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 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 BetaCONCEPT Limited
 * This file is part of Astroboa.
 * Astroboa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Astroboa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Astroboa.  If not, see <>.

package org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.factory;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.ContentObject;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.ObjectReferenceProperty;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.SimpleCmsProperty;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.Taxonomy;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.Topic;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.exception.CmsException;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.Condition;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.QueryOperator;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.ConditionalCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.ContentObjectCriteria;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.ContentObjectReferenceCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.Criterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.LocalizationCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.SimpleCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.SimpleCriterion.CaseMatching;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.TopicCriteria;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.query.criteria.TopicReferenceCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.item.CmsBuiltInItem;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.ConditionalCriterionImpl;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.ContentObjectReferenceCritetionImpl;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.CriterionUtils;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.LocalizationCriterionImpl;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.NotCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.RangeCriterion;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.SimpleCriterionImpl;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.TopicReferenceCriterionImpl;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.parser.CriterionParser;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.util.CmsConstants;

 * Provides convenient methods for creating simple criteria for most common
 * operators.
 * <p>
 * Use of this factory is preferred as it offers the developer all necessary 
 * methods to create fast any criterion for any operator by just providing only 
 * the necessary information. For example, an equals criterion for property
 * <code>title</code> could be created by the following two ways:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 *   // 1. The hard way
 *   Criterion titleCriterion = CriterionFactory.newSimpleCriterion();
 *   titleCriterion.setProperty("title");
 *   titleCriterion.setOperator(QueryOperator.EQUALS);
 *   titleCriterion.addValue("MySearchExpression");
 *   //2. The easy way
 *   Criterion titleCriterion = CriterionFactory.equals("title", "MySearchExpression");
 * </pre>
 * @author Gregory Chomatas (
 * @author Savvas Triantafyllou (
public class CriterionFactory {

    CriterionFactory() {
        //Use private static constructor so that it cannot be instantiated

     * Creates a simple criterion.
     * <p>
     * This method creates an empty criterion. It should be used only when
     * this factory does not provide an alternative method for
     * a criterion to be created.
     * </p>
     * @return An empty criterion.
    public static SimpleCriterion newSimpleCriterion() {
        return new SimpleCriterionImpl();

     * Associates two criteria with the {@link Condition#AND and} expression.
     * @param leftHandSide
     *            Left hand side of association.
     * @param rightHandSide
     *            Right hand side of association.
     * @return An {@link ConditionalCriterion ANDed} conditional criterion.
    public static Criterion and(Criterion leftHandSide, Criterion rightHandSide) {
        return newConditionalCriterion(leftHandSide, rightHandSide, Condition.AND);

     * Creates a "between" restriction for property. 
     * <p>
     *  It is equivalent to a {@link #lessThanOrEquals(String, Object)} criterion 
     *  and a {@link #greaterThanOrEquals(String, Object)} criterion, associated with
     *  logical expression {@link Condition#AND}. 
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     *  will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>8, 11</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>between("amounts", "9","10")</code>, this property 
     * will match the specified criterion because there is at least one value greater than <code>9</code>
     * and less than <code>10</code>.
     * </p>    
     * <p>
     *  In general, range criteria on multi valued simple properties should be 
     *  avoided if possible as there is high possibility that "unwanted" results
     *  may be included to the overall outcome. The result in the above example from user's perspective,
     *  is wrong as property's values are not ALL between <code>9</code> and
     *  <code>10</code> where as from JCR's perspective, is correct as there is at least 
     *  one value which is less than <code>9</code> and at least one value which is 
     *  greater than <code>10</code>. 
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param lowerLimit
     *            Lower constraint value.
     * @param upperLimit
     *            Upper constraint value.
     * @return A <code>lessThanOrEquals AND greaterThanOrEquals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion between(String propertyPath, Object lowerLimit, Object upperLimit) {
        return createRangeCriterion(propertyPath, lowerLimit, upperLimit);

     * Creates an "equals" restriction for property.
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     *  will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>equals("amounts", "26")</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * In cases where this criterion represents a reference criterion then value should be prefixed as follows :
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * content object then value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#CONTENT_OBJECT_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * topic then value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#TOPIC_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value. 
     * @return A <code>not equals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion equals(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.EQUALS);

