Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 BetaCONCEPT Limited
 * This file is part of Astroboa.
 * Astroboa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Astroboa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Astroboa.  If not, see <>.
package org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.resource;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.BinaryProperty;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.ContentObject;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.ObjectReferenceProperty;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.StringProperty;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.Topic;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.TopicReferenceProperty;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.definition.ContentObjectTypeDefinition;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.CmsOutcome;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.Condition;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.Order;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.QueryOperator;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.ContentObjectCriteria;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.client.AstroboaClient;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.factory.CmsCriteriaFactory;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.factory.CriterionFactory;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.managedbean.PortalThemeSelector;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.managedbean.ViewCountAggregator;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.CalendarUtils;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.CmsUtils;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.PortalCacheConstants;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.PortalIntegerConstants;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.PortalStringConstants;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.SyndicationFeedGenerator;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.portal.utility.SyndicationFeedType;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.util.CmsConstants;
import org.betaconceptframework.ui.jsf.utility.JSFUtilities;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.web.RequestParameter;
import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed;

 * @author Gregory Chomatas (
 * @author Savvas Triantafyllou (
public abstract class AbstractContentObjectResource<T extends ContentObjectResourceContext>
        implements Resource<ContentObject, T> {

    protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

    protected LocaleSelector localeSelector;

    @In(create = true)
    protected PortalThemeSelector portalThemeSelector;

    @In(create = true)
    protected AstroboaClient astroboaClient;

    @In(create = true)
    protected CmsUtils cmsUtils;

    @In(create = true)
    protected SyndicationFeedGenerator<T> syndicationFeedGenerator;

    @In(create = true)
    protected CalendarUtils calendarUtils;

    @In(create = true)
    protected ContentObject portal;

    @In(create = true)
    protected ViewCountAggregator viewCountAggregator;

    // holds the outjected response for the requested content object resource. 
    // The outjection is performed manually to avoid overwriting it by multiple requests of this bean during the same page rendering phase 
    // The resource response holds internally the resource representation of the query outcome as a LIST of objects even if the query is performed only for one resource
    protected ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse;

    // All url parameters are outjected manually to be available to the calling page. Manual outjection is required in order to
    // avoid overwriting their values by multiple requests of this bean during the same page rendering phase

    // holds the URL that represents the request about a resource
    protected String resourceRequestURL;

    // url parameters
    protected String contentObjectId;

    protected String contentObjectSystemName;

    protected String contentObjectSystemNameOrId;

    protected String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes;

    protected String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames;

    protected Boolean searchInSubtopics;

    protected String dateProperty;

    protected String fromDateInclusive;

    protected String toDateInclusive;

    protected String predefinedPeriod;

    protected Boolean discreteDates;

    protected String textSearched;

    protected String queryExpression;

    protected String orderByProperty;

    protected String order;

    protected Integer pageNumber;

    protected Integer pageSize;

    protected String resourceRepresentationTemplate;

    protected String resourceRepresentationType;

    protected String feedTitle;

    protected String feedDescription;

    public AbstractContentObjectResource() {


    public ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findResources(Object... criteriaArguments) {
        String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes = (String) criteriaArguments[0];
        String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames = (String) criteriaArguments[1];
        boolean searchInSubtopics = convertToBoolean(criteriaArguments[2]);
        String datePropertyPath = (String) criteriaArguments[3];

        if (criteriaArguments.length == 14) {
            Object fromDateInclusive = criteriaArguments[4];
            Object toDateInclusive = criteriaArguments[5];
            boolean discreteDates = convertToBoolean(criteriaArguments[6]);
            String textSearched = (String) criteriaArguments[7];
            String queryExpression = (String) criteriaArguments[8];
            String orderByPropertyPath = (String) criteriaArguments[9];
            String order = (String) criteriaArguments[10];
            int pageNumber = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[11]);
            int pageSize = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[12]);
            String locale = (String) criteriaArguments[13];

            return findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
                    searchInSubtopics, datePropertyPath, fromDateInclusive, toDateInclusive, discreteDates,
                    textSearched, queryExpression, orderByPropertyPath, order, pageNumber, pageSize, locale);
        } else if (criteriaArguments.length == 13) {
            String predefinedPeriodName = (String) criteriaArguments[4];
            boolean discreteDates = convertToBoolean(criteriaArguments[5]);
            String textSearched = (String) criteriaArguments[6];
            String queryExpression = (String) criteriaArguments[7];
            String orderByPropertyPath = (String) criteriaArguments[8];
            String order = (String) criteriaArguments[9];
            int pageNumber = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[10]);
            int pageSize = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[11]);
            String locale = (String) criteriaArguments[12];

            return findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
                    searchInSubtopics, datePropertyPath, predefinedPeriodName, discreteDates, textSearched,
                    queryExpression, orderByPropertyPath, order, pageNumber, pageSize, locale);
        } else {
            logger.error("Wrong number of arguments");
            return null;

    public ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findRecentlyPublishedResources(Object... criteriaArguments) {

        String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes = (String) criteriaArguments[0];
        String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames = (String) criteriaArguments[1];
        boolean searchInSubtopics = convertToBoolean(criteriaArguments[2]);
        String textSearched = (String) criteriaArguments[3];
        int pageNumber = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[4]);
        int pageSize = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[5]);
        Integer daysToLookBack = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[6]);

        return findRecentlyPublishedResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes,
                commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, searchInSubtopics, textSearched, pageNumber, pageSize,

    public ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findMostPopularResources(Object... criteriaArguments) {
        String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes = (String) criteriaArguments[0];
        String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames = (String) criteriaArguments[1];
        boolean searchInSubtopics = convertToBoolean(criteriaArguments[2]);
        String textSearched = (String) criteriaArguments[3];
        int pageNumber = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[4]);
        int pageSize = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[5]);
        Integer daysToLookBack = convertToInteger(criteriaArguments[6]);

        return findMostPopularResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
                searchInSubtopics, textSearched, pageNumber, pageSize, daysToLookBack);

    public String showResourceBySystemNameOrIdByGET() {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(contentObjectSystemNameOrId)) {
            return "pageNotFound";

        if (CmsConstants.UUIDPattern.matcher(contentObjectSystemNameOrId).matches()) {
            resourceResponse = findResourceById(contentObjectSystemNameOrId);
        } else {
            resourceResponse = findResourceBySystemName(contentObjectSystemNameOrId);

        // update the content object view statistics and create web2 sharing links before providing the resource
        //if (!resourceResponse.getResourceRepresentation().isEmpty()) {
        ContentObject firstResource = resourceResponse.getFirstResource();
        if (firstResource != null) {


            createWeb2SharingLinks(firstResource, resourceResponse.getResourceContext().getWeb2SharingLinks());

            // outject resourceResponse and request parameters to page context. 
            // This is not performed through @Out annotations since we do not want to nullify the resourceResponse and request parameters if some other method in this class is called during the page rendering

            return provideResource();
        } else {
            return "pageNotFound";

    public String showResourceByGET() {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contentObjectId)) {
            resourceResponse = findResourceById(contentObjectId);
        } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contentObjectSystemName)) {
            //Check by system name
            resourceResponse = findResourceBySystemName(contentObjectSystemName);
        } else {
            return "pageNotFound";

