Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 BetaCONCEPT Limited
 * This file is part of Astroboa.
 * Astroboa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Astroboa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Astroboa.  If not, see <>.
package org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.client.service;

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.exception.CmsException;
import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.client.AstroboaClient;
import org.jboss.ejb.client.ContextSelector;
import org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientConfiguration;
import org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext;
import org.jboss.ejb.client.PropertiesBasedEJBClientConfiguration;
import org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Abstract class containing common methods for remote services wrappers.
 * This class assumes that access is done through JBoss JNDI and 
 * that remoteService's JNDI name is remote service's class name plus "/remote".
 * @author Gregory Chomatas (
 * @author Savvas Triantafyllou (
public abstract class AbstractClientServiceWrapper {

    final static String DEFAULT_PORT = "4447";
    final static String ASTROBOA_EAR_APPLICATION_NAME = "astroboa";
    final static String ASTROBOA_EJB_MODULE_NAME = "astroboa-ejb3";

     *   distinct-name : This is a JBoss AS7 specific name which can be optionally assigned to the deployments that are deployed on the server. 
     *            More about the purpose and usage of this will be explained in a separate chapter. If a deployment doesn't use distinct-name then, 
     *            use an empty string in the JNDI name, for distinct-name.

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    private String serverHostNameOrIp;
    private String port;

    String serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon;

    AstroboaClient client;

    boolean successfullyConnectedToRemoteService;

    public AbstractClientServiceWrapper(AstroboaClient client, String serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect) {
        this.client = client;


    abstract void resetService();

    abstract boolean loadService(boolean loadLocalService);

    private void initialize(String serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect) {

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect)) {
            //Set default URL if none provided
            serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect = AstroboaClient.INTERNAL_CONNECTION + ":" + DEFAULT_PORT;
        } else {
            //Set port if not provided
            if (!serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect.contains(":")) {
                serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect = serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect.concat(":" + DEFAULT_PORT);
            } else {
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect, ":"))) {
                    serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect = serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect.concat(DEFAULT_PORT);


        this.serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon = serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect;
        this.serverHostNameOrIp = StringUtils.substringBefore(serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect, ":");
        this.port = StringUtils.substringAfter(serverHostNameAndorPortToConnect, ":");


    private void loadService() {

        boolean successfullyConnectedToLocalService = false;
        successfullyConnectedToRemoteService = false;

        if (clientWantsToConnectToInternalServer()) {
            successfullyConnectedToLocalService = loadService(true);
        } else {

            //Client does not want to connect  internal server
            //Nevertheless it may be the case that 'localhost' or ''
            //has been specified. If so check first if an internal server
            //is activated and if not then try a connection to a remote server
            if (clientsWantsToConnectToLocalhost()) {
                successfullyConnectedToLocalService = loadService(true);

            if (!successfullyConnectedToLocalService) {
                //Client wants to connect to a remote server
                successfullyConnectedToRemoteService = loadService(false);


        if (!successfullyConnectedToLocalService && !successfullyConnectedToRemoteService) {
            throw new CmsException("Unable to connect to local or remote server "
                    + serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon);

        logger.debug("Connected to server {} {}", serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon,
                (successfullyConnectedToLocalService ? " locally " : " remotely"));


    private boolean clientsWantsToConnectToLocalhost() {
        return serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon != null
                && (serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon.toLowerCase().startsWith("localhost:")
                        || serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon.toLowerCase().startsWith(""));

     * A Client is connected to Local Server if n server host port is provided
     * or 'localhost' value is specified
    private boolean clientWantsToConnectToInternalServer() {
        return serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon == null
                || serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon.toLowerCase()
                        .startsWith(AstroboaClient.INTERNAL_CONNECTION.toLowerCase() + ":");

    <R> Object connectToLocalService(Class<R> serviceClass) {

        return connectToLocalService(serviceClass, null);

