Java tutorial
/* * Solo - A small and beautiful blogging system written in Java. * Copyright (c) 2010-2018, & * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.b3log.solo.service; import freemarker.template.Template; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.b3log.latke.Keys; import org.b3log.latke.Latkes; import org.b3log.latke.event.Event; import org.b3log.latke.event.EventManager; import org.b3log.latke.ioc.Inject; import org.b3log.latke.logging.Level; import org.b3log.latke.logging.Logger; import org.b3log.latke.model.Pagination; import org.b3log.latke.model.Plugin; import org.b3log.latke.model.Role; import org.b3log.latke.model.User; import org.b3log.latke.plugin.ViewLoadEventData; import org.b3log.latke.repository.*; import org.b3log.latke.service.LangPropsService; import org.b3log.latke.service.ServiceException; import org.b3log.latke.service.annotation.Service; import org.b3log.latke.util.*; import org.b3log.solo.SoloServletListener; import org.b3log.solo.model.*; import org.b3log.solo.repository.*; import org.b3log.solo.util.Emotions; import org.b3log.solo.util.Markdowns; import org.b3log.solo.util.Skins; import org.b3log.solo.util.Solos; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import java.util.*; import static org.b3log.solo.model.Article.ARTICLE_CONTENT; /** * Data model service. * * @author <a href="">Liang Ding</a> * @author <a href="">Liyuan Li</a> * @version, Dec 10, 2018 * @since 0.3.1 */ @Service public class DataModelService { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DataModelService.class); /** * {@code true} for published. */ private static final boolean PUBLISHED = true; /** * Article repository. */ @Inject private ArticleRepository articleRepository; /** * Comment repository. */ @Inject private CommentRepository commentRepository; /** * Archive date repository. */ @Inject private ArchiveDateRepository archiveDateRepository; /** * Category repository. */ @Inject private CategoryRepository categoryRepository; /** * Tag repository. */ @Inject private TagRepository tagRepository; /** * Link repository. */ @Inject private LinkRepository linkRepository; /** * Page repository. */ @Inject private PageRepository pageRepository; /** * Statistic query service. */ @Inject private StatisticQueryService statisticQueryService; /** * User repository. */ @Inject private UserRepository userRepository; /** * Option query service.. */ @Inject private OptionQueryService optionQueryService; /** * Article query service. */ @Inject private ArticleQueryService articleQueryService; /** * Tag query service. */ @Inject private TagQueryService tagQueryService; /** * User query service. */ @Inject private UserQueryService userQueryService; /** * Event manager. */ @Inject private EventManager eventManager; /** * Language service. */ @Inject private LangPropsService langPropsService; /** * User management service. */ @Inject private UserMgmtService userMgmtService; /** * Fills articles in index.ftl. * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param dataModel data model * @param currentPageNum current page number * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillIndexArticles(final HttpServletRequest request, final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final int currentPageNum, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Index Articles"); try { final int pageSize = preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_DISPLAY_COUNT); final int windowSize = preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_PAGINATION_WINDOW_SIZE); final JSONObject statistic = statisticQueryService.getStatistic(); final int publishedArticleCnt = statistic.getInt(Option.ID_C_STATISTIC_PUBLISHED_ARTICLE_COUNT); final int pageCount = (int) Math.ceil((double) publishedArticleCnt / (double) pageSize); final Query query = new Query().setCurrentPageNum(currentPageNum).setPageSize(pageSize) .setPageCount(pageCount) .setFilter(new PropertyFilter(Article.ARTICLE_IS_PUBLISHED, FilterOperator.EQUAL, PUBLISHED)); final Template template = Skins.getSkinTemplate(request, "index.ftl"); boolean isArticles1 = false; if (null == template) { LOGGER.debug("The skin dose not contain [index.ftl] template"); } else // See for more details if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list articles1 as article>")) { isArticles1 = true; query.addSort(Article.ARTICLE_CREATED, SortDirection.DESCENDING); LOGGER.trace("Query ${articles1} in index.ftl"); } else { // <#list articles as article> query.addSort(Article.ARTICLE_PUT_TOP, SortDirection.DESCENDING); if (preference.getBoolean(Option.ID_C_ENABLE_ARTICLE_UPDATE_HINT)) { query.addSort(Article.ARTICLE_UPDATED, SortDirection.DESCENDING); } else { query.addSort(Article.ARTICLE_CREATED, SortDirection.DESCENDING); } } query.index(Article.ARTICLE_PERMALINK); final List<Integer> pageNums = Paginator.paginate(currentPageNum, pageSize, pageCount, windowSize); if (0 != pageNums.size()) { dataModel.put(Pagination.PAGINATION_FIRST_PAGE_NUM, pageNums.get(0)); dataModel.put(Pagination.PAGINATION_LAST_PAGE_NUM, pageNums.get(pageNums.size() - 1)); } dataModel.put(Pagination.PAGINATION_PAGE_COUNT, pageCount); dataModel.put(Pagination.PAGINATION_PAGE_NUMS, pageNums); final List<JSONObject> articles = articleRepository.getList(query); setArticlesExProperties(request, articles, preference); if (!isArticles1) { dataModel.put(Article.ARTICLES, articles); } else { dataModel.put(Article.ARTICLES + "1", articles); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills index articles failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills links. * * @param dataModel data model * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillLinks(final Map<String, Object> dataModel) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Links"); try { final Map<String, SortDirection> sorts = new HashMap<>(); sorts.put(Link.LINK_ORDER, SortDirection.ASCENDING); final Query query = new Query().addSort(Link.LINK_ORDER, SortDirection.ASCENDING).setPageCount(1); final List<JSONObject> links = linkRepository.getList(query); dataModel.put(Link.LINKS, links); } catch (final RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills links failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } Stopwatchs.end(); } /** * Fills tags. * * @param dataModel data model * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillTags(final Map<String, Object> dataModel) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Tags"); try { final List<JSONObject> tags = tagQueryService.getTags(); tagQueryService.removeForUnpublishedArticles(tags); Collections.sort(tags, Comparator.comparingInt(t -> -t.optInt(Tag.TAG_REFERENCE_COUNT))); dataModel.put(Tag.TAGS, tags); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills tags failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } Stopwatchs.end(); } /** * Fills categories. * * @param dataModel data model * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillCategories(final Map<String, Object> dataModel) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Categories"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling categories...."); final List<JSONObject> categories = categoryRepository.getMostUsedCategories(Integer.MAX_VALUE); dataModel.put(Category.CATEGORIES, categories); } catch (final RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills categories failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills most used categories. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillMostUsedCategories(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Most Used Categories"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling most used categories...."); final int mostUsedCategoryDisplayCnt = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // XXX: preference instead final List<JSONObject> categories = categoryRepository .getMostUsedCategories(mostUsedCategoryDisplayCnt); dataModel.put(Common.MOST_USED_CATEGORIES, categories); } catch (final RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills most used categories failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills most used tags. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillMostUsedTags(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Most Used Tags"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling most used tags...."); final int mostUsedTagDisplayCnt = preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_MOST_USED_TAG_DISPLAY_CNT); final List<JSONObject> tags = tagRepository.getMostUsedTags(mostUsedTagDisplayCnt); tagQueryService.removeForUnpublishedArticles(tags); dataModel.put(Common.MOST_USED_TAGS, tags); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills most used tags failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills archive dates. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillArchiveDates(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Archive Dates"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling archive dates...."); final List<JSONObject> archiveDates = archiveDateRepository.getArchiveDates(); final List<JSONObject> archiveDates2 = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); dataModel.put(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_DATES, archiveDates2); if (archiveDates.isEmpty()) { return; } archiveDates2.add(archiveDates.get(0)); if (1 < archiveDates.size()) { // XXX: Workaround, remove the duplicated archive dates for (int i = 1; i < archiveDates.size(); i++) { final JSONObject archiveDate = archiveDates.get(i); final long time = archiveDate.getLong(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_TIME); final String dateString = DateFormatUtils.format(time, "yyyy/MM"); final JSONObject last = archiveDates2.get(archiveDates2.size() - 1); final String lastDateString = DateFormatUtils.format(last.getLong(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_TIME), "yyyy/MM"); if (!dateString.equals(lastDateString)) { archiveDates2.add(archiveDate); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Found a duplicated archive date [{0}]", dateString); } } } final String localeString = preference.getString(Option.ID_C_LOCALE_STRING); final String language = Locales.getLanguage(localeString); for (final JSONObject archiveDate : archiveDates2) { final long time = archiveDate.getLong(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_TIME); final String dateString = DateFormatUtils.format(time, "yyyy/MM"); final String[] dateStrings = dateString.split("/"); final String year = dateStrings[0]; final String month = dateStrings[1]; archiveDate.put(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_DATE_YEAR, year); archiveDate.put(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_DATE_MONTH, month); if ("en".equals(language)) { final String monthName = Dates.EN_MONTHS.get(month); archiveDate.put(Common.MONTH_NAME, monthName); } } dataModel.put(ArchiveDate.ARCHIVE_DATES, archiveDates2); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills archive dates failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills most view count articles. