Java tutorial
/* * Beangle, Agile Java/Scala Development Scaffold and Toolkit * * Copyright (c) 2005-2013, Beangle Software. * * Beangle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Beangle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Beangle. If not, see <>. */ package org.beangle.test.selenium; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; /** * EMS Selenium? com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleneseTestBase * * @author qianjia */ public class SeleniumTestBase extends SeleniumTestBootstrap { protected StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer(); protected static final String CHECKBOX_PATTERN = "xpath=//input[@type=''checkbox'' and @name=''{0}'']"; protected static final String SINGLE_RADIO_PATTERN = "xpath=(//input[(@type=''radio'') and @name=''{0}''])[{1}]"; protected static final String SINGLE_CHECKBOX_PATTERN = "xpath=(//input[(@type=''checkbox'') and @name=''{0}''])[{1}]"; protected static final String SINGLE_CHECKBOX_RADIO_PATTERN = "xpath=(//input[(@type=''checkbox'' or @type=''radio'') and @name=''{0}''])[{1}]"; protected static final String JQUERY_TAB_PATTERN = "css=.ui-tabs-nav a[title=''{0}'']"; protected static final double ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_LONG = 20; protected static final double ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_SHORT = 1; @AfterTest(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { checkForVerificationErrors(); } @BeforeMethod(dependsOnGroups = "webdriver.start") public void setTestContext(Method method) { selenium.setContext(method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName()); } /** * Asserts that there were no verification errors during the current test, failing immediately * if * any are found */ @AfterMethod public void checkForVerificationErrors() { String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors.toString(); clearVerificationErrors(); if (!"".equals(verificationErrorString)) { fail(verificationErrorString); } } /** Like assertTrue, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyTrue(boolean b) { try { assertTrue(b); } catch (Error e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } /** Like assertFalse, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyFalse(boolean b) { try { assertFalse(b); } catch (Error e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } /** Returns the body text of the current page */ public String getText() { return selenium.getEval(""); } /** Like assertEquals, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { try { assertEquals(expected, actual); } catch (Error e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } /** Like assertEquals, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyEquals(boolean expected, boolean actual) { try { assertEquals(Boolean.valueOf(expected), Boolean.valueOf(actual)); } catch (Error e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } /** Like JUnit's Assert.assertEquals, but knows how to compare string arrays */ public static void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { if (expected == null) { assertTrue("Expected \"" + expected + "\" but saw \"" + actual + "\" instead", actual == null); } else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof String) { assertEquals((String) expected, (String) actual); } else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof String[]) { assertEquals((String) expected, (String[]) actual); } else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof Number) { assertEquals((String) expected, actual.toString()); } else if (expected instanceof Number && actual instanceof String) { assertEquals(expected.toString(), (String) actual); } else if (expected instanceof String[] && actual instanceof String[]) { assertEquals((String[]) expected, (String[]) actual); } else { assertTrue("Expected \"" + expected + "\" but saw \"" + actual + "\" instead", expected.equals(actual)); } } /** Like JUnit's Assert.assertEquals, but handles "regexp:" strings like HTML Selenese */ public static void assertEquals(String expected, String actual) { assertTrue("Expected \"" + expected + "\" but saw \"" + actual + "\" instead", seleniumEquals(expected, actual)); } /** * Like JUnit's Assert.assertEquals, but joins the string array with commas, and handles * "regexp:" * strings like HTML Selenese */ public static void assertEquals(String expected, String[] actual) { assertEquals(expected, join(actual, ',')); } /** * Compares two strings, but handles "regexp:" strings like HTML Selenese * * @param expectedPattern * @param actual * @return true if actual matches the expectedPattern, or false otherwise */ public static boolean seleniumEquals(String expectedPattern, String actual) { if (expectedPattern == null || actual == null) { return expectedPattern == null && actual == null; } if (actual.startsWith("regexp:") || actual.startsWith("regex:") || actual.startsWith("regexpi:") || actual.startsWith("regexi:")) { // swap 'em String tmp = actual; actual = expectedPattern; expectedPattern = tmp; } Boolean b; b = handleRegex("regexp:", expectedPattern, actual, 0); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } b = handleRegex("regex:", expectedPattern, actual, 0); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } b = handleRegex("regexpi:", expectedPattern, actual, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } b = handleRegex("regexi:", expectedPattern, actual, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } if (expectedPattern.startsWith("exact:")) { String expectedExact = expectedPattern.replaceFirst("exact:", ""); if (!expectedExact.equals(actual)) { System.out.println("expected " + actual + " to match " + expectedPattern); return false; } return true; } String expectedGlob = expectedPattern.replaceFirst("glob:", ""); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("([\\]\\[\\\\{\\}$\\(\\)\\|\\^\\+.])", "\\\\$1"); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\*", ".