Java tutorial
// Copyright 2013 Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Wellcome Trust Library, Wellcome Trust Library // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.Priority; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import; import; import org.bibalex.sdxe.binding.SDXEMediatorBean; import org.bibalex.sdxe.controller.SDXEMediator; import org.bibalex.sdxe.controller.SugtnTreeContollerCache; import org.bibalex.sdxe.controller.SugtnTreeController; import org.bibalex.sdxe.exception.DomBuildChangesException; import org.bibalex.sdxe.exception.DomBuildException; import org.bibalex.sdxe.exception.SDXEException; import org.bibalex.sdxe.exception.SugtnException; import org.bibalex.sdxe.suggest.model.dom.ISugtnTypedNode; import org.bibalex.sdxe.suggest.model.dom.SugtnDeclNode; import org.bibalex.sdxe.suggest.model.dom.SugtnTypeDeclaration; import org.bibalex.sdxe.xsa.application.XSASDXEDriver; import org.bibalex.sdxe.xsa.exception.XSAException; import org.bibalex.sdxe.xsa.model.XSADocCache; import org.bibalex.sdxe.xsa.model.XSADocument; import org.bibalex.sdxe.xsa.model.XSAInstance; import org.bibalex.sdxe.xsa.model.XSALocator; import org.bibalex.util.URLPathStrUtils; import org.bibalex.wamcp.exception.WAMCPException; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; public class WAMCPIndexedStorage extends WAMCPStorage implements Serializable { public static class IndexEntry { public String name; public long revision; // We get it from DB, so let's keep it that way: public String wfStageName; public String lastModifiedBy; public Date lastModifiedDate; public HashMap<String, String> summaryFieldsValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); public String wfStep; } /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7291992014509294840L; protected static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("org.bibalex.wamcp.ixedStorage"); protected final String CONFIG_SOLR_SERVER; protected final String CONFIG_PUBLISH_SOLR_SERVER; // protected static WeakHashMap<String, SolrServer> solrServerMap = new WeakHashMap<String, SolrServer>(); public static String IXED_STORAGE_CONCATED_VALUE_DELIMETIR = " | "; public static final HashMap<String, Integer> COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET = new HashMap<String, Integer>( 13); static { // no need for new Integer(0), because of the newly introduced Java Boxing COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put(null, 0); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Gregorian", 0); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Julian", 0); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("AM", -5510); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Hijri-shamsi", 1911); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Hijri-qamari", 623); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Coptic-EoM", 285); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Alexandrian", -313); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Iranian-Yazdigird", 633); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Iranian-Jalali", 1079); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Spanish", -38); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Ilahi", 1584); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("Hindu", -58); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("unknown", 0); COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.put("other", 0); } protected static final HashMap<String, String> XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put(SugtnTypeDeclaration.XSD_BASE_TYPE_NAME, "text"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put(SugtnTypeDeclaration.XSD_BASE_SIMPLE_TYPE_NAME, "text"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put(null, "text"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("base64Binary", "binary"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("boolean", "boolean"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("byte", "binary"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("date", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("dateTime", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("decimal", "tlong"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("double", "tdouble"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("duration", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("float", "tfloat"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("gYearMonth", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("gYear", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP .put("gMonthDay", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("gMonth", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("gDay", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("hexBinary", "binary"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("int", "tint"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("integer", "tint"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("long", "tlong"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("NOTATION", "string"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("QName", "string"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("short", "tint"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("string", "textExact"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("time", "tdate"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("unsignedByte", "tint"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("unsignedInt", "tint"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("unsignedShort", "tint"); XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.put("anyURI", "string"); } public static final String WAMCP_INDEX_IDFIELDNAME = "id"; public static final String WAMCP_INDEX_lastModifiedByFieldNAME = "Last.Modified.By"; public static final String WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_revision = "revision"; public static final String WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_timestamp = "timestamp"; public static final String WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_WFSTEP = "Workflow.Stage"; public static final String[] IXED_STORAGE_CATCHALLFIELDNAMES = new String[] { "AllTextEN", "AllTextAR", "AllExactEN", "AllExactAR" }; protected static final String WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_COVERCATION = "Cover.Caption"; protected static final String WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_COVERIMAGE = "Cover.Image"; static CommonsHttpSolrServer solrServer = null; static CommonsHttpSolrServer publishSolrServer = null; public static SolrServer getSolrServer(String url) throws WFSVNException { // if (!solrServerMap.containsKey(url)) { /* * CommonsHttpSolrServer is thread-safe and if you are using the following constructor, * you *MUST* re-use the same instance for all requests. If instances are created on * the fly, it can cause a connection leak. The recommended practice is to keep a * static instance of CommonsHttpSolrServer per solr server url and share it for all requests. * See for more details */ if (solrServer == null) { try { solrServer = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } } return solrServer; // Should we need any configurations, here they are: // solrServer.setParser(new XMLResponseParser()); // // solrServer.setSoTimeout(1000); // socket read timeout // solrServer.setConnectionTimeout(100); // solrServer.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(100); // solrServer.setMaxTotalConnections(100); // solrServer.setFollowRedirects(false); // defaults to false // // allowCompression defaults to false. // // solrServer side must support gzip or deflate for this to have any effect. // solrServer.setAllowCompression(true); // solrServer.setMaxRetries(1); // defaults to 0. > 1 not recommended. // // solrServerMap.put(url, solrServer); // } // // return solrServerMap.get(url); } protected final XSADocument xsaDoc; protected final SDXEMediatorBean sdxeMediator; protected final HashMap<XSAInstance, String> ixedFieldsNames; protected final HashMap<String, String> ixedFieldsTypes; protected final HashMap<XSAInstance, String> advSearchFieldsNames; protected final HashMap<String, String> advSearchFieldsTypes; // These fields are not exported in the // because they are only auxilary fields for a special purpose protected final HashMap<XSAInstance, String> extraFacetFieldsNames; protected final HashMap<String, String> extraFacetFieldsTypes; protected final SugtnTreeController sugtnTreeController; protected URI cfgBagApiUri; protected String quickMessage = null; // // Some constants. + - ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ // protected static final String LUCENE_ESCAPE_CHARS = "[\\\\\\+\\-\\!\\(\\)\\:\\^\\[\\]\\{\\}\\~\\*\\?\\\"]"; // // protected static final Pattern LUCENE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LUCENE_ESCAPE_CHARS); // protected static final String REPLACEMENT_STRING = "\\\\$0"; protected String schemaFilePath; protected String mssToReindex; protected String CONFIG_URL_BAGAPI_BASE; protected String CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE; protected String CONFIG_ROOTELTNAME; protected String CONFIG_NAMESPACE; protected static Pattern arabicUnicodeLetters = Pattern.compile(".*[\u0600-\u06FF]+.