Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2017, BGI-Shenzhen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> *******************************************************************************/ package; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser; import; import; import; import org.seqdoop.hadoop_bam.KeyIgnoringVCFOutputFormat; import org.seqdoop.hadoop_bam.VCFOutputFormat; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; public class VCFQualityControlOptions extends GaeaOptions implements HadoopOptions { private final static String SOFTWARE_NAME = "VCFQualityControl"; private final static String SOFTWARE_VERSION = "1.0"; public VCFQualityControlOptions() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub addOption("m", "mode", true, "VQSR:The mode employed to perform vcf quality control(\"1\" is vcf recalibration." + "\"2\" is hard filter. Default:1"); addOption("i", "input", true, "The raw input variants to be recalibrated.", true); addOption("r", "reference", true, "VQSR:reference in fasta format.", true); addOption("R", "resource", true, "VQSR:A list of sites for which to apply a prior probability of" + " being correct but which aren't used by the algorithm, separated by ':'.", true); addOption("o", "output", true, "The output local path.", true); addOption("t", "titv", true, "VQSR:the expected novel Ti/Tv ratio to use when calculating FDR tranches" + " and for display on the optimization curve output figures. (approx 2.15 for whole genome" + " experiments). ONLY USED FOR PLOTTING PURPOSES!"); addOption("a", "an", true, "VQSR:The names of the annotations which should used for calculations, separated by comma."); addOption("T", "TStranche", true, "VQSR:The levels of novel false discovery rate (FDR, implied by ti/tv) at which to slice the data. (in percent, that is 1.0 for 1 percent)"); addOption("I", "ignoreFilter", true, "VQSR:If specified the variant recalibrator will use variants even if the specified filter name is marked in the input VCF file, separated by comma."); addOption("f", "tsFilterLevel", true, "VQSR:The truth sensitivity level at which to start filtering, used here to indicate filtered variants in the model reporting plots"); addOption("c", "trustAllPolymorphic", false, "VQSR:Trust that all the input training sets' unfiltered records contain only polymorphic sites to drastically speed up the computation."); addOption("M", "mode", true, "VQSR:Recalibration mode to employ: 1.) SNP for recalibrating only snps (emitting indels untouched in the output VCF); 2.) INDEL for indels; and 3.) BOTH " + "for recalibrating both snps and indels simultaneously."); addOption("g", "maxGaussians", true, "VQSR:The maximum number of Gaussians to try during variational Bayes algorithm"); addOption("C", "maxIterations", true, "VQSR:The maximum number of VBEM iterations to be performed in variational Bayes algorithm. Procedure will normally end when convergence is detected."); addOption("k", "numKMeans", true, "VQSR:The number of k-means iterations to perform in order to initialize the means of the Gaussians in the Gaussian mixture model."); addOption("s", "stdThreshold", true, "VQSR:If a variant has annotations more than -std standard deviations away from mean then don't use it for building the Gaussian mixture model."); addOption("q", "qualThreshold", true, "VQSR:If a known variant has raw QUAL value less than -qual then don't use it for building the Gaussian mixture model."); addOption("G", "shrinkage", true, "VQSR:The shrinkage parameter in the variational Bayes algorithm."); addOption("d", "dirichlet", true, "VQSR:The dirichlet parameter in the variational Bayes algorithm."); addOption("p", "priorCounts", true, "VQSR:The number of prior counts to use in the variational Bayes algorithm."); addOption("P", "percentBadVariants", true, "VQSR:What percentage of the worst scoring variants to use when building the Gaussian mixture model of bad variants. 