Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.basex.modules.nosql;

import java.util.*;
import org.basex.query.QueryException;
import org.basex.query.func.FuncOptions;
import org.basex.query.value.Value;
import org.basex.query.value.item.Item;
import org.basex.query.value.item.QNm;
import org.basex.query.value.item.Str;
import org.basex.query.value.seq.StrSeq;
import org.basex.query.value.type.*;

import com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.*;
import com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlMethodQuery.Delete;
import com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlMethodQuery.Update;
import com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlQuery.*;
import com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.errors.RqlDriverException;
import com.mongodb.util.JSON;

 * This is the primary class for RethinkDB processing in Basex.
 * This is very early version, without official Java driver.
 * @author BaseX Team 2005-14, BSD License
 * @author Prakash Thapa
public class RethinkDB extends Nosql {
    /** URL of Rethinkdb module. */
    private static final String RETHINKDB_URL = "";
    /** QName of Rethinkdb options. */
    private static final QNm Q_RETHINKDB = QNm.get("rethinkdb", "options", RETHINKDB_URL);
    /** Rethinkdb instances. */
    private HashMap<String, RqlConnection> rethinkClient = new HashMap<>();
    /** Rethinkdb nosql options. */
    protected HashMap<String, NosqlOptions> rethinkopts = new HashMap<>();

     * Connect parameters in map like: {"host":"localhost","port":27017,
     * "database":"test", "username":"user", "password":"pass"}.
     * @param connectionMap Map
     * @return Str Key of HashMap that contains all DB Object of Rethinkdb
     * connection instances.
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Str connect(final Map connectionMap) throws QueryException {
        final NosqlOptions opts = new NosqlOptions();
        if (connectionMap != null) {
            new FuncOptions(Q_RETHINKDB, null).parse(connectionMap, opts);
        String handler = "Client" + rethinkClient.size();
        try {
            RqlConnection r = RqlConnection.connect(opts.get(NosqlOptions.HOST), opts.get(NosqlOptions.PORT));
            rethinkClient.put(handler, r);
            rethinkopts.put(handler, opts);
            return Str.get(handler);
        } catch (RqlDriverException e) {
            throw new QueryException(e);

     * get rethinkclient r from hashmap.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @return RqlConnection
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    private RqlConnection getRethikClient(final Str handler) throws QueryException {
        RqlConnection r = rethinkClient.get(handler.toJava());
        if (r == null) {
            throw new QueryException("invalid client");
        return r;


     * get rethinkdb option from particular db handler.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @return MongoOptions
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    protected NosqlOptions getRethinkDBOption(final Str handler) throws QueryException {
        NosqlOptions opt = rethinkopts.get(handler.toJava());
        if (opt == null)
            throw new QueryException("invalid RethinkDB Options");
        return opt;

     * get rethinkclient r from hashmap.
     * @param handler database handler Str
     * @return RqlConnection
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    private com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB getRethikClientDB(final Str handler) throws QueryException {
        RqlConnection r = rethinkClient.get(handler.toJava());
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = r.db(getRethinkDBOption(handler).get(NosqlOptions.DATABASE));
        return db;


     * take query parameters and run (rethinkdb .run() command.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param q Query
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    private Item run(final Str handler, final RqlQuery q) throws QueryException {
        RqlConnection r = getRethikClient(handler);
        try {
            RqlCursor result =;
            return processRqlCursor(handler, result);
        } catch (RqlDriverException e) {
            throw new QueryException(e);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new QueryException(ex);

     * get table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Table
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    private Table getTable(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        return db.table(table.toJava());

