Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.bdval.modelselection; import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.mssm.crover.cli.CLI; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2BooleanMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2BooleanOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bdval.WithProcessMethod; import org.bdval.modelconditions.ProcessModelConditionsMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; /** * Selects candidate models for replication in different validation datasets. Various model candidate * picking strategies are supported: * <LI>Selection by cross-validation. The model that has the best cross-validated performance is chosen. * <LI>Selection by "color picking". Experimental method which aims to minimize validation surprise on independent validation sets. * <p/> * In prediction mode, this tool outputs a ranking of up to k models. The model of lowest rank (i.e., 1) is * expected to outperform other models for the same endpoint, according to the strategy. * <p/> * In validation mode, this tool must be provided with performance on a validation set. It estimates model * ranking, but also estimates how surprising the actual performance of the top k models is compared to * random selections of k models among all available models. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: Jul 28, 2008 */ public class CandidateModelSelectionAllTeams implements WithProcessMethod { /** * Performance evaluations by cross-validation with embedded feature seletion. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> allCvResults; private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> cvResults; /** * Maximum performance (value) for each endpoint (key) for results obtained by text-book cross-validation. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> cvNormFactorPerfs; /** * Performance evaluations by cross-validation consensus features. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> cvcfResults; /** * Maximum performance (value) for each endpoint (key) for results obtained by cross-validation with embedded feature seletion. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> cvcfNormFactorPerfs; /** * The test results for models that appear in cvResults and cvcfResults. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> allTestResults; private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> testResults; /** * Maximum performance (value) for each endpoint (key) for results obtained on the test set. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> testNormFactorPerfs; /** * Test results from all groups, to evaluate a null distribution of test performance. There are issues * with estimating this distribution in this way. One issue is that a top performing model in the validation dataset * submitted by another group does not have corresponding performance data by CV and CVCF and therefore cannot * ever be picked by any model selection strategy. This issue will artificially increase P-values for all candidate * model selection strategies. */ private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> backgroundTestResults; private ObjectSet<String> modelIds; private ObjectSet<String> datasetNames; private ObjectSet<String> endpointNames; IndexedIdentifier modelIdIndices; DoubleIndexedIdentifier reverseIndex; private final double zScoreThreshold = 2.0; private boolean verbose; private static final String MCC = "MCC"; private static final String ACC = "ACC"; private static final String SENS = "SENS"; private static final String SPEC = "SPEC"; private static final String AUC = "AUC"; private static final String RMSE = "RMSE"; private final boolean evaluateNormFactorAsMean = true; private ObjectSet<String> organizationCodes; private final Object2BooleanMap<String> combination = new Object2BooleanOpenHashMap<String>(); public CandidateModelSelectionAllTeams() { super(); } private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CandidateModelSelectionAllTeams.class); public static void main(final String[] args) { final CandidateModelSelectionAllTeams tool = new CandidateModelSelectionAllTeams(); tool.process(args); } class arguments { String cvResultsFilename; String cvcfResultsFilename; String testFilename; public String rankStrategyName; public RankStrategy rankStrategy; public int k; public String endpointName; public String datasetName; public RankBy rankBy; public RankBy rewardPerformance; public String outputFilename; public PrintWriter output; public boolean outputCreated; public String customRanking; public String modelIdMapFile; public ObjectList<CustomRanking> customRankings; public String dumpFilename; public PrintWriter pValuesOutput; public boolean pValuesOutputCreated; public String pValueFilename; public String modelConditionsFilename; public Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions; public boolean excludeGeneLists; public String rankFilename; public boolean rankOutputCreated; public PrintWriter rankOutput; public String modelNameString; public ModelName modelName; public String maqciiStatsFilename; public String organization; public String label; // public boolean useAllModelsForNull; public ObjectList<String> getCustomModelRankingList(final String dataset, final String endpoint) { if (customRankings.size() > 0) { for (final CustomRanking ranking : customRankings) { if (ranking.datasetName.equals(dataset) && ranking.endpointCode.equals(endpoint)) { return ranking.modelIds; } } } return (customRanking != null ? new ObjectArrayList<String>(customRanking.split("[,]")) : null); } public boolean hasTestSet() { return testFilename != null || maqciiStatsFilename != null; } } enum RewardPerformanceBy { MCC_AUC, AUC_MCC, AUC, MCC } enum RankBy { MCC_AUC, MCC_AUC_STD, AUC_MCC, AUC_MCC_STD, MCC, MCC_STD, AUC, AUC_STD, SENSITIVITY, SENSITIVITY_STD, SPECIFICITY, SPECIFICITY_STD, ACCURACY, ACCURACY_STD, MIN_AUC, MIN_MCC, MIN_AUC_MCC, MIN_MCC_AUC, } enum ModelName { TrainedOnACZ, TrainedOnA, TrainedOnABCDEGJKZ, } public void process(final String[] args) { final arguments toolsArgs = new arguments(); toolsArgs.k = CLI.getIntOption(args, "-k", 10); toolsArgs.maqciiStatsFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "--maqcii-combined", null); toolsArgs.cvResultsFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "--cv", "maqcii-submission-cv.txt"); toolsArgs.cvcfResultsFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "--cvcf", "maqcii-consensus-features-cv.txt"); toolsArgs.testFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "--test", null); toolsArgs.label = CLI.getOption(args, "--label", ""); toolsArgs.rankStrategyName = CLI.getOption(args, "--rank-by", "CV"); // color toolsArgs.datasetName = CLI.getOption(args, "--dataset-name", null); toolsArgs.endpointName = CLI.getOption(args, "--endpoint-name", null); toolsArgs.rankBy = RankBy.valueOf(CLI.getOption(args, "--rank-candidates-by", "MCC_AUC")); toolsArgs.rewardPerformance = RankBy.valueOf(CLI.getOption(args, "--reward-performance", AUC)); toolsArgs.modelIdMapFile = CLI.getOption(args, "--model-ids-map-file", null); toolsArgs.outputFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "-o", "-"); toolsArgs.pValueFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "-op", "-"); toolsArgs.rankFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "-or", "-"); toolsArgs.dumpFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "--dump", null); toolsArgs.excludeGeneLists = CLI.isKeywordGiven(args, "--exclude-gene-lists"); toolsArgs.modelNameString = CLI.getOption(args, "--model-name", ModelName.TrainedOnABCDEGJKZ.toString()); toolsArgs.modelConditionsFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "--model-conditions", null); // list of model ids, comma separated. toolsArgs.customRanking = CLI.getOption(args, "--custom-ranking", null); // a file with one line per ranking. Format is dataset \t endpoint \t rankingStrategyId \t model-id-rank1,model-id-rank2,... \n toolsArgs.customRankings = parseRankings(CLI.getOption(args, "--custom-ranking-file", null)); // toolsArgs.useAllModelsForNull = CLI.isKeywordGiven(args, "--all-models-null"); process(toolsArgs); } private ObjectList<CustomRanking> parseRankings(final String customRankingFilename) { try { final ObjectList<CustomRanking> result = new ObjectArrayList<CustomRanking>(); if (customRankingFilename == null) { return result; } final LineIterator lineIt = new LineIterator(new FileReader(customRankingFilename)); while (lineIt.hasNext()) { final String line = lineIt.nextLine(); final String[] tokens = line.split("[\t]"); final CustomRanking ranking = new CustomRanking(); ranking.datasetName = tokens[0]; ranking.endpointCode = tokens[1]; ranking.typeOfRanking = tokens[2]; final String customRanking = tokens[3]; ranking.modelIds = new ObjectArrayList<String>(customRanking.split("[,]")); result.add(ranking); } return result; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Cannot open ranking set file " + customRankingFilename); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(10); } return null; } enum RankStrategy { CV, CVCF, COLOR, CUSTOM, MIN_CV_CVCF, COLOR_THRESHOLD, MODEL, /** * Rank models according to the rank provided in the submission. In other words, models are ordered * according to the strategy followed by that the team who provided the submission, whatever this was. */ SUBMISSION_RANK, } private void process(final arguments toolsArgs) { try { // load everything, irrespective of endpoint: load(toolsArgs, false); computeNormalizationFactors(toolsArgs); reverseIndex = new DoubleIndexedIdentifier(modelIdIndices); readeModelConditions(toolsArgs); filterGeneLists(toolsArgs); dump(toolsArgs); toolsArgs.modelName = ModelName.valueOf(toolsArgs.modelNameString); toolsArgs.rankStrategy = RankStrategy.valueOf(toolsArgs.rankStrategyName); System.out.println(String.format( "Processing --rank-by %s --rank-candidates-by %s --reward-performance %s --test %s --cv %s --cvcf %s --model-conditions %s --exclude-gene-lists %s", toolsArgs.rankStrategy, toolsArgs.rankBy, toolsArgs.rewardPerformance, toolsArgs.testFilename, toolsArgs.cvResultsFilename, toolsArgs.cvcfResultsFilename, toolsArgs.modelConditionsFilename, toolsArgs.excludeGeneLists)); try { if (!"-".equals(toolsArgs.outputFilename)) { final File out = new File(toolsArgs.outputFilename); if (!out.exists()) { toolsArgs.outputCreated = true; } toolsArgs.output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(toolsArgs.outputFilename, true)); } else { toolsArgs.output = new PrintWriter(System.out); } if (!"-".equals(toolsArgs.pValueFilename)) { final File out = new File(toolsArgs.pValueFilename); if (!out.exists()) { toolsArgs.pValuesOutputCreated = true; } toolsArgs.pValuesOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(toolsArgs.pValueFilename, true)); if (toolsArgs.pValuesOutputCreated) { toolsArgs.pValuesOutput.println( "Type\tOrganizationCode\tDatasetName\tEndpointName\tStrategy\tCandidateRanking\tRewardRanking\tupToRank\tP-Value(sum)\tP-Value(order)\taverageTopRewardPerformance\taverageRandomPerformance\tActualOverRandom\ttestSetName"); } } else { toolsArgs.pValuesOutput = new PrintWriter(System.out); } if (!"-".equals(toolsArgs.rankFilename)) { final File out = new File(toolsArgs.rankFilename); if (!out.exists()) { toolsArgs.rankOutputCreated = true; } toolsArgs.rankOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(toolsArgs.rankFilename, true)); if (toolsArgs.rankOutputCreated) { toolsArgs.rankOutput.println(String.format( "RANK\torganizationCode\tdataset\tendpoint\tlabel\tmodelId\trankStrategy\tIfRankByModel:ModelName\trankBy\treward\trank\tScoreUsedForRanking\tAUC_CV\tnormAUC_CV\tnormMCC_CV\ttestAUC\ttestMCC\tCandidateModel\tTop5Candidate")); } } else { toolsArgs.rankOutput = new PrintWriter(System.out); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Cannot write to output file"); e.printStackTrace(); } { // if only one dataset name exists in all performance files, use that if none provided on the command line: if (toolsArgs.datasetName != null) { datasetNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); datasetNames.add(toolsArgs.datasetName); } // if only one endpoint name exists in all performance files, use that if none provided on the command line: if (toolsArgs.endpointName != null) { endpointNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); endpointNames.add(toolsArgs.endpointName); } // if only one endpoint name exists in all performance files, use that if none provided on the command line: if (toolsArgs.organization != null) { organizationCodes = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); organizationCodes.add(toolsArgs.organization); } } for (final String endpointName : endpointNames) { for (final String datasetName : datasetNames) { for (final String organization : organizationCodes) { if (combinationExists(datasetName, endpointName, organization)) { toolsArgs.endpointName = endpointName; toolsArgs.datasetName = datasetName; toolsArgs.organization = organization; // load only the specific dataset/ endpoint load(toolsArgs, true); filterGeneLists(toolsArgs); if (cvResults.size() > 0) { if (toolsArgs.maqciiStatsFilename != null || cvcfResults.size() > 0) { reverseIndex = new DoubleIndexedIdentifier(modelIdIndices); System.out.println( String.format("dataset %s endpoint %s", datasetName, endpointName)); final ObjectList<String> rankedList = rankModels(toolsArgs, toolsArgs.datasetName, toolsArgs.endpointName); if (toolsArgs.hasTestSet() && testResults.size() > 0) { // estimate P-value of selection: final ZScoreCalculator averageScoreRandom = new ZScoreCalculator(); // determine average performance by considering all results for this endpoint for (final ModelPerformance testPerf : this.allTestResults.values()) { if (testPerf.endpoint.equals(endpointName) && testPerf.dataset.equals(datasetName)) { averageScoreRandom.observe( getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, testPerf)); } } averageScoreRandom.calculateStats(); final double randomPerformance = averageScoreRandom.mean(); pValueEstimation(toolsArgs, rankedList, randomPerformance); } else { System.out.println("Cannot evaluate p-values for " + endpointName + " " + datasetName + " no test data."); } } } } } } } toolsArgs.output.close(); if (toolsArgs.pValuesOutputCreated) { toolsArgs.pValuesOutput.close(); } if (toolsArgs.rankOutputCreated) { toolsArgs.rankOutput.close(); } System.exit(0); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } private boolean combinationExists(final String datasetName, final String endpointName, final String organization) { return combination.containsKey(datasetName + endpointName + organization); } private void filterGeneLists(final arguments toolsArgs) { if (toolsArgs.excludeGeneLists) { // remove models built with gene lists.. for (final ModelPerformance model : cvResults.values()) { final String whichGeneList = toolsArgs.modelConditions.get(model.modelId).get("which-gene-list"); if (whichGeneList == null || "N/A".equals(whichGeneList)) { } else { cvResults.remove(model.modelId); cvcfResults.remove(model.modelId); testResults.remove(model.modelId); modelIds.remove(model.modelId); } } } } private void readeModelConditions(final arguments toolsArgs) { final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions = null; if (toolsArgs.modelConditionsFilename != null) { System.out.println("Reading model condition file: " + toolsArgs.modelConditionsFilename); toolsArgs.modelConditions = ProcessModelConditionsMode .readModelConditionsFile(toolsArgs.modelConditionsFilename, modelIds); addFeatureSelectionFoldColumn(toolsArgs.modelConditions); addFeatureSelectionStatTypeColumn(toolsArgs.modelConditions); addFeatureClassifierTypeColumn(toolsArgs.modelConditions); } else { System.out.println("Model condition file not specified."); } } public static void addFeatureClassifierTypeColumn(final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions) { if (modelConditions == null) { return; } for (final Map<String, String> modelCondition : modelConditions.values()) { final String wekaClassifier = modelCondition.get("weka-class"); final String classifierType; if (wekaClassifier == null || "N/A".equals(wekaClassifier)) { classifierType = "LibSVM"; } else { final int index = wekaClassifier.