        // update the content object view statistics and create web2 sharing links before providing the resource
        //if (!resourceResponse.getResourceRepresentation().isEmpty()) {
        ContentObject firstResource = resourceResponse.getFirstResource();
        if (firstResource != null) {


            createWeb2SharingLinks(firstResource, resourceResponse.getResourceContext().getWeb2SharingLinks());

            // outject resourceResponse and request parameters to page context. 
            // This is not performed through @Out annotations since we do not want to nullify the resourceResponse and request parameters if some other method in this class is called during the page rendering

            return provideResource();
        } else {
            return "pageNotFound";

    // this is called when a resource is requested through a URL GET request
    // (i.e. /portal/resource/contentObject/{query_params}
    public String showResourcesByGET() {
        // generate the resourceRequestURL according to the provided parameters
        // the URL is required in order to generate the page scrolling URLs
        // This is not required we get it from the pattern matching
        // generateResourceRequestURLFromRequestParameters();

        // if some parameters are missing use defaults
        if (searchInSubtopics == null) {
            searchInSubtopics = false;

        if (pageNumber == null) {
            pageNumber = 1;

        if (resourceRepresentationTypeIsFeed() && (pageSize == null || pageSize > 30)) {
            pageSize = PortalIntegerConstants.MAX_FEED_SIZE;


        if (pageSize == null || pageSize > 30) {
            pageSize = PortalIntegerConstants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

        if (discreteDates == null) {
            discreteDates = false;

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(predefinedPeriod)) {
            resourceResponse = findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes,
                    commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, searchInSubtopics, dateProperty, predefinedPeriod,
                    discreteDates, textSearched, queryExpression, orderByProperty, order, pageNumber, pageSize,
        } else {
            resourceResponse = findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes,
                    commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, searchInSubtopics, dateProperty, fromDateInclusive,
                    toDateInclusive, discreteDates, textSearched, queryExpression, orderByProperty, order,
                    pageNumber, pageSize, JSFUtilities.getLocaleAsString());


        // generate the page scrolling URLs
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "error";

        // request parameters did not come through a POST but through a GET so copy them to posted parameters
        // to be available to page components that generate post requests

        // outject the resourceResponse and request parameters to page context. 
        // This is not performed through @Out annotations since we do not want to nullify the resourceResponse and request parameters if some other method in this class is called during the page rendering

        return provideResources();

    public void outjectAttribute(String contextVariable, Object outjectedAttribute) {
        if (outjectedAttribute != null) {
            Contexts.getPageContext().set(contextVariable, outjectedAttribute);

     * Manually outjects in page scope custom request parameters that may be defined by classes that extend this abstract class.
    protected abstract void outjectCustomResourceCollectionRequestParameters();

    protected abstract void outjectCustomSingleResourceRequestParameters();

     * Manually outjects in page scope both the response to URLs requesting resource collections (RESTful portal API calls for content object collections) 
     * as well as the default request parameters supported by the portal API.
     * Instead of using Seam @Out annotation, manual outjection is required in order to avoid resetting the response and the parameters if the class is repeatedly called
     * for rendering a page. This may happen if the resource class generates an html response and the resulting pages has EL expressions that use the resource class to
     * perform some more content queries. It should be noted that each resource class responds to RESTful calls and at the same time provides utility methods 
     * utilized inside pages through EL expressions for query the resource.
    protected void outjectResponseAndDefaultResourceCollectionRequestParameters() {
        outjectAttribute("resourceResponse", resourceResponse);
        outjectAttribute("resourceRequestURL", resourceRequestURL);
        outjectAttribute("commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes", commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes);
        outjectAttribute("commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames", commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames);
        outjectAttribute("searchInSubtopics", searchInSubtopics);
        outjectAttribute("dateProperty", dateProperty);
        outjectAttribute("fromDateInclusive", fromDateInclusive);
        outjectAttribute("toDateInclusive", toDateInclusive);
        outjectAttribute("predefinedPeriod", predefinedPeriod);
        outjectAttribute("discreteDates", discreteDates);
        outjectAttribute("textSearched", textSearched);
        outjectAttribute("queryExpression", queryExpression);
        outjectAttribute("orderByProperty", orderByProperty);
        outjectAttribute("order", order);
        outjectAttribute("pageNumber", pageNumber);
        outjectAttribute("pageSize", pageSize);
        outjectAttribute("resourceRepresentationTemplate", resourceRepresentationTemplate);
        outjectAttribute("resourceRepresentationType", resourceRepresentationType);


     * Manually outjects in page scope both the response to URLs requesting a resource (RESTful portal API calls for content object collections) 
     * as well as the default request parameters supported by the portal API.
     * Instead of using Seam @Out annotation, manual outjection is required in order to avoid resetting the response and the parameters if the class is repeatedly called
     * for rendering a page. This may happen if the resource class generates an html response and the resulting pages has EL expressions that use the resource class to
     * perform some more content queries. It should be noted that each resource class responds to RESTful calls and at the same time provides utility methods 
     * utilized inside pages through EL expressions for query the resource.
    protected void outjectResponseAndSingleResourceRequestParameters() {
        outjectAttribute("resourceResponse", resourceResponse);
        outjectAttribute("resourceRequestURL", resourceRequestURL);
        outjectAttribute("contentObjectId", contentObjectId);
        outjectAttribute("contentObjectSystemName", contentObjectSystemName);
        outjectAttribute("contentObjectSystemNameOrId", contentObjectSystemNameOrId);
        outjectAttribute("resourceRepresentationTemplate", resourceRepresentationTemplate);
        outjectAttribute("resourceRepresentationType", resourceRepresentationType);


    protected boolean resourceRepresentationTypeIsFeed() {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resourceRepresentationType)
                && (resourceRepresentationType.equals(SyndicationFeedType.RSS_VERSION_1_0)
                        || resourceRepresentationType.equals(SyndicationFeedType.RSS_VERSION_2_0)
                        || resourceRepresentationType.equals(SyndicationFeedType.ATOM_VERSION_1_0))) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    protected ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findRecentlyPublishedResourcesInternal(
            String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
            boolean searchInSubtopics, String textSearched, int pageNumber, int pageSize, Integer daysToLookBack) {

        // is the query limited to a certain publication period?
        Calendar webPublicationDateLimit = null;
        if (daysToLookBack != null) {
            // we are searching only for content objects published the last
            // "daysToLookBack" days
            webPublicationDateLimit = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
            webPublicationDateLimit.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -daysToLookBack);
        return findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
                searchInSubtopics, "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate", webPublicationDateLimit, null, false,
                textSearched, null, "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate",
                PortalStringConstants.ORDER_DESCENDING, pageNumber, pageSize, JSFUtilities.getLocaleAsString());

    protected ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findMostPopularResourcesInternal(
            String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
            boolean searchInSubtopics, String textSearched, int pageNumber, int pageSize, Integer daysToLookBack) {

