            ident2 = "<td class=\"bodyCopyGrey\"><p class=\"bodyCopyGreySpaced\"><strong>";
            if (sc.getPageContent().contains(ident1) && sc.getPageContent().contains(ident2)) {
                int _startIndex = sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1) + ident1.length();
                int _endIndex = sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2);
                _tempabs = sc.getPageContent().substring(_startIndex, _endIndex);
                abstr = _tempabs.replaceAll("\\s\\s+", "").replaceAll("(<.+?>)", "").trim();

             * get the book formats like hardcover
             * FIXME: this part could be deprecated. don't knot it at all...
            ident1 = "<td class=\"bodyCopyBlackLarge\" nowrap>Hardcover</td>";
            ident2 = "<td class=\"bodyCopyBlackLarge\" nowrap><span class=\"sectionHeaders\">&raquo;</span>";
            if (sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1) != -1){
               _format = sc.getPageContent().substring(sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1),sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2)).replaceAll("\\s\\s+", "").replaceAll("(<.+?>)", "");
               _format = _format.substring(_format.indexOf(CONST_ISBN) + CONST_ISBN.length());
               isbn = _format.substring(0,_format.indexOf("&nbsp;"));

            /*-- get all <p>-Tags to extract the standard informations
             *  In every standard page the css-class "bodyCopyBlackLargeSpaced"
             *  indicates the collection of all informations.
             * */
            pres = null;
            pres = doc.getElementsByTagName("p"); //get all <p>-Tags
            for (int i = 0; i < pres.getLength(); i++) {
                currNode = pres.item(i);

                if (currNode.hasAttributes()) {
                    Element g = (Element) currNode;
                    Attr own = g.getAttributeNode("class");
                    if ("bodyCopyBlackLargeSpaced".equals(own.getValue()) && currNode.hasChildNodes()) {
                        temp = currNode.getChildNodes();

                        for (int j = 0; j < temp.getLength(); j++) {
                            if (temp.item(j).getNodeValue().indexOf(CONST_DATE) != -1) {
                                String date = temp.item(j).getNodeValue().substring(18);
                                year = date.substring(date.length() - 5).trim();
                                month = date.substring(0, date.length() - 4).trim();
                                // not correct in all cases
                                // publisher = temp.item(j+2).getNodeValue().trim();
                            if (temp.item(j).getNodeValue().indexOf(CONST_PAGES) != -1) {
                                numpages = temp.item(j).getNodeValue().substring(CONST_PAGES.length()).trim();
                            } else if (temp.item(j).getNodeValue().indexOf(CONST_ON_PAGES) != -1) {
                                numpages = temp.item(j).getNodeValue().substring(CONST_ON_PAGES.length()).trim();
                            if (temp.item(j).getNodeValue().indexOf(CONST_EDITION) != -1) {
                                edition = temp.item(j).getNodeValue().substring(CONST_EDITION.length()).trim();
                            } else if (temp.item(j).getNodeValue().indexOf(CONST_VOLUME) != -1) {
                                edition = temp.item(j).getNodeValue().substring(CONST_VOLUME.length()).trim();
                            if (isbn == "" && temp.item(j).getNodeValue().indexOf(CONST_ISBN) != -1) {
                                isbn = temp.item(j).getNodeValue().substring(CONST_ISBN.length()).trim();

            /*-- Search authors and save them --
             * FIXME: this part could be deprecated. don't knot it at all...
            pres = null;
            pres = doc.getElementsByTagName("a"); //get all <a>-Tags
            //init vars to count authors to form a bibtex String
            int numaut = 0;
             * iterate through the a tags and search the attribute value "<in>aud)" 
             * to identify the authors in the source of the ieeexplore page
            for (int i = 39; i < pres.getLength(); i++) {
               Node curr = pres.item(i);
               Element g = (Element)curr;
               Attr own = g.getAttributeNode("href");
               if (own.getValue().indexOf("<in>au)") != -1){
                  //Form Bibtex String by counting authors
                  if (numaut > 0 ){
              authors += " and " + curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); 
                  if (numaut == 0) {
              authors += curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
              if (curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().indexOf(",") != -1 && bibtexkey == null){
                 bibtexkey = curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().substring(0,curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim().indexOf(","));
              } else if (curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim().indexOf(" ") != -1 && bibtexkey == null){
                 bibtexkey = curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim().substring(0,curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim().indexOf(" "));
              } else if (bibtexkey == null){
                 bibtexkey = curr.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim();
            } */

             * get authors
            if (authors == null || authors.equals("")) {
                ident1 = "<font color=990000><b>";
                ident2 = "<br>";
                int _startIndex = sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident1) + ident1.length();
                if (sc.getPageContent().contains(ident1)
                        && sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2, _startIndex) != -1) {
                    int _endIndex = sc.getPageContent().indexOf(ident2, _startIndex);
                    authors = sc.getPageContent().substring(_startIndex, _endIndex);
                    authors = authors.replaceAll("\\s\\s+", "").replaceAll("(<.+?>)", "").trim();
                    authors = authors.replaceAll("&nbsp;&nbsp;", " and ");

                    if (authors.endsWith(" and ")) {
                        authors = authors.substring(0, authors.length() - 5);

            //-- kill special chars and add the year to bibtexkey
            if ((isbn == null || !isbn.equals("")) && (year == null || !year.equals(""))) {
                bibtexkey = isbn.replaceAll("-", "");
                bibtexkey = bibtexkey.replaceAll("[^0-9A-Za-z]", "") + ":" + year;

            //create the book-bibtex
            return type + " { " + bibtexkey + ", \n" + "author = {" + authors + "}, \n" + "title = {" + title
                    + "}, \n" + "year = {" + year + "}, \n" + "url = {" + url + "}, \n" + "pages = {" + numpages
                    + "}, \n" + "edition = {" + edition + "}, \n" + "publisher = {" + publisher + "}, \n"
                    + "isbn = {" + isbn + "}, \n" + "abstract = {" + abstr + "}, \n" + "month = {" + month + "}\n}";

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InternalFailureException(e);

    public String getInfo() {
        return info;

    public List<Tuple<Pattern, Pattern>> getUrlPatterns() {
        return patterns;

    public String getSupportedSiteName() {
        return SITE_NAME;

    public String getSupportedSiteURL() {
        return SITE_URL;