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillMostViewCountArticles(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Most View Articles"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling the most view count articles...."); final int mostCommentArticleDisplayCnt = preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_MOST_VIEW_ARTICLE_DISPLAY_CNT); final List<JSONObject> mostViewCountArticles = articleRepository .getMostViewCountArticles(mostCommentArticleDisplayCnt); dataModel.put(Common.MOST_VIEW_COUNT_ARTICLES, mostViewCountArticles); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills most view count articles failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills most comments articles. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillMostCommentArticles(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Most CMMTs Articles"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling most comment articles...."); final int mostCommentArticleDisplayCnt = preference .getInt(Option.ID_C_MOST_COMMENT_ARTICLE_DISPLAY_CNT); final List<JSONObject> mostCommentArticles = articleRepository .getMostCommentArticles(mostCommentArticleDisplayCnt); dataModel.put(Common.MOST_COMMENT_ARTICLES, mostCommentArticles); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills most comment articles failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills post articles recently. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillRecentArticles(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Recent Articles"); try { final int recentArticleDisplayCnt = preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_RECENT_ARTICLE_DISPLAY_CNT); final List<JSONObject> recentArticles = articleRepository.getRecentArticles(recentArticleDisplayCnt); dataModel.put(Common.RECENT_ARTICLES, recentArticles); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills recent articles failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills post comments recently. * * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillRecentComments(final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Recent Comments"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling recent comments...."); final int recentCommentDisplayCnt = preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_RECENT_COMMENT_DISPLAY_CNT); final List<JSONObject> recentComments = commentRepository.getRecentComments(recentCommentDisplayCnt); for (final JSONObject comment : recentComments) { String commentContent = comment.optString(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT); commentContent = Emotions.convert(commentContent); commentContent = Markdowns.toHTML(commentContent); commentContent = Jsoup.clean(commentContent, Whitelist.relaxed()); comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT, commentContent); comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_NAME, comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME)); comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_URL, comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_URL)); comment.put(Common.IS_REPLY, false); comment.remove(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL); // Erases email for security reason comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_T_DATE, new Date(comment.optLong(Comment.COMMENT_CREATED))); comment.put("commentDate2", new Date(comment.optLong(Comment.COMMENT_CREATED))); final String email = comment.optString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL); final String thumbnailURL = comment.optString(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL); if (StringUtils.isBlank(thumbnailURL)) { comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL, Solos.getGravatarURL(email, "128")); } } dataModel.put(Common.RECENT_COMMENTS, recentComments); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills recent comments failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills common parts (header, side and footer). * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param response the specified HTTP servlet response * @param dataModel the specified data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillCommon(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { fillSide(request, dataModel, preference); fillBlogHeader(request, response, dataModel, preference); fillBlogFooter(request, response, dataModel, preference); // ????? final Map<String, String> customVars = new HashMap<>(); final String customVarsStr = preference.optString(Option.ID_C_CUSTOM_VARS); final String[] customVarsArray = customVarsStr.