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; classifierType = wekaClassifier.substring(index, wekaClassifier.length()); } modelCondition.put("classifier-type", classifierType); final String svmParameters = modelCondition.get("classifier-parameters"); final String svmDefaultCParameter; if (StringUtils.contains(svmParameters, "C=")) { svmDefaultCParameter = "false"; } else { svmDefaultCParameter = "true"; } modelCondition.put("svm-default-C-parameter", svmDefaultCParameter); } } private void computeNormalizationFactors(final arguments toolsArgs) { cvNormFactorPerfs = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>>(); for (final ModelPerformance cvPerf : allCvResults.values()) { pushValue(cvNormFactorPerfs, cvPerf); } calculateStats(cvNormFactorPerfs); if (cvcfResults != null) { cvcfNormFactorPerfs = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>>(); for (final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf : cvcfResults.values()) { pushValue(cvcfNormFactorPerfs, cvcfPerf); } calculateStats(cvcfNormFactorPerfs); } testNormFactorPerfs = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>>(); if (testResults != null) { for (final ModelPerformance testPerf : allTestResults.values()) { pushValue(testNormFactorPerfs, testPerf); } calculateStats(testNormFactorPerfs); } } private void calculateStats(final Map<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> perfs) { for (final Map<String, ZScoreCalculator> calculatorMap : perfs.values()) { final String[] measures = { MCC, ACC, SENS, SPEC, AUC, RMSE }; for (final String measure : measures) { calculatorMap.get(measure).calculateStats(); } } } private void pushValue(final Object2ObjectMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> maxPerfs, final ModelPerformance perf) { Map<String, ZScoreCalculator> currentMaxPerfCalculator = maxPerfs.get(perf.endpoint); if (currentMaxPerfCalculator == null) { currentMaxPerfCalculator = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ZScoreCalculator>(); currentMaxPerfCalculator.put(MCC, new ZScoreCalculator()); currentMaxPerfCalculator.put(AUC, new ZScoreCalculator()); currentMaxPerfCalculator.put(RMSE, new ZScoreCalculator()); currentMaxPerfCalculator.put(ACC, new ZScoreCalculator()); currentMaxPerfCalculator.put(SENS, new ZScoreCalculator()); currentMaxPerfCalculator.put(SPEC, new ZScoreCalculator()); maxPerfs.put(perf.endpoint, currentMaxPerfCalculator); } currentMaxPerfCalculator.get(MCC).observe(nanToZero(perf.mcc)); currentMaxPerfCalculator.get(ACC).observe(nanToZero(perf.accuracy)); currentMaxPerfCalculator.get(SENS).observe(nanToZero(perf.sens)); currentMaxPerfCalculator.get(SPEC).observe(nanToZero(perf.spec)); currentMaxPerfCalculator.get(AUC).observe(nanToZero(perf.auc)); currentMaxPerfCalculator.get(RMSE).observe(nanToZero(perf.rmse)); } private double nanToZero(final double mcc) { if (mcc != mcc) { return 0; } else { return mcc; } } private void dump(final arguments toolsArgs) { if (toolsArgs.dumpFilename != null) { System.out.println("Writing integrated dataset to " + toolsArgs.dumpFilename); try { final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(toolsArgs.dumpFilename)); final ObjectList<String> modelConditionColumnNames = getModelConditionColumnNames( toolsArgs.modelConditions); writer.append(String.format("dataset\tendpoint\tmodelId\tnumFeaturesInModel\t" + "MCC_CV\tACC_CV\tSens_CV\tSpec_CV\tAUC_CV\t" + // "max_MCC_CV\tmax_ACC_CV\tmax_Sens_CV\tmax_Spec_CV\tmax_AUC_CV\t" + "norm_MCC_CV\tnorm_ACC_CV\tnorm_Sens_CV\tnorm_Spec_CV\tnorm_AUC_CV\t" + "MCC_CVCF\tACC_CVCF\tSens_CVCF\tSpec_CVCF\tAUC_CVCF\t" + // "max_MCC_CVCF\tmax_ACC_CVCF\tmax_Sens_CVCF\tmax_Spec_CVCF\tmax_AUC_CVCF\t" + "norm_MCC_CVCF\tnorm_ACC_CVCF\tnorm_Sens_CVCF\tnorm_Spec_CVCF\tnorm_AUC_CVCF\t" + "MCC_validation\tACC_validation\tSens_validation\tSpec_validation\tAUC_validation\t" + // "max_MCC_validation\tmax_ACC_validation\tmax_Sens_validation\tmax_Spec_validation\tmax_AUC_validation\t" + "norm_MCC_validation\tnorm_ACC_validation\tnorm_Sens_validation\tnorm_Spec_validation\tnorm_AUC_validation\t" + "delta_MCC_CVCF_CV\tdelta_ACC_CVCF_CV\tdelta_Sens_CVCF_CV\tdelta_Spec_CVCF_CV\tdelta_AUC_CVCF_CV" + // no tab intended getModelConditionHeaders(toolsArgs.modelConditions, modelConditionColumnNames) + "\n")); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvPerf = this.cvResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = this.cvcfResults.get(modelId); final String datasetName = cvPerf == null ? "unknown" : cvPerf.dataset; final String endpointCode = cvPerf == null ? "unknown" : cvPerf.endpoint; int numActualFeatures = cvPerf == null ? 0 : cvPerf.actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel; if (numActualFeatures == -1) { // get it from CVCF instead: numActualFeatures = this.cvcfResults.get(modelId).actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel; } // modelId CV(MCC, Sens, Spec, AUC) CVCF() validation() final double deltaCVCF_CV_mcc = getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvcfResults, cvcfNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.MCC) - getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvResults, cvNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.MCC); final double deltaCVCF_CV_acc = getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvcfResults, cvcfNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.ACC) - getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvResults, cvNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.ACC); final double deltaCVCF_CV_sens = getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvcfResults, cvcfNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.SENS) - getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvResults, cvNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.SENS); final double deltaCVCF_CV_spec = getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvcfResults, cvcfNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.SPEC) - getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvResults, cvNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.SPEC); final double deltaCVCF_CV_auc = getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvcfResults, cvcfNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.AUC) - getNormalizedMeasure(modelId, cvResults, cvNormFactorPerfs, MeasureName.AUC); writer.append(String.format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f%s\n", datasetName, endpointCode, modelId, numActualFeatures, formatStats(modelId, this.cvResults, this.cvNormFactorPerfs), formatStats(modelId, this.cvcfResults, this.cvcfNormFactorPerfs), formatStats(modelId, this.testResults, this.testNormFactorPerfs), deltaCVCF_CV_mcc, deltaCVCF_CV_acc, deltaCVCF_CV_sens, deltaCVCF_CV_spec, deltaCVCF_CV_auc, getModelConditionColumns(modelId, modelConditionColumnNames, toolsArgs.modelConditions))); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } } public static void addFeatureSelectionFoldColumn(final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions) { if (modelConditions == null) { return; } for (final Map<String, String> modelCondition : modelConditions.values()) { final String cacheDir = modelCondition.get("cache-dir"); if (cacheDir.contains("fs=true")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-fold", "true"); } else { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-fold", "false"); } } } public static void addFeatureSelectionStatTypeColumn(final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions) { if (modelConditions == null) { return; } for (final Map<String, String> modelCondition : modelConditions.values()) { final String seqFile = modelCondition.get("sequence-file"); if (seqFile.contains("ttest")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "t-test"); } else if (seqFile.contains("foldchange")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "fold-change"); } else if (seqFile.contains("pathways")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "pathways"); } else if (seqFile.contains("svmglobal") || seqFile.contains("baseline")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "SVM-weights"); } else if (seqFile.contains("svmiterative")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "RFE"); } else if (seqFile.contains("weka")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "t-test"); } else if (seqFile.contains("genetic-algorithm")) { modelCondition.put("feature-selection-type", "ga-wrapper"); } } } private