Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012 Fundaci Barcelona Media
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.barcelonamedia.uima.reader.DBXMIReader;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiCasDeserializer;
import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionException;
import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionReader_ImplBase;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.util.Progress;
import org.apache.uima.util.ProgressImpl;
import org.barcelonamedia.uima.reader.DBXMIReader.DAO.DAOException;
import org.barcelonamedia.uima.reader.DBXMIReader.DAO.DAOFactory;
import org.barcelonamedia.uima.reader.DBXMIReader.DAO.XMIDAO;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class DBXMICollectionReader extends CollectionReader_ImplBase {

    /** The logger object. */
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DBXMICollectionReader.class.toString());

    // Suported DBMS:  -----------------------------------------

    private static final String MySQL = "MySQL";


    private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_OF_DOCUMENTS = 2;

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies DBMS to be used.
     * The value of this variable is 'DBMS' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_DBMS = "DBMS";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies the server where DBMS is being hosted.
     * The value of this variable is 'Server' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_SERVER = "Server";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies port to be used to connect to the specified DBMS.
     * The value of this variable is 'Port' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_PORT = "Port";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies the name of the database to be used.
     * The value of this variable is 'Database' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_DATABASE = "Database";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies the username fof the specified database.
     * The value of this variable is 'User' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_USER = "User";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies the password fof the specified database.
     * The value of this variable is 'Password' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_PASSWORD = "Password";

    /** Correponds to an optional parameter that contains the language of the documents in the database.
     * If not specified, the default system encoding will be used.
     * The value of this variable is 'sql_select' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_SQL = "sql_select";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies whether XMI is to be decompressed or not before inserting it into CAS.
     * The value of this variable is 'compression' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_DO_DECOMPRESSION = "compression";

    /** Correponds to a parameter that specifies whether checking of number of documents to be processed is to be done or not. 
     * This is useful for some cases in which SQL sentence are quite expensive.
     * The value of this variable is 'enableDocCounter' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    private static final String PARAM_ENABLE_DOC_COUNTER = "enableDocCounter";

    /** Name of the configuration parameter that must be set to indicate if the
     * execution fails if an encountered type is unknown.
     * The value of this variable is 'mFailOnUnknownType' which is the name of 
     * the parameter in the descriptor file that must be set.
     * @see "/DBXMICollectionReader/desc/DBXMICollectionReader"
    public static final String PARAM_FAILUNKNOWN = "FailOnUnknownType";

    /** DAO Factory object. */
    private DAOFactory daoFactory;

    /** XMI DAO object. */
    private XMIDAO documentDAO;

    /** XMI decompression flag **/
    private Boolean do_decompression;

    /** Flag which enables/disables number of documents retrieving **/
    private Boolean retrieve_number_of_docs;

    private ResultSet documents;

    private Boolean mFailOnUnknownType;

    private int documentSize;

    private int currentIndex;

    /** ID of the document being processed **/
    private String documentID;

    /** Documento in process **/
    private InputStream documentData;

      * Initialize the component. Retrieve the parameters and process them, 
      * parsing the field descriptions and preparing the structures needed to
      * process the documents.
      * @param aContext
      *            The UIMA context.
      * @throws ResourceInitializationException
      *             If an error occurs with some resource.
      * @see org.apache.uima.analysis_component.AnalysisComponent_ImplBase#initialize(org.apache.uima.UimaContext)
    public void initialize() throws ResourceInitializationException {

        System.out.println("DBXMICollectionReader: initialize()...");"initialize()...");

        String dbms = (String) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_DBMS);
        String server = (String) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_SERVER);
        int port = (Integer) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_PORT);
        String database = (String) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_DATABASE);
        String user = (String) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_USER);
        String password = (String) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_PASSWORD);

        String sql_sentence = (String) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_SQL);

        this.do_decompression = (Boolean) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_DO_DECOMPRESSION);
        this.retrieve_number_of_docs = (Boolean) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_ENABLE_DOC_COUNTER);

        this.mFailOnUnknownType = (Boolean) getUimaContext().getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_FAILUNKNOWN);

        if ((dbms == null || dbms.length() == 0) || (server == null || server.length() == 0)
                || (new Integer(port) == null) || (database == null || database.length() == 0)
                || (user == null || user.length() == 0) || (password == null || password.length() == 0)
                || (sql_sentence == null || sql_sentence.length() == 0)) {

            throw new ResourceInitializationException();
        }"initialize() - dbms: " + dbms);"initialize() - server: " + server);"initialize() - port: " + port);"initialize() - database: " + database);"initialize() - user: " + user);"initialize() - password: " + password);"initialize() - sql_sentence: " + sql_sentence);

        if (dbms.equals(MySQL)) {

            System.out.println("DBXMICollectionReader: initialize() - Using MySQL as DBMS.");

            this.daoFactory = DAOFactory.getDAOFactory(DAOFactory.MYSQL);

            Hashtable<String, String> connectionParams = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            connectionParams.put("server", server);
            connectionParams.put("port", String.valueOf(port));
            connectionParams.put("database", database);
            connectionParams.put("user", user);
            connectionParams.put("password", password);

            this.documentDAO = this.daoFactory.getDocumentDAO(connectionParams);


            try {

                if (this.retrieve_number_of_docs) {

                    this.documentSize = this.documentDAO.getNumberOfXMI();
                } else {

                    this.documentSize = DEFAULT_NUM_OF_DOCUMENTS;

                this.documents = this.documentDAO.getXMI();
            } catch (DAOException e) {

                throw new ResourceInitializationException(e);

        this.currentIndex = 0;"initialize() - Done.");

    public void getNext(CAS aCAS) throws IOException, CollectionException {

        try {

            if (this.do_decompression) {

                //Create the decompressor and give it the data to compress
                Inflater decompressor = new Inflater();
                byte[] documentDataByteArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(this.documentData);


                //Create an expandable byte array to hold the decompressed data
                ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(documentDataByteArray.length);

                //Decompress the data
                byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

                while (!decompressor.finished()) {

                    try {

                        int count = decompressor.inflate(buf);
                        bos.write(buf, 0, count);
                    } catch (DataFormatException e) {

                        System.err.println("ERROR in Collection Reader " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage());
                        throw new IOException();

                try {

                } catch (IOException e) {

                    System.err.println("ERROR in Collection Reader " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage());
                    throw new IOException();

                //Get the decompressed data
                byte[] decompressedData = bos.toByteArray();

                XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressedData), aCAS,
            } else {

                XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(this.documentData, aCAS, !this.mFailOnUnknownType);

            this.currentIndex += 1;
        } catch (SAXException e) {

            System.err.println("ERROR in Collection Reader " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage());
            throw new CollectionException(e);

    public boolean hasNext() throws IOException, CollectionException {

        try {

            boolean hasNext =;

            if (!hasNext) {

            } else {

                //get document 
                this.documentData = this.documents.getBlob("xmi").getBinaryStream();

                //get document id
                this.documentID = this.documents.getString("id");

            return hasNext;
        } catch (Exception e) {

            try {

                // try to reconnect and continue.
                boolean hasNext =;

                if (!hasNext) {

                    return false;

                //get document 
                this.documentData = this.documents.getBlob("xmi").getBinaryStream();

                //get document id
                this.documentID = this.documents.getString("id");

                return true;
            } catch (Exception E) {

                System.err.println("ERROR in reconnect");
                throw new CollectionException(E);

    public Progress[] getProgress() {

        return new Progress[] { new ProgressImpl(this.currentIndex, this.documentSize, Progress.ENTITIES) };

    public void close() throws IOException {