        // is the query limited to a certain publication period?
        Calendar webPublicationDateLimit = null;
        if (daysToLookBack != null) {
            // we are searching only for content objects published the last
            // "daysToLookBack" days
            webPublicationDateLimit = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
            webPublicationDateLimit.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -daysToLookBack);
        return findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
                searchInSubtopics, "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate", webPublicationDateLimit, null, false,
                textSearched, null, "statistic.viewCounter", PortalStringConstants.ORDER_DESCENDING, pageNumber,
                pageSize, JSFUtilities.getLocaleAsString());


     * Finds the published content objects which meet the following criteria: 
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     * -Their content object type is ANY of the provided in
     * "commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes" parameter. 
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * - Their subject contains
     * topics whose names are contained in the commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames
     * parameter. If topic names are comma delimited topic criteria are ORed
     * (searches for ANY topic in subject). If topic names are plus (+)
     * delimited then topic criteria are ANDed (searches for ALL topics in
     * subject). 
     * - If "searchInSubTopics" parameter is true it will also return
     * content objects which reference topics that are children/ancestors of the
     * provided topics. 
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * - Their "dateProperty" (i.e. profile.created or
     * webPublication.webPublicationStartDate) has a value that is between
     * "fromDateInclusive" and "toDateInclusive". 
     * - if both "fromDateInclusive" and "toDateInclusive" have been provided then the boolean parameter
     * "discreteDates" determines whether the specified period is interpreted as a continuous time space or as discrete dates.
     * The usual case is to specify a continuous period with "discreteDates" set to false.
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * - Their indexed fields (text fields or binary fields) contain words that start with the provided
     * "textSearched" - Results are ordered by the "orderByProperty" and the
     * order (ascending / descending) is provided in the "order" parameter. 
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * - The result is returned in pages. The required page and the number of content
     * objects in each page is specified by the "pageNumber" and "pageSize"
     * parameters. 
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * - The "locale" parameter is required in order to
     * appropriately render localized parts of the content object, i.e.
     * localized topic labels
     * </li>
     * @param queryExpression TODO
     * @return
    protected ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findResourcesInternal(String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes,
            String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, boolean searchInSubtopics, String datePropertyPath,
            Object fromDateInclusive, Object toDateInclusive, boolean discreteDates, String textSearched,
            String queryExpression, String orderByPropertyPath, String order, int pageNumber, int pageSize,
            String locale) {

        ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T>();

        T resourceContext = newResourceContext();

        List<ContentObject> contentObjects = new ArrayList<ContentObject>();

        ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria = CmsCriteriaFactory.newContentObjectCriteria();

        // process commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes
        createCriteriaForContentTypes(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, contentObjectCriteria, resourceResponse);

        // process commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, searchInSubtopics
        createCriteriaForTopicNames(commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, contentObjectCriteria, searchInSubtopics,

        // process dateProperty, fromDateInclusive, toDateInclusive
        createDateCriteria(datePropertyPath, fromDateInclusive, toDateInclusive, discreteDates,
                contentObjectCriteria, resourceResponse);

        // process textSearched
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(textSearched)) {
            if (textSearched.split(" ").length == 1) {
                // if only one word is searched then match all words that START with the letters of the searched word 
                contentObjectCriteria.addFullTextSearchCriterion(textSearched + "*");
            } else {
                // else look for an exact match of all words
                // BE AWARE that spaces between the words are treated as an "AND" between the words, 
                // i.e. only fields containing all the words will match. It is not required to find the words in the exact order they are provided or as a phrase.
                // However it is assumed that a higher relevance score is produced by LUCENE when the words are found as a phrase
                // To look for all the worlds as a phrase double quotes around the words are required


        // process criteria expression
        createCriteriaForQueryExpression(queryExpression, contentObjectCriteria, resourceResponse);

        //add custom criteria
        addCustomCriteria(contentObjectCriteria, resourceResponse);

        //add language criterion

        // process orderByProperty, order
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(orderByPropertyPath)) { // set the default which is
            // the
            // "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate"
            // property i.e. order by
            // the date of publication
            orderByPropertyPath = "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate";
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(order) || order.equals(PortalStringConstants.ORDER_DESCENDING)
                || (!order.equals(PortalStringConstants.ORDER_ASCENDING))) {
            contentObjectCriteria.addOrderProperty(orderByPropertyPath, Order.descending);
        } else {
            contentObjectCriteria.addOrderProperty(orderByPropertyPath, Order.ascending);

        // process pageNumber and pageSize
        // -1 is specially treated and results to no offset and limit i.e all results are returned
        if (pageSize <= 0 && pageSize != -1) {
                    "A zero or negative result page size was provided. The default page size will be used. Default page size is set to: "
                            + PortalIntegerConstants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
            pageSize = PortalIntegerConstants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

        if (pageSize > 0) {
            int offset = 0;

            if (pageNumber > 0) {
                offset = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
            } else if (pageNumber <= 0) {
                        "A zero or negative results page number was provided. The first results page will be returned");
                pageNumber = 1;
            // *** return the required number of objects starting from offset
            contentObjectCriteria.setOffsetAndLimit(offset, pageSize);


        // process locale
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(locale)) {
            locale = JSFUtilities.getLocaleAsString();
            // locale = PortalStringConstants.DEFAULT_LOCALE.getValue();

        // cache the query

        // now we are ready to run the query
        int totalResourceCount = 0;

        try {
            CmsOutcome<ContentObject> cmsOutcome = astroboaClient.getContentService()
                    .searchContentObjects(contentObjectCriteria, ResourceRepresentationType.CONTENT_OBJECT_LIST);
            totalResourceCount = (int) cmsOutcome.getCount();

            if (cmsOutcome.getCount() > 0) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("An error occured while searching for content object resources.", e);


        if (totalResourceCount % pageSize == 0) {
            resourceContext.setTotalPages(totalResourceCount / pageSize);
        } else {
            resourceContext.setTotalPages((totalResourceCount / pageSize) + 1);
        // less results than the page size might have been returned

        return resourceResponse;

     * Specify language criterion to narrow down results
     * in case an active locale is found
    protected void createLanguageCriterion(ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria) {

        if (localeSelector != null) {

             *    Add language criteria only more than one supported locales have been defined.
             *    In web applications, it is often the case where only one language is supported.
             *    In these cases, we do not want to add a language constraint.
             *  The procedure of defining which locales are supported by a web application is beyond
             *  the scope of this class. Nevertheless, in a JFS enabled web application locales are defined
             *  in faces-config.xml file
            if (moreThanOneLocalesAreSupported()) {
                        CriterionFactory.equals("profile.language", localeSelector.getLocaleString()));


    private boolean moreThanOneLocalesAreSupported() {
        return localeSelector != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(localeSelector.getSupportedLocales())
                && localeSelector.getSupportedLocales().size() > 1;

    protected abstract T newResourceContext();

    // find resources with date criteria as predefined periods
    // look above for an explanation of parameters
    protected ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findResourcesInternal(String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes,
            String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, boolean searchInSubtopics, String datePropertyPath,
            String predefinedPeriodName, boolean discreteDates, String textSearched, String queryExpression,
            String orderByPropertyPath, String order, int pageNumber, int pageSize, String locale) {

