Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, B3log Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.b3log.solo.util; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.b3log.latke.Keys; import org.b3log.latke.Latkes; import org.b3log.latke.cache.PageCaches; import org.b3log.latke.service.ServiceException; import org.b3log.latke.util.Locales; import org.b3log.latke.util.Stopwatchs; import org.b3log.latke.util.freemarker.Templates; import org.b3log.solo.SoloServletListener; import org.b3log.solo.model.Preference; import org.b3log.solo.service.PreferenceMgmtService; import static org.b3log.solo.model.Skin.*; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Skin utilities. * * @author <a href="">Liang Ding</a> * @version, Jun 12, 2012 * @since 0.3.1 */ public final class Skins { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Skins.class.getName()); /** * Properties map. */ private static final Map<String, Map<String, String>> LANG_MAP = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); /** * Private default constructor. */ private Skins() { } /** * Fills the specified data model with the current skink's language * configurations. * * @param localeString the specified locale string * @param currentSkinDirName the specified current skin directory name * @param dataModel the specified data model * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public static void fillSkinLangs(final String localeString, final String currentSkinDirName, final Map<String, Object> dataModel) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Skin Langs"); try { final String langName = currentSkinDirName + "." + localeString; Map<String, String> langs = LANG_MAP.get(langName); if (null == langs) { LANG_MAP.clear(); // Collect unused skin languages LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Loading skin[dirName={0}, locale={1}]", new Object[] { currentSkinDirName, localeString }); langs = new HashMap<String, String>(); final String webRootPath = SoloServletListener.getWebRoot(); final String language = Locales.getLanguage(localeString); final String country = Locales.getCountry(localeString); final Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileReader( webRootPath + "skins" + File.separator + currentSkinDirName + File.separator + Keys.LANGUAGE + File.separator + Keys.LANGUAGE + '_' + language + '_' + country + ".properties")); final Set<Object> keys = props.keySet(); for (final Object key : keys) { langs.put((String) key, props.getProperty((String) key)); } LANG_MAP.put(langName, langs); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Loaded skin[dirName={0}, locale={1}, keyCount={2}]", new Object[] { currentSkinDirName, localeString, langs.size() }); } dataModel.putAll(langs); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Fills skin langs failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Loads skins for the specified preference and initializes templates * loading. * * <p> * If the skins directory has been changed, persists the change into * preference. * </p> * * @param preference the specified preference * @throws Exception exception */ public static void loadSkins(final JSONObject preference) throws Exception { Stopwatchs.start("Load Skins");"Loading skins...."); final Set<String> skinDirNames = getSkinDirNames(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Loaded skins[dirNames={0}]", skinDirNames); final JSONArray skinArray = new JSONArray(); for (final String dirName : skinDirNames) { final JSONObject skin = new JSONObject(); final String name = getSkinName(dirName); if (null == name) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "The directory[{0}] does not contain any skin, ignored it", dirName); continue; } skin.put(SKIN_NAME, name); skin.put(SKIN_DIR_NAME, dirName); skinArray.put(skin); } final String currentSkinDirName = preference.optString(SKIN_DIR_NAME); final String skinName = preference.optString(SKIN_NAME); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Current skin[name={0}]", skinName); if (!skinDirNames.contains(currentSkinDirName)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Configred skin[dirName={0}] can not find, try to use " + "default skin[dirName=ease] instead.", currentSkinDirName); if (!skinDirNames.contains("ease")) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not find skin[dirName=ease]"); throw new IllegalStateException( "Can not find default skin[dirName=ease], please redeploy your B3log Solo and make sure " + "contains this default skin!"); } preference.put(SKIN_DIR_NAME, "ease"); preference.put(SKIN_NAME, "ease"); PreferenceMgmtService.getInstance().updatePreference(preference); PageCaches.removeAll(); // Clears cache manually. } final String skinsString = skinArray.toString(); if (!skinsString.equals(preference.getString(SKINS))) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "The skins directory has been changed, persists " + "the change into preference"); preference.put(SKINS, skinsString); PreferenceMgmtService.getInstance().updatePreference(preference); PageCaches.removeAll(); // Clears cache manually. } if (preference.getBoolean(Preference.PAGE_CACHE_ENABLED)) { Latkes.enablePageCache(); } else { Latkes.disablePageCache(); } setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(preference.getString(SKIN_DIR_NAME)); final String localeString = preference.getString(Preference.LOCALE_STRING); if ("zh_CN".equals(localeString)) { TimeZones.setTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai"); }"Loaded skins...."); Stopwatchs.end(); } /** * Sets the directory for template loading with the specified skin directory * name, and sets the directory for mobile request template loading. * * @param skinDirName the specified skin directory name */ public static void setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(final String skinDirName) { try { final String webRootPath = SoloServletListener.getWebRoot(); final String skinPath = webRootPath + SKINS + File.separator + skinDirName; Templates.MAIN_CFG.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(skinPath)); Templates.MOBILE_CFG .setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(webRootPath + SKINS + File.separator + "mobile")); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Loads skins error!", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } /** * Gets all skin directory names. Scans the * {@linkplain SoloServletListener#getWebRoot() Web root}/skins/ directory, * using the subdirectory of it as the skin directory name, for example, * <pre> * ${Web root}/skins/ * <b>default</b>/ * <b>mobile</b>/ * <b>classic</b>/ * </pre> * Skips files that name starts with . and {@linkplain File#isHidden() * hidden} files. * * @return a set of skin name, returns an empty set if not found */ public static Set<String> getSkinDirNames() { final String webRootPath = SoloServletListener.getWebRoot(); final File skins = new File(webRootPath + "skins" + File.separator); final File[] skinDirs = skins.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File file) { return file.isDirectory() && !file.getName().startsWith("."); } }); final Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(); if (null == skinDirs) { LOGGER.severe("Skin directory is null"); return ret; } for (int i = 0; i < skinDirs.length; i++) { final File file = skinDirs[i]; ret.add(file.getName()); } return ret; } /** * Gets the skin name for the specified skin directory name. The skin name * was configured in file({@code name} as the key) under * skin directory specified by the given skin directory name. * * @param skinDirName the given skin directory name * @return skin name, returns {@code null} if not found or error occurs * @see #getSkinDirNames() */ public static String getSkinName(final String skinDirName) { final String webRootPath = SoloServletListener.getWebRoot(); final File skins = new File(webRootPath + "skins" + File.separator); final File[] skinDirs = skins.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory() && pathname.getName().equals(skinDirName) ? true : false; } }); if (null == skinDirs) { LOGGER.severe("Skin directory is null"); return null; } if (1 != skinDirs.length) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Skin directory count[{0}]", skinDirs.length); return null; } try { final Properties ret = new Properties(); final String skinPropsPath = skinDirs[0].getPath() + File.separator + ""; ret.load(new FileReader(skinPropsPath)); return ret.getProperty("name"); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Read skin configuration error[msg={0}]", e.getMessage()); return null; } } }