     * Creates an "equals" restriction for property but for a list of values.
     * Example :
     * <pre>equals("index", Condition.OR, Arrays.asList(1, 2))</pre> 
     * <p>
     * will constrain query results to entities whose <code>index</code>
     * property has value <code>1</code> or <code>2</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     *  will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>equals("amounts", Condition.OR, Arrays.asList(1, 2))</code>, this property 
     * will not match the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * In cases where this criterion represents a reference criterion then values should be prefixed as follows :
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * content object then each value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#CONTENT_OBJECT_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * topic then each values should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#TOPIC_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param internalCondition
     *            {@link Condition#AND} or {@link Condition#OR}.
     * @param values
     *            Constraint values.
     * @return An <code>equals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion equals(String propertyPath, Condition internalCondition, List values) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, values, internalCondition, QueryOperator.EQUALS);

     * Same semantics with {@link #equals(String, Object)} but ignores case. Examples :
     * <pre>equals("name", "bar")</pre>
     * <p>
     * will match all properties named <code>name</code> and have value(s) : 
     * <code>Bar</code>, <code>BAR</code>, etc.
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return An <code>equals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion equalsCaseInsensitive(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return CriterionUtils.createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.EQUALS,

     * Creates a "greater than" restriction for property. 
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties
     * will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>greaterThan("amounts", "25")</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return A <code>greater than</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion greaterThan(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.GREATER);

     * Creates a "greater than or equals" restriction for property. 
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     * will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>greaterThanOrEquals("amounts", "23.4")</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return A <code>greater than or equals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion greaterThanOrEquals(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.GREATER_EQUAL);

     * Creates a restriction for property existence. For example, 
     * <p>
     * <code>isNotNull("title")</code> will constrain query results to entities 
     * whose <code>title</code> property exists.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @return A <code>not null</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion isNotNull(String propertyPath) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, null, null, QueryOperator.IS_NOT_NULL);

     * Creates a restriction for property nonexistence. Examples :
     * <p>
     * <code>isNull("title")</code> will constrain query results to entities
     * whose <code>title</code> property does not exist.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @return A <code>null</code>  constraint.
    public static Criterion isNull(String propertyPath) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, null, null, QueryOperator.IS_NULL);

     * Creates a "less than" restriction for property. 
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     * will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>lessThan("amounts", "26")</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return A <code>less than</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion lessThan(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.LESS);

     * Creates a "less than or equals" restriction for property.
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     *  will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>lessThanOrEquals("amounts", "26")</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return A <code>less than</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion lessThanOrEquals(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.LESS_EQUAL);

     * Like criterion is based on LIKE in SQL. 
     * <p>
     * Use character <code>%</code> before and/or
     * after value to search for any string of zero or more characters or
     * character <code>_</code> for any single character. Examples :
     * </p>
     * <ul>
     * <li> <code>like('title', '%val')</code>
     * <p>
     *   will match all
     * <code>title</code> properties whose values end with the string
     * <code>val</code>
     * </p>
     * <li> <code>like('title', 'val%')</code>
     * <p>
     * will match all
     * <code>title</code> properties whose values start with the string
     * <code>val</code>
     * </p>
     * <li> <code>like('title', '%val%')</code>
     * <p>
     * will match all
     * <code>title</code> properties whose values contain with the substring
     * <code>val</code>
     * </p>
     * </ul>
     * Use of this criterion is case sensitive.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param searchExpression
     *            Search value.
     * @return A <code>like</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion like(String propertyPath, String searchExpression) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, searchExpression, QueryOperator.LIKE);

     * Same semantics with {@link #like(String, String)} but ignores case. Examples :
     * <pre>like("name", "bar")</pre>
     * <p>
     * will match all properties named <code>name</code> and have value(s) like: 
     * <code>Bar</code>, <code>BAR</code>, etc.
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return A <code>like</code> constraint with no case sensitivity
    public static Criterion likeCaseInsensitive(String propertyPath, String value) {
        return CriterionUtils.createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.LIKE,

     * Same semantics with {@link #like(String, String)} but for multiple search
     * expressions and a condition.
     * <p>
     * Example : <code>like('title', Arrays.asList("Larry", "Moe"), Condition.OR )</code>
     * will match all <code>title</code> properties whose values contain <code>Larry</code>
     * or <code>Moe</code>. 
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param searchExpressions
     *            Search values.
     * @param internalCondition
     *            Default value is {@link Condition#AND}.
     * @return A <code>like</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion like(String propertyPath, List<String> searchExpressions, Condition internalCondition) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, searchExpressions, internalCondition, QueryOperator.LIKE);