        Calendar fromCalendarInclusive = null;
        Calendar toCalendarInclusive = null;
        if (predefinedPeriodName != null) {
            Calendar[] predefinedCalendarPeriod = calendarUtils.getPredefinedCalendarPeriod(predefinedPeriodName,
                    JSFUtilities.getTimeZone(), JSFUtilities.getLocale());
            fromCalendarInclusive = predefinedCalendarPeriod[0];
            toCalendarInclusive = predefinedCalendarPeriod[1];

            // if the predefined period is across a single day and we search for discrete dates the we should nullify the toCalendarInclusive
            if (discreteDates
                    && (predefinedPeriodName.equals("today") || predefinedPeriodName.equals("tomorrow"))) {
                toCalendarInclusive = null;


        return findResourcesInternal(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes, commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
                searchInSubtopics, datePropertyPath, fromCalendarInclusive, toCalendarInclusive, discreteDates,
                textSearched, queryExpression, orderByPropertyPath, order, pageNumber, pageSize, locale);

    private void createCriteriaForContentTypes(String commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes,
            ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria, ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes)
                && !commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes.equals(PortalStringConstants.ANY_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
            String[] contentObjectTypes = commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes.split(",");

            // check if provided type definitions exist and add all valid into the response object
            // However the list of type names for use in criteria generation contains both valid and invalid types
            //TODO: the resource context should contain a separate list with invalid types so that the user can be properly informed.
            List<String> contentObjectTypeList = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String contentObjectType : contentObjectTypes) {
                if (astroboaClient.getDefinitionService().hasContentObjectTypeDefinition(contentObjectType)) {
                            .add((ContentObjectTypeDefinition) astroboaClient.getDefinitionService()
                                            ResourceRepresentationType.DEFINITION_INSTANCE, false));
                } else {
                    logger.warn("The provided content object type:" + contentObjectType
                            + " does not exist and will not be added to query criteria");
                contentObjectTypeList.add(contentObjectType); // add it in criteria in any case

            if (!contentObjectTypeList.isEmpty()) {


    protected void createCriteriaForTopicNames(String commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames,
            ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria, boolean searchInSubtopics,
            ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames)
                && !commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames.equals(PortalStringConstants.ANY_TOPIC)) {

            //It may be the case that topic names are also space delimited
            //This is the result of a utf-8 encoding of the url
            //which replaces + to spaces. 
            //Replace space with plus sign and then proceed with further processing
            //This is safe since topic name may not contain spaces
            commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames = StringUtils.replace(commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, " ", "+");

            //Since AND is more powerful than OR first we split topicNames according to +
            //and then we process each entry as usual

            String[] andedTopicNames = StringUtils.split(commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, "+");

            //It cannot be null as commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames are not null
            for (String andedTopicName : andedTopicNames) {

                //In this case, an andedTopicName can either be a comma delimited string
                //or a regular topic 

                // if topics names are comma delimited they will be ORed
                // if topic names are delimited by pluses they will be ANDed
                // if there is no comma or plus in the string then only one topic
                // name has been provided and only one criterion will be added to
                // the criteria
                if (StringUtils.contains(andedTopicName, ",")) {
                    String[] topicNames = andedTopicName.split(",");
                    // outject the topics for use by JSF Pages
                    List<Topic> topics = getTopicsForTopicNames(topicNames);

                    //No need to retrieve topic ids. 
                    //TopicReferenceCriterion accepts Topic instances.

                    // get the ids from topics to create the criterion
                    //List<String> topicIds = getTopicIdsFromTopics(topics);
                    //      QueryOperator.EQUALS, topicIds, Condition.OR,
                    //      searchInSubtopics);
                    contentObjectCriteria.addCriterion(CriterionFactory.newTopicReferenceCriterion(null, topics,
                            Condition.OR, QueryOperator.EQUALS, searchInSubtopics));

                /*else if (StringUtils
                   .contains(commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames, "+")) {
                String[] topicNames = commaOrPlusDelimitedTopicNames.split("\\+");
                // outject the topics for use by JSF Pages
                List<Topic> topics = getTopicsForTopicNames(topicNames);
                // get the ids from topics to create the criterion
                List<String> topicIds = getTopicIdsFromTopics(topics);
                      QueryOperator.EQUALS, topicIds, Condition.AND,
                else { // only one topic name
                    Topic topic = cmsUtils.findTopicByTopicName(andedTopicName, JSFUtilities.getLocaleAsString(),

                    if (topic != null) {
                        contentObjectCriteria.addCriterion(CriterionFactory.newTopicReferenceCriterion(null, topic,
                                QueryOperator.EQUALS, searchInSubtopics));
                    } else {
                        logger.warn("No topic could be retrieved with topic name:" + andedTopicName
                                + " This topic will not be added to the search criteria");

    private List<String> getTopicIdsFromTopics(List<Topic> topics) {
        List<String> topicIdsList = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Topic topic : topics) {
        return topicIdsList;

    private List<Topic> getTopicsForTopicNames(String[] topicNames) {
        List<Topic> topicList = new ArrayList<Topic>();
        for (String topicName : topicNames) {
            Topic topic = cmsUtils.findTopicByTopicName(topicName, JSFUtilities.getLocaleAsString(),

            if (topic != null) {
            } else {
                logger.warn("No topic could be retrieved with topic name:" + topicName
                        + " This topic will not be added to the search criteria");

        return topicList;

    private void createDateCriteria(String dateProperty, Object fromDateInclusive, Object toDateInclusive,
            boolean discreteDates, ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria,
            ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {

        // if dateProperty is not provided we set the default which is the
        // "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate" property
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateProperty)) {
            dateProperty = "webPublication.webPublicationStartDate";

        // fromDateInclusive and toDateInclusive can be a calendar object, a date object or a string in the form
        // of YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. 2008-08-22.
        // In the any case we convert it to a calendar object in order to
        // create the search criterion
        Calendar fromCalendarInclusive = calendarUtils.convertObjectToCalendar(fromDateInclusive,
                JSFUtilities.getTimeZone(), JSFUtilities.getLocale());
        Calendar toCalendarInclusive = calendarUtils.convertObjectToCalendar(toDateInclusive,
                JSFUtilities.getTimeZone(), JSFUtilities.getLocale());

        if (discreteDates) {
            createCriteriaForDiscreteDatesInPeriod(dateProperty, fromCalendarInclusive, toCalendarInclusive,
                    contentObjectCriteria, resourceResponse);

        createCriteriaForContinuousPeriod(dateProperty, fromCalendarInclusive, toCalendarInclusive,
                contentObjectCriteria, resourceResponse);


    private void createCriteriaForContinuousPeriod(String dateProperty, Calendar fromCalendarInclusive,
            Calendar toCalendarInclusive, ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria,
            ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {

        // if fromDateInclusive is provided we add the appropriate criterion
        if (fromCalendarInclusive != null) {
                    .addCriterion(CriterionFactory.greaterThanOrEquals(dateProperty, fromCalendarInclusive));