MutableString getModelConditionColumns(final String modelId, final ObjectList<String> modelConditionColumnNames, final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions) { final MutableString columnValues = new MutableString(); if (modelConditions == null) { return columnValues; } final Map<String, String> modelCondition = modelConditions.get(modelId); if (modelCondition == null) { return columnValues; } for (final String columnName : modelConditionColumnNames) { columnValues.append('\t'); final String string = normalizeConditionValue(columnName, modelCondition.get(columnName)); columnValues.append(string != null ? string : "N/A"); } return columnValues; } private String normalizeConditionValue(final String columnName, final String value) { if (value == null || columnName == null) { return null; } if ("sequence-file".equals(columnName)) { // remove the path to the sequence file. The path is not useful for downstream analyses final String toReplace = value.replaceAll("fs=true", "fs").replaceAll("fs=false", "fs"); return FilenameUtils.getBaseName(toReplace) + ".sequence"; } else { return value; } } private MutableString getModelConditionHeaders(final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions, final ObjectList<String> columnNames) { final MutableString result = new MutableString(); if (modelConditions == null) { return result; } for (final String columnName : columnNames) { result.append('\t'); result.append(columnName); } return result; } private ObjectList<String> getModelConditionColumnNames( final Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelConditions) { final ObjectList<String> columnNames = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); if (modelConditions == null) { return columnNames; } for (final Map<String, String> modelCondition : modelConditions.values()) { for (final String columnName : modelCondition.keySet()) { if (!columnNames.contains(columnName)) { columnNames.add(columnName); } } } Collections.sort(columnNames); return columnNames; } private MutableString formatStats(final String modelId, final Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> resultsMap, final Object2ObjectMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> maxPerfs) { final MutableString result = new MutableString(); final ModelPerformance perfs = resultsMap.get(modelId); final MutableString defaultValue = new MutableString("NaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN" //+"\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN\tNaN" ); if (perfs != null) { final Map<String, ZScoreCalculator> calculators = maxPerfs.get(perfs.endpoint); final ModelPerformance maxPerf = calculateNormalizationFactor(calculators); if (maxPerf != null) { result.append(String.format("%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f", perfs.mcc, perfs.accuracy, perfs.sens, perfs.spec, perfs.auc, //maxPerf.mcc, maxPerf.accuracy, maxPerf.sens, maxPerf.spec, maxPerf.auc, (perfs.mcc / maxPerf.mcc), (perfs.accuracy / maxPerf.accuracy), (perfs.sens / maxPerf.sens), (perfs.spec / maxPerf.spec), (perfs.auc / maxPerf.auc))); return result; } else { //return new MutableString("\t\t\t"); return defaultValue; } } else { //return new MutableString("\t\t\t"); return defaultValue; } } enum MeasureName { MCC, AUC, SENS, ACC, SPEC } public double getNormalizedMeasure(final String modelId, final Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> resultsMap, final Object2ObjectMap<String, Map<String, ZScoreCalculator>> normPerfs, final MeasureName measure) { final ModelPerformance cvPerf = resultsMap.get(modelId); double result = Double.NaN; if (cvPerf != null) { final Map<String, ZScoreCalculator> calculators = normPerfs.get(cvPerf.endpoint); final ModelPerformance normPerf = calculateNormalizationFactor(calculators); if (normPerf != null) { switch (measure) { case MCC: result = (cvPerf.mcc / normPerf.mcc); break; case ACC: result = (cvPerf.accuracy / normPerf.accuracy); break; case SENS: result = (cvPerf.sens / normPerf.sens); break; case SPEC: result = (cvPerf.spec / normPerf.spec); break; case AUC: result = (cvPerf.auc / normPerf.auc); break; } } } return result; } private ModelPerformance calculateNormalizationFactor(final Map<String, ZScoreCalculator> calculators) { final ModelPerformance result = new ModelPerformance(); if (evaluateNormFactorAsMean) { // normalized value of 1 indicates mean performance. result.mcc = calculators.get(MCC).mean(); result.accuracy = calculators.get(ACC).mean(); result.sens = calculators.get(SENS).mean(); result.spec = calculators.get(SPEC).mean(); result.auc = calculators.get(AUC).mean(); result.rmse = calculators.get(RMSE).mean(); } else { // use max estimator, maximum normalized value is 1.0 result.mcc = calculators.get(MCC).max(); result.accuracy = calculators.get(ACC).max(); result.sens = calculators.get(SENS).max(); result.spec = calculators.get(SPEC).max(); result.auc = calculators.get(AUC).max(); result.rmse = calculators.get(RMSE).max(); } return result; } private void pValueEstimation(final arguments toolsArgs, final ObjectList<String> rankedList, final double randomPerformance) { final int numModels = modelIds.size(); final MersenneTwister randomGenerator = new MersenneTwister(); final int counterScoreOrder = 0; int counterSumOfScores = 0; final double maxCouter = 100; for (int upToRank = 1; upToRank < Math.min(toolsArgs.k, rankedList.size()) + 1; upToRank++) { counterSumOfScores = 0; verbose = false; final double scoreActual = evaluateScore(rankedList, upToRank, toolsArgs) / Math.min(upToRank, rankedList.size()); verbose = false; // System.out.println("Rank " + upToRank + " Average random score:" + randomPerformance); // System.out.println("Rank " + upToRank + " Actual score:" + scoreActual); final double pValue_Order = ((double) counterScoreOrder) / maxCouter; final double pValue_Sum = ((double) counterSumOfScores) / maxCouter; final String testFileShort = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(toolsArgs.testFilename); toolsArgs.pValuesOutput.println(String.format( "P-VALUE\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%s", toolsArgs.organization, toolsArgs.datasetName, toolsArgs.endpointName, toolsArgs.rankStrategy, toolsArgs.rankBy, toolsArgs.rewardPerformance, upToRank, pValue_Sum, pValue_Order, scoreActual, randomPerformance, scoreActual / randomPerformance, testFileShort)); toolsArgs.pValuesOutput.flush(); } } private double evaluateScore(final ObjectList<String> randomModelPicks, final int upToRank, final arguments toolsArgs) { double value = 0; for (int rank = 0; rank < upToRank; rank++) { final String modelId = randomModelPicks.get(rank); final ModelPerformance testPerf = testResults.get(modelId); assert testPerf != null : "performance in test set must exist for model id: " + modelId; final double rewardPerformance = getRewardPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, testPerf); if (verbose) { System.out.println("Rank " + rank + " Observing model-id: " + modelId + " actual performance: " + rewardPerformance); } value += rewardPerformance; } return value; } private ObjectList<String> pickModels(final MersenneTwister randomGenerator, final int numModels, int k) { k = Math.min(k, testResults.size()); final ObjectList<String> randomList = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); do { final int modelIndex = (int) Math.round(randomGenerator.nextDouble() * numModels); final MutableString id = reverseIndex.getId(modelIndex); if (id == null) { continue; } final String modelId = id.toString(); if (!randomList.contains(modelId) && testResults.containsKey(modelId)) { randomList.add(modelId); } } while (randomList.size() < k); return randomList; } private ObjectList<String> rankModels(final arguments toolsArgs, final String dataset, final String endpoint) { final ObjectList<String> rankedList = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); switch (toolsArgs.rankStrategy) { case CV: { final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); if (cvPerf != null && cvPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { final double score = getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvPerf); if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } if (score != score) { //do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), score); } else { // model not for dataset/endpoint } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } break; case CVCF: { final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults.get(modelId); if (cvcfPerf != null && cvcfPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvcfPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { final double score = getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvcfPerf); if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } if (score != score) { //do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), score); } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } break; case MIN_CV_CVCF: { final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance minPerf = new ModelPerformance(); if (cvcfPerf == null || cvPerf == null) { continue; } minPerf.auc = Math.min(cvPerf.auc, cvcfPerf.auc); minPerf.mcc = Math.min(cvPerf.mcc, cvcfPerf.mcc); minPerf.accuracy = Math.min(cvPerf.accuracy, cvcfPerf.accuracy); minPerf.sens = Math.min(cvPerf.sens, cvcfPerf.sens); minPerf.spec = Math.min(cvPerf.spec, cvcfPerf.spec); minPerf.rmse = Math.min(cvPerf.rmse, cvcfPerf.rmse); if (cvcfPerf != null && cvcfPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvcfPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { final double score = getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvcfPerf); if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } if (score != score) { //do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), score); } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } break; case COLOR_THRESHOLD: { final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); if (cvcfPerf == null || cvPerf == null) { continue; } if (cvcfPerf != null && cvcfPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvcfPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } final double color = getColor(cvcfPerf, cvPerf, toolsArgs); if (color > 0.0) { continue; } // reject models where color is larger than 0.05. final double score = getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvcfPerf); if (score != score) { //do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), score); } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } break; case COLOR: colorPicking(toolsArgs, dataset, endpoint, rankedList); break; case MODEL: model(toolsArgs, dataset, endpoint, rankedList); break; case CUSTOM: ObjectList<String> customList = toolsArgs.getCustomModelRankingList(dataset, endpoint); if (customList != null) { for (final String modelId : customList) { if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) != null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. rankedList.add(modelId); } } } else { System.err.println("Ignoring custom rankings for " + dataset + " " + endpoint + "Custom ranking list must be provided on the command line (provide a comma separated list of model ids with the --custom-ranking option, or the --custom-ranking-file)"); customList = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); } break; case SUBMISSION_RANK: { final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); if (cvPerf != null && cvPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { final double score = getSubmissionRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvPerf); if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } if (score != score) { //do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), -score); // lowest rank is higher score } else { // model not for dataset/endpoint } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } break; } int rank = 1; System.out.println("Selected model ids (in order or increasing rank):"); for (final String modelId : rankedList) { final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults == null ? null : cvcfResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); final Map<String, ZScoreCalculator> calculators = cvNormFactorPerfs.get(cvPerf.endpoint); final ModelPerformance maxPerf = calculateNormalizationFactor(calculators); final ModelPerformance testPerf = testResults != null ? testResults.get(modelId) : null; // "RANK\torganizationCode\tdataset\tendpoint\tmodelId\trankStrategy\tIfRankByModel:ModelName\trankBy\treward\trank\tScoreUsedForRanking\tAUC_CV\tnormAUC_CV\tnormMCC_CV\ttestAUC\ttestMCC\tCandidateModel\tTop5Candidate")); toolsArgs.rankOutput.println(String.format( "RANK\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%s\t%s", toolsArgs.organization, toolsArgs.datasetName, toolsArgs.endpointName, toolsArgs.label, modelId, toolsArgs.rankStrategy, (toolsArgs.rankStrategy == RankStrategy.MODEL ? toolsArgs.modelNameString : "N/A"), toolsArgs.rankBy, toolsArgs.rewardPerformance, rank, getPerformanceByChosenStrategy(toolsArgs, cvPerf, cvcfPerf), cvPerf.auc, maxPerf == null ? Double.NaN : cvPerf.auc / maxPerf.auc, maxPerf == null ? Double.NaN : cvPerf.mcc / maxPerf.mcc, testPerf == null ? Double.NaN : testPerf.auc, testPerf == null ? Double.NaN : testPerf.mcc, rank == 1 ? "Y" : "N", rank <= 5 ? "Y" : "N")); toolsArgs.rankOutput.flush(); rank++; } return rankedList; } private void model(final arguments toolsArgs, final String dataset, final String endpoint, final ObjectList<String> rankedList) { final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults.get(modelId); if (cvPerf != null && cvPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { final double score = getModelRankingPerformance(toolsArgs, cvPerf, cvcfPerf); if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } if (score != score) { //do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), score); } else { // model not for dataset/endpoint } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } public double getPerformanceByChosenStrategy(final arguments toolsArgs, final ModelPerformance cvPerf, final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf) { final double score = Double.NaN; switch (toolsArgs.rankStrategy) { case MODEL: return getModelRankingPerformance(toolsArgs, cvPerf, cvcfPerf); case CV: return getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvPerf); case CVCF: return getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvcfPerf); case SUBMISSION_RANK: return getSubmissionRankingPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvPerf); } return score; } private double getSubmissionRankingPerformanceMeasure(final arguments toolsArgs, final ModelPerformance cvPerf) { return cvPerf.rank; } private double getModelRankingPerformance(final arguments toolsArgs, final ModelPerformance cvPerf, final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf) { final String modelId = cvPerf.modelId; final double norm_AUC_CV = cvPerf.auc; // if model has no associated model condition, not much we can do: if (toolsArgs.modelConditions.get(modelId) == null) { System.err.println("Warning: model id is not found in model conditions: " + modelId); return Double.NaN; } final double delta_AUC_CVCF_CV = (cvcfPerf == null || cvcfPerf == null) ? 0 : cvcfPerf.auc - cvPerf.auc; // model trained on Hamner endpoint A: double predictedPerformance = Double.NaN; switch (toolsArgs.modelName) { case TrainedOnA: predictedPerformance = modelTrainedOnA(toolsArgs, modelId, norm_AUC_CV, delta_AUC_CVCF_CV); break; case TrainedOnACZ: predictedPerformance = modelTrainedOnACZ(toolsArgs, cvPerf.actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel, modelId, norm_AUC_CV, delta_AUC_CVCF_CV); break; case TrainedOnABCDEGJKZ: predictedPerformance = modelTrainedOnABCDEGJKZ(toolsArgs, cvPerf.actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel, modelId, norm_AUC_CV, delta_AUC_CVCF_CV); break; default: System.err.println("Model name must be specified."); System.exit(1); } return predictedPerformance; } private double modelTrainedOnABCDEGJKZ(final arguments toolsArgs, final int actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel, final String modelId, final double norm_auc_cv, final double delta_auc_cvcf_cv) { return 0.521295622557999 + -0.000461029909413533 * actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel + 0.30633208149121 * delta_auc_cvcf_cv + 0.460738859272386 * norm_auc_cv + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "classifier-type"), "KStar", -0.0281258372274131, "LibSVM", 