     * Associates two criteria with the {@link Condition#OR or} expression.
     * @param leftHandSide
     *            Left hand side of association.
     * @param rightHandSide
     *            Right hand side of association.
     * @return An {@link ConditionalCriterion ORed} conditional criterion.
    public static Criterion or(Criterion leftHandSide, Criterion rightHandSide) {
        return newConditionalCriterion(leftHandSide, rightHandSide, Condition.OR);

    public static Criterion createSimpleCriterion(String propertyPath, List values, Condition internalCondition,
            QueryOperator operator) {

        //Special case
        if (values != null && operator != null
                && (operator == QueryOperator.EQUALS || operator == QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS)) {

            for (Object value : values) {
                if (topicReferenceCriterionMustBeCreated(value)) {
                    return newTopicReferenceCriterion(propertyPath, values, internalCondition, operator,
                            ((String) value).endsWith(CmsConstants.INCLUDE_CHILDREN_EXPRESSION));

        return CriterionUtils.createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, values, internalCondition, operator,

    public static Criterion createSimpleCriterion(String propertyPath, Object value, QueryOperator operator) {

        //Special case
        if (operator != null && (operator == QueryOperator.EQUALS || operator == QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS)
                && topicReferenceCriterionMustBeCreated(value)) {

            return newTopicReferenceCriterion(propertyPath, (String) value, operator,
                    ((String) value).endsWith(CmsConstants.INCLUDE_CHILDREN_EXPRESSION));

        return CriterionUtils.createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, operator, CaseMatching.NO_CASE);

    private static boolean topicReferenceCriterionMustBeCreated(Object value) {

        return value != null && value instanceof String
                && (((String) value).startsWith(CmsConstants.TOPIC_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX)
                        || ((String) value).endsWith(CmsConstants.INCLUDE_CHILDREN_EXPRESSION));

    private static RangeCriterion createRangeCriterion(String propertyPath, Object lowerLimit, Object upperLimit) {
        RangeCriterion rangeCriteria = new RangeCriterion();

        return rangeCriteria;

    private static ConditionalCriterion newConditionalCriterion(Criterion leftHandSide, Criterion rightHandSide,
            Condition condition) {
        ConditionalCriterion conditionalCriterion = new ConditionalCriterionImpl();

        return conditionalCriterion;

     * Creates a range criterion between two values.
     * @return An empty criterion.
    public static RangeCriterion newRangeCriterion(String property, Object lowerLimit, Object upperLimit) {

        RangeCriterion rangeCriterion = new RangeCriterion();

        return rangeCriterion;

     * Creates a "notEquals" restriction for property. 
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     * will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>notEquals("amounts", "26")</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * In cases where this criterion represents a reference criterion then value should be prefixed as follows :
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * content object then value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#CONTENT_OBJECT_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * topic then value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#TOPIC_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param value
     *            Constraint value.
     * @return A <code>not equals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion notEquals(String propertyPath, Object value) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, value, QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS);

     * Creates a "not equals" restriction for property for a list of values.
     * Example :
     * <pre>notEquals("index", Condition.AND, Arrays.asList(1, 2)</pre> 
     * <p>
     * will constrain query results to entities whose <code>index</code>
     * property does not have values <code>1</code>  and <code>2</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note that multi valued simple properties,
     *  will match a criterion if at least ONE of their
     * values satisfies the criterion. For example if there is a multi valued property called
     *    <code>amounts</code> and has values <code>23.4, 30.5</code> and  
     * the following criterion is set <code>notEquals("amounts", Condition.AND, Arrays.asList(1, 2))</code>, this property will match 
     * the specified criterion.  
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * In cases where this criterion represents a reference criterion then values should be prefixed as follows :
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * content object then each value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#CONTENT_OBJECT_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * If criterion's property path corresponds to a property whose type is a reference to a 
     * topic then each value should be prefixed with {@link CmsConstants#TOPIC_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX}.
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}.
     * @param internalCondition
     *            {@link Condition#AND} or {@link Condition#OR}.
     * @param values
     *            Constraint values.
     * @return A <code>not equals</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion notEquals(String propertyPath, Condition internalCondition, List values) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, values, internalCondition, QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS);

