Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Inspired by (and using code from) org.fxmisc.richtext.demo.JavaKeywords ( */ package org.beryx.viewreka.fxapp.codearea; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.control.IndexRange; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.fxmisc.richtext.CodeArea; import org.fxmisc.richtext.LineNumberFactory; import org.fxmisc.richtext.StyleSpans; import org.fxmisc.richtext.StyleSpansBuilder; import org.fxmisc.wellbehaved.event.EventHandlerHelper; import org.fxmisc.wellbehaved.event.EventPattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * A {@link CodeArea} with basic syntax highlighting support. */ public class SimpleCodeArea extends CodeArea { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleCodeArea.class); private static final String NEVER_MATCHING = "(?!x)x"; private static final String PAREN_PATTERN = "\\(|\\)"; private static final String BRACE_PATTERN = "\\{|\\}"; private static final String BRACKET_PATTERN = "\\[|\\]"; private static final String SEMICOLON_PATTERN = "\\;"; private static final String STRING_PATTERN = "\"([^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\""; private static final String STRING2_PATTERN = "'([^'\\\\]|\\\\.)*'"; private static final String COMMENT_PATTERN = "//[^\n]*" + "|" + "/\\*(.|\\R)*?\\*/"; private final Map<String, StyleGroup> styleGroups = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Pattern codePattern; private boolean codePatternInvalid = true; private String[] keywords = null; private boolean caseInsensitive = false; private Supplier<String> keywordPatternSupplier = () -> getKeywordPattern(); private Supplier<Pattern> codePatternCreator = () -> createCodePattern(); private int tabAdvance = 4; private boolean indentationOnEnter = true; public static class StyleGroup { private final String groupName; private final String styleClass; private final String groupPattern; public StyleGroup(String groupName, String styleClass, String groupPattern) { this.groupName = groupName; this.styleClass = styleClass; this.groupPattern = groupPattern; } public String getGroupName() { return groupName; } public String getStyleClass() { return styleClass; } public String getGroupPattern() { return groupPattern; } @Override public String toString() { return groupName + " / " + styleClass + ": " + groupPattern; } } public SimpleCodeArea() { this(""); } public SimpleCodeArea(String text) { super(text); putStyleGroup("KEYWORD", "keyword", NEVER_MATCHING); putStyleGroup("PAREN", "paren", PAREN_PATTERN); putStyleGroup("BRACE", "brace", BRACE_PATTERN); putStyleGroup("BRACKET", "bracket", BRACKET_PATTERN); putStyleGroup("SEMICOLON", "semicolon", SEMICOLON_PATTERN); putStyleGroup("STRING", "string", STRING_PATTERN); putStyleGroup("STRING2", "string", STRING2_PATTERN); putStyleGroup("COMMENT", "comment", COMMENT_PATTERN); String cssName = SimpleCodeArea.class.getSimpleName() + ".css"; getStylesheets().add(SimpleCodeArea.class.getResource(cssName).toExternalForm()); setParagraphGraphicFactory(LineNumberFactory.get(this)); richChanges().subscribe(change -> { setStyleSpans(0, computeHighlighting(getText())); }); EventHandler<? super KeyEvent> tabHandler = EventHandlerHelper.on(EventPattern.keyPressed(KeyCode.ENTER)) .act(event -> applyEnter()).on(EventPattern.keyPressed(KeyCode.TAB)).act(event -> applyTab()) .on(EventPattern.keyPressed(KeyCode.TAB, KeyCombination.SHIFT_DOWN)).act(event -> applyShiftTab()) .create(); EventHandlerHelper.install(onKeyPressedProperty(), tabHandler); } public int getTabAdvance() { return tabAdvance; } public void setTabAdvance(int tabAdvance) { this.tabAdvance = tabAdvance; } public boolean isIndentationOnEnter() { return indentationOnEnter; } public void setIndentationOnEnter(boolean indentationOnEnter) { this.indentationOnEnter = indentationOnEnter; } protected void applyEnter() { String replacement = "\n"; if (indentationOnEnter) { Position startPos = offsetToPosition(getSelection().getStart(), Bias.Forward); String text = getText(startPos.getMajor()); int indent = 0; while (indent < startPos.getMinor()) { char ch = text.charAt(indent); if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') break; indent++; } replacement += text.substring(0, indent); } replaceSelection(replacement); } protected void applyTab() { IndexRange selection = getSelection(); Position startPos = offsetToPosition(selection.getStart(), Bias.Forward); if (selection.getLength() == 0) { int spaceCount = tabAdvance - startPos.getMinor() % tabAdvance; replaceSelection(StringUtils.repeat(' ', spaceCount)); } else { int startParagraph = startPos.getMajor(); Position endPos = offsetToPosition(selection.getEnd(), Bias.Forward); int endParagraph = endPos.getMajor(); String spaces = StringUtils.repeat(' ', tabAdvance); for (int pg = startParagraph; pg <= endParagraph; pg++) { insertText(position(pg, 0).toOffset(), spaces); } int newStartOffset = startPos.offsetBy(tabAdvance, Bias.Forward).toOffset(); int newEndOffset = endPos.offsetBy(tabAdvance, Bias.Forward).toOffset(); selectRange(newStartOffset, newEndOffset); } } protected void applyShiftTab() { Position startPos = offsetToPosition(getSelection().getStart(), Bias.Forward); Position endPos = offsetToPosition(getSelection().getEnd(), Bias.Forward); int startParagraph = startPos.getMajor(); int endParagraph = endPos.getMajor(); int startBackCount = 0; int endBackCount = 0; for (int pg = startParagraph; pg <= endParagraph; pg++) { String text = getText(pg); int backCount = 0; while (backCount < tabAdvance && backCount < text.length()) { if (text.charAt(backCount) == '\t') { backCount++; break; } if (text.charAt(backCount) != ' ') break; backCount++; } if (backCount > 0) { if (pg == startParagraph) startBackCount = backCount; if (pg == endParagraph) endBackCount = backCount; deleteText(position(pg, 0).toOffset(), position(pg, backCount).toOffset()); } } int startMinor = Math.abs(startPos.getMinor() - startBackCount); Position newStartPos = startPos.getTargetObject().position(startPos.getMajor(), startMinor); int endMinor = Math.abs(endPos.getMinor() - endBackCount); Position newEndPos = endPos.getTargetObject().position(endPos.getMajor(), endMinor); log.debug( "applyShiftTab():\nstartBackCount: {}, endBackCount: {}\n startPos: {}, endPos: {}\nnewStartPos: {}, newEndPos: {}", startBackCount, endBackCount, startPos, endPos, newStartPos, newEndPos); selectRange(newStartPos.toOffset(), newEndPos.toOffset()); } public StyleGroup putStyleGroup(String groupName, String styleClass, String groupPattern) { return styleGroups.put(groupName, new StyleGroup(groupName, styleClass, groupPattern)); } public StyleGroup removeStyleGroup(String groupName) { return styleGroups.remove(groupName); } public final void applyConfiguration(CodeAreaConfig config) { if (config != null) { setCaseInsensitive(config.isCaseInsensitive()); setKeywords(config.getKeywords()); if (config.getKeywordPatternSupplier() != null) { setKeywordPatternSupplier(config.getKeywordPatternSupplier()); } if (config.getCodePatternCreator() != null) { setCodePatternCreator(config.getCodePatternCreator()); } config.getStyleGroups() .forEach(group -> putStyleGroup(group.groupName, group.styleClass, group.groupPattern)); config.getRemovedStyleGroups().forEach(groupName -> removeStyleGroup(groupName)); } } public void invalidatePattern() { codePatternInvalid = true; } public void setKeywords(String[] keywords) { this.keywords = keywords; invalidatePattern(); } public void setCaseInsensitive(boolean caseInsensitive) { this.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive; invalidatePattern(); } public void setKeywordPatternSupplier(Supplier<String> keywordPatternSupplier) { this.keywordPatternSupplier = keywordPatternSupplier; } public void setCodePatternCreator(Supplier<Pattern> codePatternCreator) { this.codePatternCreator = codePatternCreator; } protected String getKeywordPattern() { if (keywords == null || keywords.length == 0) return null; String pattern = "\\b(" + String.join("|", keywords) + ")\\b"; if (caseInsensitive) { pattern = "(?i)" + pattern + "(?-i)"; } return pattern; } private Pattern getCodePattern() { if (codePattern == null || codePatternInvalid) { codePattern = codePatternCreator.get(); codePatternInvalid = false; } return codePattern; } protected Pattern createCodePattern() { String keywordPattern = keywordPatternSupplier.get(); putStyleGroup("KEYWORD", "keyword", ((keywordPattern == null) ? NEVER_MATCHING : keywordPattern)); StringBuilder sbRegex = new StringBuilder(1024); String sep = ""; for (StyleGroup group : styleGroups.values()) { sbRegex.append(sep + "(?<" + group.groupName + ">" + group.groupPattern + ")"); sep = "|"; } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(sbRegex.toString()); return pattern; } public void setText(String newText) { replaceText(newText); } protected StyleSpans<Collection<String>> computeHighlighting(String text) { Matcher matcher = getCodePattern().matcher(text); int lastKwEnd = 0; StyleSpansBuilder<Collection<String>> spansBuilder = new StyleSpansBuilder<>(); try { while (matcher.find()) { String styleClass = null; for (StyleGroup group : styleGroups.values()) { if ( != null) { styleClass = group.styleClass; break; } } spansBuilder.add(Collections.emptyList(), matcher.start() - lastKwEnd); spansBuilder.add(Collections.singleton(styleClass), matcher.end() - matcher.start()); lastKwEnd = matcher.end(); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Failed to compute highlighting: " + t); } spansBuilder.add(Collections.emptyList(), text.length() - lastKwEnd); return spansBuilder.create(); } }