        // if toDateInclusive is provided we add the appropriate criterion
        if (toCalendarInclusive != null) {
                    .addCriterion(CriterionFactory.lessThanOrEquals(dateProperty, toCalendarInclusive));


    private void createCriteriaForDiscreteDatesInPeriod(String dateProperty, Calendar fromCalendarInclusive,
            Calendar toCalendarInclusive, ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria,
            ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {

        // get all dates between from fromCalendarInclusive and toCalendarInclusive
        // the returned dates have been cleared from time data (i.e. hours mins, secs, etc.)
        List<Calendar> discreteDatesInPeriod = calendarUtils.getDiscreteDatesInPeriod(fromCalendarInclusive,

        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(discreteDatesInPeriod)) {
                    .addCriterion(CriterionFactory.equals(dateProperty, Condition.OR, discreteDatesInPeriod));


    protected void createCriteriaForQueryExpression(String queryExpression,
            ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria, ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryExpression)) {
            CriterionFactory.parse(queryExpression, contentObjectCriteria);
             * Old simple expression
             * String[] criteriaExpressions = queryExpression.split(",");
            for (String criterionExpression : criteriaExpressions) {
               String[] propertyValuePair = criterionExpression.split("=");
               contentObjectCriteria.addCriterion(CriterionFactory.equals(propertyValuePair[0], propertyValuePair[1]));

    public ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findResourceById(String contentObjectId) {

        ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T>();

        T resourceContext = newResourceContext();

        List<ContentObject> contentObjects = new ArrayList<ContentObject>();

        if (contentObjectId == null) {
            logger.warn("The provided content object id is null. A null content object will be returned");
            return resourceResponse;
        if (contentObjectId.length() != 36) {
                    "The provided content object id has not the proper length. A null content object will be returned.");
            return resourceResponse;

        // now we may proceed to load the content object
        ContentObject contentObject = null;

        try {

            contentObject = astroboaClient.getContentService().getContentObject(contentObjectId,
                    ResourceRepresentationType.CONTENT_OBJECT_INSTANCE, FetchLevel.ENTITY,
                    PortalCacheConstants.CONTENT_OBJECT_DEFAULT_CACHE_REGION, null, false);

        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "An error occured while retrievig the content object. A null content object will be returned.",

        if (contentObject != null) {
                    .setTopics(((TopicReferenceProperty) contentObject.getCmsProperty("profile.subject"))

        return resourceResponse;


    public ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findResourceBySystemName(String contentObjectSystemName,
            String contentObjectType) {
        ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T>();

        T resourceContext = newResourceContext();

        List<ContentObject> contentObjects = new ArrayList<ContentObject>();

        if (contentObjectSystemName == null) {
            logger.warn("The provided content object system name is null. A null content object will be returned");
            return resourceResponse;

        // now we may proceed to load the content object
        ContentObject contentObject = null;
        ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria;

        try {
            if (contentObjectType != null) {
                contentObjectCriteria = CmsCriteriaFactory.newContentObjectCriteria(contentObjectType);
            } else {
                contentObjectCriteria = CmsCriteriaFactory.newContentObjectCriteria();




            //In cases where there are more than one content objects with the same system name
            //then there is no need to return them all. Just 1 is sufficient
            contentObjectCriteria.setOffsetAndLimit(0, 1);

            CmsOutcome<ContentObject> cmsOutcome = astroboaClient.getContentService()
                    .searchContentObjects(contentObjectCriteria, ResourceRepresentationType.CONTENT_OBJECT_LIST);

            if (cmsOutcome.getCount() >= 1) {
                contentObject = (ContentObject) cmsOutcome.getResults().get(0);

            if (cmsOutcome.getCount() > 1) {
                        "More than one content objects with the same system name found. the first will be returned");

        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "An error occured while retrievig the content object. A null content object will be returned.",

        if (contentObject != null) {
                    .setTopics(((TopicReferenceProperty) contentObject.getCmsProperty("profile.subject"))

        return resourceResponse;


    public ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> findResourceBySystemName(String contentObjectSystemName) {
        return findResourceBySystemName(contentObjectSystemName, null);

    protected void generatePageScrollingURLs() throws Exception {
        int scrollerStartPage;
        int scrollerEndPage;

        int pagesToPreceedeOrFollow = (PortalIntegerConstants.MAX_PAGES_IN_PAGE_SCROLLER - 1) / 2;
        int pagesToPreceed;
        int pagesToFollow;
        if ((PortalIntegerConstants.MAX_PAGES_IN_PAGE_SCROLLER - 1) % 2 == 0) {
            pagesToPreceed = pagesToFollow = pagesToPreceedeOrFollow;
        } else {
            pagesToPreceed = pagesToPreceedeOrFollow;
            pagesToFollow = pagesToPreceedeOrFollow + 1;
        scrollerStartPage = pageNumber - pagesToPreceed;
        if (scrollerStartPage < 1) {
            scrollerStartPage = 1;
        scrollerEndPage = pageNumber + pagesToFollow;

        if (scrollerEndPage < PortalIntegerConstants.MAX_PAGES_IN_PAGE_SCROLLER) {
            scrollerEndPage = PortalIntegerConstants.MAX_PAGES_IN_PAGE_SCROLLER;
        if (scrollerEndPage > resourceResponse.getResourceContext().getTotalPages()) {
            scrollerEndPage = resourceResponse.getResourceContext().getTotalPages();

        Pattern pageNumberPatternInRequestURL = Pattern.compile("pageNumber/[0-9]+");

        // if page number is missing from URL we should add it before we proceed to generate the scrolling page URLs

        // if text is contained in the request url we should encode it
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(textSearched)) {
            Pattern textSearchedPatternInRequestURL = Pattern.compile("textSearched/.*?/");
            Matcher textSearchedMatcher = textSearchedPatternInRequestURL.matcher(resourceRequestURL);

            try {
                String encodedTextSearched = URLEncoder.encode(textSearched, "utf-8");
                resourceRequestURL = textSearchedMatcher.replaceFirst("textSearched/" + encodedTextSearched + "/");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("A problem occured while encoding the searched text", e);
                throw e;


        Matcher pageNumberMatcher = pageNumberPatternInRequestURL.matcher(resourceRequestURL);

        for (int i = scrollerStartPage; i <= scrollerEndPage; ++i) {
            String scrollerURL = pageNumberMatcher.replaceFirst("pageNumber/" + i);
            PagedResourceURL pagedResourceURL = new PagedResourceURL();

        resourceResponse.getResourceContext().setFirstPageURL(pageNumberMatcher.replaceFirst("pageNumber/" + 1));
                .replaceFirst("pageNumber/" + resourceResponse.getResourceContext().getTotalPages()));

    private void addMissingPageNumberInRequestURL(Pattern pageNumberPattern) {
        Matcher pageNumberMatcher = pageNumberPattern.matcher(resourceRequestURL);
        if (pageNumberMatcher.find()) {

        Pattern templateAndTypePatternInRequest = Pattern.compile(
        Matcher templateAndTypeMatcher = templateAndTypePatternInRequest.matcher(resourceRequestURL);