     * Creates a localization criterion.
     * @return A constraint about localized labels for an entity.
    public static LocalizationCriterion newLocalizationCriterion() {
        return new LocalizationCriterionImpl();

     * Create a new criterion which negates the provided criterion.
     * @param criterion
     * @return
    public static Criterion not(Criterion criterion) {
        return new NotCriterion(criterion);

     * Create a {@link Criterion criterion} representing all query restrictions contained in the 
     * provided expression and add it to provided {@link ContentObjectCriteria}.
     * <p>
     * This method parses any string which contains query restrictions of the form 
     * <code>propertyPath operator value</code> combined together with one or more
     * condition operators ({@link Condition#AND AND}, {@link Condition#OR OR}) with <code>AND</code>
     * having higher precedence than <code>OR</code>.It also supports 
     * the use of parenthesis in order to define a different precedence among the 
     * restrictions.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <code>propertyPath</code> has the same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)}, 
     * except that it does not support index information, that is <code>profile.title[1]</code> is not 
     * acceptable.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For convenience , there are several reserved property paths:
     * <ul>
     * <li><b>objectType</b>, which refers to built in property {@link CmsBuiltInItem#ContentObjectTypeName}</li>
     * <li><b>textSearched</b>, which enabled full text search by calling {@link ContentObjectCriteria#addFullTextSearchCriterion(String)}</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <code>operator</code> can be one of 
     * <ul>
     *    <li>{@link QueryOperator#EQUALS =}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#NOT_EQUALS !=}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#LESS <}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#LESS_EQUAL <=}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#GREATER >}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#GREATER_EQUAL >=}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#IS_NOT_NULL IS_NOT_NULL}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#IS_NULL IS_NULL}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#CONTAINS CONTAINS}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#LIKE LIKE} but using <code>%%</code></li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Finally <code>value</code> can be any string literal between single (') or double quotes(").
     * In case you enclose value inside single quotes, then you may use double quotes within the search expression, 
     * as long as these quotes are not place right after the first single quote or right before the last one.<br/>
     * For Boolean values accepted entries are <code>true, TRUE, false, FALSE</code>.<br/>
     * In cases where operator is <code>CONTAINS</code> ({@link QueryOperator#LIKE}) then value
     * can contain special character '*' as described in {@link #like(String, String)}.
     * Also, in cases where operator is <code>%%</code> ({@link QueryOperator#LIKE}) then value
     * can contain special character '%' as described in {@link #like(String, String)}.
     * As far as date values concern, ISO8601 international standard representation is used. That means
     * that date values must follow the pattern
     * <pre>
     *       yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSTZD
     * </pre>
     * where
     * <pre>
     *   yyyy represent four-digit year 
     *   MM   represent two-digit month starting with 01 for January
     *   dd   represent two-digit day of month. First day is 01, last is 31
     *   T     is a single character denoting that Time will follow
     *   HH   represent two digits of hour starting from 00 till 23 
     *   mm   represent two digits of minute starting from 00 till 59
     *   ss   represent two digits of second starting from 00 till 59
     *   SSS  represent three digits of milliseconds starting from 000 till 999
     *   TZD  represent time zone designator, Z for UTC or an offset from UTC
     *           in the form of +hh:mm or -hh:mm
     * </pre>
     * For user convenience, date value contain only date information, that is yyyy-MM-dd
     * or may have date time information without milliseconds, that is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm.ssTZD
     * or may have no time zone as well, that is For all of these formats
     * default values will apply to the element missing.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Here some several examples of valid expressions
     * <ul>
     * <li><code> (title="true") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="false") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="TRUE") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="FALSE") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title!="news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title CONTAINS "news*") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (profile CONTAINS "news*") </code>, support for complex properties as well. This restriction instructs Astroboa to search all values of the child properties 
     * of "profile" property.</li>
     * <li><code> (startDate="2009-04-14T19:21:51.000+03:00")  </code></li>  
     * <li><code> (startDate="2009-04-14T19:21:51+03:00") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (startDate="2009-04-14T19:21:51Z") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (startDate="2009-04-14T19:21:51-01:00") </code></li>  
     * <li><code> (startDate="2009-04-14")</code></li>
     * <li><code> (title%%"news") </code></li>
     * * <li><code> (title%%"news%") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="ne'ws") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title='ne"ws') </code></li>
     * <li><code> title IS_NOT_NULL </code></li>
     * <li><code> title IS_NULL </code></li>
     * <li><code> title IS_NULL AND profile.subject="news" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title IS_NULL) AND (profile.subject="news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title IS_NULL) AND (profile.subject="news") ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( title IS_NULL AND profile.subject="news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title IS_NULL) AND profile.subject="news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> title="news" AND profile.subject="news" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="news") AND (profile.subject="news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news") AND (profile.subject="news") ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( title="news" AND profile.subject="news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news") AND profile.subject="news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> title="news" AND profile.subject="news" AND profile.title.en="article" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="news") AND (profile.subject="news") AND (profile.title.en="article") </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news") AND (profile.subject="news") AND (profile.title.en="article") ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( title="news" AND profile.subject="news" AND profile.title.en="article" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news" AND profile.subject="news") AND profile.title.en="article" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news" AND (profile.subject="news")) AND profile.title.en="article" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> title="news" OR profile.subject="news" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="news") OR (profile.subject="news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news") OR (profile.subject="news") ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( title="news" OR profile.subject="news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news") OR profile.subject="news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> title="news" OR profile.subject="news" OR profile.title.en="article" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="news") OR (profile.subject="news") OR (profile.title.en="article") </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news") OR (profile.subject="news") OR (profile.title.en="article") ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( title="news" OR profile.subject="news" OR profile.title.en="article" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news" OR profile.subject="news") OR profile.title.en="article" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (title="news" OR (profile.subject="news")) OR profile.title.en="article" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> title="news" AND profile.subject="news" OR profile.title.en="article" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title="news" AND profile.subject="news") OR profile.title.en="article" </code></li>
     * </p>
      * <p>
     * Here some several examples of INVALID expressions
     * <ul>
     * <li><code> (title="ne'ws'") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (title='"news') </code></li>
     * </ul> 
     * </p>
     * @param expression A string representing query restrictions
     * @param contentObjectCriteria Criteria where the constructed criterion will be adjusted 
     * @return {@link Criterion Criterion} representing the provided expression
    public static void parse(String expression, ContentObjectCriteria contentObjectCriteria) {