     * Process RqlCursor from .run() command and return result.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param cursor RqlCursor
     * @return Item
     * @throws Exception exception
    private Item processRqlCursor(final Str handler, final RqlCursor cursor) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<Object> array = new ArrayList<>();
        for (RqlObject c : cursor) {
            try {
                Object o =;
                if (o instanceof java.util.List<?>) {
                    List<Object> list = c.getList();
                } else if (o instanceof ListIterator<?>) {
                    List<Object> list = c.getList();
                } else {
                    java.util.Map<String, Object> map = c.getMap();
            } catch (RqlDriverException e) {
                throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());
        //       Str json = (array.size() == 1) ? Str.get(JSON.serialize(array.get(0)))
        //               : Str.get(JSON.serialize(array));
        Str json = Str.get(JSON.serialize(array));
        return returnResult(handler, json);

     * This will check the assigned options and then return the final result
     * process by parent class.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param json string
     * @return Item
     * @throws Exception exception
    protected Item returnResult(final Str handler, final Str json) throws Exception {
        Str j = json;
        if (j == null) {
            j = Str.get("{}");
        NosqlOptions opts = getRethinkDBOption(handler);
        if (opts != null) {
            return finalResult(j, opts);
        return finalResult(j, null);

     * create new database.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param db rethinkdb DB #{@link com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB}
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item dbCreate(final Str handler, final Str db) throws QueryException {
        RqlConnection r = getRethikClient(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, r.db_create(db.toJava()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     * drop database.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param db rethinkdb DB
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item dbDrop(final Str handler, final Str db) throws QueryException {
        RqlConnection r = getRethikClient(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, r.db_drop(db.toJava()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     *list all database.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item dbList(final Str handler) throws QueryException {
        RqlConnection r = getRethikClient(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, r.db_list());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     *create new table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item tableCreate(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        return run(handler, db.table_create(table.toJava()));

     *list table in current database.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item tableList(final Str handler) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, db.table_list());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     * drop table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item tableDrop(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, db.table_drop(table.toJava()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     * create index.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param indexname name of index
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item indexCreate(final Str handler, final Str table, final Str indexname) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, db.table(table.toJava()).index_create(indexname.toJava()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     * list all indexes.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item indexList(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, db.table(table.toJava()).index_list());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     *drop Index.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param indexname name of index to be drop
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item indexDrop(final Str handler, final Str table, final Str indexname) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        try {
            return run(handler, db.table(table.toJava()).index_drop(indexname.toJava()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     *insert json{map or json string} to table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param insert Item to be inserted
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item insert(final Str handler, final Str table, final Item insert) throws QueryException {
        return insert(handler, table, insert, null);

     * insert json{map or json string} to table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param insert Item to be inserted
     * @param options other options.
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item insert(final Str handler, final Str table, final Item insert, final Map options)
            throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        if (insert == null) {
            throw new QueryException("insert string cannot be empty");
        Object json;
        if (insert instanceof Str) {
            json = JSON.parse((String) insert.toJava());
        } else {
            json = ((Map) insert).toJava();
        try {
            RqlQuery i;
            if (options == null) {
                i = db.table(table.toJava()).insert(json);
            } else {
                i = db.table(table.toJava()).insert(json, options.toJava());
            return run(handler, i);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());

     * update table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param update Map formated string.
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item update(final Str handler, final Str table, final Map update) throws QueryException {
        return update(handler, table, update, null);

     * update table with filter.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param json json in Map
     * @param filter filter options
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item update(final Str handler, final Str table, final Map json, final Map filter) throws QueryException {
        com.dkhenry.RethinkDB.RqlTopLevelQuery.DB db = getRethikClientDB(handler);
        if (json == null) {
            throw new QueryException("insert string cannot be empty");
        Update u;
        if (filter == null) {
            u = db.table(table.toJava()).update(json.toJava());
        } else {
            u = db.table(table.toJava()).filter(filter.toJava()).update(json.toJava());
            Value keys = filter.keys();
            for (final Item key : keys) {
                if (!(key instanceof Str)) {
                    throw new QueryException("Key " + key.toJava() + " should be string");
                final Value value = filter.get(key, null);
                final String k = (String) key.toJava();
                Object vl = (value.type.isNumber()) ? (Number) value.toJava() : value.toJava();
                if (value instanceof Str) {
                    if (k.toLowerCase().equals(ID)) {
                        u = db.table(table.toJava()).get(vl).update(json.toJava());
        return run(handler, u);