        String pageNumberAndTemplateAndTypeURL = templateAndTypeMatcher.replaceFirst("/pageNumber/1$0");
        resourceRequestURL = pageNumberAndTemplateAndTypeURL;


    protected void createWeb2SharingLinks(ContentObject contentObject, Map<String, String> web2SharingLinks) {
        String portalServerAddress = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestServletPath();
        StringBuilder contentObjectURL = new StringBuilder(100);

        StringBuilder diggLink = new StringBuilder(500);

        web2SharingLinks.put("digg", diggLink.toString());

    protected void forwardToViewId(FacesContext facesContext, String viewId) {
        UIViewRoot viewRoot = facesContext.getApplication().getViewHandler().createView(facesContext, viewId);

     * First checks if the results should be returned as an rss/atom feed without a provided template
     * In the former case it generates the appropriate default feed output.
     * In the latter case it finds if a resource representation template exists for the presentation of a list
     * of content objects (usually returned by a search). 
     * To find the appropriate resource representation template it checks if the "resourceRepresentationTemplate"
     * has been provided in request parameters.
     * If not, it tries to guess an appropriate resource representation template to show the results.
     * By convention "contentObjectListTemplate" is assumed to be the default template name for presenting
     * resource collections.
    protected String provideResources() {

        //Add language suffix when searching for a template only when
        //user has not specified a template and more than one locales
        //are supported
        boolean addLocaleSuffix = StringUtils.isBlank(resourceRepresentationTemplate)
                && moreThanOneLocalesAreSupported() && localeSelector.getLocaleString() != null;

        Topic activeTheme = portalThemeSelector.getTheme();

        // The following is a special case
        // A feed is requested but NO feed template has been provided. The resource list feed will be provided through the default feed algorithm
        if (resourceRepresentationTypeIsFeed() && StringUtils.isBlank(resourceRepresentationTemplate)) {
            return generateFeedResponce();

        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

        String returnedViewId = "/pageNotFound.xhtml";

        // resource list will be presented as an xhtml page by default
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(resourceRepresentationType)) {
            resourceRepresentationType = "xhtml";

        // set the resource representation template
        // check if the resource representation template has been provided in request parameters
        boolean useFallbackTemplate = false;

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(resourceRepresentationTemplate)) {

            //Special case
            //If collection of resources corresponds to one and onle one content type
            //try to find specific template according to content type's name
            //prior to use the default name
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes)
                    && !commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes.equals(PortalStringConstants.ANY_CONTENT_TYPE)
                    && !commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes.contains(",")) {
                resourceRepresentationTemplate = commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes + "ListTemplate";
                useFallbackTemplate = true; //Enable this flag in order to use the default name if no template is found with this one
            } else {
                //    user has not specified template in Resource Collection URI. Use the default
                resourceRepresentationTemplate = "contentObjectListTemplate";

        returnedViewId = locateTemplate(addLocaleSuffix, activeTheme, returnedViewId);

        if (useFallbackTemplate && StringUtils.equals("/pageNotFound.xhtml", returnedViewId)) {
            //Could not find a template with name commaDelimitedContentObjectTypes+"ListTemplate"
            //therefore try default name. This is done for backwards compatibility
            resourceRepresentationTemplate = "contentObjectListTemplate";

            //Try again
            returnedViewId = locateTemplate(addLocaleSuffix, activeTheme, returnedViewId);

        forwardToViewId(facesContext, returnedViewId);
        return null;


    private String locateTemplate(boolean addLocaleSuffix, Topic activeTheme, String returnedViewId) {
        // Now check if the resource representation template exists as a resourceRepresentationTemplateObject stored in astroboa repository.
        // The object should have a systemName that equals to the provided template name
        // If we find the object and the "$resourceRepresentationType" property is filled then we outject the systemName 
        // so that the dynamicPage.xhtml can use it to retrieve the template content
         * In case first condition fails and more than one locales are supported, append
         * template with available locale
        if (addLocaleSuffix && resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(
                resourceRepresentationTemplate + getLocaleSuffix(), resourceRepresentationType)) {
                    resourceRepresentationTemplate + getLocaleSuffix());
            returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
        } else if (resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(resourceRepresentationTemplate,
                resourceRepresentationType)) {
            Contexts.getEventContext().set("templateObjectIdOrSystemName", resourceRepresentationTemplate);
            returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
        } else {

            boolean templateFound = false;

            //Alternatively check if the resource representation template exists as an xhtml file stored inside the web application
            // The resourceRepresentationType is ignored in this case. There is a possibility that the mapped template file is not appropriate for the requested type.
            // This is a response of the developer
            String templatePath;
            if (activeTheme != null) {
                templatePath = "/theme/" + activeTheme.getName() + "/template/" + resourceRepresentationTemplate
                        + ".xhtml";
            } else {
                templatePath = "/" + resourceRepresentationTemplate + ".xhtml";

            ServletContextResource webPageResource = null;

            if (addLocaleSuffix) {
                String templatePathWithLocale = templatePath.replace(resourceRepresentationTemplate + ".xhtml",
                        resourceRepresentationTemplate + getLocaleSuffix() + ".xhtml");

                webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                        (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                    returnedViewId = templatePathWithLocale;
                    templateFound = true;


            if (!templateFound) {
                webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                        (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                    returnedViewId = templatePath;
                    templateFound = true;

            if (!templateFound && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                if (addLocaleSuffix) {
                    logger.debug("The requested resource representation template: '{}' does not exist in path {}",
                            templatePath.replace(resourceRepresentationTemplate + ".xhtml",
                                    resourceRepresentationTemplate + getLocaleSuffix() + ".xhtml"));
                } else {
                    logger.debug("The requested resource representation template: '{}' does not exist in path {}",
                            resourceRepresentationTemplate, templatePath);
        return returnedViewId;

    private String getLocaleSuffix() {
        return "_" + localeSelector.getLocaleString();

    protected String provideResource() {
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        String returnedViewId = null;
        boolean templateFound = false;

        //Add language suffix when searching for a template only when
        //user has not specified a template and more than one locales
        //are supported
        boolean addLocaleSuffix = StringUtils.isBlank(resourceRepresentationTemplate)
                && moreThanOneLocalesAreSupported() && localeSelector.getLocaleString() != null;

        Topic activeTheme = portalThemeSelector.getTheme();

        // resource will be presented as an xhtml page by default
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(resourceRepresentationType)) {
            resourceRepresentationType = "xhtml";