0.0353014891511363, "Logistic", -0.0615956594513561, "LogitBoost", 0.0667057072484948, "NaiveBayesUpdateable", -0.0608964002308641, "RandomForest", 0.0486107005100022 ) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "feature-selection-fold"), "false", -0.00625464874139557, "true", 0.00625464874139557 ) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "feature-selection-type"), "fold-change", 0.0518121246849801, "ga-wrapper", -0.0340570440558859, "pathways", -0.0256477119679852, "RFE", -0.0269193446496901, "SVM-weights", 0.0112289119698472, "t-test", 0.0235830640187339 ) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "svm-default-C-parameter"), "false", -0.0299635958352018, "true", 0.0299635958352018 ); } private double modelTrainedOnACZ(final arguments toolsArgs, final int numFeaturesInModel, final String modelId, final double norm_auc_cv, final double delta_auc_cvcf_cv) { return 0.459989454833173 + -0.00083173460079395 * numFeaturesInModel + 0.536622935579494 * norm_auc_cv + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "classifier-type"), "KStar", 0.0135523789492576, "LibSVM", 0.0449462916662318, "Logistic", -0.0681672665697239, "LogitBoost", 0.074435720784513, "NaiveBayesUpdateable", -0.118305143431788, "RandomForest", 0.0535380186015092) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "feature-selection-fold"), "false", 0.00810507959138625, "true", -0.00810507959138625) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "feature-selection-type"), "fold-change", 0.0410682769672393, "ga-wrapper", 0.0197988254395799, "pathways", -0.0326917219922266, "RFE", -0.0420895743946066, "SVM-weights", 0.00335502231253732, "t-test", 0.0105591716674767) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "svm-default-C-parameter"), "false", -0.0255816480713828, "true", 0.0255816480713828) + 0.614443519922211 * delta_auc_cvcf_cv; } private double modelTrainedOnA(final arguments toolsArgs, final String modelId, final double norm_AUC_CV, final double delta_AUC_CVCF_CV) { final double predictedPerformance = 0.767927506304831 + 0.181936624689305 * norm_AUC_CV + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "num-features"), "10", 0, "100", -0.0473561020046038, "20", -0.0123113279593483, "25", (-0.0123113279593483 + -0.0163080380584613) / 2, // interpolation 20-30 "30", -0.0163080380584613, "40", -0.0214867084942386, "5", -0.0357679053833812, "50", -0.0442070722823977, "60", -0.0404108150384205, "70", -0.0413638663144752, "80", -0.0483091727091295, "90", -0.0424415575819764) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "sequence-file"), "baseline.sequence", -0.0302242788384328, "foldchange-genetic-algorithm.sequence", 0.0374926767655907, "foldchange-svmglobal.sequence", 0.0274883784897423, "foldchange-svmiterative.sequence", 0.0344998499588745, "genetic-algorithm.sequence", -0.0540407956129042, "minmax-svmglobal.sequence", 0.00742958932280811, "svmiterative.sequence", -0.0379254012191334, "ttest-genetic-algorithm.sequence", 0.0773731693501089, "ttest-svmglobal.sequence", 0.0522108551145124, "ttest-svmiterative.sequence", 0.0598489166105302, "ttest-weka-classifier-fs=false.sequence", -0.0721306589138169, "ttest-weka-classifier-fs=true.sequence", -0.0567160544813172, "tuneC-baseline.sequence", -0.0453062465465625) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "feature-selection-fold"), "false", 0, "true", 0) + -0.0414908150437834 * delta_AUC_CVCF_CV; return predictedPerformance; } private double modelTrainedOnZ(final arguments toolsArgs, final String modelId, final double norm_AUC_CV, final double delta_AUC_CVCF_CV) { final double predictedPerformance = 0.470987343174626 + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "num-features"), 5, 0, 10, 0.00184503480230022, 20, -0.00511622355407557, 30, -0.00174779452052177, 40, -0.00394711098519292, 50, -0.00929902003179512, 60, -0.00393336552478679, 70, -0.00657227247623677, 80, -0.00887633148802223, 90, -0.00846155158003597, 100, -0.00623028013059541) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "sequence-file"), "baseline.sequence", 0.0352283587893766, "foldchange-genetic-algorithm.sequence", 0.00991939764640446, "foldchange-svmglobal.sequence", 0.0312692428977958, "foldchange-svmiterative.sequence", 0.02223336836696, "genelist-genetic-algorithm.sequence", -0.0351890394599106, "genelist-svmglobal.sequence", -0.0515009066490208, "genetic-algorithm.sequence", -0.0648320810055556, "minmax-svmglobal.sequence", -0.0117747449135709, "pathways-global-svm-weights.sequence", -0.0339363032447067, "pathways-ttest-svmglobal.sequence", -0.0996858611450744, "svmiterative.sequence", 0.0469616379363532, "ttest-genetic-algorithm.sequence", 0.0512143363922545, "ttest-svmglobal.sequence", 0.0355241910638877, "ttest-svmiterative.sequence", 0.0191487707626885, "ttest-weka-classifier-fs=true.sequence", 0.0153367546275863, "ttest-weka-classifier-fs=false.sequence", 0.0153367546275863, "tuneC-baseline.sequence", 0.0300828779345321) + match(value(toolsArgs, modelId, "feature-selection-fold"), "false", -0.00170665764201027, "true", 0.00170665764201027) + 0.43221506988658 * norm_AUC_CV + 0.134626233131847 * delta_AUC_CVCF_CV; return predictedPerformance; } private double match(final String variableValue, final Object... values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i += 2) { final Object key = values[i]; final String keyAsString = key.toString(); if (keyAsString.equals(variableValue)) { final Object d = values[i + 1]; if (d instanceof Double) { final Double value = (Double) d; return value; } if (d instanceof Integer) { final Integer value = (Integer) d; return value; } } } System.out.println("Returning default value for " + variableValue); return Double.NaN; } private String value(final arguments toolsArgs, final String modelId, final String variableName) { final String value = toolsArgs.modelConditions.get(modelId).get(variableName); return normalizeConditionValue(variableName, value); } private double getCandidateRankingPerformanceMeasure(final arguments toolsArgs, final ModelPerformance cvPerf) { return getPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvPerf, toolsArgs.rankBy); } private double getRewardPerformanceMeasure(final arguments toolsArgs, final ModelPerformance cvPerf) { return getPerformanceMeasure(toolsArgs, cvPerf, toolsArgs.rewardPerformance); } private double getPerformanceMeasure(final arguments toolsArgs, final ModelPerformance cvPerf, final RankBy evaluationMeasure) { assert cvPerf != null : "CV performance must not be null"; switch (evaluationMeasure) { case ACCURACY: return cvPerf.accuracy; case ACCURACY_STD: return cvPerf.accuracyStd; case SENSITIVITY: return cvPerf.sens; case SENSITIVITY_STD: return cvPerf.sens - cvPerf.sensStd; case SPECIFICITY: return cvPerf.spec; case SPECIFICITY_STD: return cvPerf.spec - cvPerf.specStd; case MCC_AUC: case AUC_MCC: return cvPerf.auc + cvPerf.mcc; case MCC_AUC_STD: case AUC_MCC_STD: return cvPerf.auc + cvPerf.mcc - cvPerf.aucStd - cvPerf.mccStd; case MCC: return cvPerf.mcc; case MCC_STD: return cvPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mccStd; case AUC: return cvPerf.auc; case AUC_STD: return cvPerf.auc - cvPerf.aucStd; default: return Double.NaN; } } private void colorPicking(final arguments toolsArgs, final String dataset, final String endpoint, final ObjectList<String> rankedList) { // filter models to consider only those that match final ObjectSet<String> selectedModels = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults.get(modelId); if (cvcfPerf == null || cvPerf == null) { continue; // ignore models for which cv or cvcf is not available. } if (testResults != null && testResults.get(modelId) == null) { // if test set is provided, skip models which have no test perfs. continue; } final double candidateCVCF_CV = getColor(cvcfPerf, cvPerf, toolsArgs); final ObjectList<String> closeByModels = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); findCloseByModels(cvcfPerf, closeByModels); final ZScoreCalculator zScore = new ZScoreCalculator(); if (closeByModels.size() < 3) { continue; // must have at least 5 models close to the candidate model for consideration } for (final String closeByModel : closeByModels) { if (closeByModel != modelId) { final