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(expression)) {

        InputStream expressionStream = null;

        try {

            expressionStream = IOUtils.toInputStream(expression);
            CriterionParser criterionParser = new CriterionParser(expressionStream);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CmsException("Expression " + expression, e);
        } finally {

     * Criterion used to match all content objects related to <code>topicIds</code> via property <code>propertyPath</code>.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link Topic} and their property path is unknown or does not matter. This criterion will create several constraints,
     * one for each property of type {@link Topic} defined in content model which accepts topics belonging to 
     * the same {@link Taxonomy taxonomy} with provided <code>topicId</code> or accepts topics from 
     * any {@link Taxonomy taxonomy}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param topicIdOrName
     *          Topic id or name to match
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @param includeSubTopics
     *          Whether to look for content objects which refers to any of topic children as well as topic itself
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newTopicReferenceCriterion(String propertyPath, String topicIdOrName,
            QueryOperator operator, boolean includeSubTopics) {

        TopicReferenceCriterion topicReferenceCriterion = new TopicReferenceCriterionImpl();

        if (includeSubTopics) {


        processValueAndAddItToCriterion(topicIdOrName, topicReferenceCriterion,

        return topicReferenceCriterion;


     * Criterion used to match all content objects related to <code>topicIds</code> via property <code>propertyPath</code>.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link Topic}. In cases where property is unknown or does not matter,  this criterion will create several constraints,
     * one for each property of type {@link Topic} defined in content model which accepts topics belonging to 
     * the same {@link Taxonomy taxonomy} with provided <code>topicId</code> or accepts topics from 
     * any {@link Taxonomy taxonomy}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicNames
     *          List of topic Ids to match
     * @param internalCondition
     *          Whether to look for properties which contain ALL provided <code>topicIds</code> {@link Condition#AND} or
     *          they contain either of the provided <code>topicIds<code>
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @param includeSubTopics
     *          Whether to look for content objects which refers to any of topic children as well as topic itself
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newTopicReferenceCriterion(String propertyPath, List topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicNames,
            Condition internalCondition, QueryOperator operator, boolean includeSubTopics) {
        TopicReferenceCriterion topicReferenceCriterion = new TopicReferenceCriterionImpl();