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < customVarsArray.length; i++) { final String customVarPair = customVarsArray[i]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(customVarsStr)) { final String customVarKey = customVarPair.split("=")[0]; final String customVarVal = customVarPair.split("=")[1]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(customVarKey) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(customVarVal)) { customVars.put(customVarKey, customVarVal); } } } dataModel.put("customVars", customVars); } /** * Fills footer.ftl. * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param response the specified HTTP servlet response * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ private void fillBlogFooter(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Footer"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling footer...."); final String blogTitle = preference.getString(Option.ID_C_BLOG_TITLE); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_BLOG_TITLE, blogTitle); dataModel.put("blogHost", Latkes.getServePath()); dataModel.put(Common.VERSION, SoloServletListener.VERSION); dataModel.put(Common.STATIC_RESOURCE_VERSION, Latkes.getStaticResourceVersion()); dataModel.put(Common.YEAR, String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR))); String footerContent = ""; final JSONObject opt = optionQueryService.getOptionById(Option.ID_C_FOOTER_CONTENT); if (null != opt) { footerContent = opt.optString(Option.OPTION_VALUE); } dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_FOOTER_CONTENT, footerContent); dataModel.put(Keys.Server.STATIC_SERVER, Latkes.getStaticServer()); dataModel.put(Keys.Server.SERVER, Latkes.getServer()); dataModel.put(Common.IS_INDEX, "/".equals(request.getRequestURI())); dataModel.put(User.USER_NAME, ""); final JSONObject currentUser = Solos.getCurrentUser(request, response); if (null != currentUser) { final String userAvatar = currentUser.optString(UserExt.USER_AVATAR); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAvatar)) { dataModel.put(Common.GRAVATAR, userAvatar); } else { final String email = currentUser.optString(User.USER_EMAIL); final String gravatar = Solos.getGravatarURL(email, "128"); dataModel.put(Common.GRAVATAR, gravatar); } dataModel.put(User.USER_NAME, currentUser.optString(User.USER_NAME)); } // Activates plugins final ViewLoadEventData data = new ViewLoadEventData(); data.setViewName("footer.ftl"); data.setDataModel(dataModel); eventManager.fireEventSynchronously(new Event<>(Keys.FREEMARKER_ACTION, data)); if (StringUtils.isBlank((String) dataModel.get(Plugin.PLUGINS))) { // There is no plugin for this template, fill ${plugins} with blank. dataModel.put(Plugin.PLUGINS, ""); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills blog footer failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills header.ftl. * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param response the specified HTTP servlet response * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ private void fillBlogHeader(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Header"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling header...."); final String topBarHTML = getTopBarHTML(request, response); dataModel.put(Common.LOGIN_URL, userQueryService.getLoginURL(Common.ADMIN_INDEX_URI)); dataModel.put(Common.LOGOUT_URL, userQueryService.getLogoutURL()); dataModel.put(Common.ONLINE_VISITOR_CNT, StatisticQueryService.getOnlineVisitorCount()); dataModel.put(Common.TOP_BAR, topBarHTML); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_DISPLAY_COUNT, preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_DISPLAY_COUNT)); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_PAGINATION_WINDOW_SIZE, preference.getInt(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_PAGINATION_WINDOW_SIZE)); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_LOCALE_STRING, preference.getString(Option.ID_C_LOCALE_STRING)); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_BLOG_TITLE, preference.getString(Option.ID_C_BLOG_TITLE)); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_BLOG_SUBTITLE, preference.getString(Option.ID_C_BLOG_SUBTITLE)); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_HTML_HEAD, preference.getString(Option.ID_C_HTML_HEAD)); String metaKeywords = preference.getString(Option.ID_C_META_KEYWORDS); if (StringUtils.isBlank(metaKeywords)) { metaKeywords = ""; } dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_META_KEYWORDS, metaKeywords); String metaDescription = preference.getString(Option.ID_C_META_DESCRIPTION); if (StringUtils.isBlank(metaDescription)) { metaDescription = ""; } dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_META_DESCRIPTION, metaDescription); dataModel.put(Common.YEAR, String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR))); dataModel.put(Common.IS_LOGGED_IN, null != Solos.getCurrentUser(request, response)); dataModel.put(Common.FAVICON_API, Solos.FAVICON_API); final String noticeBoard = preference.getString(Option.ID_C_NOTICE_BOARD); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_NOTICE_BOARD, noticeBoard); final Query query = new Query().setPageCount(1); final List<JSONObject> userList = userRepository.getList(query); dataModel.put(User.USERS, userList); final JSONObject admin = userRepository.getAdmin(); dataModel.put(Common.ADMIN_USER, admin); final String skinDirName = (String) request.getAttribute(Keys.TEMAPLTE_DIR_NAME); dataModel.put(Skin.SKIN_DIR_NAME, skinDirName); Keys.fillRuntime(dataModel); fillMinified(dataModel); fillPageNavigations(dataModel); fillStatistic(dataModel); fillMostUsedTags(dataModel, preference); fillArchiveDates(dataModel, preference); fillMostUsedCategories(dataModel, preference); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills blog header failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills minified directory and file postfix for static JavaScript, CSS. * * @param dataModel the specified data model */ public void fillMinified(final Map<String, Object> dataModel) { switch (Latkes.getRuntimeMode()) { case DEVELOPMENT: dataModel.put(Common.MINI_POSTFIX, ""); break; case PRODUCTION: dataModel.put(Common.MINI_POSTFIX, Common.MINI_POSTFIX_VALUE); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * Fills side.ftl. * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ private void fillSide(final HttpServletRequest request, final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Side"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling side...."); Template template = Skins.getSkinTemplate(request, "side.ftl"); if (null == template) { LOGGER.debug("The skin dose not contain [side.ftl] template"); template = Skins.getSkinTemplate(request, "index.ftl"); if (null == template) { LOGGER.debug("The skin dose not contain [index.ftl] template"); return; } } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list recentArticles as article>")) { fillRecentArticles(dataModel, preference); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list links as link>")) { fillLinks(dataModel); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list recentComments as comment>")) { fillRecentComments(dataModel, preference); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list mostCommentArticles as article>")) { fillMostCommentArticles(dataModel, preference); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list mostViewCountArticles as article>")) { fillMostViewCountArticles(dataModel, preference); } } catch (final ServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills side failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills the specified template. * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param template the specified template * @param dataModel data model * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public void fillUserTemplate(final HttpServletRequest request, final Template template, final Map<String, Object> dataModel, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill User Template[name=" + template.getName() + "]"); try { LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Filling user template[name{0}]", template.getName()); if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list links as link>")) { fillLinks(dataModel); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list tags as tag>")) { fillTags(dataModel); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list categories as category>")) { fillCategories(dataModel); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list recentComments as comment>")) { fillRecentComments(dataModel, preference); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list mostCommentArticles as article>")) { fillMostCommentArticles(dataModel, preference); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#list mostViewCountArticles as article>")) { fillMostViewCountArticles(dataModel, preference); } if (Templates.hasExpression(template, "<#include \"side.ftl\"/>")) { fillSide(request, dataModel, preference); } final String noticeBoard = preference.getString(Option.ID_C_NOTICE_BOARD); dataModel.put(Option.ID_C_NOTICE_BOARD, noticeBoard); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills user template failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills page navigations. * * @param dataModel data model * @throws ServiceException service exception */ private void fillPageNavigations(final Map<String, Object> dataModel) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Navigations"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling page navigations...."); final List<JSONObject> pages = pageRepository.getPages(); for (final JSONObject page : pages) { if ("page".equals(page.optString(Page.PAGE_TYPE))) { final String permalink = page.optString(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK); page.put(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK, Latkes.getServePath() + permalink); } } dataModel.put(Common.PAGE_NAVIGATIONS, pages); } catch (final RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills page navigations failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Fills statistic. * * @param dataModel the specified data model */ private void fillStatistic(final Map<String, Object> dataModel) { Stopwatchs.start("Fill Statistic"); try { LOGGER.debug("Filling statistic...."); final JSONObject statistic = statisticQueryService.getStatistic(); dataModel.put(Option.CATEGORY_C_STATISTIC, statistic); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } /** * Sets some extra properties into the specified article with the specified preference, performs content and abstract editor processing. * <p> * Article ext properties: * <pre> * { * ...., * "authorName": "", * "authorId": "", * "authorThumbnailURL": "", * "hasUpdated": boolean * } * </pre> * </p> * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param article the specified article * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception * @see #setArticlesExProperties(HttpServletRequest, List, JSONObject) */ private void setArticleExProperties(final HttpServletRequest request, final JSONObject article, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { try { final JSONObject author = articleQueryService.getAuthor(article); final String authorName = author.getString(User.USER_NAME); article.put(Common.AUTHOR_NAME, authorName); final String authorId = author.