*"); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\?", "."); if (!Pattern.compile(expectedGlob, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(actual).matches()) { System.out.println("expected \"" + actual + "\" to match glob \"" + expectedPattern + "\" (had transformed the glob into regexp \"" + expectedGlob + "\""); return false; } return true; } private static Boolean handleRegex(String prefix, String expectedPattern, String actual, int flags) { if (expectedPattern.startsWith(prefix)) { String expectedRegEx = expectedPattern.replaceFirst(prefix, ".*") + ".*"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(expectedRegEx, flags); if (!p.matcher(actual).matches()) { System.out.println("expected " + actual + " to match regexp " + expectedPattern); return Boolean.FALSE; } return Boolean.TRUE; } return null; } /** * Compares two objects, but handles "regexp:" strings like HTML Selenese * * @see #seleniumEquals(String, String) * @return true if actual matches the expectedPattern, or false otherwise */ public static boolean seleniumEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { if (expected == null) { return actual == null; } if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof String) { return seleniumEquals((String) expected, (String) actual); } return expected.equals(actual); } /** Asserts that two string arrays have identical string contents */ public static void assertEquals(String[] expected, String[] actual) { String comparisonDumpIfNotEqual = verifyEqualsAndReturnComparisonDumpIfNot(expected, actual); if (comparisonDumpIfNotEqual != null) { throw new AssertionError(comparisonDumpIfNotEqual); } } /** * Asserts that two string arrays have identical string contents (fails at the end of the test, * during tearDown) */ public void verifyEquals(String[] expected, String[] actual) { String comparisonDumpIfNotEqual = verifyEqualsAndReturnComparisonDumpIfNot(expected, actual); if (comparisonDumpIfNotEqual != null) { verificationErrors.append(comparisonDumpIfNotEqual); } } private static String verifyEqualsAndReturnComparisonDumpIfNot(String[] expected, String[] actual) { boolean misMatch = false; if (expected.length != actual.length) { misMatch = true; } for (int j = 0; j < expected.length; j++) { if (!seleniumEquals(expected[j], actual[j])) { misMatch = true; break; } } if (misMatch) { return "Expected " + stringArrayToString(expected) + " but saw " + stringArrayToString(actual); } return null; } private static String stringArrayToString(String[] sa) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("{"); for (int j = 0; j < sa.length; j++) { sb.append(" ").append("\"").append(sa[j]).append("\""); } sb.append(" }"); return sb.toString(); } private static String throwableToString(Throwable t) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); t.printStackTrace(pw); return sw.toString(); } public static String join(String[] sa, char c) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < sa.length; j++) { sb.append(sa[j]); if (j < sa.length - 1) { sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); } /** Like assertNotEquals, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyNotEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { try { assertNotEquals(expected, actual); } catch (AssertionError e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } /** Like assertNotEquals, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyNotEquals(boolean expected, boolean actual) { try { assertNotEquals(Boolean.valueOf(expected), Boolean.valueOf(actual)); } catch (AssertionError e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } /** Asserts that two objects are not the same (compares using .equals()) */ public static void assertNotEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { if (expected == null) { assertFalse("did not expect null to be null", actual == null); } else if (expected.equals(actual)) { fail("did not expect (" + actual + ") to be equal to (" + expected + ")"); } } public static void fail(String message) { throw new AssertionError(message); } static public void assertTrue(String message, boolean condition) { if (!condition) fail(message); } static public void assertTrue(boolean condition) { assertTrue(null, condition); } static public void assertFalse(String message, boolean condition) { assertTrue(message, !condition); } static public void assertFalse(boolean condition) { assertTrue(null, !condition); } /** Asserts that two booleans are not the same */ public static void assertNotEquals(boolean expected, boolean actual) { assertNotEquals(Boolean.valueOf(expected), Boolean.valueOf(actual)); } /** Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds */ public void pause(int millisecs) { try { Thread.sleep(millisecs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } /** Clears out the list of verification errors */ public void clearVerificationErrors() { verificationErrors = new StringBuffer(); } @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void selectDefaultWindow() { if (selenium != null) { selenium.selectWindow("null"); } } /** * ?ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_LONG * * @param locator * @throws Exception */ protected void waitForElementPresent(String locator) throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(locator, ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_LONG); } /** * ?DOM?? * * @param locator * @param timeoutSecs * @throws Exception */ protected void waitForElementPresent(String locator, double timeoutSecs) throws Exception { int lap = 300; for (int milliseconds = 0;; milliseconds += lap) { if (milliseconds >= timeoutSecs * 1000) fail("timeout: " + locator); try { if (selenium.isElementPresent(locator) && selenium.isVisible(locator)) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(lap); } } /** * ??DOM???ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_LONG * * @param locator * @throws Exception */ protected void waitForElementVanish(String locator) throws Exception { int lap = 300; double timeoutSecs = ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_LONG; for (int milliseconds = 0;; milliseconds += lap) { if (milliseconds >= timeoutSecs * 1000) fail("timeout: " + locator); try { if (!selenium.isElementPresent(locator) || !selenium.isVisible(locator)) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(lap); } } /** * ??DOM??? * * @param locator * @param timeoutSecs * @throws Exception */ protected void waitForElementVanish(String locator, double timeoutSecs) throws Exception { int lap = 300; for (int milliseconds = 0;; milliseconds += lap) { if (milliseconds >= timeoutSecs * 1000) fail("timeout: " + locator); try { if (!selenium.isElementPresent(locator) || !selenium.isVisible(locator)) break; } catch (Exception e) { } Thread.sleep(lap); } } /** * jQuery-ui?Tab * * @param text * @throws Exception */ protected void clickJQueryTab(String text) throws Exception { String locator = MessageFormat.format(JQUERY_TAB_PATTERN, text); waitForElementPresent(locator);; selenium.waitForPageToLoad(PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT); } /** * color box * @throws Exception */ protected void closeColorbox() throws Exception { String locator = "css=div#cboxClose"; waitForElementPresent(locator, ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC_SHORT);; waitForElementVanish("css=#cboxLoadedContent"); } /** * check?checkbox/radio * * @param name * @param index * 1 * @throws Exception */ protected void check(String name, int index) throws Exception { String locator = MessageFormat.format(SINGLE_CHECKBOX_RADIO_PATTERN, name, index); waitForElementPresent(locator); if (!selenium.isChecked(locator)) {; } } /** * ???checkbox/radio * * @throws Exception */ protected void uncheck(String name, int index) throws Exception { String locator = MessageFormat.format(SINGLE_CHECKBOX_RADIO_PATTERN, name, index); waitForElementPresent(locator); if (selenium.isChecked(locator)) {; } } /** * ?checkbox * @param name * @throws Exception */ protected void checkAll(String name) throws Exception { int count = selenium.getXpathCount(MessageFormat.format(CHECKBOX_PATTERN.replace("xpath=", ""), name)) .intValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { String single_box_locator = MessageFormat.format(SINGLE_CHECKBOX_PATTERN, name, i); if (!selenium.isChecked(single_box_locator)) {; } } } /** * ??checkbox * @param name */ protected void uncheckAll(String name) { int count = selenium.getXpathCount(MessageFormat.format(CHECKBOX_PATTERN.replace("xpath=", ""), name)) .intValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { String single_box_locator = MessageFormat.format(SINGLE_CHECKBOX_PATTERN, name, i); if (selenium.isChecked(single_box_locator)) {; } } } /** * list?checkbox? * * @param name * @return * @throws Exception */ protected boolean isChecked(String name, int index) throws Exception { String locator = MessageFormat.format(SINGLE_CHECKBOX_RADIO_PATTERN, name, index); return selenium.isChecked(locator); } /** * ??Form??Form?? * * @throws Exception */ protected void submitForm() throws Exception { submitForm(null); } /** * ??Form * * @param formName * @throws Exception */ protected void submitForm(String formName) throws Exception { // TODO HTML5 compatible String locator = "css=input[type=submit]"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(formName)) { locator = "css=form[name=" + formName + "] input[type=submit]"; }; selenium.waitForPageToLoad(PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT); } /** * ?Form??Form?? * @throws Exception */ protected void resetForm() throws Exception { resetForm(null); } /** * ?Form * @param formName * @throws Exception */ protected void resetForm(String formName) throws Exception { String locator = "css=input[type=reset]"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(formName)) { locator = "css=form[name=" + formName + "] input[type=reset]"; }; } /** * select?option */ protected void select(String selectName, String optionText) { String selectLocator = "css=select[name='" + selectName + "']"; String optionLocator = "label=" + optionText;, optionLocator); selenium.waitForPageToLoad(PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT); } }