Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.bdval; import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister; import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.FlaggedOption; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAP; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Parameter; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Switch; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.InvalidColumnException; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.Table; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.TypeMismatchException; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import it.unimi.dsi.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Discover sets of features that maximize a given performance measure, using optimization with * genetic algorithms. Classification is performed with a support vector machine (linear or RBF * kernel). Starting with the entire set of features presented as input (containing N features), * the algorithm optimizes CV10 performance of a N*ratio set of features with a genetic algorithm. * (Typical choice for r is ratio r is 0.5 to keep 50% of features at each iteration.) Various * parameters of the optimization can affect the computational resources required to carry out the * optimization, and how close the found solution is to the optimal solution of the optimization * problem. Larger values or population size and number of iterations (see runtime arguments) * favor optimal solutions, but increase computational time. As usual with optimization algorithm, * there is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be found. In the case of biomarker * discovery, that is probably OK, since the fitness function (cross validation F-1 on a * finite training set) is also not optimal. * * @author Fabien Campagne Date: Nov 17, 2007 Time: 11:17:28 PM */ public class DiscoverWithGeneticAlgorithm extends DAVMode { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DiscoverWithGeneticAlgorithm.class); private int numProbesets = 50; private double ratio = 0.5d; private DAVOptions localOptions; private int numOptimizationStepsPerIteration = 100; private int populationSize = 20; // increase to 100-1000 private FeatureReporting reporter; private boolean useRServer; private boolean writeGeneListFormat; private int cvRepeatNumber; private String[] discreteParameters; private String optimalParametersFilename; private String optimizeMeasureName; /** * Define command line options for this mode. * @param jsap the JSAP command line parser * @throws JSAPException if there is a problem building the options */ @Override public void defineOptions(final JSAP jsap) throws JSAPException { final Parameter ratioParam = new FlaggedOption("ratio").setStringParser(JSAP.DOUBLE_PARSER).setDefault(".5") .setRequired(true).setLongFlag("ratio").setShortFlag('r') .setHelp("The ratio of new number of feature to original number of features, " + "for each iteration."); jsap.registerParameter(ratioParam); final Parameter numStepsParam = new FlaggedOption("number-of-steps").setStringParser(JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER) .setDefault("100").setRequired(true).setLongFlag("number-of-steps").setShortFlag('n') .setHelp("The number of genetic algorithm evolution steps. Larger values increase " + "the chance that the optimal solution will be found, but " + "increase computation time."); jsap.registerParameter(numStepsParam); final Parameter populationSizeParam = new FlaggedOption("population-size") .setStringParser(JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER).setDefault("10").setRequired(true) .setLongFlag("population-size").setShortFlag('s') .setHelp("Number of chromosomes for genetic algorithm optimization. The larger the population size," + " the more diversity can be represented in the population, and the more effective" + " cross-over will be at combining successful solutions into a more optimal offspring." + " Larger population sizes are more computationally expensive, since the fitness " + " function must be evaluated for each chromosome at each evolution step. "); jsap.registerParameter(populationSizeParam); final Parameter discreteParameters = new FlaggedOption("discrete-parameters") .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER).setDefault(JSAP.NO_DEFAULT).setRequired(false) .setLongFlag("discrete-parameters") .setHelp("A list of discrete classifier parameters to optimize at the same time " + "as the feature set. Parameters must be described in the format " + "param1=value1,value2,...