     * get all content of table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item table(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        return run(handler, getTable(handler, table));

     * get content from table with id.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param id row id.
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item get(final Str handler, final Str table, final Item id) throws QueryException {
        if (id == null) {
            throw new QueryException("id should not be empty");
        if (id.seqType().instanceOf(SeqType.ITR_OM) || id.type.isNumber() || id.seqType().mayBeNumber()) {
            long l = id.itr(null);
            System.out.println((int) l);
            return run(handler, getTable(handler, table).get((int) l));
        String s = ((Str) id).toJava();
        return run(handler, getTable(handler, table).get(s));

     *get multiple rows qith sequences of ids.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param ids sequences of ids like (1,2,3)
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item getAll(final Str handler, final Str table, final Value ids) throws QueryException {
        Object[] idSeq = null;
        if (ids instanceof Str) {
            idSeq = new String[1];
            idSeq[0] = ((Str) ids).toJava();
        } else if (ids instanceof StrSeq) {
            int length = (int) ids.size();
            if (length > 0) {
                idSeq = new String[length];
                int i = 0;
                for (Item x : ids) {
                    idSeq[i++] = ((Str) x).toJava();
        } else {
            idSeq = new String[1];
            idSeq[0] = ((Str) ids).toJava();
        return run(handler, getTable(handler, table).get_all(idSeq));

     * check if row has field or not.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param fields name field
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item hasFields(final Str handler, final Str table, final Item fields) throws QueryException {
        if (fields instanceof Map) {
            return run(handler, getTable(handler, table).has_fields(((Map) fields).toJava()));
        String s = (String) fields.toJava();
        return run(handler, getTable(handler, table).has_fields(s));

     * synchronize table.*** need to be done.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item sync(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        return run(handler, getTable(handler, table));

     * delete whole table.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item delete(final Str handler, final Str table) throws QueryException {
        return delete(handler, table, null);

     * delete row with filter.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param filter filter parameters.
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item delete(final Str handler, final Str table, final Item filter) throws QueryException {
        return delete(handler, table, filter, null);

     * delete table with filter and other options.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @param table table name
     * @param filter filters
     * @param options other options.
     * @return Item
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public Item delete(final Str handler, final Str table, final Item filter, final Map options)
            throws QueryException {
        Delete t;
        final HashMap<Object, Object> opt = (options == null) ? null : options.toJava();
        if (filter != null && !filter.isEmpty()) {
            if (filter instanceof Map) {
                t = (opt == null) ? getTable(handler, table).filter(((Map) filter).toJava()).delete()
                        : getTable(handler, table).filter(((Map) filter).toJava()).delete(opt);
            } else {
                // if(filter instanceof Str || filter.type().instanceOf(SeqType.ITR_OM))
                //t = getTable(handler, table).get(filter.toJava()).delete();
                t = (opt == null) ? getTable(handler, table).get(filter.toJava()).delete()
                        : getTable(handler, table).get(filter.toJava()).delete(opt);
        } else {
            t = (opt == null) ? getTable(handler, table).delete() : getTable(handler, table).delete(opt);
        return run(handler, t);

     * close databse connection.
     * @param handler database handler
     * @throws QueryException query exception
    public void close(final Str handler) throws QueryException {
        try {
        } catch (RqlDriverException e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (QueryException e) {
            throw new QueryException(e.getMessage());
    //    @SuppressWarnings("javadoc")
    //    public Function lambda(final String method, final String param) {
    //      Function f = new Function() {
    //        @Override
    //        public RqlQuery apply(final RqlQuery.Var var) {
    //          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    //          switch(method) {
    //            case "add":
    //                var.has_fields(param);
    //              break;
    //            default:
    //              break;
    //          }
    //          return null;
    //        }
    //      };
    //     return f;
    //  }