    <R> Object connectToLocalService(Class<R> serviceClass, String jndiName) {
        try {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(jndiName)) {
                jndiName = createJNDIBindingNameForService(serviceClass, true);

            try {
                return new InitialContext().lookup(jndiName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("Could not connect to local service " + serviceClass.getSimpleName(), e);
                //try with '#' instead of '!'
                if (jndiName.contains("!")) {
                    return new InitialContext().lookup(jndiName.replace("!", "#"));
                return null;


        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("", e);
            return null;


    <R> Object connectToRemoteService(Class<R> serviceClass) {
        return connectToRemoteService(serviceClass, null);

    <R> Object connectToRemoteService(Class<R> serviceClass, String jndiName) {
        //Call this method to actually get the referenced object
        try {

             * According to the documentation 
             * and to this thread
             * JBoss AS7 has changed the procedure for a remote client invocation.
             * We have to use these JBoss Specific API in order to be able to dynamically provide information
             * about the server host name or ip and the port.
             * Bear in mind that in these properties no username and password is provided.
             * This means that the JBoss AS7 which hosts the Astroboa must have its 
             * security-realm for the subsystem remoting disabled.
             * This code must be reviewed as not only it contains JBoss Specific API but also
             * remoting subsystem must be active without security
            Properties ejbClientConfigurationProperties = new Properties();
                    .put("", "false");
            ejbClientConfigurationProperties.put("remote.connections", "default");
            ejbClientConfigurationProperties.put("", serverHostNameOrIp);
            ejbClientConfigurationProperties.put("remote.connection.default.port", port);
                    "", "false");

            final EJBClientConfiguration ejbClientConfiguration = new PropertiesBasedEJBClientConfiguration(

            // EJB client context selection is based on selectors. So let's create a ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector which uses our EJBClientConfiguration created in previous step
            final ContextSelector<EJBClientContext> ejbClientContextSelector = new ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector(
            // Now let's setup the EJBClientContext to use this selector
            final ContextSelector<EJBClientContext> previousSelector = EJBClientContext

            //Context environmental properties specific to JBoss Naming Context
            Properties jndiEnvironmentProperties = new Properties();
            //jndiEnvironmentProperties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
            jndiEnvironmentProperties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
            //jndiEnvironmentProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://"+serverHostNameOrIpAndPortDelimitedWithSemiColon);

            InitialContext context = new InitialContext(jndiEnvironmentProperties);

            if (StringUtils.isBlank(jndiName)) {
                jndiName = createJNDIBindingNameForService(serviceClass, false);

            try {
                return context.lookup(jndiName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("Could not connect to local service " + serviceClass.getSimpleName(), e);
                //try with '#' instead of '!'
                if (jndiName.contains("!")) {
                    return context.lookup(jndiName.replace("!", "#"));
                return null;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("", e);
            return null;

    public String getAuthenticationToken() {

        return client.getAuthenticationToken();


    public boolean isClientConnectedToARemoteServer() {
        return successfullyConnectedToRemoteService;

    private <R> String createJNDIBindingNameForService(Class<R> serviceClass, boolean local) {

         * In JBoss 5 and onwards all Astroboa EJB beans have been annotated using the following annotations
         * @Local({<local-service-api-name>.class}) 
         * @Remote({<remote-service-api-name>.class}) 
         * @Stateless("<service-name>")
         *    where "<local-service-api-name>" and "<remote-service-api-name>" is the name of the local 
         *    and remote interface respectively and "<service-name>" which is the simple name of the local interface
         * For example, EJB for ContentServiceSecure is annotated as
         *    @Local(ContentServiceSecure.class)
         *    @Remote(RemoteContentServiceSecure.class)
         *    @Stateless("ContentServiceSecure")
         * JBoss 5 EJB engine exposes Astroboa EJB beans under the Global JNDI namespace, using the following
         * JNDI names 
         *    <service-name>/local
         *    <service-name>/local-<fully-qualified-name-of-local-interface>
         *    <service-name>/remote
         *    <service-name>/remote-<fully-qualified-name-of-remote-interface>
         *    Therefore, for the above example the JNDI names of the local and remote ejb beans for ContentServiceSecure are  
         *    ContentServiceSecure/local
         *    ContentServiceSecure/
         *    ContentServiceSecure/remote
         *    ContentServiceSecure/
         *    The JNDI view as displayed by JMX-Console for "ContentServiceSecure" EJB Bean is 
         * +- ContentServiceSecure (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
            * |   +- local (class: Proxy for:
            * |   +- (class: Proxy for:
            * |   +- (class: Proxy for:
            * |   +- remote (class: Proxy for:
         *  So in oder to calculate the JNDI name for the provided service, 
         *  we use the simple name of the class suffixed with "/local" or "remote"
        //return serviceClass.getSimpleName()+"/"+ (local?"local":"remote");