[:param2=value1,value2,...]. " + "For instance, alpha=1,2,3,4:beta=0.2,.5,.33 will optimize the " + "parameters alpha and beta alongside with the feature set. The " + "combination of features and parameter values that optimizes " + "CV performance will be kept. Optimal parameter values will be written " + "to stderr, or to the value of argument --optimal-parameters-out"); jsap.registerParameter(discreteParameters); final Parameter foldNumber = new FlaggedOption("folds").setStringParser(JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER) .setDefault("10").setRequired(true).setShortFlag('f').setLongFlag("folds") .setHelp("Number of cross validation folds. default=10/CV10."); jsap.registerParameter(foldNumber); final Parameter cvRepeatNumberParam = new FlaggedOption("cv-repeats").setStringParser(JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER) .setDefault("1").setRequired(false).setLongFlag("cv-repeats") .setHelp("Number of cross validation repeats. default=1 (does on round of " + "cross-validation). Values larger than one cause the cross " + "validation to be repeated and results averaged over " + "the rounds."); jsap.registerParameter(cvRepeatNumberParam); final Parameter outputGeneList = new Switch("output-gene-list").setLongFlag("output-gene-list") .setHelp("Write features to the output in the tissueinfo gene list format."); jsap.registerParameter(outputGeneList); final Parameter optimizeWithROCList = new Switch("roc").setLongFlag("roc") .setHelp("Optimize the area under the ROC curve. If neither this option nor " + "--maximize is not provided, maximizes the F-1 measure (harmonic mean " + "of precision and recall). Otherwise, the parameter --maximize will " + "name the objective function."); jsap.registerParameter(optimizeWithROCList); final Parameter numFeatureParam = new FlaggedOption("num-features").setStringParser(JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER) .setDefault("50").setRequired(true).setLongFlag("num-features") .setHelp("Number of features to select."); jsap.registerParameter(numFeatureParam); final Parameter optimalParameterOutputFile = new FlaggedOption("optimal-parameters-out") .setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER).setDefault(JSAP.NO_DEFAULT).setRequired(false) .setLongFlag("optimal-parameters-out") .setHelp("Name of the file where optimal parameters will be written " + "(as Java properties)."); jsap.registerParameter(optimalParameterOutputFile); final Parameter optimizeParam = new FlaggedOption("maximize").setStringParser(JSAP.STRING_PARSER) .setDefault(JSAP.NO_DEFAULT).setRequired(false).setLongFlag("maximize") .setHelp("Select the objective measure that the GA process will try to maximize. " + "Valid measure names include auc, mat, acc. For a complete list of " + "measure names, see the ROCR documentation."); jsap.registerParameter(optimizeParam); } @Override public void interpretArguments(final JSAP jsap, final JSAPResult result, final DAVOptions options) { super.interpretArguments(jsap, result, options); if (result.contains("optimize") && result.getBoolean("roc")) { System.err.println("Cannot specify both --maximize and --roc options."); System.exit(1); } else { if (result.getBoolean("roc")) { optimizeMeasureName = "auc"; useRServer = true; } else if (result.contains("maximize")) { useRServer = true; optimizeMeasureName = result.getString("maximize"); if (!optimizationRequiresR()) { // we do not need RServe to evaluate MCC useRServer = false; } } else { useRServer = false; optimizeMeasureName = "F-1"; } } numProbesets = result.getInt("num-features"); ratio = result.getDouble("ratio"); populationSize = result.getInt("population-size"); numOptimizationStepsPerIteration = result.getInt("number-of-steps"); foldNumber = result.getInt("folds"); System.out.println("CV" + foldNumber + " Ratio=" + ratio + " populationSize=" + populationSize + " numberOfSteps=" + numOptimizationStepsPerIteration); writeGeneListFormat = result.getBoolean("output-gene-list"); reporter = new FeatureReporting(writeGeneListFormat); this.cvRepeatNumber = result.getInt("cv-repeats"); this.discreteParameters = parseDiscreteParameters(result); this.optimalParametersFilename = result.getString("optimal-parameters-out"); } private String[] parseDiscreteParameters(final JSAPResult result) { final String paramDefs = result.getString("discrete-parameters"); if (paramDefs == null) { return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } else { return paramDefs.split("[:]"); } } public int foldNumber = 10; double alpha; GEOPlatformIndexed