Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 Rainer Bieniek ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * File: */ package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bgp4j.netty.BGPv4Constants; /** * @author Rainer Bieniek ( * */ public class CapabilityCodec { public static List<Capability> decodeCapabilities(ByteBuf buffer) { List<Capability> caps = new LinkedList<Capability>(); while (buffer.isReadable()) { caps.add(decodeCapability(buffer)); } return caps; } public static Capability decodeCapability(ByteBuf buffer) { Capability cap = null; try { buffer.markReaderIndex(); int type = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); switch (type) { case BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_MULTIPROTOCOL: cap = decodeMultiProtocolCapability(buffer); break; case BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_ROUTE_REFRESH: cap = decodeRouteRefreshCapability(buffer); break; case BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_AS4_NUMBERS: cap = decodeAutonomousSystem4Capability(buffer); break; case BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_OUTBOUND_ROUTE_FILTERING: cap = decodeOutboundRouteFilteringCapability(buffer); break; default: cap = decodeUnknownCapability(type, buffer); break; } } catch (CapabilityException e) { buffer.resetReaderIndex(); int type = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); int capLength = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); byte[] capPacket = new byte[capLength + 2]; buffer.readBytes(capPacket, 2, capLength); capPacket[0] = (byte) type; capPacket[1] = (byte) capLength; e.setCapability(capPacket); throw e; } return cap; } private static Capability decodeUnknownCapability(int type, ByteBuf buffer) { UnknownCapability cap = new UnknownCapability(); cap.setCapabilityType(type); int parameterLength = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (parameterLength > 0) { byte[] value = new byte[parameterLength]; buffer.readBytes(value); cap.setValue(value); } return cap; } private static Capability decodeOutboundRouteFilteringCapability(ByteBuf buffer) { OutboundRouteFilteringCapability cap = new OutboundRouteFilteringCapability(); assertMinimalLength(buffer, 5); // 2 octest AFI + 1 octet reserved + 1 octet SAFI + 1 octet number of (ORF type, Send/Receive) tuples cap.setAddressFamily(AddressFamily.fromCode(buffer.readUnsignedShort())); buffer.readByte(); cap.setSubsequentAddressFamily(SubsequentAddressFamily.fromCode(buffer.readUnsignedByte())); int orfs = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (buffer.readableBytes() != 2 * orfs) throw new UnspecificOpenPacketException( "Expected " + (2 * orfs) + " octets parameter, got " + buffer.readableBytes() + " octets"); try { cap.getFilters().put(ORFType.fromCode(buffer.readUnsignedByte()), ORFSendReceive.fromCode(buffer.readUnsignedByte())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new UnspecificOpenPacketException(e); } return cap; } private static Capability decodeAutonomousSystem4Capability(ByteBuf buffer) { AutonomousSystem4Capability cap = new AutonomousSystem4Capability(); assertFixedLength(buffer, BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_LENGTH_AS4_NUMBERS); cap.setAutonomousSystem((int) buffer.readUnsignedInt()); return cap; } private static Capability decodeRouteRefreshCapability(ByteBuf buffer) { RouteRefreshCapability cap = new RouteRefreshCapability(); assertEmptyParameter(buffer); return cap; } private static Capability decodeMultiProtocolCapability(ByteBuf buffer) { MultiProtocolCapability cap = new MultiProtocolCapability(); assertFixedLength(buffer, BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_LENGTH_MULTIPROTOCOL); cap.setAfi(AddressFamily.fromCode(buffer.readShort())); buffer.readByte(); // reserved cap.setSafi(SubsequentAddressFamily.fromCode(buffer.readByte())); return cap; } public static void encodeCapabilities(ByteBuf buffer, Collection<Capability> caps) { if (caps != null) { for (Capability cap : caps) encodeCapability(buffer, cap); } } public static void encodeCapability(ByteBuf buffer, Capability cap) { if (cap instanceof MultiProtocolCapability) { buffer.writeByte(BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_MULTIPROTOCOL); encodeMultiprotocolCapability(buffer, (MultiProtocolCapability) cap); } else if (cap instanceof RouteRefreshCapability) { buffer.writeByte(BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_ROUTE_REFRESH); encodeRouteRefreshCapability(buffer, (RouteRefreshCapability) cap); } else if (cap instanceof AutonomousSystem4Capability) { buffer.writeByte(BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_AS4_NUMBERS); encodeAutonomousSystem4Capability(buffer, (AutonomousSystem4Capability) cap); } else if (cap instanceof OutboundRouteFilteringCapability) { buffer.writeByte(BGPv4Constants.BGP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_OUTBOUND_ROUTE_FILTERING); encodeOutboundRouteFilteringCapability(buffer, (OutboundRouteFilteringCapability) cap); } else if (cap instanceof UnknownCapability) { buffer.writeByte(((UnknownCapability) cap).getCapabilityType()); encodeUnknownCapability(buffer, (UnknownCapability) cap); } } private static void encodeUnknownCapability(ByteBuf buffer, UnknownCapability cap) { if (cap.getValue() != null && cap.getValue().length > 0) { buffer.writeByte(cap.getValue().length); buffer.writeBytes(cap.getValue()); } } private static void encodeOutboundRouteFilteringCapability(ByteBuf buffer, OutboundRouteFilteringCapability cap) { buffer.writeByte(5 + 2 * cap.getFilters().size()); buffer.writeShort(cap.getAddressFamily().toCode()); buffer.writeByte(0); buffer.writeByte(cap.getSubsequentAddressFamily().toCode()); buffer.writeByte(cap.getFilters().size()); for (ORFType type : cap.getFilters().keySet()) { buffer.writeByte(type.toCode()); buffer.writeByte(cap.getFilters().get(type).toCode()); } } private static void encodeAutonomousSystem4Capability(ByteBuf buffer, AutonomousSystem4Capability cap) { buffer.writeByte(4); buffer.writeInt(cap.getAutonomousSystem()); } private static void encodeRouteRefreshCapability(ByteBuf buffer, RouteRefreshCapability cap) { buffer.writeByte(0); } private static ByteBuf encodeMultiprotocolCapability(ByteBuf buffer, MultiProtocolCapability cap) { buffer.writeByte(4); if (cap.getAfi() != null) buffer.writeShort(cap.getAfi().toCode()); else buffer.writeShort(AddressFamily.RESERVED.toCode()); buffer.writeByte(0); // reserved if (cap.getSafi() != null) buffer.writeByte(cap.getSafi().toCode()); else buffer.writeByte(0); return buffer; } private static final void assertEmptyParameter(ByteBuf buffer) { int parameterLength = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (parameterLength != 0) throw new UnspecificOpenPacketException( "Expected zero-length parameter, got " + parameterLength + " octets"); } private static final void assertFixedLength(ByteBuf buffer, int length) { int parameterLength = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (parameterLength != length) throw new UnspecificOpenPacketException( "Expected " + length + " octets parameter, got " + parameterLength + " octets"); } private static final void assertMinimalLength(ByteBuf buffer, int length) { int parameterLength = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (parameterLength < length) throw new UnspecificOpenPacketException( "Expected " + length + " octets parameter, got " + parameterLength + " octets"); } }