0.07 means bottom 7 percent."); addOption("b", "minNumBadVariants", true, "VQSR:The minimum amount of worst scoring variants to use when building the Gaussian mixture model of bad variants. Will override -percentBad argument if necessary."); addOption("O", "hdfsOutputPath", true, "VQSR:hdfs Output Path." + ""); addOption("l", "tmpPath", true, "VQSR:temp local Path."); addOption("H", "hasRscript", true, "VQSR:do Rscript"); addOption("F", "filterName", true, "Hard Filter:filter name"); addOption("S", "snpFilter", true, "Hard Filter:snp filter parameter, eg:MQ>10"); addOption("D", "indelFilter", true, "Hard Filter:indel filter parameter, eg:\"MQ<10||FS>8.0\"\n"); addOption("h", "help", false, "Display help information."); } /** * vcf quality control mode */ private int vcfqcMode; /** * input dir or file */ private String inputs; /** * output dir */ private String outputPath; /** * reference for genome Loc */ private String reference; /** * Any set of VCF files to use as lists of training, truth, or known sites. * Training - Input variants which are found to overlap with these training sites are used to build the Gaussian mixture model. * Truth - When deciding where to set the cutoff in VQSLOD sensitivity to these truth sites is used. * Known - The known / novel status of a variant isn't used by the algorithm itself and is only used for reporting / display purposes. * Bad - In addition to using the worst 3% of variants as compared to the Gaussian mixture model, we can also supplement the list with a database of known bad variants. */ private List<String> resources; /** * The expected transition / tranversion ratio of true novel variants in your targeted region (whole genome, exome, specific * genes), which varies greatly by the CpG and GC content of the region. See expected Ti/Tv ratios section of the GATK best * practices wiki documentation for more information. Normal whole genome values are 2.15 and for whole exome 3.2. Note * that this parameter is used for display purposes only and isn't used anywhere in the algorithm! */ private double TargetTiTv; /** * See the input VCF file's INFO field for a list of all available annotations. */ private List<String> UseAnnotatitions; /** * Add truth sensitivity slices through the call set at the given values. The default values are 100.0, 99.9, 99.0, and 90.0 * which will result in 4 estimated tranches in the final call set: the full set of calls (100% sensitivity at the accessible * sites in the truth set), a 99.9% truth sensitivity tranche, along with progressively smaller tranches at 99% and 90%. */ private String TsTranches; /** * keep vcf varition if the filters are in this */ private HashSet<String> IgnoreInputFilters; /** * Tranches filter level */ private double TSFilterLevel; /** * trust all Polymorphic */ private boolean TrustAllPolymorphic; /** * Recalibration mode to employ: 1.) SNP for recalibrating only snps (emitting indels untouched in the output VCF); * 2.) INDEL for indels; and 3.) BOTH for recalibrating both snps and indels simultaneously. */ private Mode mode; /** * The maximum number of Gaussians to try during variational Bayes algorithm */ private int maxGaussians; /** * The maximum number of VBEM iterations to be performed in variational Bayes algorithm. * Procedure will normally end when convergence is detected. */ private int maxIterations; /** * The number of k-means iterations to perform in order to initialize the means of the Gaussians in the Gaussian mixture model. */ private int numKMeansIterations; /** * If a variant has annotations more than -std standard deviations away from mean then don't use it for building the Gaussian mixture model. */ private double stdThreshold; /** * If a known variant has raw QUAL value less than -qual then don't use it for building the Gaussian mixture model. */ private double qualThreshold; /** * The shrinkage parameter in the variational Bayes algorithm. */ private double shrinkage; /** * The dirichlet parameter in the variational Bayes algorithm. */ private double dirichletParamenter; /** * The number of prior counts to use in the variational Bayes algorithm. */ private double priorCounts; /** * What percentage of the worst scoring variants to use when building the Gaussian mixture model of bad variants. 0.07 means bottom 7 percent. */ private double percentBadVariants; /** * The minimum amount of worst scoring variants to use when building the Gaussian mixture model of bad variants. Will override -percentBad argument if necessary. */ private int minNumBadVariants; private List<Path> inputList; private String filterName; private String snpFilter; private String indelFilter; /** * class of Model * @author zhangyong2 * */ public enum Mode { SNP("SNP"), INDEL("INDEL"), BOTH("BOTH"); private String mode; Mode(String mode) { this.mode = mode; } public String getModeString() { return mode; } } @Override public void setHadoopConf(String[] args, Configuration conf) { try { String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(args).getRemainingArgs(); conf.setStrings("args", otherArgs); conf.set(VCFOutputFormat.OUTPUT_VCF_FORMAT_PROPERTY, "VCF"); conf.set(GaeaVCFHeader.VCF_HEADER_PROPERTY, setOutputURI("vcfHeader.obj")); conf.setBoolean(KeyIgnoringVCFOutputFormat.WRITE_HEADER_PROPERTY, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private