        if (includeSubTopics) {


        if (topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicNames != null) {
            for (Object topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicName : topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicNames) {

                if (topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicName != null) {
                    if (topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicName instanceof Topic) {
                        topicReferenceCriterion.addTopicAsAValue((Topic) topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicName);
                    } else if (topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicName instanceof String) {
                        processValueAndAddItToCriterion((String) topicsOrTopicIdsOrTopicName,
                                topicReferenceCriterion, CmsConstants.TOPIC_REFERENCE_CRITERION_VALUE_PREFIX);
                    } else {

        return topicReferenceCriterion;

     * Criterion used to match all content objects related to <code>topic</code> via property <code>propertyPath</code>.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link Topic} and their property path is unknown or does not matter. This criterion will create several constraints,
     * one for each property of type {@link Topic} defined in content model which accepts topics belonging to 
     * the same {@link Taxonomy taxonomy} with provided <code>topicId</code> or accepts topics from 
     * any {@link Taxonomy taxonomy}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param topic
     *          Topic to match
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @param includeSubTopics
     *          Whether to look for content objects which refers to any of topic children as well as topic itself
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newTopicReferenceCriterion(String propertyPath, Topic topic, QueryOperator operator,
            boolean includeSubTopics) {

        TopicReferenceCriterion topicReferenceCriterion = new TopicReferenceCriterionImpl();

        if (includeSubTopics) {


        return topicReferenceCriterion;


     * Criterion used to match all content objects related to <code>topics</code> via property <code>propertyPath</code>.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link Topic}. In cases where property is unknown or does not matter,  this criterion will create several constraints,
     * one for each property of type {@link Topic} defined in content model which accepts topics belonging to 
     * the same {@link Taxonomy taxonomy} with provided <code>topicId</code> or accepts topics from 
     * any {@link Taxonomy taxonomy}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param topics
     *          List of topics to match
     * @param internalCondition
     *          Whether to look for properties which contain ALL provided <code>topicIds</code> {@link Condition#AND} or
     *          they contain either of the provided <code>topicIds<code>
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @param includeSubTopics
     *          Whether to look for content objects which refers to any of topic children as well as topic itself
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newTopicReferenceListCriterion(String propertyPath, List<Topic> topics,
            Condition internalCondition, QueryOperator operator, boolean includeSubTopics) {
        TopicReferenceCriterion topicReferenceCriterion = new TopicReferenceCriterionImpl();

        if (includeSubTopics) {


        return topicReferenceCriterion;

     * Criterion used to match all content object properties of type {@link ContentObject} ( {@link ObjectReferenceProperty}) which 
     * refer to a {@link ContentObject}.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link ContentObject}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemNames
     *             List of content objects whose identifiers or system names will be used in criterion values or
     * list of content object identifiers or content object system names
     * @param internalCondition
     *          Whether to look for properties which refer to ALL provided <code>contentObjectReferences</code> {@link Condition#AND} or
     *          they refer to any of the provided <code>contentObjectReferences<code>
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newContentObjectReferenceCriterion(String propertyPath,
            List contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemNames, Condition internalCondition,
            QueryOperator operator) {

        ContentObjectReferenceCriterion contentObjectReferenceCriterion = new ContentObjectReferenceCritetionImpl();

        if (contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemNames != null) {

            for (Object contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemName : contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemNames) {

                if (contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemName != null) {
                    if (contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemName instanceof ContentObject) {
                                (ContentObject) contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemName);
                    } else if (contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemName instanceof String) {
                                (String) contentObjectsOrContentObjectIdsOrContentObjectSystemName,
                    } else {

        return contentObjectReferenceCriterion;

     * Criterion used to match all content object properties of type {@link ContentObject} ( {@link ObjectReferenceProperty}) which 
     * refer to a {@link ContentObject}.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link ContentObject}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param contentObjectReference
     *             Content object whose identifier or system name will be used in criterion values
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newContentObjectReferenceCriterion(String propertyPath,
            ContentObject contentObjectReference, QueryOperator operator) {

        ContentObjectReferenceCriterion contentObjectReferenceCriterion = new ContentObjectReferenceCritetionImpl();

        return contentObjectReferenceCriterion;