         * In EJB 3.1, the global JNDI names would follow a standard pattern that is portable across all the different application servers: 
         *   java:global[/<application-name>]/<module-name>/<bean-name>#<interface-name>
         *  In JBoss AS 7 the JNDI bindings for session bean named TaxonomyServiceSecure in deployment unit subdeployment "astroboa-ejb3.jar" of deployment "astroboa.ear" 
         *  are as follows:
         *   java:global/astroboa/astroboa-ejb3/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         *   java:app/astroboa-ejb3/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         *   java:module/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         *   java:jboss/exported/astroboa/astroboa-ejb3/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         *   java:global/astroboa/astroboa-ejb3/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         *   java:app/astroboa-ejb3/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         *   java:module/TaxonomyServiceSecure!
         * Note the '!' instead of the '#' character in JBoss
          * For remote JNDI connections see more info in 
        if (local) {
            return "java:global/" + ASTROBOA_EAR_APPLICATION_NAME + "/" + ASTROBOA_EJB_MODULE_NAME + "/"
                    + serviceClass.getSimpleName() + "!" + serviceClass.getName();
        } else {
             *  For remote JNDI connections see more info in 
              *  Stateless beans
              *  ejb:<app-name>/<module-name>/<distinct-name>/<bean-name>!<fully-qualified-classname-of-the-remote-interface>
              *  Statefull beans
              *  ejb:<app-name>/<module-name>/<distinct-name>/<bean-name>!<fully-qualified-classname-of-the-remote-interface>?stateful
              *   app-name : This is the name of the .ear (without the .ear suffix) that you have deployed on the server and contains your EJBs.
              *            Java EE 6 allows you to override the application name, to a name of your choice by setting it in the application.xml. 
              *            If the deployment uses uses such an override then the app-name used in the JNDI name should match that name.
              *            EJBs can also be deployed in a .war or a plain .jar. In such cases where the deployment isn't an .ear file, 
              *            then the app-name must be an empty string, while doing the lookup.
              *   module-name : This is the name of the .jar (without the .jar suffix) that you have deployed on the server and the contains your EJBs. 
              *            If the EJBs are deployed in a .war then the module name is the .war name (without the .war suffix). Java EE 6 allows you to 
              *            override the module name, by setting it in the ejb-jar.xml/web.xml of your deployment. If the deployment uses such an override 
              *            then the module-name used in the JNDI name should match that name. Module name part cannot be an empty string in the JNDI name.
              *   distinct-name : This is a JBoss AS7 specific name which can be optionally assigned to the deployments that are deployed on the server. 
              *            More about the purpose and usage of this will be explained in a separate chapter. If a deployment doesn't use distinct-name then, 
              *            use an empty string in the JNDI name, for distinct-name.
              *   bean-name : This is the name of the bean for which you are doing the lookup. The bean name is typically the unqualified classname 
              *            of the bean implementation class, but can be overriden through either ejb-jar.xml or via annotations. The bean name part cannot 
              *            be an empty string in the JNDI name.
              *  fully-qualified-classname-of-the-remote-interface : This is the fully qualified class name of the interface for which you are doing the lookup. 
              *           The interface should be one of the remote interfaces exposed by the bean on the server. The fully qualified class name part cannot be 
              *           an empty string in the JNDI name. 
              *  All Astroboa EJB3 beans are stateless
            String distinctName = "";
            return "ejb:" + ASTROBOA_EAR_APPLICATION_NAME + "/" + ASTROBOA_EJB_MODULE_NAME + "/" + distinctName
                    + "/" + serviceClass.getSimpleName() + "!" + serviceClass.getName();