Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, B3log Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.b3log.solo.service; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.b3log.latke.Keys; import org.b3log.latke.repository.RepositoryException; import org.b3log.latke.repository.Transaction; import org.b3log.latke.service.LangPropsService; import org.b3log.latke.service.ServiceException; import org.b3log.latke.util.Ids; import org.b3log.latke.util.Strings; import org.b3log.solo.model.Comment; import org.b3log.solo.model.Page; import org.b3log.solo.model.Preference; import org.b3log.solo.repository.CommentRepository; import org.b3log.solo.repository.PageRepository; import org.b3log.solo.repository.impl.CommentRepositoryImpl; import org.b3log.solo.repository.impl.PageRepositoryImpl; import org.b3log.solo.util.Comments; import org.b3log.solo.util.Permalinks; import org.b3log.solo.util.Statistics; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Page management service. * * @author <a href="">Liang Ding</a> * @version, Jun 8, 2012 * @since 0.4.0 */ public final class PageMgmtService { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PageMgmtService.class.getName()); /** * Page repository. */ private PageRepository pageRepository = PageRepositoryImpl.getInstance(); /** * Comment repository. */ private CommentRepository commentRepository = CommentRepositoryImpl.getInstance(); /** * Statistic utilities. */ private Statistics statistics = Statistics.getInstance(); /** * Language service. */ private LangPropsService langPropsService = LangPropsService.getInstance(); /** * Permalink utilities. */ private Permalinks permalinks = Permalinks.getInstance(); /** * Preference query service. */ private PreferenceQueryService preferenceQueryService = PreferenceQueryService.getInstance(); /** * Updates a page by the specified request json object. * * @param requestJSONObject the specified request json object, for example, * <pre> * { * "page": { * "oId": "", * "pageTitle": "", * "pageContent": "", * "pageOrder": int, * "pageCommentCount": int, * "pagePermalink": "", * "pageCommentable": boolean, * "pageType": "", * "pageOpenTarget": "" * } * }, see {@link Page} for more details * </pre> * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void updatePage(final JSONObject requestJSONObject) throws ServiceException { final Transaction transaction = pageRepository.beginTransaction(); try { final JSONObject page = requestJSONObject.getJSONObject(Page.PAGE); final String pageId = page.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID); final JSONObject oldPage = pageRepository.get(pageId); final JSONObject newPage = new JSONObject(page, JSONObject.getNames(page)); newPage.put(Page.PAGE_ORDER, oldPage.getInt(Page.PAGE_ORDER)); newPage.put(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT, oldPage.getInt(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT)); String permalink = page.optString(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK).trim(); final String oldPermalink = oldPage.getString(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK); if (!oldPermalink.equals(permalink)) { if (Strings.isEmptyOrNull(permalink)) { permalink = "/pages/" + pageId + ".html"; } if (Page.PAGE.equals(page.getString(Page.PAGE_TYPE))) { if (!permalink.startsWith("/")) { permalink = "/" + permalink; } if (Permalinks.invalidPagePermalinkFormat(permalink)) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(langPropsService.get("invalidPermalinkFormatLabel")); } if (!oldPermalink.equals(permalink) && permalinks.exist(permalink)) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(langPropsService.get("duplicatedPermalinkLabel")); } } } // TODO: SBC case newPage.put(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK, permalink.replaceAll(" ", "-")); if (!oldPage.getString(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK).equals(permalink)) { // The permalink has been updated // Updates related comments' links processCommentsForPageUpdate(newPage); } // Editor type final JSONObject preference = preferenceQueryService.getPreference(); newPage.put(Page.PAGE_EDITOR_TYPE, preference.optString(Preference.EDITOR_TYPE)); pageRepository.update(pageId, newPage); transaction.commit(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Updated a page[id={0}]", pageId); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Removes a page specified by the given page id. * * @param pageId the given page id * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void removePage(final String pageId) throws ServiceException { final Transaction transaction = pageRepository.beginTransaction(); try { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Removing a page[id={0}]", pageId); removePageComments(pageId); pageRepository.remove(pageId); transaction.commit(); } catch (final Exception e) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Removes a page[id=" + pageId + "] failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Adds a page with the specified request json object. * * @param requestJSONObject the specified request json object, for example, * <pre> * { * "page": { * "pageTitle": "", * "pageContent": "", * "pageOpenTarget": "", * "pageCommentable": boolean, * "pageType": "", * "pagePermalink": "" // optional * } * }, see {@link Page} for more details * </pre> * @return