inputIdentifiers; @Override public void process(final DAVOptions options) { super.process(options); //final Table inputTable = options.inputTable; System.out.println("Optimizing " + (this.optimizeMeasureName)); for (final ClassificationTask task : options.classificationTasks) { for (final GeneList geneList : options.geneLists) { int reducedNumProbeset; int iteration = 1; System.out.println("Processing gene list: " + geneList.toString()); try { int numKept; GeneList activeGeneList = geneList; IntSet sourceSet = new IntArraySet(); IntSet previousSubset = null; IntSet fitestSubSet = null; double[] fitestParamValues = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY; options.trainingPlatform = new GEOPlatformIndexed(); Table processedTable = processTable(activeGeneList, options.inputTable, options, MicroarrayTrainEvaluate.calculateLabelValueGroups(task)); // try to free some memory (we cannot call processTable anymore after this:) options.inputTable = null; System.gc(); do { System.out.println("Discover markers with GA wrapper for " + task); final EvaluationMeasure evalMeasure; if (iteration == 1) { // FIRST ITERATION final ClassificationHelper helper = getClassifier(processedTable, MicroarrayTrainEvaluate.calculateLabelValueGroups(task)); final RandomEngine randomEngine = new MersenneTwister(options.randomSeed); final CrossValidation CV = new CrossValidation(helper.classifier, helper.problem, randomEngine); final boolean useR = optimizationRequiresR(); CV.useRServer(useR); // user R server only when required. CV.setRepeatNumber(cvRepeatNumber); CV.setScalerClass(options.scalerClass); if (useRServer) { CV.evaluateMeasure(optimizeMeasureName); } // CV.setScalerClass(PercentileScalingRowProcessor.class); evalMeasure = CV.crossValidation(foldNumber); System.out.println("Initial " + getPerformanceMeasureName() + " measure: " + getOptimizationMeasure(evalMeasure)); numKept = options.trainingPlatform.getProbeIds().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numKept; i++) { sourceSet.add(i); } inputIdentifiers = options.trainingPlatform; if (numKept <= numProbesets) { LOG.error("Cannot remove probesets, already below the target number."); fitestSubSet = sourceSet; break; } } else { numKept = previousSubset.size(); sourceSet = previousSubset; } localOptions = options; System.out.println("Num probeset as input : " + numKept); final SubSetFitnessFunction convergenceCriterion; final Table processedTableConstant = processedTable; convergenceCriterion = new AbstractSubSetFitnessFunction() { @Override public double evaluate(final IntSet subset, final double[] paramValues) { try { GeneList geneListFromSubset = convertSubsetToGeneList(subset); Table filteredTable = filterTable(options, processedTableConstant, geneListFromSubset); ClassificationHelper helper = getClassifier(filteredTable, MicroarrayTrainEvaluate.calculateLabelValueGroups(task)); int paramIndex = 0; for (final String parameterName : getParameterNames(discreteParameters)) { helper.parameters.setParameter(parameterName, paramValues[paramIndex++]); } helper.classifier.setParameters(helper.parameters); RandomEngine randomEngine = new MersenneTwister(options.randomSeed); CrossValidation CV = new CrossValidation(helper.classifier, helper.problem, randomEngine); final boolean useR = optimizationRequiresR(); CV.useRServer(useR); CV.setRepeatNumber(cvRepeatNumber); CV.setScalerClass(options.scalerClass); CV.evaluateMeasure(optimizeMeasureName); final EvaluationMeasure eMeasure = CV.crossValidation(foldNumber); geneListFromSubset = null; filteredTable = null; helper = null; randomEngine = null; CV = null; final double measure = getOptimizationMeasure(eMeasure); + " evaluated " + getPerformanceMeasureName() + " " + measure); // double std = getOptimizationMeasureStd(eMeasure); // return measure -std; return measure; } catch (InvalidColumnException e) { LOG.error(e); System.exit(10); } catch (TypeMismatchException e) { LOG.error(e); System.exit(10); } throw new InternalError("This statement should never be reached."); } }; reducedNumProbeset = Math.max(numProbesets, (int) (numKept * ratio)); if (reducedNumProbeset == numKept) { System.out.println("Previous step optimized the same number of probesets already."); break; } else { System.out.println("Optimizing to keep " + reducedNumProbeset + " probesets."); } final OptimizeSubSet optimizationEngine = new OptimizeSubSet(sourceSet, reducedNumProbeset, convergenceCriterion, populationSize, discreteParameters); optimizationEngine.setModuloProgressReport(2); optimizationEngine.optimize(numOptimizationStepsPerIteration, .001); fitestSubSet = optimizationEngine.getFitestSubset(); fitestParamValues = optimizationEngine.getFitestParameterValues(); previousSubset = fitestSubSet; // use as gene list for the next iteration: the restriction of the previous gene list // to those probesets that were found with to have the bext F-1 measure in this iteration. activeGeneList = convertSubsetToGeneList(fitestSubSet); System.out.println("numKept: " + numKept + " reducedNumber: " + reducedNumProbeset); if (!writeGeneListFormat) { // print intermediate result for this iteration. printFeatures(options, iteration, fitestSubSet, convergenceCriterion.evaluate(fitestSubSet, fitestParamValues)); } iteration++; final GeneList geneListFromSubset = convertSubsetToGeneList(fitestSubSet); final Table fitestTable = filterTable(options, processedTable, geneListFromSubset); processedTable = fitestTable; // hint to the JVM that this would be a good time to garbage collect. System.gc(); } while (numKept > numProbesets); printFeatures(options, iteration, fitestSubSet, 0); printFitestParamValues(options, fitestParamValues, getParameterNames(discreteParameters)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(10); } } } } private boolean optimizationRequiresR() { return !(optimizeMeasureName.equalsIgnoreCase("F-1") || optimizeMeasureName.equalsIgnoreCase("MCC") || optimizeMeasureName.equalsIgnoreCase("sens") || optimizeMeasureName.equalsIgnoreCase("spec")); } private String getPerformanceMeasureName() { return optimizeMeasureName; } private double getOptimizationMeasure(final EvaluationMeasure eMeasure) { double result = 0; if (!useRServer) { result = eMeasure.getF1Average(); } else { result = eMeasure.getPerformanceValueAverage(optimizeMeasureName); } // Convert NaN -> 0 result = result != result ? 0 : result; if (result < 0) { // evaluation measure must be positive.. result = 0; } return result; } private double getOptimizationMeasureStd(final EvaluationMeasure eMeasure) { double result = 0; if (!useRServer) { result = eMeasure.getF1StdDev(); } else { result = eMeasure.getPerformanceValueStd(optimizeMeasureName); } // Convert NaN -> 0 return result != result ? 0 : result; } private void printFitestParamValues(final DAVOptions options, final double[] fitestParamValues, final String[] parameterNames) { if (optimalParametersFilename == null) { System.err.println("Best CV performance was obtained with the following parameter values :"); int paramIndex = 0; for (final String paramName : parameterNames) { System.err.println(paramName + "=" + Double.toString(fitestParamValues[paramIndex++])); } } else { final Properties props = new Properties(); int paramIndex = 0; for (final String paramName : parameterNames) { props.setProperty(paramName, fitestParamValues[paramIndex++]); } try { props.setHeader("# Best CV performance was obtained with the following parameter values :");; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { System.err.println("Cannot write optimal parameters to file."); LOG.error("Cannot write optimal parameters to file.", e); } } } private String[] getParameterNames(final String[] discreteParameters) { final String[] names = new String[discreteParameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < discreteParameters.length; i++) { names[i] = discreteParameters[i].split("[=]")[0]; } return names; } private void printFeatures(final DAVOptions options, final int iteration, final IntSet fitestSubSet, final double score) { final ObjectSet<String> probesets = convertSubsetToProbesetIds(fitestSubSet); for (final String probeset : probesets) { final int probesetIndex = options.registerProbeset(probeset); final TranscriptScore tsProbeset = new TranscriptScore(score, probesetIndex); reporter.reportFeature(iteration, score, tsProbeset, options); } } private GeneList convertSubsetToGeneList(final IntSet subset) { final ObjectSet<String> reducedProbesetIds = convertSubsetToProbesetIds(subset); return new FixedGeneList(reducedProbesetIds.toArray(new String[reducedProbesetIds.size()])); } private ObjectSet<String> convertSubsetToProbesetIds(final IntSet subset) { final ObjectSet<String> reducedProbesetIds = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); for (final int probesetIndex : subset) { final MutableString probesetId = inputIdentifiers.getProbesetIdentifier(probesetIndex); if (probesetId != null) { reducedProbesetIds.add(probesetId.toString()); } else { System.out.println("Cannot map: " + probesetId + "index: " + probesetIndex); } } return reducedProbesetIds; } }