        // first check if the resource representation template has been provided in request parameters
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resourceRepresentationTemplate)) {
            // user has specified template in Resource URI
            // Now check if the page template exists as a resourceRepresentationTemplateObject stored in astroboa repository.
            // The object should have a systemName that equals to the provided template name
            // If we find the object and the "$resourceRepresentationType" property is filled then we outject the systemName 
            // so that the dynamicPage.xhtml can use it to retrieve the template content
            if (resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(resourceRepresentationTemplate,
                    resourceRepresentationType)) {
                Contexts.getEventContext().set("templateObjectIdOrSystemName", resourceRepresentationTemplate);
                returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
                templateFound = true;
            } else {
                //Alternatively check if page template exists as an xhtml file stored inside the web application.
                // To locate the template we use portalThemSelector to find out if there is a default or user selected theme active.
                // If there is an active theme ($activeTheme) then the template should be located under $webppContext/theme/$activeTheme/template/$resourceRepresentationTemplate.xhtml
                // If there are no themes enabled for the portal then the template should reside in $webppContext/$resourceRepresentationTemplate.xhtml
                // The resourceRepresentationType is ignored in this case. There is a possibility that the mapped template file is not appropriate for the requested type.
                String templatePath;
                if (activeTheme != null) {
                    templatePath = "/theme/" + activeTheme.getName() + "/template/" + resourceRepresentationTemplate
                            + ".xhtml";
                } else {
                    templatePath = "/" + resourceRepresentationTemplate + ".xhtml";

                ServletContextResource webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                        (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                    returnedViewId = templatePath;
                    templateFound = true;


        // check if the content object has a value stored in "resourceRepresentationTemplateObjectReference" property
        if (!templateFound) {
            if (resourceResponse.getFirstResource() != null) {
                ObjectReferenceProperty templateObjectProperty = (ObjectReferenceProperty) resourceResponse
                if (templateObjectProperty.hasValues()) {
                    StringProperty templateProperty = (StringProperty) templateObjectProperty.getSimpleTypeValue()
                    if (templateProperty.hasValues()) {
                        returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
                        templateFound = true;

        // check if the content object has a value stored in "resourceRepresentationTemplateName" property
        // The resourceRepresentationType is ignored in this case. There is a possibility that the mapped template file is not appropriate for the requested type.
        if (!templateFound) {
            if (resourceResponse.getFirstResource() != null
                    && ((TopicReferenceProperty) ((ContentObject) resourceResponse.getFirstResource())
                            .getCmsProperty("resourceRepresentationTemplateName")).hasValues()) {

                Topic pageTemplate = ((TopicReferenceProperty) ((ContentObject) resourceResponse.getFirstResource())

                String templatePath;
                if (activeTheme != null) {
                    templatePath = "/theme/" + activeTheme.getName() + "/template/" + pageTemplate.getName()
                            + ".xhtml";
                } else {
                    templatePath = "/" + pageTemplate.getName() + ".xhtml";

                ServletContextResource webPageResource = null;

                if (addLocaleSuffix) {
                    //Check using locale
                    String templatePathWithLocale = templatePath.replace(pageTemplate.getName() + ".xhtml",
                            pageTemplate.getName() + getLocaleSuffix() + ".xhtml");
                    webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                            (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                    if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                        returnedViewId = templatePathWithLocale;
                        templateFound = true;

                if (!templateFound) {
                    //Try without locale
                    webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                            (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                    if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                        returnedViewId = templatePath;
                        templateFound = true;


        // check if a template named after the contentObjectType exists in repository
        // the convention is that the system name of the template should be equal to contentObjectType suffixed with "Template" 
        // e.g. "portalSectionObjectTemplate" for content objects of type "portalSectionObject" 
        if (!templateFound) {
            if (resourceResponse.getFirstResource() != null) {
                String contentObjectType = ((ContentObject) resourceResponse.getFirstResource())
                String templateSystemName = contentObjectType + "Template";

                if (addLocaleSuffix && resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(
                        templateSystemName + getLocaleSuffix(), resourceRepresentationType)) {
                            templateSystemName + getLocaleSuffix());
                    returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
                    templateFound = true;
                } else if (resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(templateSystemName,
                        resourceRepresentationType)) {
                    Contexts.getPageContext().set("templateObjectIdOrSystemName", templateSystemName);
                    returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
                    templateFound = true;

        // Last chance!!!  check if a template named after the contentType exists inside the web app
        // the convention is that the file name of the template should be equal to contentObjectType suffixed with "Template.xhtml" 
        // e.g. "portalSectionObjectTemplate.xhtml" for content objects of type "portalSectionObject"
        // The resourceRepresentationType is ignored in this case. There is a possibility that the mapped template file is not appropriate for the requested type.
        if (!templateFound) {
            if (resourceResponse.getFirstResource() != null) {
                String contentObjectType = ((ContentObject) resourceResponse.getFirstResource())
                String templateFileNameWithoutXhtmlSuffix = contentObjectType + "Template";
                String templateFileName = templateFileNameWithoutXhtmlSuffix + ".xhtml";

                String templatePath;
                if (activeTheme != null) {
                    templatePath = "/theme/" + activeTheme.getName() + "/template/" + templateFileName;
                } else {
                    templatePath = "/" + templateFileName;

                ServletContextResource webPageResource = null;

                if (addLocaleSuffix) {
                    String templatePathWithLocale = templatePath.replace(templateFileName,
                            templateFileNameWithoutXhtmlSuffix + getLocaleSuffix() + ".xhtml");

                    webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                            (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                    if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                        returnedViewId = templatePathWithLocale;
                        templateFound = true;

                if (!templateFound) {
                    webPageResource = new ServletContextResource(
                            (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(),

                    if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                        returnedViewId = templatePath;
                        templateFound = true;

        if (!templateFound) {
            // No luck yet! But still two alternatives: 

            // If the type of object is "resourceRepresentationTemplateObject" then return as viewId the dynamicPage and as the template the object itself.
            // In this way we may directly render any template by just calling the through their resource URL.

            // In any other case use the default page template for all content objects which should be named "contentObjectTemplate"

            // so lets check if the object type is "resourceRepresentationTemplateObject"
            if (resourceResponse.getFirstResource() != null && "resourceRepresentationTemplateObject"
                    .equals(((ContentObject) resourceResponse.getFirstResource()).getContentObjectType())) {
                        ((ContentObject) resourceResponse.getFirstResource()).getSystemName());
                returnedViewId = "/dynamicPage.xhtml";
                templateFound = true;
            } else {
                // check if the default template exists in repository
                if (addLocaleSuffix && resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(
                        "contentObjectTemplate" + getLocaleSuffix(), resourceRepresentationType)) {
                            "contentObjectTemplate" + getLocaleSuffix());
                    returnedViewId = "dynamicPage";
                    templateFound = true;
                } else if (resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository("contentObjectTemplate",
                        resourceRepresentationType)) {
                    Contexts.getEventContext().set("templateObjectIdOrSystemName", "contentObjectTemplate");
                    returnedViewId = "dynamicPage";
                    templateFound = true;
                } else {
                    //Alternatively check if default page template exists as an xhtml file stored inside the web application
                    // The resourceRepresentationType is ignored in this case. There is a possibility that the mapped template file is not appropriate for the requested type.
                    String templatePath;
                    if (activeTheme != null) {
                        templatePath = "/theme/" + activeTheme.getName() + "/template/contentObjectTemplate.xhtml";
                    } else {
                        templatePath = "/contentObjectTemplate.xhtml";