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID); article.put(Common.AUTHOR_ID, authorId); article.put(Article.ARTICLE_T_CREATE_DATE, new Date(article.optLong(Article.ARTICLE_CREATED))); article.put(Article.ARTICLE_T_UPDATE_DATE, new Date(article.optLong(Article.ARTICLE_UPDATED))); final String userAvatar = author.optString(UserExt.USER_AVATAR); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAvatar)) { article.put(Common.AUTHOR_THUMBNAIL_URL, userAvatar); } else { final String thumbnailURL = Solos.getGravatarURL(author.optString(User.USER_EMAIL), "128"); article.put(Common.AUTHOR_THUMBNAIL_URL, thumbnailURL); } if (preference.getBoolean(Option.ID_C_ENABLE_ARTICLE_UPDATE_HINT)) { article.put(Common.HAS_UPDATED, articleQueryService.hasUpdated(article)); } else { article.put(Common.HAS_UPDATED, false); } if (Solos.needViewPwd(request, article)) { final String content = langPropsService.get("articleContentPwd"); article.put(ARTICLE_CONTENT, content); } processArticleAbstract(preference, article); articleQueryService.markdown(article); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Sets article extra properties failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Sets some extra properties into the specified article with the specified preference. * <p> * The batch version of method {@linkplain #setArticleExProperties(HttpServletRequest, JSONObject, JSONObject)}. * </p> * <p> * Article ext properties: * <pre> * { * ...., * "authorName": "", * "authorId": "", * "hasUpdated": boolean * } * </pre> * </p> * * @param request the specified HTTP servlet request * @param articles the specified articles * @param preference the specified preference * @throws ServiceException service exception * @see #setArticleExProperties(HttpServletRequest, JSONObject, JSONObject) */ public void setArticlesExProperties(final HttpServletRequest request, final List<JSONObject> articles, final JSONObject preference) throws ServiceException { for (final JSONObject article : articles) { setArticleExProperties(request, article, preference); } } /** * Processes the abstract of the specified article with the specified preference. * <ul> * <li>If the abstract is {@code null}, sets it with ""</li> * <li>If user configured preference "titleOnly", sets the abstract with ""</li> * <li>If user configured preference "titleAndContent", sets the abstract with the content of the article</li> * </ul> * * @param preference the specified preference * @param article the specified article */ private void processArticleAbstract(final JSONObject preference, final JSONObject article) { final String articleAbstract = article.optString(Article.ARTICLE_ABSTRACT, null); if (null == articleAbstract) { article.put(Article.ARTICLE_ABSTRACT, ""); } final String articleListStyle = preference.optString(Option.ID_C_ARTICLE_LIST_STYLE); if ("titleOnly".equals(articleListStyle)) { article.put(Article.ARTICLE_ABSTRACT, ""); } else if ("titleAndContent".equals(articleListStyle)) { article.put(Article.ARTICLE_ABSTRACT, article.optString(Article.ARTICLE_CONTENT)); } } /** * Generates top bar HTML. * * @param request the specified request * @param response the specified response * @return top bar HTML * @throws ServiceException service exception */ public String getTopBarHTML(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServiceException { Stopwatchs.start("Gens Top Bar HTML"); try { final Template topBarTemplate = Skins.getTemplate("top-bar.ftl"); final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); final Map<String, Object> topBarModel = new HashMap<>(); final JSONObject currentUser = Solos.getCurrentUser(request, response); Keys.fillServer(topBarModel); topBarModel.put(Common.IS_LOGGED_IN, false); topBarModel.put(Common.IS_MOBILE_REQUEST, Solos.isMobile(request)); topBarModel.put("mobileLabel", langPropsService.get("mobileLabel")); topBarModel.put("onlineVisitor1Label", langPropsService.get("onlineVisitor1Label")); topBarModel.put(Common.ONLINE_VISITOR_CNT, StatisticQueryService.getOnlineVisitorCount()); if (null == currentUser) { topBarModel.put(Common.LOGIN_URL, userQueryService.getLoginURL(Common.ADMIN_INDEX_URI)); topBarModel.put("loginLabel", langPropsService.get("loginLabel")); topBarModel.put("registerLabel", langPropsService.get("registerLabel")); topBarTemplate.process(topBarModel, stringWriter); return stringWriter.toString(); } topBarModel.put(Common.IS_LOGGED_IN, true); topBarModel.put(Common.LOGOUT_URL, userQueryService.getLogoutURL()); topBarModel.put(Common.IS_ADMIN, Role.ADMIN_ROLE.equals(currentUser.getString(User.USER_ROLE))); topBarModel.put(Common.IS_VISITOR, Role.VISITOR_ROLE.equals(currentUser.getString(User.USER_ROLE))); topBarModel.put("adminLabel", langPropsService.get("adminLabel")); topBarModel.put("logoutLabel", langPropsService.get("logoutLabel")); final String userName = currentUser.getString(User.USER_NAME); topBarModel.put(User.USER_NAME, userName); topBarTemplate.process(topBarModel, stringWriter); return stringWriter.toString(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Gens top bar HTML failed", e); throw new ServiceException(e); } finally { Stopwatchs.end(); } } }