generated page id * @throws ServiceException if permalink format checks failed or persists * failed */ public String addPage(final JSONObject requestJSONObject) throws ServiceException { final Transaction transaction = pageRepository.beginTransaction(); try { final JSONObject page = requestJSONObject.getJSONObject(Page.PAGE); page.put(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT, 0); final int maxOrder = pageRepository.getMaxOrder(); page.put(Page.PAGE_ORDER, maxOrder + 1); String permalink = page.optString(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK); if (Strings.isEmptyOrNull(permalink)) { permalink = "/pages/" + Ids.genTimeMillisId() + ".html"; } if (Page.PAGE.equals(page.getString(Page.PAGE_TYPE))) { if (!permalink.startsWith("/")) { permalink = "/" + permalink; } if (Permalinks.invalidPagePermalinkFormat(permalink)) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(langPropsService.get("invalidPermalinkFormatLabel")); } if (permalinks.exist(permalink)) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(langPropsService.get("duplicatedPermalinkLabel")); } } // TODO: SBC case page.put(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK, permalink.replaceAll(" ", "-")); // Editor type final JSONObject preference = preferenceQueryService.getPreference(); page.put(Page.PAGE_EDITOR_TYPE, preference.optString(Preference.EDITOR_TYPE)); final String ret = pageRepository.add(page); transaction.commit(); return ret; } catch (final JSONException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(e); } catch (final RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Changes the order of a page specified by the given page id with * the specified direction. * * @param pageId the given page id * @param direction the specified direction, "up"/"down" * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void changeOrder(final String pageId, final String direction) throws ServiceException { final Transaction transaction = pageRepository.beginTransaction(); try { final JSONObject srcPage = pageRepository.get(pageId); final int srcPageOrder = srcPage.getInt(Page.PAGE_ORDER); JSONObject targetPage = null; if ("up".equals(direction)) { targetPage = pageRepository.getUpper(pageId); } else { // Down targetPage = pageRepository.getUnder(pageId); } if (null == targetPage) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Cant not find the target page of source page[order={0}]", srcPageOrder); return; } // Swaps srcPage.put(Page.PAGE_ORDER, targetPage.getInt(Page.PAGE_ORDER)); targetPage.put(Page.PAGE_ORDER, srcPageOrder); pageRepository.update(srcPage.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID), srcPage); pageRepository.update(targetPage.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID), targetPage); transaction.commit(); } catch (final Exception e) { if (transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Changes page's order failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Gets the {@link PageMgmtService} singleton. * * @return the singleton */ public static PageMgmtService getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.SINGLETON; } /** * Removes page comments by the specified page id. * * <p> * Removes related comments, sets page/blog comment statistic count. * </p> * * @param pageId the specified page id * @throws JSONException json exception * @throws RepositoryException repository exception */ private void removePageComments(final String pageId) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { final int removedCnt = commentRepository.removeComments(pageId); int blogCommentCount = statistics.getBlogCommentCount(); blogCommentCount -= removedCnt; statistics.setBlogCommentCount(blogCommentCount); int publishedBlogCommentCount = statistics.getPublishedBlogCommentCount(); publishedBlogCommentCount -= removedCnt; statistics.setPublishedBlogCommentCount(publishedBlogCommentCount); } /** * Processes comments for page update. * * @param page the specified page to update * @throws Exception exception */ public void processCommentsForPageUpdate(final JSONObject page) throws Exception { final String pageId = page.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID); final List<JSONObject> comments = commentRepository.getComments(pageId, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (final JSONObject comment : comments) { final String commentId = comment.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID); final String sharpURL = Comments.getCommentSharpURLForPage(page, commentId); comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_SHARP_URL, sharpURL); if (Strings.isEmptyOrNull(comment.optString(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID))) { comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID, ""); } if (Strings.isEmptyOrNull(comment.optString(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME))) { comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, ""); } commentRepository.update(commentId, comment); } } /** * Private constructor. */ private PageMgmtService() { } /** * Singleton holder. * * @author <a href="">Liang Ding</a> * @version, Oct 27, 2011 */ private static final class SingletonHolder { /** * Singleton. */ private static final PageMgmtService SINGLETON = new PageMgmtService(); /** * Private default constructor. */ private SingletonHolder() { } } }