Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.bdval.modelconditions; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.FlaggedOption; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAP; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Parameter; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.bdval.DAVOptions; import org.bdval.MaqciiHelper; import org.bdval.PredictedItems; import org.bdval.SurvivalMeasures; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Calculates statistics from model conditions and a set of results directories. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: Oct 6, 2009 * Time: 5:34:23 PM */ public class RestatMode extends ProcessModelConditionsMode { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RestatMode.class); private final MaqciiHelper maqciiHelper = new MaqciiHelper(); private String survivalFileName; private DAVOptions davOptions; StatsEvaluationType statsEvalType = StatsEvaluationType.STATS_PER_REPEAT; static final ObjectSet<CharSequence> evaluationMeasureNames = new ObjectArraySet<CharSequence>(); static { evaluationMeasureNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(org.bdval.Predict.MEASURES)); } @Override public void defineOptions(final JSAP jsap) throws JSAPException { final Parameter survivalFilenameOption = new FlaggedOption("survival").setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER) .setDefault(JSAP.NO_DEFAULT).setRequired(false).setLongFlag("survival") .setHelp("Survival filename. This file contains survival data " + "in tab delimited format; column 1: chipID has to match cids and " + "tmm, column 2: time to event, column 3 censor with 1 as event 0 " + "as censor, column 4 and beyond are numerical covariates that " + "will be included in the regression model"); jsap.registerParameter(survivalFilenameOption); final Parameter typeOfSplitHandling = new FlaggedOption("aggregation-method") .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER).setDefault("per-test-set").setRequired(false) .setLongFlag("aggregation-method") .setHelp("Type of aggregation method. Predictions can be aggregated by repeat of cross-validation " + "(per-repeat, default value of this option), or by test set (per-test-set). "); jsap.registerParameter(typeOfSplitHandling); maqciiHelper.defineSubmissionFileOption(jsap); jsap.getByID("label").addDefault("auto"); // jsap.getByID("folds").addDefault("0"); } @Override public void interpretArguments(final JSAP jsap, final JSAPResult jsapResult, final ProcessModelConditionsOptions options) { super.interpretArguments(jsap, jsapResult, options); if (jsapResult.contains("survival")) { survivalFileName = jsapResult.getString("survival"); LOG.debug("Survival file:" + survivalFileName); } final String aggregationMethod = jsapResult.getString("aggregation-method"); if (aggregationMethod == null) { statsEvalType = StatsEvaluationType.STATS_PER_REPEAT; } else { if ("per-repeat".equalsIgnoreCase(aggregationMethod)) { statsEvalType = StatsEvaluationType.STATS_PER_REPEAT; } else if ("per-test-set".equalsIgnoreCase(aggregationMethod)) { statsEvalType = StatsEvaluationType.STATS_PER_SPLIT; } else { System.err.println("Cannot parse argument of option --aggregation-method"); System.exit(1); } } davOptions = new DAVOptions(); maqciiHelper.setupSubmissionFile(jsapResult, davOptions); } final ArrayList<String> series = new ArrayList<String>(); // list of series that have been processed EvaluationMeasure repeatedEvaluationMeasure = new EvaluationMeasure(); PredictedItems predictions; int numberOfRepeats; final List<SurvivalMeasures> survivalMeasuresList = new ArrayList<SurvivalMeasures>(); static final Map<String, double[]> acrossAllFoldsMap = new HashMap<String, double[]>(); int numberOfFeatures; static int numberOfFolds; @Override public void processSeries(final ProcessModelConditionsOptions options, final String modelId) { // group together models that are in the same series? final String seriesID = options.modelConditions.get(modelId).get("id-parameter-scan-series"); if (!(series.contains(seriesID))) { // This series has not been processed before. final ArrayList<String> models = extractSeriesModelIds(options, seriesID); // for all models in a series get accuracy measures for each fold, for (final String modelInSeries : models) { processOneModelIdPassOne(options, modelInSeries); } // across the series, record accuracy obtained by model with maximum accuracy for each fold/repeat element. final Map<String, double[]> foldMins = new HashMap<String, double[]>(); final double[] accuracyArray = new double[numberOfFolds * numberOfRepeats]; Arrays.fill(accuracyArray, Double.MIN_VALUE); for (final String modelInSeries : models) { final double[] modelAccuracies = acrossAllFoldsMap.get(modelInSeries); if (modelAccuracies == null) { // could not load prediction file for this model. continue; } int index = 0; // maintain s the index in the model accuracies array for (int r = 0; r < numberOfRepeats; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < numberOfFolds; c++) { if (index >= accuracyArray.length || index >= modelAccuracies.length) { break; } accuracyArray[index] = Math.max(modelAccuracies[index], accuracyArray[index]); ++index; } } } foldMins.put(seriesID, accuracyArray); // now calculate bias for this series evaluateSeriesBias(options, seriesID, models, acrossAllFoldsMap, foldMins); // record that the series has already been processed: series.add(seriesID); } } private ArrayList<String> extractSeriesModelIds(final ProcessModelConditionsOptions options, final String seriesID) { if (seriesID == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } final Set<String> modelIdKeys = options.modelConditions.keySet(); // model-Id's associated with model-conditions file //String[] keys = modelIdKeys.toArray(new String[modelIdKeys.size()]); final ArrayList<String> models = new ArrayList<String>(); // arraylist of models in the same series for (final String modelId : modelIdKeys) { final String otherseriesId = options.modelConditions.get(modelId).get("id-parameter-scan-series"); if (seriesID.equals(otherseriesId)) { models.add(modelId); } }"models in same series " + models.toString());"# models in series " + seriesID + " = " + models.size()); return models; } private void evaluateSeriesBias(final ProcessModelConditionsOptions options, final String seriesID, final ArrayList<String> models, final Map<String, double[]> acrossAllFoldsMap, final Map<String, double[]> foldMins) { for (final String modelId : models) { double bias = 0.0; int index = 0; if (acrossAllFoldsMap.get(modelId) == null) { // could not load predictions for this model (perhaps partially built). continue; } int actualRepeatNumber = 0; final double[] modelAccuracies = acrossAllFoldsMap.get(modelId); for (int repeatIndex = 0; repeatIndex < numberOfRepeats; repeatIndex++) { if (index >= modelAccuracies.length) { break; } for (int foldIndex = 0; foldIndex < numberOfFolds; foldIndex++) { try { assert modelAccuracies != null : "model accurary must have been loaded for model id " + modelId; final double errorOfThisModel = (1.0d - (modelAccuracies[index] / 100d)); final double thetaHatFoldK = (1.0d - (foldMins.get(seriesID)[index] / 100d)); bias += (errorOfThisModel - thetaHatFoldK); ++index; LOG.debug("bias total " + bias); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {"Error in number of model accuracies assessed ", e); //System.exit(10); } } ++actualRepeatNumber; } bias /= numberOfFolds; bias /= actualRepeatNumber; davOptions.modelId = modelId; LOG.debug("bias for " + davOptions.modelId + " is " + bias); processOneModelIdPassTwo(davOptions.modelId, bias); } } @Override public void processOneModelIdPassOne(final ProcessModelConditionsOptions options, final String modelId) { predictions = loadPredictions(modelId); if (predictions != null) { numberOfFeatures = predictions.modelNumFeatures(); LOG.debug("Processing predictions(first pass) for model id " + modelId); davOptions.crossValidationFoldNumber = predictions.getNumberOfFolds(); davOptions.datasetName = getDatasetName(modelId); maqciiHelper.setLabel(constructLabel(modelId)); davOptions.seriesModelId = options.modelConditions.get(modelId).get("id-parameter-scan-series"); numberOfRepeats = predictions.getNumberOfRepeats(); repeatedEvaluationMeasure = new EvaluationMeasure(); switch (statsEvalType) { case STATS_PER_REPEAT: evaluatePerformanceMeasurePerRepeat(predictions, null, survivalMeasuresList, numberOfRepeats, evaluationMeasureNames, repeatedEvaluationMeasure); break; case STATS_PER_SPLIT: evaluatePerformanceMeasurePerTestSet(predictions, null, survivalMeasuresList, numberOfRepeats, evaluationMeasureNames, repeatedEvaluationMeasure); break; } evaluateAccuracyPerTestSet(modelId, predictions, numberOfRepeats, evaluationMeasureNames); } } public void processOneModelIdPassTwo(final String modelId, final double bias) { predictions = loadPredictions(modelId); if (predictions != null) { LOG.debug("Processing predictions(second pass) for model id " + modelId); final int numberOfFeatures = predictions.modelNumFeatures(); repeatedEvaluationMeasure = new EvaluationMeasure(); switch (statsEvalType) { case STATS_PER_REPEAT: evaluatePerformanceMeasurePerRepeat(predictions, null, survivalMeasuresList, numberOfRepeats, evaluationMeasureNames, repeatedEvaluationMeasure); break; case STATS_PER_SPLIT: evaluatePerformanceMeasurePerTestSet(predictions, null, survivalMeasuresList, numberOfRepeats, evaluationMeasureNames, repeatedEvaluationMeasure); break; } davOptions.modelId = modelId; repeatedEvaluationMeasure.addValue("bias", bias); maqciiHelper.printSubmissionHeaders(davOptions, survivalFileName != null); maqciiHelper.printSubmissionResults(davOptions, repeatedEvaluationMeasure, numberOfFeatures, numberOfRepeats, survivalMeasuresList); } } public static void evaluatePerformanceMeasurePerTestSet(final PredictedItems predictions, final String survivalFileName, final List<SurvivalMeasures> survivalMeasuresList, final int numberOfRepeats, final