String setOutputURI(String output) { StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); uri.append(outputPath); uri.append(System.getProperty("file.separator")); uri.append(output); return uri.toString(); } @Override public void getOptionsFromHadoopConf(Configuration conf) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String[] args = conf.getStrings("args"); this.parse(args); } @Override public void parse(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { cmdLine = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); printHelpInfotmation(SOFTWARE_NAME); System.exit(1); } vcfqcMode = getOptionIntValue("m", 1); inputs = getOptionValue("i", null); outputPath = getOptionValue("o", null); if (vcfqcMode == 1) { try { reference = getOptionValue("r", null); String resource = getOptionValue("R", null); resources.addAll(Arrays.asList(resource.split(":"))); outputPath = getOptionValue("o", null); TargetTiTv = getOptionDoubleValue("t", 2.15); String an = getOptionValue("a", null); UseAnnotatitions.addAll(Arrays.asList(an.split(","))); TsTranches = getOptionValue("T", null); String ignoreFilters = getOptionValue("I", null); IgnoreInputFilters.addAll(Arrays.asList(ignoreFilters.split(","))); TSFilterLevel = getOptionDoubleValue("f", 99.0); TrustAllPolymorphic = getOptionBooleanValue("c", false); mode = Mode.valueOf((getOptionValue("m", "SNP"))); maxGaussians = getOptionIntValue("g", 10); maxIterations = getOptionIntValue("C", 100); numKMeansIterations = getOptionIntValue("k", 30); stdThreshold = getOptionDoubleValue("s", 14.0); qualThreshold = getOptionDoubleValue("q", 80.0); shrinkage = getOptionDoubleValue("G", 1.0); dirichletParamenter = getOptionDoubleValue("d", 0.001); priorCounts = getOptionDoubleValue("p", 20.0); percentBadVariants = getOptionDoubleValue("P", 0.03); minNumBadVariants = getOptionIntValue("b", 2500); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unrecognized parameter for VQSR, please refer to the help information"); } } else if (vcfqcMode == 2) { try { filterName = getOptionValue("F", null); snpFilter = getOptionValue("S", null); indelFilter = getOptionValue("D", null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unrecognized parameter for Hard Filter, please refer to the help information"); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unvalid mode is employed. Please refer to the help information"); } } /** * @return the inputs */ public String getInputs() { return inputs; } /** * @param inputs the inputs to set */ public void setInputs(String inputs) { this.inputs = inputs; } /** * @return the resources */ public List<String> getResources() { return resources; } /** * @param resources the resources to set */ public void setResources(List<String> resources) { this.resources = resources; } /** * @return the recalFile */ public String getOutputPath() { return outputPath; } /** * @param recalFile the recalFile to set */ public void setOutputPath(String outputPath) { this.outputPath = outputPath; } /** * @return the targetTiTv */ public double getTargetTiTv() { return TargetTiTv; } /** * @param targetTiTv the targetTiTv to set */ public void setTargetTiTv(double targetTiTv) { TargetTiTv = targetTiTv; } /** * @return the useAnnotatitions */ public List<String> getUseAnnotations() { return UseAnnotatitions; } /** * @param useAnnotatitions the useAnnotatitions to set */ public void setUseAnnotatitions(List<String> useAnnotatitions) { UseAnnotatitions = useAnnotatitions; } public void traversalInputPath(Path path) { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs = null; try { fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (!fs.exists(path)) { System.err.println("Input File Path is not exist! Please check -I var."); System.exit(-1); } if (fs.isFile(path)) { inputList.add(path); } else { FileStatus stats[] = fs.listStatus(path); for (FileStatus file : stats) { Path filePath = file.getPath(); if (!fs.isFile(filePath)) { traversalInputPath(filePath); } else { inputList.add(filePath); } } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } public double[] getTsTranchesDouble() { double[] TsTranchesDouble = new double[] { 100.0, 99.9, 99.0, 90.0 }; if (TsTranches != null && TsTranches != "") { String[] lineSplit = TsTranches.split(","); if (lineSplit.length != 4) { throw new RuntimeException("wrong TStranche number, should be 4 double number, split by ','!"); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { TsTranchesDouble[i] = Double.parseDouble(lineSplit[i]); } } return TsTranchesDouble; } /** * @return the tsTranches */ public String getTsTranches() { return TsTranches; } /** * @param tsTranches the tsTranches to set */ public void setTsTranches(String tsTranches) { TsTranches = tsTranches; } /** * @return the ignoreInputeFilters */ public HashSet<String> getIgnoreInputFilters() { return IgnoreInputFilters; } /** * @param ignoreInputeFilters the ignoreInputeFilters to set */ public void setIgnoreInputeFilters(HashSet<String> ignoreInputeFilters) { IgnoreInputFilters = ignoreInputeFilters; } /** * @return the tSFilterLevel */ public double getTSFilterLevel() { return TSFilterLevel; } /** * @param tSFilterLevel the tSFilterLevel to set */ public void setTSFilterLevel(double tSFilterLevel) { TSFilterLevel = tSFilterLevel; } /** * @return the trustAllPolymorphic */ public boolean isTrustAllPolymorphic() { return TrustAllPolymorphic; } /** * @param trustAllPolymorphic the trustAllPolymorphic to set */ public void setTrustAllPolymorphic(boolean trustAllPolymorphic) { TrustAllPolymorphic = trustAllPolymorphic; } /** * @return the mode */ public Mode getMode() { return mode; } /** * @param mode the mode to set */ public void setMode(Mode mode) { this.mode = mode; } /** * @return the maxGaussians */ public int getMaxGaussians() { return maxGaussians; } /** * @param maxGaussians the maxGaussians to set */ public void setMaxGaussians(int maxGaussians) { this.maxGaussians = maxGaussians; } /** * @return the maxIterations */ public int getMaxIterations() { return maxIterations; } /** * @param maxIterations the maxIterations to set */ public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations) { this.maxIterations = maxIterations; } /** * @return the numKMeansIterations */ public int getNumKMeansIterations() { return numKMeansIterations; } /** * @param numKMeansIterations the numKMeansIterations to set */ public void setNumKMeansIterations(int numKMeansIterations) { this.numKMeansIterations = numKMeansIterations; } /** * @return the stdThreshold */ public double getStdThreshold() { return stdThreshold; } /** * @param stdThreshold the stdThreshold to set */ public void setStdThreshold(double stdThreshold) { this.stdThreshold = stdThreshold; } /** * @return the qualThreshold */ public double getQualThreshold() { return qualThreshold; } /** * @param qualThreshold the qualThreshold to set */ public void setQualThreshold(double qualThreshold) { this.qualThreshold = qualThreshold; } /** * @return the shrinkage */ public double getShrinkage() { return shrinkage; } /** * @param shrinkage the shrinkage to set */ public void setShrinkage(double shrinkage) { this.shrinkage = shrinkage; } /** * @return the dirichletParamenter */ public double getDirichletParamenter() { return dirichletParamenter; } /** * @param dirichletParamenter the dirichletParamenter to set */ public void setDirichletParamenter(double dirichletParamenter) { this.dirichletParamenter = dirichletParamenter; } /** * @return the priorCounts */ public double getPriorCounts() { return priorCounts; } /** * @param priorCounts the priorCounts to set */ public void setPriorCounts(double priorCounts) { this.priorCounts = priorCounts; } /** * @return the percentBadVariants */ public double getPercentBadVariants() { return percentBadVariants; } /** * @param percentBadVariants the percentBadVariants to set */ public void setPercentBadVariants(double percentBadVariants) { this.percentBadVariants = percentBadVariants; } /** * @return the minNumBadVariants */ public int getMinNumBadVariants() { return minNumBadVariants; } /** * @param minNumBadVariants the minNumBadVariants to set */ public void setMinNumBadVariants(int minNumBadVariants) { this.minNumBadVariants = minNumBadVariants; } /** * @return the reference */ public String getReference() { return reference; } /** * @param reference the reference to set */ public void setReference(String reference) { this.reference = reference; } public String getSnpFilter() { return snpFilter; } public void setSnpFilter(String snpFilter) { this.snpFilter = snpFilter; } public String getIndelFilter() { return indelFilter; } public void setIndelFilter(String indelFilter) { this.indelFilter = indelFilter; } public List<Path> getInputFiles() { traversalInputPath(new Path(inputs)); return inputList; } public String getFilterName() { return filterName; } public String setFilterName() { return filterName; } public boolean isRecal() { return vcfqcMode == 1; } }