*"); public WAMCPIndexedStorage(String CONFIG_URL_BAGAPI_BASE, String CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE, String CONFIG_ROOTELTNAME, String CONFIG_NAMESPACE, SDXEMediatorBean sdxeMediatorBean, String CONFIG_SOLR_SERVER, String CONFIG_PUBLISH_SOLR_SERVER) throws SugtnException, WFSVNException, URISyntaxException { this.cfgBagApiUri = new URI(CONFIG_URL_BAGAPI_BASE); this.CONFIG_URL_BAGAPI_BASE = CONFIG_URL_BAGAPI_BASE; this.CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE = CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE; this.CONFIG_ROOTELTNAME = CONFIG_ROOTELTNAME; this.CONFIG_NAMESPACE = CONFIG_NAMESPACE; this.sdxeMediator = sdxeMediatorBean; this.CONFIG_SOLR_SERVER = CONFIG_SOLR_SERVER; this.CONFIG_PUBLISH_SOLR_SERVER = CONFIG_PUBLISH_SOLR_SERVER; this.xsaDoc = XSADocCache.getInstance().xsaDocForSchema( CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE); this.sugtnTreeController = SugtnTreeContollerCache.getInstance() .sugtnTreeControllerForSchema( CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE, CONFIG_NAMESPACE, CONFIG_ROOTELTNAME); this.ixedFieldsNames = new HashMap<XSAInstance, String>(); this.ixedFieldsTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.advSearchFieldsNames = new HashMap<XSAInstance, String>(); this.advSearchFieldsTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.extraFacetFieldsNames = new HashMap<XSAInstance, String>(); this.extraFacetFieldsTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { List<XSAInstance> indexedInsts = this.xsaDoc.getIndexedInsts(); for (XSAInstance xsaInst : indexedInsts) { String fieldName = xsaInst.getIxFieldName(); String extraFacetFName = ""; String extraFacetFType = xsaInst.getExtraFacetType(); if ((extraFacetFType != null) && !extraFacetFType.isEmpty()) { extraFacetFName = fieldName + "_" + extraFacetFType; } if (xsaInst.getIxFieldIsSummary()) { fieldName += "SSS"; } // Add the prefix that will map this to the correct dynamic field // SDXEMediator could be still uninitialized so we can't use its tree SugtnDeclNode declNode = this.sugtnTreeController .getNodeAtSugtnPath( xsaInst.getLocator().asString()); SugtnTypeDeclaration origType = null; if (declNode instanceof ISugtnTypedNode) { origType = ((ISugtnTypedNode) declNode).getType(); } SugtnTypeDeclaration sugtnType = XSASDXEDriver.overrideSugtnType(origType, xsaInst); String solrFieldType = xsaInst.getSolrType(); if ((solrFieldType == null) || solrFieldType.isEmpty()) { if (sugtnType.isEnumerated()) { solrFieldType = XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.get("QName"); } else { solrFieldType = XSD_TYPE_SOLR_TYPE_PFX_MAP.get(sugtnType.getBaseTypeName()); } } fieldName += "_" + solrFieldType; // if (!xsaInst.isSingleton() // || sugtnType.isListType() || // ((declNode instanceof SugtnElementNode) // && ((SugtnElementNode) declNode).isMultivalued())) { // fieldName += "_M"; // extraFacetFName += "_M"; // } this.ixedFieldsNames.put(xsaInst, fieldName); this.ixedFieldsTypes.put(fieldName, solrFieldType); if ((extraFacetFType != null) && !extraFacetFType.isEmpty()) { this.extraFacetFieldsNames.put(xsaInst, extraFacetFName); this.extraFacetFieldsTypes.put(extraFacetFName, extraFacetFType); } } // FIXME make the advances search fields dynamic List<XSAInstance> advancedInsts = this.xsaDoc.getAdvancedSearchInsts(); for (XSAInstance advInst : advancedInsts) { String fieldName = advInst.getIxFieldName(); this.advSearchFieldsNames.put(advInst, fieldName); this.advSearchFieldsTypes.put(fieldName, advInst.getAdvancedSearchType()); } } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (SugtnException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (XSAException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } this.schemaFilePath = ((ServletContext) FacesContext .getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext()) .getRealPath("/Schema/enrich-wamcp.xsd"); // FIXME: Hard coded value! } protected void addFieldValueToDoc(SolrInputDocument doc, String fieldName, Object value, String fieldType) { String strValue = value.toString(); if ((strValue == null) || strValue.isEmpty() || "FILL IN".equals(strValue)) { return; } // Not needed while adding.. only when querying // // Escape Lucene special chars: + - ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ (not && || ) // // strValue = LUCENE_PATTERN.matcher(strValue).replaceAll(REPLACEMENT_STRING); // Guard against values that would cause Solr Internal Server Error if ((fieldType == null) || fieldType.isEmpty()) { fieldType = this.getSolrTypeForField(fieldName); } try { if (fieldType.startsWith("text")) { if (fieldName.indexOf('_') > -1) { // the field type of dynamic text fields depends on the language of text if (!(fieldName.endsWith("EN") || fieldName.endsWith("AR"))) { if (arabicUnicodeLetters.matcher(strValue).matches()) { // contains Arabic this.addFieldValueToDoc(doc, fieldName + "AR", strValue, fieldType); } else { this.addFieldValueToDoc(doc, fieldName + "EN", strValue, fieldType); } return; } } else { // nothing to do.. but avoid going into the else of numerics } } else if ("string".equals(fieldType) || "binary".equals(fieldType)) { // nothing to do.. but avoid going into the else of numerics } else if ("boolean".equals(fieldType)) { Boolean.parseBoolean(strValue); } else if ("tdate".equals(fieldType)) { new SimpleDateFormat().parse(strValue); } else { // numeric tyoes... make sure only chars String notAllowed = "[^0-9+-\\.]"; // TODO use locale strValue = strValue.replaceAll(notAllowed, ""); if ("tlong".equals(fieldType)) { Long.parseLong(strValue); } else if ("tdouble".equals(fieldType)) { Double.parseDouble(strValue); } else if ("tfloat".equals(fieldType)) { Float.parseFloat(strValue); } else if ("tint".equals(fieldType)) { Integer.parseInt(strValue); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Ingoring value (" + strValue + ") that seems to be not acceptable for the field (" + fieldName + ")"); return; } doc.addField(fieldName, strValue); } void assertResponseOk(HttpResponse httpResp) throws Exception { int statusCode = httpResp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (200 != statusCode) { throw new Exception("the html file of the doc. cann't be retrieved"); } } @Override public boolean close(boolean forceUnlock) throws SVNException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { // Is this really necessary?? Does anything require that? return this.close(forceUnlock, true); } public boolean close(boolean forceUnlock, boolean unloadTempXML) throws SVNException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { boolean result = super.close(forceUnlock); try { // Not sure if this is necessary or just code left overs if (unloadTempXML) { this.galleryBean.unloadTempXml(); } } catch (BAGException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } return result; } @Override public SVNCommitInfo commit(String commitMessage) throws SVNException, WFSVNException { SVNCommitInfo result = super.commit(commitMessage); long revNum; if (result == null) { revNum = -1; } else { revNum = result.getNewRevision(); } this.updateIndex(revNum, true); // Will we store stage in index? "EDIT"); // TODONOT?? get the stage name in which the commit is allowed // dynamically return result; } /** * this method is used to make some processing on text so as to improve the searching results * @return * @throws XSAException * @throws DomBuildChangesException * @throws WFSVNException * @throws SugtnException * @throws JDOMException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected SolrInputDocument constructDocFromXSA() throws XSAException, DomBuildChangesException, WFSVNException, SugtnException, JDOMException { // if (!this.initialized) { // this.init(); // } SolrInputDocument result = new SolrInputDocument(); boolean iniatlizedSdxe = false; if (!this.sdxeMediator.getDomTreeController().getIsInitialized()) { try {, this.schemaFilePath); XSALocator siteLoc = this.xsaDoc.getSiteLocator(); this.sdxeMediator.moveToSugtnPath(siteLoc.asString()); } catch (SDXEException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } iniatlizedSdxe = true; } try { List<XSAInstance> indexedInsts = this.xsaDoc.getIndexedInsts(); for (XSAInstance xsaInst : indexedInsts) { String fieldName = this.ixedFieldsNames.get(xsaInst); String solrFieldType = this.ixedFieldsTypes.get(fieldName); String advFieldName = this.advSearchFieldsNames.get(xsaInst); // FIXME uncomment this, and index advanced search according to its type not the normal search type! // String advFieldType = (advFieldName != null ? this.advSearchFieldsTypes // .get(advFieldName) : null); String extraFacetFName = this.extraFacetFieldsNames.get(xsaInst); String extraFacetFType = (extraFacetFName != null ? this.extraFacetFieldsTypes .get(extraFacetFName) : null); // Now find the nodes that must be indexed // YA 20110221 Index all occurences in all base shifts // String allBrosStr = xsaInst.getXPathToAllOccsInAllConts(); String allBrosStr = xsaInst.getXPathToAllOccsInAllBaseShifts(); // END YA 20110221 XPath allBrosXp = this.sdxeMediator.getDomTreeController() .createXPathWithNS(allBrosStr); // this is part of the commit procedure so there can't be unsaved changes List allBros = allBrosXp.selectNodes(this.sdxeMediator.getDomTreeController() .getDomTotal()); for (Object bro : allBros) { String value = null; if (bro instanceof Element) { // try { value = ((Element) bro).getValue(); // Why would we index XML tags? // JDOMUtils.getElementContentAsString((Element) bro, Format // .getCompactFormat()); // value = value.replaceAll("<", "<"); // value = value.replaceAll(">", ">"); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new XSAException(e); // } // And there is this Folio reference in many values.. let's strip it out // And those stupid white spaces.. nuke 'em value = value.replaceAll("[Ff]ol\\.\\ ?\\d+[ab]\\.?\\ ?\\d*", "").trim() .replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } else if (bro instanceof Attribute) { value = ((Attribute) bro).getValue(); } else { throw new WFSVNException("Bad object type returned from: " + allBrosStr); } if ((extraFacetFType != null) && !extraFacetFType.isEmpty() && !extraFacetFType.equals(solrFieldType)) { if ("string".equals(extraFacetFType)) { String facetVal = value.length() == 0 ? value : ArabicNormalizer .normalize(value); // facetVal = "\""+facetVal+""; if ("Tahmid".equals(xsaInst.getIxFieldName())) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceAll("[???]", ""); if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); } if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); } // All diacretics are now removed // // sometimes a shaddah is explicitly inserted // if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { // facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); // } // other times they want to avoid the automatic shaddah if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); // to avoid the Shaddah they // add a legator } if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); // to avoid the Shaddah they // add a legator } if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); // to avoid the Shaddah they // add a legator } if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); } if (facetVal.startsWith("")) { facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("", "").trim(); } } StringTokenizer tahmidTokenz = new StringTokenizer(facetVal, " ", false); StringBuilder facetValBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (tahmidTokenz.hasMoreTokens() && (i < 20)) { // get max 25 words of the string String token = tahmidTokenz.nextToken(); facetValBuilder.append(token + " "); if (token.length() >= 3) { ++i; } } facetVal = facetValBuilder.toString(); // else if ("Provenance.Owners.Readers".equals(xsaInst.getIxFieldName())) { // if (facetVal.startsWith("Note of ownership:")) { // facetVal = facetVal.replaceFirst("Note of ownership\\:", "") // .trim(); // } // } this.addFieldValueToDoc(result, extraFacetFName, facetVal, extraFacetFType); } // TODO rest of types for extra facet } // The case of the date if (xsaInst.getIxFieldName().endsWith("Year") && (value != null) && !value.isEmpty()) { value = value.trim(); int lastSpace = value.lastIndexOf(' '); if (lastSpace != -1) { value = value.substring(lastSpace + 1); // the last part } try { long normalizedValue = Long.valueOf(value); String calendar = xsaInst.getDomRep().getAttributeValue("calendar"); normalizedValue += COMMONERA_CALENDARS_OFFSET.get(calendar); value = "" + normalizedValue; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.debug("Skipping the indexing of year from the value: " + value); continue; } } if ("boolean".equals(solrFieldType)) { if ((value != null) && !value.isEmpty() && !("none".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "no".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "0" .equalsIgnoreCase(value))) { value = "true"; } else { value = "false"; } } // The case of the shelfmark for sorting quasi-numerically if (fieldName.startsWith("Shelfmark")) { String sortableShelfmark = value.replace(' ', '_'); int lastUnderscore = sortableShelfmark.lastIndexOf('_'); if (lastUnderscore > -1) { sortableShelfmark = sortableShelfmark.substring(0, lastUnderscore); } String actualShelfmark = value.substring(lastUnderscore + 1); char lastChar = actualShelfmark.charAt(actualShelfmark.length() - 1); boolean endWithALetter = Character.isLetter(lastChar); if (endWithALetter) { actualShelfmark = actualShelfmark .substring(0, actualShelfmark.length() - 1); } while (actualShelfmark.length() < 4) { actualShelfmark = '0' + actualShelfmark; } if (endWithALetter) { actualShelfmark += lastChar; } sortableShelfmark += '_' + actualShelfmark; this.addFieldValueToDoc(result, "Sortable.Shelfmark", sortableShelfmark, "string"); } // all fields are now multivalues.. very few were not // if (fieldName.endsWith("_M") && !solrFieldType.startsWith("text")) { if ((!xsaInst.isSingleton() // || sugtnType.isListType() || // ((declNode instanceof SugtnElementNode) // && ((SugtnElementNode) declNode).isMultivalued()) ) && !solrFieldType.startsWith("text")) { // Field is multivalued but its content is not text, i.e. will not // be analyzed or even tokenized on whitespace or anything.. // TOKENIZE IT HERE StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(value, " ", false); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokens.nextToken(); this.addFieldValueToDoc(result, fieldName, token, null); if (advFieldName != null) { this.addFieldValueToDoc(result, advFieldName, token, this.advSearchFieldsTypes.get(advFieldName)); } } } else { this.addFieldValueToDoc(result, fieldName, value, null); if (advFieldName != null) { this.addFieldValueToDoc(result, advFieldName, value, this.advSearchFieldsTypes.get(advFieldName)); } } } } } finally { if (iniatlizedSdxe) { try { this.sdxeMediator.close(); } catch (DomBuildException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } } } return result; } @Override public SVNCommitInfo delete(String fileName, String commitMessage) throws WFSVNException, SVNException, IOException { SVNCommitInfo result = super.delete(fileName, commitMessage); // remove the document from index SolrServer server = this.getDefaultSolrServer(); try { server.deleteById(fileName); server.commit(); } catch (SolrServerException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } return result; } public String fullHTML(String oaiId) { String xmlFolderUrlStr = "HTML"; // String localId = BAOAIIDBuilder.localIdFromOaiId(oaiId); String fileName = oaiId; String fileUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils .appendParts(this.getGalleryBean().getGalleryRootUrlStr()); fileUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(fileUrlStr, xmlFolderUrlStr); fileUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(fileUrlStr, fileName + ".html"); if (LOG.isEnabledFor(Priority.WARN)) { LOG.warn("fullHTML: " + fileUrlStr); } // System.out.println("**************************** fullHTML: " // + fileUrlStr + " **********************************"); return this.streamUrl(fileUrlStr); } public Collection<String> getAllFieldNames() throws WFSVNException { // if (!this.initialized) { // this.init(); // } Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(this.ixedFieldsNames.size() + this.advSearchFieldsNames.size() + IXED_STORAGE_CATCHALLFIELDNAMES.length); result.addAll(this.ixedFieldsNames.values()); result.addAll(this.advSearchFieldsNames.values()); for (String catchAllField : IXED_STORAGE_CATCHALLFIELDNAMES) { result.add(catchAllField); } return result; } public SolrServer getDefaultSolrServer() throws WFSVNException { return getSolrServer(this.CONFIG_SOLR_SERVER); } public SolrServer getPublishSolrServer() throws WFSVNException { try { publishSolrServer = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(this.CONFIG_PUBLISH_SOLR_SERVER); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } return publishSolrServer; } public String getMssToReindex() { return this.mssToReindex; } public String getQuickMessage() { return this.quickMessage; } public Collection<String> getRegularFieldNames() throws WFSVNException { return this.ixedFieldsNames.values(); } public SDXEMediator getSdxeMediator() { return this.sdxeMediator; } public String getSolrTypeForField(String fieldName) { // if (!this.initialized) { // this.init(); // } String result = this.ixedFieldsTypes.get(fieldName); if (result == null) { result = this.advSearchFieldsTypes.get(fieldName); } if (result == null) { // must be one of IXED_STORAGE_CATCHALLFIELDNAMES result = "text"; if (fieldName.contains("Exact")) { result += "Exact"; } result += fieldName.substring(fieldName.length() - 2); } return result; } // @Override // public void openRead(String fileNameNoExt) throws SVNException, IOException, WFSVNException { // // super.openRead(fileNameNoExt); // // try { // this.galleryBean.loadTempXml(); // } catch (BAGException e) { // throw new WFSVNException(e); // // } // } @Override public void moveArtifactInWorkflow(String outcome) throws WFSVNArtifactLoadingException, SVNException { super.moveArtifactInWorkflow(outcome); // Updating the index on each worflow move is a big overhead, and nothing have changed // except the workflow step.. so WE WONT STORE IT IN THE INDEX // updateIndex(-1,newStep); } @Override public void openWrite(String fileNameNoExt) throws SVNException, IOException, WFSVNException { super.openWrite(fileNameNoExt); try { this.galleryBean.loadTempXml(); } catch (BAGException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } } // Searching for old arabic // protected void reindex(String filename, long revision, boolean commit) { // // try { // LOG.debug("Rebuilding doc for: " + filename); // // // to avoid repetetively loading temp XML // super.openRead(filename); // // this.sdxeMediator // .open(this.getWorkingFile().getCanonicalPath(), // this.schemaFilePath); // // XSALocator siteLoc = this.xsaDoc.getSiteLocator(); // this.sdxeMediator.moveToSugtnPath(siteLoc.asString()); // // this.updateIndex(revision, commit); // // } catch (SVNException e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // } catch (SDXEException e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // } catch (JDOMException e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // } catch (Exception e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // // } finally { // // try { // // this.close(true, true); // // this.sdxeMediator.close(); // // this.closeWorkingFile(); // // } catch (SVNException e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // } catch (DomBuildException e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // } catch (Exception e) { // LOG.error(e, e); // } // // } // } public List<IndexEntry> parseSolrResp(QueryResponse rsp) throws WFSVNException { // if (!this.initialized) { // this.init(); // } SolrDocumentList docs = rsp.getResults(); List<IndexEntry> result = new LinkedList<IndexEntry>(); Iterator iter = docs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SolrDocument doc = (SolrDocument); IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry(); = (String) doc.getFieldValue(WAMCP_INDEX_IDFIELDNAME); // id is the uniqueKey field doc.removeFields(WAMCP_INDEX_IDFIELDNAME); entry.revision = ((Long) doc.getFieldValue(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_revision)).longValue(); doc.removeFields(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_revision); entry.lastModifiedDate = (Date) doc.getFieldValue(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_timestamp); doc.removeFields(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_timestamp); entry.lastModifiedBy = (String) doc.getFieldValue(WAMCP_INDEX_lastModifiedByFieldNAME); doc.removeFields(WAMCP_INDEX_lastModifiedByFieldNAME); entry.wfStep = (String) doc.getFieldValue(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_WFSTEP); doc.removeFields(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_WFSTEP); for (String fldname : doc.getFieldNames()) { String concatedValue = ""; int ix = fldname.indexOf('_'); String fldKey; if (ix != -1) { fldKey = fldname.substring(0, ix); } else { fldKey = fldname; // throw new WFSVNException("Malformed field name: " + fldname); } // String fldType = this.ixedFieldsTypes.get(fldname); if (fldKey.endsWith("SSS")) { // summary field fldKey = fldKey.substring(0, fldKey.length() - 3); } else { // not a summary field continue; } fldKey = fldKey.replace('.', ' '); for (Object obj : doc.getFieldValues(fldname)) { concatedValue += IXED_STORAGE_CONCATED_VALUE_DELIMETIR + obj.toString(); // TODONOT highlighting // if (rsp.getHighlighting().get( != null) { // List<String> highlightSnippets = rsp.getHighlighting().get( // fldname); // } } concatedValue = concatedValue.substring(IXED_STORAGE_CONCATED_VALUE_DELIMETIR .length()); entry.summaryFieldsValues.put(fldKey, concatedValue); } result.add(entry); } return result; } public void rebuildIndex(ActionEvent ev) { try { this.assureInit();"Index rebuild process started at: " + new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date())); SolrServer server = this.getDefaultSolrServer(); // clear index server.deleteByQuery("*:*"); server.commit(); LOG.debug("Deleted docs from backend SOLR server by query *:*"); SolrServer publishServer = this.getPublishSolrServer(); // clear index publishServer.deleteByQuery("*:*"); publishServer.commit(); LOG.debug("Deleted docs from publish SOLR server by query *:*"); try { this.getGalleryBean().loadTempXml(); WAMCPOldArabicStorage oldArabicIndexer = new WAMCPOldArabicStorage(this); Collection<WFSVNEntry> svnEntries = this.svnClient.svnGetEntries(); for (WFSVNEntry entry : svnEntries) { oldArabicIndexer.reindex(entry.getName(), entry.getRevision(), false); // this.getDefaultSolrServer().commit(); // to be deleted // The internal server error is not caused by heavy load // try { // Thread.sleep(100); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // continue what you are doing! // } } this.getDefaultSolrServer().commit(); this.getPublishSolrServer().commit(); } finally { this.getGalleryBean().unloadTempXml(); }"Index rebuild process successfully terminated at: " + new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date())); } catch (SVNException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } catch (WFSVNException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } catch (SolrServerException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } catch (BAGException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } catch (SugtnException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); } } public void reindexManuscript(ActionEvent ev) { try { this.galleryBean.loadTempXml(); new WAMCPOldArabicStorage(this).reindex(this.mssToReindex, -1, true); } catch (BAGException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } catch (SugtnException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } catch (WFSVNException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } finally { try { this.galleryBean.unloadTempXml(); } catch (BAGException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } } } @Override public void release(Document metadataXml, Element metaAlbum) throws BAGException, WAMCPException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException, WFSVNLockedException { super.release(metadataXml, metaAlbum); OAIFilesBuilder.releaseOAIFiles(metadataXml, this.cfgBagApiUri, WAMCPStorage.filenameForShelfMark(this.artifact.getArtifactName()), this.xsaDoc, this.galleryBean.getGalleryRootUrlStr()); } public void setMssToReindex(String mssToReindex) { this.mssToReindex = mssToReindex; } public void setQuickMessage(String quickMessage) { this.quickMessage = quickMessage; } private String streamUrl(String urlStr) { BasicHttpParams httpParams; httpParams = new BasicHttpParams(); SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry(); schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory .getSocketFactory(), 80)); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, 2000); ThreadSafeClientConnManager httpCM = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(httpParams, schemeRegistry); DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpCM, httpParams); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(urlStr); HttpResponse httpResp = null; try { httpResp = httpClient.execute(httpGet); this.assertResponseOk(httpResp); InputStream stream = httpResp.getEntity().getContent(); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); byte[] b = new byte[4096]; for (int n; (n = != -1;) { out.append(new String(b, 0, n, "UTF-8")); } String tmp = out.toString(); tmp = tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf("?