     * Criterion used to match all content object properties of type {@link ContentObject} ( {@link ObjectReferenceProperty}) which 
     * refer to a {@link ContentObject}.
     * This is a useful method when searching for {@link ContentObject contentObjects} which refer to a specific
     * {@link ContentObject}.
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param contentObjectReferenceIdOrSystemName
     *             Content object identifier or system name 
     * @param operator
     *          {@link QueryOperator}. Mainly, {@link QueryOperator#equals(Object)}
     * @return Criterion object ready to be used inside and ORed or ANDed criterion or to be added directly to
     *       {@link ContentObjectCriteria}
    public static Criterion newContentObjectReferenceCriterion(String propertyPath,
            String contentObjectReferenceIdOrSystemName, QueryOperator operator) {

        ContentObjectReferenceCriterion contentObjectReferenceCriterion = new ContentObjectReferenceCritetionImpl();

        processValueAndAddItToCriterion(contentObjectReferenceIdOrSystemName, contentObjectReferenceCriterion,

        return contentObjectReferenceCriterion;

    private static void processValueAndAddItToCriterion(String referenceIdOrSystemName,
            SimpleCriterion referenceCriterion, String expectedPrefix) {

        if (referenceIdOrSystemName != null && referenceCriterion != null) {

            //1. Reference Id or system name may end with /*
            //   This is taken into account only when criterion
            //   corresponds to a Topic Reference
            if (referenceCriterion instanceof TopicReferenceCriterion
                    && referenceIdOrSystemName.endsWith(CmsConstants.INCLUDE_CHILDREN_EXPRESSION)) {

                ((TopicReferenceCriterion) referenceCriterion).expandCriterionToIncludeSubTopics();

                //Remove suffix and continue processing
                referenceIdOrSystemName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(referenceIdOrSystemName,

            //2. In all other cases, add value as is
            if (!referenceIdOrSystemName.startsWith(expectedPrefix)) {
                if (CmsConstants.UUIDPattern.matcher(referenceIdOrSystemName).matches()) {
                //3. If value represents a system name , add the proper prefix
                else {
                    referenceCriterion.addValue(expectedPrefix + referenceIdOrSystemName);
            } else {

     * Create a {@link Criterion criterion} representing all query restrictions contained in the 
     * provided expression and add it to provided {@link TopicCriteria}.
     * <p>
     * This method parses any string which contains query restrictions of the form 
     * <code>propertyPath operator value</code> combined together with one or more
     * condition operators ({@link Condition#AND AND}, {@link Condition#OR OR}) with <code>AND</code>
     * having higher precedence than <code>OR</code>.It also supports 
     * the use of parenthesis in order to define a different precedence among the 
     * restrictions.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Users can search topic by name, by label in a locale or in any locale, by its ancestor's name, 
     * by its ancestor's label or by its taxonomy's name. Search by taxonomy's label will be supported 
     * in the next release.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Therefore <code>propertyPath</code> can have one of the following values :
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>id</code> represents the id of a topic</li>
     * <li><code>name</code> represents the name of a topic</li>
     * <li><code>label</code> represents a label of a topic in any locale</li>
     * <li><code>label.ANY_LOCALE</code> where ANY_LOCALE, can be replaced with "en", "el", etc and represents a label of a topic in a specific locale</li>
     * <li><code></code> represents the id of a topic's ancestor</li>
     * <li><code></code> represents the name of a topic's ancestor</li>
     * <li><code>ancestor.label</code> represents a label of a topic's ancestor in any locale</li>
     * <li><code>ancestor.label.ANY_LOCALE</code> where ANY_LOCALE, can be replaced with "en", "el", etc and represents a label of a topic's ancestor in a specific locale</li>
     * <li><code>taxonomy</code> represents the name of a topic's taxonomy</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <code>operator</code> can be one of 
     * <ul>
     *    <li>{@link QueryOperator#EQUALS =}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#NOT_EQUALS !=}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#CONTAINS CONTAINS}</li>
     * <li>{@link QueryOperator#LIKE LIKE} but using <code>%%</code></li>
     * </ul>
     * All other operators are ignored.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Finally <code>value</code> can be any string literal between single (') or double quotes(").
     * In case you enclose value inside single quotes, then you may use double quotes within the search expression, 
     * as long as these quotes are not place right after the first single quote or right before the last one.<br/>
     * In cases where operator is <code>CONTAINS</code> ({@link QueryOperator#LIKE}) then value
     * can contain special character '*' as described in {@link #like(String, String)}.
     * Also, in cases where operator is <code>%%</code> ({@link QueryOperator#LIKE}) then value
     * can contain special character '%' as described in {@link #like(String, String)}.
     * <p>
     * Here some several examples of valid expressions
     * <ul>
     * <li><code> (name="sports") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name!="sports") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name%%"news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name%%"news%") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name="ne'ws") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name='ne"ws') </code></li>
     * <li><code> name="sports" AND"news" </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name="sports") AND ("news") </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (name="sports") AND ("news") ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( name="sports" AND"news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> ( (name="sports") AND"news" ) </code></li>
     * <li><code> name="sport" AND ancestor.label CONTAINS "ne*" </code></li>
     * <li><code> name="sport" AND ancestor.label.en CONTAINS "ne*" </code></li>
     * <li><code> name CONTAINS "sport" AND ancestor.label.en CONTAINS "ne*" </code></li>
     * <li><code> label CONTAINS "sport*" AND ancestor.label.en CONTAINS "ne*" </code></li>
     * <li><code> taxonomy="sport" AND label CONTAINS "sport*" AND ancestor.label.en CONTAINS "ne*" </code></li>
     * </p>
      * <p>
     * Here some several examples of INVALID expressions
     * <ul>
     * <li><code> (name="ne'ws'") </code></li>
     * <li><code> (name='"news') </code></li>
     * </ul> 
     * </p>
     * @param expression A string representing query restrictions
     * @param contentObjectCriteria Criteria where the constructed criterion will be adjusted 
     * @return {@link Criterion Criterion} representing the provided expression
    public static void parse(String expression, TopicCriteria topicCriteria) {