ObjectSet<CharSequence> evaluationMeasureNames, final EvaluationMeasure repeatedEvaluationMeasure) { // Collect one evaluation measure per split test set of cross-validation. for (int repeatId = 1; repeatId <= numberOfRepeats; repeatId++) { if (predictions.containsRepeat(repeatId)) { final int maxSplitId = predictions.getNumberOfSplitsForRepeat(repeatId); for (final int splitId : predictions.splitIdsForRepeat(repeatId)) { final DoubleList decisions = new DoubleArrayList(); final DoubleList trueLabels = new DoubleArrayList(); final ObjectList<String> sampleIDs = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); decisions.addAll(predictions.getDecisionsForSplit(repeatId, splitId)); trueLabels.addAll(predictions.getTrueLabelsForSplit(repeatId, splitId)); sampleIDs.addAll(predictions.getSampleIDsForSplit(repeatId, splitId)); if (decisions.size() == 0) { LOG.fatal("cannot process empty decision list"); System.exit(10); } final EvaluationMeasure allSplitsInARepeatMeasure = CrossValidation.testSetEvaluation( decisions.toDoubleArray(), trueLabels.toDoubleArray(), evaluationMeasureNames, true); if (survivalFileName != null) { try { final SurvivalMeasures survivalMeasures = new SurvivalMeasures(survivalFileName, decisions, trueLabels, sampleIDs.toArray(new String[sampleIDs.size()])); survivalMeasuresList.add(survivalMeasures); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal("Error processing input file ", e); System.exit(10); } } averageMeasuresPerReplicates(repeatedEvaluationMeasure, allSplitsInARepeatMeasure); LOG.trace(String.format("repeatId: %d %s", repeatId, allSplitsInARepeatMeasure.toString())); } } } } public void evaluateAccuracyPerTestSet(final String modelId, final PredictedItems predictions, final int numberOfRepeats, final ObjectSet<CharSequence> evaluationMeasureNames) { final DoubleList modelAcc = new DoubleArrayList(); // Collect one evaluation measure per split test set of cross-validation. for (int repeatId = 1; repeatId <= numberOfRepeats; repeatId++) { if (predictions.containsRepeat(repeatId)) { final int maxSplitId = predictions.getNumberOfSplitsForRepeat(repeatId); numberOfFolds = predictions.splitIdsForRepeat(repeatId).size(); for (final int splitId : predictions.splitIdsForRepeat(repeatId)) { final DoubleList decisions = new DoubleArrayList(); final DoubleList trueLabels = new DoubleArrayList(); final ObjectList<String> sampleIDs = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); decisions.addAll(predictions.getDecisionsForSplit(repeatId, splitId)); trueLabels.addAll(predictions.getTrueLabelsForSplit(repeatId, splitId)); sampleIDs.addAll(predictions.getSampleIDsForSplit(repeatId, splitId)); if (decisions.size() == 0) { LOG.fatal("cannot process empty decision list"); System.exit(10); } final EvaluationMeasure allSplitsInARepeatMeasure = CrossValidation.testSetEvaluation( decisions.toDoubleArray(), trueLabels.toDoubleArray(), evaluationMeasureNames, true); modelAcc.add(allSplitsInARepeatMeasure.getAccuracy()); } } acrossAllFoldsMap.put(modelId, modelAcc.toDoubleArray()); } } public static void evaluatePerformanceMeasurePerRepeat(final PredictedItems predictions, final String survivalFileName, final List<SurvivalMeasures> survivalMeasuresList, final int numberOfRepeats, final ObjectSet<CharSequence> evaluationMeasureNames, final EvaluationMeasure repeatedEvaluationMeasure) { for (int repeatId = 1; repeatId <= numberOfRepeats; repeatId++) { if (predictions.containsRepeat(repeatId)) { final DoubleList decisions = new DoubleArrayList(); final DoubleList trueLabels = new DoubleArrayList(); final ObjectList<String> sampleIDs = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); decisions.addAll(predictions.getDecisionsForRepeat(repeatId)); trueLabels.addAll(predictions.getTrueLabelsForRepeat(repeatId)); sampleIDs.addAll(predictions.getSampleIDsForRepeat(repeatId)); final EvaluationMeasure allSplitsInARepeatMeasure = CrossValidation.testSetEvaluation( decisions.toDoubleArray(), trueLabels.toDoubleArray(), evaluationMeasureNames, true); if (survivalFileName != null) { try { final SurvivalMeasures survivalMeasures = new SurvivalMeasures(survivalFileName, decisions, trueLabels, sampleIDs.toArray(new String[sampleIDs.size()])); survivalMeasuresList.add(survivalMeasures); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal("Error processing input file ", e); System.exit(10); } } averageMeasuresPerReplicates(repeatedEvaluationMeasure, allSplitsInARepeatMeasure); LOG.trace(String.format("repeatId: %d %s", repeatId, allSplitsInARepeatMeasure.toString())); } } } private static void averageMeasuresPerReplicates(final EvaluationMeasure repeatedEvaluationMeasure, final EvaluationMeasure allSplitsInARepeatMeasure) { for (final CharSequence measure : allSplitsInARepeatMeasure.getMeasureNames()) { repeatedEvaluationMeasure.addValue(measure, allSplitsInARepeatMeasure.getPerformanceValueAverage(measure.toString())); } } public enum StatsEvaluationType { STATS_PER_REPEAT, STATS_PER_SPLIT, } }