ModelPerformance cvCandidate = cvResults.get(closeByModel); final ModelPerformance cvcfCandidate = cvcfResults.get(closeByModel); final double cvcf_cv = getColor(cvcfCandidate, cvCandidate, toolsArgs); zScore.observe(cvcf_cv); } } zScore.calculateStats(); /* 2.11492605399409 + -0.033540795772973 * :MCC of training + 0.447815977375321 * :Accuracy of training + 0.0249917093282766 * : Sensitivity of training + -1.03020749336459 * : Specificity of training + -0.175039381197443 * :AUC of training + 0.726068337659521 * :MCC of CV + -0.0339802852938674 * : Accuracy of CV + -0.580308612876182 * :Sensitivity of CV + - 0.534197867221285 * :Specificity of CV + -0.121039750799259 * : AUC of CV + 0.0190346231277872 * :Name( "MCC of CV-CF" ) + 0.0615443439898757 * :Name( "Accuracy of CV-CF" ) + - 0.143680970756426 * :Name( "Sensitivity of CV-CF" ) + - 0.42412068678125 * :Name( "Specificity of CV-CF" ) + 0.412237795283542 * :Name( "AUC of CV-CF" )hhl */ final double zScoreCandidate = zScore.zScore(candidateCVCF_CV); // System.out.println(String.format("%s %f %f %f %f %f %f ", modelId, zScore.min(), zScore.mean(), zScore.max(), zScore.max() - candidateCVCF_CV, zScoreCandidate, candidateCVCF_CV)); if (zScoreCandidate <= -zScoreThreshold) { System.out.println( String.format("SELECTED %s %f %f %f %f %f %f ", modelId, zScore.min(), zScore.mean(), zScore.max(), zScore.max() - candidateCVCF_CV, zScoreCandidate, candidateCVCF_CV)); selectedModels.add(modelId); } } final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue = new ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue(toolsArgs.k); for (final String modelId : selectedModels) { final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf = cvcfResults.get(modelId); final ModelPerformance cvPerf = cvResults.get(modelId); if (cvcfPerf.dataset.equals(dataset) && cvcfPerf.endpoint.equals(endpoint)) { // if (hasBestColor(modelId, selectedModels, cvcfPerf, cvPerf)) { final double score = getRankOrderScore(cvcfPerf, cvPerf, toolsArgs); if (score != score) { // do not enqueue NaN continue; } queue.enqueue(reverseIndex.getIndex(modelId), score); // } } } dequeue(queue, rankedList); } private double getRankOrderScore(final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf, final ModelPerformance cvPerf, final arguments toolsArgs) { switch (toolsArgs.rewardPerformance) { case MCC: return cvcfPerf.mcc; case AUC: return cvcfPerf.auc; default: case AUC_MCC: case MCC_AUC: return cvcfPerf.mcc + cvcfPerf.auc; case MIN_AUC: return Math.min(cvcfPerf.auc, cvPerf.auc); case MIN_MCC: return Math.min(cvcfPerf.mcc, cvPerf.mcc); case MIN_AUC_MCC: case MIN_MCC_AUC: return Math.min(cvcfPerf.mcc, cvPerf.mcc) + Math.min(cvcfPerf.auc, cvPerf.auc); } } private double getColor(final ModelPerformance cvcfPerf, final ModelPerformance cvPerf, final arguments toolsArgs) { if (cvcfPerf == null || cvPerf == null) { return Double.NaN; } return 2 * (cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc); /* switch (toolsArgs.rewardPerformance) { // case MCC: // return 2 * (cvcfPerf.auc - cvPerf.auc); // case AUC: return 2 * (cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc); // case AUC_MCC: // case MCC_AUC: // return 1 * (cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc + cvcfPerf.auc - cvPerf.auc); // default: // return 2 * (cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc); }*/ // return 2* ( cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc+ cvcfPerf.auc - cvPerf.auc); // return 1* ( cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc+ cvcfPerf.auc - cvPerf.auc); //return 1* Math.abs(( cvcfPerf.mcc - cvPerf.mcc+ cvcfPerf.auc - cvPerf.auc)); } /** * Find models close to targetModel in CVCF performance space. * * @param targetModelCVCFPerf * @param nearbyModelIds Ids of models that are close to the target model in CVCF space. */ private void findCloseByModels(final ModelPerformance targetModelCVCFPerf, final ObjectList<String> nearbyModelIds) { for (final String modelId : modelIds) { final ModelPerformance candidatePerformance = cvcfResults.get(modelId); if (candidatePerformance == null) { continue; } if (distanceUnderThreshold(targetModelCVCFPerf, candidatePerformance)) { if (!modelId.equals(targetModelCVCFPerf.modelId)) { // exclude the target from the list of close by models. nearbyModelIds.add(modelId); } } } } private boolean distanceUnderThreshold(final ModelPerformance targetModelCVCFPerf, final ModelPerformance candidatePerformance) { final double target_AUC_CVCF = targetModelCVCFPerf.auc; final double target_MCC_CVCF = targetModelCVCFPerf.mcc; final double candidate_AUC_CVCF = candidatePerformance.auc; final double candidate_MCC_CVCF = candidatePerformance.mcc; final double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(target_AUC_CVCF - candidate_AUC_CVCF, 2) + Math.pow(target_MCC_CVCF - candidate_MCC_CVCF, 2)); final double threshold = (candidate_AUC_CVCF + candidate_MCC_CVCF) * 0.03; return (distance < threshold); } private void dequeue(final ScoredTranscriptBoundedSizeQueue queue, final ObjectList<String> rankedList) { while (!queue.isEmpty()) { final TranscriptScore t = queue.dequeue(); final String modelId = reverseIndex.getId(t.transcriptIndex).toString(); rankedList.add(0, modelId); // System.out.println("dequeuing " + modelId + " score: " + t.score); } } private void load(final arguments toolsArgs, final boolean filterByEndpoint) throws FileNotFoundException { if (filterByEndpoint) { modelIds.clear(); assert allCvResults.size() > 0 && allTestResults.size() > 0 : "cannot filter by endpoint, no data to filter."; { this.cvResults = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ModelPerformance>(); this.testResults = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ModelPerformance>(); filterAllResultsByEndpoint(toolsArgs.organization, toolsArgs.endpointName, toolsArgs.datasetName, allCvResults, cvResults); filterAllResultsByEndpoint(toolsArgs.organization, toolsArgs.endpointName, toolsArgs.datasetName, allTestResults, testResults); return; } } modelIdIndices = new IndexedIdentifier(); if (toolsArgs.maqciiStatsFilename != null) { allCvResults = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ModelPerformance>(); allTestResults = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ModelPerformance>(); loadAllStatsFromCombinedMAQCIIStatFile(toolsArgs.maqciiStatsFilename, toolsArgs); } else { cvResults = loadCornellMAQCIISubmissionStats(toolsArgs.cvResultsFilename, true, filterByEndpoint, toolsArgs); cvcfResults = loadCornellMAQCIISubmissionStats(toolsArgs.cvcfResultsFilename, true, filterByEndpoint, toolsArgs); if (toolsArgs.testFilename != null) { if (toolsArgs.modelIdMapFile == null) { // standalone file with test statistics only: testResults = loadCornellMAQCIISubmissionStats(toolsArgs.testFilename, false, filterByEndpoint, toolsArgs); } else { // MAQCII combined file with CV perf and validation together. Combines data for all analysis teams: testResults = loadTestStatsFromCombinedMAQCIIStatFile(toolsArgs.testFilename, toolsArgs.modelIdMapFile, false, filterByEndpoint, toolsArgs, false); } } } } private void filterAllResultsByEndpoint(final String organization, final String endpointName, final String datasetName, final Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> allResults, final Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> filterDestination) { for (final ModelPerformance perf : allResults.values()) { if (perf.organization.equals(organization) && perf.endpoint.equals(endpointName) && perf.dataset.equals(datasetName)) { filterDestination.put(perf.modelId, perf); modelIds.add(perf.modelId); } } } private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> loadTestStatsFromCombinedMAQCIIStatFile( final String filename, final String modelIdMapFile, final boolean readDatasetEndpoint, final boolean filterByEndpoint, final arguments toolsArgs, final boolean loadAllModels) throws FileNotFoundException { Map<String, String> modelIdMap = null; try { modelIdMap = OptionsSupport.readMapFileFromTsv(new File(modelIdMapFile), true, 0, 1); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error reading model id mapping file." + modelIdMapFile); System.exit(1); } if (modelIds == null) { modelIds = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (datasetNames == null) { datasetNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (endpointNames == null) { endpointNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } final Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> modelPerfs = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ModelPerformance>(); final TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(filename), '\t'); reader.setCommentPrefix("OrganizationCode"); try { while (reader.hasNext()) { if (reader.isCommentLine()) { reader.skip(); } else {; final ModelPerformance measure = new ModelPerformance(); reader.getString(); final String maqciiModelId = reader.getString(); if (!modelIdMap.containsKey(maqciiModelId)) { continue; } skipFields(reader, 3); measure.dataset = reader.getString(); measure.endpoint = reader.getString(); if (filterByEndpoint && measure.dataset.equals(toolsArgs.datasetName) && measure.endpoint.equals(toolsArgs.endpointName) || !filterByEndpoint) { if (readDatasetEndpoint) { datasetNames.add(measure.dataset); } if (readDatasetEndpoint) { endpointNames.add(measure.endpoint); } measure.excel = reader.getString(); skipFields(reader, 19); measure.mcc = tryGetDouble(reader); measure.accuracy = tryGetDouble(reader); measure.sens = tryGetDouble(reader); measure.spec = tryGetDouble(reader); measure.auc = tryGetDouble(reader); measure.rmse = tryGetDouble(reader); final double validationPresent = tryGetDouble(reader); if (validationPresent == 1) { // Some validation data was provided for this model: register the model id in the validation dataset. measure.modelId = modelIdMap.get(maqciiModelId); modelPerfs.put(measure.modelId, measure); modelIds.add(measure.modelId); final MutableString modelId = new MutableString(measure.modelId); modelIdIndices.registerIdentifier(modelId); } } } } return modelPerfs; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Cannot read file " + filename); System.exit(1); return null; } } private void loadAllStatsFromCombinedMAQCIIStatFile(final String filename, final arguments toolsArgs) throws FileNotFoundException { if (modelIds == null) { modelIds = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (datasetNames == null) { datasetNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (endpointNames == null) { endpointNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (organizationCodes == null) { organizationCodes = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } final TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(filename), '\t'); reader.setCommentPrefix("ModelSerialNo"); try { while (reader.hasNext()) { if (reader.isCommentLine()) { reader.skip(); } else {; final ModelPerformance cvMeasure = new ModelPerformance(); final ModelPerformance validationMeasure = new ModelPerformance(); final String ignore = reader.getString(); if ("extra".equalsIgnoreCase(ignore)) { continue; } final String maqciiModelId = reader.getString(); cvMeasure.modelId = maqciiModelId; validationMeasure.modelId = maqciiModelId; cvMeasure.rank = (int) tryGetDouble(reader); skipFields(reader, 1); final String organization = reader.getString(); cvMeasure.organization = organization; validationMeasure.organization = organization; organizationCodes.add(organization); final String dataset = reader.getString(); final String endpoint = reader.getString(); endpointNames.add(endpoint); datasetNames.add(dataset); combination.put(dataset + endpoint + organization, true); cvMeasure.dataset = validationMeasure.dataset = dataset; cvMeasure.endpoint = validationMeasure.endpoint = endpoint; datasetNames.add(cvMeasure.dataset); endpointNames.add(cvMeasure.endpoint); final String excel = reader.getString(); cvMeasure.excel = validationMeasure.excel = excel; cvMeasure.mcc = tryGetDouble(reader); cvMeasure.accuracy = tryGetDouble(reader); cvMeasure.sens = tryGetDouble(reader); cvMeasure.spec = tryGetDouble(reader); cvMeasure.auc = tryGetDouble(reader); cvMeasure.rmse = tryGetDouble(reader); skipFields(reader, 15); validationMeasure.mcc = tryGetDouble(reader); validationMeasure.accuracy = tryGetDouble(reader); validationMeasure.sens = tryGetDouble(reader); validationMeasure.spec = tryGetDouble(reader); validationMeasure.auc = tryGetDouble(reader); validationMeasure.rmse = tryGetDouble(reader); skipFields(reader, 5); final double validationPresent = tryGetDouble(reader); if (validationPresent == validationPresent) { //NaN if not present // Some validation data was provided for this model: register the model id in the validation dataset. allTestResults.put(validationMeasure.modelId, validationMeasure); modelIds.add(validationMeasure.modelId); final MutableString modelId = new MutableString(validationMeasure.modelId); modelIdIndices.registerIdentifier(modelId); allCvResults.put(validationMeasure.modelId, cvMeasure); } } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Cannot read file " + filename); System.exit(1); } } private double tryGetDouble(final TSVReader reader) { try { return reader.getDouble(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Double.NaN; } } private void skipFields(final TSVReader reader, final int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { reader.getString(); } } private Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> loadCornellMAQCIISubmissionStats(final String filename, final boolean readDatasetEndpoint, final boolean filterByEndpoint, final arguments toolsArgs) throws FileNotFoundException { if (modelIds == null) { modelIds = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (datasetNames == null) { datasetNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } if (endpointNames == null) { endpointNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); } final Object2ObjectMap<String, ModelPerformance> modelPerfs = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ModelPerformance>(); final TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(filename), '\t'); reader.setCommentPrefix("OrganizationCode"); try { while (reader.hasNext()) { if (reader.isCommentLine()) { reader.skip(); } else {; reader.getString(); final ModelPerformance measure = new ModelPerformance(); measure.dataset = reader.getString(); measure.endpoint = reader.getString(); if (filterByEndpoint && measure.dataset.equals(toolsArgs.datasetName) && measure.endpoint.equals(toolsArgs.endpointName) || !filterByEndpoint) { if (readDatasetEndpoint) { datasetNames.add(measure.dataset); } if (readDatasetEndpoint) { endpointNames.add(measure.endpoint); } measure.excel = reader.getString(); measure.mcc = reader.getDouble(); measure.accuracy = reader.getDouble(); measure.sens = reader.getDouble(); measure.spec = reader.getDouble(); measure.auc = reader.getDouble(); measure.rmse = reader.getDouble(); measure.mccStd = reader.getDouble(); measure.accuracyStd = reader.getDouble(); measure.sensStd = reader.getDouble(); measure.specStd = reader.getDouble(); measure.aucStd = reader.getDouble(); measure.rmseStd = reader.getDouble(); reader.getString(); reader.getString(); measure.actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel = reader.getInt(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { reader.getString(); } measure.modelId = reader.getString(); modelPerfs.put(measure.modelId, measure); modelIds.add(measure.modelId); final MutableString modelId = new MutableString(measure.modelId); modelIdIndices.registerIdentifier(modelId); } } } return modelPerfs; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Cannot read file " + filename); System.exit(1); return null; } } private class ModelPerformance { String dataset; String endpoint; String excel; public String organization = "Cornell"; double accuracy; double sens; double spec; double auc; double mcc; double rmse; String modelId; /** * The actual number of features used in this model. May differ from the number of features listed in model condition files, for instance * for gene list based models: the gene list may overlap the chip for less probesets than the number indicated to build the model. */ int actualNumberOfFeaturesInModel; public double aucStd; public double mccStd; public double accuracyStd; public double sensStd; public double specStd; public double rmseStd; /** * Rank of this model, according to the submission file */ public int rank; } }