>") + 2); return tmp; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { httpGet.abort(); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } protected void updateIndex(long revision, boolean commit) // We get this from DB: String wfStepName) throws WFSVNException { // update the index SolrInputDocument doc = null; try { doc = this.constructDocFromXSA(); } catch (DomBuildChangesException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (XSAException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (SugtnException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } // ////// Non XSA Specified fields ///////////// // id field doc.addField(WAMCP_INDEX_IDFIELDNAME, this.getArtifact().getArtifactName()); // html version String htmlString = this.fullHTML(this.getArtifact().getArtifactName()); doc.addField("ARHtml", htmlString); doc.addField("ENHtml", htmlString); // doc.addField("ARExactHtml", htmlString); // doc.addField("ENExactHtml", htmlString); // last modified by doc.addField(WAMCP_INDEX_lastModifiedByFieldNAME, this.getSessionBBean().getUserName()); // last modified date // automatically added in the timestamp field // revision doc.addField(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_revision, revision); // Workflow step String currentWFStage = this.getSvnClient().getWfProcess() .getStepNameForArtifact(this.getArtifact()); doc.addField(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_WFSTEP, currentWFStage); // Representative cover image BAGThumbnail cover = null; try { cover = this.getGalleryBean().getAlbumCoverFromLoadedTempXml(this.getArtifact() .getArtifactName()); } catch (BAGException e1) { LOG.error(e1, e1); try { this.getGalleryBean().loadTempXml(); } catch (BAGException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } try { cover = this.getGalleryBean().getAlbumCoverFromLoadedTempXml(this.getArtifact() .getArtifactName()); } catch (BAGException e) { LOG.error(e, e); } } String caption; String image; if (cover == null) { LOG.warn("Cannot get album cover data"); caption = ""; image = ""; } else { caption = cover.getCaption(); image = cover.getImageUrlStr(); } doc.addField(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_COVERCATION, caption); doc.addField(WAMCP_INDEX_FIELDNAME_COVERIMAGE, image); // ///////////////////// // do the post requet to Solr SolrServer server = this.getDefaultSolrServer(); try { server.add(doc); if (commit) { server.commit(); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { LOG.error("Solr server error when adding doc: " + doc); throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (SolrException e) { LOG.error("Solr error when adding doc: " + doc); throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } if(currentWFStage.equals("DONE")){ // do the post requet to Solr SolrServer publishServer = this.getPublishSolrServer(); try { publishServer.add(doc); if (commit) { publishServer.commit(); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { LOG.error("Solr publish server error when adding doc: " + doc); throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (SolrException e) { LOG.error("Solr publsih error when adding doc: " + doc); throw new WFSVNException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } } } public void writeIndexFieldsToFile(ActionEvent ev) throws WAMCPException, WFSVNException, SVNException, XSAException { Properties ixedFieldsNameType = new Properties(); for (String key : this.getAllFieldNames()) { String value = this.getSolrTypeForField(key); if (!key.startsWith("All")) { // catch all fields don't have an XPath Set<Entry<XSAInstance, String>> entriesToSearch; if (key.indexOf('_') == -1) { entriesToSearch = this.advSearchFieldsNames.entrySet(); } else { entriesToSearch = this.ixedFieldsNames.entrySet(); } for (Entry<XSAInstance, String> mapping : entriesToSearch) { if (key.equals(mapping.getValue())) { String fieldXPathStr = mapping.getKey().getXPathToAllOccsInAllBaseShifts(); value += "," + fieldXPathStr; // A field can take values from more than one XPath break; } } } ixedFieldsNameType.setProperty(key, value); } try { File ixedFieldesNameTypeTempFile = new File(this.getUserDir().getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + ""); FileOutputStream ixedFieldesNameTypeTempStream = new FileOutputStream( ixedFieldesNameTypeTempFile);, ""); ixedFieldesNameTypeTempStream.flush(); ixedFieldesNameTypeTempStream.close(); String targetPathAbs = ixedFieldesNameTypeTempFile.getCanonicalPath(); ServletContext sltCtx = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .getExternalContext().getContext(); String filePathAbs = sltCtx.getRealPath(""); String filePathRel = targetPathAbs.substring(filePathAbs.length()); filePathRel = filePathRel.replace('\\', '/'); String fileURL = sltCtx.getContextPath() + filePathRel; this.setQuickMessage("Index fields file created: <a href='" + fileURL + "'>" + " Click to download! </a>"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WAMCPException(e); } } }