                    ServletContextResource webPageResource = null;

                    if (addLocaleSuffix) {
                        String templatePathWithLocale = templatePath.replace("contentObjectTemplate.xhtml",
                                "contentObjectTemplate" + getLocaleSuffix() + ".xhtml");

                        webPageResource = new ServletContextResource((ServletContext) FacesContext
                                .getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(), templatePathWithLocale);

                        if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                            returnedViewId = templatePathWithLocale;
                            templateFound = true;


                    if (!templateFound) {
                        webPageResource = new ServletContextResource((ServletContext) FacesContext
                                .getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext(), templatePath);

                        if (webPageResource.exists()) {
                            returnedViewId = templatePath;
                            templateFound = true;

        // bad luck all fallback methods failed
        if (!templateFound) {
            returnedViewId = "/pageNotFound.xhtml";

        forwardToViewId(facesContext, returnedViewId);
        return null;

    protected String generateFeedResponce() {

        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        if (!facesContext.getResponseComplete()) {
            HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) facesContext.getExternalContext().getResponse();

            String portalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath();

            String portalHost;

            /* This code does not always return the external ip of the host and also the ip is not appropriate for generating the feed entries URLs
            String[] portalHostValues = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestHeaderValuesMap().get("host");
            if (portalHostValues != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(portalHostValues[0])) {
               portalHost = portalHostValues[0];
            else {
               return "error";
            try {
                PropertiesConfiguration portalConfiguration = new PropertiesConfiguration("");
                portalHost = portalConfiguration.getString(PortalStringConstants.PORTAL_HOST_NAME);
            } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                logger.error("A problem occured while reading portal hostname  from portal configuration file.", e);
                return "error";

            if (StringUtils.isBlank(portalHost)) {
                        "The PortalHostName property is not defined inside the file. The feed cannot be generated.");
                return "error";

            // find if there is a portal thumbnail to be used as the feed image
            String portalThumbnailURL = null;
            BinaryProperty portalThumbnail = (BinaryProperty) portal.getCmsProperty("thumbnail");
            if (portalThumbnail != null && portalThumbnail.getSimpleTypeValue() != null) {
                //portalThumbnailURL = "http://" + portalHost + "/resource-api/f/binaryChannel/" + portalThumbnail.getSimpleTypeValue().getFileAccessInfo();
                portalThumbnailURL = "http://" + portalHost + portalThumbnail.getSimpleTypeValue()
                        .buildResourceApiURL(null, null, null, null, null, false, true);

            try {
                SyndFeed feed = syndicationFeedGenerator.generateFeedForResourceList(resourceResponse,
                        resourceRepresentationType, feedTitle, feedDescription, portalThumbnailURL, portalHost,
                        portalContext, JSFUtilities.getTimeZone(), JSFUtilities.getLocale());
                if (feed != null) {
                    SyndFeedOutput output = new SyndFeedOutput();
                    output.output(feed, response.getWriter());
                } else {
                    return "error";
            } catch (FeedException fe) {
                logger.error("Error whle generating feed output", fe);
                return "error";
                //      HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, fe.getLocalizedMessage());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("Error whle generating feed responce", ioe);
                return "error";

            return null;
        } else {
            return "error";


     * Find if the requested template name exists inside a resourceRepresentationTemplateObject.
     * A resourceRepresentationTemplateObject holds the templates for creating views and representing 
     * a resource (e.g. content object) or a resource collection in various formats (web page, excel, pdf).
     * For each different representation format there is a String property in resourceRepresentationTemplateObject 
     * that holds the template content.
     * For example the "xhtml" property holds a facelet template for rendering a resource as a web page.
     * The methods gets as input two parameters: 
     * - the requested template name which corresponds to the system name of a resourceRepresentationTemplateObject
     * - the type of template to look for that corresponds to a property name that should exist in the resourceRepresentationTemplateObject.
     * With these two parameter the method searches the repository for a resourceRepresentationTemplateObject 
     * that has a system name as the provided template name and 
     * also has a property named after the provided template type.
     * It also checks in the retrieved object if the property value is not blank. 
     * If all above conditions are met it returns true else it returns false.
     * @param templateName
     * @param templateType
     * @return
    private Boolean resourceRepresentationTemplateExistsInRepository(String templateName, String templateType) {
        if (templateName == null || templateType == null) {
            logger.warn("The provided template name or template type is null. False will be returned");
            return false;

        // find the pageTemplateObject
        ContentObject contentObject = null;
        ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria;

        try {

            contentObjectCriteria = CmsCriteriaFactory

            // templateType corresponds to the property that should exist inside the object


            //In cases where there are more than one content objects with the same system name
            //then there is no need to return them all. We will get the count to check if more exist with the same systemName
            contentObjectCriteria.setOffsetAndLimit(0, 1);

            CmsOutcome<ContentObject> cmsOutcome = astroboaClient.getContentService()
                    .searchContentObjects(contentObjectCriteria, ResourceRepresentationType.CONTENT_OBJECT_LIST);

            if (cmsOutcome.getCount() >= 1) {
                contentObject = (ContentObject) cmsOutcome.getResults().get(0);

            if (cmsOutcome.getCount() > 1) {
                        "More than one content objects with the same system name found. The first will be used to get template content");

        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "An error occured while retrievig the resourceRepresentationTemplateObject. An empty string will be returned as the content of template",

        if (contentObject != null) {
            String pageTemplateContent = ((StringProperty) contentObject.getCmsProperty(templateType))
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(pageTemplateContent)) {
                logger.warn("The resourceRepresentationTemplateObject with systemName:" + templateName
                        + "exists but no content has been defined inside property:" + templateType
                        + ". Please fill in the property of this object with the desired template content.");
                return false;

            return true;
        } else {
  "No resourceRepresentationTemplateObject Found with systemName:" + templateName
                    + "that has a non null property named:" + templateType);
            return false;

    protected Boolean convertToBoolean(Object methodArgument) {
        Boolean convertedArg;

        if (methodArgument == null) {
            return false;

        if (methodArgument instanceof Boolean) {
            convertedArg = (Boolean) methodArgument;
        } else {
            convertedArg = Boolean.valueOf((String) methodArgument);

        return convertedArg;

    // method arguments are coming from the UI as Longs, Integers or Strings
    protected Integer convertToInteger(Object methodArgument) {
        Integer convertedArg;

        if (methodArgument == null) {
            return 0; // avoid null exceptions

        if (methodArgument instanceof Long) {
            convertedArg = ((Long) methodArgument).intValue();
        } else if (methodArgument instanceof String) {
            convertedArg = Integer.parseInt((String) methodArgument);
        } else if (methodArgument instanceof Integer) {
            convertedArg = (Integer) methodArgument;
        } else {
            return null;

        return convertedArg;

    //These methods should be abstract. Nevertheless in order to keep
    //backwards compatibility it is declared just as protected with no implementation
    protected void addCustomCriteria(ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria,
            ResourceResponse<ContentObject, T> resourceResponse) {


    //Allow user to set their own offset and limit
    //in cases where default algorithm is not sufficient
    //For example there might be cases where different number of results are displayed
    //per page (Very rare case, but it may happen!)
    protected void addCustomOffsetAndLimit(ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria) {