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(expression)) {

        InputStream expressionStream = null;

        try {

            expressionStream = IOUtils.toInputStream(expression);
            CriterionParser criterionParser = new CriterionParser(expressionStream);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CmsException("Expression " + expression, e);
        } finally {

     * Contains criterion enables the use of full-text search. 
     * <p>
     * All types
     * of properties are searched including binary types. The following rules
     * apply :
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Search expression can contain one or more terms separated by whitespace.A
     * term can be a single word or a phrase delimited by double quotes (").
     * <li>Search expression for all terms should contain whitespace (implicit AND) between 
     * terms and for either of terms should contain OR.
     * <li>Search expression can contain both AND-ed and OR-ed terms with AND having higher
     * precedence.
     * <li>Any term prefixed with - (minus sign) will not be included in the
     * results.
     * <li>Any term containing '*' character will result in matching values
     * containing any string of zero or more characters in place of '*'. Note
     * this behavior is disabled if term is a phrase.
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Search expression examples :
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>contains('title', 'java jdk')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values containing <code>java</code> AND <code>jdk</code>.
     * </p>
     * <li><code>contains('title', '\"java jdk\"')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values containing the phrase <code>java jdk</code>.
     * </p>
     * <li><code>contains('title', 'java OR jdk')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values containing <code>java</code> OR <code>jdk</code>.
     * </p>
     * <li><code>contains('title', '\"java jdk\" OR 1.5')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values which contain phrase <code>java jdk</code> OR
     * <code>1.5</code>.
     * </p>
     * <li><code>contains('title', '-\"java jdk\" 1.5')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values which DO NOT contain phrase <code>java jdk</code>
     * and contain <code>1.5</code>.
     * </p>
     * <li><code>contains('title', 'java* 1.5')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values which contain strings that start with
     * <code>java</code> and also contain string <code>1.5</code>.
     * </p>
     * <li><code>contains('title', '*java* 1.5')</code>
     * <p>
     * Matches all values which contain string <code>java</code> and also
     * contain string <code>1.5</code>.
     * </p>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param propertyPath
     *            Same semantics as {@link SimpleCriterion#setProperty(String)} 
     *            but it is restricted to {@link SimpleCmsProperty simple cms properties}.
     * @param searchExpression
     *            Search value.
     * @return A <code>contains</code> constraint.
    public static Criterion contains(String propertyPath, String searchExpression) {
        return createSimpleCriterion(propertyPath, searchExpression, QueryOperator.CONTAINS);